Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 22 2017

Hi, I'm Kathy G.,

and I love to make food fun, fabulous.

This is my Mom's French coconut pie.

Five minutes and you have this wonderful homemade dessert.

Now you can start with an unbaked pie shell

which I have right here.

You can use your favorite recipe for pie dough

or buy pre-made pie dough already in the shell

or roll it out yourself.

And we start with the coconut and process it

so you really have it finely chopped.

You would take the chopped coconut

and put it in a bowl with a cup of milk.

So we're gonna start with those ingredients.

And we really just wanna let this soak

and absorb the milk and get a little bit more creamy.

So we let that soak.

Put it aside.

And then we're gonna go to our mixer.

I'm going to take three eggs,

(soft, gentle music)

then I'm going to add one cup of sugar.

And we will combine that,

I'll beat the eggs in the sugar.


You wanna whip that up

so the sugar is really incorporated in the eggs.

You want to combine this and let it really get frothy,

'til it's very, very light,

and the little fine bubbles have formed.

So now we'll take our coconut mixture,

that's been soakin' in the milk,

and add that.

And we'll just slowly incorporate that

along with our melted butter.


Butter makes everything better.

Just drizzle this in.

Next we're gonna add a tablespoon of flour.

This will just help bind the mixture.

Just let that sift in and incorporate.

Once our mixture is completed

we want to add a teaspoon of vanilla.


And that's it!

Very simple.

Easy to combine.

I'll take this mixture

and add it to the pie shell.

Going to pour this mixture into an unbaked pie shell.

And we've preheated the oven to 350 degrees

while we're mixin' this up.

By the time the mixture is made

the oven should be just perfect.

We'll garnish it with a little toasted coconut.

We'll just take about one cup of coconut

and spread it out on a cookie sheet

in a 350 degree oven for about five to 10 minutes,

just 'til it turns lightly browned.

We have our pie.

Look at that beautiful golden color it is too,

it's just perfect for Fall.

Going to garnish it with a little whipped cream

which I have here in the bag.

It's heavy whipped cream.

If you wanna use a squirt can you can do that

but this does hold up so much better

and it's yummy.

So we're gonna just do some whole piping around with this.

And you can decorate it any way you want

but I think the toasted coconut just adds a little extra

flavor to it and a beautiful look for Fall.

I'm just gonna sprinkle that along here.

And that's just that extra little garnish.

And here you are.

Oh so now let's just take a nice slice out of this.

Again this is just such a wonderful family or

dessert for friends, so.

Get a piece.

Ahh, there we are.

So here is my Mom's French coconut pie.

For more infomation >> Mom's French Coconut Pie with Kathy G. | Southern Living - Duration: 4:32.


How to get rid of Facebook ads easily - Duration: 4:08.

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For more infomation >> How to get rid of Facebook ads easily - Duration: 4:08.



hi guys welcome back to your brand new class of clans video my name is Teja

Rebel today we're going to use 11 skills and spells on swing crap our guys there

you go everything was good let's get started I'm going to give it right here

and let's just other guys I know the result because killed us or not the

powerful and also if they're going to be affected by string trap it is going to

be useless but I want to see now is change guys let's go I'm going to wake

up the trans plane I'm going to activate the string crap and I'm going to drop

all the skelton spells there you go it's time and take a look

on the skills in stroke guy and skilled and size little is too small okay they

took the Tesla as I expected they took the - plan let's see can they get at

least 10% is okay 10% is challenge can they get at least 10% is oh my god they

got the King oh my god guys take a look on some come on so children if they are

not going to be any Splash Damage like motor with your tower they're going to

be destroyed the whole base I hope so oh my god they totally destroyed everything

