Title: Beautiful Instrumental Series: Like The Wind (Beautiful Instrumental Music)
Try Not To Laugh or Grin Watching Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Funniest Kid Fails August 2017 - Duration: 10:06.Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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MUST WATCH!! Mascot & Ginobili catches a bat with BARE HANDS - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
New Rolex Sky-Dweller – Two Tone Version – Introduced in Baselworld 2017 - Duration: 4:05.Today's review will be on the much-anticipated, new Sky-Dweller two-tone.
[opening music]
So, this year in the Baselworld 2017, Rolex decided to lose their head and decide to whip
out the new Sky-Dwellers.
One of those of those new Sky-Dwellers happens to be the two-tone Sky-Dweller.
They also came out with the stainless steel version, which happens to be my more favorable
one of the new ones, but what I have for you right now is the very traditional yellow gold
with the champagne dial.
Now, I wanna be very clear about this guys.
I don't like this watch.
Just because I don't like this watch, doesn't mean that it's not a nice watch.
I understand that some of you guys are very, very, very open to get one, very excited about
it and I've had many clients call me that they can't wait the two-tone and I respect
I just personally don't like this model.
I don't know, man.
It's just something about that stick dial and that two-tone, yellow with steel that
just kind of added a cheesy factor for me, you know?
The steel one, for example, with the blue or the black dial, I feel like it's clean,
but the two tone just kind of ruined it for me.
I don't know, man.
Like I said guys, I agree 100%.
If you like this watch and you can't wait to have it.
Just for me, I kind of feel like it kind of ruined the prestige of the all solid gold
Nevertheless, it's still a Rolex.
It's still gonna be kick ass.
Some of the things that you're gonna notice right off the back on these new two-tone models
is the dial layout.
It has stick indicators instead of Roman or Arabic numbers and another thing is that the
24-hour second time zone wheel, if you noticed, is the same color as opposed to in the gold
versions, has a contrast.
Where is a completely different color.
This kind of looks a little bit more subtle.
The dial is not so loud and popping out, but overall, it's gonna be a great watch.
It's gonna have plenty of good sales and the biggest problem is gonna be for the beginning,
I say the first 3 years, it's gonna be getting one.
That's gonna be the hardest thing about these models is getting one.
I've talked to several people that are in line trying to get'em and you know how that
That's that thing again, the whole infamous Daytona waiting line for Rolex.
You know how they are, but nevertheless, it's gonna be a good watch.
I just personally don't like it.
I was a little bit disappointed and before I get the hate mail or the trolling on the
comments, it's just my opinion man.
I don't like it.
I'm not much of a two-tone guy anymore and I feel like a Sky-Dweller in two-tone and
steel is just straight blasphemy.
So as far as the Watch Game goes or better yet, the two-tone game goes, whatever man,
you know?
It's a Sky-Dweller.
I guess, Sky-Dwelly, you know?
People out there saying it.
I don't know what to tell you man.
It's kind of a biased opinion.
I don't like the watch.
I just don't understand what other way I could put that, but it doesn't mean there's nothing
wrong with having one.
I get it.
Let us know on the comments to the video how you feel about the two-tone Sky-Dweller and
if you liked this video, please like and share.
Also, remember to subscribe to our channel.
My name is Eric.
Watch Your Style!
Subject Matter Minute, Episode #6 - Flexible Benefit Plan - Duration: 12:16.
Hello fellow state of Wyoming employees and welcome to another
episode of the subject matter minute. Thanks for joining me.
I hope you have gotten some use out of the first 5 episodes
that I made, and....
I hope that you got to see the last one on Google Hangouts.
...and on that, I want to say thanks again
to Summer Wasson for giving me the information and helping me out on that.
I gotta say that I know that
this subject matter minute thing is getting pretty serious
because I ironed for you today. :)
Clothes that need ironed, are alot
like dishes that can't be washed in the dishwasher for me.
If you can't wash a dish or an item in the dishwasher,
it's dead to me... might as well throw it out,
it doesn't get used. Clothes that need ironed
are kinda the same way. They stay in my closet, or I
get rid of them. Now typically this shirt doesn't need ironed, I don't know
why it was wrinkly, probably poor work on my part during laundry, but
I ironed for you guys and
I guess that means that you mean a lot to me!
