Let's go to the castle.
Good idea.
Let's go to the castle.
But how do we get there?
Let's go on your new motorbike.
No, we can't go by motorbike.
Hmm, because…
Oh, this is great.
Hey, look at my new motorbike.
It's really fast.
Hey, say with me.
But really fast too, "it's a motorbike".
"It's a motorbike."
"It's a motorbike."
What is it?
"It's a motorbike".
"It's a motorbike."
"It's a motorbike."
Let's go for a ride.
Helmet on.
Steady. Go!
You see.
So we can't go by motorbike.
Let's go by bus.
I don't want to go by bus.
I don't like the bus station.
Oh, I am looking for my bus and Maggie, of course.
Can you see them?
I can't.
There are so many busses here.
Hey, say with me.
But slowly.
"There are busses."
And again.
"There are busses."
One more time.
"There are busses."
Too many busses.
Hey Steve.
Oh look, there's Maggie.
Come on, let's go.
Look out!
There's a bus!
I know there's a bus.
There's a bus!
There's another bus.
You see Maggie.
Then let's go by boat.
No, I don't like boats either.
Remember last time?
Oh, hey.
It's a beautiful sunny day, great to go sailing in a boat.
Look, there's a boat, there's a boat, there's a boat.
There's my boat.
Hey Steve.
Oh, hey Maggie.
What are you doing?
I am going sailing in a boat.
But there isn't a boat.
What do you mean, there isn't a boat.
Ohhh, you're right Maggie.
There isn't a boat.
Look, there isn't a boat.
Say it with me, "there isn't a boat".
One more time"there isn't a boat".
That water was really cold.
Ok Steve.
So no boat.
No trains.
No busses.
No motorbike.
Let's go by helicopter.
Hot air balloon.
Hot air balloon?
Let's go by hot air balloon.
This is GREAT!
Look, there's a plane.
It's getting bigger.
And Bigger.
Oh Maggie.
Oh, where are we?
Oh no.
We're flying over an airport.
Look, there are planes everywhere.
There are planes.
There are planes.
There are planes.
There are planes.
There are planes.
There are planes.
Oh no.
Look, there's a really big plane.
Are there any planes?
No, there aren't.
Maggie, that was crazy.
So many planes.
But look around.
There aren't any planes.
Say it with me.
But slowly.
"There aren't any planes."
And again.
"There aren't any planes."
Last time.
"There aren't any planes."
No, hihi.
Oh, look.
We are nearly at the castle.
Look, I can see the castle.
It's getting bigger.
And bigger.
And bigger.
We're here at the castle.
Wait a minute.
How do we stop?!
Oh no, Maggie.
Stop, stop.
Stop Maggie, stop.
Oh no.
Oh no.
The castle is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
Maggie, what do we do?
I don't know.
Oh dear.
Oh Maggie.
Why didn't we go by a bus.
Or by train.
Or by car.
Oh yeah!
It's Steve and Maggie.
I'm looking for forest animals.
But I can't see anything.
Where are all the animals?
What's that?
What is it?
It's a deer.
Say with me but slowly and quietly.
What is it?
It's a deer.
What is it?
It's a deer.
Last time.
What is it?
It's a deer.
Let's take a photo.
Oh no.
It's gone.
But look footprints.
Let's follow the deer.
Come on.
There's more than one deer track here.
Where are they going?
That's my house and I can hear something.
Maggie is having a house party.
Oh Maggie.
Oh, what's that?
Look, look.
It's a hedgehog.
Say with me but be really really fast.
What is it?
It's a hedgehog.
It's a hedgehog.
It's a hedgehog.
And again.
What is it?
It's a hedgehog.
It's a hedgehog.
It's a hedgehog.
Look more hedgehogs.
What are they?
They are hedgehogs.
Say with me but be fast.
They are hedgehogs.
They are hedgehogs.
They are hedgehogs.
Oh Maggie.
Oh no.
Steve's coming home.
Hide everyone.
What's going on?
What's that in my bathroom?
There's something in my bathroom.
What can you see?
Look my socks and pants are moving.
What is it?
Oh hey.
It's a mole.
Oh no.
My kitchen.
There's something here.
In my kitchen.
And it's made a mess.
What is it?
What can you see?
What is that?
Oh look.
It's a fox in a box.
There's a fox in a box in my kitchen.
Oh Maggie.
Where are you?
Is Maggie here?
In the living room?
No but can you see any other forest animals?
What are those in my sofa?
What are they?
What are they?
There are so many forest animals in my house?
Hey Steve.
Say cheese.
Oh Maggie.
It's a party.
Oh wow.
Great photo Maggie.
It was a good party.
Oh look.
It's a squirrel.
Say with me.
It's a squirrel.
It's a squirrel.
It's a squirrel.
Oh look.
How many squirrels?
One, two three.
Oh look.
There's a photo of me with some hedgehogs and a mole.
Oh great.
Oh look at the deer.
Oh Maggie.
What a great party.
It's Steve and Maggie.
Hello boys and girls.
I am here at the park… playing football.
Come on, Maggie, let´s play!
I don't like football.
Hey, let´s have fun with some Maggie magic.
Hey, Steve!
Yes, Maggie?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Oh, look, it´s under the slide.
The ball is under the slide.
The ball is under the slide.
The ball is under the slide.
The ball is under the slide.
Hey hey, yeah, I´ve found my ball!
Oh no!
Hey, Steve!
Yes, Maggie?
Hey, you´re naughty naughty bird.
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Oh, look, it´s in the tunnel.
The ball is in the tunnel.
The ball is in the tunnel.
The ball is in the tunnel.
The ball is in the tunnel.
Hey hey, yeah, I´ve found my ball!
This is fun.
Hey, Steve!
Yes, Maggie?
Oh not again!
Oh no!
Maggie, you really are a naughty naughty bird!
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Oh, look, it´s on the roundabout.
The ball is on the roundabout.
The ball is on the roundabout.
The ball is on the roundabout.
The ball is on the roundabout.
Hey hey, yeah, I´ve found my ball!
I like this game.
Hey, Steve!
Yes, Maggie?
Oh no, not again.
Oh, Maggie, where is my ball?
What a naughty naughty bird!
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Oh, look, it´s by the zip line.
The ball is by the zip line.
The ball is by the zip line.
The ball is by the zip line.
The ball is by the zip line.
Hey hey, yeah, I´ve found my ball!
This is fun!
Hey, Steve!
Oh, Maggie, no!
Not again.
Please Maggie, no!
Oh, Maggie, what a naughty naughty bird!
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find the ball?
Where is the ball?
Can you help me find my ball?
Oh, look, it´s in the tree house.
The ball is in the tree house.
The ball is in the tree house.
The ball is in the tree house.
The ball is in the tree house.
Hey hey, yeah, I´ve found my ball…
Well done! …but… oh no, it´s getting late.
I can´t play football now.
Oh, Maggie, you really are a naughty bird!
Sorry, Steve.
Bye-bye everybody.
See you next time.
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For more infomation >> Funny Trip for Kids + MORE Stories for Children with Steve and Maggie | Learn English Wow English TV - Duration: 13:13.-------------------------------------------
Videocast: Spotty showers through the afternoon - Duration: 2:10.
