Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 23 2017

HI i'm Angel with and today I'm going to show how to make this Princess

Poppy inspired troll costume.

It's really easy to sew and yes, there is a free pdf pattern available on my website

to make it super easy.

For this project you will need the following:

1 yard of felt or fleece in blue

1/4 yard White felt or fleece

3 inches of sew on Velcro Glue Gun and Glue sticks

Green Spray Paint (optional) masking tape (optional)

Sewing Essentials and of course the FREE pdf pattern that's

available on

Alright now that you have all those items

it's time to get started.

Now I need to warn this pattern is a little funky.

Ok so you have to follow me on this one.

Basically because I didn't want you to have to make two large pieces and assemble and also

waste a ton of paper, this pattern doubles as two.

As the front and the back so you have to do something that's a little different and funky

for a pattern, but if you follow me it will work out, and it will be fine.

Since the front and the back are not symmetrical I have made two different colored lines on

the top.

So you need to pay attention to this.

One is for the front and other is for the back.

I've done it this way so you don't have to assemble two large pattern pieces and it

saves paper.

You need to pay close attention to the instructions or you will cut it out wrong and you will

be sad, and I will be sad too.

When you cut out the pattern make it so you

cut the most outside line on the pattern.

Place the pattern on doubled fabric.

Cut out through both layers up to the tops of the armcye ( arm holes) then stop.

Separate the two pieces, and repin to just one piece of cloth to the pattern.

Fold the little triangle down so the red line is one continuous line.

Then cut out the top along the red line.

Set back piece of dress aside.

Now cut the pattern along the purple line as shown and unfold the triangle you fold down

Take the remaining piece of the dress and pin the pattern to it. With the now modified line ( the purple line).

You can set that piece aside.

Cut one of the front flap.

Cut a strip of white fabric that is about 2 inches wide and 8 – 10 inches long.

Cut out the Princess Poppy DIY dress decorations enough to make 3 to 6 (I confess in the example

I only put them on the font).

Set aside.

Now that you have all those items cut out, let's get sewing!

lay right sides together of the front and back pieces, making sure that the shoulder

pieces lines up.

Using a .25 inch seam allowance, sew the sides ( bottom to bottom of armcye or armhole) and

at the strap on the shoulder.

Then Sew on the Front crossover piece (that's the front flap), using a .25 inch seam allowance.

Once you've sewn all of that turn it right side out.

See Three seams and you're done!

Told you it was easy.

Now let's add the Velcro to - you know make sure the costume stays up.

Because that's kind of important.

Lay the cross over piece on the front of the dress and place where you would like it to


Take your Velcro and using a making pen mark where the Velcro will be on the dress front

and the cross over piece.

Sew on the Velcro.

You also could glue it on if you so desire.

Alright now this next step is completly optional, but I think it makes the costume look really


Plus, here's your film lesson for the week.

In film and in musicals they like to dress people or characters that are mean to fall

in love, in mathcing colors.

And this is one of the reasons why Princess Poppy has a little green on the bottom of

her dress.

It's to match Branch to show that "oh they belong together, Oh their in love!

That's so cute" So completely optional if you want to do this, but I do think it makes

the costume look really nice.

Just a little spray paint.

It's really easy.

To achieve this look just get some cheap spray paint and tape the bottom of the dress.

Go across the dress a couple times, then lift up the next layer of paint spray a couple

of times, lift up the next layer.

Alright now that you've done that it's time to add on the white pattern to the bottom

of the dress.

So basically layout where you want the white pattern to go on the bottom of the dress.

And here is the beauty of it being a costume, just hot glue that stuff down.

It actually works really well on fleece and felt especially in a costume to hot glue it,

it will stay really well. and it's a lot easier!

Now I'll be honest you can applique all of that on, if you really want to.

You'd be a better sewist than I.

Not even going to debate that one!

But you could just use a hot glue gun and get on with your life.

It's a costume, It's OK you have my permission.

Just glue it on and move on.

Final touch: take the white strip you cut and fold it half, then twist it.

Snip a little hole in the cross over piece and insert one end in, snip a second hole

on the other side and insert the ends in.

To get that fun stitch look.

And you're finished it is a really cute costume.

It's easy to make and it's pretty comfortable to wear too . I also must say!

And you know that awesome hair piece my little girl is wearing?

I have a video tutorial for that one too!

And it's pretty comfortable to wear also.

It's not super heavy or anything.

Yes I've tried it on.

If you liked this tutorial, if you found it useful please give me a thumbs up for my heard


Because you know ti gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside and justifies me staying up

until midnight editing this.

Just saying.

It's true.

Also I have another video tutorial over here that I think you'll like so check that one

out and you know thanks for watching my video I appreciate it.

Velvet is Pretentious, Fleece is Fun.

For more infomation >> DIY Princess Poppy Costume - Duration: 6:48.


Watch: Storm damage causing problems in Nelson - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Watch: Storm damage causing problems in Nelson - Duration: 1:32.


Tu Chor Main Sipahi | Hindi Movies Full Movie | Akshay Kumar Movies | Latest Bollywood Full Movies - Duration: 2:32:22.

You all will ha v e to come to the police station with me.

Why should we go with y ou? What wrong ha v e we done?

We are s imple people.

What e v idence do y ou ha v e?

F irst show us the warrant to arrest us.


How much is it? - 1 0 2.

ls it normal? - No. - How much is it?

2 40, with the clothes. - ls that normal? - No.

That means l cannot shout.

S ir, did y ou call me? - We lcome, inspector.

Comrades, meet him..

..he is the bra v est inspector of our department.

lnspector Aman Verma. One man army.

l thank him for sparing us..

..some of his precious time and coming here.

lnspector Verma, l heard that y ou again did a bra v e job today.

Yes, s ir. - Shut up!

What do y ou think of y ourse lf? B loody Rambo?

You fight at a public place?

You fire bullets and shed blood?

S ir, those goons were firing at me ;

l needed to answer them back.

The y must ha v e been bad shooters that the y missed y ou !

ln y our career span of 3 y ears y ou ha v e brok en 3 0 jeeps..

..thrashed people, and ha v e fired the most bullets.

What's this? - A pill. - What for? - For anger.

For anger.

S ir, one has to fight a culprit to catch him.

Now if someone incurs a loss in that fight, is it my fault?

No, it's the fault of the police department..

..which made y ou an inspector.

My dear, y ou incur the loss and we ha v e to pay for it.

You know, the department has incurred so much loss..

..that no one has rece iv ed an increment in the last 3 y ears.

But.. one thing is decided.

You will ne ither see retirement nor will y ou gain a pens ion..

..because y ou will die before that.

l don't worry about that.

l do my job courageous ly and honestly..

..and will continue to do so.

What? ! You will continue in this manner?

S ir, please !

You will tak e my life some day, but.. l won't let that happen.

Before that.. l will kill y ou.. l will kill y ou.. - S ir!

Forgiv e him, s ir. - Control y our father's heart, Mr. Verma.

Cool.. - Ok.

You ha v e made me an ill person. A heart patient.

You'v e turned me..

..from Khushal S ingh to F atehal S ingh.

l.. l will end this matter today. - No!

He's sa v ed !

Amar! - S ir? - He y, what are y ou doing?

Agreed that l am y our senior officer..

..but it's y ou who deserv e the salute.

l salute y ou. - S ir.. what is this y ou're doing?

You're e lder to me.

A person is not e lder or y ounger by age or post..

..he is senior or junior by his work and courage.

Right, B iharilal? - Yes, s ir. How wonderful !

l salute y ou.

You'v e done such a bra v e job today..

..that the whole department is proud of y ou.

And the truth is that the reputation our department has.. because of me and officers lik e y ou.

Thank y ou, s ir. lt's only y ou who encourages me.

The commiss ioner is alway s displeased with me.

The commiss ioner is half mad.

Don't know how a coward lik e him became a commiss ioner!

Don't mind him. J ust continue working honestly and bra v e ly.

Then see how fast y ou progress. - Thank y ou, s ir.

Right, B iharilal? - How wonderful ! l salute y ou.

Ex cuse me.

He llo. What?

Stay there. l'm coming. Ok.

What's the matter?

l'v e just got the ne ws that a girl is be ing raped at Khetwadi.

Rape? ! Rape? How can that be? How can there be a rape..

..when we ha v e an officer lik e y ou in this city?

And suppose this rape tak es place.. will be the rape of the entire department,.

not only that girl

Go! - Yes, s ir.

There goes my bo y!

S ir! S ir! - Yes? - When will y ou become a commiss ioner?

l will become a commiss ioner in 6 y ears.

But if Amar wishes, l can be that in just 6 day s.

l didn't get y ou, s ir. - You know that..

..the commiss ioner suffers from high blood pressure.

So he can get a heart attack.

And Amar comes up with such ne ws e v ery day..

..that it he ightens his blood pressure.

One day he will do such a thing that..

..only pressure will remain in commiss ioner's body.

Then he will die just lik e that.

And l will become a commiss ioner just lik e that.

Wow! How wonderful ! l salute y ou.

Keep it only till a salute.

He lp!

Let go of me !

ls any one there?

He lp!

He lp!

Let go of me !


ls any one around?

He lp!

Let go!

Let go!

There was a rape going on here.

lt will tak e place now.

A fire was buried in my heart.

lt is aroused just now.

A fire was buried in my heart. - lt was buried.

lt is aroused just now. - J ust now.

Don't agonize me.

Come and hug me.

lf not e v ery day.. - At least some day.

