Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 2 2017

Come on! Go!

Come on! Hurry!

Come on!

- Marlow, a little help here! - She's temperamental. Watch out!

- Clear! - Clear!

Come on, you bastard!


Weaver? Weaver. Weaver. Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

You're okay.

For more infomation >> Kong vs Skull Crawler Final Fight (Scene) - Kong: Skull Island (2017) Movie CLIP Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 5:14.


AppTV - AccessNow App Creator Maayan Ziv - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> AppTV - AccessNow App Creator Maayan Ziv - Duration: 3:48.


What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.

Hello ladies.

Old wives' tales would have it that sleeping with a bra on will cause your boobs to sag.

But in contrast to that, iconic beauty Marilyn Monroe apparently used to sleep with a bra

on every night in order to prevent them from sagging.

So which is it?

What's the truth in the matter; will sleeping with a bra on actually have any impact on

the shape/size/perkiness of your breasts - either for better or for worse - or could it have

any other implications for your health?

Well, basically breast sagging is an inevitable fact of life for women as they age.

The reason being is because the connective tissue holding breasts in place loses its

elasticity over time.

There are various different factors that can contribute to the increased likelihood of

sagging breasts, including "pregnancy and breastfeeding, genetics, smoking, dramatic

weight-loss or gain, and perhaps even high-intensity activity".

Because of that, it is very hard to measure the effect of wearing a bra to bed, with so

many other factors having far more significant effects.

Let's think about this from a scientific point of view.

Sagging is caused by the downwards pull of gravity on the mass of your breasts.

That's why bigger breasts sag more, as there's more fat within the tissue for gravity to

work on.

When you're lying down flat, the effect of gravity pushes the breast tissue back towards

your chest, instead of down towards your toes.

So, wearing a bra (the purpose of which is ultimately to support breasts from below)

is essentially redundant in bed, as breasts naturally compress back down onto the chest.

Based on this gravity logic, prolonged periods of lying down (regardless of whether you're

wearing a bra or not) probably would prevent boobs from sagging long-term.

But this would require longer than your average 7/8 hour sleep, and who wants to lie down

for 20 hours a day just to make sure your breasts remain perky when you hit the menopause?

Not me.

So that seems to be the sagging issue resolved: it's unlikely to have any real effect.

But what about any other health implications an all-nighter in your bra might have?

With regard to the breast tissue itself: if your bra often leaves impressions in your

skin from being too tight, then wearing it 24/7 won't give the skin a chance to recover

and bounce back from these, leading to long-term indents in the tissue.

Then aside from the breasts themselves, there's a lot going on by way of important anatomy

around the chest area: from muscles to vessels, lymph nodes to nerves.

If your bra is too tight, you may be restricting your blood supply to the breasts and surrounding


The same goes for the lymphatic system: a tight bra may restrict the flow of lymph to

the many important lymph nodes around the breast and armpit, hindering the system's

vital function of flushing toxic waste-products from the body.

As for the conclusion, it's probably best to steer clear from wearing a bra in bed,

and that's not to mention the effect it might have on your quality of sleep, especially

if it's underwired.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of reasons you shouldn't wear your bra to bed;

breast sagging just isn't one of them.

For more infomation >> What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.


[cs:go] Cheating user 핵유저 [aimbot, wallhack, ect..] - Duration: 6:02.

*Perhaps this user is adjusting the Cheat value*

For more infomation >> [cs:go] Cheating user 핵유저 [aimbot, wallhack, ect..] - Duration: 6:02.


New Dinotrux Video Compilation Surprise Toys Dreamworks Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing Dinosaur Toys - Duration: 57:57.

Wow guys it's great to see you again today we're gonna have five awesome dinotrux

dinosaur trucks dinosaur toys opening we got a mega chomping tie-rux

a talking dozer a talking skyathe tip-top tool in bay playset and a giant

New Dinotrux Video Compilation Surprise Toys Dreamworks Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing Dinosaur Toys

it's good to see you again I'm so glad you came back we're going to have

another awesome dino trucks toy opening today and this is the big one this is

the mega chomping sky as huge he's awesome he talks I mean look at the size

of my hand there I mean this guy is a big one and let's listen to some of the

phrases he says bugle reality let's get building

oh you can't win these drugs all right

so this guy is big I mean his package fills up this entire area I back here so

let's go ahead and check out the back of it and he also comes with a little Revit

here which he interacts with once you put them in here and you turn it so

let's check out the bathroom Wow because tie-rocks is ready for

action rolling around the flat irons with his bunny rabbit you think is

powerful excavator jaws high rock can dig and chomp all the new or supply or

swing his mighty wrecking ball tails when pesky scrap tools lurk nearby

reptiles hitch a ride ready to tool up for a new adventure you can see their

rep tools fit into his ball there and over here Revit activates buddy dialogue

with Ty rocks and underneath that lift handle for life sound and mega chomping

action awesome this guy is cool go ahead and open them up and have some fun ok

here is out of the package let's take a let's listen to him first

Oh Rick dildo we are this threat still go we have it

okay let's go ahead and take a look at this guy all around then we'll take a

look at some of his other features he does got really big nice remark that

opens up and he talks and then his neck is attached here to his body in his off

arms move when he moved his when you moved him here his arms will also move

but you could put his arms in two different positions to get it to move in

different areas and you got the little rep tool that goes up here if you turn

in he talks different phrases in your bitter read

you freaka one and continue on here's the

handle to pull in this is where he opens his mouth and he talks and then here is

his main body connected to his tail he's got a really nice big ball on his tail

but here's the bulldozer part of his body that actually moves up and down

when you roll him so it makes it look a lot more realistic and then here's the

tread part he doesn't actually run on treads he runs on wheels but that's the

tread look to it and you can see the back moves like one side and then the

other side when you roll it and in the back it's really cool too because you

got storage back here for Reb tools if you open up these flaps here you've got

a nice big storage area for Rev tools in there so let's go ahead and see how you

can fit a whole rep tool right in there and then go ahead and close it or go

ahead and take them out and then continuing on you got the ball

here the ball really nice and big here I means you can see in my hand it's almost