Tony Robbins: What You Think About Yourself Matters (Motivational Video) - Duration: 31:50.
people will stop me all the time ask me
these different questions but most
people have a question like what's it
take to get rich and happy instantly
with no effort some version of that
question and I'll usually look at them
and say do you really want to know are
you just asking and when I say that you
seem kind of freeze for a moment like he
may tell me and I might have to work but
I really want to tell you what I really
believe it takes to be rich and happy
how most people think rich is just money
but I know a lot of people have a lot of
money in their broke a little people
have a lot of money and they're very
rich that richness is a sense of
fulfillment see a lot of people have
quote succeeded supposedly on the
outside but they're not fulfilled and
I'm here to tell you that success
without fulfillment is failure how do
you make sure you're really fulfilled
because it seems such an elusive thing
for most people most people you know
they think okay if I'd succeed then I'll
be fulfilled and they succeed they're
still not fulfilled or finally if I have
a kid then I'll be fulfilled and they
have the child and it's great for a
while and they're still not fulfilled
people always looking for something more
and I will say to you that there's only
two things it'll give you fulfillment
long-term you may talk more about this
tomorrow and more depth but we all have
six needs that must be met all human
beings haven't we all have different
goals different desires different ways
of trying to make ourselves feel good we
are the same needs the first need that
everybody has is the need for certainty
we all have a need for absolute
certainty because certainty is a
survival mechanism you have done a
certain amount of certainty didn't even
function like right now if you weren't
certain these lamps these lights up here
we're gonna hold up or the roof was
gonna hold on then you probably let me
listen to me a whole lot right now
because without a base level of
certainty the floor is gonna hold you up
you can't function and how many verb in
the rice by the way well you have so
much uncertainty in your life that just
freaked you out like uncertainty about
your job or your career about a
relationship and a major crazy inside
how many been in that place we had so
much uncertainty made you not say I so
everyone needs a base level of certainty
now we all try to get that certainty in
whay so we have the same need worldwide
doesn't matter who you go to what
country or culture what language a
person speaks what their socio-economic
background is everybody needs certain it
is a human need not a desire a need it's
built into the human nervous system but
we all go about getting it differently
like some people try to get certainty by
having a routine that's the same every
day so they can be certain how it's
gonna be some people try to get
certainty by you know surrounding
themself in people that they're smarter
than them so they feel like they're
always in control of the situation or by
trying to control everyone some people
get certainty by faith I know there's no
certainty so they get it by having trust
that they're guided everyone has
different ways some ways some people get
certainty that they can be comfortable
that's the basic level of certainty so
you can avoid pain you can have some
pleasure base certainty is just a
certain you can be comfortable
most people get that by smoking or
drinking or something like that so
everyone's gonna find a way to meet
their need you've already found ways to
get a certain amount of certain your
life or you wouldn't be listening to me
right now but the question is is the way
you're doing it the way you're getting
the need met is it empowering you or
disempowering you or is it kind of
neutral if you're using drugs or alcohol
to get certainty to be comfortable it
obviously has many many negative side
effects can be using faith it's a
different one if you're using your sense
of identity like boy I'm certain not
because everything around me is perfect
but I'm certain cuz I've always found a
way so my identity is I find a way and
that gives me certainty so some ways
will empower you so now here's the
interesting thing though when you get
absolutely totally certain about
something well you know what's gonna
happen when it's gonna happen how it's
can happen let's say in a relationship
you know what's gonna happen what
they're gonna say when they're gonna say
how they're gonna say it what's gonna
occur when you finally have this
ultimate goal of certainty this need you
really feel like you're satiating you're
fully meeting it then what happens you
feel what board right so all of a sudden
this thing you wanted so bad this is
funny cuz people are they work sorry to
get what they want then they get in
there and happy cuz now they're bored
it's like most people think the secret
to life is making of money so you'll
never have to work again and the truth
of the matter is if you spend any time
with people who have achieved that
you'll find that they're miserable and
they usually start another business or
do something else because that is not
the secret to life
they get bored out of their mind I want
to pull their hair out because everyone
needs to grown to be stimulated so while
we want certainty when we get absolute
certainty we go nuts and that's because
God has a sense of humor and gave us a
second need the need for uncertainty
just to really screw you up a good right
just to see if you were paying attention
we have a need for certainty but we
simultaneously have a need for
uncertainty we have a need for variety
we have a need for surprise we have a
need to have things that we're not
expecting happen car it's excitement for
us that's what Adventure is if you know
what's gonna happen when it's gonna
happen how it's gonna happen
feels good for a while then you're bored
you gotta have surprises in your life
you gotta have those things that make
you grow when you know what it is it
doesn't require growth you can predict
it but when you're not sure now you have
to grow to deal with the uncertainty and
that growth is what makes us feel happy
as human beings inside now you can get
variety by doing drugs also change your
state you can get variety by going to a
movie you know why do people go to
movies because it gives them certainty
and uncertainty
they're certain they're not gonna die
even if the guy in the movie does right
and yet they a variety they can
vicariously experience all this
adventure and surprise and so forth
inside that film how many of you have
ever rented a video of a movie you've
already seen I've never done that say I
know why I went to movie you've already
seen answer cuz you're certain it's good
and you're hoping you forgot enough that
it'll be some variety right so these two
are a paradox aren't they they seem to
be antithesis of one another and yet as
a human being we need to have both of
them to really feel good the third and
fourth human needs that all people have
are three number three is the need for
significance need for a feeling like
your life is significant it's important
it's unique in some what it's special
that your life has some kind of purpose
so we all have the need to feel
significant unique feel like our life
has some kind of meaning what's
interesting is how do you go about it
you know you can go about it by charing
everybody else down I'm great because
you're horrible you know there's two
ways to have the tallest building in
town one is tearing down everybody
else's building that's what some people
do other is work harder and build a
better building
right work like crazy or mistakes once
you go for it so what a lot of people do
is to feel significant as they tear
other people down cuz then they can feel
important like if you're moving
backwards I must be moving forward
there's an illusion there or you can get
significance through violence why is
violence lasted so long in humanity
because it meets most of our needs in a
very negative way but it meets it listen
I have no education no background I live
in the hood I bought a gun stick into
your head suddenly I am significant I
don't need an education a need
background I didn't need to greatly
rapport with you
we have rapport all right you're gonna
respond to me now I'm significant and
I'm certain that I'm in control of the
situation and I got some variety cuz
this is a unique situation where
anything could happen meets three of my
needs violence has been around
humanity's experience forever because it
is a way to meet needs a derogatory way
but it works and since it works and
doesn't require much effort especially
now with the tools of violence where if
you and I had a fight before and I had
to punch it out with you there were some
consequence but now with a high-powered
rifle or something that can shoot off on
hundred shots in about a minute from a
distance I could be a coward and I can
still feel significant I didn't do
whatever I want there's no consequence
to me you can also do it in neutral ways
you can do it by you know dressing
really uniquely right like you have a
unique style that makes you feel unique
and significant you could do it by
having skilled it's no one else has or
is very unique you can do it by buying
more toys you have nicer cars or homes
or something like that you can do it by
getting more phd's more degrees and more
results that you know you have that
thing next to your name so your
significant every one of us finds a way
right because we have to feel
significant everybody insists you know
the question is how some people do it by
saying I am a Christian or I am a Jew or
I'm or whatever and I'm more unique than
you and then religions fight about who
really knows the name of God and kill
each other in the name of God it's
interesting process that sometimes
happens it's happened in most major
religions of the world because we are
basically fighting over who's more
significant to the Creator interesting
thought process human beings have now
the interesting thing is to be
significant you can do it new toys
positive ways you can do it by having
more compassion and giving more than
anybody else if you give so much sure
enough if you know you're willing to
give more and you
more honest and more real that makes you
feel unique makes you feel special that
doesn't have any downside only has
upside so you got to figure out you're
gonna find a way to be unique the
question is that do you two cars at
homes do you do it through achieving do
you do it by the kind of love that you
share do you do it by you know doing
something with people that makes them
feel like you're superior what he do but
you do something you do many things to
feel significant but the problem is to
feel significant to feel unique you have
to be different than everyone and that
of course violates the fourth you need
because God does have a sense of humor
the fourth human need is the need for
connection and love so while you're busy
trying to be unique and I have so many
clients super achievers in the culture
you know actors actresses business
people at the top athletes who their
whole life they wanted to be unique and
then they got this total uniqueness and
now they have no connection because they
feel like everybody's trying to get
something from them now they don't
really feel the love and connection they
wanted which is the fourth need has to
be unique and different I have to be
apart from you
this happens in people's intimate
relationships all the time as well so I
saw oh my god I really want to be at one
with this person and then they started
feeling one with a person they love her
fall and they go oh wait a second I feel
like fully loved and connected but who
am i how am i unique in this world I'm
losing my identity and then they freak
out and pull back from the relationship
because what they're trying to do is
meet you need simultaneously you can get
connection by being sick and then
everyone will come and pay attention to
you you can do it by creating problems
if you don't get a kid attention for
doing something good they'll do
something bad to feel that you really
care and you'll love them to get your