A fire was buried in my heart. - lt was buried.

lt is aroused just now. - J ust now.

Do something, darling. Please my heart.

l will complain about e v erything y ou ha v en't done.

Do something, darling. Please my heart.

l will complain about e v erything y ou ha v en't done.

l will go to the police station and cry.

l will te ll them lies.

The y will be lie v e me. - All of them.

A fire was buried in my heart. - lt was buried.

lt is aroused just now. - J ust now.

My anklets s ing. Why fee l shy of be ing in lo v e?

lf y ou'v e sworn something, l will break that v ow.

My anklets s ing. Why fee l shy of be ing in lo v e?

lf y ou'v e sworn something, l will break that v ow.

A guy is scared of a girl. Keeps rejecting me all the time.

Agree to me.. sometimes.

A fire was buried in my heart. - lt was buried.

lt is aroused just now. - J ust now.

Amar, come fast. The meal is ready. - Yes, mom.

l'm v ery hungry. Wow! lt sme lls really good.

He y, s it down peacefully and eat.

Mom, we are only to fill our stomachs.. matter if y ou eat fast or s low.

You k eep working 2 4 hours. We are we ll off with God's grace.

Can't y ou spare e v en 2 4 minutes for a meal?

Mom, 2 4 minutes are v ery precious for me.

l can't think of anything e x cept my duty.

Ha v e y ou read today's ne wspaper?

Your son is be ing praised. The y'v e printed my photo.

Aman Verma, the dutiful officer.

l don't care about that.

Te ll me, when are y ou giv ing me the good ne ws?

What good ne ws? - That of y our marriage. - Marriage?

Look, mummy, till l get..

..the medal of the best police officer, l won't marry.

l don't care about any medal ; l care about a daughter-in-law.

l refused him to mak e our son a policeman..

..but he's also as stubborn as y ou ; didn't listen to me.

Where is daddy? - Don't know. The meal is getting cold.

Kaushaly a ! l am at the end of my wits.

What happened? - What happened?

l couldn't find my watch that day, then my necktie got lost.. my be lt and sock s are lost.

You k eep talking of y our things.

Cons ider a fe w things as ours.

Really? Where is our underwear?

You alway s talk nonsense.

Why are y ou laughing? Eat the meal.

Forget it, daddy. Come and ha v e the meal.

Ok, look for it later.

Mr. Commiss ioner!


l'm sorry, granny. l won't come home late ne xt time.

Please, forgiv e me one last time.

Are brother and Bhabhi awak e?

He y! Brother and Bhabhi are as leep.

Ha v en't switched off the TV.

Strange !

Look, Bhabhi, l'v e got a ne w perfume for y ou.

Who is it? - Shut up!

Look how the rich people are !

The y fee l lik e dancing at 2 o'clock in the night.

The y enjo y all night and we guard them.

Constable !

Thank y ou.

Calm down, child. Don't cry.

Ev ery thing will be ok ; l'm here.

Mr. Commiss ioner? Greetings.

Yes, l'm talking to y ou. Please, come in.

Pardon me for bothering y ou.

What will y ou ha v e? Tea or some cold drink?

A stick? Cold drink? No.

What are y ou say ing?

Listen ; if the thief has left..

..some tea and sugar, mak e some tea for him.

Why are y ou standing? S it down, please.

Te ll me something. Who am l?

What are y ou say ing, s ir?

You're the thief.. l mean the home minister of this state.

See? He knows !

He knows that l am a home minister.

Ok, do y ou know whose house has been robbed?

Your daughter's, s ir. - He y! You know that, too!

Yes, s ir. - Very good.

And despite knowing that, y ou'v e come so late?

Yes, s ir.. l mean no, s ir.. - Shut up!

Do y ou know the duty of a police commiss ioner?

His duty is not only to wear a uniform..

..s it on a big chair and rece iv e a salary.

The public questions me. What will l answer them?

People will ask that if there can be a robbery.. the home minister's daughter's house.. can the ir houses be safe?

Do y ou know that l'v e lost my earnings of 4 1 /2 y ears?

That mone y that l had gathered..

..with much hard work after becoming a minister.

l want it all back. All of it..

Got it, s ir.

No matter how cle v er a thief is, he lea v es behind some mark.

Let me see if l can get some clue.

C lue? Yes ! He's left behind a clue.

Get it. Bring it here.

l'll giv e y ou the clue. You giv e me the thief.


Drink this, s ir. - What is it? - Eno.

l don't want Eno; l want Amar's blood. l'll drink that.

This is a good chance to mak e him anxious.

Calm down, s ir, and drink this.

Why hasn't Amar come y et?

l hope he's not stuck some where.

He might be firing in a public place to catch a goon.

Or it can be so that he's set..

..someone's house on fire to catch a terrorist.

S ir, l fear he might be doing an encounter against a don.

There will be firings in that.

And if some innocent layman is shot..

..and he dies, there will be an uproar, s ir.

Please ! Can't y ou all k eep quiet? Can't y ou see he's not we ll?

lt can be dangerous to te ll him such things in this state.

l mean l am thinking where Amar might be.

What other meeting can be more important than this one?

l see ; so y ou come here to re lax? - Yes.

No, l mean l come to lo v e y ou.

Kajal, l am imprisoned in y our heart for life.

There's no chance of getting re leased.

And l'm so chained in y our hair, that l can't break my se lf free.

You policemen praise lik e y ou were declaring a punishment.

come on, get up. - He y listen ! l want to talk to y ou.

l'm getting late for my college.

Don't y ou want to go on y our duty?

Listen to that! l'm on my duty.

My dear, l'm talking of the other duty.

What's the difference between the two?

At one duty l get a salary and at the other l get lo v e.

And l fulfill both duties with honesty.

Where is e v ery one?

lnspector Amar Verma reporting, s ir!

He's still aliv e?

What's the matter, s ir? You all were re laxing.

Re lax? ! The pill. - Here. - Thank y ou.

We all were s leeping because.. we are unemplo y ed.

We don't ha v e any work. We were just doing a small task.

Waiting for y ou.

Why are y ou standing? Please, be seated.

Friends, y our fa v orite, bra v e inspector has arriv ed at last.

lf y ou don't mind, can l ask y ou something?

Where had y ou been for the last 3 hours?

l had gone to get..

..some important information from our informer.

l see ; what information did y ou get?

l'v e got important information on some drug dealers.

Drug dealers.

Ha v e y ou read today's paper? - No, s ir. - No?

The super cop of police department, one man army..

..does not ha v e time to read papers.

Please, giv e him today's paper.

ls there something special in it, s ir?

Special? No, nothing special.

There was only a theft in the home minister's..

..daughter's house, and the thief took away all v aluables.

Now the home minister has giv en a special warning..

..that if we don't catch the thief soon..

..he will do a special procedure with us.

That's the only special thing.

S ir, l'll do the inv estigation. We might find some e v idence.

J ust a minute ! S it down !

Mr. Amar, we'v e done the inv estigation.

We know who the thief is. You are only to arrest him.

Understand? The pill !

G iv e me the e v idence and a warrant to arrest him.

l'll catch him just lik e that.

J ust lik e that? Ok.

Here's the e v idence.

S ir, this is a glo v e. - When did l say that it's a hat?

Look what's written on it. - King. - Yes, King.

C le v erer and more successful than the police department.

He's been robbing whene v er and where v er..

..he wants for the last 5 y ears, but hasn't been caught.

Now he got into the home minister's house, too.

l'v e been maintaining his file for the last fiv e y ears.

l ha v e all the records. See this.

The file of 1 99 1 , 9 2, 9 3, 9 4, 9 5..

S ir, there's nothing in these files. These are blank papers.

Nothing ins ide? Only blank papers?

There's nothing. You can see for y ourse lf.

You enjo y.. y ou enjo y thrashing people..

..and bully ing them with y our authority, right?

But all that will not he lp y ou catch King. You need brains.

l want King by any means. Or.. or e lse.. l won't use a lighter.

l will use a re v olv er.

S ir! Wak e up, s ir. - King !

Happ y birthday to y ou. Happ y birthday to y ou.

Happ y birthday, dear mothers. Happ y birthday to y ou.

This one for y ou. - Enough, Raja.

Too many sweets are not good for her health.

come on, doctor. Anything giv en to a mother.. her son with lo v e cannot be injurious to her.

Right, mother? - l am so luck y that l got a son lik e y ou.

l regret that y ou were not born to me.

A true re lationship is that of the hearts.

You cons ider me y our son, right? That's it.

And if l were born to y ou, l would be only y our son.

But today l am a son of 1 0 mothers.

There can be no one luckier than me.

Raja ! - Yes, doctor?

Why do y ou spend so much mone y for them?

Because l lo v e them v ery much.

Despite knowing that the y won't be liv ing many day s now?

Yes, doctor.

Humans ha v e left them alone and God has forgotten them.

You know, doctor..

..e v en the 1 0 heads of Ra v ana could not protect him.

l ha v e the bless ings of 1 0 mothers, which protect me.

Please ! Please, s ir! He lp me or l'll be ruined. - Get lost!

Mr. Khan ! Mr. Khan ! - What is it? - l want drugs.

Do l look lik e a drug dealer to y ou? Go! - Please !

Ok, do this. Go to J uhu street..

..and ask the Mishra Paan se ller about Lambe Khan.

He se lls the goods these day s.

Will l get some, Mr. Khan? - Chhote Khan is te lling y ou that!

l know who deals in what all o v er the city.