and right here there is for everything let's see oh my god don't eyes because

of so oh my god take a look guys take a look take a look all there all oh my god

they were literally like hundred they're little like hundreds of killed ends and

one more to shot everything was dead there were literally like hundred of

them can they get that okay they tried they almost kill every single thing

except these three cannons they try it well alright now I'm going to try is the

single drop on it let me send the challenge there you go

attack watch line and let's you know oh my god I can't what I can't wait to

watch it I knew it was going to be really so

small and everything but I want to see how is going to be let's sing us nicely

first giant it was so small so it was not going to actually add up quick okay

I am cramming everything on the screen which baller planned one end there you

guys familes of ropes oh my god let me take a look at the dragon oh my god this

it is a small while it's really some smaller dragon how much time it is going

to be effect like 10 seconds okay it's like only five five or ten seconds take

a look on the wizard which and everything okay everything was standing

in to normal again and the base was going to Rick for sure because I have my

turtles and it's my mini day so it was not going to handle let me accurate

these all things and let me use my level spells on the Town Hall and now let's

see guys how money after all let's see how they're going to handle these on

skeletons take a look how many of them was going to talk they were literally

like more than 500 skilled and still popping up wow they were literally like

more than 500 for sure guys they're literally like more than 500 for sure oh

my god oh my god guys I'm I'm having some ideas in my mind right now I want

to try all scale gun smells like the Dragon Nest Town Hall once and in normal

matches I will drop my trophy soon and I will try it guys it's literally amazing

guys they also mean so they have so many skeletons okay guys there we go we have

used eleven skeleton spells on the string trap and Skelton cells were

really doing well and we have already have also used all troops against that

and also it is going to be good I mean let's try one more time eleven skeltox

passes really so amazing guys so I'm going to try one more time with 11

Skelton spell literally guys literally hit it was so fun

I'm enjoying it attack and also in clash Royale towards to work back so we are

going to get some funny moments Howard I'm working on it

alright guys let's see let's see how much percentage we are going to get now

activate oh my god guys take a look on those skeletons they're going to be a

lot of skeletons Bert take a look at the size of the skeletons still pulling up

okay take figure of the King becomes the king yes I get just kill him okay Wow

it's like seconds still I can from some silicon show on something on the spell

okay and it's out Wow piglet I still can we get can we get more than 99% is we

got 39% is in before match I mean in before battle let's see 13 employed more

than that oh we're going to get more than that in percentages for sure you

can take a look on there month of the skeletons here and also they are going

to break the bottle let's see here Wow guys wow we are going to get more than

50% editing off no problem but Wow even even visitor can't kill them like

that you are taking like too short 41% is there going to rig this place for

sure oh there is this Tesla here as in Te'o notice that converse kittens wow

they're going to take the test of for sure oh my god guys and I would expect

this type of gameplay from skill tents still there so much guilt and fear still

there so loneliness guilt and fear yes we can we get the Town Hall let's you

guys can we get the Town Hall I didn't have any faith but oh my god I have one

more skills and spell attentive and know that okay we're going to get this crown

hollow I didn't even notice that I have almost killed in spam there you guys are

used it on let's see how is it going to be thousand do notice even so guys we

only used eleven skeleton spells and we got 69% days and once Shawn I am I going

to get under stock from the Town Hall I think so and also guys don't don't

underestimate the power of skeletons okay

I got an idea too tight and sleek while I'm swimming live in past with only one

Skelton oh if only one Skelton took the Town Hall a ten guys unless I'm going to

lose like more than 40 throw fish at 40 dogs I didn't remember but I remember

that I got I am I reached into titles leaks because of one scale gen

Omega so mystical because 75% is never underestimate the power of still tens

77% is and then that's it guys take a look other place that rigged everything

I'm using all skills and sight of the defense right on the defense and even so

difference can stand against those content

okay guys basically really enjoyed today's future we used all tropes again

a string tab and also we use name Chilton spells egg next ring to a man

that world's in a disguise and population typically you guys please

don't forget to leave a like subscribe and theater friends are playing

classroom transplant and that's it for now guys it's meet a Sarabande signing

off peace off happen good luck and good night see next video guys




Your Tuesday Morning KSBW Weather Forecast 8.22.17 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Your Tuesday Morning KSBW Weather Forecast 8.22.17 - Duration: 2:18.


5 Best EA Gamescom 2017 Show Moments - Duration: 3:20.

This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here to discuss what went down during the EA Gamescom 2017


Though the event isn't as huge as E3, I still had high expectations, with my main

desire being to see some Battlefront II space battle gameplay.

Overall, I think EA did well, and so here's my video rounding up the five best EA Gamescom

2017 show moments.

