SUNNY DAY: It's time to get styling
with "Sunny Day Style Files."
Hi, it's me, Sunny.
Want to take a look inside the Style Files?
You'll need a hair brush, a teasing comb,
hair pins, and hair elastics to make a crown braid.
Ready to get started?
Let's do this.
Brush out your hair to make sure there are no tangles.
This style works best with damp hair.
Using the tail of a teasing comb, part your hair down
the center from the front of your head all the way down
to the top of your neck.
Working one side at a time, gather your hair
and use a hair elastic to secure it into a high pigtail.
Now do the other side.
Take one pigtail and split the hair into three equal pieces.
We're going to start braiding.
An outside piece goes over the middle piece,
and pull it through.
Now the other outside piece.
Loop it over the middle piece, and pull it through.
Keep going.
Outside piece, over, pull through.
Yes, you're braiding.
Use a hair elastic to hold your braid.
Then tug a little on the braid to make it wider.
Now do the other side.
Remember, it's outside, over, and through,
outside, over, and through.
You're almost there.
Take one braid and wrap it on top of your head
so it sits like a crown.
Hairpins will help hold it in place.
Ready to do the other braid?
Hey, it's starting to look just like a crown.
That crown braid looks very royal.
Want to dress it up?
Use colorful hairpins to create stars,
or get creative with ribbons or colorful clips.
I call it princess crown braids.
SUNNY DAY: You are totally ready for the fall.
That's definitely one for the Style Files.
Keep smiling.
Keep styling.
Get styling with "Sunny Day," the brand new series,
weekdays on Nickelodeon.
You can find more videos like this in the free Nick Jr. app.
For more infomation >> Style Files Hair Tutorial - How to Make a Princess Crown Braid | Sunny Day | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Tech giants vs internet startups | IN 60 SECONDS - Duration: 1:20.
The Wall Street Journal recently ran a story headlined, "The New Copycats: How
Facebook Squashes Competition From Startups". Basically, the tech giants can
buy out any startup they want or aggressively imitate them and drive them
out of business. How alarming should we find this? Well,
judging by the growing number of voices calling for regulating big tech, from
Tucker Carlson to Elizabeth Warren, I think I'm supposed to be pretty alarmed.
But what is the public policy problem here? Acquisition is typically a good
thing for the startups themselves, and the startup sector is still pretty
vibrant. The main concern seems to be whether the market dominance of these
tech giants is a bad thing. It's tough to make that case from a consumer welfare
standpoint, since most of these products are free. Plus, these companies are
certainly acting as if their dominance is tenuous, given how closely they track
their potential competitors. In other words, the sheer size of big tech
shouldn't concern us too much. Longer term, it's their control of big data that
is likely to be where the antitrust regulatory battle rages.
To learn more about my take on regulating big tech, check the links in the description below.
Also, let us know what other topics you want our scholars to cover in 60 seconds,
and be sure to subscribe for more research and videos from AEI.
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Hi Everybody! So today, I'm in Sinsa and I'm here to
go to this ice cream place that I've been wanting to visit, and
I kind of wanted to also eat a lobster roll today
but it seems like it's going to be really heavy if I eat
that and then ice cream right after, so instead of getting a lobster roll, I decided
decided to stop at Paris Baguette and get myself a
ricotta chicken salad for lunch
Valentina is asleep
so I'm just going to enjoy my salad
and I'll take you guys to the ice cream place afterwards.
Hi guys! We're at Bistopping, finally!
and we're going to get our ice cream!!!
Ice cream. I'm excited.
Guess which topping we picked. Thank you to Socal Shells for
pointing this place out to me.
I couldn't decide which one to get. I was deciding between the flamingo
and the parrot and the mermaid.
oh my gosh!!!
Is it good?
So these are actually cookies!
The yogurt flavor is really good.
So that was Bistopping!
I saved these cookies.
That was Bistopping. What did you guys think?
So it was a little on the expensive side.
I think it was around 10,000 won for
one ice cream cone
but most of it were the cookies
I think the mermaid's tail was around 2500 won
and then the star was 1500 or something like that.
Yeah it ended up being kind of expensive
It was very cute, and I had to go all out
If I wanted to get regular ice cream
I would just go to the grocery store. But I came here to get the
special toppings that they have
So, I had to get them, right? Oh no...
You dropped it on the floor, Valentina.
So we've been nibbling this cookie
on the way home and it actually tastes like
sugar cookie.
Right? It tastes like a sugar cookie
It's like a butter cookie.
You're not going to come in.
This is my baby sister.
Don't come in.
She told me not to come in.
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