Chhota Khan knows about all criminals and bus inesses.

Get lost!

Then y ou must be knowing about King, too. - You? !

Who is this King? Where does he liv e?

You shouldn't ha v e come here.

lf someone sees me with y ou..

..he will think l am informer for the police.

Ok, te ll me where King liv es. - l know nothing about King.

You are aware of all criminals and bus inesses of the city.

How come y ou don't know about King?

l swear l don't know.

Don't scream, Lambe Khan. - Chhote Khan. - Chhote Khan !

Ne xt time when y ou meet me, y ou should know about King, ok?

l'm going.

4 men died y esterday due to drugs. Who sold the drugs?

l swear l don't know.

Nana ! - l don't want to hear 'no'. l want his name.

His name is Nana.

Where will l find him now? - l'll te ll y ou.

C lose the door.

We ll done, my bo y. We ll done.

Thank y ou, dad. - No dad. We're dad and son at home.

We're S P and inspector in the office. - Yes, s ir. - Good.

l ha v e made a list of those officers..

..who deserv e a gold medal for e x ce llent serv ice.

Your name tops them all.

Cons ider y ou're going to get the medal.

How wonderful, s ir! l salute y ou.

And l salute y ou.

S ir! - Yes, l salute y ou.

S ir, why are y ou walking with the support of stick s?

l can giv e my shoulder for support.

Don't worry, Mr. Verma. You will soon be carry ing my dead body.

S ir! - Your s ir is dead.

You will soon get me fired from my job.

You will mak e me a peon. - Yes, s ir. - Shut up!

What are y ou say ing, s ir? - l am say ing the truth.

You don't get what l'v e been say ing for all these day s.

lt's no big deal that y ou caught Nana.

But, s ir, he was a big drug smuggler.

We got 9kg 2 5 gm drugs from him. - lt's no use.

You're not catching the one y ou should.

l'v e got a gift for y ou. Where is it?

Here, s ir. - Here, look at it.

King? - Yes ! He made a robbery again y esterday.

He stole 1 0 crore rupees.

You know, the minister called me and insulted me badly.

l requested him not to print that ne ws in the papers.

Or the public will curse the police. There will be chaos.

l can't lead such a disgraceful life.

Doctor, do y ou ha v e poison? - No. - Thank y ou v ery much.

But l'v e decided that l'll giv e ads in tomorrow's papers..

..that the one who catches King

will get a fix prize of Rs. 1 lakh.

Here. - What's that? - Vick s. - Vick s?

Very good idea, s ir. Very good.

l will giv e those 1 lakh rupees from y our fund.

Bad idea, s ir. Very bad. - Shut up!

lf y ou want to sa v e y our 1 lakh rupees..

..or before someone e lse catches him, get me King.

Or l will transfer y ou to Tendarik ada.

Once y ou reach there, y ou will die. Understand?

What is this list about? Are the y all res igning?

No, s ir. The y are the gold medalist candidates for this y ear.

These are the ir names. - And the top name is Amar Verma.

Your own son? My foot!

Type the rest of the list and get it to me for appro v al. B y e.

You'v e lost the medal.

Now this mad man will send y ou to Tendarik ada.

Where is this place, dad?

This is that gra v e y ard which e v en God has forgotten about.

lt is a one way entry for the policemen.

One who goes is gone fore v er.

Yes? - Greetings. - Greetings.

Now y ou'll ask what l want. So let me te ll y ou beforehand..

..that l ha v e not come here to se ll some soap or shampoo.

l ha v e not come to ask for a fund for some orphanage.

Nor ha v e l come to ask about some address..

..because l know that l'v e come at the right place.

Now y ou'll ask who l am.

Let me te ll y ou that l am Kajal's friend.

You might ask, who is Kajal?

So, Kajal is my friend who lo v es y our son, Amar, v ery much.

Can l come in?

Actually, Amar also lo v es her v ery much.

And the y want to get married.

But y ou see, Amar was fee ling shy of talking to y ou about it.

So l said, why fee l so shy?

And if y ou both fee l so shy, l will talk to her.

Am l not right? - Yes, y ou are.

So, shall l cons ider this marriage fix ed?

Wait a minute, dear! You'v e been talking s ince y ou came.

Let me first see the girl ; let me meet her once.

Why do y ou need to see her?

See ing me is as good as see ing Kajal.

She look s just lik e me.

lf she's as pretty and playful as y ou, l don't mind.

Really? Can l bow down to y ou?

On behalf of Kajal l mean.

God bless y ou, Kajal !

How did y ou know that l am Kajal?

l am the mother of the guy y ou lo v e.


Mother agreed? - Yes.

Wonderful ! But, who told mother?

That's my sty le ! - What sty le? - Ne v er mind that.

Now y ou do something wonderful for me.

Lik e what? - Lik e conv incing my father.

lt's a child's play for me !

Think carefully once more. - l'v e thought o v er.

See ing me, that old man.. sorry..

..will knee l down to me and will say.. v e the dignity of my family ; mak e my daughter y our wife.

l request y ou ; l bow down to y ou.

Enough ! See that y ou're not shock ed when y ou meet him.

He'll be shock ed to see me.

l'm not an ordinary inspector..

..l am a high le v e l inspector, Amar Verma.

Ok, come. - Where? - J ust come, pal.

But we won't go by y our jeep ; we'll go by my bik e. - Why?

Because no one will let y our jeep enter my bungalow.

Why so? Why such a tight security?

You'll know that when we reach there.

Turn around ; l want to blindfold y ou.

Why do y ou want to blindfold me?

Because if l don't, y ou will run

away as soon as y ou see my house.

What's so special about y our house?

You'v e ne v er told me what y our father does.

ls he a don, a smuggler or a goon?

Wow! That wretched guy has hit the bull's e y e.

He aimed at my daughter; caught her in the net of his lo v e.

Khushal S ingh, control y our father's heart.

B lindfold y ourse lf lik e the statue of justice..

..and v alue the ir lo v e with a neutral mind.

And decided on the ir liv es. - Papa !

You'v e come, child?

Where is he?

Go, child ; l want to talk to him in priv acy.

Go away! - Ok, l'll get y ou both some tea.

Don't be scared.

So, mister, can l ask y ou how much y ou lo v e Kajal?

As much as Majnu lo v ed Laila, Ranjha lo v ed Heer..

..and Romeo lo v ed J uliet and F arhad lo v ed.. - Shirin !

Very good.

Then y ou must be knowing that the y ne v er got married.

So what? We will get married, s ir.

And no one can separate us.

Wow! How long ha v e y ou known my daughter, child?

For a fe w liv es now. Very good. Very good.

How many times ha v e l said not to k eep the furniture in the way?


S ince many liv es, eh? Can l ask what y ou were in y our past life?

How can one remember what he did in his pre v ious life?

Then how can y ou say that..

..y ou lo v e my daughter s ince many liv es?

lt's a famous dialogue ; e v ery lo v er say s that.

l see. What do y ou do?

Lo v e ! - Whom?

My job and y our daughter.

What do y ou do for a liv ing? - l'm an inspector.

ln municipality? - No, in the police force.

ln the police force?

Why are y ou scared? When Kajal blindfolded me..

..l got it that y ou might not be a good man.

You must be some thief or a goon.

Anyway s, because y ou are my would-be father-in-law..

..l request y ou to surrender y ourse lf to the law.

l don't want re lationships to come in the way of my duty.

Or l would ha v e handcuffed y ou and lock ed y ou my se lf.

Child, perhaps y ou don't know that..

..l know the police commiss ioner v ery we ll.

You mean that dictator? - No, he is Khushal S ingh.

Yes, Khushal S ingh.

Don't mention him so early in the morning.

He cannot harm me. How will he harm me?

He is aliv e on medicines ; how can he harm me?

He's not a commiss ioner, s ir. He's a den of ailments !

Shall l te ll y ou something? He's a coward.

l wouldn't mak e him e v en a constable..

..let alone a commiss ioner.

So y ou're not scared of him, eh? - Am l scared of him?

He stammers before me. - He stammers?

Yes, he's scared of me. - He's scared? - Yes.

When y ou get angry, y our v oice matches his quite a lot.

lf y ou remo v e that ribbon..

..y ou'll also find our faces matching.

Yes ! You look alik e..

You are.. Kajal's.. Kajal's.. father?

Oh, no! - l'll kill y ou !

Watch out, s ir! You'll fall, s ir! l'll he lp.

Don't lea v e me ; l'll fall off. Don't lea v e me.

S ir, l'm lea v ing this time.

But ne xt time, l'll tak e away y our daughter.

Shall l go, s ir? - Yes. - Shall l?

Goodby e.

Thank God that y ou..

Hurry up! l'm getting late.

l'm making it fast, Mr. Khan.

Te ll me something, Mr. Khan. - What?

What happened to y our finger? - Shut up!

J ust sha v e nice ly. Don't talk about my finger.

Don't be upset, Mr. Khan. - come on, hurry up!

What are y ou doing?

How are y ou, Chhote Khan? - You? You'v e got here, too?

What do y ou want now? - Where is King?

l don't know; l swear on Allah.

l'v e been try ing to look for him for 3 day s, but l know nothing.

lt's not poss ible that..

..Chhote Khan doesn't ha v e any information.

l will get out the information from y ou.

lt's brok en? - l ha v e a piece of information. - Te ll me.

The people of AlC C want to kill y ou.

All lndia.. - Criminal Committee. Be careful.


Let go of him !

