Nintendo unveiled a ton of indie games coming to the Switch during their Showcase stream
for 2017.
And while many of them look like fun to play, it's the reveal of No More Heroes: Travis
Strikes Again that has everyone excited.
It's finally time for the third game in the series and the trailer provides a small
tease for what we could except.
But that's the thing, it's just a tease.
So let's pull out the old Analysis Machine to see what secrets and hidden details it
can find.
The trailer begins on the open road with a car speeding toward the camera and inside
is a man known as The Bat, who is swearing revenge on Travis Touchdown for the murder
of his daughter before we see a picture of her.
It turns out that his daughter is Bad Girl, the number 2 ranked assassin from the first
And it feels appropriate that she's being fleshed out considering she was the only assassin
from that game to not have a backstory.
Here, we even seem to learn Bad Girl's real name as The Bat calls the picture Charlotte.
As The Bat arrives at the trailer, we get our first indication that it does indeed belong
to Travis.
On top of it is his cat, Jeane.
But returning to The Bat, we see that his fighting style is quite similar to Bad Girl's
as he also uses a bat for his weapon and enjoys his beer.
As he enters the trailer, we can see a shirt hanging next to the TV that says, "Flick
of the Switch."
A coy reference to the Switch of course as it even has the same color of red.
On the TV, Travis is playing Hotline Miami where we can see the masks for the Walrus,
Alligator, and Locust.
This actually has to deal with the story, which we'll get to soon, but we can't
help but wonder if it stopped there because of Suda51's development studio, Grasshopper
And speaking of masks, the Travis dummy is wearing a lucha libre mask which could be
a reference to the Mask of the Legendary Wrestler cards that Travis could collect in the first
Either that or he's just showing how much he still loves wrestling.
When Travis and The Bat collide, we get confirmation of the Unreal Engine thanks to Travis's
shirt which says, "Unreal Engine is killing wasted resources and it's awesome" while
the Unreal logo is shown as the top of a skull and crossbones, again showing the eclectic
T-shirts that he could wear.
But the engine also looks nice as we can even see the individual hairs on The Bat's arm.
The trailer ends by focusing on this VR-like game system which is referred to as the Death
Drive Model 2, the phantom game console.
Somehow Travis has obtained it, and it's the main crux of the story.
According to IGN, Travis and, presumably, The Bat will be pulled into the game where
he'll have to make his way through 6 different indie games and defeat their respective bosses.
However, it'll still play like the previous No More Heroes, but the aesthetics will likely
be modeled after these games, one of which is certainly Hotline Miami, which seems like
a good fit.
Finally, as the title is revealed, we see that it's done in the same style as Stranger
People really do love that show.
And people are absolutely excited for the return of No More Heroes.
There's still very little information out there, but it seems the storyline for the
game is taking a different direction from what we've seen before.
How will it all turn out?
We'll just wait for the game's release in 2018.
Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on No More Heroes and
other things gaming.
For more infomation >> No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again - Reveal Trailer ANALYSIS - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Nurse from Quincy offering care for Harvey victims - Duration: 1:25.
Man accused of looking up skirts - Duration: 1:53.
24 Reasons The Skeleton Key & Get Out Are The Same Movie - Duration: 4:25.
The weird couple in this movie are racist and believe black people are superior in every
shape and form (audio).
The weird couple invites the main character over for a visit.
The main character's best friend gives a warning that it's a bad idea to go and the
folks are probably dangerous.
Against the best friend's judgement, the protagonist drives to the middle of nowhere
where you can't get a signal and even if you do, it'll be hours before the police
show up.
The main character arrives to the house and the plantation looks like something straight
outta an episode of Roots.
As a viewer, you recognize the signs right away that the main person should Get Out.
You would think the signals are crystal clear, but even with that high definition lens on
that expensive camera, the lead ignores the details and sticks around.
During the visit, the owner of the house is very nosey and asks if the protagonist smokes
Then right after that, the owner asks another question.
This time it's about the main character's parents.
Not only does the lead answer the question about his or her parents, but he or she also
provides their date of birth and last 8 numbers of their social too.
