Hi, my name is Leon, and I really like facts and science and analyzing things
And a while ago
I started
realizing how important videos are as a type of media so at least one person has told me that they don't read a lot of media
They don't read a lot of articles
And it'll talk a lot about for example
Politics with other people so their main source of media and opinions that they get is from videos
Now I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable person in the world or to be the person best at explaining things
but nonetheless
It seems like a lot of these opinions are not like my opinions a lot of these opinions seen in videos
Now I don't know exactly how many political youtubers or video makers that are the same opinions as me in a lot of questions
But it seems like a lot of these people do not agree with me
and I usually just watch their videos to
Get different perspectives and then learn or to argue against them
And obviously it's important at different perspectives and different opinions reach out to as many people as possible
And therefore I've decided to attempt making videos myself and share my opinions in a different subject every time
The first subject I've decided to focus on is migration with an extra touch of economy
This is because I've seen a lot of videos regarding this subject before and a lot of them not agreeing with me at all
Believe it or not I would rather avoid having as many people as possible against me in a subject
And would rather try to sway them
Now, I will first talk about economy and that perspective
but I will probably, at some point, make a video about the more social perspective when it comes to migration or
migration and crime
since a lot of people seem to
Discuss and have a lot of opinions in that matter as well
in general the discussion about migration and even economy is very
Very long and a summary of what I think in the subject would be that we're not
Not even close to being fucked to be honest. I mean it depends on whether or not you mean
It as a positive to be fucked
I mean, it's usually a very nice thing, but less migration does not necessarily mean saving a shit ton of money
And it does absolutely not mean saving a country for economic collapse
I would rather say according to some experts it might cost a bit even in length, but when it comes to economy
I haven't seen any one country losing on it long term according to some statistics or any type of research
I mean both Sweden and the US have profited incredibly from migration
first off
I'll talk a bit about Sweden and our migration since it's something that has been discussed both in and outside of Sweden lately
Last night in Sweden
And some of the most important things you need to know about us is that
2015 we had a lot of migration. I think there were almost
160,000 asylum seekers in sweden that year and after that what a lot of new regulations and policies regarding migration
And I think that they were only around
29,000 asylum seekers in
2016 you can see here
how did number up so you sank drastically lower than several years before another important note for we don't talk from our whole
Argument besides this map Sweden and our pretty
small amount of human beings in it already is that at the same time as immigration has risen, so has emigration
Which means that a lot of people have also left Sweden.
Actually the highest numbers and a lot of years
Including when we left for the US in the eighteen hundreds because we were starving to death in this shithole
Because believe it or not
2015 over 55,000 people left sweden and migrated to another country and only
people emigrated from Sweden in Year 1876
which was the Peak of the Swedish immigration to the US
Also a question about how many people will try to migrate
Sweden the future is important these graphs from the Central bureau of Statistics, or Statistics Sweden depending on how you translate it
Shows that migration in the future is uncertain
But their guess is that it's gonna get lover pretty fast
They also believe that less people will immigrate and that the immigration and the emigration charts will get closer and closer together
So in one sense migration might not even be a problem because it won't be going on that much for that long
as you can see we are getting a better and better GDP
And that might obviously be because we're now more and more people
But we are also growing when it comes to GDP per capita
Which is something that you might want to remember when you say that we are fucked and we're going to all die
Horribly and that system is falling apart. Migrants have a role in this and they do actually support this economical growth
Now I don't know what a debate looks like in other countries
But in sweden one of the biggest arguments against migration is that we rather should focus on throwing the money abroad
And as you might guess I do not like the idea of just throwing money out of the country and throwing them for example in
Refugee camps for a number of reasons
Well the first one is that refugee camps are simply not safe and easy to transport
Either money or other types of supplies to. They might get attacked and get in terrorist hands instead
And I don't think that these people that want to send more money abroad instead of letting more refugees in
Weeell, don't think that their intention is to give money to Daesh
Well, other than that we have more control of our money and can spend it however
We like and more tactically if we do it in the countries themselves instead of trying to send them to other countries
Where we do not have that political power
Besides, it's pretty obvious that if people come here and work they generate tax money and
Even though everybody does not work they still present the possibility to generate money
If we just throw money abroad we will not get shit back
Now, the people who want to send money abroad often want to send that money to
UNHCR, the United Nations own
organization for migration
Which might sound smart, though the slight detail and problem here
Is that they themselves don't want that money and call it a simplified solution?