You sa v ed my life at the right time. Thank s.

l get e v erywhere just at the right time.

What's y our name?

A sa v ior! A friend ! - l lik e it.

You sa v ed my life.. remember me if y ou need me some day.

Kajal ! Come here.

Amar, y ou? !

Come to the terrace. - But daddy's home.

l climbed up by the pipe for y ou.

Can't y ou come up to the terrace? What will y our daddy do?

Ok, dear; coming.

We lo v ers are on the terrace. There's uproar in the streets.

Pull me towards y ou with the thin rope of lo v e.

We lo v ers are on the terrace. There's uproar in the streets.

No one stopped y ou on the way.

How did y ou get this chance?

l came dece iv ing e v ery one. l am a gush of wind.

Come secretly ; go secretly.

My father might tak e y ou to be a thief and arrest y ou.

Thief? !

We lo v ers are on the terrace. There's uproar in the streets.

This world is an enemy of lo v ers.

So l don't care about the world now.

We are a v ery special couple.

Don't worry ; it's a matter of a little time.

How shall we wait till then? We'll lose control some day.

Darling, y ou are rain and l am a black cloud.

We lo v ers are on the terrace. There's uproar in the streets.

Coming. Coming, dear.

Commiss ioner Khushal S ingh speaking.

Your name will soon turn to Dukhal S ingh.

Stop talking nonsense ! lt was my father's name. Who is it?

Raja. - Of which place?

Of the people. The police know me by the name of King.

King? King? ! The one with the glo v es?

Yes, that one.

Where are y ou calling from? - From the police station.

Are y ou ins ide the station or outs ide?

S illy, does a thief say where he's calling from?

You can call from anywhere. - ldiot! - Who?

Commiss ioner, y ou ha v en't done a good thing with me.

You're giv ing a prize of only 1 lakh rupees.. the one who catches King? Only 1 lakh?

You'v e insulted me.

Only those who ha v e some honor can be insulted, Mr. King.

You'll ha v e to pay for this.

l am going to rob y our area on this Saturday.

lf y our police force has the guts, try and catch me.

Really? He llo.. he y.. he llo..

Good that he challenged me on the phone.

lf he had been before me, l would ha v e shot him !

Come ; come, my dear.

This Saturday will be y our last robbery.

Yes, this is inspector Verma here.

Look, Amar..

Ok, s ir. - Keep a strict e y e on the passers by ; check them.

And note the ir addresses. - Ok, s ir.

Look, King should not be able to escape. - He won't.

Ok, l'll call y ou later.

Do y ou remember, l told y ou that l am true to my words?

l do what l say. - Amar, King is here !

No! You're a liar.

You said y ou'll rob my area, not my house.

So isn't y our house in y our area?

My house.. no.. my area.. my house.. - Shut up!

No more blabbering.

Brother! - Daughter! - The meal is ready.

S it down. come on.

Ha v en't y ou taught y our daughter to cook?

There's no salt in the food at all. - The salt got o v er.

Ha v e y ou ordered this food from some hospital?

There's no salt, ghee or sugar in the Dal.

Teach her something or she'll cook such food all her life.

Ok, l'll work hungry today.

Now, te ll me where the mone y is. - l won't te ll y ou.

F ine. Perhaps y ou don't know that the safes and wardrobes..

..of the house King robs come to him themse lv es.

2 4 7 rupees 40..

2 4 7 rupees 40 paisa? ! - Only that much?

Ha v e y ou earned only that much? Shame on y ou !

You should ha v e earned for y our daughter at least.

Will y ou earn and giv e her some thing?

You'v e bought a piece of land in y our v illage.

You'v e inv ested the mone y..

..earned through bribes in a good way.

S ister! You really ha v e a bad luck!

The land is mortgaged.

You are not destined to ha v e mone y..

..because y ou are born in his family. - Child !

Why don't y ou earn, eh?

And if y ou do earn, where do y ou k eep the mone y?

You won't giv e in so eas ily.

No! No! No!

Child, don't te ll any one what King did with us.

Don't worry, daddy. l won't te ll any one.


S ir, the commiss ioner is here.

Mr. Khushal S ingh? We lcome, we lcome.

Greetings, s ir. D id y ou call me, s ir?

Yes. Why are y ou standing there? Come here.

Come, dear. S it down. - Yes. - S it down.

S it up there for the time be ing.

Do y ou buy ne wspapers e v ery day?

Yes, s ir. - You must be ha v ing the English paper at y our home.

l don't get y ou, s ir. - You will get it. Put it down.

Ha v e y ou read today's paper? - No, s ir.

lt's ok.

l k ept looking for King all night.

And when l got y our call in the morning, l came o v er.

l see, l see. l'll giv e y ou a paper to read. Here, read.

Thank y ou, s ir.

D id y ou lik e the picture? - Look s lik e a photo of a queen.

The king is also with her. - No! - Stop it! Stop it!

Now we'v e found out that y ou are King's partner.

What are y ou say ing, s ir?

Yes, because the je we lry y our daughter is wearing.. the one that was stolen from my daughter's place.

lt's time to te ll y ou the truth, s ir. - Good.

Last night.. King brok e into my house.

Really? - Let me finish, s ir!

He put the gun on my temple and forced us.. wear this je we lry and then took our picture.

D id y ou launch a complaint with the police?

l am the police. - D id y ou? - No, s ir.

Why? Because y ou are King's partner. - No, s ir.

lt's because l thought of y ou.

lf the public finds out, what will it do?

The y will question y ou.

Look, s ir, l promise that l'll

arrest him and present him to y ou.

l promise that. - Keep y our hand back.

Why, s ir?

You are promis ing as if y ou were a leader.

You are the leader.

Look, commiss ioner.. -

No, s ir, l will rest only after l arrest King.

Don't stop me now, s ir.

No power of the world can stop me now.

How much we ight ha v e l lost? - 2 0 kg. - 2 0?

J ust a minute. Now check how much less it is.

lt's still the same, s ir. 2 0 kg.

2 0 kg? 2 0? That means l'v e turned 52 from 7 2 kg?

And a 1 0 kg uniform in the 52 kg?

lf l k eep los ing we ight lik e this,

l will remain only 2 kg some day.

Definite ly! - O my God ! - Don't do that, s ir. Please.

Then tak e me.

l don't want to hear any clarifications or e x cuses.

l only want King.

That's a question of my honor and that of the department.

Understand? You can lea v e now.

Amar, y ou stay back.

l want to talk of something important to y ou.

Doctor, y ou can go. G iv e me the medicines. - Tak e care, s ir.

You can go. - Yes, s ir. - Go! - Don't be tensed, s ir.

Then go fast.

Look, Amar, l don't hope anything from these officers.

The y are all use less. Your father is also among them.

Don't fee l bad. But what can l do? l trust only y ou.

No one e lse can do this job e x cept y ou.

l'll try my best, s ir.

No trials ! You will catch him by any means.

Because if he had just robbed, it would be ok.

But perhaps.. y ou don't know that..

he didn't spare Kajal e ither.

Kajal? What did he do to Kajal?

What do l te ll y ou, dear? He.. Kajal.. - What did he do, s ir?

l couldn't do anything despite be ing a commiss ioner.

l should drown my se lf in a pit.. - What are y ou doing, s ir?

S ir, please te ll me what he did.

l can't say anything to any one.

People will think that if the commiss ioner..

..couldn't sa v e his daughter, how will he sa v e others?

S ir, will y ou please te ll me what he did?

Don't breathe hea v ily. J ust te ll me.

He.. before my e y es.. before my own e y es..

..he s lapped Kajal. - Thank God.

He s lapped Kajal? l won't spare him.

l will arrest him within four day s. - J ust a minute, child.

Here. - What are y ou doing, s ir? You're bribing me?

lt's my duty, s ir.

This is not a bribe, dear. lt is y our transfer order.

Transfer order? - Keep it, dear.

Because if y ou don't arrest King within 4 day s, don't come back.

Go straight to this town and join the duty there.

l will giv e y our photo to Kajal ; she'll hang it in her room.

With a garland on it.

Why don't y ou e v er ha v e change?

Come with a change ne xt time. Now hurry. Pour some more.

Don't be happ y, Chhote Khan.

Your other hand and its fingers are still intact.

l used to break only y our fingers.

Who brok e y our whole hand?

The AlC C people. D idn't get me.

The people of All lndia Criminal Committee.

The y kidnapped me.

The y had found out that l giv e y ou information.

So the y brok e my hand.

But l am quite happ y.

l had ne v er imagined that l'd be sa v ed because of y ou.

The y wanted to kill me..

..but when l told them that y ou wanted to catch King..

..the y ga v e me King's photo and address and let me go.

Photo? King's photo? Where's the photo?

Why do y ou hurry so much? The y are v ery irritated by y ou.

The y want y ou to lea v e the city to look for King..

..and then the y can re lax.

l am asking y ou where the photo is.

Tak e it out from my pock et.

Where will l find him at present?

He's not in Mumbai these day s.

There's a.. ..near J aisalmer in Rajasthan.

He's there.

Remember, Chhote Khan.

lf this information is wrong, l will break y our toes, too.

You won't come back aliv e from there.

And if y ou do come, y ou won't find me here.

Wish y ou all the best.

O God ! What shall happen now?

He's going alone to catch a dangerous thief. l'm scared.

Why do y ou s it there and watch? Can't y ou do anything?

At least open y our e y es. - What do l do then?

You're an officer at a high post.

Can't y ou stop y our son from going?

l don't want Amar to lea v e e ither.