The only reason the woman is able to get all the information she needs is because she's
skilled in the arts of hypnotism (audio).
The main character doesn't believe in stuff like that so he or she just shrugs it off
at first.
Later on, the lead meets a strange man and the bright lights make him grab the main character's
Afterwards, he tries to warn the main person to get out, but he or she doesn't listen
because the owner of the house blames the outburst on a medical condition so everyone
thinks the man wasn't thinking straight (audio).
The story sounds ridiculous so sherlock Holmes does some digging to find the truth.
Not able to sleep, the main character does some snooping around the house.
He or she finds one of the victims making a run for it and that's when the situation
gets really scary.
It's later discovered that the former owner of the house was a doctor of some sorts (audio).
He was involved in some mad science and specialized in a technique that allowed evil people to
switch bodies with other people without permission.
As sick as it sounds, what's even sicker is that they passed the ritual down to the
little white kids who lived at the house back in the day.
After discovering this startling information, it seems like the perfect opportunity to get
out, but nope.
The main character calls the black friend and tells 'em whats going on.
Before the main character could finish a sentence, the phone dies.
Afterwards, the main character finds someone that's allegedly trustworthy and tells 'em
the whole story.
The supposedly trustworthy character calms down the lead and convinces the main character
that this all sounds crazy (audio).
For a second, the protagonist believes it.
It's not until the main character finds a whole bunch of photos of victims as evidence
that the gig is up.
As the ultimate betrayal, the main character picked the wrong person to trust and the villain
reveals he or she is working with the bad guy and to top it off, he or she also had
the keys the main character has been looking for all this time.
The evil couple confronts the main character and the protagonist and the lead tries to
run, but fails miserably and falls to the ground.
Since they plan on using the body as an avatar, one of the evil villains urges the other bad
guy to be careful and not damage the body (audio).
We then get a POV shot that fades to black as the lead goes unconscious.
When the protagonist wakes up, he or she gets untied.
Haunted from abandoning the parent that was discussed in reason number 6, before leaving
the property, the main character goes back to save the other victim whose body was stolen
by the bad guys.
They get in a car and then the lady comes out the house with a shot gun and she's
like ba da da da dat.
Her aim is weaker than 7 days on a calendar and she doesn't hurt anybody.
She does manage to cause the good guys to wreck out though which is enough to slow them
At the end, the black friend arrives to the property and after seeing the chaos, it only
takes the friend less than 2 minutes to leave as opposed to the 2 hours it took the main
character to Get Out.
Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.
You agree?
Yes, no, maybe so?
If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe
button for more 24 reason videos.
Central Florida reaches out, giving help during Harvey - Duration: 1:40.
Spider-Man Opening Swinging | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:20.
What do you got for me today, New York?
Reporting live from New York 1 chopper.
An Oscorp truck carrying plutonium has been hijacked.
A police chase is in progress.
All right. Let's get to work.
Say hello to Aleksei Sytsevich!
Hello, pedestrians.
Knock, knock.
Mr. Criminal?
Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing,
just don't call me late for dinner. You get it? Whoa!
Not a shaker? Are you a hugger?
- I am killer! - Whoa, okay.
Warning. Plutonium-238 is a radioactive material
and is highly explosive.
Excuse me. There's more room on the sidewalk, folks, please.
- Watch it, man. - I got blueprints here.
A little help?
A little help, please.
You having a problem with your gun? Let me help you out with that.
Whoa. Coming through.
Too much work...
Oh, this is bad.
- I'm gonna be right back. - Aah!
Heads up. Watch out.
Whoo... Okay. Okay. There you go.
- You okay? You all right? - You're Spider-Man.
Costume gives it away? These look pretty important, Max.
How do you know my name?
It's written on your badge.
I'm a nobody.
Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody.
Lick that.
All right. Listen to me.
- Now I need you. - Really?
- You're my eyes and ears out here. - Okay.
- All right? - All right.
I'll see you out there.
The Bear Went Over the Mountain | Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | 3D Baby Song by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:45.
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see!