attention and by the way all adults are
big kids they do the same thing same
thing as a child does sometimes a little
bit more dramatic sometimes a bit more
painful but the same things that kids do
because you're just basically most
people are still 5 years old emotionally
so we respond in the same way most of us
are not directing me because it's great
facade that inside with this little kid
so now here you are in this situation
where you want connection what else can
you do well you can have connection by
just loving people you're gonna have
connection by way of being in nature or
a connection to God through prayer or
you can have connection by looking at a
piece of art and feeling this sense of
inspiration you can have with your
meditation you're gonna have it by
making love you feel this total
connection you can have it to a pet
there's so many ways to get it you
find away you know the question is on a
scale from zero to ten where zero is
none and ten is totally fulfilled where
are you most people find ways that
really don't fulfill them totally to
bring them up to a four or five so there
are no man's land they're not really
happy but then I'm happy enough to
anything to change it or make it better
and then if you meet these forced first
four if you meet the need for certainty
and uncertainty of called variety and
significance and connection you'll find
a way to meet those those are called the
fundamental needs but you will not be
rich happy fulfilled really fulfilled
unless you meet the last two and very
few people meet the last two these are
the two that the real secret and that
does number five as you must grow you
must grow the number six is you must
contribute beyond yourself in a
meaningful way see you can get certainty
by controlling everybody you can get
variety by doing drugs you can get
significance by tearing other people
down you have connection by having a
problem all the time that people have to
fix and so they pay attention you feel
loved by that none of those make you
better person
the only way you're gonna be fulfilled
is if you pick a different set of
vehicles and those vehicles or those
ways of meeting your needs must cause
you to grow because no matter how much
you earn how many people think you're
great or what's wonderful in your life
if you don't feel like you're growing
you'll feel like you're dying inside and
anybody you've ever seen who has
committed suicide you thought how could
they do that I mean they had the world
by the tail so they didn't feel like
they're growing and or even if they were
contributing they didn't feel like their
life and a meaning that they were
contributing beyond themselves and I
bring this to your attention because I
have seen so many people develop such
great skills and still be unhappy so if
these are the six needs you gotta decide
how you're gonna play this game and
there's certain beliefs you have that
make you do things a certain way and
they may not be serving you but you keep
doing it because it meets some of your
needs it's like for example anything a
human being does remember I said they
have a reason so if you smoke cigarettes
even though you know it's terrible
you do it because it meets some of your
needs maybe initially you did it to be
significant or to feel connected to some
friends or maybe you're so stressed
you're certain when you smoke you can
relax so now we stopped you from smoking
well you're gonna go for something else
cuz you got to still feel that comfort
or you gonna still feel significant so
unless we understand what our brain is
doing most of us in life have
idea how to win the game of life we
don't know what the target of the game
is we don't know the goal and so it's
pretty hard to win a game we don't know
what the goal is I'm here to tell you
having been with a couple million people
from 65 countries and having heard every
story you can imagine I'm a dealt with
people with 152 personalities who
started splitting in the middle of a
seminar while Diane Sawyer was actually
covering a businessman sitting next this
woman and she's splitting 152
personalities been in therapy for 30
years and integrated her in 40 minutes
on the spot and Diane I'm saying it's a
miracle and saying but it can't last so
they waited a year to do the story and
followed her for a year and she never
broke down again I've dealt with that to
people 150 personalities to people's
like no personality with a bigger
problem right okay a much bigger problem
right I dealt with you know the kid and
the South Bronx addicted to crack
cocaine and I've dealt with the top CEOs
in Hollywood addicted to cocaine you
know I mean I've seen it all and there's
nothing I haven't seen I've seen people
physically abused emotionally I've seen
everything you could imagine see you
don't have to be bright to see there are
patterns and all these patterns are just
trying to meet these same six needs and
most of you don't know what they're
after so it's kind of hard to get your
outcome you don't know what it is so
what I want to talk to you about for a
few minutes here is those last two
called growth and contribution as those
are the ticket to freedom then we'll go
through some fun skills but I want you
to think about your philosophy of life
because wall it's great to have these
tools you need both philosophy and skill
to make your life work if you got a
great skill and no guiding philosophy no
guiding set of belief structures then
you are a person that has wonderful
mechanics but you're not really gonna be
fulfilled and you're not gonna make a
difference in the world if you've got
this wonderful philosophy and you got no
skills no muscle then you're gonna live
and be able to philosophize forever and
you know what's right but you don't do
anything it's a merger of these two or a
melding of these two that really creates
a quality life for my perception so
let's talk about the philosophy of what
crates that fulfillment I remember
somebody came to me one time and said so
what does it take to be rich in a mean I
remember I look back and I said it's
really simple be a team player I know
the person look at me like what does
that mean let me tell you that's the
secret to
what happened it's become a team player
what does that mean a team player means
you gotta understand something human
beings are really unique here's what
unique about us
we're driven to achieve a certain amount
in our lives
whatever that may be to meet our six
needs for some people feel significant
they got to make ten billion dollars for
some people significant they have to
have a child now that child grew up and
be a nice person there's no right or
wrong it's just different beliefs in our
head about what has to happen right but
here's what's interesting most of us
don't need to have a lot happen to meet
our needs we know so it's different for
every person so let's say for you to
meet your needs of identity you have to
do certain amount of business well once
you do that much business you don't know
anymore Drive it's like okay that feels
good right or you have a certain amount
of need for acknowledgement but once you
get a certain amount of acknowledgment
people tell you million times are great
you are you always appreciate hearing it
but you don't really need it because you
know so you're grateful and it's
wonderful but it's not like desperation
you know what I'm saying here and so
certain amount of money's certain amount
respects certain amount accomplishment
certain amount of something and then we
kind of lose our drive because we enter
our comfort zone how many follow this
say I so once you in your comfort zone
you're not driven anymore here's the
problem when you get in your comfort
zone you're not driven you no longer
grow when you're not growing you start
to die inside when you're longer growing
and dying inside you stop contributing
in a meaningful way did you do both of
those your whole world falls apart
emotionally see I've haven't seen this
happen I've got about six or seven
friends play seven be accurate who are
considered by most people in the world
to be like the best on earth at what
they do and have been for a quarter of a
century like one guys in the movie
business I'm in the head of several
Studios made unbelievable number of
pictures Academy Awards another guy as
an NBA coach the most winningest coach
of all time and being history I mean
each of these guys are my friends and
they're in their mid 50s and we're all
new we get together to talk is we talk
about wife and where we're going what
we're doing and I've watched many of
them the business ones anyway cash out
at one point in their career where they
sold their companies that made 500
million dollars one guy two and a half
billion dollars
and he thought that was gonna make him
happy and I remember for the first three
or four months he was really happy he
partied it was fun it was great then all
sudden he got more and more crazy and
then all sudden he started over eating
and drinking and all those things are is
a symptom for the fact that you're not
fulfilled so now you're going for the
cheap quickie to try and make yourself
feel good because you really aren't
growing you're not contributing and
everyone of them has gone back into some
venture that made them have to grow
because when the other business they had
to take on the challenges their take on
the effort their to grow and they felt
like they were contributing something
meaningful and that's when they're
obvious so having said that if we all
can get comfortable at a certain spot
then what's the secret to make sure
we're always growing and contributing
and the answer is become a team player
which means this people will do more for
others they care about then they'll ever
do for themselves and that's a critical
distinction to have by human beings
people will do much more for others they
care about then they'll ever do for
themselves now for some people that's
God for some people that's their kids
for some people that's their friends but
we'll all do more for something we
really people we really care about than
anyone else than ourselves and so if you
really want to be happy you gotta grow
and got to contribute how many by that
say I am so if you buy that you gotta
have a reason to constantly grow because
you're gonna get comfortable pretty
easily the only way to do that I said
these people you care so much for that
you feel compelled to constantly
contribute more and to grow in order to
be able to do that and fortunately in my
life I figured this out at a very early
age and so it drove me to this points
why I'm here now
and I'm here now because I get to have
this a sense of I have to grow to this I
have to contribute and I get the joy in
the fulfillment of that process I don't
have to do any of this anymore
fortunately Acme sit and do nothing for
the rest of my life economically but I
couldn't sit and do nothing and be happy
so that's where we got invested
ourselves but I have found what that is
for me which is certain people I care
about an environment people I care about
people like yourself who really want to
make their life more tamanna how great
it is but you got to find what that is
because that's what will drive you so I
want to give you a couple of assignments
that if you use them will get you more
connected to your team and they're very
fundamental they're very basic but I
think if you'll do them you'll find them
to be quite useful
and the first one is really simple if
you're gonna be a team player and you're
gonna feel that sense of connection then
what you gotta be able to do is you
gotta be able to connect when it's not
easy to connect what I mean by that is
if you're in a position where someone
how many of you have somebody in your
life from your past where maybe you were
good friends at one point or lovers or
business associates but you're really
close this person and then one day
something happened and when that
happened it changed your life forever in
your relationship and maybe you've never
spoken to them again since that day how
many have somebody like there's
somewhere in the back of your life you
raise your hand let me see your hands
keep your hand up and I want you to see
what percentage the room it is it's