The EA Originals program kicked off last year, with EA wanting to support small development


And support them they are doing, giving developer Zoink time on the gamescom 2017 stage.

Before showing a colorful (and I mean full of color) trailer, we were told that the game

would be coming to the Nintendo Switch, in addition to the previously announced PS4,

Xbox One, and PC.

I think it looks enchanting, and it's sure to net many fans with the comprehensive multiplatform


It's no secret that EA loves to cram internet personalities into every presentation they


Sometimes it doesn't pay off... but other times it does!

Jiffpom the dog took to the stage and won the hearts of the audience.

I don't usually care for this kind of thing, but it acted as a nice break between the intense

shooter action.

What's more, Jiffpom was brought on to accompany the announcement of The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs


This is pet customization like we've never seen before, and a lot of people care about

it, judging from the YouTube trailer's Like/Dislike ratio.

Do remember that The Sims 4 is now part of Origin Access, so if you subscribe to that,

the game is yours to play.

Closing out the show was some Battlefield 1 gameplay.

It featured a bunch of EA's GameChangers going head-to-head on one of the new In the

Name of the Tsar maps.

Tsaritsyn isn't fun to pronounce, but it's looking great, continuing the trend

of hard-to-say, fun-to-play Battlefield maps.

The big cathedral is the main attraction here, offering shelter from the cold.

That is until the Flame Trooper kit drops there, which becomes super effective in the

close quarters engagements.

Not only did we get 15 minutes of new Tsaritsyn gameplay, but we also got to see

Battlefield 1 Incursions.

This is the new Battlefield competitive mode, which fans have been asking for since forever.

There's three flags, like in Domination, but there's also one vehicle for each team.

Though there's only five players on each side, the gameplay shown looked intense and


DICE has been working closely with competitive players to build a mode that works well.

You can get in on the Incursions closed alpha coming in September, by signing up on the

Battlefield website.

I'll leave a link in the video description.

Last, but most certainly not least, is what I wanted to see: Star Wars Battlefront II

space battles!

We got to see a good 12 minutes of Squadron Assault gameplay, and I think it looked awesome.

There was Poe flying around with Darth Maul, and we saw Boba Fett and Han Solo dishing

out some damage.

It just looked great, and after the community had been asking and asking for it to be added

to the sequel, EA listened and it looks like they've delivered.

I was a little disappointed with the original game and only put around 20 hours into it,

even with DLCs.

It just lacked the depth I needed to continue playing and wanting to rank up.

With Squadron Assault working together with the ground-based game modes, along with the

Battle Points reward system, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the sequel.

Those are my five best EA Gamescom 2017 show moments.

Let me know what you thought of it in the comments down below.

If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button and be sure to subscribe, if you haven't


This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye.

For more infomation >> 5 Best EA Gamescom 2017 Show Moments - Duration: 3:20.


How to replace front strut mount BMW 3 E90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:01.

For more infomation >> How to replace front strut mount BMW 3 E90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:01.


The Defenders DAREDEVIL SEASON 3 New Characters & Predictions (FULL ANALYSIS) - Duration: 9:22.

Marvel's Defenders ended on a major cliff-hanger and simultaneously opened up a huge storyline

that we can expect to see in Daredevil Season 3.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm breaking down The Defenders

ending, the inspiration it takes from the comic book storyline "Born Again", and predicting

what we can expect from new and existing characters in the next season of Daredevil.

Don't forget my Defenders and Punisher giveaway is also running on this video, so for a chance

to win a cool Funko Pop, all you have to do is leave a comment about the series and subscribe.

And in case you haven't seen it yet, just be aware there will be spoilers from The Defenders

in this video.

At the end of The Defenders, we see Matt lying injured in a bed, and we hear a nun tell someone

off-screen to 'get Maggie.'

That name is important because, in the comics, although initially Matt didn't know, his mother

became a nun called Margaret.

There was a hint at this part of Matt's comic-book past in Daredevil Season 1 when Stick asked

a nun at the orphanage if Matt's mother was dead, to which she replied, 'That is another


Thanks to season 1 of Daredevil, we already know about Matt's father, the boxer 'Battlin'

Jack Murdock, who threw fights for money but was bumped off when he refused to continue

doing so.