The bear went over the river,
The bear went over the river,
The bear went over the river,
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the river,
The other side of the river,
The other side of the river,
Was all that he could see!
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see!
The bear went over the river,
The bear went over the river,
The bear went over the river,
To see what he could see.
And all that he could see,
And all that he could see,
Was the other side of the river,
The other side of the river,
The other side of the river,
Was all that he could see!
Why XXXTentacion's IG Stunt Was So Dangerous - Duration: 3:10.
What's up guys?!
Beija here for Complex.
Last week, XXXTENTACION posted a controversial video on Instagram that appeared to show him
hanging himself.
The original IG post lacked a caption explaining what exactly viewers were watching and after
several hours passed without a statement from him or a rep, many fans began speculating
that the video was real.
X eventually came out and said the scene was from an upcoming music video.
The video surfaced on the Internet hours prior to the release of his debut album and fans
were very upset assuming that X was pulling a publicity stunt to get more people to tune
in for '17'.
The South Florida rapper was outraged that people would even think that he would do such
a thing and he wrote in an Instagram post: "If you thought I would 'pretend' to
kill myself for a publicity stunt you're fucking stupid."
The "Look At Me" artist is known for his heavy influence on his "cult" fanbase
and even though these may not be his intentions, his actions could potentially put hardcore
fans in danger of following his footsteps…in real life.
Dr. Julie Cerel is a professor at the University of Kentucky and is the President of the American
Academy of Suicidology.
She told Complex that the phenomenon of copycat suicides is "something that we're concerned
"There's lots of evidence that irresponsible reporting, including in the entertainment
industry, that is specific about method, and is someone that people look up to, increases
the risk in people that are already vulnerable."
Dr. Cerel provided a reference from a recent study from the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why
where the fictional series, deals with a teenager's suicide.
In the weeks after the show premiered, the study found that Google searches for phrases
like "how to commit suicide", "commit suicide", and "how to kill yourself"
increased dramatically—by 26, 18, and 9 percent, respectively—compared to control
The study didn't track whether actual suicides took place along with the searches, but previous
studies have proven a connection between the two.
XXXTENTACION's graphic depictions of suicide and other celebrities with committed fan bases
hold the power to possibly trigger copycats.
Dr. Cerel told Complex:
"Across time, there's been lots of examples of people who died by suicide [and] showed
it in really graphic ways, and there were spikes in people who were fans, or who looked
up to them or idolized them."
Luckily, there have been no reported cases that have emerged since X's IG video, but
many fans took to Twitter talking about taking their own lives and not liking the fact that
it seemed that the rapper was "romanticizing suicide".
According to Ohio's Mental Health and Addiction Services agency:
"[D]eaths of celebrities have the strong potential to contribute to suicide contagion due to...
the likelihood that the public feels they can identify with such well-known individuals."
Presumably, X takes the situation very seriously since he's had to endure the pain of losing
a friend to suicide.
Celebrities have a very heavy responsibility in our society, and if another artist in the
future wants to take a more "dark approach" visually, hopefully there will be more clarity
and a straightforward statement to not leave people questioning.
If you're battling with suicidal thoughts, talk to somebody.
Meditate and take the time to be present with yourself and know that pain is temporary and
you can overcome anything.
You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or can connect
to the Lifeline Crisis Chat at
That's all the news for now, but for more, be sure to subscribe to Complex on Youtube
For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.
'Harbourside for Harvey' tonight in Jupiter - Duration: 1:09.
Homemade "zip gun" among illegal weapons found on teen, police say - Duration: 1:13.
Video: Fans win Ravens season tickets from Maryland Lottery - Duration: 0:54.
Sacramento County Sgt. lays out timeline of officer-involved shooting - Duration: 2:28.
Central Florida reaches out, giving help during Harvey - Duration: 1:14.
#6 The Best Way to Understand Spoken Spanish (Advanced Listening Challenge + Subtitles) - Duration: 8:11.
Un chofer fue aplastado por su propio bus | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.
Command-line completion (tab completion) - Duration: 3:58.
