The book of Revelation discusses a little book with a thunderous message.
God revealed the truth about the little book thousands of years ago to the Apostle John.
But God also told John not to write it down.
Learn why the little book was kept secret until this end time.
Prove that the little book shows where God is working today-next, on The Key of David,
with Gerald Flurry.
Greetings, everyone.
In the 10th chapter of Revelation of the Bible, it describes a "little book" and what that
little book is all about.
It actually comes on the scene when the Church of God is experiencing the greatest crisis,
perhaps the greatest crisis EVER and certainly it IS the greatest crisis in terms of numbers
because more members REJECTED God at this time than any other era of God's Church.
The little book also comes on the scene when world events are in the worst crisis EVER!
It's never been worse!
And the little book also comes on the scene just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
and it is actually even a SIGN of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
So there is good news, a lot of good news in this little book, and that's all explained
in chapter 10 of Revelation, the book of Revelation, and the conclusion is in Revelation chapter
But there it talks about the little book having seven thunders.
I mean seven claps of the worst possible thunder you could hear, warnings indeed, warnings,
and at the end very good news.
But seven WARNINGS really.
And when the angel cries out, it says that it's like a LION'S ROAR, and it really ought
to get our attention.
God wants it to get our attention.
That's why you have all these vivid descriptions!
It needs to get our attention!
Now, why IS this little book so important to you?
Why is it so important to you?
Why is it so critical to you?
Because it shows you EXACTLY where God's Work IS and it shows you PRECISELY where the message
of God is going out from, or emanating from, the place in this world.
Where is it?
What does it mean to you?
I mean it's going to reveal where God is, and what's more important than that?
So what is this little book?
Where is it today?
Notice Revelation 10 and verse 1.
It begins describing the little book here: "And I saw another mighty angel come down
from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it
were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:" Now, this is an interesting little verse,
and this angel's face looked like the SUN, and what does that tell you about YOU?
Well, if you look at Hebrews 2, verses 7 and 8, God says He's going to put us over ALL
THINGS, that is, man is going to be created as members of God's Family, sons in God's
Family, and they'll have more BRILLIANCE and more POWER and more might than angels, and
yet it says angels have faces that shine like the sun!
What does that tell you about YOUR future, if you're loyal to God and want to live God's
The POTENTIAL of man is just truly, well, mind-shredding; it's just that great!
But this little book also has a rainbow upon its head, or the angel does, and well, there's
a rainbow around God's throne, so it's letting us know that this is coming from God's throne,
and it's that important that it's coming directly from God's throne!
Then verse 2, it says: "And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right
foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth," that's verse 2, on the sea and the
In other words, this is for the whole world.
And then verse 3 is when the lion roars, or the cry of the angel SOUNDS like a lion's
You have this one BLAST of thunder after another, seven thunders, and then you have this angel
crying out like a lion's ROAR!
This must be terribly important, and it must be a WARNING we should heed!
How could you not see it that way?
The seven thunders-seven is the number of completion.
Once those thunders are completed, Jesus Christ returns to this Earth.
And those thunders are ALREADY sounding and you're hearing them if you're listening spiritually,
all seven of them, and we need to really take note of that.
Verse 4: "And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:
and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders
uttered, and write them not."
So it's revealed over 1900 years ago, but God didn't want it written down then, and
He told John not to write it down, but TODAY He says it would be written down, and we MUST
know where it is and what it is or we can't even understand the book of Revelation.
We must know this!
God put it there for us to know in this end time and you can prove that it's very much
on the scene.
You can absolutely prove this because it's for this end time and it has been written
Verses 5 and 6: "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted
up his hand to heaven, (6) And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created
heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth," this is the source of the little
How could we not heed that message? "and the things that therein are, and the sea, and
the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:" It really means "no more
There's going to be a great change in God's own Church and in world events; they're going
to move much FASTER than they EVER have in the history of man!