And, in The Defenders, Jessica Jones gives us a handy reminder of this element of Matt's

backstory when she and Matt talk to the daughter of the Midland Circle architect.

Jessica compares the daughter's situation to Matt's, saying, 'my friend thought his

dad had abandoned him too.

But one day he learned the truth.'

We know that in Season 1, before his final fight, Jack Murdock left a phone message for

his ex-wife, asking her to look after the young Matt, though Matt ended up at an orphanage.

But now, in Season 3 of the show, Matt looks set to finally learn the truth about his mother

and this part of his past.

And the look of that final scene in The Defenders also points to this.

Notice how Matt is bandaged in bed, and how there's a cross above him, a beside-table

and window either side of him, and a nun sitting by him.

All of that is a clear homage to this image from 1986 which appeared in Daredevil issue

230 in the 'Born Again' storyline by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli.

In fact, Defenders showrunner Marco Ramirez has said this is one of his favourite Daredevil

images from the comics and he had it in mind to use in the show from early on.

Which is interesting because, in that issue, Matt is cared for by a nun named Maggie who

he later realises is actually his mother.

The fact that Matt survived the implosion of Midland Circle at the end of The Defenders

reminded me of something in Season 1 of Daredevil that he said as a young boy to his father

about how Murdocks take a lot of hits but they always get back up.

Now, adult Matt may be on his way to getting back up after that last explosive hit in The

Defenders, but given how important the 'Born Again' storyline will be for Season 3 of Daredevil,

there's gonna be a whole load more things to knock the Devil of Hell's Kitchen back

off his feet again.

For a start, in that particular comic-book storyline, Wilson Fisk finds out Daredevil's

secret identity and sets out to destroy him.

During that time, Matt loses his home, his job, and, very nearly, his life.

Fisk actually gets Matt's information, indirectly, due to Karen Page, who sold her knowledge

of Daredevil's true identity for a drugs fix because, in these comics, Page is a heroin-addicted

ex-actress turned porn star.

So, how much of this is gonna happen in Daredevil Season 3?

Well, last time we saw Kingpin in Season 2, he was meeting with Matt in prison, where

he attacked the lawyer and threatened to wreck his and Foggy's lives when he got out.

Later, in his cell, Fisk asked one of his henchmen to get him Murdock's files so he

could re-examine them, and it seemed like he might have already been connecting the

dots between Matt and Daredevil thanks to Matt's punch in the prison and Daredevil's

punch before Fisk was arrested.

I expect Season 3 to find Kingpin still out for revenge on Matt and his former avocado

at law, and, given Fisk's wealth and connections, it wouldn't surprise me if he will soon find

himself out of prison and launching a full-scale assault on Matt's life.

As he already may have suspicions about Matt Murdock's link to Daredevil, it likely won't

take much to steer him in the right direction – perhaps even just a careless remark from


Indeed, as Karen Page said to Foggy at the end of The Defenders about how she was stuck

when it came to writing her newspaper article on the events: 'If I reveal what happened

at Midland Circle, then… all it takes is someone like me figuring out…

Superhero and lawyer go missing at the same time.'

Which brings me to Karen Page's role in Season 3.

Page has a very chequered history in the comics and the TV show has hinted at a complex background

for her in the MCU.

She's obviously devastated by the fact that Matt appears to have died, so it's not beyond

belief that she could turn to drugs or drink to numb her pain.

Then there's that newspaper clipping about a mysterious accident that possibly involved

a young Karen or the upcoming events of Season 1 of The Punisher either of which could drive

Karen into a darker future.

I do hope, though, that we don't see her live out her 'Born Again' storyline in the Defenders-verse.

In fact, given that Karen's moved into journalism on the show and since we lost journalist Ben

Urich back in Daredevil season 1, in Season 3 I can see Karen taking on a similar role

to the one Urich has in the 'Born Again' comics.

And something from the Born Again story which could be pretty cool to see on TV is when

Kingpin orders the super-powered psychotic mercenary Nuke to be brought in to attack


We've seen the MCU version of Nuke already on Jessica Jones's series in the character

of NYPD cop and former Special Ops agent Will Simpson.

Simpson, like his comic book counterpart, has been involved in a military program that

supplies him with pills that alter his aggression, stamina, pain and regenerative levels.

