What's up, guys?
Beija here for Complex News.
In the days leading up to his fight with Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor posted his every
move on Instagram.
From videos of him working out to photos of him at the official weigh-in, McGregor showcased
everything he was doing to prepare himself for the much-anticipated match.
In the days following his loss to Mayweather, McGregor seemed to steer clear of social media
for the most part.
He didn't put up a single Instagram post on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
But he returned to Instagram very early Thursday morning with a photo of him holding a glass
of whiskey after the fight and included a long caption along with it.
In the caption, McGregor thanked everyone in his camp for helping him to get ready for
his match with Mayweather.
He also talked about how challenging it was for him to prepare for it and suggested that,
if he had a little more time, he feels as though he could have put forward an even better
showing than he did during the fight.
"Getting to 12 rounds alone in practice was always the challenge in this camp.
We started slowly getting to the 12 and decreasing the stress in the rounds the closer it got
to 12.
I think for the time we had, 10 weeks in camp, it had to be done this way.
If I began with a loaded 12 rounds under much stress, I would have only hit a brick wall
and lost progress as a result and potentially not made the fight.
A little more time and we could have made the 12 cleanly, while under more stress, and
made it thru the later rounds in the actual fight."
Elsewhere in his caption, McGregor also congratulated Mayweather on a "well fought match" and
wished him well in retirement.
"His experience, his patience, and his endurance won him this fight hands down."
And towards the end of his post, McGregor even hinted that, if Mayweather ever wanted
to make the jump from boxing to MMA, he thinks that he would be more than capable of holding
his own in the Octagon.
Some people might laugh at that idea, but McGregor mentioned that he saw first-hand
what Mayweather is capable of during a fight.
"I always told him he was not a fighter but a boxer.
But sharing the ring with him he is certainly a solid fighter.
Strong in the clinch.
Great understanding of frames and head position.
He has some very strong tools he could bring into an MMA game for sure."
Does this mean we should count on a Mayweather/McGregor rematch taking place—in the Octagon?
Not likely.
At 40, Mayweather doesn't seem like he's in any position to try tackling a new sport.
But it's interesting to hear McGregor give him this kind of credit after talking trash
about him for months and months on end leading up to their fight.
That's the news for now, but for all the latest news on Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather,
subscribe to Complex News on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.
For more infomation >> Could Floyd Mayweather Step Into the MMA Octagon? - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
US and South Korea Stage Joint Military Exercises Amid North Korea Threat | TODAY - Duration: 2:18.
Where The Bears Are - Season 6: Episode 1 BAD NEWS BEARS - Duration: 12:50.
Nelson Dorkoff, you are charged with the crime of murder
in the first degree.
How do you plead?
One hundred percent, without a doubt, not guilty, Your Honor!
Order! Order!
♪Where the bears are, We wanna be♪
Sorry I'm late. I had to clean out.
I mean, "clean up."
Did you miss me, Reggie-Reg?
Face-to-face with a deranged serial killer.
How did you ever handle such a difficulty situation, Reggie?
Well, I've had a lot of practice sitting here next to you
for the last three months, Cyril.
Ever since the Inquisitive Channel's
inexplicable decision to make you my Murder Time cohost.
FYI, your numbers are up 40 percent
since they brought me on.
I guess serial killers translate into "killer" ratings.
Yes. Well, be that as it may,
you cannot imagine the shock
of seeing Jeremy Richards after all these years...
The man who was so determined to make me his next victim,
the man we all thought
had perished that day in the mountains of Big Bear.
The last thing on my mind
was running into him at a cruisy park
in the heart of Mexico four years later.
And I can't wait to see what happened in our reenactment.
Right after we take this brief commercial break.
Back in 90 seconds.
Todd, where are you going? The show's not over yet.
Come on, man. We know this story.
You've only told us like 50 times.
I am proud of my bravery, Todd.
I stared death in the face, and I won!
What would you know about that?
I do it every day.
Speaking of which, I need to get to work,
while I still have a job.
Hey, hey, wait a minute. What's that supposed to mean?
Ever since Gavin Kelly left the agency,
the new boss has been talking about "restructuring."
And, you know, as the last guy hired,
I'm likely to be the first one fired.
Well, wait a minute. They can't get rid of you.
You're a superstar at that agency!
Without you, our whole national security would be at risk!
You know, our enemies would test us, our allies would retreat.
It'd be almost like the whole world
was on the brink of collapse!
And hasn't that already happened
since the last election?
Anyway, I appreciate the faith you're putting in me,
but just... I want you to be prepared in case I get canned.
Well, don't worry, if you do lose your job,
I'm still making plenty of money on Law and Order: MRU .
We just found out that we got an early pickup for another season,
and my agent thinks they're
going to bring me back for nine episodes.
Hey, guys! Does this cock ring make my nuts look bigger?
W-What are you doing? Put some clothes on! God!
I'm practicing my stroking technique for a porn audition.
What porn audition? You haven't starred in a film since 1998.
Yeah, I didn't want to brag,
but I got asked to audition for the same director
who did Butt Pirates of the Caribbean:
Hard Dicks Tell Many Tales.
Oh, my dick actually has a nickname...
I don't know if you know this: "Beer Can Bob."
Are you sure it shouldn't be "Footlong Frank?"
Because, Jesus Christ, Wood!
How have I never seen his dick?
"Well, hello there, Nelson!
My name's Bob. How are you?"
Quit waving that in my face, Wood!
Hey, Todd. Will you give me a ride to my audition?
I just need to throw some shorts on.
Hmm? Yeah, whatever.
Just hurry up! I can't be late for work today.
Okay. Hey, wish me luck, guys.
Wood Burns: Gay Porn Star is back, bitches.
The show's back on.
Reggie, you never cease to amaze me.
Hey! You know what amazes me, guys?
- Lightning. - Shut up, Wood!
I am so glad you're okay!
I had no idea you knew karate moves!
You're so brave!
Thanks, guys.
I cleaned out for nothing.
So, what did you think?
"I'm so glad you're okay!
I had no idea you knew karate moves!"
I don't sound like that!
And that guy doesn't look anything like me.
Well, don't blame me, Nelson.
I submitted your acting reel to the casting director.
He just didn't feel you were convincing enough for the part.
Not convincing enough? To play myself?
Give me a break!
That kid who's playing you is probably 20 years old
and with a full head of hair.
How is that convincing enough?
I thought the actors playing both of us were spot on.
What did you think, Todd?
Come on, Reggie, Nelson isn't nearly that effeminate...
Yeah, see.
...most of the time.
Wood, come on, it's time to go!
Let's go!
Wood, thank you so much for coming in.
I'm sorry we couldn't make you an offer,
but the investor's insisting that we see tapes on everyone.
Not a problem, Billy.
I'm a team player.
Hey, big fan, by the way!
I must have jacked off seven times to that sci-fi movie
where you get topped by Darth Invader.
I won best bottom in a submissive role
at the Golden Dickie Awards for that one.
Well deserved, sir. Well deserved.
Okay, great.
Are there any questions before we begin?
I think I got this, Billy.
I've been doing it a while.
Ready and action.
Dad, why can't you just accept me for who I am?
'Cause you've been a bad boy!
And Daddy's gonna show you just how bad you've been!
Get over here! Spank this babe!
- Wait! - Spank this bad boy!
Wood, did you read the script?
No, I never read the script.
But it's playing a daddy, right?
I've played plenty of those, trust me.
I think I know what you want.
On your knees, Goldilocks!
Papa Bear wants to squirt his porridge all over your face!
Wood, Wood!
I-I think there's some confusion here.
You're not playing his "daddy,"
you're playing his actual father.
This is the opening scene
where you kick your son out of the house
for being gay, and force him to move to Vegas
to become a paid escort for a secret society
of homosexual high rollers.
So when do I get naked and have sex with someone?
Are you kidding?
I can't...
You're killing me. You're killing me!
You're serious?
This particular role
doesn't have nudity or penetration.
It's a quick, fully-clothed,
blink-and-you'll-be-missed cameo appearance.
But you look great!
So, can I see a script?
Director Flynn,
Nelson and I are really looking forward to having you
and your wife over for dinner tomorrow night.
I hope this isn't some kind of lame bribe, Stevens.