Have you noticed a super-fast movement of events in this end time?
Let's say from five years ago or ten years ago or fifteen years ago?
It's phenomenal the changes that are coming upon this world so rapidly; that's EXACTLY
what the little book is talking about.
No more delay!
No more holding things back!
No more slow movement!
Just RACING ahead like, well, the speed of lightning!
So there's a REASON you see why this is all happening though.
This "no more delay," it really revolves around the casting down of Satan and his demons,
and then they became confined to this Earth-all of them, millions of them-and that big change
in world events and in God's Church is because of THAT!
Because of Satan being cast down.
You can see Revelation 12, verses 7 through 12, where it talks about Satan rose up to
fight God and try to overthrow His throne, and then they were cast out.
They lost and they were cast out and totally removed from every place except this Earth,
and now they're confined to this Earth and THAT'S WHY, that's the main reason why you
see events in this world RACING along so fast!
But who believes these prophecies of God?
That Revelation 12 follows immediately after the vision of Revelation 10 and 11 about the
little book.
It's all falling into place and we must know what it means or we won't understand where
we are in Bible prophecy, and we won't understand precisely what is happening and where God
is working and what He is doing!
How important is THAT, would you say?
Verse 8: "And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and
take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the
sea and upon the earth.
(9) And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book.
And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it
shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
(10) And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in
my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter."
Now, what does that mean?
What is that all about?
Well, God commands His people, His very elect, 'You take that little book and you eat it
You digest it!
And it's going to be sweet as honey in your mouth, but then it's going to be very BITTER
in your belly.'
In other words, there's good news and there's bad news.
But the good news overshadows the bad news by far.
But how can you really digest this great message if you don't really study it and understand
it and prove where it is?
You must know where it is and digest it and see WHY it's as sweet as honey in our mouths
and as bitter as can be in our bellies.
Why is that?
We must KNOW or we don't understand Bible prophecy like we should.
The little book is CRITICAL for you to understand where God is working today and where His message
Now, He said Himself in this end time, this little book is going to be revealed!
It HAS been, and we can prove that to you, but you must know what it is and where it
is, see, if you're going to be protected by God from these terrible events that are racing
along and getting much worse, many times over, a hundred-fold over just a few years ago,
it seems.
But God says, 'Look, I will protect you if you will HEED what that little book says,'
and we're going to send it to you today if you request it, and you can prove that it
IS this little book of Revelation 10.
Notice verse 11.
After we digest the little book, what do we do?
Well, here's the answer: "And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again BEFORE," or concerning
and about, "many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings."
So there's a lot happening and God says, now, those people that have the little book are
going to be out there prophesying AGAIN the way somebody had prophesied before, and then
that work was destroyed and a new work had to be raised up to prophesy AGAIN.
What is THAT all about?
Well, the little book will explain that to you, and it will make it really, really starkly
clear to your understanding.
So this is just a mind-bending message.
Now, that little book is Malachi's Message to God's Church today, a book that we have
and that we'll send to you, and you'll see why it's the little book, and then there's
a companion booklet entitled The Little Book, and it explains to you what the little book
Now, here's an amazing miracle!
That little book was written BEFORE we even knew anything about the TITLE being the little
book, and there was not anything known about the seven thunders.
That's what we can prove to you.
So what does that mean?
Well, it means that God is orchestrating all this.
It's not a work of men; this is what God says HE would do in this end time.
No man can do that!
Men can do NOTHING apart from God.
But HERE God says, 'I'm going to do this in this end time.
I'll make it unfold piece by piece by piece, and then you will see where the little book
You must know!
It has a message that is for this entire Earth, and PARTICULARLY for God's own people.
So we'll hope that you'll request BOTH of those.
You really do need both of them to understand this.
I just explained that to you because, look, only God can reveal something like this, and
it is for this end time.
It's for us today and that little book is on this Earth and is being used and you can
prove all of that.