And he was last seen in Season 1 of Jessica Jones being hauled away by Doctor Kozlov's


He's likely still mentally unstable, so there's a chance we could see him brought into the

next season of Daredevil to be manipulated by Wilson Fisk into attacking the Devil of

Hell's Kitchen.

By the way, in the comics, Captain America turns up during Nuke's part of the story,

and while I don't see Chris Evans making an appearance in Marvel's Netflix show, it's

possible that another former military man like the Punisher could take on Cap's part

in the story instead.

The comics also show Kingpin trying to get at Matt Murdock by having a violent patient

set free from an asylum and sent out into the world dressed as Daredevil to kill Foggy.

Now, if the show does decide to follow this part of the story and introduce a Daredevil

impostor, I wonder if they'll take the opportunity to bring in Bullseye, a character who many

fans have been keen to see in the TV series and who, at one point in the comics, pretended

to be Daredevil after Matt lost his memory and couldn't remember who he actually was.

There have already been a couple of possible easter eggs to Bullseye in previous episodes

of the Netflix show.

And at the end of The Defenders, when Karen sits alone in church, there are two numbers

on the hymn board: 143 and 142.

In the comics, the second of those numbers is an issue that does feature Bullseye, but

what's more intriguing is that if you add those two numbers up, you get 285, which is

one of those issues that I mentioned just before where Bullseye pretends to be Daredevil.

Charlie Cox has said many times that he'd love to see Bullseye on the show, though Deborah

Ann Woll and Elodie Yung aren't so keen – no doubt because Bullseye kills both Karen Page

and Elektra in the comics!

If Bullseye does make an appearance though, who would you like to see cast in the role?

Let me know in the comments below!

By the way, just before we get that final shot of Matt still alive at the end of Defenders,

there's a very interesting shot of what looks like a Daredevil-silhouette crouched on a

rooftop against a red-lit Empire State Building in the background.

As the camera pans round, it reveals that it's not Matt Murdock, but Danny Rand instead,

a hint at Iron Fist taking on the role of Daredevil for a time in looking after the

people of Hell's Kitchen.

In the comics, Iron Fist masqueraded as Daredevil at one point in order to prevent Matt Murdock's

secret identity from being uncovered.

In the Netflix shows, perhaps Danny might do this because he thinks Daredevil has died

so he wants to step up.

Which means it's possible we could see Iron Fist in Daredevil Season 3 for a short time

until Matt resurfaces, especially if Daredevil's next season comes out before Iron Fist Season


And let's not forget that Matt was buried under the rubble of Midland Circle together

with Elektra and Madame Gao.

It's hard not to imagine that Elektra and Gao probably survived given they've had the

immortality substance.

During Defenders, Elektra killed both Alexandra and Stick, purging herself of people who've

been manipulating her into a weapon or tool for themselves.

And, by the end of the show, she's clear about who she really is, saying she's doesn't care

about good or evil, but wants to be with Matt forever.

I can't help but think she'll be back in Daredevil Season 3 as it's quite possible that she was

the one who pulled Matt out from under the rubble with the enhanced strength she now

has after she was resurrected.

As for Madame Gao, it's possible we saw the end of her story for now, and whether she

comes back is probably more dependent on whether Marvel wants to keep using the Hand as a villain

in the Netflix shows or whether that storyline is completely over.

Now, what would you like to see happen in Daredevil Season 3?

And do you have any theories on how Matt Murdock ended up in that bed or about who else survived

the collapse of the Midland Circle building?

Be sure to leave a comment and subscribe for a chance to win an awesome Defenders or Punisher

Funko Pop.

I'll announce the winner on an upcoming video, so turn on your notifications so you get all

my new videos.

The winner of my last giveaway for an Alien: Covenant Funko Pop is on screen right now.

If that's you, then send me a message with your details so I can send you the prize.

And if you enjoyed this, do hit that thumbs-up button.

In the meantime, you can also check out my Defenders easter eggs and Punisher Season

1 videos, plus more Marvel videos by tapping the screen right here.

Thanks for watching and see you next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> The Defenders DAREDEVIL SEASON 3 New Characters & Predictions (FULL ANALYSIS) - Duration: 9:22.