In the terminal, when you type a command you can press the Tab key,
and the terminal will autocomplete that command.
It simplifies the use of the terminal a lot.
In this video you will learn how to use the tab completion and how to enable it.
Hello everyone, It's Average Linux User
helping install, configure and use Linux.
I make Linux tutorials every Wednesday and Friday.
Subscribe and hit that bell notification, so you won't miss any new video.
You may have seen that sometimes when I or other Linux Youtubers type a command
or a file name, then press one key and the terminal auto-completes the word.
To make such auto-completion, you need to type a few letters and press the tab key.
If there is only one possibility for auto-completion, it will be auto-completed.
If there is any ambiguity, you will be offered a choice.
For example, if you want to change the directory to Downloads and you type D o and press TAB,
you will see the two options Downloads and Documents.
When you add one more latter, there is no ambiguity anymore, and the folder name Downloads
is auto-completed when you press the tab key.
This auto completion is enabled by default in the most of Linux distributions.
Try it on your distribution.
However, sometimes it doesn't work, or works only partially.
For example, in Arch Linux if I type pac and press TAB, it works.
But if I do the same with sudo, if doesn't work.
I press tab now, but nothing happens.
If your tab auto-completion behaves the same, you can fix it by editing the .bashrc file.
In one of my previous videos, you learned how to edit the .bashrc file
to make the output of your terminal colorful.
I recommend you to check that video.
I explained there that the environment you see in your terminal is called Bash.
So, to adjust the behavior of your terminal, you need to edit the settings of your BASH.
You open the .bashrc file
and add this line
Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+x to exit from nano.
Restart your terminal.
Try to run the auto-completion with sudo again.
Now, it works.
If your bash auto-completion doesn't work at all, you need to install the package bash-completion.
Installing bash-completion also fixes the previous issue, so you can just install bash-completion
and you don't have to edit your .bashrc file.
If you are on Arch Linux run, sudo pacman -S bash-completion
if you are on debian or debian-based distros, run sudo apt install bash-completion.
After the installation restart your terminal.
It would be even better if you log out and login.
Auto-completion should work automatically after the installation of the bash-completion package.
On debian and debian-based distro, it sometimes doesn't work.
So, you need to check your .bashrc file.
It should have this content there
If it doesn't have it, add it at the end of the file.
I copy it to the description.
Then restart your terminal, hopefully the completion works after this.
If bash-completion just suddenly stopped working, for example, after you updated your system.
Try reinstalling it.
I think this tip is well known for experience Linux user,
but if you are new to Linux, this should be very helpful.
Was it helpful for you?
Please, leave a comment below.
Thank you for watching.
Here's The 'Fashion Expert' Who Attacked Melania's Shoes During Texas Visit… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:40.
Time and time again, First Lady Melania Trump has been a beacon of grace, class, and elegance
during her tenure in the White House thus far.
However, some liberals — who obviously have no sense of fashion or beauty — just can't
seem to understand that.
On Tuesday, the First Lady travelled to Houston, TX with President Donald Trump wearing high
heels — and the left had a collective conniption fit.
The one who started the entire ordeal was Lynn Yaeger, a columnist at multiple liberal-leaning
sites (New York Times, Huffington Post, etc.)
She wrote her hit piece on Melania Trump in a divisive Vogue column, titling her article
"Melania Trump's Hurricane Stilettos, and the White House's Continual Failure
to Understand Optics."
She was completely shocked by the thought of wearing high heels to greet hurricane victims,
saying "why, oh why, can't this administration get anything, even a pair of shoes, right?"
However, Yaeger's ridiculous outrage was called out even by other far-left personalities.
"I don't know why anyone should care what anyone wears when they're on their way to
help people," The Daily Show host Trevor Noah said, referring to the First Lady's
choice of fashion.
Lastly, until America sees Yaeger out and about helping victims of Hurricane Harvey,
she has no right to criticize Melania Trump for anything.
Interview With Australian Winemaker: THE PINK GRAPE - Duration: 10:17.
