Hi this is Phil from Make Tech Easier and welcome to six hidden Google games
you can play when you are bored.
Are you bored? Do you like playing games?
Does the prospect of playing games sound like a cure for your boredom?
Luckily for you Google has your back. The company whose name has become a verb for
searching things on the Internet is known for their love of Easter Eggs, as
evidenced by playfully trolling users with the definition of recursion, for
providing the answer to the ultimate question, Google likes to play around. It
should come as no surprise to find out that Google actually has a number of
games hidden within its products. Whether you are procrastinating at work or bored
out of your mind in class, follow these instructions to access hidden Google
games. Flight Simulator (Google Earth). It's been around for years but Google Earth
is still kind of mind-blowing, letting you whiz around the planet and zoom in
on just about anything anywhere in the world . . . well, apart from military bases,
North Korea and the usual sketchy stuff. Better still Google Earth has a built in
flight simulator that lets you travel around the world using an actual plane.
You can even choose whether to fly an SR-22 or F-16 jet and play using a
joystick if you have one. Our advice is to turn on 3D buildings as well, which
means you'll get to experience cities like San Francisco in their murky,
textured but nontheless 3D glory. To access it you need to download and
install Google Earth on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer then from the menu
click tools -> enter flight simulator at the top. T-Rex Run (Google Chrome browser)
Google knows that the absence of the Internet can make people lose their
minds. Luckily Google hopes to stave off violent reactions with this cute and
addictive game. One of the more well known hidden games
this one requires Google's Chrome browser. Starring a lone T-Rex in 8-bit
glory you jump over cacti and evade flying pterodactyls in this endless
runner. To play shut off your device's Wi-Fi or fire up Chrome when you have no
access to the Internet. When presented with the unable to connect to the
Internet screen (featuring the afore mentioned T-Rex) hit the spacebar or tap
on your screen if you're on a tablet or phone. Get ready because the deceptively
easy game is about to begin. Just keep hitting that spacebar to jump.
Zerg Rush (Google search). Referencing the seminal realtime strategy game Starcraft, Zerg
Rush is a little simpler than Blizzard's seminal game. For those who have never
played Starcraft the Zerg are a race of insect like aliens. Performing a "Zerg
Rush" requires a plan to quickly amass a large army of weak units and use them
to overwhelm an enemy. Search Zerg Rush in Google and prepare yourself as Google
O's swarm in from all corners of your screen. Eventually the O's will destroy
the search results, but you can eliminate them by clicking on them with your mouse.
How long will you last? Pac-Man (Google search). This custom Pac-Man game appeared
as a Google doodle on May 21st 2010. This playable version of Pac-Man was made to
celebrate the 30th anniversary of the incredibly popular arcade game. To start
munching on pac dots, simply Google "pacman" and you can get down to the
timeless business of avoiding Inky, Pinky, Blinky . . . and Clyde.
Snake (Google Search). Prepare to feel like Marty McFly and go back in time. The
Google Doodle commemorating the 2013 Chinese New Year features a classic game
from the Nokia era mobile phone dominance. That's right a version of
Snake is playable within Google's search engine. To play punch in Google Snake
Game and click on the top result. Breakout (Google search) Breakout is the
1972 arcade game developed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Players control a
paddle that bounces a ball into bricks arranged at the top of the screen. The
goal is to volley the ball back forth between paddle and bricks
until all the bricks are knocked out. To access this classic type Atari Breakout
into Google's image search. All of the search results will morph into bricks.
Control the paddle with the arrow keys or your mouse.
Honorable mention: SixDegrees of Kevin Bacon. In a 1994 interview with Premiere magazine, actor
Kevin Bacon made an offhand comment about how he had worked with everyone in
Hollywood, or someone who's worked with them. This spiraled into a game
based on the "six degrees of separation" between him and other actors. This
concept suggests that any two people on Earth lost six or fewer links apart. In
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon a player names any actor and attempts to connect
him or her to Bacon in six or fewer people. Google technicians must have a
lot of free time on their hands since they integrated the game into the Google
search engine simply type in any actor's name followed by "Bacon Number" to see how
far removed the actor is from Kevin Bacon. Bonus challenge: can you find an actor
with a Bacon Number of four or above? If so post the actors name in the comments
and revel in your mastery of Kevin Bacon related movie trivia. Ok as always thanks
for watching and please subscribe and add your comments below.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> 6 Hidden Google Games You Can Play When You Are Bored - Duration: 5:22.-------------------------------------------
Scanner Strategy: GAP V2 - Duration: 9:17.
