Hi, my name is Isaac Weishaupt and I'm your host on IlluminatiWatcher.com!
Today we'll take a brief look at the "Mega-Fight of the Century" between Floyd Mayweather and
Conor McGregor (and learn how Charles Manson may be involved)...
The promo poster for the fight depicts the familiar Freemason Compass and Square logo.
What's the purpose for this symbol one may ask?... Well, it's the belief held by those
in the realm of occult and esoteric knowledge. They think mental projections into the universe
can become reality. Through ritual magick they are able to make changes to our world
("in conformity with the Will" as Crowley defined it).
The up and down triangles (compass and square) symbolize the Hermetic and wiccan axioms of
As Above So Below to reflect this idea.
The real question is: What is their will?...
They believe they are conducting The Great Work which involves putting us into a new
world- the New World Order. Ultimately, I believe it to be a false belief in man becoming
god through digital consciousness transfer, but there will be more on that later...
Anyone who's familiar with my work from the past two years on IlluminatiWatcher.com already
knows where I'm going with this one. In the last couple of years we've seen a "RISE" in
racial tensions in our country.
While there is some merit to explore racial relationships, there also exists a theory
that Charles Manson's desires from 1969 are playing out today. Manson and his "Family"
conducted a series of murders in an attempt to stoke a race war as part of the HELTER
SKELTER plan to put Manson in charge of the country to lead the black people after they
destroyed the white people.
They went as far as to write the word "RISE" in blood on the walls, as a subliminal message
telling the black people to rise up against the whites.
We've seen a variety of "RISE" messages in entertainment the last couple of years right
alongside racial tensions such as Trayvon Martin, Ferguson, and most recently; Charlottesville
with Trump's Eclipse.
It's quite curious that Charles Manson was allegedly educated in the ways of occult doctrine
through Scientology and witchcraft, which would give him understanding of how his mental
projections can still create the reality he desires from prison. He is still alive in
his cell, waiting...
As far as how this race war theory relates to this fight, it seems only obvious that
McGregor and Mayweather symbolize the battle between the two races. While most people aren't
really rooting for one athlete over another strictly because of their race; it is indeed
a tone that the media as picked up on. Such as the article from the Chicago Tribune that
cites some interesting dialogue between the fighters:
In press tours stops in Los Angeles and Toronto, McGregor said to Mayweather, "Dance for me,
boy." In a subsequent tour stop in Brooklyn, following criticism of those remarks, McGregor
explained he couldn't be racist because he was "half-black from the belly button down."
He then thrust his pelvis as a gesture "to all my beautiful black female fans." Mayweather
has since stated many people believe McGregor is racist and dedicated the fight to "all
the blacks around the world."
The racial undertones emanating from the promotion of Mayweather-McGregor echo the sport's history
of using racial conflict — genuine or otherwise — as a selling point. McGregor may not be
cast as a traditional Great White Hope, an oft-used trope for 100 years of fights. But
playing up a black-white divide has been a hallmark of boxing promotion since the early
20th century, and Mayweather and McGregor have proven the durability of the tactic.
"We have a very polarized and very conflicted racial environment right now," said Jeffrey
Sammons, a history professor at New York University and the author of "Beyond The Ring: The Role
of Boxing in American Society." "And I'm sure McGregor probably has a lot of white supremacists
that are rooting for him."
That article goes on to detail the sordid history of boxing fights and the racial cards
being used to sell tickets, so it seems quite obvious that it's being used today.
It wouldn't be a complete article if I didn't provide some predictions. I'm a novice at
this kind of thing, but I would guess Mayweather will win with lightning speed dodges and jabs
for a boring 12-round fight. Another consideration is if McGregor gets
frustrated and violates the rules early in the match. This would result in a forfeit
and set up for a possible rematch. I find this to be quite possible, considering the
amount of cash being thrown around here, as well as MMA's dominance in the fighting sport
arena and no real exciting boxers left to promote.
A third idea I'll float is that if a forfeit happens, there will be A LOT of angry folks
since this fight is rather expensive to watch and there is surely a ton of cash on the line.
This could lead to riots in the streets, giving us more of the same contention we've seen
the last two years.
Why the "Illuminati" would want a race war is beyond me. If I were to guess, I'd say
it's because they want to keep us distracted by focusing on one another instead of what
THEY are doing. This fight could indeed be another weapon of mass "distraction"...
If you want to learn THE ENTIRE scope of the agenda (and why I suggested that the ultimate
end game is a digital consciousness); you can check out my magnum opus: THE DARK PATH
(*as of this writing, the book is only available on this exclusive Gumroad link to the PDF
ebook; it will be available on paperback, audiobook, iTunes, Amazon, etc. in Sept. 2017!).
Thanks for listening, be sure to subscribe
for more videos like this!
Thanks again- this is Isaac.
For more infomation >> Illuminati Race War Conspiracy: Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
Steve Rogers vs Tony Stark 'Seriousness' Scene | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 4:14.
I kind of broke Harlem.
Well, I promise a stress-free environment.
No tension, no surprises.
- Hey! - Nothing?