How to Transfer "EARN MONEY" Account from a phone to another phone| TecH Gallery Pro - Duration: 2:53.

How to Transfer "EARN MONEY" Account from a phone to another phone| TecH Gallery Pro

For more infomation >> How to Transfer "EARN MONEY" Account from a phone to another phone| TecH Gallery Pro - Duration: 2:53.


Video: Clear the Shelters event - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Video: Clear the Shelters event - Duration: 2:33.


2 Men charged after high-speed chase in York County, police say - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 2 Men charged after high-speed chase in York County, police say - Duration: 0:29.


Effective for strengthening nails! Lotion of garlic and oil - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Effective for strengthening nails! Lotion of garlic and oil - Duration: 5:02.


Como agir de forma PROFISSIONAL e SEGURA na INTERNET! 🛡️ - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Como agir de forma PROFISSIONAL e SEGURA na INTERNET! 🛡️ - Duration: 3:14.


How To Pick Out A Puppy | Mossy Oak Kennels - Duration: 0:56.

The first thing I would do is decide what breed I wanted.

Then I would start research on that particular breed and what I would look for there would

be any health issues in the line.

You have to look at the litter, you have to look at the puppy.

If a puppy comes to you and the tail is in the proper position.

If his tail is too high, he is going to be a dominant dog and a little tougher to train.

if it's tail is too low the dog will be submissive and will also be difficult to train.

You want a tail positioned about straight out.

One of the main things I look for is lip licking.

When I talk to that puppy, if it looks at me and it licks it's lips, that indicates

to me that that is going to be a very bitable puppy thats willing to accept training and

a very trainable puppy.

In other words easy to train.

For more infomation >> How To Pick Out A Puppy | Mossy Oak Kennels - Duration: 0:56.


Style Proshow Producer - Style Book | Free Download - Duration: 2:16.


For more infomation >> Style Proshow Producer - Style Book | Free Download - Duration: 2:16.


New Nail Art 2017 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 50 - Duration: 10:29.

Thank you for watching !

Hope you have a good time !

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for More !

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 50 - Duration: 10:29.


Wrist & Hand Stretches for Gamers - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 12:37.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you some stretches and

exercises for... Is that a video call coming in? Oh my gosh, hey is Ray!

Hey Dr. Jo how's it going? Good. How about you? I am doing absolutely

fantastic. Awesome. I met Ray at YouTube NextUp, and he is

awesome. What's it up? Oh I've just been

chugging away on life, making YouTube videos, and just having fun, got to have

fun with what you do. Awesome. Hey will you tell everybody a

little bit about your channel? Sure, so I make gaming reviews, tech reviews,

and I normally combine film with tech, so I create these high quality video

packages to just entertain and engage. It's always fun. That sounds like so much

fun, I think I need that job. I'm cool with that.

So do you usually have some injuries or things that get tired or irritated when

you're doing all that stuff? Yeah so it's a lot of sitting at your desk, and it's a

lot of just playing games and stuff, so you normally feel it in your fingers, and

sometimes you feel like tense in your back, so it's just like you know

sometimes you got to just get up stretch and move around, and I don't know if you

still feel tense after that. Yeah definitely, I've got some stretches and

exercises for that so let's check them out. Cool!

Since Ray does a lot of this motion with his handheld switch and his old-school

Gameboys, all those kind of gaming controllers, he gets that tightness in

his fingers, his thumb, his wrist sometimes the chest, and the back as well,

so we'll start off doing some stretches with hands, with wrist, and then

we'll work our way up a little bit. The first set of exercises are just going to

be simple active range of motion, really just kind of loosening up the wrist a

little bit, so if you have a tabletop or your desktop, you can prop your elbow up

on it, but you can also do it in the air as well just make a fist and just to

start off with you're going to come up and then slowly back down. You'll feel the

stretch through here, and when you come up down here a little bit,

you're not really holding the stretch you're just doing some active motion to

kind of warm up those muscles because when you're doing stretches you really

want those muscles to be nice and warm. So just starting off maybe ten each way

of these just to get it loosened up a little bit. Then you're going to turn

your fists over and you're going to do it up and down motion, so again this is

really just kind of loosening up those muscles especially when you go down this

way that stretches that thumb area which has a lot of movement action when you're