Let's learn how the Gap strategy works. First let me open up the app. The app
will open up and as you can see, I can select a strategy. So let me first click
on Gap V2. This is the signals page at 9:24am, every day, you will get two
stocks. In today's case we have UJJIVAN and NIIT Tech. All you have to do is set
capital. Let's say I select 1 Lakh. Set it, and I can now put in the quantity and
click OK and my orders will be placed. But what is the Gap strategy? Let's
understand that. Lo let me look at the backtest first. The backtest shows you
how much profit or loss the system has created in the last
7 months. It's 70%. The max loss is 3.9 percent. This means the maximum loss this
system incurred was 3.9 percent. And the win-loss ratio, which says 59 percent,
that means out of a 100 trades, 59 were profitable and the rest were losses.
Now if you look at each month, you can see we upload all of the strategies. All
of the trades. In a very transparent manner. So we have August ,where you can see
that on 1st of August, we had Tech Mahindra,
so on and so forth for the other days. 21st of August was a nice day: 2% profit.
23rd was a loss day. 1.9 percent profit. So you can check out each and every trade
just by going through this. And just look at the returns in June was 11%. May was
14. March however was a loss month and that is normal for any system. Now are
you wondering why I keep saying system? A system is nothing but a set of rules. Now
don't you want to know what the set of rules are let's learn it.
This is a GAP Version Wwo strategy, and version two because this is actually an improved
version over version one. A little bit about us. Trade Academy: the only aim for Trade
Academy is to make you a successful trader, and you can learn all these
strategies and more on our app so please download the app and we have free
webinars running every single day so please attend the live webinars they're
free. You can attend them from your phone, or your laptop. And before I go ahead
also a disclaimer that anything that we do is not to be interpreted as a
recommendation. We do not do that. We do not give tips, all we basically do is
reveal a algorithmic strategy which you can follow. And we show you a backtest
based on that. You can decide what to do with that information. Today we learn the
Gap strategy. I'll show you the rules and a bunch of examples so let's begin.
It's very simple: this is a daily chart right, so each bar of it here represents
one day. Now let's look at this you see that? That's the high of the day, and the
day then closes. The next day, the market opens higher than the previous day's
high. Can you see that? The open here is higher than the previous day's high.
Isn't that interesting? And that is very interesting because that is called a Gap.
It's a Gap in the market because it opens higher than the previous day's
high. Just keep that in mind, let's explore that a little more. Let me show
you a bunch of trades over here. Not trades but rather observations. So look
at this for example. Look at this, can you see that? Yeah that's amazing.
This is the high of the day and the
markets opened here. That's the open so the markets opened above the high of the
previous day and you notice another thing intraday the market tends to fall
interesting just keep that in mind another over here can you see a Gap? Yes
there is that's the open of the day compared to yesterday's high that's a
gap so an intraday the market then falls down remember markets open at 9:15 a.m.