about 90 percent of the room okay so
what I want you to do is this I want you
to develop team-building muscles because
when you have that sense of connection
you can do anything but anybody can be
loving and friendly to someone who's
totally loving and friendly to you if
you're really going to get that sense of
connection that sense of real joy the
real passion you know connect with
somebody who has hurt you and unfair to
you now I'm not suggesting you start
another relationship with this person
I'm not stupid I know many these people
you don't want to start a relationship
with but I do want you to learn how to
communicate with absolute caring love
and make yourself do that even though
you've been hurt because that's how you
build an ultimate muscle how many follow
that say I what I'm gonna ask you to do
is you are going to tomorrow or tonight
after the seminar you're gonna take this
person maybe you're not talked to Muir's
and you are going to call them now
answering machines don't count okay but
you're gonna communicate with them and
what I want you to do is three things I
want you to call them I want you
acknowledge yourself who you are don't
pretend you're someone else and onto the
phone and as you're the voice she'll say
hi this is me you remember me I
certainly remember you then the second
step you're gonna acknowledge how the
relationship ended so you're gonna save
this person listen I know the last time
we talked was not a very pretty sight I
know that we all know we did this we did
that I know that I knew I was right you
knew you were right and it didn't in a
very attractive way acknowledge what
happens so it's clear that you're not an
idiot calling back
and then you go to third step you say
I'm just calling for one reason it's
been six months it's been a year it's
been ten years I just want to call you
to tell you that wall that was
incredibly painful and I was mad as heck
and I still necessarily agree or
disagree with you I do want you to know
that before that happened we had an
amazing business relationship friendship
love affair or whatever it was then well
I'm not trying to start a new one I just
want to tell you how grateful I am for
that time I had with you prior to that
event because it was a great great time
in my life and you were an important
part of my life on my team and I want to
thank you for that and you don't say
anything I'm not calling you how do you
say anything or give me anything I just
wanted to thank you for that time I hope
you have a great life thanks bye
click what would this do to their brain
better yet what would it do to your
brain to actually sincerely make this
call and put aside those events and
associate to the good things again I'm
not saying start any relationship with
them I'm not saying that I'm saying just
call and acknowledge that there was
great goodness and do it from your heart
and reconnect to that feeling how many
think this would be a major stretch let
me see your hands say aye good so then
if you can't do it you what you what how
many gonna do it raise your hand say ah
here's the second call I want you to
make the second call is not painful
you'll want to make this call before you
turn the pages let me ask you how many
of you out there have had an experience
where there was somebody who you're
really close to somebody you really
appreciate it really enjoyed really
loved and you didn't have an argument
you didn't have something negative
happened you just got so busy and they
got so busy and you're like in different
places and you didn't call for a while
and the more you didn't call the weirder
it felt not to call and then since you
didn't call for so long it really felt
weird not to call now you haven't call
it forever and you kind of like the
commercial says kind of drifted away and
it wasn't because you're upset with them
at all how many to have someone like
that somewhere in your life raise your
hands say I that's your second call what
are you gonna do call them up
acknowledge ooh you are you're the same
thing acknowledge what happened tell
them the truth then listen you know I'm
calling I'm sure you want any time to
talk right now we don't need you I'm
just calling to tell you one thing
and that is that I just I think about
you a lot that you know I'm talk to you
so long that after a while and so on the
truth I didn't call for a while you
didn't call I was busy you were busy and
then felt weird to call so the reason
I'm calling is so it doesn't feel weird
to call in the future all right I'm just
calling to tell you I love you and I'm
so thrilled that you're part of my team
and even if we don't talk for two years
I'd always care about you if you ever
want to talk I'm always here and oh you
played one every time so I just want to
say thanks have a nice night know that
person I guarantee will stop you no no
no I'm so glad you called and what it'll
do is it'll take a part of your life
like one thing you can finally put
behind you this thing you can put back
in front of you and reconnect with it
and I think you're gonna find that it'll
have a really wonderful processional
effect like you know when you drop the
rock in the water it doesn't stop there
when hits the water it has this neat
little wave effect on your life same
thing happens when you reconnect with
someone you really consider to be a
friend it has an impact on things that
you normally wouldn't measure in that
area how many want to make this call so
say I am and here's the third assignment
the third assignment team-building is I
want you to make a list of all the key
team members of your life and what I
mean by that is anyone you consider to
be part of your team team can be
intimate loved ones it can be family or
friends team can be those people you
work with who you really really care
about but I'm talking about your clothes
inner team of people the people that you
care about the people who have their
feelings about you has influence over
you the people that you would be driven
to give to and to serve and therefore
would need to grow and contribute in
some way and what I'm gonna ask you to
do is I want you to right next to each
person's name some unique way you're
gonna let them know you care about them
in the next 30 to 45 days some unique
way because what we all assume is that
everybody knows we love them but we
don't people don't they forget or if
they experience it in a certain way they
don't know so I want you to do it unique
way cuz again people do weird things if
they can't get that love or that
connection a good way they do weird
stuff to get your love and attention so
you don't want to wait so there's a
challenge or there's a problem
and someone asks you to do it
proactively now for example how many of
you have kids let's see your hands
Wow how many you have teenage kids as an
example great another breed aren't they
so now here's know what you do I want
you to make your list don't you come up
with a unique way to make them feel
totally loved only take what's great
about this number one you'll increase
your connection and sense of team number
two you have a blast coming up with
creative things number three you'll feel
wonderful when you're doing it and when
all those one of the things are
happening it'll affect your career
believe it or not because it'll affect
the way you feel about yourself and your
identity and what you're doing in your
life it enriches everything these little
things mean everything I give an example
well I married my wife Becky I wanted to
have four kids I got three instantly and
all of a sudden here we in a short time
we have four kids and I had kids at that
time my youngest I think was four and my
oldest was 17 and I was 24 years old
right so that makes you grow up pretty
quick right so I feel myself in a place
where it's like wow here at this great
love affair with my wife and I really
love these kids but all of sudden Wham
and they were in my life quickly rapidly
powerfully and I had a feel that that
was very difficult at first extremely
difficult because I felt like I was
getting less connection I was less
significant and the kids were and so
forth it was very difficult but
gradually what happened is I love these
kids so much that it expanded my life
that didn't mean less significance less
connection and then I could have him for
more places in at a deeper level and now
is that one of the greatest gifts of my
entire life if you ask me are you a
successful man I would say yes and my
number one criteria is what incredible
kids I have who they are as people which
I think they've done on their own but I
think I've certainly helped to shape
some of their core value structures and
belief structures which is the only
thing can shape you can't control
behavior but you could certainly shape a
good deal with somebody values and
believes by your example and your caring
and so when this first happened I also
was 24 years old starting my career I
was doing an average of 200 days a year
on the road I I was building and doing
everything so I'm not even there most
the time so these kids are my life and
I'm thinking my god how do I connect
with these kids how do they know I love
them when I'm not there
and the only solution I could come up
with was okay I gotta be there number
one and number two I got to really be
there when I'm there you know I had four
fathers myself and the one who I
consider to be my real father is not my
birth father you know he's not my father
but the one I mentioned passed away was
the one I was closest to and I have the
least amount of time with him but I
really had what I call magic moments
with him just moments I never forget as
long as I live and they helped to shape
a good part of who I am and what I
believe in value and so I thought that's
what I gotta do I gotta create magic
moments these kids but I decided to do
it the way I'm asking you to do it
strategically not like just okay I'll
figure a way to really put focus into it
and so I looked at each kid because each
kid has different needs to know they're
so as I looked at that I was able to and
I thought about I don't want just use to
my kids I want to do this with the whole
world so you got it aside
you gotta blast through your life and
forget what you really love but you
really really live for coz you're busy
trying to achieve something are you
gonna do both live fully and blast
through everything you want to achieve -
the only way to do that is if you
understand team and her team is the most
important thing so that's my challenge
to you is to make it the most important
thing including by the way the team
inside of you because for years I took
first seven eight years of my career I
didn't take one day off over seven days
a week that was it because my whole
identity was I don't stop but I've also
learned through lots of pain that if you
just give to everybody else but yourself
pretty soon you're emptying you got
nothing to give back so I learned
gradually to really give myself things
give myself time give myself a little
events and I want you to do that so I
have one of their assignment for you
nanus I want you for the next four weeks
to promise me one thing
besides coming up with your plan and
take care of your team you come up with
a plan that gives you one hour a week
for the next four weeks we do something
for you that you normally will not do
for yourself I don't know it is
everybody's different maybe it's just a
walk on a beach or a walk away because
you never give yourself time by yourself
maybe it's buying yourself something you
would never do she was all that stupid I
don't need that do it anyway cuz I'll
tell you what will happen when you give
to yourself you have something to give
to others you know it's Bible says love
thy neighbor like myself which
presupposes that you would love yourself
that's not very popular thing as most
people who pretend to love themselves
really don't they don't really love
themself they hate themselves
giving to yourself as a gift that when
you give to yourself and you're so much
happier so much more alive you able to
give to others
Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.61 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.08.28] - Duration: 32:31.