And how inspiring and how sweet as honey is it in your mouth.
But there is some bad news, as well; that's what the seven thunders are all about.
Except the conclusion, the concluding clap of thunder which is the Second Coming of Jesus
That's the best news we could possibly hear.
But where is that little book?
And what is it?
Well, now you can prove that to yourself.
This is a little book that has seven thunders.
I'll just quickly go through those seven thunders to you.
The first one is the Laodicean Era, or the lukewarm era.
In other words, Satan has LITERALLY taken over God's Church and the people have become
Ninety-five percent of them!
And there's only a little remnant, a little five percent that are willing to get out there
and deliver God's message because they have the little book.
They have been given the little book, and God says then, once you have that little book,
you've got to get out there and prophesy again.
There's a work that has to be done!
There's a work and a message that has to go out to the entire Earth!
And that's why God is using us today if we're getting that message out, and that's why He
protects us because He rewards us for doing the work when it is a work that most people
will only receive as a witness and not do with it what they should.
That's just the way it is and the way it's ALWAYS been with God's message.
Number two, the thunder, is following Elijah, or the end-time Elijah, or the man who preached
the Gospel around the world, the man who became-that's Matthew 24 and verse 14-this man also came
before the Great and the Dreadful Day of the Lord, Malachi 4, verses 5 and 6.
This man ALSO restored ALL things, Matthew 17, verses 10 and 11, but then Satan LITERALLY
overwhelmed the Church of God and destroyed that work for 1150 days, and then God raised
up that little remnant and there was the little book that came on the scene and CLEANSED the
sanctuary, as Daniel 8 says.
And you can read that in our booklet on Daniel, about Daniel, that we have that we'll give
to you.
It's Daniel, Unsealed at Last, and you need to understand that.
It's all very clear if you just study into your Bible.
Number three is the Joshua thunder.
Now, this is some thunder because here is the most pathetic scene probably inside God's
Church because the very high priest in God's own Church is in BONDAGE to the devil!
That's why the Church was taken over and HOW it was taken over.
I mean the person or the being that is in the spotlight here throughout is Satan the
devil, but God of course is in CONTROL of everything.
But Satan just keeps appearing again and again and again.
Thunder number four is the man of sin, or the son of perdition, the son of destruction.
That is a title that was given ONLY to Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ and as
a result he became possessed by Satan the devil, and that's an indication that there's
a man on this Earth in this end time that will have the SAME problem; that's why he's
called the son of perdition.
The only other man who has that title is Judas Iscariot, the man who became possessed by
Satan, the devil.
Then you can see in II Thessalonians 2 where it talks about at Christ's coming, this son
of perdition would come on the scene, and it'll show you there where Satan entered into
Judas and how it all happened anciently and how it's going to happen in this end time.
That man, it says in verse 4, actually exalts himself above God!
Now, you know something's wrong if that's the case.
That's II Thessalonians 2 and all that will be explained to you in the little book.
It's emphasized.
And even Lange's Commentary will tell you that II Thessalonians 2 is about the spirit
of Satan!
And it's all EMPOWERED by Satan's energy.
And Satan is motivating and moving and doing it all himself.
He actually got inside God's own Church and really, really got control of a man.
Now, that's a great danger.
God calls it the mystery of iniquity, or the mystery of lawlessness.
That's just of the devil.
That's what it's about!
Verse 9 in II Thessalonians 2 talks about the wicked.
The King James Version capitalizes the W; they know it refers to Satan, the devil, that
son of perdition being used by Satan the devil.
Then it goes on to talk about THE lie, it should read and DOES in the Greek in verse
11, that strong delusion about THE lie, which is actually Satan showing himself and actually
convincing a lot of people that he is God!
He comes as an angel of light!
And yet people don't understand that, and that's why they're so deceived by him.
Well, it goes on in Revelation 11 and verse 1 talking about the inner court and the outer
The inner court, or the inner temple, is where God dwells!
