Now you sound like you.
But you don't.
You're a spy, not a soldier.
Now you want to wade into a war. Why?
What did Loki do to you?
He didn't. I just...
I've been compromised.
I got red in my ledger.
I would like to wipe it out.
Was he married?
There was a cellist, I think.
I'm sorry.
He seemed like a good man.
He was an idiot.
Why? For believing?
For taking on Loki alone.
He was doing his job.
He was out of his league. He should have waited.
He should have...
Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony.
Right, I've heard that before.
Is this the first time you lost a soldier?
We are not soldiers.
I'm not marching to Fury's fife.
Neither am I.
He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does.
But right now, we got to put that behind us
and get this done.
Loki needs a power source.
If we can put together a list...
He made it personal.
That's not the point.
That is the point. That's Loki's point.
He hit us all right where we live. Why?
To tear us apart.
Yeah, divide and conquer is great
but he knows he has to take us out to win, right?
That's what he wants.
He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it.
He wants an audience.
Right. I caught his act in Stuttgart.
Yeah, that was just previews. This is opening night.
And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right?
He wants flowers, he wants parades.
He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered...
Son of a bitch.
Time to go.
- Go where? - I'll tell you on the way.
Can you fly one of those jets?
I can.
You got a suit?
Then suit up.
Hey, you guys aren't authorised to be in here.
Son, just don't.
Agent Hill.
Those cards,
they were in Coulson's locker, not in his jacket.
They needed the push.
We have an unauthorised departure from Bay 6.
They found him.
Get our communications back up, whatever you have to do.
- I want eyes on everything. - Yes, sir.
For more infomation >> The Avengers 'Reuniting & Suit Up' Scene | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
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Esha Deol's Dreamy Baby Shower Hosted By sister Ahana Deol | Ahana's Surprised Baby Shower For Esha
How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast | Acne Treatment - Duration: 2:42.
this lease removes tan acne and pimples Guava Leaves
Guava is rich in number of antioxidants
the amount of vitamin A in guava is five times more than an orange
and it contains more vitamin C than any other common fruits go beliefs makes
antioxidants make relief from the signs of premature skin aging like wrinkles
sagginess of skin and uneven skin tone it also works wonders on scars and marks
on the skin lightening them quickly so using Java and go believes in face pads
can be immensely beneficial for every skin type Java leaves and tomato face
pack to remove tan using a pack made with gova leaves and tomato every time
after getting back home from Sun can be very helpful to keep skin tanning at bay
check out the easy recipe to prepare it take six to eight Goa leaves and wash
them clean add half of a tomato with it and blend well together
apply the paste to enter your face and neck and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes
then slowly rub your face with the damp hands and finally wash off with plenty
of water go believes with the turmeric an impact
for acne and pimples go believes turmeric and neem mixture face pack can
be very helpful for people suffering with acne and also for the ones who are
prone to getting acne take 10 to 12 fresh Goa leaves and fresh neem leaves
in the same number wash them clean and soak in plain water overnight in the
morning remove the water and blend these soft and leaves to make a smooth paste
add 1 spoon of turmeric powder
now Mossad yo clean skin lightly with a prepared pack and then apply it all over
the face let it set for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash off with water and pat dry
use this NGO beliefs face packs regularly and say goodbye to pimples
acne & tan problems thank you for watching
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Learning Colors With Walking Surprise Eggs for Kids, Toddlers, Children and Babies - Duration: 1:37.
「閲覧注意」食事に誘われて、行ってみたらやばいことになった!I Was Invited To A Creepy Dinner! (Cooking with Dog) - Duration: 5:21.
Video: 2 more day os warm, dry weather 8/29/17 - Duration: 1:44.
Knotting a bag with the friendship bracelet technique: way to work - Duration: 14:02.
As you can see here I did the entire first row,
and this is not yet attached to eachother in the round.
This last yellow thread is not tied around another thread yet,
and this first purple thread is also not knotted around another thread,
in the end they are going to be knotted around eachother, just like these,
and when you do that this will come together,
and you will get a circle.
there are 2 reasons why I will not do that at this stage.
First of all: I wanted to have a bag to put some pencils in,
and if I'm going to fold this over, than no pen will fit in there.
So I will make another set of these threads.
But, my experience is also, that, when working in the round,
it is nicer to first have some 'body' here,
to first have done a bit, like here,
and that you will work on it in the round later.
It's just easier,
and experience has taught me it's going to look more neatly,
so that's what I'm going to do first
and I will also show you my way of working,
what I like to do.
The craftsteacher, tatting, weaving, crochet, knotting, knitting
Keep watching: I will show how to knot the green block the other way at the end
Okay, for this video I will leave the taking out of a part for later.
I will first show you how I approach my knotting work.
I like to do a block a time,
and I always want to use the workingthread,
that I'm making the knots with, as long as possible in one 'session'.
That just works the fastest.
You do have to pay attention when working in a circle
how you do this.
I will just take a part.
I'm going to take green for example.
The threads are in the correct starting position now,
I will take this piece,
remove the other threads
so we can focus on this.
