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Polymer Developer Summit 2017 - Live Stream Day 1 - Duration: 7:42:17.-------------------------------------------
Congressman, A Former SEAL, Reacts To Afghan Speech | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:18.-------------------------------------------
4 Big Financial Mistakes Millennials Are Making - Duration: 1:27.I was looking at a really interesting survey from Next Advisor about
things that hurt Millennials in their financial lives
and really all of these things are things that hurt everyone in their financial lives
and probably many of us, even those of us, such as myself
who are way beyond the age of a Millennial make these mistakes.
Here are four things that their survey found Millennials are doing wrong:
The first is not knowing your credit score.
I'm not saying you should check your credit score every day,
but knowing where you stand in relation to credit, checking your credit report,
is always very smart.
A second mistake that Millennials and unfortunately a lot of people of every age make is
getting into too much debt.
Don't take on any debt that you don't absolutely have to.
The third thing Millennials do wrong when it comes to their finances
is that they don't budget,
but planning how much you're spending
and for what is a really important way to maintain your financial health.
And the fourth thing that Millennials do wrong, and again most of us do too,
is that they don't set financial goals.
In every aspect of life, your career, your personal life, and your financial life,
you can't get where you're going if you don't know where that is.
There are many financial goals large and small
that we should all have and we should all measure our performance against.
If you don't have financial goals, you can't reach your financial goals.
HGG: Road to Finals (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
Rex Tillerson 'Up There' For Worst Secy. Of State: Columnist | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Back on The Pill?! | The Hormone Diaries Ep. 12 | Hannah Witton - Duration: 10:59.-------------------------------------------
Rapper Common performs for thousands at state Capitol - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
In person vs online lessons - Singing lessons and tips #35 - Duration: 6:46.Welcome to your singing lessons
My name is Eilish San and today I'm going to talk
about one of the things that generates
more controversy when choosing lessons,
I choose them in person or online
First let's list a number
of advantages and disadvantages of each modality
and then I'll tell you my opinion
Investment of time and money
In face-to-face lessons you have to go
to the center or your teacher's house by car,
public transport, bicycle or walking
and this consumes extra time and money
In online lessons you need a device
with Internet connection and web cam,
which almost everyone has nowadays, such as a smartphone,
a tablet, a laptop or a PC and the Internet connection
you use for everything, even to find work
With this you just have to turn on your device
and connect to the platform your teacher uses
to deliver the lessons
Quality of lessons
In either one you can find
the same quality in the teachings you receive,
this depends entirely on the teacher
Combining life, work and studies
In face-to-face lessons, schedules are
more rigid than in online classes,
where is easier to change schedules and make them compatible,
since once at home, at work, on the beach,
in the pool or wherever you want to take them,
once they're over
you don't have to move anywhere
Assimilation of concepts and teachings
In person lessons what you have heard,
internalized or asked in class
is what you have learned,
and printed material at most
Most teachers do not allow
to record the lessons even on audio
In online lessons your teacher sends you
the recording of the lessons, plus additional material
so you can work with it,
so if you forget something you just have to listen again
and you can practice with it
If your teacher does not offer this, you can always
capture the lesson yourself with your computer
Geographical mobility
For in person lessons you usually
have to look for someone from your locality
or move to another location or country
if you want to do something specific with someone
In online lessons you can be taught by any
teacher of the world and save in displacements
Contact with the teacher
With in person lessons
you are directly with the teacher,
she explains her feelings and tries to make you copy them,
she can touch you or make you to touch her
to correct or teach you
In online lessons you are with your teacher
all the time in front of you, she explains what feelings
you should have and asks for feedback of your feelings
to know that you are on the right track,
you develop your proprioception faster
These are the advantages and disadvantages
that I can think of from one versus the other,
now let me tell you my humble opinion
I have been in both types of lessons
in various subjects, in music and singing,
which is my area, I can say that I stay
with online lessons for many reasons
In my case they had hurt me more than once
when trying to teach me by touching me,
