BEST Kurti tops for women and girls in amazon shopping online
For more infomation >> Kurti tops for women and girls in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Автоматика системы вентиляции на БелМолоко. Финальный этап работ по монтажу промышленной вентиляции. - Duration: 1:21.
Diet Plans for Obese People - Easy Weight loss tips - Duration: 5:24.
quick ways to lose weight naturally according to medical experts and
nutritionists there is an optimum weight condition which is in proportion to your
height when the fat content of your body exceeds the normal values it tends to
make you overweight today obesity has become nothing less than epidemic as it
has affected millions of people throughout the planet obesity leads to
other noticeable problems in the body however you can shed your extra pounds
with the help of home remedies koo kumba Health's moody koo kumba soar high in
nutrients and low in calories koo kumba saw one of the visit Able's with the
highest water content which means they offer valuable vitamins and minerals at
the or super low in calories for this modi you need 1 koo kumba 1 Apple one
cup mint leaves and 1/2 TSP of ginger and 1 lemon making cut koo kumba an
apple into small pieces and add to mixer add fresh mint leaves and ginger to the
mixture and lemon juice in the last add 1 glass of water and blend thoroughly
take the smoothie into your glass have the smoothie twice a day for good
results cumin tea the research shows that kimchi
can help great in weight loss decrease body fat and improve unhealthy
cholesterol levels naturally to make this weight loss tea you need two
tablespoons of cumin seeds 1 glass of water 1 tablespoon of honey half a lemon
piece and 3 to 5 curry leaves start boiling the water and add cumin seeds
while four five minutes until it changes color strain water into the cup an air
honey squeeze lemon and add curry leaves into
the cup mix well and drink early in the morning with empty stomach make sure to
chew cut leaves raw garlic garlic has a very long history in treating many
health elements and researchers have concluded that it has a vast impact on
weight loss as well for this remedy we need raw garlic to close one glass of
lukewarm water and half lemon take two peeled garlic cloves add water into your
bowl and heat normally tape into your glass and hands honey two garlic cloves
completely unranked lemon mixed lukewarm water follow this simple trick daily
early in the morning with empty stomach to lose your way to very quickly chopped
3 home remedies for weight loss the fundamental cause of overweight is an
energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended and
increased intake of energy dense foods that is high in fat and an increase in
physical inactivity causes obesity here are top 3 home remedies for obesity 1
lemon juice lemon juice is one of the best home remedies fighting on obesity
it helps improve digestion and aids in detoxification healthy digestion is an
essential prerequisite for weight loss as it helps your body get the nutrients
required to burn fat mix 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 teaspoon of honey in a
glass of water drink it in the morning on an empty stomach
do this daily for at least 3 to 4 months you may see the results within few weeks
if you follow regularly to curry leaves curry leaves cures in digestion problems
effectively chewing few curry leaves is the best home remedy for obesity
patients mild Hebel flavor naturally present in curry leaves
intestinal walls and also helps for easy digestion eating curry leaves for weight
loss excellently promotes healthy body and helps to lose weight faster
research shows that curry leaves contain Mohini bang an alkaloid that has anti
obesity and lipid low very effects thus it helps lower body weight and reduces
total cholesterol and triglyceride levels three cabbages Furman 18 cabbage
may increase some nutritional values and may even help weight loss formulating
uses bacteria in the process that are considered probiotics when we eat foods
with probiotics this bacteria then take up short-term residents in the digestive
tract and may offer additional health benefits fresh cabbage juice gives
effective results for ovae's by drinking in the morning for preparation of
cabbage juice at home click below link in the description and follow the
procedure thank you for watching the video like and subscribe for more videos
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TO OUR HAPPY, HAIRY AND FAIR FRIENDS - National Dog Day- - Duration: 4:59.
Hello my little Beastsss
Welcome to another day in "EntreBeasts"
On 26 August was the "national dog day"
those creatures that are with us since hundreds of thousands of years, on our side
and they are endlessly loyal
although many people do not like this
They are even far more loyal than many people
they are pure loyalty, if you talk about loyalty you should think in a dog
that animal, dogs, they never never never never never disappoint you go
and the worst of this is that whatever you do to them, good or bad
sadly I have to say the word "bad"
animals will continue there for you forever
Ahh and I am going to @ $ * / + -....
I am going to the @ $ * / + - ...... [slowed down voice]
@ $ * / + - ......
I will let you a video of Diablo (my dog) at the end
but with a little camera that we bought recently
that is is cheapest the alternative to the GoPro (VTIN)
and what I'll do is put a video of him
playing ball and so you can see how he enjoys
Let's be Diablo's eyes for once
I am asking you to be a little empathic and see how he feels
how is possinle that many people may treat these animals that give us such loyalty
as if they were nothing, as if they were trash
because as I commented on a previous video
Why is there so much abandoned animals?
on a whim of a boy or a girl, or a whim of an adult?
it is absurd, because that animal, as we have said, it will live 15 years or 20
look at my dog, he is going to be 10!
[Laughing] or 20
and you have to be there in good times and bad
and you can not go on vacation, many times you can neither move anywhere
but the animal simply compensates, the animal comes...
and it gives you that unconditional love in the mornings
or just come to visit you at night
to see what's wrong, if you have a nightmare.
He/she loves you, loves you unconditionally
and does not care who you are
and now what's going on with "Game of Thrones"
many people are buying huskies and Alaskan Malamutes
simply because of Game of Thrones.
Oh and of course are buying
but the whim
the whim comes to an end because the animal gets enormous
and then it means that it will pee a lot,
and shits a lot
and then people say: --OHH this animal shits a lot--
"the wolves in game of thrones were so clean"
"give it a kick in the ass"
Please do not buy huskies
not buy an animal and then leave them
do not, do not do it,
because it is a shame that now the rate of huskies abandonment is rising so much
they are simply increasing by fashion
please for god sake, think with logic, that should be prohibited
sell dogs under these conditions
or you should have to sign a special contract...
a magical binding contract, for those who have read Harry Potter
if you leave the animal, you know, you know the consequences
If you breach the magical contract
I know it's hard and I have also made mistakes
I'm not wonderful
.. How to say? politically correct
stupidities of phrases that must be Listen now in this world
You buy an animal and leave the F***ng street
that's right?
that's not right
That is not an opinion
people is stupid
people now believed that with the excuse of "the so-called point of view" they solve everything
and yes ... And we are now in society where ....
If you have an opinion
and your opinion is that killing animals is fine
That's your opinion so it is valid [irony]
NO!, kill animals is wrong
and leave them is even worse
because when they are dead [sadly]
at least they do not suffer anymore
but when they are abandoned on the street, they suffer and in what ways
please just look at your dog one second
look how it loves you, watch it yourself, and see how it needs you
just look at it, check it yourself,
It is something I do not have to describe
Well, and that's all my children and my little Beasts
subscribe, give like, enjoy, etc, etc, etc. Bye!
[Happy music]
[Little voice] who is the most beautiful in the world?
Who is the prettiest in the world?
Who is the most beutiful in the world?
I am!
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