As I mentioned last time, I want to give you a little bit more about me
each time. This time I just want to talk about my family a little bit
I've got 2 daughters, they are...
this coming year, going to both be in high school.
14 and 16 year olds.... Freshman and a Junior.
And I've got to say that I've been pretty lucky so far,
they are good kids, um... way better
than I was in high school, so I'm counting my blessings
at this point. I know that can change on a dime but,
so far so good. Also, I've been married
to my wife for 23 years
She is also a Lander-ite, I actually
dated her in high school, believe it or not...
We haven't been together every since, but we dated in high school,
got back together,
Been married for 23 years... it's been a great run.
That's it for the stuff
about me cause this episode is going to be a little bit
long I'm afraid, cause there is a lot of information
But it's very important information, and...
I think something that you all need to consider...
The subject today on the subject matter minute
is the State of Wyoming's Flexible Benefit Plan.
Alright, the Flexible Benefit Plan.
I guess it's also known as the
cafeteria plan, flexible spending account,
or the 125 plan, just in case
you've heard of those. But, for all intents and purposes,
I think most people might know of it as the
blue sheet plan.
Because every year you've got to fill
out that blue sheet that is the flexible benefit
First of all I want to thank this months subject matter expert,
or experts.... it's the folks down at EGI.
Specifically Debra Vaughan and Pamela Unruh.
They got me the information, and hopefully I do it justice.
It's a lot of great information.
Thanks Deb and thanks Pam, I appreciate it.
Really there are 3 components to this, and that's
all on that blue sheet that you see. First of all it allows you to
elect to have your health insurance premiums
taken out of your pay, pre-tax.
That's one of the things you've got to do on the blue sheet.
The second component is a medical reimbursement account.
This is an account that allows you to take money out of
your pay, pre-tax, and you can use that money,
through out the year, on medical expenses.
Typically medical expenses that your insurance doesn't cover.
You can put up to
$2500 a year into that
account, you don't have to put $2500, you can decide,
and it's a monthly allotment. So, most people
will have that, if they choose to. There's also one for
folks who have a high deductible health plan, and
a health savings account. Theirs is called
a wraparound medical reimbursement account.
It's very similar, but the difference is
these folks can't use
the money in that account for items
such as.....
the deductible expenses, or the drugs.
You can only use it for things that are truly not covered
by health insurance, which is things like vision, dental,
orthodontics. So those are the folks
with a high deductible insurance plan.
That's still a medical reimbursement account,
it's just that they have a slightly different one.
The 3rd component of the flexible benefit plan is
dependent daycare reimbursement.
You can get reimbursed up to $5000 in
a year,
for daycare expenses.
Same deal, you'll sign up for it, they will take the money out
up to $5000 that you can put towards
I've explained the components of it,
and at this point your wondering, ok, this is all my money...
and then you are putting it in an account.... what's the point?
The point is that all of this money comes out of your check
So, it reduces your taxable income.
So the less money you make in the government's eye,
the less tax you pay. Let's run a little scenario.
Let's pretend I have 2 kids that are still in daycare.
They are in high school, but let's say they are in daycare.
If you have 2 kids in daycare, it's going to easily be $5000 for the year.
So, you do that maximum, and they
take out $5000 pre-tax.
Then you know that with a family of 4, like I have,
we typically have... with orthodontics,
vision and all these other tidbits...
we are easily going to have over $2500
in extra medical expenses.
So we max out our medical reimbursement account.
That's $2500. Then I check the little
box that says "take out my
health insurance premiums pre-tax."
I was going to check on this, but I forgot to
and I don't know what my monthly is, but
let's just say it's $300 per month.
For the family... that's going to come out pre-tax.
So you have the $5000, you have the $2500,
and then you have $3600
in health insurance premiums.
We are talking almost $10,000
reduction in your taxable income.
Now that's a big deal. And it could even be a
bigger deal ... I'm not an accountant... but
if it was to put you down into a lower tax bracket,
it could be a very big deal. So you are saving on taxes.
That's why you want to do this.
There's other reasons. One of them is that
with the medical reimbursement account,
you can use that money any time during the year.
You sign up for it.