The outer court is where the rest of God's people are, 95 percent of them in the outer
court; they're not where God dwells!
They're lukewarm!
They've rebelled against God!
They've rejected God's precious truth!
That's why we had the 1150 days of the work being destroyed and it had to be resurrected.
We had to raise up the ruins!
Number five is "prophesy not."
That's what the Church that rejected God DID!
That'll all be explained to you.
They just rejected prophesy, said, 'No!
Don't prophesy!'
And yet God says in Revelation 10 and verse 11, 'You prophesy AGAIN!'
He ALWAYS says, 'Prophesy!'
But men naturally don't like that.
They don't want to be prophesying; they want to be enjoying the "sins of this world."
There's a very short-term enjoyment because those sins bring horrible prophecies to pass
and pain to the people who disobey God.
We need to understand that.
Number six is the Church division.
There's a split in the Church.
That's explained in Revelation 11, verses 1 and 2, inner court, outer court.
The Church is split and should not be.
Then we have in the seventh thunder, Malachi's Message-that IS the little book.
Malachi's Message.
Let me just read to you about that Church split.
Let's go back.
Well, you can see where it says: "And there was given me," verse 1 of chapter 11, "given
me a reed like unto a rod," he has authority, some man does, "and the angel stood saying,
Rise and measure the temple of God."
Rise up!
Rise up and measure the temple!
And he says that court which is without, is going to be given over to the Gentiles, in
the times of the Gentiles, because they rebelled against God and they became lukewarm, and
they wouldn't deliver God's message.
They said, 'Prophesy not!' instead of DOING what God said, and He says, 'Prophesy again!'
Let me just read to you one last scripture here, Revelation 11 and verse 15.
This is the same vision of the little book, and I want to show you the wonderfully good
news that God has for you and for all of us.
Revelation 11 and verse 15, notice this best news you could ever possibly hear.
Verse 15: "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying,
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God, and of his Christ; and
he shall reign for ever and ever."
Now, THERE'S the good news!
See, there's certainly quite a lot of bad news here, but God is saying, 'Now, you have
to have the vision to see the END of all this.'
The kingdoms of this world, those EVIL kingdoms that are getting nuclear bombs and HATING
each other and wanting to DESTROY EACH OTHER; that can't go on or there would be no flesh
saved alive, as it says in Matthew 24, verses 21 and 22.
There would be no flesh saved alive.
But Jesus Christ is going to make sure there IS flesh saved alive, there are people saved
alive, and the kingdoms of this world are going to become the Kingdoms of God!
And ALL of this about the little book is just a preface to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
That's what it's all about!
It's a SIGN of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and it shows you EXACTLY what Christ
is doing now, and what He's going to continue to do until His Second Coming.
Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.
Revelation chapters 10 and 11 contain a pivotal prophecy about the "little book."
Request Gerald Flurry's free booklet The Little Book to learn the vital importance of this
unique message.
God's church receives this warning in a time of "no more delay," the worst time of suffering
in church history.
The little book is delivered by a mighty angel.
It is sweet as honey, but bitter in the belly.
It is a real, tangible book.
You can hold it in your hands and flip through the pages.
Read The Little Book to identify this book and its astounding implications for God's
church and every human being who has ever lived.
It is a story about God's Church gone off track and what God did to correct the tragedy.
Request Gerald Flurry's free book Malachi's [MAL-uh-kye's] Message To God's Church Today
to understand this story of drama, deception, lies, destruction and lawlessness.
Discover how God turned a spiritual crisis into an inspiring story of loyalty, perseverance,
resurrection, redemption and hope.
Read Malachi's Message To God's Church Today to learn how God cut off revelation to His
rebellious church-but restored it a few years later to a tiny remnant of steadfast saints.
Discover the specific strategy that Satan used to destroy God's church-and the marvelous
way that God raised His church from the ashes.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you.
Request The Little Book and Malachi's Message To God's Church Today.