But it is that wretched Khushal S ingh who's passed the order.

You said a bad word to my dad?

No, not y our dad ; l said a bad word to that commiss ioner.

Mother! l'm lea v ing.

J ust a minute, dear. l'll right back.

Amar, y ou won't go.

l'll talk to dad and mak e him cance l y our departure.

No, Kajal, y ou won't do that. - But why?

l will go to catch King e v en if y our dad refuses me.

l won't spare him. He misbeha v ed with y ou.

With me? - What can l te ll y ou, Kajal?

l'v e met him once accidentally. l didn't know he was King.

lf people saw us together, the y would think l am his partner.

l won't spare him. l won't spare King.

Here, child, wear this. lt will protect y ou.

Mother, y our bless ings are enough for me.

Ok, dad, l'm going.

God bless y ou, child. Catch King and mak e me proud.

Yes, s ir.

He y, caught y ou !

Ra v i !

Ka v ita !

Bablu !


Brother Raja, te ll us something.

How do y ou recognize us without see ing us?

Your fragrance is carv ed on my heart.

So l recognize y ou as soon as l touch y ou.

Brother Raja, catch me.

He y! How did my child grow up so soon?

Why are y ou hitting our brother?

Do y ou remember l sa v ed y our life once?

You promised then that y ou'll he lp me if l needed.

You remember that, right?

l lied to y ou.

Stop! Stop, brother! Don't lea v e us, please.

lf l stay back, he'll hit me more.

Stop! Why are y ou hitting our brother? Let him go.

Stop! Stop! Don't hit me before my children.

Water! - l'll get y ou some water just now.

Water! - You'v e bothered me too much.


You dared touch my Kajal, eh?

Here, drink water.

Wants to drink water!

You got commiss ioner's photo printed in the papers.

What did y ou think? That we all are fools or something?

l promise l will ne v er break into a policeman's house again.

lf y ou imprison me, what will happen to my children?

What will happen to my mothers?

Who will look after them?

lt's not only y ou who are kind ; l ha v e some kindness, too.

What about the kids and mothers ! We will look after them.

What will y ou gain by arresting me? A medal?

l robbed the house of a commiss ioner.

l got many medals there. l will giv e all of them to y ou.

J ust let me go, please.

lf l don't hand y ou.. the commiss ioner by tomorrow, l'll be done for.

See this. lt's my transfer order. To Tendarik ada.

Ha v e y ou e v er heard that name before?

All the police officers who went there died.

lt's a gra v e y ard of policemen.

Look s lik e we'v e reached our gra v e y ard.

Unlock me ; l will fight. - You'll fight?

Ok, perhaps l won't fight. But l'll at least sa v e my life.

Unlock me, y ou rascal ! - Shut up!

l will kill y ou before the y do. Keep quiet!

Can't y ou see the y are fighting with each other?

Damn it!

He has the k e y.


Amar, come here.

Not there ; o v er here. Come and die bes ide me !

lf y ou die there, l will die standing here.

Throw me the k e y s. Throw it!

Come.. come on.. come..


Thank y ou. Thank y ou, God. Mo v e ahead. come on.

Come nearer. Come ahead. l will get y ou treated. Come to me.

Yes ! A little more.

G iv e me y our hand.

Tendarik ada. Nice place to hide at.

Water! - D id y ou giv e me water?

You want to arrest me, right? Here, arrest me.

Why did l touch Kajal? l will touch y ou, too. There.. see?

Why did l steal at y our s ir's place?

Why did l get his photo printed in papers?

l will get y our photo printed, too.

Look.. y ou'v e promised me that y ou'll sa v e me.

l lied to y ou ! Rascal, y ou hit me before my kids.

You wanted to separate me from my mothers.

He y brother! - Yes, s ir?

He's a dangerous terrorist. The y were four altogether.

3 are killed and this last one is injured.

lf he liv es on, tak e him to a hospital. Here's the mone y.

And if he dies, cremate him.

Listen ! How far is Tendarik ada from here?

Go straight from here, s ir.

He y bo y!

Shuck s !

Where's the police station?

Zip that up. Where's the station? - Ov er there.

Why did this happen? Let go of me !

The y killed my husband. Let go of me.

God is not so crue l as to..

..k eep the old ones aliv e and tak e away the y ounger ones.

What's the matter? - Nothing, s ir.

lsn't this crue lty enough?

Why ha v e the police come to torture us more?

Do us this fa v or, s ir. Shoot me and then shoot my wife.

S ir, don't mind what he's talking.

His son has just e xpired. He's gone mad.

He's forgotten how one is supposed to talk to an officer.

Please go, s ir.

lnform us if y ou need anything. Go.

Go, s ir. Go.

How come a police station is closed?

Look s lik e this police station runs on its own.

So? How do l look? Smart, right?

He y! Who are y ou?


l ha v en't stolen. l am not a thief.

Baburao's son hit me hard.

l want to go home. l want to go home. - Shut up!

Yes, scold me. You also scold me.

When l'll grow up, l will scold y ou. l will thrash y ou.

After y ou grow up? - Yes. - What's y our name?

Guddu. l want to go home. - Ok, l'll send y ou home.

F irst te ll me what y ou'v e done.

Nothing ; l was play ing with marbles, when a hen passed by.

l took up the hen thinking that the cat might eat it.

The constable thought that l had stolen the hen.

Do l look lik e a hen thief? Do l.. - Ok, ok, dear.

But where's that hen? - The constable took it.

l am fry ing a hen.

Attention !

l said attention !

You say that as y ou're ne wly transferred here.

Ev en a dog doesn't wag his tail here see ing an inspector.

Tak e off that uniform, wear a Lungi and re lax.

What are y ou doing?

Do y ou get now what sort of inspector l am?

Why are y ou eating this stolen hen?

No, s ir, l ask ed the hen its address. But it didn't recall.

So l thought before someone steals it, l'll eat it.

Now that l'v e come, these things should not go on.

Ok, te ll me, where's the bathroom? l want to bathe.

S ir, there's a big bathroom in our v illage.

lt's 8 km long and 4 km wide.

Guleti ( crazy ) !

He y, what are y ou doing? The y're my clothes.

The y won't fit y ou.

Guleti !

Listen, brother.

Shut up!

Te ll me something.

Ha v e y ou seen a girl wearing red petticoat and blouse?

She ran away with my trouser.

There's no such girl in our v illage.

Really? Ok, don't te ll me. Laugh ! You can laugh more.

But don't forget that..

..she's stolen the uniform of a policeman.

l won't let her get away so eas ily.

Shut up! Why are y ou mocking him?

Child, l ask y our pardon on the ir behalf.

Don't fee l bad. And don't lea v e us and go away.

No, aunt, l am not upset. And l won't lea v e y ou all.

come on, mo v e ! Go to y our homes. Go! Mo v e !

You see, these v illagers ha v e been

able to laugh after a long time.

The y had almost forgotten to laugh.

Why? Laughing is good. l lik e it. - Yes.

Laughter means there'll be jo y and peace.

J o y and peace? Child, it's only a dream for these v illagers.

Will y ou be able to bring that? - You mean happiness?

Yes, why not? That's what l'v e come here for.

May God giv e y ou a long life !

Auntie, what does Guleti mean?

Guleti? A crazy man is called that.

A crazy person? - Yes.

Listen, bo y, she humiliated me in front of the v illagers.

F ind out who she is and where she liv es.

Ok, l'll find it out tomorrow.

No, not tomorrow. F ind it out by this e v ening. - Ok.

lt is rightly said that..

..if a person's lo v e is true, he can e v en find God.

l'v e found y ou. Do y ou lo v e me as much as l lo v e y ou?

Are y ou fee ling shy? You should by the way.

Shyness is the true je we lry of a girl.

Ok, do this. Throw a flower to me as l thre w to y ou.

And l'll get it that y ou lo v e me, too.

How come y our hands are so stiff?

Oh, l got it. You must be working hard.

Don't worry ; l'll k eep y ou lik e a princess after we get married.

Show me y our pretty face.

Why fee l shy now that we'v e agreed to marry?

l'm dy ing to see y our face..

..s ince the time l saw y ou at the riv er bank.

Once.. show me y our face just once.


Yes, me. You come to meet my s ister secretly.

l will call the v illagers and te ll them..

..that y ou come here to harass my s ister.

l will scream and te ll e v ery one. Villagers !

What are y ou doing? ls she y our s ister?

Yes, she is.

Sorry. Pal, l really lo v e her.

Villagers ! - Shut up! - Villagers ! Villagers !

l thought y ou were lik e a kid, y ou rascal !

You're worse than the e lders.

Get out of my house.


Let go of my hand. Please, let go of my hand.

l ha v en't he ld y our hand to let go, but to be y our life partner.

Let go. No one has he ld my hand till date.

What will people think if the y see us?

What will the y think? That l lo v e y ou and y ou lo v e me, right?

You do, don't y ou?

Should l tak e y our s ilence as 'y es' or 'no'?


l didn't say 'no'.

Guleti ! - Guleti !

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Te ll me, pretty girl, will y ou lo v e me?

Will y ou cross the boundaries of shyness?

Te ll me, pretty girl, will y ou lo v e me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou cross the boundaries of shyness? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Te ll me, pretty girl, will y ou lo v e me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou cross the boundaries of shyness? - Guleti ! Guleti !

You are my life. l can giv e away my life for y ou.

There's no guy as crazy as me.

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Te ll me, y oung man, will y ou lo v e me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou cross the sea of fire? - Guleti ! Guleti !