Turning it a bit.
And we will just start with this green half block.
First we will do this knot and after that these 2,
then these 3 and then these 4.
Why I will do that? Because, here I can use 1 thread,
ok, it's just 1 knot here,
and here you can, with the same thread, because it goes all the way like this,
make 2 knots,
and that's what I will show you.
Okay, first knot.
That's this one.
It's going to be a light green knot,
and the threads are just simply going
from this side to this side
from left to right,
that's your first knot.
This thread here I will put to this side,
because I will use that in a moment.
Next you will make these two.
So from upper left to bottom right.
So you will take the next light green thread
and you're going to knot that around the next 2 dark green threads.
so this is the first
and this is the second.
Next you will make these, 1, 2, 3.
So you will take the next light green thread
and you will work around the next 3 dark green threads.
And, as you can see, look, I will take this light green thread now,
and I can just continue to work with it all the time,
so 1,
You know, this works so nicely,
it makes you to be able to work quickly.
Okay, last,
that's going to be 4 knots.
So 1,
- you can also see quite easily
around which threads you have to knot,
they are there just in the right order,
so that's nice -.
Okay, I'm going to do the same
- I will quickly finish this -
with light pink.
Here I will also make this triangle,
because it will get all your threads,
so you can make this block after that, because you will have all your threads,
all the light pink threads from here
and all the dark green threads, as you can see here,
they will be on the right spot.
You always have to look with each design:
what is handy? Just look closely to the design.
I will knot this as fast as I can.
Okay, light pink,
We will start again with 1 knot,
put this aside,
next light pink thread,
this is 1,
and 2,
almost there,
next light pink thread.
You can see how very simple this design actually is
I've done much more difficult things
with much more complicated designs,
and that's fun also,
but this is really relaxing
and a really easy design,
just nice to do.
Okay, 2
and then the last light pink.
and 4.
And, as you can see,
if you also take the design with it,
here you have the 4 green threads next to eachother
and the light pink threads next to eachother,
so, now you've done this part
and this part, and now you can start making this part.
You've worked to this side till now
with these upper parts,
and now you're going to work in the other direction,
because the dark green threads,
they come from the right side
and go to the left side.
So we will take this dark green thread
and now we're going to make 4 knots, making a diamond
around this light pink.
Well, as you can see, you really don't have to think about it.
This is 1,
Okay, next,
this has to stay here,
next dark green thread.
Well, you know,
you see how quickly this works,
how simple this actually is.
You know, it is quite some work to make a bag like this,
but with a desing like this....
well, you know, you can really sit comfortably with it,
watch some television if you would like that,
it is just relaxing.
Okay, third dark green thread.
I do try to pull these knots
quite tight,
don't pull too hard,
but what you do not want is that this gets apart,
it must come together as close as possible.
And, you know, when you're knotting regularly
you will get some kind of rhythm.
Okay, last one.
And then I think it will be clear to you.
You know, next you can do the same thing
by making the blue border first,
like here, and then do this part.
You can make the red border and this yellow one.
You do have to pay attention however,
the moment you get to the purple,
you have to remember
that you sometimes need to change direction.
Here for example, here on this border,
at the purple point
you have an orange thread entering here
and you see that this orange thread
leaves here.
This is just like what I showed you with the upper border row, how you can do this,
so please pay attention
look closely to the design
with this zigzag (I made a video for the zigzag!)
but for the rest, (I made a video for the zigzag!)
it is very simple. (I made a video for the zigzag!)
So watch these points,
at the zigzag, where to change from direction
and the rest will be just clear.
Have fun, and I will, when I will close this to a circle,
show you how I do this,
how to handle the upper border threads
turning it around once and a while, so I will show you that later in another video.
Okay, have fun!
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I just moved into 3G this month
I don't want to be pushy, but I was hoping you might have time to come over
...the leaky faucet
...I reported it....but it's really driving me nuts if you get a chance to look at it today
I'd appreciate it
Great! 3G...See you soon
Looks pretty old might need replacing
Naw, these things are built to last
...just needs a little tune up
I've got a bigger one if you need it
I'm's not funny...
maybe a little
I'm so sorry
Ah, no that's not necessary...
if you need anything else I'm right down the hall...
You sure...?
Hi I'm Arnold
....your handyman
...I hear you have a problem with your sink
So I met Arnold...our Handyman
Why didn't you tell me that you're not our handyman?
Well, you looked like you needed help
I'm a little embarrassed, so this is for you
Hope you like red
Oh I do, but you don't have to do that
No, please take it
My Mom gave it to me as a housewarming gift
Its no big deal...I don't even know
if it's any good
Why don't you come over tonight and we'll find out?
Oh no you don't have to
No...seriously we've got to welcome you to the building's the only way I am going to accept it
See you then
Hold up...
...much better
[snaps fingers]
Hey [manly voice]
Hey [breezy sounding]
You must be the new neighbor
The, um the handyman is running a little late tonight
...he's still in the shower
Yes, sorry about that
No, no, no don't worry about that
...we thought was hilarious
come on...come on in
Um...I actually just came by to apologize
...I have to go into work last minute emergency
Oh really? that's a shame
...maybe some other time
Yeah,, just tell him I'm sorry
I will
Who was at the door?