They did this already in an article
2014 to Swedish television and another argument for throwing my abroad is that the refugees themselves would be grateful and it's
Important to help the people
who need it most, right? To help them in the camps which also might sound smart
But a couple of years back swedish television actually sent a group to find out if that was true or not and most of the refugees
Responded that they would rather have more people being let into the country than having more money sent to help organizations
Now, I do not have any evidence of this since the clip disappeared from the national TV's website a while ago
Since a lot of people want to prevent migration it means that they want to set up ID controls
and different ways to stop refugees like more people on the job or more cops to look for people without papers
Aaand they seem to forget completely that that costs a shit-ton of money. As an example after
2015, when we had a lot of refugees coming to Sweden
We decided to have some new policies as I mentioned before
And one of them was that we decided to have border controls to Denmark
These were the first border controls in a long time and they were criticized harshly
I mean, for starters border controls cost even more than one hundred and fifty million dollars euros every
Year, and we're a pretty small country with about ten million citizens right now, and that's a shit on the money and for that
We get absolutely jack. I mean, it's basically the same as when it comes to throwing money abroad
but at least when you throw money abroad
You help people. But here... we don't help people with these border controls the only thing we actually put money on is
making life more and more miserable for people
we don't give out money to help more people, we actually waste money that we could use for refugees and
Waste it on border controls instead and as I said 150 million
Dollars or euros, well, that's about one and a half billion Swedish crowns, and that's still a shit-ton of money
Besides Sweden's border controls to Denmark, EU in General has made a deal with turkey.
The EU then decided to give around 3 billion
Euros to turkey, a country that literally suspended their human rights for a while
Of course the EU had some demands on what the money should be spent on
But at the same time what the fuck are they supposed to do if Turkey doesn't uphold that?
EU really doesn't want migrants and
Turkey has a shit-ton of them and
They can basically point it as loaded gun towards the EU
So EU basically goes like shut up and take my money. Now, this does worry me.
Now you might be thinking "Well we get a lot of money from it, right, because refugees cost a lot of money
And that's good for us which means that we save money"
We'll get to that soon
But first I'd like to mention that well, either way it
means that we can help less people per every crown we put
Because it's as simple as that; we don't put all the money on helping people. We put a lot of the money on trying to
Avoid helping the people which is simply a waste of money it means that every person we try to help we have less money for
And last time I checked
I thought that was one of the main arguments for people who threw money abroad had
That I wanted to more money to people meaning it in which way does this help people?
It's simply a more effective way to helping as many people as possible just
Let them in and then we obviously need good and complex politics when it comes to integrating people and giving people jobs
and so on so on
This requires good housing policies and good work policies and a lot of those types of things that
Way we can help as many people as possible
With as little money as possible
Or at least get as much money as possible back.
So even if we would in totals save money on border controls
We would help less people, and if we would count the people we'd have actually helped and then count the whole budget for all
migration and Border controls and integration
You couldn't have helped as many people per every dollar as we would have a wave just let more people in
Now when it comes to whether or not migration costs
I would obviously like include the things be profit and everybody's evilly profit more or if it was more
but exact numbers and harder fine
But have been able to see how much money being one
Now what it did find was his wish think tank that had concluded in a report that we would lose around
ninety billion dollars if we wouldn't have had
migration from The
1950s and forward I am in for the entire reports
But since think tanks have a tendency to be political it might be biased in one or two ways by the time that the whole
Record is Bovis
Now another thing. I would like to look at is with expert C
2016 were Sweden's largest
Newspapers published a series of reports regarding migration in order to Express thing about it
the first expert was the Harvard professor George borjas
In the article it is mentioned that the us economy has become at least Eleven percent larger because of migration
Now this in itself is not a focus of the text no porges focuses a lot on the type of jobs that see
Migration generates, and then I don't mean a border control so their hunt for illegal immigrants
But rather their jobs to the actual immigrants often perform the education of the immigrants is something I will discuss further later in the video
but the service sector is a good place for people who do not have an amazingly long education and
Whether or not that depends on it not being validated yet?
Or that a lot of migrants still have it it is a sector common among migrants at least in the us
This is a debate that has stalled a lot in sweden as well
You know should we make it easy to get more easy or service sector jobs?
especially for migrants
And this is something a porteous discusses a lot to service like the dust that fenella have his perks
Especially since I am a fan of the environment and putting less money on things and more on services is
generally lovely for employment, but borgess does definitely mention a lot of
Regarding more migrations the decided sector for example in the us more people come to service sector that means that more people
want those jobs which means that employees can
press down their wages and simply pay people less which might not be something that I love the idea of incredibly and
Which might actually fit groups against each other for example?