Hello and welcome to Wines of the World. My name is Anthony Metzger, I am a winemaker
and certified sommelier. Here at Wines of the World I interview winemakers from all
over the planet. I conduct my interviews via Skype and record them live so that I can bring
you face-to-face with winemakers from all over the world. So without further ado, please
enjoy the show. Simon, welcome to the show Wines of the World. Thanks for being on today.
Yea, thanks Anthony its great to be here. Yeah we are glad to have you. So you are a
winemaker from Australia. How did you become a winemaker? How did you get into the industry?
Yea it all started when I was fifteen years old. I had an uncle who had a vineyard in
Hunter Valley. So a couple of days we would go there and work, we would help pruning and
it sort of turned into a career path from there. So I finished high school and went
to university. Very cool and you have done some winemaking over seas correct? Yea I have
done a few vintages overseas. I worked in the Longudoc. An are just outside of Bordeaux.
And also in the Mosul. Oh nice, and did you work in the US at all or did you just go for
your travels? Yea just some travels through the wine country So the US trip was great
we went through the Napa Valley, the Sonoma Valley, Monterey, Past Robels, and right through
Santa Barbra so yea it was a great trip. Nice, and what did you think of California? California
wine and the people, what were your impressions? I was impressed over all. All the wines I
tasted were clean. The alcohol was in balanced especially with the tannin levels. Especially
in the big reds like cabernet and Petit Syrah. And I was impressed with everything I saw
especially the tasting room experiences I thought the hospitality was great the way
they handled the tastings I think it is pretty well done. If you could work anywhere and
do a harvest anywhere in the world, where would you go and do a harvest? I think an
interesting place to do a harvest would be The Republic of Georgia. Yea there is some
interesting things going on at the moment going on over there. So they have been making
wines for the past eight thousand years so there is a lot of history going on over there.
The wine culture over there is huge. Most people make wine in there backyard. Its a
very big thing so I mean It would be great to learn about the qvevri winemaking practices.
Absolutely. That would be interesting and I think they have a huge spectrum of grape
varieties which I would like to see whats going on over there and get involved. in the
industry there. Definitely. Yea that would be a really really cool place to go and learn
some of the historic winemaking ways of the world. So from your travels to Europe to the
US whats like your favorite memory or favorite story from your travels and making wine related
or not to wine but just your wine travels. I finished up vintage in Langudoc We caught
the train and when we got off the train we meet this Frenchmen he is known as Javer.
He had a little Kangaroo, so we had never meet this guy before. He said sum in the back
of my van, so we jumped in the back of this strangers van with our luggage. We drove up
to his house and my wife stayed behind at his house with his family and I went with
Javer to the winery and we went to work because we love working and it was just a great experience
working with this small family production facility and it was interesting place to work
because there was a shooting range are right next door so guys would come in and hunt.
they were hunting deer, and wild pigs and occasionally they would run through the vineyard
with there shotgun hunting game and also the birds flying overhead. So it was pretty crazy.
Yea with the hunters in Minnesota here we are starting to plant vineyards and we never
really had vineyards before and so the thing is we have a lot of forest and corn fields
here so when we plant the vineyards we get a lot of wild life to and so hunters are actually
a friend of the vineyard because with all the birds and deer if your not careful they
will eat all your grapes and than you can't make wine, the hunters are friends thats forsure.
The birds they shot were delicious because they serve them with the wine we made and
it was great. Yea I am sure it went good with the wine there forsure. Nice. So you on your
honeymoon in Las Vegas and you are playing the slot machine and you just won say fifteen
or twenty thousand dollars. You are already celebrating and now you win this money. Now
you are going to go out to a night club and celebrate what kind of wine would you drink
in the night club after winning at the slot machine and being on your honeymoon? It would
defiantly have to be Champagne. That would be the go to wine for me. And you know its
actually a wine I hear a lot when it comes to celebration is Champagne and I totally
agree you know celebrate you drink Champagne. But what is another wine that you would drink
in a moment of celebration? Other than Champagne? Things like Rose are pretty universal you
know it would be great to have it with any sort of food. Yea rose is a good one actually
because the color and the refreshing is really festive too so that could work really well.