doing that gaming stuff, so this is a nice one to kind of stretch those out

and get those muscles loosened up just a little bit, so same thing just do

about ten each way just to get it nice and loosened up. Then you're going to go

into a stretch to stretch those wrist extensors and those wrist flexors, and I

point up here because those wrist muscles that move the wrist come all the

way up to the elbow, so sometimes people have some pain there but those muscles

attach all the way along here, so you really want to stretch those out as well,

so when you're doing stuff you're turning your hands your wrists in

different directions that sometimes wears those out a little bit and get

some stiff and tired, so to start off with put your arms straight out you want

your elbow to be fairly locked out in front of you you're just going to start

off with a stretch of pulling your fist up like this, and if you need more of a

stretch you can go this way and you'll feel those wrist flexors getting

stretched under there. If you want more of a stretch put your fingers out

opening your palm up and that will give more of a stretch through there, and then

you can pull this way, so these are actually going to be stretches you want

to hold them for about 30 seconds, and then you'll do three of those, but I like

to alternate back and forth. Then going into the wrist extensors, so this is just

the opposite motion. If your fingers are straight out it's not quite as much of a

stretch, but if you want more of a stretch up through here make a fist and

then push down you'll really feel it right through there, so I like to

alternate back and forth, thirty Seconds this way, come back up

thirty Seconds, back and then doing three each way, really

just get those loosened up and so especially if you're doing it on both sides when you're gaming,

stretch both sides. If you're using a mouse, you can probably get away with

just stretching one side, but going keep everything even and nice and loose. The

next one is to stretch the thumb itself, so when you're doing this motion a lot,

it gets really tight through this whole joint in here, so a good way to stretch

the thumb out is just bring it, pull it back, just really gently. This one you

don't want to crank on it, but then it kind of stretches that webbing area

right in there, so again this is going to be a stretch so you're just holding it

for 30 seconds doing the stretch three times, so if you want to give one side a

little break, switch sides, stretch that way you can do

it in 30 seconds three on each side. Then to go in stretching the fingers

themselves, what you want to do this is this is kind of cool technique, take one

finger and hold it up come into an extended position, again don't feel like

you have to crank on it you just want to feel a little stretch through here, but

then take the other fingers and the thumb and go downwards, and you'll feel

stretching everywhere, you'll feel it here, you'll feel it where those fingers

are curling down that way, and it's just really stretching all in that hand wrist

and forearm area, so just do that about five times and then work your way down

all your fingers, just kind of try to make a fist, you probably won't be able to make a full

fist, and then going all the way down your fingers. tThen you're going to do the

opposite way so now you're going to pull your finger down and just stretch those

fingers upwards, so again just about five times, you don't want to pull that finger

so it's hard downwards that it's going to hurt, you just want to feel a nice

stretch in there, so you're just trying to kind of open them up like that, and

then again doing both sides just kind of running through those. Then after that,

you want to stretch the webbing in between your fingers because that,

there's muscles in between there too, suprisingly.

People wouldn't think that, so just take two fingers on the other side maybe your

thumb and pointer finger, and then just stretch out that webbing, so

with this, just hold it maybe three to five seconds, just to get a little

stretch, you can go all the way down and then come all the way back up, and then

same thing switching sides. I'll go this way so you can see it and then just

stretching the webbing in between really just to loosen up those fingers, loosen

up the hand, so they don't get stiff on you. After you stretch all those out, then

you want to work those muscles a little bit. Most of the time when you're gaming,

you're going into a flexion motion, you're doing this a lot, so then those

extensor motions don't get used very much, so you want to strengthen those to

keep everything nice and loose and working, so a pretty simple thing you can

use a rubber band. You are going to take the rubber

band and put it around your thumb and your fingers at the tips, and then just

really gently kind of open them up this way, so you're extending those fingers

and then nice and slow coming back up, so you don't want to just pop them back in

because I don't know if you head that you hear some cracking going on in the fingers, so

really try and control that band. It's just like a resistive band except a

smaller version of it, so you're strengthening those muscles, so you don't

necessarily have to hold it, but make sure you're doing a nice controlled

motion with those, so just do about ten of them, you don't have to go overboard,

but just working those muscles in a different way than what they're doing

all day long, so after you kind of get these all loosened up a little bit

another big thing especially when you're gaming or you're working on computer lot

