Hi this is vijaya & welcome to vijaya's recipes.
Today we'll make Ganesh Chaturthi special an another recipe of Modak i.e "Chocolate Modak".
Which is very easy to make, very tasty and especially kids relish it very much.
So let's make "Chocolate Modak"
To make Chocolate Modak we've taken 200 gm Dark Chocolate/Dark Compound
200 gm White Chocolate/White Compound
200 gm Milk Chocolate
Cashew Nuts Powder, Here we have roasted Almonds & having 1/2 Cup Almonds Powder
1/4 Cup Raisins, 2 tbsp Condensed Milk
2 tbsp Powdered Sugar, 2 tbsp Coconut Powder
1/2 Cup Milk & 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder
So let's make Chocolate Modak
Turn on the flame and add water into the vessel
Allow the water to boil meanwhile we'll prepare filling for Chocolate Modak
Taking 2 tbsp Condensed Milk in a big mixing bowl
Adding Powdered Sugar
Mix it well
Adding Milk
Cardamom Powder
Coconut Powder
Mix it well
Cashew Nut Powder
Roasted Almond Powder
Mix it well
Adding Raisins to the mixture
Now we'll prepare small balls of this mixture
Grease the palm with pinch of Clarified Butter
Here we've prepared all the balls & now we'll melt the chocolate
Water is boiled now we'll put another vessel on its top to melt the chocolate
Adding Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate is melt, now we'll add White Chocolate in it
White Chocolate is also melt, now we'll add Milk Chocolate in it
Chocolate is melt, turn off the flame and let this mixture to get cool down
Our Chocolate mixture is cool down, now we'll fill this into our Modak's mould.
We'll fill the Chocolate mixture in these Modak Moulds.
We've filled the moulds half with chocolate mixture
Now we'll deep freeze it for 20 mins
After 20 mins we've taken out the mould from deep freezer
Now we'll place 1 dry fruit ball in each mould
Back again we'll pour Chocolate Mixture in the moulds and will deep freeze it for 30 mins
Here we've fill the Modak Mould with Chocolate Mixture & now we'll deep freeze it for 30 mins
After 30 mins of deep freezing, our Chocolate Modaks are ready.
If you like our today's recipe, then do try this.
We've given detailed method of preparation and ingredients .
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For more infomation >> CHOCOLATE MODAK RECIPE- GANESH CHATURTHI SPECIAL CHOCOLATE MODAK II चॉकलेट मोदक II BY VIJAYALAKSHMI - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
씰: 뉴 월드 CBT 플레이영상 모바일 RPG 게임 - Duration: 8:09.
Pratikar | প্রতিকার | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Victor - Duration: 2:28:59.
Good morning, Father!
Are you going to the school?
Did you have breakfast?
I'll eat at Shankar's place.
I often hear that you
So, what does your
..that you don't like the
I don't like the egg curry!
Madhu Aunty's Puri Halwa
It's exactly like mother used
It's been one year
Rajeeb's life's emptiness has somewhat
But how do I fulfil your absence in
That's the effort
Oh! Abinash! Come in.
A very special courtesan
We are arranging a
You might not be my own brother
And that's exactly why I have
..and living without a worry.
Sir, I need some cash
What's this Bhuvan?
Are you getting a blank
I don't know exactly
I didn't want to disturb
No, but still, I really don't
It's okay!
Are you guys going to cheat me?
Here you go.
Madhu Aunty! Please give me
Hey! What are you doing?
Oh so the great Sir finally
Because of you, Mother
She said "let Raju come and
Hey! Don't call me spoilt brat.
Good that I called you that.
Spoilt brat!
And you are a witch!
You breed fish so that
And now you're even laughing
Mother! Look Raju
He did a good thing.
Why are you always after his life?
Aunty, just give
Okay, I'll do that.
But what took you so long Son?
Good! Are you happy now?
Aunty do you know, today
As soon as he saw me,
Oh! So have you already eaten?
Of course not! I am very hungry.
I didn't even have
Oh God! What's that? Why?
I was really missing mother
Sometimes I really
Oh Son! Don't be disheartened!
Does anyone's mother live forever?
Whenever you miss your mother,
I don't call you spoilt brat,
Look, Mother is even feeding
She never does that for us.
Why are guys so jealous?
You're right! I only get to
You always stay with
But because of you, we're sick..
..and tired of eating Luchi
Look Aunty!
..now even Shankar is
Okay! If I am a spoilt brat,
Rotten Brute?
Shut up witch!
Oh God! Your fight
Come on, finish your meal fast.
Because of you all,
You are a teacher.
If you come late, no one's going to
The courtesan sang really well.
The lyrics were
"You people buy music with money,
What do you have?
The next song was also beautiful.
"I am just a bouquet of fake
Hey Brother!
I took you to the beautiful
Gave you so much entertainment,
Of course I will!
Wait. You keep this watch.
Sir, wouldn't you give me anything?
What? Kalighat's Beggar!
Here, whatever I have in my pocket,
Take this Jasmine necklace as well.
"I am just a bouquet of.."
You would wake up late, so I was
Only if you don't mind.
What are you saying! Give it to me.
Father, don't sign it!
What's happening
Father is not his senses,
Not in senses? Am I a drunkard?
Oh God! You are calling
What are you? This one
I am saying what's true!
Speaking the truth?
You could say this on my face,
I'll teach you a lesson
I'm going to finish you today..
Leave him brother.
He is calling me a drunkard!
You are tired.
I know how straighten
He called me a drunkard!
He called me a drunkard!
Oh! Spoilt Brat! You!
Hey Raju! You're here!
What's this?
With this much fever you...
Yesterday father beat me,
He got drunk and beat me.
Slept well Son?
The fever is still there Mother!
Oh yes! That's right! Shankar
Oh no! I completely forgot
Brother you can't do one
Let it be. You don't
Whatever needs to be done,
Let me tie this amulet first.
I went to Kalighat to pray for you.
I had a silver amulet.
I put Goddesses'
Always keep it with you.
Then you'll see, nothing
No harm will come to you.
Hold on! This has the
First touch it to his forehead
How did you come to
Just like old people!
It is my fault.
"There once was a great queen.."
"..who lived in a tiny hut."
"She spent her days
"..come hail or high water."
"The day the emperor
"..to fend for herself."
"He never came back,
"The empty house reminds
"The hunger and pain doesn't
"There once was a great queen
"She spent her days selling cow dung
"Apart from her darling child."
"What does a mother have."
"Looking at her child's face."
"A mother lives peacefully."
"The innocent smile on a little face."