You are my life. l can giv e away my life for y ou.

There's no girl as crazy as me.

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

lt's the time of monsoon. Your e y es look ed into my e y es.

Don't say too much. People are listening to us.

Te ll me clearly, y ou ruthless, what do y ou wish now?

Will y ou trust me?

Will y ou wait for me?

Will y ou trust me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou wait for me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Te ll me, y oung man, will y ou lo v e me? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou cross the sea of fire? - Guleti ! Guleti !

You are my life. l can giv e away my life for y ou.

There's no guy as crazy as me.

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

This is a nice e v ening of promises.

Let's giv e each other some gift.

This is a nice e v ening of memories.

Let's te ll each other some story.

Will y ou mak e my life difficult?

Will y ou aim at my heart?

Will y ou mak e my life difficult? - Guleti ! Guleti !

Will y ou aim at my heart? - Guleti ! Guleti !

You are my life. l can giv e away my life for y ou.

There's no girl as crazy as me.

Guleti ! Guleti ! Guleti !

What are y ou doing?

This is why l told y ou not to get it cleaned.

The dust will go to y our lungs.

Don't mak e e x cuses. S it down.

S ir.. me, s itting before y ou..

J ust s it down. - Ok, s ir.

Te ll me something.

How much bribe does one get here weekly?

How many pubs and cas inos are here?

Where's the red light area?

Shut up!

l ask ed y ou a question ; l'm not te lling y ou jok e.

But, s ir, l ha v e ne v er heard a funnier jok e than this one.

This is a pure ly v egetarian v illage. Pure v egetarian.

The people here don't be lie v e in v iolence.

D idn't y ou notice that there's not e v en a gun in the station?

ls it? Then how much is the staff here?

1 00 % . - Where are all of them?

The 50 % is s itting oppos ite y ou.

And the remaining?

And the other 50 % is s itting oppos ite me.

Uncle police ! Uncle police !

Uncle, me? ! Don't call me uncle, ok?

Ok, brother police. l also want to be a policeman.

Please, giv e me a uniform lik e y ours.

Child, y ou're too y oung.

Grow up a bit; then l'll giv e y ou a uniform. Ok?

G iv e me now. l'll giv e y ou grams. l ha v e quite a lot of them.

See this. - Wow! You're bribing me for a uniform?

God knows what y ou'll do after y ou get it.

Go out and repair the police station board first.

Attention !

Go out!

A v illage where e v en kids are so big, the y oungsters will be..

Te ll me something, Himmat S ingh.

There are old people and kids in this v illage.

Where are the y oung people? - Uncle police ! Food for y ou.

Food? Who sent it? - Granny did. - Granny?

Granny say s that y ou'll become strong if y ou eat we ll.

Then y ou'll kill Thak ur and will free my father, right?

But where is y our father?

Thak ur had imprisoned my father.

l'v e ne v er seen my father. Thak ur does not let him go.

My granny cries a lot.

Granny say s that when l'll grow up..

..Thak ur will also tak e me away from my mother.

No, child. l won't let him tak e y ou away.

Really? Will y ou also get my father re leased? - Yes.

Yes, dear. - Ok, l'm going now.

l'll te ll mother and granny that father is going to be free.

F ather is going to be free ! F ather is going to be free !

Himmat S ingh, what's this whole story?

S ir, it would be better if y ou don't get inv olv ed in it.

Or y ou'll be in trouble. - What trouble?

Only Thak ur knows that. - Who's this Thak ur?

The y oung men of this v illage and..

..other 1 6 ne ighboring v illages are imprisoned by Thak ur.

The y are his s la v es. Thak ur Gajendra S ingh writes the ir fate.

Thak ur Gajendra S ingh !

l don't want to tak e that injection.

l told y ou l don't want it.

S illy men, this is not into xication ; this is life.

lf y ou refuse to tak e it, y ou'll be refus ing y our life.

come on, tak e it. - No.. l don't want.. -

Tak e it.. - l don't want..

No! No, Thak ur.. no..

No, no. No!

No. No, Thak ur.. no..

Thak ur, l am ready to do whate v er y ou say.

J ust let me meet my mother, wife and children once.

lf y ou want y our family members to be safe..

..just work without complaining.

S la v es ! Listen carefully!

Till y ou work for me, y our family members will surv iv e.

And till y our family members k eep quiet, y ou will surv iv e.

lf any one of y ou leak s out what we gain from my land..

..he will find the dead bodies of his family members.

Professor, y ou guessed it right.

There's much s ilv er in this soil. Look at this sample.

l'v e been say ing that from the start.

l think there's minimum 68 % s ilv er in this soil.

Professor, y our research is right.

But y our guess is a little wrong.

The percentage of s ilv er in my land is not 68 % , but 8 6 % .

But l still appreciate y ou for y our work.

S ir, whate v er y ou're doing is illegal.

Professor, y ou're educated, but y ou're stupid.

This land has been be longing to my ancestors s ince ages.

And now it be longs to me.

So how can the go v ernment..

..ha v e any right on the s ilv er gained from my land?

When a farmer grows some thing..

..on his land, he has a right o v er the harv est.

lf he digs a we ll, he has a right o v er the water gained from it.

Then why can't l ha v e a right o v er the s ilv er

l gain from my land?

How can the go v ernment ha v e a right?

Any supply gained lik e this be longs to the go v ernment.

Thak ur, l ha v e a wife and y oung kids. Don't kill me.

l promise l won't say a word to any one.

All right; l won't orphan y our wife and kids.

Vikram, cut off his tongue and both hands.

Ha v e mercy on me, s ir. l ha v e a wife. l ha v e y oung kids.

Ha v e y ou thought o v er that ne w inspector?

lt's been two day s s ince he took up the charge..

..but he hasn't come to v is it us.

Spare him today. lt's Mother Bha v ani's day today.

But go to him tomorrow.

Brother police, can l come in? - What is it?

Brother, giv e me a uniform and mak e me a policeman.

Really? Do this..

..first massage my legs, then l'll giv e y ou the uniform.


S ir! O s ir!

S ir! - Attent.. - Shut up!

What is it? - S ir, l'v e been calling y ou, but y ou don't hear me.

You see, l'm not used to be ing called s ir.

People called me by my name.

Anyway s, what is it now?

S ir, some of Thak ur's men are coming here. - Thak ur?

l see ; Thak ur!

He y inspector! You don't know that this v illage does not run.. some law and order, but by the bless ings of Thak ur.

So any ne w inspector here v is its Thak ur..

..before coming to the police station.

Law does not go to bow down to any one.

ln fact, big criminals come forward to bow down to the law.

Where did y ou learn that dialogue?

Where did y ou find that courage?

This uniform is a source of courage itse lf.

Fear v anishes after wearing it.

l ha v en't done anything. - Shut up! - My grams !

Hit him ! Hit him more. He spilled my grams.

Hit him more.

Brother police !

Don't hit me !

Don't hit my brother.

Don't hit him. Don't hit my brother.

Where are y ou taking him? Stop!

Don't tak e away my brother. Don't tak e him away. Don't..

Where are y ou running away, y ou scoundre ls?

Come ! Come and fight me !

My name is Raja. l will die

, but l'll ne v er accept be ing y our s la v e.

S ir, l hope y ou're not injured.

l don't want y our s ympathies.

No one came forward when l was fighting.

Now l'v e understood that y ou all are cowards. Cowards !

Do y ou understand the meaning of this uniform?

lt's not for me ; it's for y ou. For all of y ou.

You should understand that..

..the one wearing it will guard y ou and get y ou justice.

But it's no use talking to cowards lik e y ou.

l will fight my battle on my own now.

And y ou ! You were s itting and clapping. Couldn't y ou fight?

How could l fight? l am a kid.

A kid? ! Donk e y, y ou're a strong y oung man.

A strong y oung man? Then giv e me a uniform.

l will become a policeman ; then l'll fight, too.

l'll smash Thak ur.

ldiot, e v en the commiss ioner cannot giv e y ou a uniform.

My ministry is dissolv ed. The e lections are also declared.

l am a minister only till tomorrow.

And get it that y ou'll also remain..

..a commiss ioner only till tomorrow.

Till today l was a bad man for only 8 hours of the night.

But from tomorrow l'll be a bad man for all 2 4 hours.

What are y ou talking, s ir?

You'll become a home minister again after the e lection..

..and l a police commiss ioner.

Really? But l'll be a minister only if l stand for the e lection.

And one needs mone y to fight an e lection.

But King has tak en away all my mone y.

S ir, y ou'll get y our mone y back as soon as King is arrested.

Whether y ou find out King or not, l want my mone y.

And l'll tak e that from y ou. Go and do anything.

Murder someone, steal, rob, but get me my mone y!

S ir, l can't do that.

Then se ll off y our house ; l want my mone y.

Get out!

Kusum, we got this house arranged with so much lo v e.

This is the treasure of my whole life. How can l se ll it?

And l don't ha v e anything e lse to giv e to Kajal.

l won't se ll this house for anything.

Before l am forced to se ll it,

l will go to look for King my se lf.

And will return only after catching him.

Daddy, l am going to Tendarik ada to meet Amar.

Don't worry about me. Kajal.

What happened? - You're not wearing any clothes.

l am taking a sun bath. - Sun bath? What is that?

Look, when English people..

..roast themse lv es under the sun, it's sun bath.

Sun? Bath? Sun?

Darling ! S weetheart! Listen to my story.

