Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 2 2017

— A new climate study out today estimates that significant human carbon emissions

actually began more than 100 years before scientists previously thought.

That could move the tipping point for irreversible temperature rise even closer.

One of the primary causes of human-driven climate change is industrial farming.

But a new form of agriculture could reverse that trend:

underwater groves of carbon-eating kelp.

— So you can see, it's way down below the surface.

It's about eight feet.

Okay! So here's our kelp.

This, you know, for a fisherman, it's kind-of weird to grow plants.

But this is the future.

So—fertilizer, fertilizer, food.

— And then you get the good stuff.

— That's what we should be chanting—

"Fertilizer! Food!"

— A few years ago,

Bren Smith lost his oyster business to Hurricane Sandy.

The storm wiped him out.

So, the lifelong fisherman started looking for a crop that could withstand a storm

and landed on kelp—

a type of seaweed that's popular in Asia, but that hasn't caught on in America.

Today, he spends most of his time evangelizing the crop he says could feed the planet and heal our oceans.

— What are the benefits of kelp farming, specifically?

— We soak up five times more carbon than land-based plants.

We filter nitrogen out of the water column.

We function as an artificial reef so all these species can come and hide and thrive.

We're storm surge protectors for most local communities.

— Does that help prevent ocean acidification,

or help kinda mitigate it?

— Yeah, so too much carbon in our waters is creating acidification.

So we capture that carbon and essentially sell it as food.

— Do you get as much pleasure out of this,

or is it more the figuring out the business from the environmental side that excites you?

— No, this is boring.

This is like arugula farming.

I can't go to the same bars anywhere when I'm going to tell my story,

like, "I went out and cut off some kelp," you know?

— A recent World Bank study found

that a network of kelp farms spanning just under 5 percent of the U.S.' oceans

could remove the carbon equivalent of almost 95 million cars from the ocean each year.

To get that going,

Bren started a nonprofit called Greenwave,

which helps entrepreneurs start their own kelp farm—

using his own as a model.

And according to Bren, there's money to be made:

in a single season,

a farmer with a 10-acre plot of water can grow 200,000 pounds of kelp,

that can then be sold for $1 a pound.

Even though kelp is good for the environment,

people aren't rushing to put it on their dinner plate—

and, strangely, that's something Bren relates to.

— Culturally, I haven't shifted.

I eat at the gas station most nights.

I'm not a foodie.

I'll get there, but that cultural piece of a fisherman of, like, hunting, killing,

and eating bad food is still with me.

— But you do eat this?

You eat this on a regular basis?

— Uh… no.

— No?

Why not?

— My wife eats it.

I mean, I'm not a sea-vegetable guy.

— Sure, sure.

You like killing things.

— Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I farm it.

The chefs will figure out how to get people to eat it.

— Alright.

So you're fighting against yourself—

you're fighting against people like you.

So how do you do that?

How do you convince yourself to eat this on a regular basis?

— Well, I mean, there is a trajectory, right?

Kale had a trajectory—

where it started, it was sort-of the exclusive, the celebrity chef world,

and then it moved into, really, a middle class mainstay.

I think we're gonna make kelp the new kale.

I just don't wanna oversell, saying, "Oh, everyone's going to eat this tomorrow."

— High-end restaurants in New York, however, have been serving Bren's kelp for years now.

And his biggest client, Google,

offers kelp to 6,000 employees at its New York City cafeteria.

— The goal of transitioning to a new economy isn't just job creation,

isn't just, like, creating call center jobs.

It's creating jobs,

creating a life that you can still sing songs about.

— But you think people are still going to sing songs about this?

— It's gonna move much more into, like,

what the arugula farmers sing—

which I have no idea what they sing, right?

Maybe it's acapella, I have no idea.

But never underestimate the power of self-direction, of agency.

If I fail out here, it's okay.

And no one tells me what to do—

I can tell anybody fuck off, and that's a fisherman.

For more infomation >> Kelp Could Save Our Oceans — If You Eat It (HBO) - Duration: 5:08.


Top 10 Best Working Kodi Video Addons 2017 - Duration: 3:30.

Top 10 working Kodi video add-ons Kodi video add-ons are constantly changing if

any of these add-on stopped working you will either have to update the add-on

source location or simply has been dropped by the developer covenant

covenant is based on the popular Exodus and Genesis video add-ons covenant

add-on from the lambda developer it plays movies and TV shows you can

install covenant Kodi add-on using Smash repository, Ares Wizard or from the

Dimitroligy repository, you find all KODI video add-on sources in video description

bellow. Genesis reborn Genesis reborn like covenant comes from the same Exodus

code but is updated and working it's a good add-on to have with a similar

covenant interface and plays movies and TV shows

UK Turks playlist is another Kodi add-on that went down temporarily but is back

again with a new URL UK Turks is a nice add-on to watch live TV and TV shows

sports movies cartoons and documentaries maverick TV maverick TV is another Kodi

add-on that has a lot of content you can watch 4k movies TV shows documentaries

and music it's a one-click to play add-on that finds the best stream

available to play

Elysium the Elysium add-on is the new name for the well known then Co the

add-on it plays movies and TV shows it is similar to Genesis reborn that with

updated code

Bob unrestricted Bob unrestricted is a one-click to Plato the Adhan art and the

popular Phoenix add-on blue and Valhalla it streams both movies and TV shows see

cloud TV see cloud TV is a live streaming Kodi plugin it has been

recently updated and is working very well it has live streams from many

channels all around the world hello stream hub stream harder than older Co

the add-on that recently had some big updates it has many sections for movies

TV shows sports live TV and more...