Let's say you decide on $1200 for the year.
$100 a month.
If you decide that you want to get lasik surgery in March,
you can go ahead and pull that whole amount, even
though you haven't actually had it taken out of your checks yet,
and pay for your lasik surgery.
So you can do it at any point. Now it's different with the childcare...
You actually have to have the money in your account
before you can use it. Federal rules on that, or the IRS.
With the childcare one, you have to have the money in the account
before you can actually
have it withdrawn and paid for. There's a very important
piece of this that you need to know and keep in mind
when you are signing up and choosing the amounts you want to do.
This program, both the
medical reimbursement and the daycare reimbursement
are "use it or lose it."
That means that if you decide to take out
$5000 for your
daycare, and one of them
ends up not being in daycare, and you only spend $3000, you'll lose
I know that sounds mean and seems wrong, but on the flip
side, if for instance, you
sign up for $100 a month,
cause you are going to get lasik in
February. So you pull all that money that
you haven't yet taken out of your checks. Pull all the money for lasik
surgery in February, and then you quit
your job in March, the State loses money.
So there is risk both ways.
So you sign up for all this...
you get all the appropriate paper work done... which, btw,
I will have another episode on how to submit all this stuff.
It's just way too much information for this one.
You submit it all,
you go through the process,
"boom," you'll get a check from EGI.
Which brings up another thing.
You can do it in any fashion that you want.
If you have $2500
in the medical reimbursement account, you can
turn in your paperwork monthly and get monthly checks,
or, like I do, you can wait until the end of the year,
and get a big check.
If it's little things along the year that you are paying for
and you can go ahead and do that, it's kinda like
a savings account for you in that
if you turn in everything at the end of the year,
you will get the total at the end.
It's a chunk of money, it's nice.
That's another benefit... you can kind of consider it one...
it's automatic savings for something
that you are going to have to spend money on anyways.
I don't know how you guys are, but
for me, it's really hard... even if I know I'm going to have lasik
in October, I can say that I'm going to save for it, but
the odds are pretty good that I won't. And then I'll have to slap it on a credit card.
So this is a way of doing it.
They do it automatically, it's there, you can use it at any point.
On that... the timelines...
If you are doing
a medical reimbursement for the year 2016,
you have until March 31st
of 2017 to
turn in the paperwork.
So, the following year, at the end of March,
is when you have to turn in all the paperwork.
So, I talk fast...
seems like a lot of information...
I hope that you can tell that I think that this is a very good idea.
Reducing your taxable income, paying less in taxes,
and allowing them to put
aside the money for you. Doing it automatically.
Being able to
pay for things up front. Even when you don't have the money
in the account yet. All these things...
Great benefit for the State of Wyoming.
Use it if this is something that you are going to spend
money on anyways.
Unless there is something your accountant says otherwise,
definitely get your
health insurance premiums taken out
pre-tax, reduce your taxable income.
That's my financial advice, I am
not a financial advisor, but this
is what I think, my personal belief.
Thanks for joining me and I'll see you next time!
Top 9 Television Actors Who Are Junior than their Wife ! You Won't Believe! - Duration: 4:03.Top 9 Television Actors Who Are Junior than their Wife ! You Won't Believe!
Nacho Cheeseburger (Recipe) || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 4:11.Nacho Cheeseburger
All ingredients & quantitive data are listed & linked in the inbox below.
Welcome to a new video...
...in this episode I show you a simple & easy burger recipe...
...today we gonna cook a Nacho Cheeseburger...
...with creamy cheese sauce, beef patty & nachos on top...
...first for the cheese sauce deseed 2 red peppers & finely dice them...
...next, give red pepper cubes along with 100 milliliters milk, 250 grams Kraft Singles, a dash of lemon juice...
...each ¼ teaspoon cumin, ground coriander & paprika powder...
...as well as a good pinch of salt, sugar & pepper into a saucepan...
...then heat up over low to medium heat...
...stirring constantly with a whisk...
...keep on stirring until the cheese is completely melted...
...& once the cheese is smooth & creamy pull the saucepan from heat & allow to cool until serving...
...next, we can prepare the burger patties...
...for that give 500 grams ground beef along with a good pinch of salt & pepper into a mixing bowl...
