Donald Trump CANNED
Anthony Scaramucci
X-24 Kills Charles Xavier | Logan (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.Hey, don't wake her yet.
Let her sleep another hour.
You know, Logan...
this was, without a doubt...
the most perfect night I've had in a very long time.
But I don't deserve it.
Do I?
I did something.
Something unspeakable.
I've remembered what happened in Westchester.
This is not the first time I've hurt people.
Until today, I didn't know.
You wouldn't tell me.
So we just kept on running away from it.
I think I finally understand you.
He's fantastic.
You said you only needed the girl!
I told you I was forced to bring a new tool to bear.
Your friends had every chance.
And so did you.
Put her down.
Stay down there, Will!
8 Ball Pool - NEW GET 50M COINS IN BERLIN LIK AUTOWIN & GET 50M COINS LATEST 2017 - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Deputies fired at during traffic stop - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Introduction to the MyHumana Mobile App | Humana - Duration: 1:30.You're always on the go, doing the things you love to do.
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President Trump Literally Cannot Think! - George Will - Americans Need to Know! - Duration: 7:09.Trump has a dangerous disability that was the title of george will's
column that was trending on twitter today George Will has often had the most
talked about column of the day in his decades as a columnist today there was
an urgency to his writing he said it is urgent for Americans to think and speak
clearly about president Trump's inability to do either to do either this
seems to be not a mere disinclination but a disability the dangerous thing is
that he does not know what it is to know something
joining us now George F will Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for The
Washington Post and an MSNBC contributor and George I'm always honored to have
you join us on a day like today I'm thrilled to have you join us because
once again you wrote the column of the day that everyone's talking about and
it's one of those columns that puts in towards things that many of us have
fought in different ways but most of us haven't found the way to put it into
words you're saying that the president is actually not able to think well if
the problem Florence isn't just that his sentence is dump arson that his pronouns
float around in search of antecedents it's not just that he's been technically
challenged Dwight Eisenhower occasionally was although I think his
opacity was sometimes tactical it's not just that he's given to verbal fender
benders George W Bush had his share of those the question is whether or not the
way he talks and the judgments he makes about matters of fact history for
example suggests that he really is not capable of sequential thought which is
rather alarming and a president you add that to the fact that his has
demonstrated lack of knowledge of American history his recent talk about
Andrew Jackson being angry about a civil war that occurred 16 years after he died
suggests that again he's a basic unfamiliarity not just with our past but
with our present and remember during the Republican candidates debates he said
once in defending the conservatism of sister who's a federal judge he said
that his sister had signed some of the same bills that Justice Alito had signed
on the Supreme Court now that suggests that he would flunk a sixth grade civics
exam because he suggests that federal judges and Supreme Court justices signed
bills this is a rather alarming I mean if next week he comes out and says
Grover Cleveland was a stern critic of the New Deal on the one hand will be all
pleased and surprised to know that he knows there was a President Grover
Cleveland but there comes a point at which this goes manages to be ludicrous
without being at all funny when you have a president who doesn't understand the
basic facts of American history the basic realities of American governance
and finds it impossible to put into simple declarative sentences what he's
talking about I want to listen to a professional
diagnosis here this is from Lance notice a former professor at Harvard Medical
School professor of psychiatry let's listen what he had to say about the
president on the show lying in the way that he does it repeated dangerous line
makes him unfit and is a sign of serious mental disturbance and to the extent he
doesn't know reality and I agree by the way I don't think he does know reality
clearly he doesn't have a clear grasp of it because he he changes he makes up
reality to suit his internal needs George your column scrupulously avoided
any diagnosis that you're not medically qualified to make but were you tempted
give that you feel I feel your column goes right up to the border of
psychiatry well I stopped there purposely first place I'm not qualified
second I remember the gross abuse of psychiatry when my man Barry Goldwater
from I cast my first presidential vote was running for president in 1964 and a
whole slew psychiatrist diagnosed him from a distance as having all kinds of
the third carrying on other disagreeable behaviors
and tendencies I didn't want to engage in that I'm just going by the evidence
that the president continues to put in front of us in torrential amounts and
your recommendation at the close of your column is quote for the public to
quarantine this presidency how can the public do that well the public has to
communicate to their elected representatives that the elected
representatives have more to fear from the public from their constituents than
they do for mr. Trump that is the public has to see we have taken this man's
measure and we find him alarming and we want you to be on our side the side of
our alarm and our rational fear rather than the normal tendency to defer to
presidents on important matters particularly worn piece of and it's one
thing for him to wander around and say my gosh in new health care was
complicated it's another thing when he's dealing with North Korea the South China
Sea of Ukraine Crimea and all the rest when the use of force is involved
because that requires a certain confidence on the part of the public to
support a president and because the normal Madisonian checks and balances
simply do not restrain presidents when it comes to the use of military force
and George based on your what you're hearing from elected officials in
Washington is that message from the public has certainly many members of the
public already feel this what you're talking about in your column and have
been trying to communicate it to their elected representatives is that message
getting through I think it is that the important things that get through the
Republicans the Democrats have gone into well-advertised resistance the real
question is will Republicans in Congress feel I need to defer I think not
now you notice the other day the president that he broke new ground and
presidential behavior by urging a governmental shutdown said also which is
was none of his business coming from the exec
Brants that the Senate should change its rules to get rid of the filibuster there
was an instant but and bipartisan rejection of that which indicated that
Republicans as well as Democrats are finding a common ground in establishing
a distance and an institutional self-interest
against mr. Trump George F will has once again written the column of the day that
everyone's talking about George thank you very much for joining us tonight
really appreciate it glad to be with you
¡Mira cómo fue el primer día de clases de Alaïa! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Le llueven las críticas a Espinoza Paz por su nuevo ritmo | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Pastelitos de Jamón y Queso | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
¡Acompáñanos a revolver el clóset de Jonatan Sánchez! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
¡Laura Zapata vuelve a atacar con dureza a Thalía! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Wander over Yonder - Westley, You're the Best (CZ) - Duration: 0:19.I would personally met Lord Hater.
Yeah, and he would probably give you a medal or something.
That would be the pinnacle of happiness.
♪ Westley, our Westley, ♪
♪ That's Medal of evil. ♪
Westley, Westley, Westley.
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