You serving me my favorite dinner,
so I'm less inclined to cut your position?
Of course not! I would never be so obvious as to serve you...
Beef Wellington.
And my wife loves a good French apple tart.
Well, I have no idea what menu Nelson is preparing
so it'll be a surprise to both of us.
Relax, Stevens, take it easy.
You'll still be here after the re-org.
You've done a bang up job this past year.
We're actually eyeballing you for a promotion.
Really, a promo--? Thank you.
I can't thank you enough for all your support.
But nothing in life is a free ride.
We haven't made any final decisions yet...
but, uh, just know that there's some competition for the job.
- Okay. - Ah, speak of the devil.
Todd Stevens, Heath Long.
- Nice to meet you. - Uh, you, too.
You look awfully familiar...
Heath got arrested running
an illegal passport scam out of an assisted living home.
We were impressed by his skills and creativity
so we offered him a choice.
Ten years in the federal pen or come work for us.
Yep. It's all coming back to me now.
You have a thing for, uh, older women.
That was just straight for pay.
It's actually older men who get my motor running.
Vroom, vroom.
I'm not that much older than you.
He only finished training a few months ago,
and he's already proven to be a valuable asset.
It's an honor meeting a seasoned veteran
who's been around for as long as you have.
Seriously? I'm like 32.
I don't have your vast years of experience,
but Nick here thinks I'll bring some youthful vigor
to this place and clear out the cobwebs.
His words, not mine.
- I did say those... - Okay.
...exact words.
He's got a good memory.
See how good he is for the ISA?
- Toby. - Hey, what's up, Nels?
Hey, you need to quit tweeting mean things about me!
What? I'm just doing what the network asked.
They want us to help raise social media awareness
in order to help promote the show.
Oh, "promote the show," really?
"Nelson Dorkoff is a weird paradox.
Huge dick with a small penis!"
How does that help promote the show, Toby?
Yeah, how about 12,000 re-tweets
in less than an hour, bitch?
What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?
Because you're so fucking delusional
to even think you're an actor,
which I consider a personal insult
and a crime against humanity.
And I'm not the only one.
You should see what your co-stars Teri Hatcher
and John Stamos are saying about you.
Yeah you're way out of your league, Nelson.
Yeah, and you know what you are?
You're an overrated has-been guest star
who's finally going to be killed off tomorrow!
Really? I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Oh, Alan, Alan. Come here.
Alan, okay, please God tell me you did not rewrite the scene
where I shoot Toby Marsden's character
after I find out that he raped the entire football team.
Look, I've rewritten it five times already,
and I'm drowning in network notes.
They can't seem to make up their minds about what they want.
That's all.
But this is the only thing
that's getting me through the last few weeks
is knowing that tomorrow is that asshole Toby Marsden's last
day on set!
Oh, there's Scott from the network.
I should go talk to him.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- Why not? - He doesn't like you either.
They think you're trying to steal focus from Teri and John.
Oh, terrific.
What? What? Give me that.
"Nelson Dorkoff's face looks like a scrotum."
Oh, God. I will kill that fucker!
♪Where the bears are We wanna be♪
♪Where the bears are Where the bears are♪
Фильм "Клинок Бессмертного" (2017) - Официальный трейлер (с русскими субтитрами) - Duration: 2:44.
Business News: thousands of possible delinquent mortgages - Duration: 1:15.
Why Does Everyone Want to be Popular? - Duration: 4:06.
Hello, hello, hello, my friends.
Kaitlyn here and do you think it's important
to be popular in high school?
(upbeat electronic music)
So if you've watched pretty much any movie ever
that's geared toward teens,
you know that there are the popular mean kids
versus the unpopular, slightly awkward heroes.
Despite popular characters
generally being shown as not very good people,
the ultimate goal of many of these movies
and these kind of awkward, ungainly heroes
is to become popular.
Basically, if your popular then everyone likes you
and you are successful in school
but this is not reality.
Okay, Kaitlyn but what does it even mean to be popular?
We tend to think of being popular
as this kind of place of power
where everyone wants to be you, you have lots of friends,
everyone wants to date you.
Essentially, everyone likes you and the world is glorious.
Alright, but why do people even think this is important?
Because we put so much value on being liked.
We think it will shield us from pain and disappointment
and most importantly, bullying.
Okay, okay, I'm kinda seeing the appeal here
but like what actually makes people popular?
In movies and books, people who are popular
are portrayed as standardly good looking,
they have lots of money
or maybe they are dating the right person
who is popular for their own reason
and that makes them popular
because they're dating that person
and I would say that the thing
that is not portrayed in movies as much
but is definitely true in the real world
is charisma or confidence.
Okay, okay, so how would I make me popular?
Well, you see, you can't.
Uh, excuse me?
So we have all these misconceptions about popularity
like that it makes life easier
and most of the time that's just your perception of it
and it's really all pretend.
Okay, well, what about how everyone wants to date you?
But do they actually like you
or is being with you just like a status boost for them?
Okay, okay, well, what about having lots of friends?
Again, it's an issue of status.
Do you actually like them?
Do they even like you?
Basically, everybody in school
is just trying to get by as much as you are
and they are all looking for validation.
It is much better to have one friend
who actually cares about you and you care about them
than having 50 friends who could really care less about you
but they're there because you're popular,
they're popular and you're supposed to be friends.
Also, you're gonna be infinitely more happy
if you date someone because you actually like them
and it's not because you're concerned
about how popular or unpopular they're going to make you.
A good encouraging story from my own life for you
is that I felt like I was very unpopular in high school
but it wasn't until post high school
when I found out that I was kind of popular in my own way,
not in the traditional sense
but that I was very true to myself
and people remembered and respected that.
Now, it did take me graduating high school and coming back
and seeing people who I didn't think even knew my name
and suddenly they were saying hi to me in the grocery store
and I was like, what is happening?
Essentially, high school, middle school,
even elementary school is just a big time of BS
and you know what, who cares who's popular?
It seems like it's really important now
but actually it's not.
Basically, be who you are and make friends with who you want
and you will find that people will like you for that.
So guys, what are your questions about popularity
and making friends?
Be sure to ask me down in the comments
plus remember to check me out
on some other social media sites.
Instagram is of course my favorite
coming out with me and my cat and my coloring projects.
(kiss) Haha!
I don't know why I did that.
I'm really weird today.
I hope this video gave you some hope and made you smile
and I will see you guys on Thursday.
(kiss) (giggle)
(upbeat electronic music)
Learn Colors with BAD Baby JOHNY JOHNY Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Song For Kids & GIANT Monster Hydra - Duration: 3:36.
Learn Colors with BAD Baby JOHNY JOHNY Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Song For Kids & GIANT Monster Hydra
Kids World Miraculous Ladybug Part 4|Love Story Zombie Apocalypse Adrien|Miraculous Ladybug Kids2017 - Duration: 11:47.
Music To Capture Positive Energy - Very POWERFUL - Shamanic Music - Duration: 1:04:42.
Philippe Coutinho heading to Barcelona in stunning £138m deal from Liverpool - Duration: 4:15.
Philippe Coutinho heading to Barcelona in stunning £138m deal from Liverpool with announcement set for 7pm
PHILIPPE COUTINHO IS on his way to Barcelona with the Spanish giants preparing to make an announcement at 7pm this evening. Liverpool have fought to the last to keep hold of their attacking midfielder.
It appears Philippe Coutinhos time at Anfield is up with Barcelona expected to wrap up the transfer.
Barcelonas pursuit of Philippe Coutinho has been relentless this summer. But the Catalan giants have finally got their man after a fourth bid of around £138million. Liverpool had rejected increasing offers from the Nou Camp to take the Brazilian international.
A third offer of £118 million was turned down but the Liverpool's resolve finally broke yesterday with the player intent on the move from Anfield to the Nou Camp.
SunSport online revealed earlier today how Coutinho was ready to intervene himself in the drawn out saga by appealing directly to manager Jurgen Klopp.
Now it looks like his dream move will become a reality after four-and-a-half seasons at Anfield in which time he made 182 appearances scoring 42 goals.
The deal gives Liverpool a huge profit on a player they bought for £8. 5million from Inter Milan.
Liverpool fans may have seen the last of Philippe Coutinho in a red shirt.
