(Episode 59)
How are you?
How do you think I am?
You know why I'm here, right?
I couldn't believe what I heard.
After telling me about your child,
how could you think of seeing Taejin?
Do you think it's no big deal in today's world?
Do you think it's okay for a single mom
to fancy an unmarried man?
More importantly,
did you ask Taejin for money?
As a colleague, it was okay for you to ask him
to bring a taekwondo uniform.
But don't you think this is unacceptable?
But that's...
I'm sorry about your brother's accident,
but how can you ask for such a favor?
No. That's not what happened.
So Taejin looked into a getting a loan on his own?
I have no plans to accept Inspector Cha's help.
Like you said, why would I take it?
It's a relief you at least seem reasonable.
But is it reasonable for you to date Taejin?
I don't think it is.
I have
strong feelings for Inspector Cha.
I did agonize a lot due to my circumstances.
Yet you ultimately decided to date him?
What for?
Will you just date?
I abhor women who forget
they're mothers.
Dating is fine.
It's tempting if a guy like Taejin shows interest.
But if the relationship gets more serious,
your child will get in the way.
Do you want to do that to her?
I wouldn't do it to mine even if I'm madly in love.
I hope you will be reasonable and reconsider.
You work with Taejin,
so I'll keep things short today.
I hope we don't see each other again over this.
I'm back.
I asked the landlord
if we could get the lease money now,
but she said no.
What did the realtor say?
She says she'll hurry and look, but...
It'll work out.
Mom, where's Uri?
I think she's inside reading a picture book.
Is something wrong?
Is something else worrying you?
No, not at all.
Uri, mommy's here.
Oh? Uri, I'm back
and yet you won't even look up.
Is it fun?
So so.
That's a really fun book.
Are you pouting, Uri?
Why aren't you enjoying your favorite book?
You're a liar.
You said we would go biking,
but you didn't keep your promise.
Okay. Let's go biking this weekend.
With Inspector Cha?
Just you and me.
We'll bike and have delicious ice cream.
You don't want to?
I do.
What did she say? Did she really ask for money?
I don't think she did.
Of course not.
Would Taejin date someone who would?
Taejin's a smart cookie.
He's a moron, a lame moron.
I hope you didn't bite her head off.
I wanted to cause a scene but held back.
I was very civil.
So what did she say?
She said she had feelings for Taejin.
Even at the cost of getting cussed out,
I should've made her promise to break up with him.
It's scandalous at the same police station.
So why pair up two young people?
That's true.
A man and a woman can develop feelings
if they spend a lot of time together.
It's not like I can ask for a change in partners.
Are you mad?
Do you want to cause a real scandal?
Taejin will lose it if he finds out you met
Officer Moo behind his back.
How will he find out?
You know what's happening at the station.
There are no secrets.
Mother, the comforter is nice and dry.
A house with a courtyard really is nice.
This isn't feasible in an apartment.
You must be tired.
I didn't work at Dabak Nara due to indigestion.
They've been busy the past several days.
I know.
The restaurant must be doing well.
That's what it looks like.
Thank goodness. They work so hard,
cooking in front a stove in this heat.
You don't say. It's still very hot.
Is your son well?
Don't push it back anymore
and invite him over next week.
What's wrong?
Did mom say something?
She wants to invite Juyeong over
for a meal or something.
But of course. What's the problem?
I worry it might make the family uncomfortable,
and Juyeong might find it uncomfortable too.
That's silly.
We're family now.
We should all get to know each other.
Speaking of which, I'm going to his office tomorrow
to drop off some side dishes.
Um... The truth is,
Juyeong is moving to another office space.
He didn't go into details,
but I think they had to move out
as they're financially strapped.
Oh, no.
Juyeong has nowhere to sleep.
I would've given him my passbook if I'd known.
Your passbook?
I'd saved up a tiny bit
so that we could rent a room together.
He insisted I keep it for an emergency,
so I brought it with me.
It's not much, but he can at least find
a temporary place to stay.
That's great.
Ask him in person what exactly is going on.
I'll chip in if you fall short.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
It's hard living here, right?
Even though Huijin can get testy,
please be understanding.
Her mother left just when
she was going through puberty,
so she must carry a lot of pain.
What happened with the kids' mother?
I doubt divorce was an easy decision for you.
