Do you ever feel like your mind is always running a thousand miles per minute?
Before you can finish one thought 10 more pop in your head?
Today I'm sharing 5 ways to renew your mind and get your thought life under control.
Stay tuned!
[MUSIC] The other morning I left my house frazzled
as I drove my daughter to pre-school.
My mind was all over the place.
The following thoughts ran through my head: I need to mail that check off today.
I need to respond to that email before they think I'm snubbing them.
I can only spend 30 minutes at the store in order to get baby boy home in time for his
What will I cook for dinner?
She never called me back, is she mad at me?
Did I do something wrong?
I could not complete one thought before three more bombarded my mind.
"Mommy you passed my school!" my daughter yelled from the back seat.
I was so lost in my thoughts, jumping from one to the next, I completely missed my turn
into her school.
My mind was running faster than my life and I needed a mental break.
Maybe you're like me and thoughts pop in your head a mile a minute of what needs to be done
today, tomorrow, and even ten years from now.
Maybe you struggle with negative thinking about yourself and must constantly fight off
bad thoughts.
Maybe you're focused on what everyone else is doing and these thoughts are leaving you
depleted and envious.
Our thoughts can be a very powerful guiding force in our lives.
Where our mind goes, our actions will soon follow.
So when we lose control of our thoughts we are quick to get off track, just like me missing
the turn to my daughter's school.
This is why Romans tells us: Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
- Romans 12:2, NIV If we want to live the lives God has purposed
for us to live we must be diligent about guarding our thoughts.
A renewed mind does not do the things of this world.
A renewed mind transforms us out of harmful patterns and into a life that glorifies our
If your thoughts are spiraling out of control and you are in need of a mental and life transformation,
here are 5 ways to renew your mind today: 1) Take a social media break.
Getting off social media is key to renewing your mind.
You know what?
Just get off the Internet as a whole.
Do you really need to know what Jessica had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Does looking up that random fact on Wikipedia really add value to your life?
We've grown so use to having the Internet at our fingertips we've forgotten how to think
without it.
But here's the truth: we can.
I know you have pressing emails and work to do but scheduling in some no internet time
will free your mind from being filled with meaningless information and give you more
time to focus on what matters most.
2) Memorize scripture.
I have a cute little pink Bible that sits on my nightstand.
It has served me well in studying the Word of God.
But it's not always with me.
When I'm washing the dishes, driving to the store, or playing blocks with the kids I do
not have the time to sit and read my Bible.
So I've started to memorize scriptures.
Just one verse a month or so.
Nothing fancy.
But if I sense my thoughts wondering and I'm in need of some mental direction, I have a
few scriptures already packed away in my memory to pull from.
And every time I bring these scriptures to mind God's truth fights away any negative
thoughts trying to get me off track.
Try memorizing one verse this week and see what happens.
3) Study your Bible.
Now this is different from simply memorizing scripture.
Studying your Bible is taking time to learn what the scriptures mean and how to apply
them to your life.
I suggest studying a topic or verse that specifically speaks to an area you may be struggling with.
When you fill your mind with the truth of God's Word it leaves no room for the lies
of this world to enter.
Now the fun thing about this tip is it's not something you have to do alone.
I encourage you to invite a girlfriend to join you.
4) Take time to listen when you pray.
I've spent too many hours in prayer simply talking.
But if we want change and renewal of our minds, I've learned we need to hear from God.
His words are so much more powerful than ours.
At His word the world was created.
Just imagine what one word from Him during your prayer time can do for your mind.
But we will never hear Him if we are not listening.
I encourage you to make sure every time you pray to God you include intentional time to
sit still and listen.
5) Capture negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts steal mental space in your head to think of the things God calls us to
think about.
Philippians 4:8 instructs is to think about "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever
is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent
or praiseworthy—think about such things."
(NIV) When you catch yourself thinking of something not on this list quickly choose
to change your thoughts.
However, this is easier said than done.
Many times we allow destructive thinking to spiral out of control without our even realizing
Let's say you are at the kitchen sink washing the dishes and these thoughts start to creep
into your mind: I always wash the dishes.
No one ever helps me.
This is such a waste of my time.
My family doesn't care about me.
You see how one truthful thought can lead to untrue thoughts, which lead to untrue feelings?
Simply thinking these thoughts will not help your mental state.
Instead change your thoughts to:I'm blessed to have dishes to wash, it means God has blessed
me with food.
Now if your negative thoughts about washing the dishes reveal other issues, like needing
more help, use this as an opportunity to ask for help if you can.
But simply thinking about it will only cluster your mind with negativity and lead to bitterness
and resentment.
Pray for the Lord to help you quickly discern when you are thinking negatively and to grace
you with the strength to change those thoughts.
This is a prayer the Lord has faithfully answered for me over and over again.
I hope these tips help you toward a renewed mind today.