Jurgen Klopp looks to have lost his star man as Philippe Coutinho edges closer to move to Barcelona.
Coutinho, 25, signed a new five-year deal with Liverpool in January but that was before he was aware of Barca's interest. He had emailed a transfer request into Anfield but that was initially ignored.
Coutinho has not played in the opening three games of the new season with manager Klopp citing back problems and illness. However that did not stop him joining up with the Brazil squad to face Ecuador today.
He has been passed fit to play by his national team's medical staff. It is from Brazil's Port Alegre base that Coutinho had been keeping in touch with movements back in Spain and England.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has joined Liverpool, but Philippe Coutinho will still be a huge loss. Philippe Coutinho returns to Brazil training after overcoming injury.
Liverpool looked fine without him in their 4-0 win on Sunday, although it was against an Arsenal in disarray.
It is understandable that Klopp fought to keep one of his best players but in the end the offer was too good for a player who wanted out.
Klopp could not be sure of how committed to Liverpool Coutinho would be if his pleas fell on deaf ears and he was forced to stay at Anfield.
This could have been Coutinho's only chance to get the transfer with Barcelona always quick to move on to other options as they look to spend the money from Neymar's world record £198million move to Paris Saint Germain.
Striker Ousmane Dembele has already joined the Catalan giants in a £97million move from Borussia Dortmund. La Liga's transfer window closes tomorrow 24 hours after the Premier League's. How will Philippe Coutinho and Ousmane Dembele line up with Barcelona next season?.
Can myeloma cells contaminate a patient's stem cells that are harvested for transplant? - Duration: 2:45.
This week's ask Dr. Durie comes from a patient who's concerned about the
possibility of contamination in cells that have been harvested for stem cell
transplantation and so the question is can there be myeloma cells in the
harvested cells from the from the blood and so the answer to this question is is
yes there can sometimes be myeloma cells in the blood and those can be
contaminating the harvested stem cells but there are several important points
to that if you have had an excellent response prior to the stem cell harvest
which is the case for the vast majority of patients then the number of myeloma
stem cells in the blood is very very low and so the risk is in general quite low
that there would be some level of contamination but there are some
additional very important points the first is that when stem cells are
present when myeloma stem cells are present they undergo the freezing and
thawing process the same as the normal bone marrow stem cells and they are more
fragile and actually end up being damaged if not completely eliminated by
that freezing and thawing process the second thing is that even if there are a
few myeloma stem cells present there are no data to indicate that they would ever
actually cause relapse in the patient when this was studied actually 10 to 15
years ago when there was more of a concern about this it was discovered
that when a myeloma patient relapses it's always from cells which have
remained in the body of the patient and it was never due to any small number of
myeloma stem cells that are re-infused from the harvested material and so the
bottom line is yes there can be myeloma cells in the harvest stem
cells but they are very unlikely to cause any trouble and actually have
never ever been shown to cause relapse in the patient so a concern yes but
actually a problem for the patient fortunately no
Вкусный и простой в приготовлении салат «Пестрый». Пошаговый рецепт [Семейные рецепты] - Duration: 5:11.
Harvey Rains Trigger Flooding As Navy Stages Dramatic Rescues | TODAY - Duration: 3:34.
Enclosed and Confined Space Incident - Duration: 53:49.
In mid-september 2000 a Russian cargo ship on passage from Riga Latvia to pool
UK with a cargo of sawn timber and bundles of pallet timber was about 70
miles north-northwest of the Hook of Holland in the southern North Sea a
seaman who was working in the fo'c'sle went aft saying he was going to the
bathroom about 15 or 20 minutes later the bosun who was also working forward
also went aft as he passed down the port side of number 2 hold he noticed the
deck cargo tarpaulin lashings were undone and the tarpaulin had been lifted
back he looked closer and found the hatch cover to number two hold
access shaft wedged open at the bottom of the shaft he saw the first seaman's
body the bosun immediately raised the alarm and called for assistance when
help arrived the bosun donned a self-contained breathing apparatus and
entered the shaft with other crew members supporting his efforts from
outside the shaft the seaman was removed to deck
but despite prolonged attempts at resuscitation he could not be revived
when the ship arrived in pool the police and the British marine Accident
Investigation Branch investigated the incident before cargo operations were
commenced atmospheric tests were taken on the access shaft where the seamen had
been found very low levels of oxygen together with high levels of carbon
monoxide were recorded with Police Fire Brigade and customs officials in
attendance the deck cargo was removed and the holes were opened apart from a
distinctive smell there was no evidence of fire or any chemical reaction either
in the access shaft or in the cargo itself there were no technical or
operational reasons for the seamen to have entered the shaft he had not been
instructed to do so by the bosun or by any officer on board it was concluded
that he had made a personal decision to enter and for an unknown reason the
cause of death was most probably due to the low oxygen and high carbon monoxide
levels present in the access shaft to number 2 hold at the time the victim
entered the space timber cargoes are a recognized source of oxygen depletion
and carbon monoxide generation in enclosed spaces
on the 22nd of July 1991 the Netherlands flag livestock vessel zebu Express was
lying at anchor in Darwin Harbour the master and second officer had gone
ashore and the chief officer was in temporary charge as work started in the
morning the chief engineer and second engineer began working in the bow
thruster compartment cleaning the electrical motor there had been a small
water leak and the motor had got wet early in the afternoon the chief
engineer observed the second engineer to be in physical difficulty in the lower
part of the compartment he climbed out onto the deck raised the alarm and then
returned inside to assist the second engineer descending to the lower
compartment without a breathing apparatus both the chief engineer and
the second engineer collapsed in the lower part of the bow thruster
compartment attempt to rescue the two men were made by the assistant engineer
wearing a self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus and supported by
other members of the crew on deck but he was unable to effect a rescue
the bodies of the chief engineer and second engineer were eventually
recovered from the bow thruster compartment by members of the Darwin
Fire Service a surveyor of the Australian Maritime
Safety Authority conducted an investigation into the incident under
the provisions of the navigation Act the deaths of the two engineers resulted
from their failure to follow the well-publicized safety procedures for
safe entry into and rescue from enclosed spaces the second engineer died of
asphyxia being overcome by accumulated toxic vapors from the electrical cleaner
being used in a confined enclosed space without adequate ventilation the chief
engineer likewise died from asphyxia from the
vapors but this would not have happened if he had recognised the hazards and
donned the breathing apparatus the 12,000 573 gross register tons US
flag tanker William T steel was preparing to load a cargo of benzene at
Gare nila Puerto Rico unfortunately due to a
planning oversight in the manifold rigging the cargo was inadvertently
loaded into the wrong tank number nine Center which had been reserved for a
cargo of xylene there was no chance of working with the wrong stowage so the
benzene was transferred out a number nine Center was washed and ventilated
two crewmen entered the forward end of number nine center to insert an
isolation blank in a flange in a pipeline and the chief officer went to
the after part of the tank to eject water from the sump area the two crew
men working forward were unaware of the presence of the chief officer when the
flanges in the line were cracked benzene began to leak out and the fumes forced
the two crewmen to leave the compartment without completing their task
once on deck one of the crewmen looked back down into the tank and saw the
chief officer lying in the bottom the alarm was raised and the second officer
and several other crewmen entered the space without breathing apparatus to
rescue the chief officer by this time the master had arrived on deck and he
donned the breathing apparatus and followed the others into the tank when
he reached the second officer some way down into the tank he noticed that he
was experiencing difficulty in breathing and attempted to share his air supply as
he tried to pass the mask over both men felled the remaining distance to the
bottom of the tank seeing this the other crewman immediately exited the tank they
survived but all three officers died the subsequent investigation by the US
National Transportation Safety Board concluded that both the chief officer
and second officer died from prolonged exposure to the highly concentrated
benzene vapors and the master died from the same cause but also possibly due to
injuries sustained in the fall
this incident occurred on a tween-deck dry cargo vessel which was fitted with
several deep tanks designed for the carriage of vegetable oil cargoes she
was on a return run to Europe having called at various small island ports in
the South Pacific where she had loaded palm oil in several of the deep tanks
access trunks led from the main deck on each side between number one and number
two hatches two lobbies at tween-deck level in each lobby there was a bolted
manhole cover at the top of the appropriate deep tank the deep tanks
were protectively coated and fitted with stainless steel heating coils to
maintain the cargo temperature during the voyage and to raise it prior to