...& mix with your hands until well combined...
...after that divide the beef into 4 equal sized portions...
...& form 4 burger patties...
...for that knead each beef portion between your hands, form a ball...
...and then flatten until you got such a burger patty...
...if you prefer perfectly shaped patties...
...additionally use a burger press...
...transfer the beef to the mold & press firmly with the stamp...
...that's it & you got such a perfectly shaped burger patty...
...then heat up a large pan on high heat...
...adding a dash of oil...
...once the oil is hot enough add the beef patties...
...& sear for 2 - 3 minutes each side...
...then turn once & fry until done on the side...
...if the patties are done we can build up the burger...
...spread the bun's bottom half with 1 - 2 tablespoons of cheese sauce...
...gently brown the burger buns on the cutting sides before...
...then 1 lettuce leave, a few slices tomatoes...
...next, the beef patty...
...a handful of nachos...
...& finally more cheese sauce simply drizzle the sauce over the nachos...
...and last but not least the top bun half...
...then I wish you a good appetite...
...I hope you liked the video...
...I wish you lots of fun cooking & see you next video!
Donald Trump Dictated Son's Response To Russia Meeting | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 10:38.-------------------------------------------
OVER 1 Month of Pickups, CCAG Show, and ACTION 52! - Duration: 17:14.Hey guys, looks like it's Christmas in July
Welcome back guys, today I am going to showcase everything I picked up from the last month
and a half
as well as the CCAG Show which is
Clevelands Classic Console and Arcade Gaming Show
and after that I am going to open up all my mail from various places I ordered online
so let's check it out
[Laughing maniacally]
Alright so everything here is from CCAG and in general from thrift shops and game stores
Ok so the first thing Im going to over is I eventually want to start collecting all
the black box NES games so this one right here is
Duck Hunt
Slalom, I don't know how to pronounce that one
Donkey Kong 3
Mach Rider
Urban Champion
and this is Pinball
10-Yard Fight
Hogan's Alley
so those are all the black box NES I have right now, and I believe there's between 30
and 40 of them that are black box
and we also have Mickey Mousecapade
for the NES and that's not part of the set
Next up I have a couple Wii and Wii U games I picked up
Rampage Total Destruction
Metroid Other M, I heard this wasn't a very good game but I wanted to get it
because Im a fan of Metroid in general
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wario Land Shake It, I don't know how this is but..
and these are a couple Wii U games I have
LEGO Movie Videogame, I haven't played this one
StarFox Guard
Back here we have The Warriors for the Xbox I heard it was a pretty good game
and we have Oni or "Oni"
and right here we have Smuggler's Run for the PS2
I already had this but my disc was pretty messed up and wouldn't run so I got a copy
of it
Here we have Twisted Metal Head-On
which is basically an expansion to the first game
Now we're going to go over a couple Xbox games
From Russia with Love, one of the 007 games
and Dance Dance Revolution UltraMix 3
I played the UltraMix 2 which was fun at the time so this was only a dollar so, couldn't
pass it up
I love dollar games
Dance Dance UltraMix 4, it's got the wrong case so I gotta fix that
Unreal II The Awakening, it feels empty
Oh, it's missing the manual
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
This is Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday I got this loose because I already have it complete
in box, and my wife likes to play this game so I wanted to her to have a junky copy
This is Twisted Metal Small Brawl
NHL2K for the Dreamcast, if something is cheap enough I'll pick it up
MotoCross Mania, it's only a dollar, why not
Big Air for the Playstation 1 as well, also a dollar
I got Ken Griffey Jrs Winning Run for the NES, er the Super NES, sorry
and this is Super NES Super Scope, I already have the gun so I just needed the game
The Duke, love the Duke controller, as a kid it was too big, but now that I'm an adult,
it's like, it fits perfectly in my hands, the only thing is I'm missing the connection
piece for it so I forgot about that
I picked up Teleroboxer for the Virtual Boy, I have about 4 games loose so this will be
my 5th one loose
Im going to go over a couple N64 games I picked up
Shadowgate 64
Castlevania, the first one
ClayFighter 63 1/3, wish it was Sculpture's Cut, I thought it was Sculpture's Cut
Iggy's Reckin' Balls
Tonic Trouble
Body Harvest
Rush 2, love this series
and Quest 64
Some golfing Country Club game, I can't pronounce the name
World Driver Championship
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone
Top Gear Rally
South Park
California Speed