"Is a salve for a mother's heart."
"Which she embraces
"There once was a great queen,
"She spent her days selling cow dung
I've come from
Today early in the morning
What happened to Mr.
What happened?
Sir, master passed away early in
What are you saying?
Oh Ramu uncle! Why are you here?
I don't want to go,
My fever hasn't come down
..I have to stay here
I don't want to go.
Raju, listen to me son.
You have to go to
No Madhu aunty. I will not go home.
My fever hasn't come down.
Come on get up.
I have taken off the amulet.
My fever hasn't come down yet.
I cannot go home,
Madhu aunty I cannot go home.
I don't want to go home.
Young master,
..how will master's
You have to do the last rituals.
Master is no more.
Brothers house business property
He had debts everywhere.
And there is no money
I have no idea how this happened.
I know aunty everything has been
That's pretty apparent but
So nothing can be done about it.
That's why I want
His uncle has wanted for
..and lives with us
But he is no more. So...
I'll live here with Madhu aunty.
No my son,
..you'll be very happy with them.
I cannot raise you lime them.
When will I meet
I have no idea.
Don't worry, I'll often come running
You make it sound
Then you can always go there.
You are an idiot!
You are calling me a witch
Aren't you ashamed?
Alright, I'll never say this again.
You guys stay well.
Rotten Brute,
..don't be naughty otherwise you'll
I have packed Halwa Puri for you.
Please have it in the train.
Let it be my son,
Raju we'll have to leave now.
Its time to catch the train.
Hey Shankar, where is your mother?
Oh Sarkar uncle, mother hasn't
Yes I understand that but..
..you guys were supposed to vacate this
Vacate the house, why?
How can I make you understand?
This house will be broken down
Hey you guys go inside and
And just throw it away.
What are you doing Mr. Santosh?
What did you mean by what is this?
I know. But I've been living
So now there's nothing
You people you've seen this place.
You can come down here tomorrow
I dint want to be in this mess.
You don't have to
I've already made
Its much smaller than this but still
Mother, please love me.
No mother please pamper me more.
Why only the witch mother?
Oh my goodness! I am done with it!
All you guys ask for
..and that has turned
All the daily chores
I also have to go for the tuitions.
Sandhya get up darling,
Today is a holiday.
Holiday? What holiday?
Yesterday our principal's
That's why.
Principal's pet don had babies
Oh you naughty girl.
You don't want
You just want to sleep
Hey Shankar, you had an interview
There's no point
Why how do you
Because I do not have anyone's
Well said brother.
You don't have to go anywhere.
This girl is the
Absolutely right!
That's why I said,
Then you wouldn't have had
As if I completed my MA
..and offer me the
You have any idea how many
Moreover you expect,
The you keep on waiting.
Why, why are you saying that?
You want me to tell you?
Wait I will tell you.
I'll have to go a little
Somehow you managed to
..but you cannot do that in MA.
Did you understand?
I'll tell you what I understood.
Hey give me a pack of cigarettes.
Brother Ratan, you already
You scoundrel.
Hey listen here, boss didn't
He asked for cigarettes.
Give him a packet of cigarettes.
Don't worry about the account,
When the account book is finished,
How long do I have to write?
Till the time you live.
Don't worry, we'll burn all
Well save some money by doing that.
Montu, just get
Boss shall I get biscuits as well?
Go ahead get it!
Okay I'll get it.
God, it doesn't even come out!
Its very hard to survive in
..Ratan, Montu and Bhombhol.
Its no use talking to the police..
..the police is sold
Don't worry you don't
If they come to know it
Leave me.
Hey witch!
What darling?
Will you get late for the college
I didn't have much
Otherwise you can carry on.
No its okay.
Hey, why don't you also have tea?
Okay tell him.
Brother Nitai, please give
Please sit down
Do you know brother?
Whenever you call me witch
Once you're out of sight,
He hasn't written a single
Even mother says the same.
We have shifted the house maybe
We don't even know his Delhi address
there are so many letters
Brother Nitai,
This tea was made for
Did you add anything
Any kind of flower nectar?
No he just added the nectar
There are three more
Till then I'll add the
..and present it
There you go.
Lets go brother,
Darling why wouldn't
Bhombhol, mind your language!
Why would I mind my language?
You go and mind your own business.
Brother, just because
You take the liberty to do anything
Who's going to say
has anyone in this neighborhood
My darling Sandhya.
Stop it!
How dare you touch me, Shankar?
Lets go brother,
What are you going
Are you going to say, Ratan was
Boss is awesome.
Bloody cheap roadside rascals.
Go to the police station.
Our humorous police officer in-charge
..so what if he touched you?
He's the boy from the same neighborhood,
He didn't do anything else?
Oh these are colony boys!
They just teased you a little!
Just pulled your cheeks a little,
What is there to
Do you call this joke and teasing?
They beat me up!
I am bleeding from my lips.
Of course I can.
But this happened because of
Is there any witness in the colony?
And because of this you're
I know what I have to do.
You don't have to teach me.
I'll look into it later.
Lets go brother!
Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me, leave me alone!
Leave me.
Shashibhushan's daughter Ramona.
Ratan and his men...
What is this Ratan? Why have you
Aunty, please save me.
What kind of monstrosity is this?
What are you guys doing?
I will go to the police station.
If you go to the police station
..then we'll take away your daughter
By the way she
Now get lost from here!
Please leave me please let me go!
Did we bring you
Please leave me.
You are my little birdie!
Please leave me.
Sir please save me.
Please help me.
Please save me from these goons!
Please save me from these goons!
If the lord wishes, he'll save you and
What's her name?
Please save me please help me!
I am getting married next month.
I have grown so old
Why the hell are you getting
What are you guys laughing at?
Tell me why are you
Its my parents' wish.
What utterly useless and
Please save me, please save me.
Hey don't touch me!
Hold on let me sprinkle
Because you're inauspicious.
Those guys have grabbed
You've become unworthy.
Hold on let me sprinkle
This will make you pious again.
I feel dirty myself.
Why are you all laughing again?
Did you hear that?
My worship isn't even complete and
Get lost from here! Rama
Let's go
First I'll do the prayer..
..give my offerings..
..and then distribute
These rascals are already
You know for you I've been...
No, let me go!
Come with me.
I said come with me!
If you don't come with me
Who the hell is knocking at
What happened Dulal?
Brother Shankar..
..we were not able to find
..since last night we found
Her dead body was lying
Her dead body was lying
Have you filed an
Yes I did. They came
A lot of people think this
Because he was seen
Mother she was my college friend.
Yesterday I chatted
No don't cry.