discharge the palm oil was discharged in hull England and the tanks were
subsequently ballasted with seawater for the next passage to the South Pacific no
cleaning was done after the discharge of the palm oil and the ballast was loaded
directly on top of the remaining palm oil residue some 10 to 12 days into the
voyage a crewman was taking routine tank soundings when he noticed a bad smell
emanating from the sounding pipes for number two and number three deep tanks
this was not unusual and regarded as a normal feature of the carriage of
ballast water in these tanks but he did report the matter to the chief officer
following company requirements the ballast water was changed after passing
through the Panama Canal D ballasting commenced during the afternoon of the
2nd of October during the evening watch the same day the two engineer cadets
were sent forward by the second engineer to check on the water levels in number
two and number three tanks as the ballast pump had lost suction the cadets
first checked number two tank by going down the access trunk to the tween-deck
level and opening a steel screw down inspection port in the manhole lid
having established that the ballast seemed to be out they reimagined open
the door of the access trunk to number three tank and the pump room here they
found a foul smell of such strength that they decided it was unsafe to enter and
reported back to the second engineer on the assumption that all the ballast
water was out both tanks were rebalanced
after rebalancing however the smell from the air pipes of both tanks did not
improve a fleet circular from the company drew
attention to the possible dangers of hydrogen sulfide gas evolving from
decomposing palm oil in ballast water and requesting masters to ensure that
ballast water is changed at sea and that under no circumstances was access to the
tanks or pump rooms to be allowed until entry procedures had been followed and
an entry permit issued the circular had reportedly been discussed on board at a
recent safety meeting but this had not been minuted
a number of tanks were emptied and cleaned as the passage progressed on the
morning of the 21st of October the chief officer asked the second engineer to
pump the ballast out of number two and number three tanks to semen were
instructed to remove the lids from the tanks in the tween-deck lobbies at about
oh seven hundred hours the Bangladeshi DEXA rang reported to the bridge to
discuss the work for that day the chief officer anticipated that the two tanks
will be empty by early afternoon and discussed preparations for tank cleaning
with the Sarang there was evidently some confusion however and it is possible
that the DEXA rang had misunderstood when the tanks would actually be empty
when they turned to at a 800 hours the DEXA rang went forward with five men to
the tank access trunks they rigged a hose and prepared a cargo cluster light
the Dix rang and warned seamen went down the access trunk of the starboard side
leading to the tween-deck lobby where the manhole access to number three deep
tank had been opened earlier the DEXA rang entered the tank
almost immediately the semen at the manhole shouted up the access trunk
sarang fall down he then entered the tank himself and the other man on deck
heard him calling Sarang Sarang from inside the tank then it went quiet at
around Oh 850 hours the third officer on watch on the bridge heard shouting on
the deck at the same time another seaman alerted the chief officer and he ran
forward he issued instructions for self-contained breathing apparatus to be
brought from the safety Locker without waiting for it to arrive however he also
entered the trunk he was wearing a boiler suit but no self-contained
breathing apparatus and had not stopped to put boots on a seaman also went in
but only got a little way and came back out on deck due to the strong smell of
gas a few moments later the master arrived closely followed by a seaman
bringing a self-contained breathing apparatus the mast had donned the
breathing apparatus and descended to between deck level where he found the
hose and cargo cluster which had been rigged earlier he saw the chief officer
slumped on a stringer plate below the manhole but could not see the others he
considered that he was unable to assist on his own and returned to the deck
the chief engineer and second engineer had now arrived on the scene and also
Don's self-contained breathing apparatus sets they entered and descended with an
emergency oxygen supply they located the chief officer and started to administer
the oxygen as the chief engineer lifted the chief officer to a more upright
position he noticed another man hanging upside
down from the stringer plate with one leg caught in the ladder later
identified as the sarong a stretcher was lowered but put aside by the two
engineers as being ineffective in the circumstances shortly after this a
self-contained breathing apparatus low level alarm sounded but the two
engineers were unable to identify which set it was coming from they decided it
was safest for both of them to exit and by the time they reached the deck both
alarms were sounding spare bottles had been organized by the master and the
chief engineer this time accompanied by the second officer returned inside
wearing fresh scents the second engineer went to get still more cylinders
the chief engineer took a line with him that was rigged through a block at the
top of the access trunk he attached it to the chief officer and an attempt was
made by those on deck to lift him out the line intended for lowering tools was
not strong enough and parted the chief officer falling back down and landing on
a stringer plate the chief engineer secured the line a second time but then
had to exit the space due to a low level alarm sounding on his second set of
bottles a third fresh supply was provided and the chief engineer again
returned to the bottom of the trunk this time he took a lifeline with him and
secured that as well the chief officer was eventually lifted out onto deck at
around ten hundred hours resuscitation and cardiac massage were attempted by
the master and purser but were abandoned when it became apparent that there was
no sign of life as there was no chance of the DEXA wrong
or the semen inside the tank being alive the master decided not to risk further
personnel and ordered the D ballasting should continue with a view to
recovering the other bodies when the tank was empty the mixture of palm oil
residues and salt water had led to the generation of hydrogen sulfide gas and
corresponding oxygen depletion with in the deep tank and in the vicinity of the
tween-deck lobby after removal of the manhole lid which claimed the lives of
the chief officer the DEXA rang and the semen
the Hong Kong registered bulk carrier nigo Kim arrived off the port of Dampier
in the early hours of Saturday the 17th of November 2001 and anchored to await
birthing instructions she remained at anchor over the weekend during which
time the crew continued scheduled maintenance work including the
preparation of the interior of number one port topside ballast tank for
painting at about 1300 hours on Sunday the chief officer tested the atmosphere
inside the tank for oxygen content in accordance with standard enclosed space
entry procedures at about 1430 hours the eight-man deck crew started work
painting the steel work inside the tank one man was using an airless spray
painting gun while the other crewman maintained the paint reservoir tended a
cargo light load through the after manhole and generally assisted the
painter as required ventilation of the tank was achieved by an open-ended
compressed air hose led from the fo'c'sle along the deck and down through
this after manhole and an electrically driven fan positioned at an angle over
the after manhole which also provided access for the paint hose light cable
and a lanyard the chief officer supervised the initial
stages of the task the paint used was a two-part epoxy mix thinned as needed
using the thinner product supplied by the paint manufacturer according to the
chief officer the volume of thinner used was between 30% and 50% of the total
mixture at about 1530 hours the chief officer went to the bridge to start his
anchor watch leaving the bosun and Dec fitter in charge at the tank at about 16
40 hours a large explosion ripped through the tank three men were blown
down the length of the main deck killing them all instantly four others were
blown over the side one man who had been inside the tank was still alive but
severely burned he was assisting out of the tank through the ruptured main deck
plating and airlifted ashore but later died from his injuries a search and
rescue operation recovered the body of one seaman but the others were never
the investigation concluded that the air vapor ratio in particular stemming from
the paint thinner had developed into an explosive atmosphere and that it had
come into contact with a source of ignition it wasn't able to positively
identify that source other than to say it was within the compartment the
electrical lighting a VHF radio or a spark carried down from the electric fan
could all have been possibilities as could a falling tool or a cigarette
lighter it was noted that the prevailing good weather conditions would have
increased the temperature inside the tank to around 38 degrees Celsius which
was above the ignition temperature of the thinners although below the auto
ignition temperature analysis of the rate of delivery of fresh air revealed
that it was insufficient to prevent the atmosphere entering the flammable range
and that not being fitted with a trunking to carry the air to the lower
part of the space only the upper region of the tank was being ventilated
on the 4th of September 2001 the chemical tanker rhine stern was anchored
off rotterdam awaiting cargo borders even though there were no instructions
the master decided to prepare the tanks anyway the previous cargo had been
naphtha because of the vapor density of the product the plan was to ventilate
the tanks and then eject the cargo residues collecting them in a slop tank
no water cleaning was planned ventilation was achieved by a flexible
large bore trunking connected to the deck ventilation line and inserted
through an adjacent tank cleaning hatch the trunking was only pushed inside the
top of the tank and not lowered down to the bottom the tank lid was kept only
cracked open in order to create a slight back pressure in the space in order to