So now you are in South Korea and you just ordered some of the local food, its got a
sweet and sour sort of tang to it what kind of wine are you going to have with Asian food
with that sweet and sour tang to it? Once again it would be a sparkling wine whether
is be a Champagne or traditional sparkling wine. They can go well with a whole range
of dishes the east Asian dishes so it works well with the chili in there. Yea another
one I hear to that goes well with the asian foods is Riesling because it has nice acidity
and it also has nice sweetness that can match that sweetness tanginess of the food. I always
end with this one question if you could drink a bottle of wine with anyone on earth who
would it be or anybody from history ya ok I would probably choose someone who is around
today they would have to be someone with a a pretty good sense of humor so I'm thinking
someone like Ricky Gervais he would be a prime time with a bottle of wine and if its any
sort of wine lets go with anything I see and who did you say Ricky who Ricky Gervais the
British comedian oh ok he's done films on the tv show the office documented the American
version of the show he does he hosts so many award shows like the Golden Globes he's hosted
a few times and does a little stand up the one tv show you would really know him from
ya that show the office we get it here in the U.S. and it's hilarious so ya ok is there
anything else you want to share about anything can I ask a question for you is that alright
ya shoot away yes where do you want to do a vintage if you could choose anywhere around
the world anywhere in the world if I could do a vintage I was actually really close to
doing one and I'd still probably like to do is over down underneath pearth there is it
margerete river margerete river ya that actually intrigues because of the fact that its the
most isolated place on earth pretty much and then I've had people I know people who have
gone there ive interviewed people who have worked there and they say its kinda like hawaii
like real tropical and beautiful I think it would be sweet to just be away from everything
and kinda be in the corner of the earth and just kinda chill out make wine sit on the
beach on your days off and just kinda just live in the moment I feel like you could live
in the moment there so I think that would be a cool one ive been to armania and I didnt
work there as a wine maker but I filmed a wine documentary for this website which is
not live yet I havn't released it yet but um so that also part of the world intrigues
me and if I were to open up a winery I think I would like to incorporate the kevry wine
making system I mean I definetely would so I would like to learn about that too but I
think to answer you question theres so many places champaign would be really cool but
margerete river margerete river is probably one I would really like to pursue
alrighty well have a good rest of your day and we'll keep in touch ya thanks good luck
with the series ya apreciate it thank you Simon cheers cheers thank you for watching
and I hope you enjoyed this weeks episode of wines of the world make sure you check
in next week as I will be interviewing another wine maker if you have any questions that
you would like me to ask a winemaker during any of my interviews just reach out to me
through my social media accounts which you can find on my website
be sure to check my website tomorrow and every single day of this week as I will be releasing
some really fun interesting wine stories thank you and please be sure to subscribe
정주리 남편 정주리 집안과 과거 문제점 2가지 - KPOP NEWS - Duration: 9:10.
Girls' Generation's Sooyoung Reveals She Went To 100 Auditions Before Her Debut - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:31.
Girls' Generation's Sooyoung Reveals She Went To 100 Auditions Before Her Debut
During the press conference for her upcoming weekend drama A Man Who Sets The Table, Girls Generations Sooyoung shared how her own pre-debut struggles helped her with her role in the drama.
In the drama, Sooyoung will be taking on the role of Lee Ruri, a character who, like many young people in Korea, is a job seeker. She said, Before I debuted with Girls Generation, I auditioned for 100 different projects.
I was a trainee for seven years before debuting [with Girls Generation] during my second year in high school.
Since the concept of an expiration date exists with girl groups, there was a part of me that was concerned about my future, sharing how she reflected on her own experience to better portray her role. Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. She continued, At the time, my mom told me that if I didnt debut that year, I would have to focus on my studies, even if I was a little behind.
Although her experience has helped her understand her role in the drama, Sooyoung also said, [That] was 10 years ago so I could not dare to say that I fully understand the ups and downs that young people seeking jobs experience [today].
She also conveyed a few words of encouragement and said, To all the young job seekers out there, have strength!.
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