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Use a socket №19
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How To Shave Your Bikini Area Properly | Shave bikini area - Duration: 5:12.
how to properly shave your bikini area
good grooming habits let you avoid that embarrassing side of pubic hair
peeking out of skimpy outfits and bikinis and they earn you the approval of your partner
as well however there's the question of how to properly
shave your bikini area with various sources, recommending differing
opinions on the matter, to end this speculation, follow these step by step detailed set of
1, get a new razor or razor blade.
particularly those with protective features like cushions, moisturizing strips or micro
fins. also since you will be working on a delicate area, that's not exactly flat and
taut. choose a razor with multiple blades, and a pivoting head.
the straight ones are likely to cause Nicks and cuts.
remember to sterilize the razor first before using,
2, pick the right kind of shaving cream, as you're not supposed to use the one, you apply
on your face or legs on your genital area, which is more sensitive than most parts of
your body, you can also use hair conditioner, but never soap in lieu of shaving cream.
start by wetting the bikini area with warm water to soften the pubic hair
you can opt to schedule your down there defussing in the middle of your shower session, as exposing
your skin, to warm water for 5 to 10 minutes relaxes the follicles, and makes them yield
easier to the blade,
4, have a small bowl of warm water ready and placed near you,
this is what you will dip your razor into, to rinse out trapped hair in between shaves,
5, if your pubic hair is long, trim it first with clippers that come with a guard.
so, you avoid cutting yourself, for added protection, you can use a small fine-tooth
comb, place it flat against your skin, run it through the pubic hair, and clip out strands
above it.
the less hair left, the easier shaving will be.
scrub the area with a mild exfoliator to remove dead skin,
so you get a closer cleaner shave, you can use exfoliating body washes, or a washcloth
for this purpose,
7, apply a pre shaving oil so you prevent irritation, and razor burns,
and allow the blade to glide smoothly as you shave.
apply shaving cream, and don't be afraid to lay it on, thick leave it on for a couple
of minutes.
to let it prepare the hair, if you're using a brush to apply the cream work it in circular
motions, to help lift the hair, so.
you get a closer shave,.
prop your leg on the side of your tub, stall or toilet bowl pull the skin back with
your free hand, so, it's taut and start shaving in the same direction as the hair growth,
to prevent razor burns, or ingrown strands, then to ensure a clean shave, run the razor
over the same area in the opposite direction, and if there's still hair left, shave once
more in the direction of the hair growth, make sure you don't apply pressure.
you won't have to , if your razoris new by the way, avoid going over the same area too
many times,
10, you can dip the razor in the warm water in between shaves to prevent clogging,
11, repeat the same process in step 9 on the other areas along your bikini line ( 9 wali
12, when you're finished wash the area clean with warm water then pat dry, part of how
to properly shave your bikini area is moisturizing the shaved portions with aloe vera gel, or
some other light moisturizer to soothe the skin,
don't wear underwear for the next few hours to prevent irritation due to the friction,
caused by the undergarment. after shaving your bikini area.
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