There's no evidence, no witness tats
How did this happen
She was supposed to
Brother Shankar,
..we'll take Roma
You'll come with us right?
Of course I will.
I'll definitely come with you.
You go on I'll just come.
How did all of this start mother?
Not even a single person wants
He kidnapped a girl right
..and nobody saw
Sandhya please get
Shankar what I was
You know brother,
They're not saying
Why do you have to get
What are you saying mother?
Today Mr. Shashibhushan's
..what if tomorrow Sandhya...
Just shut up!
If you have the guts,
..and find a resolution
We thought of drowning
..that's why we took it there.
All of a sudden some
..and that's why we had
You just deal with duplicate
That's easier to deal with.
But these things, spread far away.
Tell Mr. Abinash a lot
..there's a lot of expenditure..
..otherwise the
Oh you'll get your
Just go there and stand properly,
Okay, hold on.
You just don't worry
Abinash sir is a very generous
You have nothing to worry about.
The worry is about other things.
What other things?
First of all it's a rape case and
..and then you leave
What are you going
Tell me that teacher Madhuri
You don't have to worry
I have scared her so much that she's going
Even if she dies,
Take Lord Hari name.
Take Lord Hari name.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Aunty please save me aunty.
Everything in this
Oh so the teacher is here!
Hey old lady you've come
You have that much gumption?
Then I think its time
No I am not here to
I came here for no reason.
I am going now.
This old lady doesn't
Hey boss!
Yes I can see that.
No, no.
Her right legs bones
We have to amputate
Oh my god brother!
Please come with me
Please come.
You sit here, ill be right back.
The operation has been completed.
There's nothing to worry about..
..but as soon as she regains her
You'll have to take care of that.
And you'll have to give
Of course doctor,
Please Sandhya..
..if you break down like this then
My darling sister please don't cry.
I cant do this brother.
I cant go in front
When mother comes
..that her right leg
..how find this happen brother?
What happened to us?
Shankar, Sandhya are you guys well?
Why are you standing so far,
Sandhya, why are you
Shankar why do you look so dull?
You don't eat properly, right?
Come closer to me.
I am alright.
Mother please don't talk that much.
A car just ran over my right
Why can't I feel
Mother listen to me,
Brother Paresh told me that.
I can't move my right leg.
You don't worry about that mother.
I'll definitely get a job.
You don't have to
Doctor, nurse where is my leg.
My leg! What happened?
How did this happen?
Mother, listen to me.
This means my right leg is...
Mother please listen to me.
Please don't cry.
I am their mother.
Mother please don't cry.
Please listen to us. don't cry.
Mother please don't cry.
I've become a burden..
..I've become a burden for
Instead of living like this,
Mother don't say this.
Mother I promise you
Definitely. I'll do anything.
I'll do anything.
On no! What kind
You're an educated is that?
I don't want to starve
For so long our mother has
Whatever savings we had
Now sitting idle is not an option.
That's why...
I have had a word with my boss.
I think something can be arranged..
..and listen why don't
No brother Paresh.
If you once get
...I'll never be able
..and I don't want
Please don't mind.
What old lady?
You have taken
Take the other one as well.
Finish the circle,
We'll definitely do that..
..if you ever step your foot
Just remember this and along
That's the only reason
Just wait, let me take
..and after that even
..I'll drag myself to Lal Bazaar to
This old lady's
I can see that.
So she's going to hang me!
How dare she? We'll see.
What kind of storm is this even
Shankar left so early in
Brother is trying
You'll see he'll
I don't know what
Whatever was our savings..
..every single penny has
After this...
Why are you getting upset mother?
Some or the other arrangement
You sit here and I'll
Till that time,
My lovely mother.
What did you drop?
Hey Sandhya?
What is this?
Go break everything,
You here.
That means, Sandhya!
Come, come on.
Please give it.
Poresh da.
He has not yet returned. Lets go.
O sit down!
He might have been
What is the time?
Quarter to 10.
Oh! Mother would be very worried.
Hey, go.
She was troubling a lot,
Good job!
Shall I go now.
Let Montu leave, then you go.
Drink, come on drink!
I don't require that
Only on Paresh sir's
For the time being you'll
Looking at your work
Alright sir! Thank you so much.
In that case I will
Yes definitely. From 9 in
Yes, I have already
You have kept my word.
Thank you for that
Okay, I am leaving.
That woman is not moving at all.
She is very cold.
No, can't even feel the pulse.
You evil!
You pathetic woman.
Come on lets go and
Let's go.
You don't bother at all.
Sandhya! I got the job!
Mother, what happened?
Where is Sandhya? What happened?
Shankar, that evil men had come.
What are you saying mother?
They had kidnapped me
And today when Sandhya
Shankar! Shankar! You need to find
Don't leave those evil men.
Give me your word,
Yes, I give you my word.
"There once was a great queen,
'Shankar, give me your word that
'You will punish them
'Give me your word,
'Give me your word,
We enjoyed a lot!
Bye, bye.
Oh that way, that way.
Leave me!
Can I speak to Dinanath sir?
I have finished
The other 2 also won't get away.
You will also not
Hello, hello.
This is terrible!
Another rebel has been born today.
Amar is dead.
Now these will also die.
No, what are we going
Who's going arrange girls for us?
Do not say things like these.
Change your names and
...and handle the transportation
Here, take this money.
Look, brother.
If by any chance.
You find an attractive
Don't just go ahead, gobble her up.
Remember this elder
Don't worry.
You'll get the reward.
That's okay. Go now. Go, hurry.
The way you are, you have
I just don't understand.
Hello, Abinash Sir.
Who's it? Dinanath Sir?
Tell me. What's going on?
I wanted to talk to you
Something private.
Of course, you mean money.
What have you got to
For so long,
I'll still do it.
But this time the
Because the headquarters
That boy's file will disappear but
At least 25,000 Rs.
25,000 Rs? Do you think
I have given you
I would have done
But I have come to realize that
There is a new officer reporting in
So you don't have
Whether you take care of my boys'
I've already taken care
So it's not even possible for the
Still I'll take pity on you, you get it?
But not 25,000 Rs.
Remove the files before
There's no need to raise problems.
Within half an hour, my man
Good bye.
My name is Rajib Chowdhury.
Yes Sir.
It's written here Sir.
But isn't your arm aching Mr.
Have you also forgotten
That too without your cap?
Just let it be.
When you have already forgotten..
..the rules, duties and
..then what's the use
No Sir! Please don't
I'll die!
I have a huge family!
I have a huge household!