eject the tanks then all procedure was for a man to enter the tank and put the
ejector pump suction hose into the sump directly under the foot of the deep well
cargo pump the first tank to be ejected was number 8 starboard and the chief
officer tested the atmosphere at around 10:30 hours recording 15 to 25 percent
LEL and 20% oxygen content
chief officer had given instructions that self-contained breathing apparatus
was to be used in the tank entry but he later observed a number of the crew
exiting tank number 8 starboard after ejecting wearing filter masks the chief
officer spoke to one of the men who stated that they preferred to use the
filter masks because the SCBA sets were heavy and awkward to use were continued
through the day and the chief officer later left the deck to get some rest
at around 1635 hours the crew turned their attention to tank number 6 port
the tank was not tested before entry the assumption being made that conditions
would be the same as in number 8 starboard the deck cadet had by now
arrived on deck and was assigned as watchman three crewmen went into the
tank want to place and tend the suction hose and to to squeegee or sweep any
remaining product towards the sump at around 1645 hours the DECA debt saw one
of the men down the tank collapse he immediately informed the second officer
on the bridge and the general alarm was sounded the master quickly appeared on
the bridge but discovering the situation he went down onto deck straightaway on
the way he met the third officer and instructed him to collect a rescue line
and harness from the afterdeck store
meanwhile one of the two crew members still standing in tank number six port
left the tank to get a breathing apparatus while the other crew member
stayed with the man who had collapsed as the man arrived on deck the deck cadet
took the filter mask from him put it on and entered the tank himself to take a
breathing apparatus set down once he had handed it over he returned to the deck
the man who had stayed inside fitted the mask to the casualty and opened the air
supply valve establishing at the same time that he was breathing the crewman
who had left the tank now returned wearing a self-contained breathing
apparatus and took over from his shipmate who had been wearing only a
filter mask throughout the incident as he exited the tank the master took the
filter mask from him put it on and entered the tank he tried to move the
collapsed man but he found him too heavy gave up the attempt and climbed back out
onto deck
by this time both equipment and men had started to arrive on scene including the
harness line and a resuscitator two more men Don self-contained breathing
apparatus and went down inside the tank the harness was lowered and fitted to
the casualty who was then hauled out onto deck during this recovery operation
the master collapsed on deck the second officer contacted the Netherlands Coast
Guard from the bridge and requested medical assistance after some discussion
it was agreed that the Rhine Stern should heave anchor and proceed towards
the entrance to the port in order to minimize further delays and a helicopter
would be mobilized in the meantime repeated and prolonged attempts were
made to revive the master and care was administered to the man who had been
brought out of the tank at 1830 hours the helicopter arrived bringing a doctor
the master was pronounced dead at the scene the man who had collapsed in the
tank spent the night in hospital ashore but returned to the vessel the following
day it is standard practice that shore
personnel usually want to start working a ship as soon as it comes alongside
this situation has been somewhat controlled since the introduction of
security practices in recent years the vessel in this incident had loaded a
cargo of round wood logs in West Africa and arrived to discharge them in a port
in southern Spain the holes had remained shut due to poor weather in the Atlantic
and no ventilation had been carried out as soon as she was alongside the crew of
shore side stevedores were on board to commence work the ship's deck crew began
opening the hatch to hold number two and the number of stevedores was seen to
enter down the access ladder at the after end of the hold
on reaching the top layer of the cargo one man was seen to slip and fall into a
gap between two large logs seeing him drop three of his colleagues rushed to
the spot and attempted to rescue him they too collapsed one of them also
slipping down into the gap the second officer who was watching from the deck
above raised the alarm and the port safety officials and local Fire Brigades
soon arrived the problem of rescue was compounded by the added risk of movement
to the cargo if any one log was moved to gain access to the casualties underneath
two men were recovered relatively quickly but surrounding logs had to be
secured in place and several pieces of timber lifted carefully care to get to
the others one man had fallen down between the logs to a depth of around
3.5 meters it took almost an hour to bring all four men out of the hold and
all were declared dead on arrival at hospital logs where the bark has been
stripped off unknown to be dangerously slippery freshly cut logs are also known
to deplete oxygen in enclosed spaces and the hole had not been ventilated these
two factors contributed to the deaths of the four men
the Sapphire was a chemical tanker of 14,000 and two deadweight tons built in
1997 she had loaded 16 parcels of chemical products at US Gulf ports to
being discharged at two ports in Turkey and the remainder for discharge in Haifa
Israel the ship sail from Amberleigh in Turkey on the afternoon of the 23rd of
April 1999 bound for Haifa after clearing the port it was planned
to clean number to center tank which had contained linear alkyl benzene and
number six Center tank that had contained HMD hexamethylenediamine
solid number six Center had been purged with nitrogen prior to loading in the US
Gulf although now diluted the tank still contained a mixture of nitrogen and air
and a nitrogen tag was attached to the lid the cleaning plan was discussed
between the master chief officer and the pump man and involved machine washing
both tanks for forty five minutes with salt water followed by a 20-minute
freshwater rinse then leaving them venting overnight prior to mopping the
next morning the washing was carried out by the pump man and three crew members
from 16:45 hours until dinner at 1800 hours over the meal the pump man
dismissed the sailors who had been assisting with the operation and then
returned to the deck with the crew boy to rig the ventilation equipment
at approximately 1950 hours the chief officer was doing his deck rounds and
noticed that the lid on number six center tank was fully open this was
unusual as the lid was normally just cracked during venting to keep a slight
overpressure in the tank looking inside he saw the deck boy lying
on the first platform of the access ladder approximately four meters down
into the tank he was wearing a filter mask was lying partly on his back and
slumped against the rails the pump man was further inside the tank and slumped
over the top safety hoop on the next ladder down with only his feet being
trapped under the platform stopping him falling to the tank bottom he
immediately ran after trying to raise the attention of the bridge personnel by
waving his torch the officers and crews recreation rooms were just inside the
accommodation door and the chief officer summoned all personnel present returning
to deck without actually setting off any general alarm signal breathing apparatus
and other equipment was quickly gathered and brought to the hatch of number-6
center tank
the chief officer was the first person to enter the tank but only wearing an
emergency escape breathing device that he had collected from the manifold
safety store he tried to lift the deck boy but this was not possible though he
did check for a pulse he could not detect anything at this time the third
engineer who had taken a self-contained breathing apparatus from the co2 room
station aft into the tank to assist unfortunately the chief officers low
pressure alarm now went off and he had to exit the tank the third engineer
momentarily came out to collect a safety harness and rope to attach to the deck
boy and the second engineer who was also by now equipped in an SCBA entered the
tank with him the restricted location that casualties
was proving a problem for the would-be rescuers and it was obvious that there
was not enough room for them all said the second engineer left to assist from
outside the third engineer attached the harness and the rope around the deck boy
and he was lifted out by the crew on deck the Rope was then transferred to
the pump man and he was also pulled to the deck with one man guiding the body
from below
attempts were made to revive both of the casualties but without success the
experience of the pump met the presence of a nitrogen tag on the lid and the
rigging of the ventilation equipment all point to the pump man understanding that
the atmosphere inside the tank was hazardous the deck boy had only been on
board for a month and it is reasonable to assume that he simply followed the
more senior man this ship was a nine thousand 695 deadweight tons chemical
tanker at the time of the incident she was engaged in tank cleaning
following discharge of a cargo of ethylene dichloride the center tanks was
stainless steel and the wing tanks had a zinc silicate coating the pump man and a
sailor were running the machine cleaning and the bosun was following behind with
another sailor starting ventilation fans as the washing finished and then
ejecting the remaining washing water from the after ends of the tanks the
first two tanks were tested by the chief officer but he then went to attend to
planning for the next cargo leaving the subsequent testing in the hands of the
boat who had received training in the use of testing equipment and was
approved as an operator under the vessels safety management system tank
number four sent to port was tested and 21% oxygen was found no evidence of
toxic gas was noted a green safe for entry tak was fitted to the lid and the
appropriate entry permit was filled out although it was added to a folder of
permits without the chief officers verification signature being obtained at
that time
the bosun entered the tank climbing down the access ladder while the Sailor
lowered the suction hose from the ejector pump through a cleaning hatch
above the sump he did not wear any breathing apparatus or carry an