the size of a softball and then this also opens up so you could put Reb tools

inside of here and then just close it back up and go ahead let them out and

then over here you've got spaces on the two sides here also for ref tools so if

you take the Reb tools you could put them over there on the two sides and

here I'm moving pretty much the same at the other side and then what's really

cool about this guy when he talks his eyes and these lights on top also light

up green sky rocks are you go behind

and then he does have a huge mouth I mean you go ahead and open up his mouth

on you could fit my whole fist into his mouth so this guy's got a big mouth and

he's really cool-looking and over here you have two speaker and let's check out

the bottom of him bottom of him you've got four then these front flaps also

open up and you got a nice big storage area to rep tools in there

he put a red tool and there also and then once you take him out of demo mode

he has a lot more songs he could make and he also swivels here so you could

turn his neck in different directions he will swivel ah okay about half way he

swivels and then he locks them so this guy's really cool

we're all coming through

quick wrecking ball coming through means Tyra but you know he died

he's overseas truck and here's a look at him with the light up you can't win

Zeke's truck trick feel the way up there

okay we'll tie bruh

well guys it's another good honest hard day's work let's get this going Ton Ton

you ready I was already critical dudes let's get

this going let's get this show on the road

cowabunga yeah wow look at him go fix it smash it rocket blog flew through

the air and Wow look at the Trixie doing he still has the or on the back of his

truck oh here comes dozer to to help him out Wow Wow you got to do a great job

well guys it's lunch time go ahead and take a break oh yeah cool dude I need

some radical food while these guys are on lunch these trucks sneaks into their

camp and he's meeting who oh the giant t-rex I'll give you all the food you

could eat for the rest of your life you take care of these guys

why don't I just eat you I think your taste real good no no no no don't eat me

you'll get a lot more food if you don't eat me

okay but you better you better make it work both trust me it's gonna radical

lunch dudes that was cool yeah in this show on the road oh the t-rex oh he's

knocking everybody down Wow he's grabbing their camp tearing it

apart oh you grab this King Park tearing the

whole perfect part oh no wow smash everything down form

come here you coward oh no tie rocks is so much stronger smaller by his brave

eyes attacking them but dinosaur doesn't even realize like he's being tickled Oh

crabs play Rock knows this the end of my wrath

I'll save you time rocks I still have the growth ring oh he should die rocks

with the growth ray Wow we know what's going to happen now Oh

tie rocks is huge now I don't like t-rex is in trouble now

oh but he's still challenging or tie rakhie tie rakhie guy

oh man that t-rex is in trouble now oh

fuck what happened to you aren't you get so big she's so pretty

oh boy

I'm super we are here and this battle is on Wow

oh that t-rex is still attacking but look at my rock

oh oh this is Jorge Pompey closes down then it swings around with his tail hits

him oh man tear octopus wine Wow wait if you me you don't mess with my pals Wow

cool right quick silver we have it oh here comes the t-rex is friend oh oh man

this guy doesn't since the chin he thinks he's or oh this t-rex turns to

running grabbed him by the neck ah text a terrible you don't be struck did you

guys get it what what happened I'm so big now I'm getting at here

oh he thinks Keith drops his horn but I'm not gonna

eat him he just gotta teach him a lesson Oh Oh

God clearing the field

oh my god money here Wow boy that guy is awesome take a look at

this guy here

Wow what do you guys think about him he is

really cool guys make sure you stay around for the end of the show also

we're going to have today's secret word and you go ahead and put that in the

comment section down below and I'll know that you're a part of my club and you

really enjoy these videos well guys today secret word is the number 9 go

ahead and spell it out spelled ni NE go ahead and put that in the comment

section down below hi Rach and I know you watch this whole

video you really like these videos and then you're a member of my club you

throw parties struck this guy so cool what do you guys think look at

ah sounds of praises doser looks totally awesome check him out

is he huge I'm he's bigger than this bigger than my hands which is really big

for dinotrux toy it says it goes in time and dozers

ready to get to work this gruff tough dozer tops uses the sharp blades to

bulldoze trenches and it's jackhammer tail to smash up heavy rocks Wow it's

out of my way it's closin time cool let's open this up and have some fun ok

guys here is dozer and another cool thing is he could carry wrapped tools on

his back here he's got aa revit either brevet 8 or poor tool so he could carry

any of those all replicas on his back so that is really awesome first thing I

want to do is listen to his phrases because I mean just this guy is totally

awesome so when you pull down his tail he drops the blade on the front of his

head and he speaks different phrase hey I'm talking here ok so there's like a

dozer side for my boy

hey toss it here stay away from my mouth

its Johnson time great about the best thing you can okay so he does keep

saying different phrases he has quite a few our different phrases he says like I

said he is big God he does our role on wheels rather than all his tread like he

would on in the show here's what he looks like in the front he is really

cool I mean I really like this toy it's a nice big toy I'll show you the off

small dozer and a little bit so you could see the size difference and he has

a cool jackhammer tale that the jackhammer turned all the way up and

down and then when you push it down you can pretend keep working back here

stay away from her mouth without Ricky I like it

and then here's a look at him from the pot let's compare this guy's to some of

the other dinotrux saw talking trucks okay I have this awesome skaia one she

also talked and extends her neck and all the ones I show you I have full reviews

on if you go to the end of the video there's a dinotrux pilot just go ahead

and click on that and I have over 30 of them most of them include Dino battles

and then we have a talking rep paw Tyrod

is my specialty

we're dinotrux welcome up but then we have a talking shadow

Tyrod see trucks to the rescue

and those guys power is no match for brainpower

scrappers can't stand those guys okay then we have a big talking rabbit toy

and then we have talking garbage and then we have the best one of all big

cool run cool run you can win these drugs

wrecking ball coming through rec build awareness let's get building site does

wrong that locked storage correct rules got a huge off wrecking ball tail that

actually opens up you can pull or recommend coming through all right oh oh

oh maybe goes him let's see if he could do it oh look at that he's those in him

lost them and then we also had the talking tie rocks like you're here it's

like a puppet will your arms one side trucks move back pork chop crazy around

here hey rescue we got it chops

Oh guys it's great to see you again I'm so glad you came back

hi I'm WD and welcome to my toy channel we're gonna have another awesome toy

opening today let's see what we have Wow the dinotrux dozer sounds in fridges boy