Which ones will you try?
Which ones have been the most beneficial to you already?
Let me know in the comments.
If you found today's video to be helpful please like and share it with a sister-friend.
You never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today.
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for everyday Christian living, Bible studies and more, be sure to download the Beloved
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As always thank you so much for watching and until next time be beautiful, be blessed and
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This one day event is filled with inspirational speakers, fun entertainment, breakout sessions
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So get your girlfriends and treat yourself by registering for this year's conference
For more infomation >> Renewing Your Mind - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
Ask Me Anything With Gippy Grewal - Duration: 3:29.
Yes sir, send me a pizza.
Put ginger, coriander etc on it, please.
Hi. Hello everyone!
This is Gippy Grewal.
And you are watching me on
And today I am going to answer all your Twitter Questions.
I've heard there are many questions, so let's start!
My next film is Lucknow Central.
It's releasing on the 15th of September.
I am playing Parminder Singh Gill Pali in it.
He is a solid character.
He is a sardar from Punjab.
He is a little dangerous.
He has murdered people.
He is in jail. You watch the trailer and tell me how you like it.
I like everything.
What I like the most, you didn't ask me about.
I love direction the most, though I have directed only one film.
But I really enjoyed doing it.
I want to do more of that but
Direction is very time consuming.
You don't get paid enough for it.
That's why these days I focus on singing and acting.
Have I ever Googled myself?
No, not yet.
But I keep an eye out on social media - Facebook,Twitter...
But today I will!
Actually, the whole of Punjab sings
All Punjabis wherever they go.
There is singing in Punjab's blood.
2004 a song called Phulkari released.
It was a turning point for me.
Then more songs released.
Hathyaar came.
Angrezi Beat is one of my favourite (songs).
I love home cooked meals.
Yellow lentils and ladies finger.
I eat that a lot.
My work is such that if I stay 10 days at home, I stay 20 days in hotels.
Maybe that's why I just love home cooked food.
It happens very rarely.
Mine isn't an office job that I get Sundays off.
I get very few off days.
But when I am free, I am very lazy.
I don't bathe, I don't wake up...
All I want is to lie in my bed and get my tea and food in bed.
I keep watching movies in bed.
Completely lazy.
Of course I watch TV. I have eyes.
Who doesn't watch TV?
I watch TV.
But I don't watch it that much.
Whoever has asked this question probably watches a lot of TV.
I have lived in Canada for many years.
So the pizzas you get there are full desi style pizzas.
So when we order on the phone...
Yes sir, send me a pizza.
Put ginger, coriander etc on it, please.
So these Punjabi style pizzas I really enjoy.
How to add Google Analytics code in Wordpress Newsmag theme - Duration: 2:06.
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for more details on his making and please like to comment and subscribe my YouTube channel
also for more updates
5 questions pour Sibylle, modératrice de la community - Duration: 1:43.
Pakistan's 16 Players T20 squad vs World Xi in September | Pakistan Vs World Xi - Duration: 1:55.
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I'm Valerie, and I'm Celya's mum.
For me, there are two personalities:
I have my everyday daughter,
and then there's the girl who switches immediately
when she is in another environment.
She repositions herself, you might say.
It's to do with the choices she makes in terms of her activities.
On the other hand, I am someone who says
"If you start something, you should finish it".
But that's the way she is, she does it willingly.
She is a child with lots of energy,
and likes a lot of attention too.
I do everything I can,
I encourage her to do what she loves.
What is important for Celya is that she blossoms and grows,
and it turns out that everything she has started,
she has carried on with,
and she loves it.
【MUKBANG】 [Hong Kong & Japan] Various Snacks Sent By The Viewers ! So Happy!! [CC Available] - Duration: 5:48.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa some of my Japanese and Hong Kong viewers sent me some treats so I'll be eating them today
seriously you guys Thank you very much itadakimasu
so lets start off with this one its not really a treat but rather its something you stick into some milk
I only have some soy milk on hand though
I'm so thankful you guys even sent me drinks
so we stick this in the milk and then drink
the straw has little bits of chocolate giving the milk a chocolatey flavor
DELISH ~its soy milk though~
tadaa this was sent to me by a viewer from HK I think its senbei crackers
it smells of shrimp
the treat looks like this
its shrimp flavored super crispy and so delish
this one is made by the same company and its some sort of spicy peanut shrimp croquette
wow such a combination of flavors peanuts, spice, shrimp, croquette
~how the heck is this gonna taste?~
looks like this
its a flavor much like shrimp croquette its not really that spice-----
oh wait it is a bit spicy its got a bit of a spicy kick
I'm not getting that peanutty flavor though
this is very yummy the first one I had the original flavor is something that
is similar to products here in Japan but this one is very unique and not something you can get here
delish this one is a curry shrimp treat
HK has curry flavored stuff as well huh? so very similar to us here in JP
it looks like this in the bag
smells of curry
its nicely spiced and very delish
next is this the person who sent this translated it for me
"garden malt shortcake"
(B4 I eat it)
oh it ran out it was yummy I'll have another
looks like a pie
its got a very slight sweetness to it so crisp and has a nice mouthfeel and so delish
this a fish shaped treat
it looks like this oh it reminds me of something we have here in JP
looks very similar to a treat I received from a Korean viewer
are these sorts of treats popular thoughout the world?