or you're doing a lot of tech stuff, people tend to come forward this way

here like this, or you're on the computer and your chest kind of rolls forward

like this and your head goes forward like this, and all these muscles in here

get really really tight, so a great way to kind of help correct your posture and

to help stretch back out all these neck muscles is to do just a very simple chin

tuck. A chin tuck, not going down chin tuck, but a chin tuck to kind of straighten

out your posture is really easy. It looks silly, but it's easy to do, and you can do

it anywhere. I like putting my finger on my chin because what that does that

allows me to see how much I'm really tightened need to

stretch them. What you want to put your finger on your chin, but leave that

finger in that one spot, so it doesn't follow the chin, it just stays there as a

starting point, so you can kind of see where your chin is. Then you want to take

your chin and your head, and just push it backwards, so it's like this and so you

can see I'm making some double chins there, but what I'm doing is I'm working

these muscles here and if I just leave my finger where it started, and then I

relax, you usually can see just a little bit of space in between, and then the

more you do that, then the more those muscles will kind of correct themselves

in a forward head motion will correct it. So these get over stretched, and

these don't get tight, so you're kind of correcting those, so I like to do where

you go hold it back for about five seconds, give it a nice hold, relax, and do

about five of those, and then the last one is just stretching for your chest, so

again that chest when your shoulders kind of roll forward when you're doing a

lot of stuff in front of you, you've got that forward head position, this gets all

tightened here and that affects your shoulders, and that can affect your arms

as well, so there's a couple pretty easy chest stretches for that. I'm going to

stand up and show you how to do those. There's a lot of ways you can stretch

out your chest muscles, but a really easy one to do is take your hands, clasp them

behind you, and what you want to do at the same time is you're going to push

your hands down and out, and then push your chest out, so it's going to be this

motion, and you should feel that stretch right in that chest area those PEC

muscles, and so you're just going to hold this stretch for about 30 seconds, and

then relax, shake it out if you need to, and then

stretch again, so again 30 seconds, three times for those. Another great one is

stretching it in a corner, so I'll show you how to do that as well. So you're

just going to find a corner in a room that doesn't have a lot of a lot of

stuff on it, and what you want to do is put one hand on each side of the corner,

and then you're going to put one leg forward kind of in a lunge position into

the corner, so just find a spot on each side of the walls, one foot, and

and then what you're going to do is bend that front knee and just come into the

corner until you feel your chest stretching, so again you hold that for 30

seconds do that three times, you can feel quite a stretch with your hands here,

bring them up some and that just changes the stretch a little bit ,and so it's

usually just a preference for people, some people like that hands up high and

some people like their hands a little bit lower. All right there you have it,

those are your stretches and exercises. So hey Ray, yes, um who do you think has

got the coolest gaming going on right now. That's pretty tough, you've got the

original Game Boy right there. Yeah you think I could top that? Yeah I

have a little bit of classic and modern, somebody made this, one of my viewers

made me a Gameboy, a red Gameboy, but the cool thing is, the kicker is that it has

a backlight. What? A backlight and this thing never came in red. That cool. It's

tough to beat the original Gameboy, but and this can play original GameBoy

games. Yeah well it's it's not too tough because I'm not actually sure it

works anymore, but you know what whatever. Alright so thanks so much for hanging

out with us, I hope those stretches and exercises will help you and your viewers,

and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel, and don't forget to subscribe to

Ray's channel, too, and remember, be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel better soon!

For more infomation >> Wrist & Hand Stretches for Gamers - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 12:37.


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For more infomation >> Picardias Estudantis (1982) Trailer Official - Legendado - Duration: 1:40.


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For more infomation >> Cartoon about the princess "Cinderella". A fabulous love story. An interesting children's cartoon. - Duration: 6:47.


Solo - World of Rudra | Tamil Teaser | Dulquer Salmaan, Neha Sharma, Bejoy Nambiar | Trend Music - Duration: 1:35.

She belongs to me, only me.

I did imagine my life without her.

Those were the bleakest 10 seconds of my life.

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