Her family was hard up.
So she got into real estate speculation
and got embroiled in a real estate scam.
And she was caught leaving a hotel with some man
in my jurisdiction of all places.
She asked for a divorce as she left to serve time.
She must've been upset that
I didn't trust her.
Why didn't you trust the mother of your children?
Why are you all here, making me uncomfortable?
We want to make you uncomfortable.
Welcome back home, Dohyeon.
What's with you?
You must be hungry.
Shower and come down.
Why bother with a shower?
You can do that after we eat.
The food won't taste good cold. Come on.
But still...
Let's go.
Why did you prepare a feast?
It's making me uncomfortable.
To make you healthier.
One might think I came back with an Olympic medal.
Just be grateful and eat.
Of course, I'm grateful.
I feel much obliged.
Come on. Try this.
It's very good. Here you go.
I'll eat it myself. I'll eat it.
Bora's cooking is improving by the day.
It's being wasted on a class for housewives.
That's overwhelming enough for me, mom.
Everything tastes great
as the family's eating together for once.
Nothing tasted good
when it was just the two of us.
Are you that happy?
Of course, I am.
I'm having tasty food with my kids.
Hurry up and eat.
What's wrong?
What do you mean?
I thought you had moved on,
so why are you still moping?
I am?
Suhyeok has been in an accident.
I'm sure he'll manage just fine,
but I can't help but worry.
You must've moved on though.
You would've run right over
given how you went off on me.
I went to see his sister,
your Officer Moo.
I couldn't bear it after seeing him
walk away with Ms. Lee.
But Officer Moo told me
to look the other way.
She said that's all I can do for him now.
And you're following her advice?
Yes, by exercising excruciating self-restraint.
But I still worry about him.
Though I want to be cool and just let him go.
Good night, Dohyeon.
Man. It's more worrisome
because she's being so stoic.
Be cool and let him go...
Ask Ms. Hong to find
Dohyeon a wife.
You said she's an expert on that front.
We need to find him someone.
It's making me nervous.
Will he grow up once he marries?
And he's at a marrying age.
There might be someone he loves.
He drank himself sick.
Perhaps he might be in love.
I asked him, but that wasn't it.
He just joked around,
saying he made his move but was rebuffed.
So please step up and ask around
for a nice young lady.
Of course, I'll step up.
It's our son's marriage after all.
I'll find a pretty, well-educated
young lady from a good family,
so don't worry.
I'm tired.
My legs are achy too.
Who told you to run around that way?
Did I do it for my own good?
I'm saying because I don't think it'll help.
Taejin. Hi, Taejin.
You're late.
Why? What's wrong?
Are you mad at me?
Why would I be mad at you?
He must not know yet.
Did we do something wrong?
I know she was scared too.
What are you doing?
You must be tired.
I should go to bed now.
Why are you still up?
I came to see my son.
It's stifling, right?
You were demoted from the police headquarters
where you were spreading your wings.
Don't be too impatient.
I'm sure your opportunity will come if you wait.
Of course.
I'll bring the truth to light
and return to my former position.
Always be careful.
They demoted you even after the case was solved,
so they're certainly formidable.
And I'm not formidable?
Don't you have faith in your son?
Of course, I do.
Who else would I place my faith in?
You're Cha Taejin.
You're the best of the police force
that graduated top of his class.
Anyway, you should date, squirt.
Why are you so inept?
I'm sorry.
Bring whoever you love.
I have your back no matter what.
Go to bed.
- Good night. / - You too.
I can't wait to go biking with mom and Mr. Santa.
Good job on the speeding ticket.
You've come a long way.
I thought you'd feel sorry
for the old man,
but you issued the ticket right away.
What are you thinking about?
I wasn't thinking about anything.
Didn't you forgive me?
You sure hold a grudge, Moo Gunghwa.
No, I don't.
Small compliments must not move you anymore.
Did you compliment me?
Are you serious?
I'll have to do even better
to keep being complimented by you.
Eat instead of complimenting me.
The noodles will get cold.
Yes, I know.
But I can't help it as I need the money urgently.
Um... Would a monthly rental be possible?
Then we'll have to find a new lessee.
Yes, yes. Please do that then. Okay.
It'll be hard to find someone
to take over the lease as it's low season.
And we have to move.