Order now!
For more infomation >> The Little Book (2017) - Duration: 26:13.-------------------------------------------
4 Ways to Pull a Truck From the Mud | Allstate Insurance - Duration: 1:13.
Uh oh.
Stuck spinning your wheels?
It can happen to the best of us.
Here are four ways to pull your truck from the mud.
The first way to try is rocking it out.
Put your truck in reverse, keep your wheels straight and slowly accelerate.
Then shift into low gear and gradually power forward.
Keep going back and forth — and have your passengers get out to help push along the
side of the truck.
If that doesn't work, put dry, solid objects under the tires in the direction you want
to go.
Rocks, tree branches and boards may do the trick.
Still stuck?
Loop a steel winch cable around the base of a tree.
For safety, place a heavy blanket over the center point of the winch cable in case it
Then use the winch to slowly pull your truck free.
You can also try having another truck pull you out.
Attach a heavy-duty nylon recovery or tow strap to both trucks' tow hitches.
Leave a little slack and make sure bystanders stay far away.
Accelerate slowly.
These tips can help you get back on the road.
Just try and stay out of the mud — at least for a while.
Leo Messi rescató a un niño llorando | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:42.
Roberto Tapia habló de su familia y de su bebé recién nacido | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:22.
¿ Fuerza de Tijuana y Tercer Elemento cantarían para narcos? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:22.
Verónica del Castillo habló de su participación en el documental de El Chapo - Duration: 2:34.
Juez levantó denuncia contra Omar Suárez | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:50.
Auf Twitter passt's: So fand Heidi Montag den Baby-Namen! - Duration: 5:07.
TOP 5 SURVIVAL ISLAND SEEDS FOR MINECRAFT 1.12! (Best Seeds for Minecraft PC, Java Edition) - Duration: 8:41.
Hey there! What's going on guys?!
Your local Mineman Uncle Kirby here...
Today I'm showing you 5 Minecraft Survival Island Seeds.
Not sure how many people will find this video to be useful or not but I wanted to
show you 5 Survival Island seeds anyways.
If you're looking for normal Minecraft seeds, or Manion seeds, or something else..
You can browse my channel because I've created
many different types of videos featuring Minecraft Seeds in the past too!
So I hope you guys enjoy this video!
And thanks for watching it!
Let's get started...
To start off, I have a seed with the seed code 58 Noodles.
Space between 58 and Noodles and Noodles has a capital N. I will be putting the numeric
code in the description for you to copy and paste instead.
But yeah, that's the name of the seed that was discovered by user PluckMyFeathers on
the Minecraft Forums.
The island in this seed is actually quite large.
There are lots of trees on the seed for you to use for wood and such if you're looking
for somewhat of a quicker start.
The terrain of of the island is actually quite cool too.
There's some natural indents in the island that can provide for some decent natural building
If you want to explore off of the island, there is a jungle to the east of it,
A mesa to the south, an Ocean monument northeast, and of course you can explore through other
biomes nearby.
That is, of course, as I said, if you want to explore off of the
The spawn survival itself should spawn enough sheep for you for food, a bed, and breeding
so you shouldn't have to worry about that.
Another aspect to this seed that will help you out in a bit of a quicker start if you're
interested in that.
The next seed is one that I personally discovered.
This survival island sits realtively close to the mainland and another island.
If you're really looking for another food source, you can always travel the north west
direction towards the mainland, I guess.
Additionally, you could have your whole survival island experience on the other island.
That island should spawn in the some cows and it's a bit of a different type of terrain
for you to use too.
The main spawn island, however, is why I'm showing you this seed.
Of course, this island is farily nice for a survival island seed.
The island is a decent size and it has some nice options for you with the fact that there
is sugar cane growing on the island and there are two types
of wood.
The island is a forest biome so you can get some birch wood and oak wood.
Having two different types of trees is very nice when it comes to building on your island.