emergency escape breathing device with him at the time the sea was calm and the
vessel had a considerable Stern trim and the slight list so quite a lot of water
was lying in the outboard after corner of the tank the bosun commenced removing
this water holding the section pipe at a slight angle to maintain the suction
after approximately two minutes and with around half of the water removed he got
a sudden blast of cargo vapor full in the face he immediately dropped the
ejector hose and ran towards the ladder catching his breath and with eyes
watering he climbed out of the tank more by feeling his way from rung to rung
than anything else the sailor on deck had seen the bosun running away and
already raised the alarm through his radio to the bridge the chief officer
had also heard the broadcast and was already halfway up the deck as the bosun
emerged through the hatch the bosun vomited over the side and then sat down
gradually recovering over the next 15 minutes or so the chief officer tested
the atmosphere in the tank for the record but the ventilation fan had
already stirred up the vapor to a noticeable level anyway it was found
that the cargo residue being of a greater density had settled beneath a
layer of water in the corner of the tank as the water was removed by the ejector
the product was exposed and the vapors were released the meter readings
obtained before entry were correct because the cargo residue was
effectively contained by the water and the air above had been successfully
purified by the ventilation fan the bosun was not aware of the risk of cargo
remaining and simply trusted the meter readings he did react when the
conditions changed but was lucky to escape from the tank without serious
injury this incident involves a chemical tanker
which had stainless steel center tanks with coated wing tanks on either side
her crew was comprised of men of several nationalities the ship was in ballast
and had just finished cleaning tanks they were in the final stages of mopping
and drying in preparation for the next cargo the chief officer who had been on
deck throughout was closely supervising the operation although the details of
the enclosed space entry permits are not available the tanks had however already
been guests freed the previous day and the deck crew had been inside for
ejecting and mopping the chief officer had also been inside all of them for
on the day of the incident the deck crew was divided into two teams of two seamen
each in order to speed up the final preparations it eventually became a
practice that they went in and out of the tanks with minimal supervision by
the chief officer or attendants from the deck the afternoon coffee break came and
the deck was suddenly deserted the officer on watch on the bridge saw dark
clouds approaching and his students started to rain heavily the watchman was
sent to inform the crew of the rain two men were sent on deck to close the tank
lids many of the tanks were almost in load ready condition and it was
important that they did not get rainwater inside the two men hurried
from lid to lid swinging them over and throwing the securing dogs on with a few
quick turns to each
the rain eventually passed and the pump man went out to once again check the
tanks he was halfway through tightening the dogs on number five sent a tank lid
when he heard a faint knocking coming from inside the tank he immediately
opened the lid back up and found the chief officer clinging onto the ladder
breathing heavily he had one safety shoe in his hand and was weakly banging at
the inside of the tank hatch luckily he was only suffering from shock and
fatigue failure to observe basic enclosed space entry procedures and the
independent actions of the chief officer primarily led to this near-miss incident
the gas carrier happy Falcon of 3366 gross register tons arrived alongside in
zebra gear Belgium early on the 10th of January 2003 and commenced preparations
for inerting and gas freeing operations the nitrogen was being supplied by Asher
side contractor the ship was to load a full cargo of propylene in her two tanks
number one tank had previously been loaded with raffinate 1 and required
inerting with nitrogen 2 below the lower explosive limit and then gas freeing the
tank was then to be inspected and if accepted by the severe purged again with
nitrogen prior to loading number 2 tank had previously contained propylene and
did not require inspection or purging at Oh 1:45 hours prior to inerting number 1
tank readings of the atmosphere in the tank
were taken and gas concentrations of 5.7% at the top 5.2 percent in the
middle and 3.7 percent at the bottom were observed hoses were connected at o2
oh five hours and the tank was depressurized to shore this was
completed at oh three thirty five hours and nitrogen was started into the tank
at oh three forty hours nitrogen was being supplied into the top of the tank
with the gas vapor being expelled out through the liquor
line in the bottom of the tank and to a flare on shore
readings were taken at intervals showing a progressive drop in the gas
concentration at a 8:30 hours nitrogen was stopped and the tank dome
lid was opened in preparation for inserting the Shore ventilation hose the
chief officer third officer and an a/b were attending to this task the a beyond
the jetty the third officer pulling the hose
towards the tank lid and the chief officer guiding it into position at the
lid the third officer was facing out towards the ship's side rail as he was
working and was not aware of the activity actually taking place at the
tank lid he heard a noise and turned around but could not see the chief
officer he moved towards the dome and looked down into the tank where he saw
the chief officer lying on the middle platform of the ladder
halfway down into the tank the third officer ran into the accommodation
raised the alarm shouted to the personnel present in the mess room
telephoned a bridge and made a broadcast on the PA system before returning to the
deck it was a 851 hours the a be returned on board and prepared
to enter the tank with a safety line the shore supervisor also climbed on board
and warned the a B not to enter without breathing apparatus personnel and
equipment were arriving on site however and the a bead on the self-contained
breathing apparatus and entered the tank the shore supervisor raised the alarm on
shore and call the emergency services at approximately Oh 8 55 hours the chief
officer supported by the a B from underneath was lifted using the safety
line and manhandled out onto deck the second officer commenced administering
oxygen and it was noted that the chief officer was still breathing
at this time however a noise was heard from inside the tank and it was found
that the a B had himself fallen and was lying on the same middle platform that
the chief officer had been rescued from an OS and the mess man
now donned the breathing apparatus and entered the tank with a safety line the
a B was retrieved to deck at Oh nine hundred hours but found not to be
breathing or to have a pulse efforts continued to revive him and Tynan
ambulance arrived and took both the chief officer and a B to hospital the a
B was declared dead some hours later when the life-support machine to which
he had been connected on arrival was finally switched off the chief officer
partially recovered and was repatriated to the Philippines it has never been
conclusively established whether the chief officer actually climbed into the
tank to position the ventilation hose fell into the tank from deck or slipped
and fell from a position at or near the top of the tank given the limited size
of the access hatch and the injuries he sustained the third possibility is
considered more likely
the rapid and efficient action of the third officer and the a/b undoubtedly
saved the life of the chief officer how the a became to fall is unknown but it
is believed to be either due to the facemask of the breathing apparatus
being knocked off during the removal of the chief officer or due to him slipping
during the same phase of the recovery and being overcome in the nitrogen-rich
atmosphere within the tank a superintendent was visiting a vessel
to carry out an annual inspection as part of the inspection he was to enter
and examine the condition of the ballast tanks the vessel had a double skin and
the ballast tanks extended from the double bottom around and up the sides of
the ship all had a centerline division thus creating port and starboard tanks
access was achieved through manhole covers on the main deck
close to the ship's side the ship's management team were prepared for the
inspection and the chief officer had emptied and ventilated a number of tanks
prior to arrival alongside enclosed space entry procedures as detailed in
the company safety management system were being satisfactorily followed the
superintendent entered a number 3 starboard ballast tank accompanied by
the deck cadet an a/b was detailed as watchman at
the after manhole cover and a mechanical air driven ventilation fan was running
on the forward manhole cover both the superintendent and the deck cadet were
carrying portable flashlights and the deck cadet had a portable radio which
put him in contact with both the officer of the watch and the chief officer the
superintendent also carried a camera which he was using to make a
photographic record of the inspection
the vessel had recently landed moderately heavily against the corner of
a berth and there was an indentation in the shell plating in this tank as well
as a damaged stiffener the two men descended vertically partway down the
tank and then moved forward along along the two dnal stringer to the location of
the damage quite close to the forward bulkhead which divided at number three
starboard ballast tank from number to starboard directly forward there was
some noise from the fan above which also blocked out any additional light that
might have been available through the open forward manhole cover the
restricted width of the space meant that the two men had to move in file
the superintendent leading when they reached the indentation the
superintendent brought out his camera and took a few shots from aft holding
the flashlight and cameras together and playing the light beam onto the damaged
area he then turned handed his flashlight to the deck cadet and
instructed him to direct the beams from both flashlights in a similar manner
while he took a few more pictures
the superintendent then moved a couple of meters forward all the time facing