for example, to make me open more my mouth
they would put one hand on the forehead and another on the chin
and when it closed more than it should they'd pull
This has caused the joint of my jaw
to be touched and dislocates,
or when trying to relax my larynx
they'd move it back and forth with the hand,
which, when done by another person,
is quite unpleasant and sometimes hurts
In person lessons they also get frustrated with you
when you do not expand exactly your rib cage
as they do, because they're teaching you,
they're forcing you to touch them and they're touching you,
and sometimes, to make you to do it,
they'd pull from your ribs outwards
This is not a bad experience from a single person,
it had happened to me with several of my teachers
and I have had a few,
I have met other people who experienced
similar things and have thrown the towel
I could continue counting bad experiences
that I have had in face-to-face lessons,
but I would have to make way too many videos
In online lessons I have been very comfortable,
I have been taught tricks to understand my body,
to relax my jaw, my tongue
and to keep my mouth open
when I needed it
I didn't have to leave home when raining or at 40 degrees
or cancel the lesson because it was snowing
I did not have to run to catch the bus
and then the subway or train
and spend 2 hours in transport,
or take the car and look for a place to park
or pay a parking or a parking meter
I could practice with my exercises
two or three times a day
with the recording of my lesson
and internalize everything very well
I give you a summary of what, to me,
online lessons offer
that in person lessons don't
No need for travel
so I spend less money and less time
I can be taught by any teacher in the world
with more flexible schedules
I have my lessons recorded
to practice all the week until
I see my teacher again, which makes progress
faster and realize my mistakes
I get used to the sound of my voice
and see my improvements clearer
My teacher is connected at all times
and if I have questions she can answer me
faster by email as she's usually
always in front of the computer
If she makes a mistake everything is written or recorded,
here the words won't get carried away by the wind
I am in a familiar place to me, my house,
and I do not feel so embarrassed to enter a strange place,
specially if it is the house of another person
They do not invade my personal space,
this may seem silly,
but there are many people who do not like
to be touched and can be quite violent
I do not have to suffer odors or pets,
if you are allergic to cats as I am
you will perfectly understand what I mean,
or the colognes or perfumes, it goes rather badly
When I finish I just close and continue with my things
without having to get in public transport
or in the car for hours
You can take lessons at home,
at work at lunchtime,
at university between hours,
on vacation at the beach,
on the mountain, in your village,
at your grandparents ', your uncles' or your children's,
when you are travelling for work
or while you are gigging,
they are fully portable
It is not difficult, if you know to use YouTube
and spend hours watching videos,
with the very same Youtube account
you can connect to Hangouts
and make a videoconference with your teacher,
you do not have to install anything,
you can do it from within Gmail
Many celebrities take online lessons
both when they are on tour
and at any other time
Something I want to emphasize, because many people
do not know exactly what online lessons are,
is that they're not a fixed course,
in online lessons you are with your teacher
in front of you all the time on the screen,
she listens to you, see you and correct you live,
and adapt the contents exclusively to you
I hope if you've never tried due to
fear of taking online lessons,
this video will encourage you because they are very comfortable
and all of us who can afford to get lessons
have internet and a device with webcam
If you liked it, do like it,
if you know of someone this might help
share it with her, she'll surely thank you
and so will I,
you can subscribe to my channel
so you will not miss any of my videos,
and remember, it's free,
remember to activate the bell
to get notified whenever
I upload a new video,
see you soon in the next video
Рисовая запеканка с курицей и овощами. Простой, пошаговый рецепт в духовке [Семейные рецепты] - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
F1 2017: The MAJOR ACCIDENTS of the season until now [SPA ENG sub] - Duration: 1:40.*Barhain GP*
I've got hit from the side.
It's completly distroyed in the inside i don't know what happended
F****** Stroll hit me, he didn't see me comming in the inside.
He come in to me like I was no there
*China GP*
*British GP*
He just turned left to me You can tell Danny he did a very good job there
*Austrian GP*
Fernando, any damage?
any damage?
A lot of damage at the rear end.
They cannot play bowling *Monaco GP*
You did amazing yesterday, so yes please Oh thanks
Take care of my car Ok, i'm going to pee in your seat
Pascal, can you hear me?
Yeah Ok, are you ok?
Yes, I would be better if I could jump up Ok, be pacient, they will help you
*Canadian GP*
What they are doing?
What a crazy start!