We don't have to find a new lessee.
Are you going to keep this up?
Doesn't my opinion matter?
No. The victim will settle
for the insurance payout.
Yes. I just met with him.
My goodness. How can this be?
Wow. Heavens never forsake you, right?
Wait, wait. We have things to do.
Did you call your sister?
No, not yet.
I ran over to let you know first.
Hang on. Wait, wait.
Mom, are you serious?
Yes. Congrats to you too, mom.
What's with the congratulations?
My brother. The victim agreed to settle.
He agreed to settle?
He'll settle for the insurance payout.
Goodness me. That's very rare.
I wonder why the victim suddenly changed his mind.
This does happen once in a blue moon.
When I was in the Traffic Division,
I've seen victims
be unreasonable at first out of anger
but then let the matter go
if the other party was hard up.
It was an imported car after all.
Whoever he is, he's a very decent fellow.
You don't say.
I'm grateful beyond words.
That's great. Congrats, Officer Moo.
Thank you, Officer Jang.
Officer Moo, shouldn't you really
take us out this time?
Of course.
But not tonight though.
Right. You should celebrate with your family.
Your mother must've been very worried.
I told you everything would work out.
My goodness. You're finally smiling for real.
Anyway, thank you all for your concern.
Thank you.
You toughed it out.
Thank you.
Your face is glowing unlike yesterday.
Are you happy? Why are you so happy?
So what happened?
I don't know. I feel like I'm dreaming.
Is it really true?
He'll just settle for the insurance payout.
Calm down and sit.
My heart is racing.
I swear my heart might just explode.
Shouldn't I go and thank him?
You don't have to go.
Why did he suddenly change his mind?
I have no idea.
I went to plead with him one last time,
and he agreed to settle, saying it was a bother.
I'm just very happy and grateful.
He was so insistent on getting the repair cost,
so I wonder why he changed his mind.
Wait. He won't
go back on his word, will he?
Don't worry.
He signed the settlement agreement.
He didn't go into details,
but I think there was something else too.
We don't need to know
so long as we're in the clear.
Thank goodness it worked out.
Oh, mom. Juyeong is bringing his mom over later.
Why's that woman...
I mean, why's Ms. Oh coming?
I don't know.
It must be them.
Who is it?
- Welcome. / - How are you?
Why did you get so much,
from watermelon to meat?
It's not a lot.
I would've liked to bring the entire store over.
You really shouldn't have.
I haven't even paid you back,
so I feel bad Juyeong is imposing on you as well.
He's not imposing on us.
He's sharing Suhyeok's room, and we just set
an extra pair of chopsticks on the dining table.
I'm so thankful to you too, President Moo,
for letting Juyeong stay with you.
Don't be.
Juyeong gives me a lot of strength.
Mom. You heard that, right?
Yes. Juyeong is so sweet and charming
that our mom dotes on him.
Don't worry.
I'm very grateful to you too, Officer Moo.
Is this where you sleep?
Yes. And we're working here too for now.
I feel so bad and so thankful.
Don't worry.
I'll work hard and pay them back.
I told you to keep it.
Take it, okay?
I won't be at peace otherwise.
Oh. And Mr. Cha told me
to give this to you.
Man. I don't need this.
Take it as he wants you to.
I'm sorry.
I can't give you a home,
and I've made you a freeloader
at someone else's home...
Mom, you're just blabbering nonsense.
I'm fine.
It's 100, 1,000 times more comfortable here.
Who lives with their mom these days?
I'm old enough to be on my own,
so don't worry about me
and just live well, okay?
Okay. Okay.
Go in and rest.
No, no. I'll do it.
Good grief.
I'll call you back.
Yes, okay.
It'll take at least half an hour.
Go on.
No. I can finish the dishes.
I'll turn a blind eye,
so run along.
Okay, mom. I won't be long.
I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time.
Are you kidding me?
I have a permanent smile
in order to serve the public well.
Your mother's very happy, right?
She's thankful, thankful, and more thankful.
It was very tough yesterday,
but it's manageable today.
Life is funny, isn't it?
Anyway, it's a relief.
Now we can enjoy a proper date.
We'll take Uri biking this weekend, okay?
Why so serious? You're scaring me.
Can't we date more casually?
What do you mean?