seaweed flavor' it says
its got such strong yummy flavors a very deep seaweed sort of flavor
next is this its something I received from a JP viewer
tadaa its so pretty they're jellies
its got little butterfly shapes in it this one has chestnut
sweet bean and millet
just looking at it is so soothing
its so sweet and delish
this would likely be tasty if served cold
rare cheesecake sugary lemon
this is what it looks like ~ahh so wriggly~
the rare cheese melts in your mouth
its got a lemony fresh flavor to it and that cheese flavor is very prominent
this one was sent to me from another JP viewer
melty pudding and smooth cheese
its got a lot in here I already ate one of these
this is what it looks like its got pudding and a caramel sauce
put the sauce on the pudding
so yummy ain't it its so slippery smooth
this is the rare cheese
and add ?berry? sauce
this is what it looks like
this one is yummy as well
its so smooth
jam sandwich cracker
it says they bought it at caldee
the cracker is a bit salty and the jam inside isn't too sour its nice and sweet and so delish
last up is burdock chips made by 'setouchi lemon'
I really love stuff made by setouchi lemon
this is what they look like
it looks like its made with natural ingredients
the burdock is battered then deep fried to a tasty finish and then there is this slight lemony flavor to it .... so delish
gochisosamadeshita the HK treats and JP treats were all so yummy
special thanks to those viewers who sent me these
treats, no matter what country they come from, are all so yummy
it doesn't matter which country I liked them all
I'm so happy and honored to be able to try out JP treats and treats from all parts of the world
thank you to the viewers who sent me these
they were so yummy won't you give them a try and as always thanks for watching and if there is something
you'd like to see me do or eat please inform me in the comment section or via the twitters
if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Crear un tapón para un tubo en Tinkercad - Duration: 7:24.
Как приготовить томатный сок на зиму - Duration: 3:00.
🌸Газировка ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ Взрыв Кола и Ментос Видео для Детей Soda Challenge Crush Coca Cola and Mentos - Duration: 5:28.
How to download Shadow Fight 3 from the Google Play Store 😱 | Without being a Canadian ✌| No root| - Duration: 2:53.
Click on the Subscribe Button and press the Bell Icon, To watch latest Tutorials at First.
Hi guys, it's A.Z NOOR, and, I'm back with another fresh video.
So in this video I'll show you how to download Shadow Fight 3 from the Google Play Store.
Yes yes yes, Shadow Fight 3 is already available in the Play store.
But at this time Shadow Fight 3 is only available in the Canada.
But if you follow me step by step then you can Download this game from the play store
if you are not a Canadian.
Okay, so without wasting anymore time, let's begin.
First you have to download a an app called Turbo VPN.
This app is free in the Google Play Store.
I'll leave a download link of this app in the description box.
So you can download it very easily.
Okay, after installing this app open the app.
If any ad comes then wait for 3 seconds.
The ad will automatically removed.
Then click on here.
Click on Canada.
Now just tap and hold your play store app and go to the app info.
Click on storage.
Click on clear all data, and then DELETE.
Now go to the given link in the description box.
Click on ACCEPT.
You can see the shadow fight 3 is opened in the play store.
Now click on install.
Click on proceed.
Now just wait to be installed.
Remember, you will not find Shadow fight 3, if you directly search on the play store.
Just visit the description, and click on the given link.
So, I hope that you liked the video.
If you liked it, then be sure to smash the like button.
Share this video with your friends, and obviously do not forget to subscribe to my channel for
more cool and amazing tricks and tutorials.
Also, click on the bell icon beside the subscribe button, as to get the quick notifications
of our new uploads.
If you watched this video till the end, so comment down below that you watched the video
till the end.
I'll sure reply your comment.
If you have any questions then also comment it.
You can follow me on the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus and on my own Website.
Links in the description.
Bye Bye.
Take care of your self.
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How to unroot your android device safely. - Duration: 2:18.
Hello guyzz....!
Welcome to my channel MR. WiseCRACKER
I am Ankit Prakash and today I can show you how to unroot your android device safely
So let begin
Guyzz just follow me.....
Here you can see that my phone is rooted
Sometimes the phone maybe shutdown so don't panic
You can get all the apps from description below which you need in this
Here you can see that the Kingroot has stopped, this means the phone is unrooted
Now you can see that my phone is really unrooted
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Top 5 best Iron Boards
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