aft until he was ahead of the damage he raised the camera to his eye and framed
his picture he could not quite include all the detail he needed so he eased his
way further forward at this point he fell backwards through a lightning hole
in the stringer he managed to catch himself as he fell but suffered three
fractured ribs bruising and cuts to both shins and forearms and severe shock
neither man had seen the danger as the flashlights were being used to highlight
the area of damage the superintendent was moving backwards and was between the
deck cadet and the lightning hole thus obscuring any view that he might have
had the nature of the space meant that it was impractical to rig any kind of
defensive barrier around every hole in every stringer but the superintendent
should have been alert to the dangers presented by the structure
this 68,000 deadweight tons Bob carrier was loaded with a cargo of petroleum
coke otherwise known as pet coke the holes of the vessel were accessed down
vertical ladders at each end of the compartment when she arrived in port for
discharge the ship was boarded by a young surveyor who told the chief
officer in conversation while they were completing the paperwork that he was on
his first job alone without a senior surveyor supervising his work he
explained that his instructions call for samples from each hold the hatches were
still closed of the vessel came alongside and the crew commenced opening
them working from forward but it seemed to be taking longer than usual the chief
officer left the surveyor in the ship's office and went on deck to try and speed
up the process the surveyor decided to start taking his samples and went on
deck himself as there appeared to be a problem with a hatch forward he decided
to start at the aft hold he released the securing jobs on the starboard side at
the aft end of number 8 hold and opened the lid he then lowered his sampling
gear inside the trunk and climbed inside leaving his notebook and baseball cap on
a frame nearby
some minutes later the deck cadet passing down the same side of the deck
spotted the cap and the book and paused to investigate he then spotted the open
hatch and looked inside he could just make out the heel of a boot under the
edge of a frame in the beam of his flashlight the Decca debt ran out to the
side of the ship and jumped up and down waving his arms and shouting until he
gained the attention of a sailor forward then ran back to the hatch he then
evidently entered the hold himself in an attempt to reach the man inside the
sailor forward who had seen the DECA debt had in the meantime run aft and
quickly appraised the situation luckily a second sailor arrived shortly
behind him and this man had a radio and raised the alarm one man then stayed by
the hatch and the other went to the safety Locker on the poop deck to get
her self-contained breathing apparatus
the chief officer was next to arrive on scene followed almost immediately by the
third officer the chief officer put his leg over the combing of the hatch and
made to climb straight down into the hold as well the third officer reminded
him of the likely dangers of the atmosphere inside the hole but he swung
his other leg over onto the top of the ladder as well the third officer then
shouted at the chief officer and an argument ensued with the third officer
actually grasping the chief officer around the neck and the chief officer
striking out the third officer in return the two of them by now shouting
continuously at each other at this stage the master arrived at the hatch and
immediately ordered the chief officer to climb back out of the hatch the dead
cadet was seen to be in a sitting position on the surface of the cargo
with his back against the access ladder but not moving rescue equipment and more
personnel had now started to arrive and the third officer and second engineer
Don self-contained breathing apparatus and climbed down the ladder two of the
crew on the direction of the master opened the hatch
when the rescue team reached the deck cadet he was seen to have vomited and
was semi-conscious but clearly still alive
the surveyor was either unconscious or dead within minutes the two were lifted
back up to the deck the alarm had also been raised on shore and the medical
team from the installation was soon on board the surveyor was confirmed as dead
at the scene and the deck cadet was transferred to hospital where over the
next few days he made a steady recovery the surveyor succumbed to the lack of
oxygen and presence of fumes in the hold and the deck cadet almost suffered an
identical fate the clear thinking and determination of the third officer in
restraining the chief officer despite his seniority undoubtedly prevented a
third casualty this example involves a general cargo vessel with a conventional
forepeak tank and collision bulkhead a sluice gate valve is mounted inside the
forepeak tank with a transmission to the fo'c'sle deck due to a misalignment in
the transmission rods to the deck this arrangement failed and the coupling
broke off making it impossible to empty the tank in the normal way it was
decided to contract a shoreside firm with suitable equipment at the next port
of call to empty the forepeak tank and carry out the necessary repairs this
happened to be in a tropical area with high humidity a portable air driven deep
well pump was to be lowered into the forepeak tank through the manhole the
pump was to be driven by an air compressor itself driven by a separate
diesel generator located on the key side adjacent to the fo'c'sle setup intended
by the contractor
when the tank was partially emptied the pump had to be relocated lower down in
the tank being maneuvered past one of the internal stringer plates one of the
fitters entered the tank believing that fresh air was being drawn in from
outside as the tank was D ballasted shortly after entering the forepeak and
descending to the stringer plate he was seemed to sit down
then slump forward with his back to the bulkhead and adjacent to the ladder the
alarm was raised and a rescue party assembled the compressor was stopped and
D ballasting halted as the temperature and humidity of the time of the incident
were both extremely high and the fitter was somewhat elderly the rescue team
initially suspected that the man had simply attempted too much the chief
officer therefore entered the tank without a breathing apparatus to assist
the fitter he reached the man and fitted him into a safety harness that had been
lowered from above as the team outside began to pull he guided the
semi-conscious fitter through the manhole
as he exited himself however he was conscious of a nausea sensation and
severe headache such that he too required assistance both men were taken
to hospital but returned to the ship later in the day
subsequent investigation and analysis revealed that both sludge and rust in
the forepeak were minimal however it was noted that the compressor and generator
had been arranged facing each other on a flatbed trailer parked in the Lee of the
fo'c'sle there was no wind and in effect the intake of the compressor was
directly in line with the exhaust outlet of the diesel generator with each stroke
of the pump inside the forepeak contaminated air was being added to the
atmosphere no meter readings were taken either prior to or following the entry
so the theory remains unproven but is considered to be the most likely cause
of the problem either way both men were lucky to escape from what was
undoubtedly a hazardous atmosphere
Super Bowl Champion: Why the Best Leaders Aren't the Serious Ones - Duration: 1:39.
The one thing about leadership is you can't pick the leader,
leaders grow, leaders emerge in different moments in time.
Leadership comes from
having respect for others that you're trying to lead.
Know what their goals are,
what they're trying to achieve,
and how can I help you achieve those goals
within a system of what we're trying to do.
So I think that's what makes a great leader,
the understanding of how can I push someone
to become the better person that they want to be
or the better player that they want to be,
but the same time contribute to the ultimate goal of the team.
The best thing that I do that my leadership is
I'm the leadership of fun,
so like there's so many times where everything is so serious
and everyone's so caught up in, you know, the grit, the grittiness
of whatever that we are doing,
people forget to have fun.
So like, on a football team, I'm usually going to remind the coaches,
the players, that hey we can have a little fun while we do this,
let's go to, like, do it,
like we are we working our asses off right now,
but there's no reason for us to not to enjoy it,
they are paying us millions of dollars to do what we love to do,
so might as well enjoy, so whether it's like, you know,
a moment of like scoring a touchdown and doing a funny dance at practice,
or telling a joke at the right time, in a meeting, you know.
One of key things in comedy is timing and my timing is impeccable
so I'm like: "That time it was just great as well as you all are probably laughing"
but being able to like pick and choose when to insert a little fun
and then also led by just working my tail off,
but I am the leadership of fun and awesomeness,
so I try to remind people that we can have fun while we do these things.
Fire alarm causes evacuation of Plattsburgh Panera - Duration: 0:50.
FDA Approves First US Gene Therapy To Fight Childhood Leukemia | TODAY - Duration: 2:01.
In Harvey's Wake, Here Are Tips On How To Avoid Charity Scammers | TODAY - Duration: 3:17.
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 60 - Duration: 14:23.
The Shooting Range
In this episode…
Introducing rank 6 ground vehicles:
inside and out!
A door to the parallel dimension: the amazing J7W1;
Hotline: the developers answer questions that you've left in the comments!
But first, let's start with…..
One of Japan's most advanced piston-engined fighters of the war — the Ki-94-II!
At first glance the Japanese trophy from Operation SUMMER doesn't look like much.
It's unwieldy, cumbersome — and not a joy to fly.
It doesn't have the legendary maneuverability of its Japanese brethren...
and it's not that fast, even though it has a really powerful engine.
What's the catch then?
The Ki-94-II is a powerful high-altitude interceptor.
"High altitude" is the key word.
It performs really well at the altitudes of 5000 metres and higher
and it comes with four autocannons that pack quite a punch.