that guy looks totally awesome later we'll have today's secret word and an

awesome end card lot more fun videos wow good know this guy yeah it's a nice

peaceful day in the dinotrux village everybody is hard at work Wow look at

all the wrecked tools here working on fixing up dozer you got guy in the back

there and Ton Ton Thai rock Garbi haul back there you got scratchers trying to

steal stuff and what is this you've got d-structs planning something

various scheme what is going to happen although if you watch my videos you know

this piece is not going to last

my friend


oh here comes the big one disgusting oh

stop that that's gross

dozers about to get eaten

all right the t-strap put you up to this

yeah let's go go

hey you get those guys what not me oh no coming after me I'm getting outta here

oh all right Oh guys this Dino Trump Oh guys it's

great to see you again I'm so glad you came back we're gonna have another

awesome toy opening today let's all right I'm WD now welcome to my toy

channel let's see what we have today wow this is a deluxe talking skaia

firm dinotrux boy that's going to be totally awesome we're gonna have an

awesome Dino battle later today and we'll have tasty convert and an awesome

and card with a lot more fun videos Wow go ahead and open this guy up Ricky

raucous smashing let's get to work dude they took tons you're gonna work

with skya today but you better be careful there

have been sightings of some terrifying t-rex in the area and nobody knows where

he came from so be on the lookout no problem tie a guard skaia from that

terrible t-rex

wow these guys are really busy check out how many of them are here work it boy I

really hope we don't see that giant t-rex that's gonna be scary I can't be

about grayness or or don't win these rap tools a busy fixing dozer garvey's busy

eating rocks parting them out the scrap of dactyl is stealing stuff in Ton Ton

as hard at work boys guys really busy

guys what was there another terrible t-rex is hearing tearing the place apart

I got Waldo nice going for desert ty-rux turns to fight well he doesn't have a


Kirby trees firing rocks here exam oh no he's got poor garbage run test time oh

two ways got none

hola brave skies the only one left but does she have a chance

quick sky here's my growth ray

well boy I feel gray come on t-rex bring it on Oh t-rex is angry now

he's attacking sky ah she extends her tongue ho oh she got him around the

mouth oh she's lifting him up in the air holding him down

oh he doesn't like that at all and he's back up he's challenging her machine

against animal aah skies spinning him to a fall

oh she raises her neck up and hair and comes out on him

all the T Rexes does she goes ahead and hook them up good riddance to bad

rubbish gotta get rid of this guy one two three oh god you saved us from

that terrible t-rex all in a day's work you want to go for a ride Kai haha is

this fun pi I guy I think you better put me down I'm getting airsick here yeah

and down we go wow guys this guy a toy looks awesome she stretches out her neck

when she talks and wow it's awesome this is a nice big toy on the back it says no

whoo going up next but the thing is I looked online I can't find this toy

anywhere even on Toys R Us website but I did buy it from the physical store and I

don't see any other videos of it on YouTube

so it's kind of weird but it is I mean it's a really good-sized time and you

can see by my comparison to my hand and it is awesome I mean this is a super

good quality toy let's check out some of its features first of all if you press

down on her tail her neck will go off and it will get longer and you hear the

noise that she makes like in the movie the machinery noise I mean her neck will

go really high which is awesome check it out so she said quite a few phrases I

mean it's not strong enough to pull off the toys by itself but it is retractable

meaning it will go back up it's just off most of the toys are too heavy so you

have to do it off pretty much like physically

not every time plus like here she could reach down and hook right shot when you

pull the handle and talk that is so cool carry rep tools so that's really cool

like here I got the big tie rock I have full reviews and all of these toys if

you go to the end of the video there's a dinotrux

playlist but these are really awesome ones this one talks he rolls

he had space for storage he's got a big wrecking ball on the back so you can see

like the size difference here here all those if they were fighting I mean this

guy really could pretty much eat Gaia so I really like this big one cool

wrecking ball coming through let's do this so you've got the big Darby one

here Darby has like he comes with like balls that are like the shape of ping

pong balls and he eats these so if you go ahead and push back on his tail he'll

open his mouth you drop it in the ball will roll back

if you lift his tail here he will he'll fire it out checking this out and he paw

and then we had the big rabbit rep tool this guy's awesome if you pull back on

his tail his bit here cause it bit here turns aunty talk and then if you open

his mouth he has a tape measure here for measuring and it's retractable and and

he also talks when you do then you got extra bits on his back I get a full

review on all of these if you want to check out off my dinotrux playlist at

the end of the video rick is smasher ruff

it does are you're gonna need some new shocks yours worn-out me and what were

you done because got to watch it there's a new huge title seen in the area

you gotta be careful everybody be on your guard

Oh boys yeah oh those are scarred and gone forever

Oh Waldo tries to run turtle attack look for the title trucks cause just like

their crap it train to steel parts gettin close doc can we steal anymore

first touchdown trace throwing horn oh no let's turn to copy trace some rocks

to slow down oh no just like that they're all gone my

only chance is to use rapid growth spray on myself here goes nothing wow I feel

great come on little time bring it on

all right D Rex is in trouble this is for my friend

oh they're weird something is happening ah back to normal size how am I gonna

get my friend they are dinotrux so they're not organic

matter should be have to cut this guy open take them right out these trucks

these trucks only you could help me with your bus long tail why should I help you