Because of irresponsible,
..how many beautiful households
Madhu Aunty, Shankar...
Who called you?
I don't know Sir.
Trust me.
Who called me,
I was very surprised
Yes, really surprised.
But as soon as the money arrives,
..it will be proven whom
And all your deeds
No one will go out of the station.
Do your own work.
What's your name?
I'm Sub Inspector Chatterjee.
Mr. Chatterjee,
I need to talk to him.
Why are still standing?
I'm not going to take
Sir! Please forgive me Sir!
Till the time those 5000 Rs reach here,
As a prisoner of
Sit down I said!
Yes Sir. Yes.
Here Sir, please talk.
Hello! Good morning Sir!
This is Rajib Chowdhury
Yes , whatever I told you.
Exactly the same.
You come here once Sir.
You'll come to know
Sir, a man came and
Where is the man?
He's in there Sir.
In there?
Where's the man?
He was right here Sir!
How did he come?
Did you note the number of the car?
No Sir!
Damn it!
Is it a Police Station!
Open the envelope.
Open it!
Mr. Chatterjee, please check.
Here Sir.
Here Sir.
Sir, this the money which
..to remove Madhuri Devi's
Tell me, Mr. Dinanath.
What do you have
It's very shameful.
A seasoned police officer
You are unworthy of pardon.
It really is very shameful.
To get me in trouble, Mr.
I never thought about that.
What does it mean?
What do you want to say?
Sir, Mr. Rajib kept
..and trying to defame me.
He's trying to take away my job.
Alas! Mr. Rajib.
Really Mr. Rajib, I must
But, I also have
Just by turning on
..every conversation
..yours and mine has been recorded.
Here, listen to this.
That boy's file will disappear but
25,000 Rs?
Do you think my
Within half an hour, my man
No Sir! Please don't
I'll die! I have a huge family!
Because you are involved in
..and for taking bribe,
Well done Mr. Rajib Chowdhury.
From today you are the officer
Thank you Sir.
What are you saying Bhuvan?
If the new officer's name
Yes, he is the son of Late.
Oh my goodness!
The way he caught
..looks like my darling nephew has turned
Thank God I didn't ask Billu to give
..and instead asked him
Thankfully, this time I escaped.
Only this time.
What happens after this?
Looks like you are pretty scared!
Shouldn't I be?
Madhuri Banerjee was the mother of
Rajib's Madhu Aunty.
you know very well that I
You shouldn't have given
But last I heard, Madhuri
Yes, she did.
But after Rajib went to Delhi,
What do we do now?
Count the stars in the sky.
Yes, that's exactly
Sit quiet for a while.
We'll just have to wait and watch,
What the hell! Rajib Chowdhury on one side
Do you know Ratan
No Sir, I don't.
Listen! If anyone creates trouble in the
Come on, get out of here. Get out!
I beg you son. Don't do this to me.
Don't throw my
I swear,
Please try and remember.
What's this noise about brother?
Nothing new.
It happens quite
What does that mean?
This Narayan Basti's owner,
Dharm Prasad's goons, whenever they
Sometimes they say two months' rent
They do whatever they want.
If you cry, they beat you.
Why are you beating my mother?
Aren't you ashamed
We have already paid
You still won't listen.
Okay, I'll pay you
You can take another
Leave me.
It's okay,
Just come with us once.
You'll be back by morning. Come on.
Leave my daughter alone.
Please leave my daughter.
I beg you.
If you are so crazy about girls..
..go where you can get
Why are you after
Hey Madna!
You've been beaten senseless so many
You belong to a different religion.
Why are you so sympathetic
I don't bother about
My Muslim mother gave birth to me.
But I was given another life during
Listen carefully, till the time I'm alive,
What will you do?
You are even paralyzed
Hey! This one hand of mine is
Kill that rascal!
Is there no man here? My poor Rahim
He'll die.
So you want to act the hero!
Who the hell are you?
What will you do with my name?
Driving evil scoundrels
Darling! Have you come on behalf
Oh no! he's Krishna himself,
as the savior of Kaliyug.
You're absolutely right.
To send you packing,
You're talking way too much!
Really brother!
You really are a messiah!
How do I explain this to you?
To protect us.
Please come.
Pease come.
Sit down here.
Son, are you hurt?
Where do live? What's your name?
I have lost everything.
I don't have any identity.
Neither do I have any abode,
All is over for me.
No, that can't be.
If one end of a river faces destruction,
Nothing is completely destroyed.
If you say, you don't have anything to
If you stay here,
Why are you all quiet? Speak
Yes, you must stay here.
Yes, you must stay here.
Yes, you must stay here.
Messiah, do you want to have tea?
Oh Nupur!
Just bring a cup of tea
Now, this is a surprise!
You couldn't find a
How did such a
Who were involved in this?
You couldn't find out anything?
Sir, the residents of
..it might be the doing
Who's Ratan Ghosh?
Ratan Ghosh is this
Rantan Ghosh was...
Who was Ratan Ghosh's boss?
No Sir.
Have you ever seen
No sir.
We've never come face to face.
You didn't find any
No Sir.
Okay, you the possessions of
Because the landlord
And if you find the rotten brute...
I mean Shankar Banerjee,
'Dear Spoilt Brat, ever since you're
'Hope you didn't have fever again.'
'We're doing well.'
'How are you?'
'Whenever mother cooks breakfast,
'How's everyone in Delhi?
'Take my regards,
Sir, we found Sandhya Banerjee's
And Sir, according to the postmortem,
Stop it.
"Apart from her darling child,
"Looking at her child's face,
"The innocent smile on a little face,
Mr. Chaterjee?
..please wrap this semolina
To be honest, I get really
You know what's really sad Purabi?
Madhu Aunty and Sandhya went away,
They didn't even get to know,
They shifted their house and that's
What could you have done?
No Purabi, this sweet dish is
You're just too much.
Do you think, getting semolina
..would actually turn
It's all in the hands that cook.
Had I met her,
I really like it father.
Yes, because you never
That's why you say this.
And because of this sweet dish..
..the rotten brute and the evil
Oh my goodness!
What kind of name is that?
Who are they father?
They are Madhu Aunty's children.
My brother and sister.
And do you know
Spoilt Brat! Awesome name!
Naughty boy!
Okay, father.
Where are they? My Evil witch
And your Aunty?
They are no more Son.
Purabi, I couldn't save them
Don't be upset.
What could you do?
Have your food, my darling!
Find Brother Shankar
I will.
I definitely will.
After losing everything, I don't know
What are looking at man?
Do you know Ratan
Who's that?
Just answer my question.
Go ask your father!