They white Working-class citizens who don't want their job stolen by these evil service providing migrants
Now we don't really have the same type of problem, Sweden considering
We don't have a minimum wage and we can't really get pressure done to that what we have is called collective
Agreements, and the Union's who negotiate that with employers this basically means that if you're a part of Union?
You will probably get decent pay and the employers can't just press the weight just on however they want
Fortunes himself thus includes some perks with subjective for example when you pay people to clean your cook food for you
You do get more time and you can use their time to work more efficiently for example which means that competence is used more efficiently
Now I say the service act is a beautiful way to be able to buy yourself spare time instead of things
But whichever way your shoes. It's pretty good for the economy right that you're buying more things that seem done
So you don't waste environment on it another important point is that migrants are often paid less in General?
And it is an important question to ask yourself is it worth it should we use the argument well
They have it better here, or should we think well?
They're still citizens here, and they should still be treated more equally and still have a decent chance
Or just nothing to me that mostly country profits for migration
But it still assists that well we need to be ready to pay for it
We need to be ready that it might cost when we help as many people as possible
But as I have said several times, it seems like he still focuses on the profits
We can generate even though it does see problems and the problems. I do see as well
I truly do believe we need to have solutions as I said before we don't really have the same or as
Aggressive problems perhaps than the u.s. Does considering we do a collective. We do here well party good
Arrangements and laws and rules when it comes to employment, so we don't treat people like shit
But there's more of them at least not to that degree
Because I do see a danger when with pity groups against each other when we do pick the migrants against the lowly educated poor
People in the country already that becomes a problem. I don't really see a huge problem
if folks in mons to service a trans women since it's often an
Effective way to get more jobs and get more jobs that we actually can give people since they do not require
That much education and since it's good for the environment
Which is a lovely point for me
But however problems need to be addressed and we need to think about that as well
for example it might be a problem of waste let people get stuck in the service sector and not be in any way have a
Career or move themself up on scale
We might also have to keep a focus on actually
Educating people and not just leave them to the service sector where they will be stuck forever
I'm not the very important factor is the automatic vacation or a beautification as it might call us well
We're machines and robots take more and more of the manufacturing jobs, but nec. This is a national process
I don't think we should have jobs. Just because jobs
I think we should have jobs if they have a point if they're actually good, and if robots can do shit better
Adam then obviously we need solutions for the people can't have jobs and more cuz and then we might simply not have enough jobs for
all the people and
We shouldn't create jobs. Just because jobs. We should as I said a couple of seconds ago
Have good jobs with points this can be sold in a number of ways, but essentially we need to
Redistributed money of it for example one might simply have to give more money to people even though they do not work
Simply because we don't have enough works
but we do have enough money it basically does mean that we will get more money without having to pay as much for people but
Since we don't want to execute people because they don't have jobs
And we probably want people to survive anyways
We might have to give them more money even though they haven't worked because I don't want to create unnecessary
jobs because that's usually bad for the environment and
But I don't want people to die horrible Deaths
Or have horrible lives and not being able to consume anything is because he couldn't get a job
So poor just does see problems, but I do see solutions for those
According to borders we at least need to get more flexible in a lot of ways
And a lot of focus will be on the service sector
Which is even jokes that there's no real research to prove how many?
Refugees or immigrants a country should take in but more seriously seems to mean that it depends almost type of society you want
We can't fill it all rather
You don't really have a reason to give up do we I mean sure some problems can occur but that goes for everything in society
And perhaps we should rather because most oceans instead of just giving up and throwing people out of the country
Obviously portress not to only expect when it comes to migration and economy and the second one in this article series is
Yennefer hunt angel I would say that she actually sees a lot more perks with migration and
Sees a lot of the same perks as forges with the service sector and more people and more efficiency
She doesn't seem seem too negative and basically seems to be evil about it
She basically seems to see as a perk
That the Gap between the rich and poor gets wider because more educated people
Can work more and get more and more jobs? Well the people will less wages?
Won't get even less wages and you care to
Compete with each other even more she seems to be more of the opinion that well. They should be fucking grateful for being here
They have it better here than they had before and we get it better as well at least a rich of us
So fuck y'all
It's at least my impression
But please do you know that she basically says that
Migration is awesome and sheep and whatever and I tell her to go fuck yourself
So this is not really about me being super biased because I'm trying to prove a point and she's ruining it she's friendless trying to
Prove my point and I should tell her to fuck off anyways
there when it comes to the whole depends almost typists on
he doesn't seem to want to see the same world as me she means that it's not even good if
Migrants are highly educated because that seemed something means that they're the same
They can contribute to anything new you which might be something that I understand it a bit
But she still basically means that we should have a new time for service extra more of that. Which is lovely but
She does not seem to see the problems with lower wages or any of those small details in this
Her conclusion seems to be that at least that more people already live in the country actually
Educate themselves more and also that it becomes a more and more
Important thing to be able to compete in market if you know the language well
Which is something that the people?