those guys were not my friends well without them you have no more nefarious

scheme basically your retirement oh maybe that's a good idea

uh-huh there it goes nothing oh man here they come check it out it's

dozer it comes Garvey and Tuerto and Tenten won't goes next where's rivet oh

there he is holy this rapid axles laughs maybe we

should leave them in there ah ah there he is too bad

wow thanks these trucks you really helped save all my friends and scrap a

back though I don't care about scrap of dactyl or your friend I did it because I

want to make new plans to take you guys down well ah that's not a very good

reason to do it but hey got the job done she should wait

till next time next time you're going down wow guys this dinotrux tip-top

Toulon Bay looks awesome it includes Waldo and tour tool and a clock connects

with the other dinotrux playset so I have two of the big

dinotrux playsets and right now one of the

smaller ones so once I get this set up I'm going to go ahead and put them all

together we'll see awesome let's open this up and see what's inside and this

is what is inside you've got several pieces of the set they're all almost all

red and then you've got a gray piece got a set of instructions and you have tour

tool and Waldo awesome let's put this together okay there's dinotrux

tip-top tool in bay it is cool and it comes with the Waldo and a tour tool

tour tool of course there's a lot of spray painting in the movie painting the

dinosaurs and Waldo does a lot of the repair sort or tool is like a tortoise

it's got a spring apparatus that comes out of his back and Waldo is like

adjustable wrench so it mean it's cool that for inexpensive sets that give you

two guys I mean that that is really cool and then with this set you get a little

lift here it is manually controlled you lift it yourself but one of the cool

things is is one if one of the guys comes up here and steps on it that

actually lowers the lift so I mean I like that but if you do want to work on

what they want to work on one of the vehicles you have to

lift it off with your finger here and lock it into place once it's locked into

place it will stay there until you push this button or you push it down manually

so you know for small set that's a nice feature I like that so it has like a

little scissor lift there it's got like stickers in the back here here's where

you could attach it to other sets which I will show you in a minute because I

have most of the most most of the dinotrux ends and then back here you can

see there's like an image of waldo like fixing fixing one of the dinosaurs and

here's an image of the scissor lift and here's a look at the other side okay

let's go ahead and hook it up to the other set and check out what it looks

like okay so here I went ahead and attached it to the rabbits for being

revenge and their skate park so here I've got several of the dinotrux

vehicles here I've got dozer like up on the left here so you've got tore tools

you've got Revit here helping out toward tool over here you have Garbi and you've

got Ton Ton gathering before there you've got Thai rocks in the back

overseeing them and then over here on this side you have these trucks and

graph it teaming up with noob revenge I got full

reviews of these two guys so if you check out if you wait to the video ends

and you see a dino trucks playlist at the end go ahead and click that and

check them out okay today we have a giant box of dino trucks boy

these are all new toys i unlock if you want to see the unboxing and dinosaurs

battles and a lot of fun stuff go to the playlist at the end of this video I will

have a dinotrux platelet ok ok the first toy we have is

a giant talking roll gaya right yep so if you push her out she lifts her head

and makes different sounds going up and she also rose and she's a lot of fun and

then the next one is a talking ruler Hey oh how cool is that and then we have a

giant talking Garbi if you are you load balls into a small here and when you

pull up the back it shoots the balls off the back side on and off

this was a lot of fun and then of course their best one a huge talking high rough

toy when you push it it moves the Sun inside up and down with mom coming

through he roars I can get eyes light up

let's get building means ty-rux but you can go be guy or and then he has

a giant swing health care of this guy

and then we have a giant's kaya off place that this one I has a working

hook here that goes up and down her mouth opens and closes you could lean

her former to create a ramp for the Dino truck toys to go flying down flying up

into the air and so this set is a lot of fun off and then we have a talking

shadow time away the Raptors and cast a disguise

scrappers power is no match the brainpower

this one has like uh like a claw on the back you can use to pick stuff up and

then them up and down here so this guy's and then we have a giant

d-structs place that if you do down certain amount of time is mouthful snap

shut ah Debbie a we have a talking pile trucks puppet ty-rux job we got a giant

talking rabbit which is spinning bit up here you could change out to different

bit and he has a tape measure tongue

another talking tie-rocks boy

he's got a big rolling Ton Ton if you roll him his backs of the Don

handed head also pull back d-structs if you pull him back to your run and also

his mouth skipping up and down I also have reviews of all their story

set and all we want of diecast figures let's see who we've got

okay first we got the diecast Garbi diecast Ton Ton we've got a big diecast

ty-rux another smaller die cat ty-rux and still another diecast ty-rux

we've got two guys get east rocks and then we have two more diecast tie-rocks

figures so we actually have five diecast tie-rocks niggers some are different

this was a really nice shiny one deck even worsse instead and then we have a

diecast gaia we've got a diecast dozer a diecast rolled on

dai cat tun tun we looks like for diecast revit another diecast ton gun so

we've got two of those tour tool we've got three diecast Tour tools the reason

I have so many doubles and triples is some of these come in sets so that is

pretty cool and then a scrap grapa dactyl well actually this is uh I just

described axial I apologize this is Scarpa dactyl so this guy is really cool

good ah we've got three scrap ters here this one actually rolls and then we have

a diecast wall though and a couple other miscellaneous diecast ones so you can

see here I got a huge pile these are off all my cat dinotrux figures so I got a

lot of them these guys the big talking at once so like I said if you go to the

end in this video I've got full reviews of all of these unboxing them and also

fun story lines where they have to protect themselves from you tragic world

dinosaurs and it's a lot of fun Wow guys that was a lot of fun and if

you enjoyed the video make sure you click Subscribe and the thumbs up button

down below the video in today's secret word is the word

go ahead put that in the comment section down below the video on those you

remember my club go to the video ends there's an awesome it curves walk more

fun video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to

see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Dinotrux Video Compilation Surprise Toys Dreamworks Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing Dinosaur Toys - Duration: 57:57.


'Donut Boy' stops at two NH police departments - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 'Donut Boy' stops at two NH police departments - Duration: 0:30.


Kong Smashes Packard - Cole Sacrifices Himself | Kong: Skull Island (2017) Movie CLIP Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 5:14.

- That's the big one. - Fall back.




Die, you mother...

Kong's down. Let's go!

- They told us to leave at dawn. - I know.

- It's dawn. - I know!

So what are we going to do?

This is the edge of the island.

Weaver, get up on those rocks and fire a flare.

With any luck, Brooks will see it.

We'll buy you time.

This way.

Come on. Every second counts.

Cole! Come on, man, we gotta fall back.

Go live your life. Get out of here.

- Cole! - Cole, no!

- Cole, no! - Stop!

Cole! Cole!

No! Don't!



Come on. Come on. Son of a bitch.

Come on! Go!

For more infomation >> Kong Smashes Packard - Cole Sacrifices Himself | Kong: Skull Island (2017) Movie CLIP Blu-ray 4K - Duration: 5:14.