Are you nuts?
Jury's out.
You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?
What's your secret?
Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?
Is everything a joke to you?
Funny things are.
Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship
isn't funny.
No offence, Doc.
It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard
if I couldn't handle pointy things.
You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut.
And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark.
Do you think I'm not?
Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before?
What isn't he telling us?
I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.
You think Fury's hiding something?
He's a spy. Captain, he's "the" spy.
His secrets have secrets.
It's bugging him, too. Isn't it?
I just want to finish my work here, and...
"A warm light for all mankind."
Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube.
I heard it.
I think that was meant for you.
Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower,
it was still all over the news.
The Stark Tower? That big, ugly
building in New York?
It's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source.
That building will run itself for, what, a year?
It's just the prototype.
I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.
That's what he's getting at.
So, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. Bring him in on the Tesseract project?
What are they doing in the energy business
in the first place?
I should probably look into that once my decryption programme
finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secure files.
I'm sorry. Did you say...
Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge.
In a few hours, I'll know every dirty secret
S.H.I.E.L.D. Has ever tried to hide.
Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around.
An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?
Historically, not awesome.
I think Loki's trying to wind us up.
This is a man who means to start a war
and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed.
We have orders. We should follow them.
Following's not really my style.
And you're all about style, aren't you?
Of the people in this room,
which one is, A, wearing a spangly outfit,
and, B, not of use?
Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you.
Just find the Cube.
That's the guy my dad never shut up about?
I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.
The guy's not wrong about Loki.
He does have the jump on us.
What he's got is an Acme dynamite kit.
It's going to blow up in his face.
And I'm going to be there when it does.
Yeah. I'll read all about it.
Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us.
You see, I don't get a suit of armour.
I'm exposed. Like a nerve.
It's a nightmare.
I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second
to crawl its way into my heart.
This stops it.
This little circle of light, it's part of me now,
not just armour.
It's a terrible privilege.
- But you can control it. - Because I learned how.
It's different.
Hey, I read all about your accident.
That much gamma exposure should have killed you.
So you're saying that the Hulk...
The other guy saved my life?
That's nice.
It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?
I guess we'll find out.
You may not enjoy that.
And you just might.
Opening Scene | Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:47.
Damn it, man! That was our ride! You just stunned our ride!
Oh, great.
What the hell did you take?
I have no idea, but they were bowing to it.
Kirk to Shuttle One.
Locals are out of the kill zone.
You are clear. Repeat.
Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here.
We have to do this now! I told the Captain
the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat.
Captain, did the indigenous life forms see you?
No, Mr. Spock, they did not.
The Prime Directive clearly states
there can be no interference
with the internal development of alien civilizations.
I know what it says! Which is why I'm running
through the jungle wearing a disguise!
Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go! Kirk out!
You're good.
If we're gonna do this, we've got to do it now!
This ash is killing our coils.
You sure you don't want me to go instead?
That would be highly illogical as I am already outfitted...
Spock, I was kidding.
- You got this. - Guys! We have to go! Now!
They're trying to kill us!
They're trying to kill us, Jim!
I'll see you in 90 seconds.
Do it, do it!
Prerequisite change, 2-7-3...
I can't hold this position.
Spock, I've got to pull you back up.
Negative. This is our only chance to save this species.
If this volcano erupts, the planet dies.
Pull him back up. Now!
Spock, are you okay?
I am,
surprisingly, alive. Stand by.
We have to get him back. I'll suit up. I'm gonna go down.
We have to abandon the shuttle.
- We can't just leave him, Sulu! - We don't have a choice!
Uhura, I'm sorry.
Spock, we're going back to the Enterprise.
We'll get you out of there.
Captain, I'm ditching the shuttle.
You've got to make it to the Enterprise on your own.
- Uhura! You ready to swim? - I'm ready.
Jim! The beach is that way!
I know! We're not going to the beach!
Oh, no, no, no!
I hate this!
I know you do!
Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is
to hide a star-ship on the bottom of the ocean?
We've been down here since last night!
The salt water's gonna ruin the...
Scotty! Where's Spock?
Still in the volcano, sir.
Volcano Scene / Saving Spock | Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.
Captain on the bridge!
Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mr. Spock?
The heat's frying his comms, but we still have contact.
I have activated the device, Captain.
When the countdown is complete,
the reaction should render the volcano inert.
Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert!
Do we have use of the transporters?
- Negative, sir. - Not with these magnetic fields.
I need to beam Spock back to the ship.
Give me one way to do it.
Maybe if we had a direct line of sight.
- If we got closer... - Hold on, wee man!
You're talking about an active volcano!
Sir, if that thing erupts,
I cannot guarantee we can withstand the heat!
I don't know that we can maintain that kind of altitude.
Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud,
but the Enterprise is too large.
If utilized in a rescue effort,
it would be revealed to the indigenous species.
Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you,
but there has got to be an exception.
None. Such action violates the Prime Directive.
Shut up, Spock! We're trying to save you, damn it!
Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Spock, we're talking about your life!
The rule cannot be broken...
Try to get him back online.