(Episode 61) This is my friend's granddaughter.
She's 26 and a pharmacist.
I said you could meet her this Saturday.
You can make time, right?
She seems nice.
Go meet her.
It's okay just to meet her.
Yes. Your grandmother even went to see her.
I like her too.
She seems pleasant.
I have something to tell you.
Hey, what are you going to say?
Grandma, I'm in love with someone.
There's someone you love?
So you're seeing someone?
So you shouldn't bother setting me up.
Then why didn't you tell us sooner?
Cha Taejin!
Why are you yelling?
Have you really lost it?
Why are you raising your voice?
Do you want to see grandma collapse?
Taejin, come in.
You too, Sangcheol.
What does she do?
She's a police officer.
She works with me.
How old is she?
She's a bit old.
That's not that old these days.
What about family? Are her parents alive?
Her father passed away years ago.
She has her mom and an older brother.
She has a daughter.
She has a daughter?
So she was married?
So you love someone who was married
and won't go on a blind date because of her?
Get out!
Grandma, are you okay?
Get out.
Let's go.
I'm sorry, grandma, but...
Let's go!
Lie down, Grandmother.
Grandma, should I bring you a sedative?
Oh, no.
I'll leave you be then.
I even told Gyeonga
I had your back.
I said I'd approve of any woman you loved.
Even so...
This is unacceptable.
She's a good person.
Don't you trust me?
This isn't about trust or distrust.
Watch it.
I can't.
Grandma is devastated right now.
Is she to get a granddaughter-in-law with a child?
Do you think that's reasonable?
There's a limit to what's acceptable.
It doesn't matter how out of it you are.
After how grandma raised you...
Is your love all that matters?
What about your family?
Does that woman know you're doing this?
She doesn't know.
She doesn't?
So you put yourself out there all on your own.
You're something else.
Is her happiness all you care about
even at the expense of your family?
What are we to you anyway?
What are we?
Cha Taejin!
Have you always been this inconsiderate?
Don't say anything you'll regret.
But then again, they say even kings
abdicate their thrones for love.
And you'd probably go even further than that.
You don't even care if grandma collapses!
Do you consider me your sister?
I told you to stop!
Do as you will if you want to sever ties with us.
Our family will never approve of her.
You were a bit rash.
I know you can't help who you love,
but you shouldn't have sprung this on her.
You should've prepared her emotionally.
Would she have been prepared if she knew?
That's true, but still...
How will Grandmother cope?
What did your co-workers say?
They loved you, of course.
They were raving about your cooking,
saying they'd love to have a restaurant nearby
that served food like yours.
That lunch was nothing.
Grandma, you're Miss Popular.
You must be happy.
You're a star at the Chamsuri Police Station.
The staff there did seem
caring and nice.
How old is Senior Inspector Lee?
I think he's a few years younger than you.
Then why does he give off an old-man vibe?
Doesn't his wife look after him?
He's divorced.
No wonder.
The poor man.
Fact is,
my colleagues have their share of hardship.
Assistant Inspector Park's child is very sick.
He's very stingy because
he has to pay the medical bills.
We didn't know and made fun of him.
A sick child will make anyone stingy.
Does that Officer Jang woman
give you a hard time?
She seemed to be giving you the evil eye.
That's because you went on
about how I never get fat,
so she must've been offended.
She's very professional and smart.
But Inspector Cha seemed like a picky eater.
A man should eat heartily whatever he's served.
And he seemed rather quiet.
He eats well.
He was just nervous because of you.
And he's not the talkative type.
You're already defending him.
Suja was raving about his good looks,
and he does seem to look alright.
That's it?
What else? Huh? Huh? Huh?
What else do you want from me?
I'm going to see my truly handsome son.
Good grief.
Are you okay?
What do you mean?
How do you feel?
I'm obviously very grateful and happy.
Heard you went to the station today.
They worried a lot about us,
so I had to do something.
You did well.
He seemed like a nice guy.
So that's why you went.
For that and other things.
He doesn't say much
but seems dependable.
And he looks friendly when he smiles.
He's a good person.
How do you know?
I can just tell.
A man is a better judge of another man.
He's never been married.
I wish he was a widower
or divorced.
That would've made things easier.
Of course.
Would his family be happy with Gunghwa?
I wouldn't be surprised if they threw a fit.
Gunghwa agonized a lot too.
But she still decided to be with him,
so she must really like him.
That's why I'm more worried.
But we can't tell her not to date
because of her situation.
And we shouldn't.
That's true.
Ms. Lee Seonok,
let's not worry before we need to do.
He hasn't even texted me tonight.
He's already being lazy.
We haven't been dating that long.
Could something be wrong?
Geez. Come on down.
I don't want breakfast.
When have you seen me eat breakfast?
you need some carbs
for your brain to work well.
Will you trash dad's business with your bird brain?
Bora's making sense.
Take the good advice to heart, twerp.
Geez, Doyeon. Please.
That rascal.
It's toast again?
You don't say.
Dad always has rice.
Dohyeon's working hard,
so I must feed him breakfast.
If you want to eat with your son,
it'll be toast for a while.
So you seem to be working for once.
Is the work fun?
I think I'm learning the joy of working.
I'm glad.
We'll see how long it lasts.
His resolutions were short-lived back in school.
They rarely lasted 3 days.
Jin Bora, stop being fresh.
Your report cards were appalling.
I was a pretty good student in elementary school.
I fell to the wayside early
due to our complicated family life.
Everything's my fault, isn't it?
But I'm doing fine now,
so let's forget the past, shall we?
So Bora, how are you doing these days?
I'm doing my best with my cooking class.
Oh. And I might start a cooking class for teens.
It'll be free.
At group homes, I've seen teens
give up their dream of cooking
because they don't have money.
Good grief.
Why don't you just become a philanthropist?
It's better to work hard
rather than cause you grief.
Look at you, hitting me with a comeback.
Why don't you ease up on Dohyeon about marrying?
He's enjoying his work,
so how can he think about dating?
Don't distract him from his work.
But work and marriage are two separate things.
I'm sure he'll find his soul mate.
What's gotten into you
to say exactly what I want to hear?
If we keep pushing it back,
when will I get to hold my grandchild?
My friends always show me
photos of their grandkids and yammer on.
After the hotel opens,
I'll present my wife-to-be to you.
You won't bring some loony home, right?
I'll bring someone who's the opposite of loony,
so just don't get weary.
And when I do,
you won't be allowed to disapprove.
Oh, really?
Then I'll trust you and look forward to it.
Very well.
What's gotten into you?
Are you worried I have a secret agenda?
Who said you do?
I'm just thankful.
That's what I wanted.
For you to be thankful.
Good grief.
If I'm good to your kids,
you won't take issue with me
seeing my kids.
Here. Get whatever you want.
I'm fine. I have money too.
Isn't it more fun to use your husband's card?
Spend as you please.
I won't say a thing no matter how much you spend.
I may be a little late as I'm seeing my daughter.
How is she?
She's better.
Her fever dropped.
It's all because Taejin infuriated her.
She probably had heatstroke.
She complained of a fever when she came home.
It was just a coincidence.
But poor Taejin will bear the blame.
Poor Taejin?
Don't defend him.
I'm off to work, grandma.
I'm sorry I upset you.
Just don't upset me then.
I'll get going.