They need to calm down
Unbelievable. I have no idea what happened.Somebody, just push me completly
Flower Coloring Pages How to Draw Flower and Coloring Rainbow Fun Painting Fun Art Learning for Kids - Duration: 8:59.Flower Coloring Pages How to Draw Flower and Coloring Rainbow Fun Painting Fun Art Learning for Kids
Video: Woman, 2 children killed in early morning fire in Hillendale - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Dembele | Barcelona insiste por el fichaje de Dembélé - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Diplomatic Surge' Needed In Afghanistan, Says Senator | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Somoy Tv News 22 August 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangla khobor - Duration: 18:47.Somoy Tv News 22 August 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangla khobor
Как ремастеринг может стать препятствием для новых игр и фильмов - Duration: 6:48.-------------------------------------------
Paulinho | La ridícula cantidad de camisetas vendidas por Paulinho en su primer día - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
How Lighting Architectonic Mockup in Maya and VRay Render Elements & PostProduction MayaTubers - Duration: 36:01.Subtitles by Carlos Álvarez V. for MayaTubers ^_^
Welcome MayaTubers to another tutorial with me! I´m Carlos Álvarez Velázquez
and today's tutorial is about How Rendering and Lighting a 3D Architectural Mockup
but this visual style is not only useful for mockups, but also...
for animation of Logos, postproduction or.. for Video Games *^_^*
what your imagination wants !! but...
Today I will explain it focused on the 3D mockups
I post all the public comments that have asked me for this tutorial
I have more comments and messages but all are privately, if you want to leave in the video do it publicly in comments
Well, at first I have a different visual style but not long ago I saw a tutorial of:
I put it down here and it's from TutoRKit3D
and I liked his visual style for mockups, but he does it with 3DsMax and I do it with Autodesk Maya
It's a big difference hehe =D
So I will do it this way that is very good, I'll remove the comments from here!
and I put here the final result :D
this is very cool *^_^*
This you are seeing will be the final result of the tutorial
Important: Let's work in a strict linear with a Linear Workflow way until post production
because the post production you don´t with VRay Frame Buffer but yes you do will it with Photoshop
with a plugins of the Randol Control for Tone Mapping
for be able to treat and edit 32-bit images
Then we will pass the images to 16 bits and we can treat them in a nomal way with Photoshop
I remove it !!
and remember that is very important the tutorial of today! Where you will learn new techniques for your renders! :D
I see you in the tutorial goodbye!!
Welcome back MayaTubers to a new tutorial that promises a lot for the world of Architecture
or the mockups or video games !! I recommend you to be attentive to the tutorial
before beginning I put you examples of real mockups that we are going to imitate with the virtual mockup
Open Maya
the tutorial is divided into two parts, 1st Maya + VRay and the 2nd Post Porduction with Photoshop
the second part if it was a video would be same but with After Effects ok?and the image we will do with Photoshop
the first steps I skip them because they are already explained in other tutorials in my channel but
I will go putting in the upper right corner links of the necessary tutorials
I recommend you stop the video and copy the info what you do not know how to do
in the tutorial I basically use 2 Basic VRay Materials like Base and Crystal
in this case all the materials are dielectrics
Copy the material Base in VRay of the whole mockup, the background or Cyclogram would be equal but darker in the color
and the Crystal for the Windows ! Copy it as it is and also copies the Refraction
I show you the configuration of the Camera that is very simple
remember that with the camera selected go to in Attributes > VRay > Physical Camera
scroll down and where you see Extra VRay Attributes, deployment and activate it
Copy or modify for your scene the F-Number, Shutter Speed and ISO to play with the lighting
I recommend that this step do it together with the main lights that are explained later
There you change the parameters of the physical camera of Vray better, okay?
and lastly I show you fast is the configuration of the render setting of VRay
Copy everything exactly the same *^_^*
Copy everything exactly the same and remember that in VRay 3.10 = Adaptative and in VRay +3.30 = Buckets
Color Mapping is one of the most important parts of the tutorial to work with a 32-bit linear flow
Select and copy exactly the same as the Linear Multiply
and finally activate the box of Linear workflow
Copy it all the same to make sure we get images with 32 bits per channel as per pixel
and we will get images with a lot more information similar to the HDR Images
Copy all the same in the GI = Global Illumination - Brute Force under with 64 subs because I'm going to use Denoiser
If you fancy you can activate and play with the A. Occlusion and please copy the same info for the Light Cache
In the section of memory limit you uses the configuration of your computer I recommend the limit to 0
and then at the end of the first part we went deeper into rendering elements that it will see it with more time
START the Tutorial at 5:40 mins of the video, Let's create the most important, the Main Lights Ok?