and close at 3:30 let's see if we can see in any other example let me go to
the next slide there it is so as you can see the
markets clearly opened gap up here and intrday is has fallen same thing here same
thing here this is a very interesting thing and based on this what we can do
is we can create a strategy let me show you one way how we found for this to
work the best first what you do is, here are the rules,
write this down first you identify a stock that has opened higher than the
previous day's high so if yesterday's high was 101 and the market opens at 105
that is a Gap. Next you initiate a short sell at 9:25 I hope you know what a
short sell is in a short sell you want the market to fall the more the market
falls you make money if the market goes up you lose money if you don't know what
shorting is please watch introduction to technical analysis series on our website
so you initiate a short sell at 9:25 a.m. and number three you keep a stop
loss at 2% so let's say you find infosys has gapped up above yesterday's high and
you short it you short let's say 800 rupees your stop-loss is 2% where would your
stop-loss be can you tell me what's a hundred plus 2% that's right
102 that's it now don't you think and the exit of course there is no
target the exit is at 3:15, whatever price you get don't you think over here
what we have is just a set of rules is there any ambiguity over here no if the
markets opened above the previous day's high you short sell at 9:25 that's it
stop loss at 2% or exit at 3:15 it's very straight forward right now the
beauty of this is in the 21st century we can actually take this code it and then
run it through one year of data and the backtests that you saw is the result of
that test it's called a backtest we basically take these rules and say okay
whenever these rules hit calculate the profit and loss for me on a daily basis
so you know you have some scientific standing that this strategy actually
works that's all that algorithmic trading is pretty cool right another
question I have for you suppose so in this strategy we don't trade more than
two stocks a day okay two is maximum so suppose you get 10 stocks which have
gapped up how do you select the top two can you tell me yes I think you've
already thought about it you just select the top two stocks which
have gapped the most right so in this case you never selecting a stock you
just following black and white rules right and that's what makes this so
powerful because it enforces discipline now how do you actually do this well if
you remember the app you basically open the app at 9:25 we do the scanning for
you we charge a very small fee per month to do this and you get access to all
strategies and what basically happens is you short you get the stocks the price
the stop-loss everything you just need to enter the quantity and press ok ok
and the trade is done literally you can spend 10 seconds a day and that's it you
can spend 10 seconds a day and trade an algorithmic strategy here are some
trades over here you can see June onwards as you can see you are
making 2 percent one percent one percent
percent a day, it's beautifu,l is a very very nice strategy and it works really
well so if you want to have a look at the trades all you have to do
is go to tradeacademy.in and then go to Scanner click on Performance sorry
click on performance and you can scroll down and see all the trades so if you
look at say let's look at a profitable trade so it's easy to see 21st August
see CGPOWER and National Aluminium all I need to go is open up Upstox or whoever
you use CG power open this up what was the date it was 21st, perfect. I
scroll back to 21st, great. Excellent. Let's look at this now look at
this, is a ten minute chart. It's intraday. Looked, that's the open right here.
That's the open of the day these vertical lines represent today so from
here to here is one day then that's another day so this is the day we that's
the open and is it higher than the previous day's high yes it is so
therefore it's a gap so we shorted here that's at 9:25 in the market went
sideways for many many hours we didn't do anything and then finally it fell and
exited so from here to here is your profit the same day we also took another
stock called national aluminum let's see how that did we go back to 21st of
August perfect so now you tell me this is the open of the day is it higher than
the previous day's high yes therefore it's a gap so we were short over here at
9:25 a.m. and look at that beautiful the market just fell collapsed and you made
money that's all it is guys. Four simple sets of rules, follow them every day and
you can achieve what this backtest has remember one small thing that I forgot
to mention the backtest return does not include brokerage and taxes so when you
actually trade you'll make slightly less than this test all the best see you at
كيف تتغلب علي توقف الثري دي ماكس المفاجئ application error 0xc0000142 - Duration: 1:41.
Hi, I'm Sami, from, Fawzi academy, In this, video, I will, talk about, When, you
try to start, Autodesk, 3ds Max, 2009, an application, error, dialog box, appears, displaying, the following, message,
3dsmax.exe, application error. The, application, was unable, to start correctly, (
0xc0000142)Click, OK, to close, the application. This error, occurs, if you, installed, Autodesk programs,
and, then, removed, a Windows installation, using, Add, or, Remove, Programs. AutoCAD, and, 3ds Max, share, some
components. As a result, removing, one Autodesk application, can, affect the other one.To resolve,
this issue, download, the attached file, 3dsMax-Anchor-msi-fix.zip,I, will, provide you, with, the link, in the video description,
area,And, extract, and, run, the appropriate, fix, for application error, After applying
this fix, 3ds Max, should, start, and, perform normally.Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you,
for watching Fawzi academy Please, like Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com
Independent News 31 August 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangla news - Duration: 8:31.