Have a good day, Taejin.
You too.
What'll we do about him, grandma?
You don't have to get up.
Listen to me carefully.
Don't mention that woman again.
Just ignore and forget the whole thing.
That's the only way.
We'll just have to wait for Taejin to give her up.
He won't back down because of us.
Grandma, that Officer Moo woman...
I told you not to mention her!
Huijin, don't you dare
even think about going to see her.
If you do and Taejin hears about it,
no one will be able to stop him.
Take what I say to heart!
Yes, grandma.
I told you.
What's going on?
Are you Rodin's "Thinker"?
I didn't get a call from you last night.
Were you waiting?
No, it's not that, but...
You must not be curious what my mom said.
Oh. What did she say?
Why are you so lukewarm?
What did she say?
She said you seemed nice.
She said you were cold the first time.
That's a relief.
You're not as happy as I expected.
Your mom's adorable.
She is quite charming.
Is something wrong?
Your smile seemed contrived.
My smile?
I told you I'm very intuitive.
Hurry up and tell me what it is.
Stop yammering
and get ready for patrol.
The driving range is teeming with creeps as it is.
That's enough, ma'am.
I'm nervous as it is,
but now there's nowhere to park
because you thugs took over the parking lot.
How can I not be angry?
- Come here. / - Do you own the parking lot?
- Hit me! Hit me! / - I will!
Come this way.
As if. Give me a break.
That's enough, okay?
It's understandable that she's mad.
It doesn't seem like a big deal,
so why don't you settle amicably?
Settle amicably?
Why would I do that for her?
You took a bribe from the lady, didn't you?
Why are losers like you lecturing me?
If you want to retire with a pension,
know your place and stay out of it!
You'd better watch what you say!
Sir, sir.
Thank you for your concern,
but you shouldn't talk down
to a civil servant.
As if.
What do you do anyway?
All you do is take care of drunkards
while the real cases
get sent over to the precinct!
Excuse me?
Watch out for dark alleys
and mind your wives and children
on their way to and from school.
Are you threatening police officers?
So what if I am? Huh?
Do you really want a piece of me?
That's enough, Inspector Cha.
I appreciate the concern,
but you should clear the air
with the lady so you can get back to work.
What's the use in squabbling here, right?
Let's go.
Let go. Let go.
Put him in there.
What happened? That was out of character.
Is something wrong?
I'm sorry, sir.
Officer Moo.
We're going on patrol.
Geez. I never saw him lose it like that.
But I was infuriated too.
Man, do I have to put up with this crap?
It's fine.
This isn't the first time, is it?
It happens all the time.
Even though we work hard,
they think we goof off all the time.
Since when did we work for recognition?
There are good days and bad in life.
Yes, sir.
If you're that thankful,
keep this between us then,
a secret only you and I share.
It doesn't feel right to keep it to myself,
but I don't think I should tell Suhyeok.
What's this?
It's not much.
Go out for a nice meal.
My goodness. I'm all set.
Wait until your business is doing better.
I can enjoy my work more
if you just accept it.
This is nice.
I'm happiest when you bring me money you earned.
Mom, you'll hurt Gunghwa's feelings.
Too bad.
It's the truth.
What do you want for dinner?
WelI, I...
I have an engagement.
Don't make anything for me or Juyeong.
Okay. Mind the cars.
We're heading out.
Yes. What would be the point of telling him?
Will this be enough for you young lads?
Should I order 3 more portions?
Why did you ask to see us?
To have you make an ad for us.
I saw the first ad you made.
Wow. It really looked great.
We still haven't been paid for that.
Your brother didn't tell you?
I took over because that bum
didn't know any better.
He went to the States after screwing it all up.
It's really maddening.
I know our product can hold its own anywhere.
We know.
If it was a bad product,
we wouldn't have made the ad.
It won an award, right?
It did.
Ours was the first of its kind,
but other companies copied ours
and made a killing on home shopping shows.
I'm getting worked up talking about it.
Never mind that.
I'm planning to find investors
to expand our production plant.
But to do so, we need a quality ad
about our company.
We're thankful you came to us,
but why work with a tiny agency over a better firm
for something so important?
Because you're cheap.
That's a big reason,
but you're also talented and have great ideas.
Enough about us.
You need to pay us first.
I will, I will.
I, Gu Gangsun, am steadfast.
I always keep my word.
Enjoy the food for now, okay?
Eat, eat, eat.
Oh, no. What a shame.
The meat's all burnt.
What a waste.
Eat, eat. Please eat.
All this meat is burnt.
Here, here, here.
Why did you ask me over?
Hang on.
I have to report to dad right away.
You seem very busy these days.
You're also dabbling in philanthropy.
Heard you gave Se-ung chairman's son a talking to.
Nothing escapes you, does it?
Secretly helping the woman I love
was more fun than I expected.
It was exhilarating.
You should step away from the fun
before Chairman Jin finds out.
You're crossing the line a lot these days.
You even wormed your way into our home.
Ms. Heo asked me over about the property she sold.
I don't doubt she asked you over.
Seo Jaehui, I'm warning you as a friend.
You're walking a thin line.
You'll get it if you're not careful.
You know how my dad is, right?
Let's say I'm okay with you
meeting Ms. Heo in secret.
But would my dad be okay with it?
Watch yourself.
They say you can grow blind
if you're overly ambitious.
Hey, Jin Dohyeon.
Be careful.
I'm just worried about you.
Don't get caught in the crossfire
of their battle.
Keep your eyes open
and stay alert,
You lowered the construction cost significantly.
That's what I do.
I remodeled countless buildings.
You're not too bad, kiddo.
Geez, dad. Don't say "not too bad."
Say I'm "good"
and give me some credit.
Not right now but a few years from now
once the hotel starts turning a profit.
If Bora wants, why don't you put her in charge
of the restaurants?
Bora aside,
Ms. Heo was yammering about the spa
and seemed very interested in the hotel.
She should stay away!
I'll deal with her,
so you just watch over Bora, okay?
You don't have to tell me.
I have a plan.
When did you sneak off to get this?
Have you forgotten?
I told you I run 100 meters in 12 seconds.
Let's see.
You did it right.
Oh, really?
You wrote "Cha Taejin" next to "Moo Gunghwa."
You could put down "Inspector 1,"
so why do you always write "Cha Taejin"?
To stress that we're co-workers?
It's nice.
Moo Gunghwa by Cha Taejin's side.
You're being fresh again.
It's nice and cold.
Do you know how great it felt earlier?
If you hadn't confronted that rude guy,
I was going to do it.
I stepped in because I could tell
you were going to stir trouble.
How dare he provoke our Inspector Cha?
He can't mess with my boyfriend.
Man. My temper's simmered down a lot.
If it were back in the day,
I would've body-slammed him.
Why didn't you?
Maybe I should have.
Wait here.
If you want, I'll go right over and just...
We're working right now.
I was standing up for my partner.
Thank you.
I feel better thanks to you.
Did I cheer you up?
Frankly, it's a bit dull, right?
What is?
You only had important cases at the headquarters.
When I got my commendation,
my fellow grads congratulated me and said
I should consider it an honor to be your partner.
And to learn from you while you're here
as you probably won't stay long.
Man. What if you get transferred
and take off to the headquarters?
If I do, will you come with me?
Of course.
Once a partner, always a partner.
Then stay on your toes.
I can't stand an inept partner.
Geez. I humored you too much.
Let's go.
What? So?
What do you think?
Grandma collapsed
and there was quite a scene.
What did your dad say?
Of course, he's adamantly against it.
Dad always supported Taejin no matter what,
but even he turned pale and was appalled.
How can this be?
I'm so worried.
No one can stop Taejin
once he sets his mind to something.
It's more maddening as he never professed
his love for anyone before.
But now that your grandmother knows,
I doubt she'll just sit and watch.
She told us we should just ignore it.
If I'd known,
I would've taken action sooner.
What could you have done?
There's a policewoman at the station named Eunju
whose uncle is a police commissioner.
She worked at a big firm
before becoming a police officer.
She's pretty, sweet,
and comes from a good family,
so I wanted to pair her up with Taejin.
But he had to fall for a single mom...
Good grief.
What is it?
The taekwondo uniform.
Thank you for letting me use it.
I'll buy dinner as a token of appreciation.
I'm taking you out on a date.
Not tonight.
I have to go home.
Is something wrong?
Yes, there is.