Yeah, um the neighbor...he can't make it tonight
...did he say why?
Apparently some work thing
So he has a boyfriend?
Yeah, I'm such an idiot
Don't blame yourself you had no way of knowing
Well, hello there!
Oh hey
I'm sorry you couldn't make it the other night
Yeah, I'm really sorry
So...I waited two nights
...I still haven't opened that bottle
...we haven't decided yet
...we might check out the roof
...we hear it has a really great view of the city
Oh, it does probably the best in the neighborhood
Sounds great...
...romantic even
Oh it's really romantic
Okay, well have a good night
Oh um....I hope my ex
....was well behaved the other night
....he has a terrible habit of just showing up
[message tone]
[knock on door]
No time like the present
How to save or download YouTube in gallery latest update - Duration: 2:24.
15 K-Drama Lines That Are Impossible To Erase From Your Mind - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 4:22.
15 K-Drama Lines That Are Impossible To Erase From Your Mind
You know that feeling when a character in a K-drama says a line thats so epic that it touches your soul deep within and you know youll never forget it? Its happened to the best of us.
There is obviously an endless number of K-dramas lines that are memorable and have been etched in our hearts, but heres a look at just 15 of those unforgettable lines (in no particular order). Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. Whether youre a man or an alien, I dont care anymore.. – Choi Han Kyul in Coffee Prince.
This line totally gave me the feels. Especially because it was at a point when Choi Han Kyul (Gong Yoo) couldnt control his feelings for Go Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye) any more. You belong to me..
– Wang So (Lee Joon Gi) in Scarlet Heart: Goryeo. Are you re-living the pain and anguish that was this drama? Same. You need to hurry and end that one-sided love.. – Ahn Min Hyuk in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.
When Ahn Min Hyuk (Park Hyung Sik) made his love for Do Bong Soon (Park Bo Young) known, he made sure to to let her know that she should get over her crush so that he can hurry up and love her.
This line could melt the coldest of hearts. The bad thing was not the traffic light, not the timing. It was my countless hesitations..
I hate to bring this up again because it pains me to do so, but we cant forget about Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol) and his painstaking realization that he missed his chance with Deok Sun (Hyeri).
On the bright side, the two actors recently confirmed their dating relationship!. Im going to try it once.
– Lee Young in Moonlight Drawn by Clouds. When the Prince (Park Bo Gum) realizes that he desperately wants to be with Hong Ra On (Kim Yoo Jung), he confesses to her despite knowing its not allowed.
That heart-stopping confession followed by that kiss is one that is definitely memorable. – Kim Bok Joo in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.
This line was even trending on Twitter at one point. The adorable Kim Bok Joo (Lee Sung Kyung) uses this line to try and flirt her way into the heart of her big crush. Afterall, ever guy loves soccer, right?.
– Baek In Ho in Cheese in the Trap.
Its hard for me to say this line without waving my hands around like Seo Kang Joon did in Cheese in the Trap. It was an endearing nickname for his crush and first love, Hong Seol (Kim Go Eun).
Should I apologize… or should I confess to you?. – Yoo Shi Jin in Descendants of the Sun.
We can all guess that these lines said by Song Joong Ki (Captain Yoo Shi Jin) to Song Hye Kyo (Kang Mo Yeon) were probably genuine and real. Excuse me while I weep.
A girl who moves like a flower petal, is pulling me towards her with more force than her mass.. – Kim Shin in Goblin.
Lets face it, there are about a hundred lines in this K-drama that are memorable or have touched us in different ways. This epic one in particularly was when Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) realized what true love was.
If youre handsome, youre my oppa.. – An Yo Na in Kill Me Heal Me. Pretty much everything An Yo Na (Ji Sung) said was memorable, not to mention hilarious. Since what age were you so pretty?.
– Kim Joo Won in Secret Garden. This line has been recited in a countless number of parodies over the years. It was an adorable moment shared by Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin) and Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won).
In 3 seconds, I fell in love.. – Seo In Ha in Love Rain. This heart-stopping line was said by Jang Geun Suks 1970s character, Seo In Ha.
– Park Tae Soo in Sandglass. When Park Tae Soo (Choi Min Soo) is waiting to be put to death, his best friend, Kang Woo Seok (Park Sang Won), is by his side.
Woo Seok leans into his best friend and its at that moment where Tae Soo whispers this classic line that people who watched this drama will never forget.
– Cha Song Joo in Stairway to Heaven. If youre a K-drama lover, you probably watched this drama and loved it. There was nothing that could tear Cha Song Joo (Kwon Sang Woo) and Hang Jung Seo (Choi Ji Woo) apart!.
How much do you want? How much will it cost?. – Han Tae Suk in Autumn in My Heart.
If just seeing Won Bin wasnt enough to make you swoon, his many romantic lines from this drama will definitely send you over the top. This particular scene where he said this line was one of most popular moments in the series!.
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