10 Strange Unsolved Mysteries Involving Wilderness Trips Dark Side of the Mountain - Duration: 21:11.

For many people, the wilderness represents paradise since it provides an opportunity

to get away from the rigors of everyday life and experience nature.

This is why millions of people take trips into the wilderness every year in order to

participate in activities such as hiking, hunting, and camping.

However, the wilderness can also be a very creepy and ominous place.

If something goes horribly wrong, you are a long way from civilization and it may be

impossible to seek help.

It's very easy for a person to disappear into the wilderness and never be seen again.

In most cases, the likely explanation is that they simply got lost and succumbed to the

elements, but some trips into the wilderness are shrouded in mystery.


The Disappearance Of Keith Reinhard

In 1988, 49-year-old Keith Reinhard was a sportswriter for the Daily Herald in Chicago,

but he decided to take a leave absence for a unique outing.

He moved to Silver Plume, Colorado, a small mining village near the Rocky Mountains.

Reinhard became fascinated by the story of Tom Young, a Silver Plume resident who disappeared

under mysterious circumstances the year before.

On September 7, 1987, Young closed up his bookstore and walked into the mountains with

his dog but never returned.

Reinhard decided to open an antique shop in the former location of Young's bookstore

and started working on a novel based on Young's disappearance.

In an eerie coincidence, Keith Reinhard soon became the center of his own unsolved mystery.

On July 31, the remains of Tom Young and his dog were found in the mountains.

They were both shot in the head and, since a revolver was found at the scene, investigators

ruled that Young likely shot his dog before committing suicide.

One week later, Reinhard closed up his shop and told people he was planning to climb the

summit of Pendleton Mountain.

After leaving the village, he was never seen again.

The circumstances of Reinhard's disappearance were strange since it was a six-hour hike

to Pendleton Mountain and he did not leave until 430 PM.

At the time, Reinhard was not carrying any equipment and was not dressed appropriately

for a mountain climb.

A search of the area turned up no trace of him and, tragically, one of the searchers

was killed after crashing his plane.

There was some speculation that Reinhard staged his own disappearance.

Others believed that both Reinhard and Young were victims of foul play and that their cases

were somehow connected.

Whatever the truth, Keith Reinhard's disappearance remains a mystery.


The Cline Falls State Park Axeman

In 1977, Terri Jentz and Avra Goldman, a pair of undergraduates from Yale, decided to spend

the summer going on a cross-country bicycling trip.

On July 22, they stopped at Cline Falls State Park in a remote area of Oregon to camp for

the night.

However, both women were suddenly awakened by a pickup truck which came barreling into

the campsite and crashed into their tent.

The two women initially assumed this was an accident, but they were shocked to see a man

in a cowboy hat emerge from the truck with an axe.

He used his weapon to attack Jentz and Goldman before climbing back into his truck and driving


Both women were seriously wounded but still alive.

Jentz managed to stumble to a nearby road and flag down a passing car for help.

After a teenage couple stopped and went to the campsite, they saw the lights of another

vehicle approaching them.

It came to a brief stop before turning around and driving away.

They suspected the pickup truck driver had returned to finish the job, but he fled the

scene after seeing other people there.

Jentz and Goldman were both taken to a hospital and wound up surviving the horrific attack.

The investigation eventually uncovered a suspect named Dick Damm who was a known violent offender

in the community.

In 1995, while being detained for another crime, Damm was questioned about the Cline

Falls State Park attack and given two polygraph tests.

He showed signs of deception, but the results were inconclusive since he had illegal drugs

in his system and there was no evidence to link him to the crime.

Even if the axeman is identified some day, he cannot be prosecuted since Oregon's statute

of limitations for unsuccessful murder attempts has since run out.


The Disappearance Of Derrick Engebretson

On December 5, 1998, Derrick Engebretson, an eight-year-old boy from Bonanza, Oregon,

went on a trip to Winema National Forest in Klamath County alongside his father and grandfather.

The family was planning to get a Christmas tree while hiking near Rocky Point.

A snowstorm soon hit the area and Derrick wandered away and disappeared.

When Derrick's family notified the authorities, a search was conducted for him but they were

undermined by the terrible weather.

Searchers found some blood in the area along with items which may have been connected to

Derrick including a candy wrapper and a bookmark from his school.

They also found a makeshift shelter made out of fir boughs.

While the likely explanation seemed to be that Derrick had frozen to death in the wilderness,

there was evidence to suggest he might have been abducted instead.

A set of footprints led searchers to the road where the imprint of a snow angel was found.

Around the time of Derrick's disappearance, a witness saw an unidentified man struggling

with a young boy near the road.

In 2002, a prison inmate came forward to claim that a convicted child rapist named Frank

J. Milligan had bragged about murdering Derrick.

Years earlier, Milligan received a 36-year prison sentence for the rape and attempted

murder of a 10-year-old boy and for sexually abusing another boy.

When questioned, Milligan told authorities that Derrick had made it out of the woods

and that he murdered the boy after picking him up by the road.

Milligan said he would lead them to Derrick's body but, after a search of the area turned

up nothing, he decided to recant his confession.

Officially, there is no evidence to connect Milligan to the crime and Derrick Engebretson's

disappearance remains unsolved.

#7.The Falcon Lake UFO Encounter

There are thousands of recorded sightings from people claiming to have encountered a

UFO, but it's very rare to find someone with actual physical evidence on their body

to support their story.

One of those people was Polish-born Stephen Michalak, who made his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba,


On May 20, 1967, the 51-year-old Michalak went out on a prospecting trip to Falcon Lake

Provincial Park.

He eventually spotted two glowing silver objects hovering above him.

One of them flew away and disappeared, but the other one landed on a large rock formation.

Michalak approached the strange craft which was over 9 meters (30 ft) in diameter.

The door opened, a bright light emerged from the object, and Michalak thought he heard

muffled voices inside.

After Michalak touched the craft, the door suddenly closed and the craft took off again,

knocking him over.

This set Michalak's shirt on fire, forcing him to tear it off.

After the experience, Michalak became nauseous and disoriented and it took him nine hours

to find his way home.

The object had left several first-degree burns on his abdomen which resembled a grid-like

pattern of holes.