Who've lived in the country the entire lives have a tendency to have a slight advantage in
Their work inclusion still kind of cleans gaps are great to me
just further expert in the series is Timothy hutton
And I'm afraid to say that I haven't really read his article that much and can't really take a real stand in what he says
but into headlines our
Society wins but effects are small and
Shoes forget asylum already in the camps, so he seems to have some solutions
he wanted to propose, and he seems to see mostly perks or at least conclude with perks or
Conclude that it's yet a really good. I don't really know as I said I haven't really read it
So you might want to do it yourself as Google translator share out of it and shall be fine or whatever
As promised I have a lot of discuss education
And it will like a lot of other things mostly we focus on the screen and since
That's where the information is easiest to get but I do believe it's well
decently similar in all of Europe that's how I think it goes for a lot of things I say in this video a
Nation statistical report and the people came to swing from a year
2002 Year
2013 and as you can see people might be more educated than you guessed
This includes two people who were 25 to 64 years old
It might be good to mention the fact that a lot of people who migrated to the country might have also been
Educated in the country, so this is not all about how educated people were when they came to Sweden
Specifically the statistics we can see here are about people from 25 to 44 of age
And she also can see anything to mean that the same percentage of people born in and out of sweden were
Equally universally educated here. You can see the similar thing, but with a wider range of age and
They some country as you probably can see that means that people from Syria are not amazingly educated
But they are not horribly educated either
They do have decent amount of high school education and at least a certain amount of University education
So they're definitely not the best on the list, but they're not the worst either are they
But these letters are from
2013 and Alana's happiness ministers, and I did mention in the beginning that we had a lot of new people coming in 2015
But it's way too early to say exactly how educated people are there doesn't seem to be enough research about that yet
It's only been a couple of years after all so let's give it some time. Yeah
And I shall really use that migration of the past though. Yes, that is a steady stream of
Middle-Aged people often even John wish people children
And I can be really useful considering the tube does not give birth to enough children these days
And we're getting older and older
Which means that we're fucked in them because we don't have enough people who can feed us and actually have jobs
you know
understand a lot of old people who work a lot, and you generate as much money as a middle-aged one the steady stream of
Decent young people has lowered our average age evens and even though. We're pretty good at giving birth to children
Considering that we don't say fuck you you got a shot. I can't work and you can't have a life and
Instead she's to say well
I wish I let's do this and this and this and
This and you can still have a decent life and get a job even though. We do believe that problems are pretty nice
So in a way other countries in Sweden
do actually need immigrants more than us that feels better than
Desperately trying to fill your current people with babies
hmm border open Babies fun A
Really quick note a lot of people seem to use health care as an argument. You know
Too many people need health care and too many people
Suffer from mental illness and too many people need psychologists or doctors or whatever and therefore we should not let them into the country
Because it's expensive with that shit
So I
Think that human beings are usually of equal worth, right?
And I do believe we should prioritize those who need to help most in life
So thurman people are not letting people in specifically because they need help
Seems like a bad idea so anyways
so obviously it might depend on what expert you ask it might cost might be the profit, but
It will most likely not be the end of us all. I mean Europe in general could take a lot of more refugees a lot
So my point is that the policies we have today in
General in Europe is shit
And we could take a lot more and we would still profit from it or at least not die horribly
I mean even though you would not believe that
We would profit horribly from it
You might believe that we promised slightly brummett
Which is usually still good or you might believe that we lose a slight bit from it
Which is not that horrible when it comes to helping a shit ton of people not dying?
Do I need to say more obviously I do apparently have to say more than yes, well
It's not helping people and further we don't know what will happen in Syria. We don't know no
The rest of the world or for how long we'll have there's a lot of people fleeing and trying to get to Europe
So it might differ it might end pretty soon
Yes, that is this kind of say all right might take a longer time
We don't really know that but either way we will stab my thigh because of it so no matter what happens
We will probably not die horribly if you're right now sitting there thinking you might bright if they were not all
Then to not worry, I will probably at some point make a video about
Migration and Crime believe or not I do not really bill you that all muslims are Cornell's
They will fucking murder all of us as they allow their money in whites and that will be the end of us by the commendation
Kill us all three bombs
But if you still not convinced police to comment in the videos do you think there's something I missed or something very very interesting?
That you do not like we will or just like the goddamn thing because I like likes and I like attention
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