Ninety seconds to detonations.
If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do?
He'd let you die.
You all right?
Captain, you let them see our ship.
He's fine.
- Bridge to Captain Kirk. - Yes, Lieutenant.
Is Commander Spock on board, sir?
Safely and soundly.
Please notify him that his device
has successfully detonated.
You hear that? Congratulations, Spock.
You just saved the world.
You violated the Prime Directive.
Oh, come on, Spock. They saw us. Big deal.
Marvel's The Defenders Featurette (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:49.
Clash Royale CCGS FALL SEASON BRACKET PHASE - TOP 32 - EU DAY 4 GROUP A - Duration: 3:07:45.
ALERT: Top Hillary Aide Admits Ties to Putin, Trump Vindicated | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:59.
The Russian collusion narrative is taking a backseat as the mainstream media continues
to hound President Trump over the deadly protests in Charlottesville.
However, recent disclosures reveal that the Hillary Clinton campaign was closer than the
Trump campaign ever was to the Russian government.
The Podesta Group, a high-profile Washington D.C. lobbying firm, quietly disclosed their
ties to a pro-Russian Ukrainian non-profit that has been linked to the former Ukrainian
Prime Minister.
The lobbying firm belatedly disclosed the work they did for The European Center for
a Modern Ukraine between 2012 and 2014, according to The Washington Examiner.
The Podesta Group was founded in 1988 by brothers Tony and John Podesta.
John Podesta was also the Chief of Staff for former President Bill Clinton, a Counsellor
to former President Obama, and the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
The Podesta Group suspiciously disclosed their connections to the pro-Russian non-profit
while the mainstream media had shifted their attention away from the Russian collusion
Paul Manafort, who briefly served as the campaign manager for Donald Trump's 2016 election
campaign, has been identified as "the man at the centre of the Russia investigation"
by left-wing news agencies like The Telegraph.
In their article, The Telegraph argued the case against Paul Manafort.
"Manafort was found by a news agency investigation to have helped a pro-Russian Ukrainian political
party secretly move $2.2 million to two major Washington lobbying firms."
They wrote.
However, The Telegraph conveniently failed to mention that The Podesta Group was one
of the two major lobbying firms.
According to their recent disclosures, The Podesta Group received over $1 million between
2012 and 2014 to lobby on behalf of The European Center for a Modern Ukraine.
Another $720,000 was delivered to Mercury, a right-wing lobbying group, over the same
time period.
According to the Foreign Agents Registration Act, any lobbyist or public relations firm
whose work primarily benefits a foreign government is required to register as a foreign agent
to Congress.
In their recent filings, The Podesta Group admitted that their work for The European
Center for a Modern Ukraine benefited a foreign government.
Their work for the Center was managed by Paul Manafort.
Essentially, The Podesta Group failed to disclose their connection to a foreign government for
over 5 years.
The Podesta Group was regularly meeting with high profile American officials during this
period, include the Hillary Clinton State Department, and Joe Biden's office of the
Vice President.
Paul Manafort also failed to disclose his connection to the pro-Russian non-profit.
His failure to disclose his connection to the Russian government has been used as the
number one piece of evidence against the Trump administration.
However, the recent disclosure makes it clear that the Podesta's were also working on
behalf of the Russian government alongside Paul Manafort.
Both Paul Manafort and The Podesta Group violated the trust of the American people by failing
to disclose their relationship to a group with ties to a foreign government.
However, an obvious and stark difference quickly arises.
Paul Manafort was hired late, and only worked for the Trump campaign for five months.
He was forced to resign immediately after his connection to the Ukrainian government
was revealed.
The Podestas, on the other hand, have been close the Clintons for decades.
John Podesta was working for the Obama administration while his brother was lobbying on behalf of
a foreign government.
Unline Manafort, the Podestas have received no scrutiny for their connections to foreign
Looks like Podesta has a Russian issue, not Trump.
Is it time to investigate Podesta and Clinton, and leave Trump along?
what do you think about this?
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Seungri was seen partying at his exclusive bar Monkey Museum in Gangnam. He opened up the bar in 2016, and its 100% reservation only, so only the best of the best can get in!. G-Dragon, Jay Park, and DEAN.
These three were spotted partying at an unnamed club in May 2016. Many fans were surprised to see them hanging out together. AOA.
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During an episode of We Got Married, Sungjae brought Joy to a club to celebrate her 18th birthday.
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Sometimes touching the DJs fancy setup is too hard to resist! Hyoyeon and Min were seen at a club playing around with the DJ equipment in 2013.
In October 2013, Justin Bieber held an afterparty following his performance in Korea at club The A where AOMG was holding their launch party.
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In July 2013, a picture of Jo Kwon hanging out in front of a gay bar in Thailand surfaced on the internet. 4Minute.
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PSY. PSY befriended R&B star Usher in September 2012, and they were spotted together at Club Circle in New York later that month!.
2NE1. 2NE1 partied it up with none other than Will. Am at a club in celebration of CLs birthday back in February 2012. Subin showed off her gorgeous body in her cute bikini at Club Sundome.
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