When he showed the burns to doctors, they were completely baffled.

The burns emitted a sulfuric stench but, even though Michalak was frequently nauseous, tests

found no signs of any radiation poisoning.

Weeks later, Michalak returned to the original site and found a 9-meter burned-out circle

on the rock formation.

Analysts also found traces of non-lethal radiation in the area.

The unexplained burn marks remained on Michalak's torso for the rest of his life.

No one knows for sure if he actually saw a UFO, but the physical evidence found on his

body and at the scene indicates that he definitely encountered something strange that day.


The Disappearances Of David Tyll And Brian Ognjan

David Tyll and Brian Ognjan were 27-year-old residents from the Detroit area who traveled

to northern Michigan for a hunting trip on November 22, 1985.

They were planning to stay the weekend at Tyll's cabin, but both men disappeared and

were never seen again.

The Ford Bronco they drove also went missing which seemed to indicate they never arrived

at their destination.

In fact, they never even got around to purchasing their hunting licenses so it seemed unlikely

that they simply got lost in the wilderness.

The case remained cold until 2003 when a witness named Barbara Boudro was subpoenaed by the

authorities and shared a horrifying story.

According to Boudro, Tyll and Ognjan stopped off at a bar called the Linker's Lounge

in the rural community of Mio.

It was there that they ran afoul of Raymond and Donald Duvall, a pair of brothers who

lived in the surrounding woods.

The Duvalls allegedly beat Tyll and Ognjan to death outside the bar while they begged

for mercy.

Afterward, they chopped up the victims' bodies and fed the remains to their pigs.

Apparently, numerous people witnessed this incident and the Duvall brothers repeatedly

bragged about it over the years.

However, since the Duvalls were known for being intimidating characters in the community,

everyone was too frightened to go the authorities.

In their defense, aside from eyewitness testimony there was no physical evidence linking the

Duvalls to the disappearances, and Boudro was reportedly intoxicated on the night she

witnessed the murders.

Nevertheless, the Duvall brothers were both convicted on two counts of first-degree murder

and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The remains of David Tyll and Brian Ognjan have still not been found and, if the story

about the pigs is true, they never will be.


The Disappearance Of James Harrod

During the 18th century, James Harrod was one of America's most notable explorers.

He founded the very first settlement in Kentucky which became known as Harrodsburg.

In 1792, the same year Kentucky officially became a state, Harrod was living in Harrodsburg

with his wife and daughter.

He decided to go into the wilderness on a hunting trip with two companions.

Harrod never returned, and there were numerous theories about what happened to him.

Some believed that Harrod deliberately abandoned his family and traveled to another part of

the country.

There were unconfirmed rumors that Harrod's wife was often flirtatious with other men

and may have had extramarital affairs.

While Mrs. Harrod got remarried after his disappearance, she managed to get a divorce

in 1804 on the grounds that she believed her husband was still alive.

However, Mrs. Harrod had only used that as an excuse to get a divorce.

In actuality, she believed her husband was murdered by one of his companions.

Apparently, the real purpose of his trip was not to go hunting, but to find a silver mine

for a mysterious man known only as "Bridges."

The third man who accompanied Harrod and Bridges on the trip claimed that Harrod disappeared

after Bridges told him he was attacked by Native Americans, but the man never actually

witnessed anything to support Bridges's story.

Later on, Bridges was seen pawning off some silver buttons which matched the buttons Harrod

had on his shirt.

Shortly thereafter, Harrod's friends found a skeleton in a cave wearing a shirt with

its buttons missing.

In the end, the skeletal remains were left behind and never identified as Harrod, and

Bridges disappeared before he could be questioned.

The truth about what happened to James Harrod remains unknown.


The Death Of Philippe Halsman's Father

After leaving Europe and moving to the US during the 1940s, Philippe Halsman became

one of the world's most renowned portrait photographers.

However, before Halsman's career even began, his life was almost derailed by a controversial

murder case.

On September 10, 1928, the 22-year-old Halsman went on a hiking trip with his father, Morduch

Halsman, in the Zillertal Valley in Tyrol, Austria.

According to Halsman, he was walking ahead of his father when he suddenly fell into a


When Halsman found his father's body near a riverbank, he was still alive so Halsman

went off to get help.

By the time he returned, his father was dead and his empty wallet was now resting beside


A stone was found with Morduch Halsman's blood and hair on it, indicating that he was

robbed and murdered sometime after his fall.

Authorities soon made the shocking allegation that Philippe Halsman was responsible and

charged him with his father's murder.

He was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

However, Halsman had no discernible motive to kill his father and there was no evidence

to implicate him.

Since Halsman was Jewish and Tyrol was known for being an anti-Semitic community at the

time, this seemed to be the motivating factor behind his conviction.

He had many notable supporters who believed in his innocence, including Albert Einstein

and Sigmund Freud.

The prosecution had presented Freud's Oedipus complex as a possible motive for Halsman murdering

his father, but Freud himself refuted this idea.

Halsman eventually garnered a new trial and received a lighter sentence of four years,

but his supporters weren't satisfied.

They successfully petitioned the President of Austria to grant Halsman a full pardon,

and he was released in October of 1930.

The real murderer of Morduch Halsman was never found.


The Disappearance Of Jared Negrete

On July 19, 1991, Jared Negrete, a 12-year-old boy from El Monte, California, traveled to

Camp Tahquitz in the San Bernardino National Forest.

He was going on an overnight camping trip with his Boy Scout troop and they were planning

to hike to the top of the 3,500-meter (11,500 ft) Mount San Gorgonio.

As the troop neared the top the summit, Jared wandered away and disappeared after apparently

straying onto the wrong trail.

When the troop discovered that Jared was missing, an extensive search was conducted of the area

by rescue teams.

They found a lot of matching shoe prints and some items which belonged to Jared including

his backpack, beef jerky, and candy wrappers.

In spite of these clues, they could not find any trace of Jared.

This story would probably be a straightforward and tragic case of a boy succumbing to the

elements after getting lost in the wilderness, but Jared managed to leave behind one very

haunting image.

Jared's camera was also found in the woods, and its film contained 12 recent photographs

which were eventually developed.