All-Star Baseball 2000
NBA Live, another crap game
Nascar, 99
and this is uh, MotoCross
Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000
Star Wars
Now a lot of these games have uh, sticker prices on them, but I was able to bundle them
together to get better deals, so I recommend doing that if you go to these shows
And right here we got Doom
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
Toughman Contest, he kinda looks like Butter Bean or something there
Shadow Squadron
Cosmic Carnage
NFL Quarterback Club
Virtua Fighter
36 Great Holes
Virtua Racing
and uh a pretty rare-ish and uncommon game I found there [ccag],
I bundled this with the Action 52 and this is
Blackthorne for the 32X
and here we got a complete in box Corpse Killer for the 32X CD
and this is the CD version
Last but not least, the Action 52
This is the first time Ive ever seen one in person at the CCAG Show but its cool, I was
able to bundle this up with Blackthorne for the 32X, and uh, yeah
[maniacal laughing]
Now the part you've all been waiting for, opening up the mail
This is the one with the Amiibo card so this is the first print and it's technically more
Believe it or not, this is my first Amiibo and I wanted it to be Cloud from Final Fantasy
VII, nice
Last one
So that's my pickups for the last month and a half
I hope you enjoyed it and give me a thumbs up and uh
If you liked it, feel free to comment your thoughts on the games
or if I messed up anything
and thanks for watching
[bomb whistles/dropping]
Republican Senator Continues Push For Health Reform | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Connecting Food and Health in Tampa Bay | Humana - Duration: 1:10.For Feeding Tampa Bay, our goal is to make sure that the community has enough food.
So, we will partner with a variety of different organizations that are delivering food.
A great example of that would be that we develop the food necessary for the Boys and Girls
Clubs to feed their kids after school.
That allows the kids to participate in the programs that they have, and hopefully, again,
create a greater health equation in that particular kid's life or their family's life.
So, the biggest, I think, barrier that we face is lack of understanding about food and
health, and the connection between the two.
How do we develop and understand what is the best food prescription for folks who are in
need of food?
How do we develop a healthier, a more nutritious meal for folks who don't have ongoing and
consistent access to food?
We're thrilled that Humana's willing to come in to Tampa Bay and say, "We have a
We have an aspiration.
We want to call together all committed and concerned folks, and develop a process by
which our community can become healthier."
Freakso - ZU VIEL IM KOPF - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Man to face charges in park attack - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Cartoon for girls how to become a beauty. We are engaged in ourselves and go on a date. - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
12 Bollywood Celebrities Who Are Younger Than Their Wives | Bollywood Couples With Huge Age GAP - Duration: 5:31.12 Bollywood Celebrities Who Are Younger Than Their Wives
Bollywood Couples With Huge Age GAP
Akseer-e-Mardana Khas | Health Tips in Urdu For Man | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Sparen war gestern | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
SHANIA ON ENGLAND MAGAZINE COVER - Duration: 1:44.HEY TRIPPSTERS, Ssania Twain news okay Colin thank you for tagging me in this article
Shania Twain is going to be on England's cover of hang on, Shania is the cover
of England's Music Week magazine the July 31st edition so if you've missed
it the July 31st editions of England's Music Week magazine Shania Twain is
on the cover, there is a five-page article inside now I don't know what the
article says but Colin is the one that helped me get this information and he
has more information on his Shania Twain Facebook page I will link to it in the
description below you guys want to check out his Facebook page because he has
even tidbits that I don't have up for you guys okay and he has a couple of
links attached to this article that may help you guys find more information so I
just wanted to let you guys know that the July 31st of England's music Weekly
magazine has Shania Twain on the cover and a five-page article inside the
magazine now I don't know if you can view that online or not I've not checked
but you guys can check and let me know but I just thought the Shania fans out
there would want to know yes she is on the cover of the magazine okay so Colin
again thank you so much sweety for helping me stay up to date on all the
shania news guys that is going to do it for now this is ICEPETS Queen and I am
tripping out
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