Where are you going?
No where.
Just like that.
Where would you go?
Let's chat.
So, tell me brother, how do find
It's good.
Really nice.
Brother Rahim,
Thank me? Why Brother?
You let me live in
Oh Please! Just let it be.
Hey Biju! Go get two
And tell him to give
Okay, Brother Rahim! Repairing
What are you saying?
You brought those monstrous
..and you think you can't
Just land a couple of punches
Hey Brother Rahim! Can
It's giving me trouble
I had to push it, in order to start
Open the bonnet.
Boss abused me so much.
Abused you?
How does it matter
What's the point of getting angry?
You know brother Rahim.
Some kind of trouble brewed
Something to do with Police raids.
So Mr. Bhuvan boarded the car to
That day he took the other
Okay, start the car.
Okay, Brother Rahim
As it is, your two months
I'll ask Sir to send it to you.
Don't worry.
I am going.
If you earn money by wrong means, you'll
What's new in that?
Do you know who are Mr. Abinash
Of course I know. I know very well.
Who doesn't know Mr. Abinash?
Duplicate alcohol, smuggling, and then
One of them died the other day.
Oh yes, Bhombal.
Do you know where
Yes, in Gariya.
He has built a huge mansion there.
What happened? Hey! Listen!
Who are you looking for?
Your boss Abinash Sen.
Who are you?
Wake him up.
Tell him it's time to wake up.
What should I tell
Tell him, Sir your Daddy is here.
Go wake him up or else
Sir, your daddy is here!
What? Rascal, you couldn't
I am speaking the truth Sir.
He's calling you.
If you don't go, I'm dead.
What? What's wrong with the guard?
He lets anyone in.
is it the police?
No Sir.
It's a young man.
Looks like a goon.
He has a stubble
Why? Why bloodshot eyes?
That's when he said,
Shut up!
Who are you?
What's this? What have you done?
All these things belong to Rajib
If he couldn't enjoy this luxury,
Who are you? What's your name?
What will you do with
Where are Ratan
Who? Who's Ratan Ghosh?
I can't tolerate fumbling.
Speak clearly you scoundrel!
Where are Ratan
Why are you abusing me?
The truth is, I don't know
Then who gave them the Jeep?
The Jeep? Oh yes,
But after that...
Where are they now?
Are you Shankar Banerjee?
Just answer my question.
Where are they?
I told you, I don't know.
They used to work for
You are right, they are notorious.
Can you please take away the knife?
Tell me honestly.
Where are they?
I am telling you the truth.
Don't belittle the Goddess,
Again! You are abusing me again!
I don't know where they are.
Will you get to know their
Please take away this knife.
I'll find them and
At least tell me your name.
So that you can file a complaint against
It's of no use.
Because you don't have any proof.
Do you understand, you rascal?
So you abused me even
Janardan! Hey Janardan!
Yes Sir!
What "yes Sir"? You just stood there
Get lost!
Sir, can I say something?
He really is your Daddy!
Shut up, you fool! Oh my God!
Whose name is Messiah?
There is a new guy
Neighborhood's very own Robin Hood.
He's encouraging everybody
My men went there to collect
You know sir, I had an empty
You provide Mr. Chatterjee
..and I'll look into it.
Thank you very much sir.
I'll send some yogurt
What does that mean?
Actually, what I'm trying
..really loved having
Yes sir.
Mr. Chatterjee, do you
..after having yogurt
No sir I mean...
Doesn't the government
This gentleman wants
Make sure you don't
Take him away.
Lets go.
I said lets go.
Navarun Basty.
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Holi, Holi,
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"It's spring time, come everyone."
"Let's play holi."
"New colours, new season."
"Let's get immersed in it."
"It's spring time,
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, Holi,
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Holi, Holi,
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"The spring time
"It never felt so good ever before."
"Love has blossomed
"Fill my heart today with
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, Holi,
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"I have a wish to play
"Even my steps are faltering today."
"I have a wish to play
"Even my steps are faltering today."
"The red colour of the vermillion
"Let these colours fill
"Don't make a mess out
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Even amidst so many colours,
"My eyes see no colours,
"The wish to play with colours,
"Where are the coloured
"My heart doesn't desire anything
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats!"
"Create a raucous."
"Holi, Holi, Holi."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Holi, Holi Holi, Holi, oh this Holi."
"Everyone, play the beats."
"Create a raucous."
Who is Messiah here?
What happened?
Does anyone by the name Messiah,
Why officer?
Just answer my question.
I don't have to explain
Shikha is not your maid servant
Whatever you have to say,
That means the Messiah, the outlaw.
People here call
Did you give me
You're talking way too much!
You have too much of bravado.
Let's go to the police station.
Oh why are you getting so furious?
Messiah, don't get angry.
After all it's the police.
Today is Holi officer.
If you could just...
Police doesn't know
Yes tell me.
What crime are
You'll get to know when
And you're going to beat me
Why don't you fulfil
Shut up!
Don't shout at me!
I'll beat you like a
Come on!
If you were not wearing
..then I would have answered
Yes sir.
Once you wear this uniform you
You say whatever you want,
And if I was not wearing
Then I would have taught you
Do you understand?
Before we wear this uniform..
..we gather the strength and the courage
..and then we wear the uniform.
Here, take this Messiah.
Mother give me strength.
What is that?
This is my mother's blessings.
What kind of mother is that?
Who instead of blessing her son
..encourages him to become
Don't even dare to utter a
Okay lets go to the police station.
That's not even an option.
If you have the strength,
So you're not read to give
Where is sir?
Sir your son has
Sister in law called
You call home and tell
I'll first take him to the police
You please go.
I don't have any rights
Sir, please... - Hold on!
For me duty is first.
You come with me
It's a very serious accident sir.
Sister in law was
Come on! I'll go with you.
I have regained my respect
You might be an outlaw
You come and meet me at
Lets go!
Brother Messiah,
It takes courage to
Can I ask you something?
Tell me.
How does your strength increase
..red cloth on your forehead?
One day I'll tell you everything.
For now can you
I'll get it right now.
This locket... my mother...
..that means Rajib...
Messiah! You tea!
Who's kid met with an accident...
His name is Rajib Chowdhury.
He is the officer
Why? What do you need from him?
What's his address?
He's not at home. He has
Thank you sir.
Now you're telling
But you haven't been able to
Your son's blood
Its not easily found.
On top of that both of your
We found one bottle of
They're trying to arrange for more.
Make the arrangements
Just one bottle!
Doctor, my son hasn't
He has lost a lot of blood,
Till the time he regains
..we'll have to continue
..but we only have one bottle...