Independent News 31 August 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangla news
The Future Of Flying: Playrooms, Dining Areas, And Beds At Coach Prices | TODAY - Duration: 4:22.
Smartphone and internet addiction | How to break it | Social awareness - Duration: 8:29.
smartphone and internet addiction, how to break it, social awareness
smartphone and internet addiction, how to break it, social awareness
smartphone and internet addiction, how to break it, social awareness
smartphone and internet addiction
how to break smartphone and internet addiction
Roger Federer Surprises Fans In New York's Central Park | TODAY - Duration: 1:57.
حدث قيمزكوم مع نفيديا | Nvidia GamesCom 2017 - Duration: 7:59.
Gwyneth Paltrow: 'I Have @#$%ed Up So Many Relationships' | TODAY - Duration: 0:56.
{DOUJINSHI SASUSAKU} MI PRIMER MINUTO - My first Minute [ENG SUBS] | PARTE 15 - Duration: 5:32.
My first Minute - 15
Interrogator: Good, miss Haruno. How did you know the young man, Murasame Yuyori? Everything your remember, please tell me. Every little thing that you say can help.
Sakura: We met in the laboratory science class. In my second year. We were partners in a project / Past Yuyori: Hello!/
Sakura: We have been close since then./Interrogator: Did he have any problem with any partner?
Yuyori: Do you have a minute?
Sakura: Yuyori...I...
Sakura: "weird"...Those boys...
Sakura: That ocassion...
Sakura: That night...
Sakura: *to tight* How I could...Simply...?
ignore it...?
Sakura: Been so selfish with my feelings... Just...I...
Interrogator: Do you remember something?
Sakura: Yes.
*Noise* *Noise*
Past Sakura: I should have done something
Naruto: It's too quiet for someone who saw something like that
Naruto: Did you hear her interrogation, right?/Sasuke: Yes./ Naruto: *Wistle* He was her best friend. How sad...I can´t even imagine./Sasuke: I guess no
Naruto: You only guess it? You were there with her..No?
Naruto: How did you see her then? What expression had she?/Past Sakura: I...I...
Naruto: I guess I am wasting my time with you...Make you undestand it is hard.
Sasuke: You are wrong
Ssuke: When I saw her...I...
Mebuki: Sakura!!
Mebuki: Oh God! Daughter of my soul!/Sakura: I´m okay mama...
Sasuke: I felt her pain like it were mines...
Sasuke: *Speaks loud* This is one of the reasons why Personal relationships are prohibited in cases.Puts the other person in danger, not just you
Sasuke: Fuck.../Naruto:You maintain an unofficial relationship with sakura!/Sasuke: Shut up!
Naruto: Even a guy like you...Fall in the tentation.../Sasuke: Don´t fuck...Get away
Naruto: Ah...Bro... Just now I would use the phrase: "Doctor, heal yourself." Considering your words all the time...
Naruto: But I won´t say it to anybody
Sasuke: Tha is all? Will not you make fun of me?/Naruto: Ah...That!
Naruto: Look...How can I say it? Can I make fun of somebody who never feel the hot? No, it was not./Sasuke: What?/Naruto: I want to say it, I just thought in you like a bastard, but you really don´t know anything. Besides make fun of you now would be inappropriate and cruel
Naruto: You have enough with the miserable thing that you must feel
Naruto: Knowing you... Right now you'll be convincing yourself that this is not right. Hurting yourself. The line between loving or following with your duty
Naruto: Welcome to the club of impossibles
How To Access New YouTube 2017 - Duration: 1:58.