It's nice to change up the blocks and have options right away.
Again, with a decent amount of trees, this island does provide
a bit of a quicker start in that aspect of survival island for you if that's what you're
looking for.
And if that's not what you're looking for, make sure to stay tuned and
don't leave the video right now.
The next seed will be a bit more of a challenge for you.
Sodalite1 on the Minecraft Forums discovered this seed by typing in Search for adventure..
With the S capitalized.
This seed is a bit tougher due to the ammount of trees on the island and the lack of land
near you.
Given the world generation in Minecraft now, with smaller oceans, it is
sometimes harder to find islands where you can't really see the mainland near you.
In this case, even with 14 render distance, the nearest land I can actually see on the
island is just some other small islands.
A pretty small island, with some room and resources to expand, this island offers you
a pretty fun experience and challenge.
Even with few trees, this seed offers you two different
types of trees too.
I noticed that there was one birch tree on the island.
I think that's awesome given how small of an
island this is and how few trees there are.
It just provides more block types for you if you decide not to leave you island.
And of course that's great for building.
Because you don't want to build with just one block.
That's like a... That's a classic building tip right there.
This seed here brings in a different type of challenge for you.
Another seed that I personally discovered, this seed spawns in an ocean monument right
by the island that you spawn on.
You may need to be careful when you're on that side of the island and you'll definitely
need to be careful when you plan to go into the water over there.
The ocean monument provides you with a chance of having some unique goals for yourself in
this type of survival island experience.
Especially with the monument so close to the island.
It just gives a different type of experience for you than the other islands in this video.
An experience that some may want to try out and others may not be
looking for but that's why I try to add a variety of things into videos.
The island itself is a fair size with a decent amount of trees which are again oak and birch.
There is also some sugarcane that you can get too.
There is a mineshaft underground towards the east of the island for you to explore too.
The last thing I want to point out is the generation of the island underneath it.
There is a, sort of, half ravine underneath the island.
With an opening like a cave, the water says out of the ravine due to the
flowing water not having a block update yet.
Just interesting to see a flat wall like that in this half ravine type thing.
I thought it was cool and that's why I wanted to share it with you guys.
The final seed I have for you today was originally posted on by AuraEdge
as a 1.11 Minecraft seed.
The seed is a triple island seed.
You spawn in on one of three islands which are all very close
to each other.
Having three islands provides for a few opportunities for you, actually.
For one, you can just play it as a normal survival island by yourself just having three
islands instead of one.
For two, you can have three islands for three people on a server.
And finally, you can play it as a single survival island but only stay on one
island and move to another island or be able to progress to the other two islands when you achieve
different goals you set for yourself.
Just a few ideas that I had when I saw the seed.
There isn't really much to see in the distance which makes this feel like a true island type
So that's really cool.
If you are wondering though, there is an ocean monument to the south of the islands, a roofed
forest to the east of the islands, and a savannah and desert area to the
west of the islands.
Having three islands really does provide you with some decent and unique experiences that
you can't do with just one island so I thought it was something
cool to share with you in this video.
So that is gonna do it for this one guys!
Thank you all so much for watching!
Perhaps you found a seed you were looking for!
I hope you did!
If you didn't let me know and I'll possibly create another one of these videos!
As I said in the intro, you can also check out some of the other seed videos I already
have on my channel too!
I have a lot of different types of Minecraft seeds featured
on my channel!
If you're new to my channel, thanks for stopping by!
I hope you check out some of my other videos too!
If you're not new around here, thanks for watching another
Make sure to subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications so you never miss an
upload from this channel!
Once again, thank you all so much for watching!
I hope you enjoyed!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
Nach Chemie-Explosion: Experten warnen vor giftiger Rauchwolke - Duration: 24:49.
Kerstin Ott im RTL-Frühstücksfernsehen:"Die immer lacht"-Sängerin erklärt ihre Live-Blamage - Duration: 4:15.
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