for this we leave the RenderCam and go to Perspective
I have prepared the positions of the lights to save time in the length of the video that is already long
we deactivate visualization of the polygons
these lights are off and then I'll explain later about that :D
but to create the main lights I have some Nulls that I need to activate them. I go to the channel box
we create a rectangular light of Vray
we scaled the lights from the Vray attributes and not with the scalar tool
we could move the light ... but ... if we press T = Target
we have the option to be able to orient it with 2 points, activate the magnet to the vertex
and oriented with the two nulls as in the video to get a perfect position for my mockup
for your mockup will be another orientation, advice to align the lights: always in angles and multiples of 45º
This is going to be the Main Light = Luz Principal
this is the Fill Light = Luz de Relleno
and this the Light Top or
Front we can call it even if it is not in front but we will call it Front Light = Luz Frontal
The size of the Main Light put U = 100 and in V = 75 because my mockup is very giant
the Sampler we leave it in 32, if it does not let edit you return to the section of the configuration of the GI in DCM Sampler
repeat the Operation exactly the same as the Fill Light
ahh I forgot to change the names the Lights but is not mandatory
and the size of the Fill Light at U = 100 and at V = 30
Better with rectangular shape so that less reflected light
we repeat the same with a new light, The Front light but without the Target just we move it
i forget to give it 32 subdivisions in the Fill Light to eliminate a bit more noise in the render
and in the front light also 32 subs
the size of the front light will be square in U and V = 100
and with J + Rotate we rotate it 90º downwards to point at the mockup
very good !! Now let's config each light one by one we go to the RenderCam
before we will turn on visualization of polygons to see everything correctly
now yes i go to RenderCam
and we are going to launch a series of renders
we will leave it in Light Cache which is preview fairly good and fast
This is a decent render for a mockup if you're new to this, it's a very good result
but we will improve it as we advance in the tutorial hehe
It's true... that... for see it.. if it let me remove this .. that...
this would be the current end result that we will get in 32 bits
well this would be the image obtained with the linear workflow
and if we activate the curves we change it so that it is not linear
then if we activate the post-production of the VRay Frame Buffer, (VFB), and activate everything like in the video
we generate a small preview of what I want to get at the end of this tutorial
but this is not going to be the actual final result
but that we will do later in post production with photoshop but with VFB so we have a preview
this time we are not going to stay with the direct post production of the VRay frame buffer hehe
and so we enter fully into a linear workflow with VRay
we will continue to advance in the tutorial
we open the editor of lights of VRay and we are going to turn off all the lights and we just click on the Main Light
We launch a single Render in just Light Cache
You can observe the Main Light = LuzPrincipal
It's a very interesting light and I like it
but this one has a lot of intensity
generating very dark shadows and intense whites creating a lot of contrasts
then we are going to lower the intensity to 16
we make a render again to see the differences
much better looks the same but with less contrast
Perfect is already finished
now turn off the main light and turn on the front panel to set it
Has to have very little contribution of light will have to lower its intensity
Uff yes it comes out very burnt you have to lower much the intensity
I lowed the intensity to 3.5 and threw another render
much better gives a perfect contribution from up
Good!! Now is the turn to Fill Light
but first a tip: you can set the 3 lights at the same time by changing the color of each one
but opposite colors or with bright colors as yellow, green and blue and you can see its range of influence
I make a render again
I love this kind of lighting! You have to lower the intensity enough but this is already to personal taste
with this light would look good do not need others lights, but let's do it of the type studio photography lights
I leave a tutorial on the basic principles of photography studio lighting in Maya and VRay
we changed the intensity to Fill Light to 5
Mmm yes with 5 its okay
Ohh, I like it !! Is a fill light as such !! We already have a main light
Now let's do the render but with the 3 lights together
I like the rest of the lights! Remember that you can play to your taste does not have to be the same
Continued with the tutorial hehe
I´m Working in the subtitles in 24 hours are finally finish - Thanks - SUBSCRIBE ^_^
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