Assalamualikum Guys,Youtube Has Been Changing Its Style From The Beginning.And Yeah…..It
Has Done It Again..A Whole New Look Is Amazing..But Its Not Public Now..So Today We Are Gonna
Learn How To Test The New Youtube….My Name Is Muhammad Bilal Khan And Welcome
To The Tech Redux
So….Its Very Simple...You Just Gotta Reach To The Bottom Of The Home Page...And Press
Test New Features...Then Press Try Out New Youtube..Now Press The Beautiful Button Of
Try It Now..And Here It Is...The New Youtube...Everything About It Is So Different...Take A Look To
The Subscribed Channels Section..There Is More Gap Between The Names Which Makes It
Easier To Find A Channel.The Icons Are In The Form Of Circle.The Titles Are In Black
Color Instead Of Blue..The Font Is Also Bigger...The Buttons On The Top Are Also Different..It
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How It Looks….Oh Wow…….This Is Amazing...Subscribed button has changed its Place...Description
Is In The Different Form..Comment Section And Every Thing...Now One Thing To Tell..This
Version Of Youtube Has Also A Dark Mode,Go To The Top Corner And There You Will Find
It...Wait...I Am Gonna Show You..The Dark Youtube..Everything Is Same But The Background
Is Black..This Feature Is Good For Those People Who Like To Use Pc In The Dark…
Now If…..I Repeat If You Don't Like This Version Of Youtube You Can Switch It Back..Go
To The Top Corner And Then Just Press You Profile Picture...In The Last You Will Restore
Old Youtube...Tell Them Why You Decided To Go Back...And Here Here We Are Again In The
Old School.
So Guys This Was It...The New Youtube...I Would Be Really Appreciated If You Give This
Video A Thumbs Up And Also Press The Subscribe Button..Just Turn On The Notifications..My
Name Is Muhammad Bilal Khan And Its Time To Log Out.
US and South Korea Stage Joint Military Exercises Amid North Korea Threat | TODAY - Duration: 2:18.
Miss United Kingdom Zoiey Smale Hands Back Crown After Being Told To Lose Weight | TODAY - Duration: 1:27.
Princess Diana Remembered On 20th Anniversary Of Her Death | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.
Spiritual Healing Music - Shaman Drum & Sounds of Nature - Duration: 1:06:04.
Game of Thrones: Game Revealed 7x01 (SUB ITA) - Duration: 13:57.
WAKFU série, saison 3 – Drôle de doublage – parodie - Duration: 2:49.
Как да сменим предна пружина за ходовата част на VOLKSWAGEN T5 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ | AUTODOC - Duration: 19:15.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №21
Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out
Use a socket №19
Use a socket №30
Use a socket №18
Use a torx №T30
Use a wrench № 21 and a hex wrench № 7
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use a wrench № 21 and a hex wrench № 7
Kids World Miraculous Ladybug Part 1|Love Story World|Miraculous Ladybug 2017 - Duration: 11:11.
Thank You For Watching Kids World!
Please LIKE - COMMENT - SUBSCRIBE to My Channel Kids Word to see more interesting videos!
Thank You For Watching! Please LIKE - COMMENT - SUBSCRIBE to My Channel Kids Word!
CONFIRMED: Liverpool complete Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain transfer from Arsenal - Duration: 2:15.
CONFIRMED: Liverpool complete Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain transfer from Arsenal
Liverpool have confirmed the signing of England midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain from Arsenal, as Jurgen Klopp's fifth summer arrival.
The 24-year-old has put pen to paper on a five-year contract with the Reds, following Dominic Solanke, Mohamed Salah, Andrew Robertson and Naby Keita to Anfield. Liverpool opened talks with Arsenal on Wednesday afternoon, quickly agreeing a deal reportedly worth £35 million, with the midfielder earning £120,000-a-week.
Oxlade-Chamberlain is currently with the England squad for the international break, but will link up with Klopp's side ahead of their clash with Man City on September 9.
He made his breakthrough with Southampton in 2010, playing a key role in their promotion to the Championship before joining the Gunners ahead of 2011/12.
But failing to tie down a regular position under Arsene Wenger, instead employed in a utility role, Oxlade-Chamberlain pushed for a move this summer.
He had one year left on his deal at the Emirates Stadium, and had also attracted interest from Chelsea, who agreed a similar fee with Arsenal earlier this week. Turning down the Premier League champions, Oxlade-Chamberlain reiterated his desire to work under Klopp on Merseyside.
He joins England team-mates Jordan Henderson and Adam Lallana among Klopp's options in midfield, along with Philippe Coutinho, Emre Can, Georginio Wijnaldum and James Milner. Oxlade-Chamberlain is yet to be given a squad number at Liverpool.
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