Darling ! S weetheart! Listen to my story.

S ince the time l'v e seen y ou, my heart is restless.

l swear on life. l swear on lo v e.

l swear on happiness. l swear on e v ery one.

One who liv es without y ou is dis lo y al.

F irst we saw each other.

Then we ga v e our hearts to each other.

l fee l butterflies in my heart.

Ne ither l tried nor y ou. But we still fe ll in lo v e.

l didn't try. Yet we fe ll in lo v e.

l swear on life. l swear on lo v e.

l swear on happiness. l swear on e v ery one.

One who liv es without y ou is dis lo y al.

Darling ! S weetheart! Listen to my story.

S ince the time l'v e seen y ou, my heart is restless.

l promised. l'v e giv en my life and my heart.

When l remember God, l remember y ou.

This is how l fee l remembering y ou and lo v ing y ou.

Where are the destinations and the roads?

l'm lost after see ing y ou.

l swear on life. l swear on lo v e.

l swear on happiness. l swear on e v ery one.

One who liv es without y ou is dis lo y al.

Darling ! S weetheart! Listen to my story.

S ince the time l'v e seen y ou, my heart is restless.

l am a y oung kid. l am a soldier of this nation.

Let me go. What are y ou doing?

Go away.

What are y ou play ing?

What are y ou doing here?

F irst y ou te ll me what y ou are doing.

l am play ing, Guddu. lt's a.. it's a game.

You're play ing? Let me play with y ou.

l will also play. - You'll also play? - Yes.

Guddu, y ou're v ery y oung.

Grow up a bit and then y ou can play this game.

And by the way, it's a game for two people, not three.

Only two people can play it.

Go, man !

No.. l will play.. l will also play..

Or l'll spoil y our game. Where's the stone?

l fe ll down, brother.

Why did she run away?

Brother, why did she run.. - Shut up!

You spoilt my game and y et y ou ask why she ran away!

Brother police, y ou said only two people can play this game.

Shall we play it?

Brother police, where ha v e y ou gone?

Brother police ! Brother police !

My bus iness is going we ll with y our bless ings, s ir.

But we are unable to fulfill people's demands.

Yes. This time we need more s ilv er. - How much?

Around 1 50 tons. The festiv als are approaching.

Very we ll. Your men can tak e the s ilv er..

..out of the border of Rampur after ten day s.

We will tak e that, Thak ur. But show us around this palace today.


Come this way.

And this is that path of the palace..

..on which no one can pass e x cept me.

Why not, Thak ur? lf someone comes in the dark of the night..

What's this, Thak ur? - These are my s ilent soldiers.

lf someone reaches here..

..out of the s ight of my guards, the y kill them.

Thak ur.. y ou're really wonderful.

Ev erything l do is wonderful.

S ir!

Good hea v ens ! Such a big house !

Such a nice house !

The house is nice, but the person who liv es in it is v ery bad.

Bad man? l am v ery scared of bad men.

Brother police, we will not stay here. come on, let's go.

Wait a minute, Guddu. Why are y ou scared? l am here.

Look, do what l te ll y ou. Ok? Then there will be no problem.


Wow! l am impressed by y our guts, inspector.

You could get in here e v en after thrashing my men.

S ir, l'v e come to ask y our pardon. l'v e come to greet y ou.

Greet him. - Attention !

Look, Mr. Thak ur, l am y our s la v e ; y ou are my master.

You are my God.

You can tak e anything y ou want, s ir.

Tak e my heart. Tak e my life.

Tak e my heart.

But please, forgiv e this child of y ours.

Keep this in mind, inspector. l don't k eep pet dogs.

Because it's the police who work for me as my dogs.

Ok, here's y our pet Raju.

What's this, brother? You wet my clothes.

You wet my.. - Listen, inspector!

You dared to hit me ; y ou will be punished for that.

S ir, l made a mistak e for the first time. Please, forgiv e me.

You're a prince. You are v ery generous hearted.

Look, s ir, if y ou're displeased, hit me. Beat me as y ou wish.

But why do y ou want to soil y our hands by hitting me?

Guddu, y ou hit me.

Hit me so hard? J ust wait!

Who's he? - He's my dog just as l am y ours.

Watch. Guddu, fetch.

This dog will remain lo y al to y ou for life. Don't worry.

But he eats green bill notes for surv iv al.

You're the first dog who beha v es lik e a monk e y.

Here, eat it.

Why are y ou running, s illy? Walk s lowly.

l don't want to talk to y ou. l am upset with y ou. - Why?

Why? Thak ur's men fought with y ou, spilled my grams..

..made me cry, and y ou ask ed his pardon?

You took mone y from him? l don't want to talk to y ou.

l'm not talking to y ou. - You won't get it, Guddu.

l'v e done this on purpose.

Actually l wanted to see who this Thak ur is.

And it's necessary to gauge..

..the strength of an enemy before fighting him.

Do y ou understand the power of this uniform? - No.

l couldn't understand it earlier.

But s ince the time l'v e worn it, l'v e understood its importance.

Now watch how l teach a lesson to Thak ur.

Brother police, l'll also teach Thak ur a lesson.

l ha v e a big stick.

Very good, Guddu.

lf all the v illagers get this point as y ou ha v e, it'll be great.

A small lamp of hope is lit in the dark liv es of people and me.

The ne w inspector, who will free y our brother..

..and other y oung men of this v illage from Thak ur's custody.

He will bring jo y in this v illage once again.

Who is he, auntie? - He's my son.

He stopped serv ing Thak ur..

..and wanted to serv e his mother.

Thak ur killed him.

l cannot re wind the past.

But l promise that our future

will be v ery bright. lt will be good.

Ex cuse me. Where is the police station?

What? The police station? lt's o v er there. - l see. Thank y ou.

What is this going on? - Don't know, granny.

Someone stole the inspector's clothes that day.

And her clothes are already robbed.

Perhaps she's gone to register a complaint.

Darling ! Darling !

Do y ou want to kill me or what?

And that, too, an inspector on duty! - Who are y ou?

That's what l want to ask y ou.

l'm sorry ; made a mistak e.

l am Kajal, the daughter of commiss ioner, Khushal S ingh.

l thought y ou were an inspector.

Do l look lik e a thief to y ou?

l mean l thought y ou were inspector Amar.

l'v e come to meet him. He was be ing transferred here.

Who are y ou?

l am the senior inspector. Amar is my ass istant.

He's my junior. - Oh, but where is he?

He's gone to look for a buffalo. - A buffalo?

Yes ; and it wasn't stolen ; it got lost.

Because there can be no thefts till l am here.

Thank God King does not know about this v illage.

King? - He's a big robber.

He's shak en the Mumbai police.

Amar got transferred here due to that wick ed man.

l'v e come to meet him.

But how did y ou risk coming alone by this dangerous road?

l ha v en't come alone. l ha v e this with me.

Do y ou ha v e a license for it? - O God ! l forgot the license.

Then l'll k eep it.

Chhotu ! Tak e her to auntie.

Freshen up while l look for Amar. - l'll come with y ou.

l'll fee l fresh if l meet Amar. - How can y ou wander with me?

l'll find him out for y ou. Please, go. Chhotu, tak e her. - Ok.

What will l do now? Guddu !

Guddu ! Guddu !

D id y ou call me? Don't y ou know l am catching fish?

l'll fry y ou at night. Go ins ide now.

Guddu ! - Someone's calling again.

Guddu ! What are y ou doing?

Don't y ou see l am catching fish?

And don't talk loudly, or the fish will run away.

All right. You want to be a policeman, right?

A policeman? Yes, y es ! G iv e me the uniform.

You will ha v e to agree to a condition to get the uniform.

l will fulfill two conditions ; one

for the pants and one for the shirt.

Shut up! You k eep blabbering all the time.

Now listen carefully.

You will ha v e to act after wearing the uniform.

Act? l can act v ery we ll. lt's in my blood.

Pig heads ! The y were only 2 men and y ou were 3.

And y et y ou came back defeated. What did y ou think?

That the chief will be happ y and will praise y ou?

lf y ou say a word more, l will shoot y ou.

F irst listen to what l say. My s ister has come here.

She had a lo v e affair with a guy called Amar.

Do y ou understand lo v e? - Yes. - Lo v e.. y ou know.. lo v e..

Yes, brother, l also lo v e a s ister in the v illage.

Please, try and understand me just once, Guddu.

Forgiv e me, brother. l made a mistak e.

Amar was a policeman. J ust lik e me ; smart, handsome, cool.

But he look ed lik e y ou ; stupid, idiot, fool !

Kajal lo v ed him v ery much. But

Amar left my s ister and went away.

That affected Kajal deeply, and s ince then she beha v es crazy.

Brother, l lik e mad people v ery much. - Shut up!

She hasn't gone mad y et.

And listen ; perhaps she will tak e y ou to be Amar.

She will lo v e y ou, hug y ou. But

don't y ou dare misbeha v e with her..

..or l'll lock y ou in jail for life.

No, brother; don't worry. l'll act v ery we ll.

Run away from here ! What are y ou looking at?

l'll smack y ou all. Go!


Amar! Amar, l look ed for y ou e v erywhere.

Do y ou know how l spent these day s without y ou?

You didn't e v en call me or write to me.

And daddy was also miss ing y ou. - Daddy?

When did y ou grow this moustache?

Why didn't y ou write to me or call me?

Are y ou fee ling ashamed now? Strange !

You used to come to meet me without caring about people.

And now when l'v e come.. meet y ou, y ou think about people.