Maybe it's because I haven't dated in so long,
but I'm very very happy as things are.
Some people just date for 5, 6 years,
so why get serious so early on?
Moo Gunghwa.
You may not sense it,
but my circumstances are special.
That's to say, I come with my own unique baggage.
But if you were to see Uri,
she'd tell my family about it.
Then my mom will interrogate me about you.
You get how that will go, right?
I get how you feel,
and I also get why you're saying this.
I'll think about it.
Mom, why are you still up?
I was out of it because of Suhyeok's thing,
and I also didn't want to make you uncomfortable,
so I didn't say anything, but...
What are you getting at? I'm scared.
That guy... How old is he?
How are you so predictable?
Mom, I told him I wasn't thinking of marriage.
I like him now, so I'm dating him.
You're more conservative than you let on.
So? What did he say?
Is he okay with it?
Do you think that's how you really feel?
What if you keep seeing him
and then he asks you to marry him?
Will you say, "I had a great time,"
and let him go?
If you could play games or whatever
like other people, I wouldn't worry.
But you're willing to give up your life
for the man you love.
Why subject yourself to inevitable heartbreak
like a fool?
You should just call it quits now.
But I can't help that I like him a lot.
I don't know.
Don't ruin the good mood.
Just go to bed.
Good night to you too.
I don't want to be thanked, okay?
Um, but I'm so grateful that
I came to say thank you.
Get out!
Anyway, thank you very much.
I'll never forget your kindness.
How do you know President Jin?
- Pardon? / - If you want to thank someone,
go and thank that jerk Jin Dohyeon.
Jin Dohyeon?
Oh? Mr. Tall.
You're good on your bike, kiddo.
I'm not "kiddo."
I'm Uri, Bong Uri.
Bong Uri? Oh, okay.
Bong Uri, why are you playing alone?
You have a bike now.
All my friends went off to play.
I'd like to lose the safety wheels
and ride fast like him.
This is the daddy wheel.
This is the mommy wheel.
They're here to keep you from falling.
I don't have a daddy but my bike does.
Lucky bike.
Hey, Bong Uri, do you want to race me?
Should we see who gets there first?
Of course, I'll get there first.
I'm on a bike.
I don't think so.
I have long legs because I'm tall,
so I run very fast.
I don't think so. My bike is way faster.
We'll go at the count of 3.
Sounds good.
1, 2, 3.
Geez. You should've run.
I did run.
Wow, Bong Uri. Your bike is very fast.
Mr. Tall, let's race again.
For real this time.
Okay, fine.
Let's turn you around.
Uri, isn't it fun playing with me?
Okay. Let's go, okay?
Ready, go.
I'm getting there first.
Uri, see you again.
You're the best, Mr. Tall.
Let's be secret friends from now on.
So long.
Ms. Lee.
Did Dohyeon give that woman money?
He took care of the accident.
I'll never leave you for another man.
So this is what you like, Inspector Cha.
He likes a policewoman at the station.
She's a single mom.
I'm trying to help you.
Where are you going?
I'm getting a great grandson this year.
I have something to tell you.
For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.59 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.08.24] - Duration: 34:00.-------------------------------------------
Better rain chances to the north Thursday, maybe a shower in Omaha - Duration: 1:50.
Cool nights with warm and sunny days - Duration: 1:17.
Indian Navy seeing situation in Indian Ocean - Duration: 4:10.
As countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand keenly watch the outcome of the
standoff at the Doklam in Bhutan between the Indian and Chinese armies; New Delhi has tasked
the Indian Navy to silently spread its influence and further strengthen its grip over the Indian
Ocean Region.
Besides, the immediate security concern, India's stand on Doklam is also influenced by the
message the outcome of stand-off will send to these neighbouring countries.
For the last two and half months Indian and Chinese troops are engaged in face-off at
the Doklam plateau in Bhutan.
China wants to construct a road through the plateau.
India objects to the road and has deployed army.
For the first time ever Bangladesh - which now heads the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium
(IONS) - with the help of India will be organising a large Naval exercise involving over a dozen
The IONS is an India initiative to increase maritime cooperation among navies of the littoral
states of the Indian Ocean Region.
The IONS was conceived by the UPA government to get "friendly" navies of the region together
to counter the increased aggressiveness of China in the Indian Ocean region.