Most of the pictures were landscape shots which were taken before he disappeared, but

the last photo was a self-portrait which Jared had taken of himself.

Since Jared's arms were too short to hold the camera out very far, the photo only wound

up capturing his eyes and nose.

It seemed clear that Jared looked scared and that the mysterious picture was taken after

he went missing.

This self-portrait of Jared Negrete remains the last existing trace of him.


The Murders Of Julianne Marie Williams And Laura "Lollie" Winans

On May 19, 1996, a young lesbian couple traveled to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia for

a hiking trip.

The women were named Julianne Marie Williams and Laura "Lollie" Winans; Winans also

brought along her pet golden retriever.

Nearly two weeks later, after neither of the women's families had heard from them, the

authorities were notified.

When park rangers launched a search on June 1, they came upon a campsite and discovered

that Williams and Winans had been brutally murdered.

Both women were bound and gagged before their throats were slit.

Winans's golden retriever was also found wandering around the area, unharmed.

Given the women's sexual orientation and the brutal and calculated nature of the murders,

authorities wondered if they were victims of a hate crime.

In 2002, an incarcerated man named David Darrell Rice was charged with murdering the two women

along with two counts of committing a hate crime.

Rice was already serving an 11-year sentence for attacking another young woman in Shenandoah

National Park in 1997 and was known for expressing his hatred toward women and homosexuals.

It was believed that he deliberately targeted Williams and Winans because of their sexual


Two years later, the charges against Rice were dropped once it was determined that DNA

and hair samples from the crime scene did not match him.

However, suspicion eventually turned to a serial killer named Richard Evonitz.

In June 2002, Evonitz was about to be arrested for an unrelated crime but shot himself when

police tracked him down.

Forensic evidence eventually linked Evonitz to the unsolved murders of three teenage girls

from the mid-1990s.

Since these crimes also occurred in Virginia around the same time Williams and Winans were

murdered, Evonitz is considered a suspect but thus far nothing has connected him to

the crime.


The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Disappearances

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park borders Tennessee and North Carolina and is the most

visited national park in the US.

Therefore, it's probably inevitable that the park has its fair share of unsolved disappearances.

On June 14, 1969, six-year-old Dennis Martin went on an outing to the park with his family.

Dennis and three other boys split off in separate directions to play a prank, but Dennis did

not return and a massive search of the area turned up nothing.

A nearby witness recalled hearing a frightening scream sometime that afternoon before he saw

a rough-looking man running through the woods.

Years later, a man found what appeared to be the skeletal remains of a child in the

park but did not inform the authorities because he was hunting illegally at the time.

When he finally reported it during the 1980s, the remains could no longer be found.

No one knows if either of these events had any connection to Dennis Martin's disappearance.

Another unsolved Smoky Mountains disappearance involved 16-year-old Trenny Gibson who vanished

during a school trip to the park on October 18, 1976.

While the students were hiking, Trenny somehow became separated from them and disappeared,

never to be seen again.

On September 25, 1981, 58-year-old Thelma Melton was hiking through the park on Deep

Creek Trail with two friends when she got way ahead of them and disappeared after walking

over a hill.

No one could find her afterward.

More recently, 24-year-old Derek Joseph Leuking went missing on March 17, 2012.

His vehicle was found in the Newfound Gap parking lot.

All his gear had been left behind, but there was a note on the windshield which read "Don't

try to follow me."

No trace of Leuking could be found anywhere in the park, adding his name to the list of

people who have mysteriously disappeared into the Great Smoky Mountains.

For more infomation >> 10 Strange Unsolved Mysteries Involving Wilderness Trips Dark Side of the Mountain - Duration: 21:11.


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How To Figure Out What Is Causing Your Dryer To Squeak - Duration: 5:06.

Hi I'm Mike and today I am going to help you diagnose the reason why your dryer is making

a squeaking sound and I'm also going to give you some parts that you may need to replace

in order to fix this you may need a Phillips head screw driver and a puddy knife in order

to to complete this project in front of us we have a Maytag centennial dryer now your

dryer may look different because their are many different brands and makes and models

however I am going to show you a bunch of ways that you can diagnose your problem and

it will work on your dryer as well in order for us to diagnose this washer we are going

to need to run it for a little bit in order to where the squeaking is coming from now

the squeaking may be coming from three possible places and that is the back of the dryer on

top of the dryer of in the bottom of the cabinet this squeaking can come from parts on the

dryer that may become worn out and may need to be replaced the bearings are located behind

the back panel of the dryer usually our dryer however does not have bearings so I won't

be able to show you that but I do recommend taking a look at your owners manual to see

how you could remove that back panel and I would defiantly check the bearings if you

do have them a lot of times they become rusted and may need to be lubed or replaced so now

I am going to gain access to the inside of the dryer by removing the top panel of the

dryer now like I said previously this may not work the same on your model number however

you can take a look at your owners manual it should help you understand how to remove

the top panel of your dryer so I am going to remove the lint screen the two screws holding

the top panel to the lint trap using a puddy knife I am just going to pop open the top

so now I am going to lift the top panel of the dryer and I am going to make sure that

either you put it against the wall or build some kind of support system this way we do

not damage anything on the top of the dryer so if you noticed you have a loud screeching

noise coming from the top of the dryer the belt is usually the cause of the problem belts

over time can become fray of shift on the drum and this will cause the drum to make

a lot of noise so I recommend taking a good look at your belt even if you think the problem

is anywhere else because these belts typically break pretty easily so if you took at your

belt and you notice that the belt is fine and there does not really seem to be any problem

with it you can probably determine that the squeaking is coming from the bottom of the

dryer I am going to show you a few parts that could be giving you trouble and could be causing

the squeaking in order to gain access to the bottom of the dryer I am going to have to

take off this front panel and I am going to do that by first unclipping this switch and

next I am going to have to remove screws on the inside of the dryer that are holding this

panel in once both of those screws have been removed I am going to take the front panel

and I am just going to pull it up now I had to pull the drum on my model but depending

on you model you may not have to to do that so just keep that in mind another part we

can also look for is the dryer seal now this seal is held in with an adhesive and sometimes