Not thinking about them. Some people are wick ed hearted.

The y might cast an e v il e y e.

Then let's go far from these people.

l want to te ll y ou something important. Come.

Don't mak e any mistak e.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Accept me, dear, or we will die.

Don't mak e me wait or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Accept me, dear, or we will die.

Don't mak e me wait or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

l'v e been after y ou s ince long.

l will decide this matter today.

l'v e been after y ou s ince long.

l will decide this matter today.

l'm v ery anxious. l'v e been ready s ince long.

You also get ready, or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Accept me, dear, or we will die.

l breathe une v enly.

You look at me shy ly.

l breathe une v enly. You look at me shy ly.

We are companions in jo y and sorrow.

We lead an uncertain life.

Do something, dear, or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Accept me, dear, or we will die.

Carv e my picture on y our heart.

Mak e me y our sweetheart.

Carv e my picture on y our heart.

Mak e me y our sweetheart.

Chain me with y our hair. Aim at me with y our e y es.

Tak e away my heart, or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Accept me, dear, or we will die.

Don't mak e me wait or we will die.

Let's lo v e each other before we die.

Amar, l don't get what's going on.

You are a senior officer y ourse lf.

How come y ou ha v e a senior officer on y ou?

Kajal, he's not my senior officer. He's King !

What? He's King? !

He is fooling the v illagers say ing that he's a policeman..

..and y ou're not arresting him?

l had come here to arrest King..

..but l came to know after coming here..

..that there are many problems in this v illage.

The entire v illage is trapped in Thak ur's net.

My job is made eas ier after King became a policeman.

And l can k eep an e y e on Thak ur's mo v ements.

But why do y ou need to act lik e a child?

Because Thak ur does not let..

..any y oung man stay in the v illage.

Kajal, people say this v illage is a gra v e y ard for policemen.

l will de lete this say ing for good.

Hindustan is the best in the whole world.

Hindustan is the best in the whole world.

We are nightingales ; this is our garden.

l hope l am not late.

Those who come by car are usually late.

Before l say anything, l want to

ask who is going to listen to me.

lf the commiss ioner is asking, deputy commiss ioner will reply.

lf my son's enemy is asking, a son's father will reply.

Do y ou know why l'v e called y ou here?

Because it's against y our status to come to my place.

And it's against my job for me to come to y our place.

No, dear. How would y ou know what the minister said to me?

How would y ou know..

..of the warning about se lling away my house?

You cannot hide that y ou're a coward..

..and unsuccessful man under the name of the minister.

No, l am not a coward and unsuccessful man.

l am ill.

Because of y our son, l ha v e heart trouble, sugar, diabetes.

What do y ou ha v e? - l ha v e Amar. - Amar? !

Where is Amar? - There where y ou'v e sent him.

You mean Tendarik ada? The gra v e y ard of policemen?

That means my daughter will also be there.

lf the y are there, what are we doing here?

Look s lik e the y both are in some trouble.

come on, Mr. Verma. - Come.

He y Chhotu ! Where are y ou going? - l am going to die.

Why? - Granny beat me. She does not let me meet my papa.

Don't cry. Now te ll me, what's the matter?

Some v illagers told me that my

father work s behind that hill there.

When l was going there, granny beat me.

And told me not to go there.

lt's ok ; l'll tak e y ou there.

Really? Will y ou tak e me there? - Yes, why not?

Who is y our father among them?

Chhotu !

F ather! F ather!

F ather! F ather!

F ather! F ather!

F ather! F ather! F ather! F ather!

Do y ou know who my father is?

When l find out my father, he will beat y ou.

Your father will hit us, eh?

Run ! Run !

Run ! Run !

What did y ou say? He fired on our men?

Go and get that bastard.

Where is that inspector? Come out!

We will tak e y our dead body to Mr. Thak ur today.

Ha v e y ou run away from the v illage? Come out!

What are y ou doing, Amar?

Back off!

What's this?

When did this crazy bo y become a policeman?

He's my disciple. lf y ou can beat him, y ou can reach his guru.

Go. - Shall l go, brother?

J unior Thak ur!

He y.. let go of me..

Look, don't mak e me angry.

l'v e become a policeman now; don't hit me.

lnspector Amar!

Get away from here.

You torture the v illagers, eh? You hit them.

You call y ourse lf Thak ur?

Brother police ! Where are y ou, brother police?

So, y ou're running away secretly?

But l won't let y ou run away lik e thie v es.

Yes, l am a thief. l'v e robbed people.

But only rich, high society people.

l'v e distributed the ir wrongly earned mone y among the poor ones.

l'v e done a good deed. lt might be a crime in the e y es of law.

But to me it's not a crime.

Ok, but what y ou're doing today is a big crime.

Yes. You are going away today..

..killing the hopes and dreams of the v illagers.

And what dreams and hopes y ou showed them !

The y might ha v e surv iv ed in grief..

..but y ou promised them that y ou'll brighten the ir dark liv es.

That y ou will free the ir sons from Thak ur.

That y ou will sa v e them all from the tyranny of Thak ur.

And now y ou're running away?

At least think about that old aunt who treats y ou lik e her son.

l will not force y ou.

lf y ou want to support me in this battle, stay back.

And if y ou want to go, y ou can lea v e.

lf we want to lessen Thak ur's strength..

..we will ha v e to break his safe first.

Amar, now it's a thief's task ahead, not of a soldier.

You're a thief and l am a soldier.

We both know we ll which path goes which way.

Good luck.

Shame on y ou ! Couldn't y ou catch just 2 guy s?

Daddy, we couldn't find them anywhere.

We'v e look ed into each house of the v illage.

l e v en sent some men in the jungle.

Yet we couldn't find them. l think the y'v e run away.

No, the y are not the ones who'd run away out of fear.

Because if the y were cowards, the y wouldn't ha v e..

..fought y ou, and would ha v e accepted my dominance

Vikram, do something that brings grief to them tomorrow.

come on ! - No!

No! Let go of me.

come on.

Hit him.

Child !

come on, hurry up.

- G iv e us the k e y.

Who are y ou, brother?

There's a gold plate here, but no food.

And one can fill his stomach with food, not gold.

There are s ilv er glasses, but no water to drink.

Brother, will y ou te ll Thak ur to send some water and food?

We are dy ing of hunger and thirst.

Thak ur has lock ed the law in his safe.

That's good. Law should be k ept in a safe place.

But he should at least giv e us food.

You're mistak en ; l am not one of Thak ur's men.

You're not Thak ur's man? - No, but l'm an ange l for y ou.

l can get y ou out of here. - Really?

Why only him? What crime ha v e l done?

l mean both of y ou.

Verma, giv e me my re v olv er.

The re v olv er is with Thak ur.

l won't spare y ou today.

Let's first get out of here ; then y ou can do whate v er y ou lik e.

He has a point, s ir.

l had forgotten ; King, who was

my enemy, is sa v ing my life today.

Not only y ours, s ir. Ours. - Yes, sa v ing our liv es.

Child, y ou both fulfilled y our promise.

But we couldn't sa v e y our lo v e.

Thak ur has tak en away Kajal and Rani.

And he has called y ou there.

Thak ur!

Bra v o!

Harder! You will get a prize !

Stop! Who are y ou?

Daddy, it's that inspector.


We lcome, inspector.

lt's a tradition in this place that whene v er a ne w officer..

..joins the duty, he reports to me on his first day.

But l regret that y ou'v e come on the last day of y our life.

l'v e come, Thak ur. Set all of them free.

People can only come in the custody of Thak ur, not go out.

B y re leas ing my laborers who'v e been serv ing me..

..for y ears, y ou think the y'v e become free?

l'v e habituated them to drugs so much..

..that the y cannot liv e without drugs now.

You don't know that..

..the into xication of freedom is greatest of all.

There's no greater into xication than that.

When the y'll fee l the need of drugs..

..the y won't care for freedom.

All of them will be ly ing at my feet again by tonight.

But y ou won't remain aliv e to witness that.

lf y ou cons ider y ourse lf powerful, come and fight me.

l don't lik e fighting with kids.

But l will fulfill this wish of y ours.

You will ha v e to fight one of my men.

lf y ou kill him, l will spare y ou.

The dignity of y our girlfriends now depends on y our strength.

lf y ou stop, y our girlfriend's clothes will be torn.

And if y ou stop, y our girlfriend will be undressed.

Raja, hit me. Hit me, Raja.

Raja, hit me ! - No.

Raja, hit me ! - No.

Raja, hit me !

Raja, hit me !

Son !

Hit me ! come on, hit me.

Hit me.

Brother Raja ! Brother Raja !

Run ! Run !

Vikram, tie them up.

Unite.. untie, Mr. Verma. The rope, Mr. Verma !

Thank y ou, Mr. Verma.

Pull me up, Verma. - No!

What are y ou thinking, Verma? - l'll become a commiss ioner.

Hurry up, Mr. Verma.

Will y ou mak e me a commiss ioner? Promise?

l will.

Stop, inspector. - No! - l will throw him down.

No, child. - Bastard !


come on, aim at that dog.

What happened?

lf l shoot him, l will get a gold medal.

And if y ou shoot him, y our punishment will be reduced.

come on, shoot.

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Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water.

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Up Jack got and home did trot, As fast as he could caper,

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Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got and home did trot, As fast as he could caper,

And went to bed to mend his head With vinegar and brown paper

Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got and home did trot, As fast as he could caper,

And went to bed to mend his head With vinegar and brown paper

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