You wouldn't say no to a date otherwise.
My grandmother isn't feeling well.
Oh... Then hurry home.
I'll call later if I can.
No, no. Don't worry about it.
See you tomorrow.
- See you soon. / - Okay.
Are you going to see Officer Moo?
Will you go pull her hair out?
Sure. Why not?
His sister came to see me.
What are you doing?
Can I see you?
Go try it at home.
Something's wrong, right?
I saw her.
She showed up after 20 years
and shamelessly called herself my mother.
He must've been so hurt and lonely.
I don't feel sorry for you.
Cha Taejin now has
Moo Gunghwa by his side.
Bad Baby Are you Sleeping - Learn colors with TAPE Children Songs Nursery Rhymes for kids song - Duration: 4:34.
Bad Baby Are you Sleeping - Learn colors with TAPE Children Songs Nursery Rhymes for kids song
Video: Pet questions - Duration: 2:32.
Lead Contamination in Hot Sauces - Duration: 4:23.
¿Tú Has Visto Mi Colita? | Tiburón Bebé Fun For Kids TV Canciones Infantiles | Cola Ardilla Animales - Duration: 20:19.
Local Red Cross employee describes catastrophic flooding in Texas - Duration: 2:30.
Rainy season with the prevention of common diseases in the rainy season - Duration: 6:11.
Medical Network, For Public Health
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Prevention of common diseases during the rainy season
Ho Chi Minh City has started to have rains interspersed with hot days.
The difference in temperature and climate change will cause our bodies to lose their resistance.
This is the time when the body is most common diseases in the rainy season:respiratory, skin, flu, dengue fever.
Therefore, people should be aware of the prevention of these diseases.
1. Common colds and flu:
An acute infectious disease that is easily encountered at any age and most commonly occurs during the rainy season.
Disease can cause a large outbreak of influenza virus, disease spread through the air and through contact
For example, inhaling the virus in the air, contact the object with the sick person.
Clinical manifestations:headache, body aches, fever, cough and fatigue.
The disease affects the upper and lower respiratory tract, usually the disease itself but it can cause serious complications often encountered
The most dangerous is bacterial pneumonia and multiple organ failure.
Treatment:Reduce symptoms caused by illness such as fever, headache, fatigue.
Patients should be rested until fever is gone, food is easy to digest and drink plenty of fluids.
In cases of infection with specific types of virus such as influenza A H5N1, the majority of patients need respiratory support within the first 48 hours of hospitalization.
Antiviral medications are also used, but its effectiveness has yet to be proven.
Prophylaxis:The primary means of preventing the flu is to use flu vaccines.
In addition, we should drink plenty of water and supplement the vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy.
In case of suspected H5N1 virus infection, it is necessary to isolate the suspected patient and bring in protective equipment (gloves, hat, N95 mask, protective clothing).
Wash hands when handling the patient.
2. Malaria:
This is the most dangerous disease in the rainy season.
Malaria caused by mosquito Anophel mosquito
Mosquitoes carry pathogens from infected people to healthy people.
Symptoms:In case of malaria, the patient may develop symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, muscle pain.
Prevention:To avoid mosquito bites that cause malaria, you need to pay attention to kill mosquitoes, larvae, and throwing around the house, especially in standing water.
Note when sleeping, should be on the curtain to reduce the risk of exposure to mosquitoes.
It is best to reserve some homeopathic remedies to prevent sudden fever in the night.
Actively eliminate the breeding and habitat of mosquitoes such as junk water, dense vegetation.
3. Dengue fever:
Number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases in HCMC. Ho Chi Minh City slightly decreased in the past two months
However, the early rains of the coming season will facilitate mosquito breeding and disease outbreaks.
Dengue is an acute infectious disease, which can be caused by dengue virus.
The disease spread by mosquito bites infected patients infected with the virus then transmitted to the healthy people through the burn.
Two of the transmissible mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, have scientific names.
Symptoms:Symptoms usually appear suddenly with high fever, fatigue, headache, sore eyes, muscle pain (low back pain and sometimes leg pain)
Usually accompanied by sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and tenderness in the epigastrium (upper navel and under the sternum).
Because there are no specific drugs and vaccines are not available, dengue fever often causes large epidemic with many people infected at the same time.
Make the treatment work very difficult, can be fatal, especially with children.
The best way to prevent this disease is to kill mosquitoes, larvae / larvae; Eliminate mosquito breeding place
Removal of larvae / larva by covering all water containers; Drop fish into large water containers.
Also, for children, care should be taken to prevent mosquito bites for children, wear long-sleeved clothes, sleep in the mosquito even during the day.
4. Skin diseases:
One of the most common diseases in the rainy season, especially when the streets frequently flood
It is the skin diseases such as foot, folliculitis, acne on the skin, inflammation.
To prevent these diseases, people need to pay attention to choose the appropriate route to avoid the flooded roads.
When working with water or outdoors, make sure you have rainwear or other protective equipment in place.
If the rain water, flooded water, people need to clean, dry clean.
When the skin is hurt, itch, ulcer, is the place where bacteria attack the formation of pimples on the skin needs clean clean with mild alcohol, clean water and to the doctor immediately.
In addition to the prevention of some of the aforementioned diseases, we also have to pay attention to a number of other illnesses usually appear in the rainy season:
Rheumatic fever, septicemia, watery infection, cholera, hookworm (hookworm parasites can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, meningitis and acute respiratory).
Always use cooked food, and prepare your body for the proper health protection when another rainy season begins.
Content is here to finish, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
Girls React To Their Really Creepy Sarahah Messages - Duration: 1:40.
What is sexual fantasy?
Someone asking me this question in a grammatically correct sentence.
That's really dumb!
Your butt is the best pillow in the world!
Oh! This one is in Bengali.
We'll have sex in Lonavla or Matheran while listening to songs sung by you.
What can I do about this?
You give great head!
Considering I have given you head, there's a slight possibility that Sarahah
wasn't the only place you could tell me this
you could have just texted me instead.
Just no.
Do you ever fart? Bet it smells like roses.
Eww, that's gross!
Choke me daddy!
I masturbate to your voice.
This is horrible!
I want to cum in your hair.
Fantasy, f*cking you and all your MissMalini girls together in office, like an orgy.
One tight slap!
No, that's not happening.
Like most things in life, Sarahah has come to an end.
Why just blame this app though? It's not like we don't get strange messages on Twitter...
Or Facebook...
Or Instagram...
Or Quiz Up...
Quiz Up? Really?
Who even has Quiz Up on their phones anymore, Shreemi?
If you like this video, don't forget to like and subscribe!
And also comment..
And also share with everybody who has been on this stupid app!
Don't be creepy.
Lãnh đạo VPF " KHÓ HIỂU " khi Hồng Quân, Minh Long lên tuyển | TIN MỚI | - Duration: 4:27.
[Aikido Interview] TADA Hiroshi Shihan - Part 2/3 - Duration: 21:36.
When did you decide to make Aikido your profession?
It's not a profession!
That's a difficult topic.
It'is not a profession, because it is so enormous, it is research.
That is the point.
In the Budo of old, like the archery transmitted in my family, no students were taken.
One's occupation was as retainer of a lord, as samurai.
It is not the notion of earning a living through Aikido.
It was just about doing research.
It might be hard to understand.
There is a debate in the world of Aikido about how important weapons training is.
If you practice the basic empty-handed techniques well, naturally you should be able to use weapons as well.
This is not only true for Aikido, but applies to all the traditional forms of Budo.
It is said that "Jujustu is the mother of all martial arts".
So if you use your body and the techniques carefully and with precision,
then, if you hold a sword, it will become a sword movement, if you hold a spear, a Naginata a Jō, you will be able to use them all.
If you control the "kokyu" and timing, you should be able to use all of the Samurai's weapon such as chain and sickle, etc.
You don't have to learn it as a special skill.
But of course if you use the sword you have to get used to it and to know its characteristics,
the fact that it cuts for example.
With the spear you will use the spear's characteristic at will.
The same with the Naginata, it is necessary to grasp the specificities.
But to say because it is Aikido you have to practice with the Jo or the sword is odd.
The real idea is that you will be able to use everything.
That's how it is, and iit's not specific to Aikido.
There is a book about how in the Meiji period,
the head of a primary school created a form of gymnastics based on the martial arts for children.
You can read about it in the book Meiji budō-shi by Watanabe [Ichirō] Sensei.