the adhesive can get to hot and met so here see our seal that it is starting to come off

and that is what is causing the squeaking for us because the dryer drum when it is in

motion is rubbing up against this panel right here so we are going to have to replace that

so we figured out our problem however if you noticed that your seal is okay we can go ahead

and take a look at some other issues that you may have in the bottom of the drum the

next part we are going to take a look at is the idler pulley and the idler pulley is going

to be located right here depending on your make or model it should relatively look the

same if it begins to ware out over time because it constantly moving the belt to the dryer

and sometimes the plastic on the idler pulley can get melted off due to the heat so I would

defiantly take a look and see if the idler pulley is the cause of the blame if you notice

that your idler pulley is not the issue I would also take a look at the motor of the

dryer now our motor is located in the back of the idler pulley your motor should be located

there to the motor helps rotate the belt with this metal piece right here where the belt

is wrapped around now sometimes the motor can become weakened over time if you have

had your dryer model for a couple of years it could possibly be the case any of the parts

I showed you here today could be the reason why your dryer is squeaking you can find an

OEM original equipment manufactured replacement part on our website Thanks for watching our


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For more infomation >> How To Figure Out What Is Causing Your Dryer To Squeak - Duration: 5:06.


Common Reasons Why Your Washer Is Leaking - Duration: 2:44.

Hi, I'm Jordan.

Today I'm going to show you some possible reasons on why your washer maybe leaking.

Having a leaky washer can be very dangerous when it's in use.

Especially, if there are leaking puddles on the floor.

This is our washer model, however, your washer may look different keep in mind these same

techniques can apply to yours too.

So, how do we check our washer?

Let's start with reasons for over filling your washer and how it can cause those annoying


Check to see if your pressure switch is working properly.

If not it can cause the water to overfill during the beginning of the cycle.

Also, you might want to check the air dome tube, which activates the switch.

Usually, the switch is located behind the control panel.

The switch will be right here and the tube, also called the pressure switch hose, will

be located right here.

Another reason for leaking, is do to an inoperative fill valve.

During the fill cycle unplugged the washer to see if the water will stop.

If the water does not stop your fill valve might need to be replaced.

And just like before, its going to be located behind the control panel, which is right here.

The door seal, might be another culprit for your washer leaking.There might be a torn

hole somewhere that is preventing the door from closing properly, which can lead to leaking

from your washer.

If the water is leaking from the inside of the washer you must identify which part of

the cycle it is happening at.

Improper loading and improper detergent usage can cause the system to malfunction.

I also recommend you check for any cracks or possible fractures on the door gaskets,

air dome and the outer tube.

Other mechanically causes could be related to the pump not removing the water fast enough

and causing water to spill all over the top of the tub.

Unsecured drain hoses and unsecured pump valves may also cause this condition.

If you see water leaking from your water inlet valve it is recommended to examine and see

if the inlet hoses are connected properly.

If the hoses are not connected properly be sure to re-plug the hoses and check to see

if they are working efficiently, when in use.

If your washing machine is not working for different reasons, please check out our website

to find out what parts you might need to fix the problem.

Thanks for watching.

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Please, like, comment and share.

And if you really like our video, please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> Common Reasons Why Your Washer Is Leaking - Duration: 2:44.


Why Does My New Oven Smell and Produce Smoke? - Duration: 2:07.

Hi I'm Jordan, is your new oven smoking when you turn it on?

Don't worry, it's completely normal and I'll show you how to fix it.

When ovens are produced, sometimes protective oils are added in the oven cavity.

When they first run, sometimes these oils can be burned or emit a bad smell.

For your own safety if a heavy gas smell is coming from your oven, please turn it off

along with your gas line.

If it continues, open a window, vacate your home, and contact your local gas supplier.

Another reason why your oven may smoke or smell is because it is so new.

When your oven is new, your insulation is also new, so it hasn't been exposed to high

heat yet.

Once your insulation is used to the heat, it shouldn't smell anymore.

These are a couple ways to prepare and break in your oven.

So we're going to start by opening the oven door.

Next, with a soapy cloth, you're going to look for any areas that have any buildup or

residue in them, such as the glass, the racks, or anywhere else inside.

Remember to dry off any areas that you wet up with a towel or a cloth.

Next open your windows to allow proper ventilation, turn on your oven to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit

for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Your oven may have a self clean button, which should also work.

This process locks and automatically cleans the oven.

Note that this can take 1 to 4 hours.

After following these steps, your oven should be smelling normal.

If you need any parts or cleaning supplies for your oven, you can find them on our website.

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For more infomation >> Why Does My New Oven Smell and Produce Smoke? - Duration: 2:07.


What Is Causing Yellow and Orange Flames On Your Gas Range? - Duration: 2:23.

Hi I'm Jordan!

If your gas range has a yellow or orange colored flame instead of the standard blue, it might

be due to the following factors.

Before working on this appliance make sure that the power is and the gas have been disconnected

and turned off.

If you have an orange or yellow burner flame on your gas range, make sure the burner port

holes are clean and free of debris.

Spill overs and cooking grease can block these openings which can effect the flame color.

Use a small sharp utensil to clean these areas.

If you take the burner valve apart to clean them, make sure you place them back in the

proper position as this can also effect the color on your range.

The orifice disburses the fuel from the gas line to the burner, located underneath the


Be sure you are using the proper orifices depending on whether your range uses liquid

propane or natural gas.

Along with the orifices, make sure that the gas pressure regulator valve was changed over

and the brass orifice also called the spud that supplies the bake burner was adjusted.

Every gas range has a gas pressure regulator valve however your model may look different

depending on your make or model.

On our model, the vale is going to be located right here near the bottom.

Another reason why your flames might be turning yellow or orange is because there's a carbon

monoxide build-up in your system.

If that's the case, be sure to turn off your system and call a local technician in order

for them to help you.

Remember you cannot see or smell carbon monoxide so I suggest you place alarms around your


After following all of these steps, reconnect your power source and turn on the gas.

And if it still doesn't work, contact your local technician or check your manual.

If you need to replace any part on your appliances, you can find an OEM replacement part on our


Thanks for watching!

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Please like, comment, and share.

And if you really like our video, please subscribe down below.

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