The exercise - likely to see participation from over a dozen countries - is likely to
be held in the Bay of Bengal.
The IONS platform had become dormant in the past-few years, "we have decided to revitalize
the platform," a senior Ministry of Defence official told India Today and added "a large
exercise with the participation of several littoral countries sends a tacit but a clear
While China has been reaching out with big bucks, India has decided to take a more benign
Indian Navy is launching the Sambandh initiative - Naval officers and cadets from smaller countries
that do not have big navies will now be welcome aboard INS Vikramaditya -India's aircraft
carrier- Kolkatta class destroyer- the state of the art stealth guided missile destroyer
- INS Kalvari - Scorpene Class diesel- electric submarine etc.
"Cadets and officers of smaller navies will get flavour of blue-water navy and how big
navies are organised," a senior officer said.
Cadets and officers from countries like Bangladesh, Kenya, Oman, Tanzania, Malaysia, Thailand
and Vietnam etc will soon be on these platforms.
South Block has already given its clearance to the initiative.
Apart from the Sambandh initiate the Indian Navy is reaching out to the neighbourhood
extending his training out-reach programme.
Training teams of the Indian Navy will now be going to neighbouring countries.
"Many countries aren't able to send their officers, cadets to a foreign country for
training, this initiative will be plug that gap," a senior officer said.
Each Mobile Training Team (MTT) will comprise 8 to 10 officers and can train more of officers
at their home bases the officer added.
Bangladesh has already asked India to set-up its submarine naval training school.
Earlier, India had trained a group of its submarine cadets at the Visakhapatnam based
INS Satavahana.
The Navy has been approached by the countries Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar for MTT.
Indian Naval warships will now be permanently deployed at the Malacca Straits -the crucial
strait connecting the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean linking major Asian economies such as
India, China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea- and Indian warships will be more visible at
Sunda Straits - a crucial passage that connects Indian Ocean to Eastern Asia.
About 70 per cent of the global trade by value passes through the Malacca and Sunda Straits.
25 Years After Hurricane Andrew & This Place is Still Abandoned - Duration: 3:32.
Hello ladies and gentlemen on this rainy day I am standing at what was ground
zero for Hurricane Andrew South East Fifth Street, can't see the sign on that side
South East Fifth Street and Krome Avenue
this is right in the heart of Homestead Florida okay
Andrew came through here with winds of 160 miles and this at the time was a
trailer park you can see that there's still streets, but all you see is empty
lots where the mobile homes used to be
this is where the electric post used to be and then here I'm standing in between
four Lots where there used to be your mobile homes, four concrete foundations
and then here you had maybe this was a electrical is too small to be
water that PVC pipe
just like this like probably like a mile maybe like two square miles yeah then
here you have another connection this one might have been water.
This has been like this since August 24th 1992 was when Andrew came
through here and left this place in rubble, so probably after they
cleaned that it's maybe a month or two after it's been like this
this was the entrance you can see the speed bump there this would have been
both facing south and then here you have more, more Lots this was a street here
and this tree's probably been like this since Andrew came through here
Look at that...It's still uprooted.
Wow! Amazing there's no well except for the electrical connections over there
and the PVC pipes there's no signs of life that there was life here.
Look at what Hurricane Andrew did to this steel beam nearby.
alright guys please subscribe or like thank you for viewing over and out
HLV Hữu Thắng : XL Toàn Thể NHM Việt Nam,Tôi Xin Nhận Trách Nhiệm, Tôi Sẽ Từ Chức | TIN SEAGAME | - Duration: 12:56.
МАСТЕР СУШИ учит готовить японские блюда Мультик ИГРА для детей - TO FU Oh SUSHI - Duration: 12:07.
Пирог из лаваша с сыром, грибами и ветчиной! Простой, пошаговый рецепт в духовке [Семейные рецепты] - Duration: 5:21.
Da Đen Như Bao Công Cũng Trắng Bóc Chỉ Nhờ Nghiền Nát 1 Củ Khoai Lang Bôi Lên Da Trắng Da Nhanh Nhất - Duration: 11:16.
Tử Vi 2017 | Tu vi 12 Con Giáp 2017 Hằng Ngày : Thứ 6 - 25/8/2017 | Xem Tử Vi Hang Ngay thu sau - Duration: 19:56.
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