One second burst mass of 7.5 kg is nothing to be sneezed at.
Remember, this aircraft was designed to hunt enemy bombers!
Furthermore, the considerable weight of the interceptor means no enemy can escape in a dive.
Trying to get away through the use of cunning maneuvers?
In a dive the Ki-94-II can easily stick to the enemy's six
no matter what he or she does.
Just pay attention to your ammo:
you only get 600 rounds for both of your 30mm and 20mm guns
so make every shot count.
If you're careful it's more than enough to down three or four enemy aircraft.
A few extra tips:
In most of the missions involving ships you get some considerable speed right off the bat.
Do not waste it climbing at a steep angle.
Something around 13-15 degrees will work just fine.
Once you get to 4000-5000 metres, it's time to rock'n'roll!
Or, whatever the Japanese equivalent is. Boom and zoom all the way.
It might be tempting to go into a turn fight to get an easy frag, but trust us, it's not worth it.
Disregard all targets flying at low altitudes.
Down there you are extremely vulnerable, so, stick to the skies.
The Ki-94 is one sturdy plane, but it has one weak spot — its engine.
One stray bullet is all it takes to knock it out,
so be extra careful while approaching bombers and attacking your enemies head-on.
And the last thing:
For the best results take universal belts for your 20mm guns
and tracer belts for your 30mm cannons...and set your gun distance to 500 metres.
Good hunting!
As you probably know from our Gamescom announcements, the update 1.71 "New E.R.A."
brings a lot to the table, including reactive and composite armour, new aircraft and locations.
And rank 6 armoured vehicles.
We'd like to show you some of them...right now
Let's kick it off with the mighty T-64.
What can we say?
It's the first mass-produced tank with composite armour.
It carried a smooth bore 125-mm gun equipped with an autoloader
and had a compact engine, and transmission
weighed like half of a typical heavy tank despite being armed and armoured like one.
All in all it was a piece of engineering beauty...and a very expensive one:
The T-64 was significantly more expensive to build than any of the previous generations of Soviet tanks.
Next up is MBT-70, or KPz 70
The only real difference lay in the powerplant.
It was a result of a 1960s American-West German joint project
to develop a new main battle tank that could fight Soviet T-64s.
It was quite a task, and the joint nature of the project didn't make things any easier.
Arguments arose over almost every part of the design.
At one point the sides couldn't even decide which units to use, metric or SAE.
In the end the budget ballooned, Germany bailed out, and there were only a few tanks built.
But those were impressive, to say the least.
The armament was a stabilized XM150 152 mm gun
that could use both conventional ammunition and the Shillelagh missile.
Other notable features included a very advanced hydropneumatic suspension system
and an ultra low profile.
Try to score a hit on this!
Then comes the good ol' M60A1.
And not just the usual M60A1
we're speaking about the upgraded M60A1 RISE (P) variant
that boasted an advanced explosive reactive armour protection system.
The RISE version also featured improvements of almost all the basic systems of the tank,
most notably an upgraded engine design and a new track type.
It's not just "there is life in the old dog yet" kind of situation
this dog is alive and kickin'.
To be more precise, kicking anyone's butt.
And the last but not the least is the Soviet BMP-1
an amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle.
We don't really have much in terms of infantry in the game (ahem), but don't fret
the BMP-1 wasn't just a kind of a "battle taxi".
It was designed to fight side by side with main battle tanks
It came equipped with both a 73mm 2A28 Grom gun
and a launcher for the Malyutka anti-tank wire-guided missile.
Basically a lightning fast lightly armoured vehicle that brings a gun to a gunfight.
Up next is the story of one of the most well-known weird aircraft of WWII...
As early as in the late 1930s aircraft makers realized that they had squeezed almost everything
they could from a conventional single piston engine prop monoplane design.
What were their options?
They could maximize the propeller's efficiency
for instance, by using contra-rotating propellers like the ones used on the British Seafire.
They could tinker with the engine,
creating complex contraptions like the ones that were installed on the Super Corsair.
There were some things to do, some things to improve.
But all that could only do so much.
The industry needed a breakthrough.
And on the cusp of the 1930s and 1940s a breakthrough it had:
Aircraft designers of the world discovered the jet engine.
But let's imagine that the development of the jet turbine was delayed — just for half a year.
Let's say, Frank Whittle was sick.
And Anselm Franz dropped the project.
What would that mean?
No Meteors, no Schwalbes.
What would the aircraft of the late war period look like then?
There is no "if" in history, of course.
But lucky for us, there is a completely legitimate way to take a peek into this kind of parallel reality.
We just have to look at what was happening in a country that didn't get jet engines until it was too late.
and which desperately needed any kind of upper hand in its bitter fight for air supremacy.
We're talking about Japan.
No jet engines?
Okay, then the Japanese had to come up with something else.
That's where the unusual designs like the J7W1 came into play.
On a conventional plane the part of the wing behind the propeller doesn't generate any
lift due to the turbulence created by the propeller.
This makes the aircraft less efficient…
Let's switch to a pusher configuration then, put the propeller in the back
so that our aircraft flies faster with an engine of equal power.
There are some disadvantages, of course: for example, it is considerably harder to land
or to take off on this kind of machine.
Most importantly, though, the J7W1 could even out
the odds in the desperate fight against American B-29s
so that was all worth it.
Not to mention that this aircraft could literally break a B-29 in half
with a barrage from itsfour nose-mounted 30mm cannons!
The engine was in the back, so nothing stopped the Japanese from going all-out
with forward-firing armaments.
To solve the problem with nosing over while landing or taking off
the J7W1 was outfitted with nose landing gear.
The cooling for a powerful engine was provided by long, narrow intakes on the side of the fuselage.
The engine itself drove a six-bladed propeller via an extension shaft.
In the future the conventional piston engine could be replaced with a gas turbine.
And then, who knows?
Maybe even retrofitted with a turbojet!
That's roughly how it went in the head of Lieutenant Commander Masayoshi Tsuruno,
a pilot and an engineer who came up with this idea in summer of 1942.
The Japanese military were suitably impressed,
and Kyushu Aircraft Company was asked to design a canard interceptor around Tsuruno's concept
the first plane of this type, called Shinden
Or Magnificent Lightning, was built in the spring of 1945.
Getting the machine in fully flight worthy condition proved difficult,
that's why the prototype took to the air only on the 3rd of August.
There were still some deficiencies: considerable flutter of the propeller blades,
vibration in the extended drive shaft…and, well, it was a very unusual bird to fly.
All of this, of course, could be dealt with.
But on the 6th of August Hiroshima happened.
In the early hours of the 9th of August Tsuruno was getting his plane ready for take-off,
when the sky in the south suddenly changed its colours.
For a split second it was white, as if there was a huge camera taking a photo with a flash on.
Sadly it was no camera.
The atomic blast of Nagasaki could be seen from the neighbouring prefectures.
The very same day the Soviet Union declared war on the Empire of Japan...and it was over.
Japan surrendered to the Allies, the world entered a new era.
And the door to the parallel dimension where there were no jet engines remained forever closed.
...get ready for the traditional last part of our show: Hotline!
Developers answering questions from the comments!..
The first question comes from a player called TheDataChip:
"With the recent confirmation of Tier VI tanks, can we expect to see some aircraft
of equal rank later on in the near future? (Lennyface)
Hello, mate! Let's put it this way:
you can expect quite a few new exciting planes coming into the game with the same update.
But all the things we said about our guidelines are still true.
RikDrink asks: "Will there ever be a new take on "mixed RB maps" like El Alamein or Tunisia, for example?
The idea is to make them into maps for air RB".
As we've already stated, we're working on some treats for the fans of air RB.
Please be patient with us and keep your eyes peeled!
Then there is a question from Anthony Lom:
"Hello, I have seen the new features of the 1.71 update.
When will it be possible to play this update?"
Hi, Anthony!
We can't give you an exact date yet, but quite soon. Vive la France!
And the last serious question comes from a player that goes by the name of Kodiak Express:
Errr… We're more into duels and Stichstock here at Durmstrang.
That's it for today but feel free to write your questions in the comments below.
We do read them all, and you might see some of them answered in the next episode!
If you like what we're doing, don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
See you on the Shooting Range!
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