Doctor, please doctor
Yes I'll see what I can do.
What will happen to my son?
..the doctor is taking
He'll definitely arrange something.
But my son...
I asked the nurse about your son..
..and she said that
..and they're not able to arrange it.
Sir, I'll give my blood sir.
Yes sir.
I might be a goon and
Thank you very much.
Actually, that is not the
..whether the blood group
Please ask them
Please see.
Please talk to the doctor
Aren't you thinking
Please don't worry sister in law
You tie this amulet on his arm.
This belongs to you right sir?
Yes but where did you get it?
It fell off your arm in our colony.
Take this sister in law..
..before you tie it in his arm make sure
Oh the goddesses blessed
You always touch it to the forehead
But how do you know about this?
That you need to touch it to the
No sir, its just that there are always
That's why I said this.
Sir, that gentleman's blood group
Is it?
Doctor, take as much blood as
Don't worry,
You just lie here quietly, okay?
Listen, I think you
That man looks really poor.
Maybe he gave that
Okay, I'll see.
How are you sweet heart?
What happened son? I am right here.
I brought you food.
Please have something.
God knows how Sandeep is doing.
I am sure he's alright.
Now get up and have something.
Oh what's this Halwa Puri?
Yes, didn't you tell
..your mother often
Oh come on! That was not for me.
That was always
You know Shikha?
Whenever mother fed him Halwa Puri..
..his face used to glow with
I feel like taking this
..and see that same glow of
Why don't you fulfill that
Sir you?
I'll give you a tight slap!
You just slipped away
He has taken the form
That means the whole
What am I supposed to do?
Where were you?
I lost everything.
Now I am all alone in this planet.
Completely alone.
Hopelessly alone.
Madhu Aunty and Sandhya left us and
But I am here. I am still
I am still here for
I'll always be here.
Purabi, look who I found!
Oh please come in! why were you
I couldn't carry
This Halwa Puri
I believe this is Shikha.
Oh please you don't
Your wish will come true.
What wish?
This one.
Sister in law, how is Sandeep?
He is better now but
he wont sleep, he'll just
..I want to eat that,
Come I'll put him to sleep.
Will you be able to do it?
Come on! He's in that room.
Come on Shikha, lets go and make
Sanju, see here is
The one who used
But from today, I name you
Why so?
Because your father
I cannot call him
So from today you
Awesome! But who is going
The one who used to laugh like
Sanju, why haven't
I am not feeling sleepy.
Can you please sing me
Then I'll quickly fall asleep.
Song? Which song?
The same one which
..'there was once a queen'
Mother also sings.
Please sing for me uncle.
Please sing the same song.
Okay I'll sing.
"There once was a great queen,
"She spent her days selling cow dung
"The day the emperor left
"He never came back,
"The empty house reminds
"The hunger and pain doesn't
"There once was a great queen,
"She spent her days selling cow
"Apart from her darling child,
"Looking at her child's face,
"The innocent smile on a little face,
"Which she embraces
"There once was a great queen,
"She spent her days
"..come hail or high water."
Its time you paid
From tomorrow you're
I'll make arrangements
No sister in law,
Why isn't it possible?
The real thing is he wouldn't
Isn't that so?
Even I know that but
But before that we need
Till the time I am here, I am sure
I work in the garage
Till the time I find
..I wont find peace..
..and that is not possible while
You don't have to worry about that.
I'll definitely find them out.
No I'll kill them myself.
What are you saying
Shankar I understand
Like you even my soul burns.
I also have taken an
But that's going to be
I don't believe in your law.
Because whatever
..your police department
Shankar, just like the five
..people all around the world..
..in all sorts of departments
Please trust me brother.
I'll find a resolution for this.
Resolution? You also
But our paths are different.
I will definitely kill them..
..and only after that I will
But Shankar..
..you cannot threaten
..standing in front
The oath that I have sworn..
..standing in front of my mother
..cannot be broken at any cost..
..whether its because of a
Lets go Shikha.
We'll take your leave brother Rajib.
Listen, what was all that
Will he kill someone?
In the end he'll become a murderer?
I was thinking of saying something
Whatever you heard
..you want to know the whole
Let the right time come, I'll
Why couldn't you
So you also want to become a police
Yes of course..
..I have my own police uniform and
I'll become an even bigger
Oh my goodness!
Like father, like son. You
Oh here you are!
Mr. Abinash Sen,
No I just got to know that you're the new
I cant explain in words how
My nephew is a
Sanju , you go inside.
Why are you standing? Sit down.
Yes I will.
How little were you
I never thought
Forget you?
And that too in this life!
..I'd never have become
So I understand
Obviously you cannot build a house
No, that doesn't happen.
You're right.
But what you want to say,
Its not bribe, though I didn't get my
Oh you're back!
Why? Oh my god why
Just a cup of tea would
Why make so much fuss over me?
No its no trouble at all this is
Shall I give you something?
Just a cup of tea that's it.
I am also seeing you for
..so I got you some gold jewellery..
..and some new clothes
Full set?
Do you have any idea
I know, my father's
Do you have any proof for all this?
If I did, you wouldn't
I will roam around freely peacefully
Even god can be bought.
I'll prove this one day Mr. Rajib.
You can buy,
A few broken chairs
..but not the law itself.
Even I'll prove this.
Now get lost! Take this, out!
Oh my goodness!
You didn't do the
Listen Montu.
No not Montu, Lalit Prasad.
Oh yes, you've changed your name.
Ratan, you stay in Barasat
You're going to
Just jell up with
..and try to find out
Whats your real name, tell me.
I am telling you the truth sir,
No its not Lalit Prasad.
Why were you keeping
No sir, I was not roaming around.
I was just passing by.
Montu Mitra.
Montu Mitra.
No sir,
My name is Lalit Prasad.
Lalit Prasad, right?
Mr. Chatterjee...
Just one day in the year!
We just want to have
Just wanted to gather all
Sister in law, you are rich people.
I wouldn't be able
I'll feel very shy.
Don't talk rubbish
We'll have to make dinner
I wouldn't be able
You'll stay there the whole day.
May I come in?
Mr. Shankar you'll have to
Sir has summoned you.
Now what happened?
What is the matter Mr. Chatterjee?
It's a little confidential,
I am sure he got stuck at work..
..and that's why he's calling you to
That might be a
A government chariot
Lets go I'll come along.
Whats the matter sir?
Hey listen,
But the guy says his
But Mr. Chatterjee believes
Take a good look at him and
Then I'll see after that.
That's it?
No Mr. Chatterjee.