It's not just normal callisthenics, the form integrates Japanese martial arts.
If you master this bujitsu-taisō well, they should be able to use sword, spear, naginata, and staff.
He was a schoolteacher, so he let the kids practice.
That's the idea.
So in Aikidō, if you practice the technique well,
if the way you use the movement is correct,
it will become Aikiken, or Aiki with the spear, or Aiki with the naginata, or Aiki with the jo.
Or if you throw something, it will become an Aiki-specific way of throwing.
That's what it is.
If you look at modern day Judo or Kendo, you don't see this way of thinking.
Because they are competitive systems that are based on one set of rules.
Whithin that framework, you think of nothing else.
In Judo you have Jūdō rules, you automatically fall into a way of thinking and throwing that follows these rules.
When you look at contemporary Judo, Kendo and Naginata, they are all thought of as different things.
But that's not the case!
Historically, the way of thinking is different.
So originally in Aikido, if you can work with the sword or the spear, you can also work with the naginata, this is taken for granted.
But it requires a lot of time because you have to familiarize yourself with the weapons.
But people just don't practice.
If you don't practice you won't be able to do it.
For example, if you do Shiho-Nage in a flash,
you can also cut in four directions,
it will also become a Jo movement and if done with the spear it will become a thrust in four directions.
It all depends on your dedication.
O Sensei practiced this all the time.
Is this a question of practicing by yourself?
Practice on your own, yes, then it is a question of mastering the way of using the weapon.
But there is a fundamental difference in the way of thinking;
whether you think of the weapon as part of your own body, or whether you think of it as something external that you have to confront first.
If you don't understand it, you aren't going to be able to solve this problem.
Did O Sensei practice alone a lot?
When O Sensei was in the forests of Ayabe,
he would hang up small targets in 8 directions,
and practice piercing them with a spear over 5 meters long, from morning to evening.
That is how he mastered the spear.
Then when O Sensei moved to Tokyo at the behest of Admiral Takeshita,
Yamamoto Gonbei, who was Naval Minister during the Russo-Japanese war, and who later became Prime Minister,
saw O Sensei with the spear and said "This is the first time I saw a living spear since the Meiji revolution".
O Sensei himself said "I am confident in my spear skills".
He said that to stack up 60kg sacks of rice in different piles with the spear was child's play for him.
He said it was very easy.
So if you practice Aikido techniques intensively
and you want to express a certain flow of movements with the sword or with the jō it will work.
If you don't do this, you won't be able to.
Which is more important, to practice alone or with a partner?
Of course, moving alone is more important.
If you cannot move alone you won't be able to move with a partner either.
When your partner attacks you in this fashion, you can do this, (a certain suite of movements) you have to practice occasionally but it's different (from the core practice).
How so?
The first principle of training is to use your own mind and body working on the basics.
Once you've mastered this, you will be able to apply it to everything.
If you do not have this core idea (of practice) you won't understand.
If you cannot use your mind and body freely, how are you going to practice with a partner?
What is called realistic practice, when your partner attacks you like this you do this, when he attacks you like that, you do that, that is just one kind of practical application.
It is like a surgeon who is operating.
If you do not have the basic skills, you won't be able to operate.
So you have first to master the use of your mind and body.
Once you've done this, the techniques will be born naturally.
That's the traditional way of thinking.
In the art of the sword the use of the sword is crucial,
but when push comes to shove, it is all down to the way you use your mind and body.
Bear this in mind and forge yourself through training, this is the teaching of the traditional transmission (of Budo).
There is rarely talk of Ki energy at the Hombu Dojo, why is that?
This is something you have to research for yourself.
"It's the use of your own life energy, so learn about it by yourself" or so we've always been told.
That's the way it has always been.
If you are not familiar with this from your childhood onwards it is difficult.
For example, in archery, why should one not be attached to whether one hits the target or not?
Why practice in a dispassionate, indifferent manner?
To put it simply, it's the way you use your mind and body.
If you are not interested in this aspect, you won't be able to do it.
It's not because you are taught this that you will be able to do it.
One point is the flow of ki energy.
In the practice of O Sensei there was the "flow of ki" and the "tanren".
This was first described in the journal Aikikai-shi in 1950.
Now you can find it in the book "The Spirit of Aikidō".
"The method of practice in Aikidō is divided into flowing ki and tanren".
"Tanren" means you let your partner grip strongly.
But this won't turn into technique.
Because heads will just fly.
(The aim is) not to be perturbed even if you are held strongly.
If you are held strongly, if your feeling is not attached to the adversary, you will be able to move.
"The flow of ki energy" on the other hand is more complicated.
You first learn the correct order of the movements for a technique.
As you do it, the corners of a triangle become rounder and rounder,
and eventually becomes like a circle, as in "Riaii".
Then a flow emerges.
A flow of the body.
Add to this Kokyu, what is known abroad as Pranayama, receiving energy through breathing.
"Polishing the flow of ki" means to augment and focus your life energy.
Apart from techniques or Aikidō,
when someone falls ill and wants to heal themselves with their life energy, that is also "polishing the flow of ki".
In this way you unify the technique with the flow of your own life energy.
O Sensei said "polishing the flow of ki" to explain it in a contemporary fashion.
Did O Sensei expicitly speak about Ki No Renma?
Yes, and it also appears in his writings.
But when you only make an effort to study the word "ki", you won't understand.
It will depend on your world view on your view of the universe.
Japanese thinking is Eastern philosophy.
It is necessary to investigate the connections, from India and China and then Shintoism etc.
It is unique and independent of other developments.
It has also spread to Europe and America in other forms.
You often talk about how difficult it was to understand O Sensei's lectures, but how it became easier after you met Nakamura Tempu-Sensei.
What I understood after I started following Tempū-Sensei
was due to studying the transmissions of the ancient martial arts and the way of thinking of Japanese traditional culture.
That is different from saying that O Sensei's talk was hard to understand.
To understand O Sensei's talk you need to have a grasp of the way Japanese traditional culture understood things, then it becomes easier to understand.
The root of Ueshiba Sensei's lectures was Shingon esoteric Buddhism.
Over this there is a layer of ancient Shintoism.
If you do not grasp this, it will be hard to understand.
As for Shinto, there was a Sempai at the Tempukai, about 8 years older than me,
called Sugiyama Hikoichi who went to Kokugakuin, a school that taught Shintoism.
For him it was easy to grasp the meaning of O Sensei's speech.
The Shintō deities have meaning.
The different ways they are connected.
With these explanations, you can start understanding.
You grasp the rough idea through intuitive feeling.
From the different stories you hear from your childhood onwards, you immediately understand the feeling.
But a more detailed understanding is not possible.
What I understood through what Tempu Senseii said was rather the method to put it into practice.
Why do we practice with this method, because there are these reasons and these connections.
That is still relevant today.
The Western "mental training" or "mental management" all comes from the research into Raja Yoga and Hata Yoga.
Japanese culture contains what came from India via China.
One of the origins of Japanese Culture is Kōbō-Daishi
The syncretic mix of Shintoism and Buddhism.
This is Shinbutsu Konko.
To explain Raja Yoga in simple words as
"To put emphasis on the connection between human beings and the universe".
This then becomes Japanese Buddhism or even national doctrine under the patronage of the Imperial family.
This spreads all over Japan and also is contained in all the martial arts.
How can we realize this in everyday practice?
If I start talking about this it will take a long time.
The most important point is to not be attached by things/adversaries.
It is the difference between "concentration" and "attachment".
This is the biggest problem.
How to attain this state of non-attachment easily, this applies to all problems of everyday life.
Is it a skill developed through intensive practice?
Rather than skill or intensive practice, it is about whether it permeates your daily life.
This is an exceptionally difficult problem.
It applies to all actions.
If you think of it in terms of "how to augment and to use your life energy" you will understand.
Heightening your life energy and then to use it.
There is no one who is not facing this problem.
From the moment you are born to your death.
This is a difficult problem.
It is difficult but this is where the stress lies.
Was this what O Sensei practiced?
O Sensei was born in Kii-Tanabe, at the base of mount Kōya.
His family belonged to Shingon esoteric Buddhism.
Since his childhood he held these teachings dear.
Then when he was 35 he met Deguchi Onisaburo.
But when I tried listening to O Sensei talk,
I understood that he had profoundly investigated the teachings within the tradition and understood them in his own way.
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