Look at him carefully Shankar,
Based on your words, we will
What dilemma!
To prove Mr. Chatterjee's words,
I'll not be able to recognize
Is that even possible?
You have kept him for no reason.
Are you sure that
Yes, 100% sure sir.
Today is Sanju's birthday!
Oh yes!
Sister in-law has left
I am leaving,
You come soon.
Mr. Chatterjee.
Hmmm, Sir.
Shankar did say but
I will do one thing, I will set
If he really is Montu Mitra..
..then Shankar would
Then we'll be sure.
And then you arrest Montu
Okay sir.
Do you know why I got you
So that I can kill
Don't make a sound.
If Mr. Chatterjee listens, he
Happy birthday!
Sing song for me please
You sing so well.
Please sing brother Shankar.
It is not good to
Moreover, Sanju says he wont cut
He wishes that the two of you stand
Until then...
"Not a tiger or bear."
"It's the story of a man."
"He burns everyday."
"Roams everywhere
"His path doesn't lead to a highway."
"It leads into a dark alley."
"Even though he was born as a human,
"His dreams are nothing but."
"A mirage of a rainbow."
"He didn't bloom like flowers."
"He didn't fill everyone
"The storm destroyed him."
"He was that bud that didn't flower."
"His path doesn't lead to a highway."
"It leads into a dark alley."
"To avenge the injustice,
"Therefore, the cruel society
"So, he became the storm himself."
"And distanced himself from everyone."
"But his conscience didn't die."
"Even after burning on a pyre."
"His path doesn't lead to a highway,
"Fate destroyed the abode."
"That he made with his dreams."
"No one understood
"The fateful story ends here."
"Many happy returns of the day."
"My friend, I take your leave now."
"His path doesn't lead to a highway."
"It leads into a dark alley."
"Good bye my friend. I leave now."
Shankar, I have something
Please come.
Can you discuss a little later?
Sanju has been waiting
He has said he would cut the cake
Father, uncle, please come.
I have been waiting for such
Lets go.
Cut it.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to Sanju.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Shankar, where is Madhu
Where you murdered Montu Mitra?
You wanted to kill
..and that's why you didn't
Do you have any proof of that?
We will get the proof tomorrow
In that case, call me
Not today.
Oh! Stop it!
Do you know what punishment
What hanging?
I care.
I know you wont
Just a minute.
Excuse me.
Let me see.
Excuse me!
Sanju's birthday party is over now,
Sanju come with me.
What are you doing?
Today is his birthday and you...
Come Sanju come.
Shankar, today is Sanju's birthday.
Swear on his head that
Say Shankar.
I know Shankar that you wont be
You have given him new life
On his birthday today,
What rubbish are
Oh Purobi, please let me work!
Swear on his life Shankar.
Rotten Brute uncle,
..and say anything you like.
I have that amulet tied on my arm.
I am surprised.
A strong policeman like you,
Forget swearing on someone,
Yes they do.
But you wont be able
I know that.
That Madhu aunty's son who even today
..wont be able to commit such a sin.
I am not able to understand
..asking him to swear on Sanju..
..why are you making brother
I want him to live Purobi..
..there are two murder
What are you saying?
If he confesses everything to me,
..and appeal to the court.
I want him to live Purobi.
Are you trying to return
What do you mean?
I am want you to do your duties.
Dinanath Ghosh used to
Are you considering my
Shut up!
Do you think so little of me?
Am I so cheap? I want you save
Not because of me.
Not for repaying
Hey Rajib.
Hey my Spoilt Brat!
Why are you crying like a baby?
During childhood when your
..then the way you used to cry, you
Rajib listen, I...
Just a minute.
Yes tell me..
Come fast sir,
What happened Mr. Chatterjee?
Can you come here please sir?
Yes tell me.
Sir we chased and caught a lorry.
The lorry is filled with foreign goods,
The lorry driver while trying to escaped
We have rushed him to the hospital
The doctor says that
Driver wants to give
Lets go.
Wants to give a statement.
Those who will get killed now,
Don't worry,
I will stay here.
Listen, take these.
Thank you.
I know, I know my mother's
You will see, this amulet will protect
You will see.
Rotten Brute uncle,
..and therefore no harm
The god will protect you.
No son.
Now even the god
Then I'll have to take
The police and the government
You're with the government.
Who are you with? Who are you with?
Abinash Sen.
What is this?
Mother said, brother Rajib
I came to say that.
I am very scared for you.
If brother Rajib arrests you, then?
Someday he will.
And not only arrest me,
I'll speak with brother Rajib.
I'll beg for your life.
What will that poor guy do?
He is bound by the law.
But, I have woven so
What will happen to them?
I also dream about us Shikha.
I have dreamt that one day I'll make
Kamo couldn't get
I don't know why
I've got news Boss.
He is here.
Suren is dead.
No Boss, before he died, he has
Okay...what? Scoundrel! Mir Zafar!
Vibhishana! Just before he died,
Did he think, he'll go to heaven,
Rajib Chowdhury is looking
I heard he'll be going
Let him go.
But he'll find
The truck.
Everything's right there.
Can't we remove the truck
It can be done.
In fact, Rajib Chowdhury will
What are you saying?
Kidnap! I will kidnap
Will ask for lorry's
Wow! That's a good idea!
Stealing the serpents
Will you be able to do this?
Yes of course, For so many days
Be rest assured.
Here Rajib Chowdhury
..and there I will take away
This police job of yours!
Leave me! Leave me!
I am waiting here to
Look grandpa these
..and brought me here forcefully.
That's very unfair!
You go to the field next
..and leave my grandson
Come with me.
Grandpa save me! Grandpa save me!
Leave me! Leave me! Leave me!
Now Rajib Chowdhury will
Whats all this?
We are ruined!
What are you saying? Bastards!
No, their faces were covered.
What is this?
If you want your son unharmed..
..then return the truck to the
Make sure the goods are intact.
Come alone.
Do not call for the police.
I have spies everywhere.
If you ask for trouble, then
Please be quiet.
There no use crying.
Let me think.
Please don't think anything.
If required leave your police job.
Bring my Sanju back to me.
I don't know how much
Yesterday was his
Look, I am going
First we'll have to close
You're right Mr. Chatterjee..
..Shankar Bannerjee is a murdered.
Mr. Chatterjee..
..please go to the Navarang post..
..and arrest Shankar Bannerjee.
But Shankar is your friend sir.
So what? So what?
I am sorry, I am sorry.
For a policeman duty comes first..
..we have no friends, no relatives
Duty first, duty last.
Arrest him.
Yes sir.
Please forgive me Madhu aunty,
While performing the
..I have to get Shankar,
Please forgive this helpless
Don't worry sister in law.
I will give my life
Whether Rajib agrees or not.
I will steal the sorry
..and get it to the Howrah's
Oh! What are you doing brother?
I have seen my mother's
And so felt like
What will I bless you with brother.
May god remove all
And give you a chance to
Listen, I'll wait for you to come
A dead body has been found
And I know the man.
His name is Shankar Bannerjee.
What? Oh no!
Hello, who's speaking?
Sir, someone has
What the hell are you saying?
Why are you crying?
Brother Rahim,
Please tell me he will return, right?
What is it? Whats the matter?
Where has brother Messiah gone?
Howrah's goddess's temple ground.
Sandeep has been kept inside the
What? What the hell are you saying?
How long ago?
15 minutes ago, sir
15 minutes ago!
All of a sudden I get the news..
..that the truck disappears from
What the hell were you doing?
Hey come here, listen to me.
Did any truck come here?
Yes it did and then took off again.
Where did it go?
Towards Jagat Ballabhpur.
Well done Ratan.
Now I am going to make
Its all your grace sir.
Now you have to do one more thing.
Please tell me.
Go to my little grandson,
..pack him in a sack and send
I want to teach Rajib a lesson that..
..he'll never forget and never
Come on get going!
Please don't kill me,
..please don't kill me.
So you want to go to your
But not like this.
Your grandpa has given
..you'll be cut in to pieces, filled in
No, no I want to go to my father.
You want to go to your father.
I want to go to my father.
Your father loves you so much,
Go run away!
My heart was saying you would come.
Hold it right there!
Rotten Brute uncle, look at me!
Yes look at him.
If you raise even
..your darling nephews head
Right Bhuvan?
So Ratan, get started.
Let me sit and be the audience.
You killed my friend right?
Yes you will die now,
Kill the rascal.
Evil grandpa, hands up!
Nobody will move.
Stay wherever you are
My darling grandson,
That's a real revolver
This is not a toy.
I know that you don't
Ask them not to come near
Which one of you rascals it
This is the little Rajib Chowdhury.
He'll really pull the trigger,
No Shankar, no,
What did you do Shankar?
Rotten Brute uncle!
My mother's blessed
Never take this off.
Never ever take this off.
You tell Shikha I really
This was my only dream but...
What are you saying Shankar?
You'll recover.
I'll take you to
You know Raju, your Madhu aunty
I cannot live without them anymore.
I cannot.
Mother! Oh! Mother!
Shankar, Shankar!
You wanted to see me
I am wearing marriage bangles..
..I am also wearing vermilion.
Look at me, open your eyes.
Shikha listen to me my
Look, look sister in-law.
He left me alone and ran away.
Alright, you didn't
So I'll never ever
You will see I'll never dress
I will live as your widow.
"Fate destroyed his abode,
"No one ever understood
"His story comes to an end here."
"My well wishes for everyone."
"Good bye my friend, I leave now."
"Good bye my friend, I leave now."
மதம் மாறிய கமல் மகள் அதிர்ச்சியில் திரையுலகம் | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 0:52.
இந்தியாவில் பிறக்காத இந்திய நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood News - Duration: 1:03.
Dengue hemorrhagic disease Seasonal wars with dengue fever - Duration: 4:53.
Medical Network, For Public Health
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The rainy season is wary of dengue fever
After mosquito bites, the incubation period from 3 days to 6 days, can last up to 15 days, the symptoms of dengue fever.
At present, dengue fever does not contain any specific medications as well as preventative vaccines
Therefore, being alert to illness, especially in the rainy season, is an indispensable job for every individual and family.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a disease that is spread from person to person through the vector of mosquitoes, Aedes Aegypti.
In folk called mosquito.
Mosquitoes are very agile, often fly around adults or children play, when available, ready to landed in the blood.
Mosquitoes are active throughout the day, but are usually active early in the morning and in the evening
When the air is both cool and warm, suitable humidity and only bean when the blood is bleeding or at night.
Mosquitoes like to stay in the place where the light is medium, not too bright nor too dark, airy or light, warm wind, appropriate humidity.
Prefer bean on the fringe of the mosquito net, blankets, clothes especially dark-colored fabrics, with fine wool feathers such as wool, and also like to stay on clothes that have already worn sweat smell before washing.
During the year, mosquitoes thrived most in the rainy season, according to epidemiologists, 81.38% and 18.62% respectively.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever caused by Dengue virus.
After mosquito bites, patients have incubation period from 3 days to 6 days, can last up to 15 days, the symptoms of dengue fever.
Severe fever, fatigue, headache, sore eyes, most pain are lumbar pain and sometimes leg pain, often accompanied by sore throat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. run.
Mosquito mosquitoes - mediates transmission
In children, high fever of 39 to 40 degrees C, fever for 3 to 4 days, sore throat and abdominal pain
Patients after the fever reduction from day 3 to day 8, the appearance of mild hemorrhage in the form of subcutaneous hemorrhage, hemorrhage.
After this period, the appearance of multiform maculopapular rash appears, sometimes itching, first in the body and spreading in the direction of centrifugation of the limbs, face, palms and soles of the feet.
In addition, the patient was shocked with fast, light, blood pressure lower or not measured, limbs cold, excitement.
Accompany some non-specific symptoms such as:anorexia, myalgia, joint pain, abdominal pain.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is likely to lead to cardiovascular collapse, which can easily cause death if not detected and treated promptly.
Precautionary focus:In rainy season, individuals and families need to raise awareness of dengue fever as there are currently no specific drugs as well as preventive vaccines.
Disease prevention is mainly control insect mediated disease such as mosquito bites, kill larvae to kill mosquitoes, adult mosquitoes, the principle:no larvae, no mosquitoes, no dengue fever.
We must always have a sense of clean, tidy, cool home
Do not hang clothes as mosquito-biting mosquitoes, remove stagnant water objects such as coconut shells, cans, canned goods, glasses, cups, bottles, tanks,
Pour the oil or add salt to the water bowl to prevent ants in the food cabinet to eliminate mosquito breeding.
It is advisable to sleep all day and night, wear long-sleeved clothes, do not sit in dark places, chase mosquitoes by mosquito incense, mosquito spray or mosquito-repellent cream.
A dengue fever vaccine study is under way, at Mahidol University (Thailand) in collaboration with WHO.
The vaccine is safe and is being put to clinical trials.
Specialist 1:TRAN QUOC LONG.
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Wish you always healthy.
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