someone from the inside. Flixnet. Flixnet is a recent Cody video add-on that

allows you to watch TV shows cartoons channels new movies and TV series

oblivion oblivion streams is an older add-on from oblivion add-on repository

it is a live TV Kodi add-on that has been constantly updated it has many good

foods including sports movies and TV shows and these are 10 of the best

working Kodi video add-ons thanks for watching and stay tuned for next videos


For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Working Kodi Video Addons 2017 - Duration: 3:30.


Margaret's Weather Picture for August 2, 2017 - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Margaret's Weather Picture for August 2, 2017 - Duration: 0:22.


persomatch perfektioniert das Recruiting - MEET THE STARTUPS - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> persomatch perfektioniert das Recruiting - MEET THE STARTUPS - Duration: 2:34.


John Kelly And The Neighborhood That Made Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> John Kelly And The Neighborhood That Made Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 11:07.


Jeep Wrangler Mopar Satin Black Fuel Door (2007-2017 JK 4-Door) Review & Install - Duration: 3:16.

This Mopar satin black fuel door with Jeep logo is for those of you that have a 2007

and up four-door JK and are looking to change it, the look of the exterior a little bit.

Jeeps for a long time now have had an exposed fuel filler cap, and by adding fuel door,

you'll definitely make the side of the jeep look a little bit more finished, and also

just add another a little detail that sets your Jeep apart from some of the others on

the market.

Now because this is Mopar, because it says "Jeep" on it, it is going to be significantly

more expensive than a lot of the other fuel doors on the market.

However, this one is fairly well-built, so I think you are getting a good bit of value

for your money.

This fuel door is gonna give you that high-end premium look that you would get if purchased

one of the higher-end trim packages right from the factory, that comes with some additional

trim pieces on it.

Now this is going to be one piece fuel door, so a lot of the other fuel doors on the market

are just the door section and you screw that into the fuel fill surround.

This one actually includes the fuel fill surround and you replace that entire piece with this

new one.

The benefit of that is a slightly easier installation, no need to drill anything, and the fact that

this is completely reversible because you have a completely intact fuel filler surround

that you can very easily pop in and remove this if you ever decided to go back to factory.

This is going to have a spring-loaded hinge system built into it.

As you can see, it has some rivets around the outside that aren't going to be that satin

black color.

They're gonna pop a little bit, just giving you a little bit more style.

The install for this is a very simple one out of three wrenches, you'll be able to get

this done in about a half an hour, and the process is gonna be very, very simple.

The first step is removing the taillight on the driver side of your Jeep, and this is

a little bit different from some of the other installs on the market.

A lot of the others can be done completely from the outside.

This one, because you're removing that factory surround, you go have to get to the back side

of it to pinch the plastic clips, so you do have to remove your taillight.

It's still a very simple process, just two screws, you can get your taillight out of

the way.

After that you'll have to remove your fuel fill cup in the tether that holds it onto

the Jeep.

Set that aside, you are gonna be reusing that.

Reach on to the inside of the Jeep, pinch the plastic clips, and pull that factory surround

out of the way.

After that, you set your new surround in place, make sure everything clicks in before replacing

your taillight, and then simply reattach your tether to your new fuel filler with your fuel

door and replace the fuel fill cup.

Again, very simple process, about 30 minutes to complete.

This is gonna run you right around $100, which is going to be more than a lot of the other

ones on the market.

The reason for that is the fact that this comes out of a Mopar box, it has the word

"Jeep" on it, so you are going to pay a little more for that.

If you're looking for a fuel door that maybe isn't a one piece that does require some drilling,

you don't need it to say "Jeep," you wanna save a little bit of money, there are a lot

of options out there, but this is the only one that's going to be a genuine Jeep product.

So if you want this, you're gonna have to pay a little bit more.

So this is gonna be a nice option if you are looking for a Mopar fuel door for your 2007

and up JK, and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Mopar Satin Black Fuel Door (2007-2017 JK 4-Door) Review & Install - Duration: 3:16.


Husband is Unable to Sexually Satisfy Me; I'm Frustrated - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Husband is Unable to Sexually Satisfy Me; I'm Frustrated - Duration: 7:03.


Radio call details Yuba County deputies' shooting: 'I'm shot in the leg' - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Radio call details Yuba County deputies' shooting: 'I'm shot in the leg' - Duration: 1:54.


Captain Underpants: Der supertolle erste Film | Offizieller Trailer 1 | Deutsch HD German (2017) - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Captain Underpants: Der supertolle erste Film | Offizieller Trailer 1 | Deutsch HD German (2017) - Duration: 1:50.


GARTH Documentary on youtube - Duration: 1:32.

HEY TRIPPSTERS Garth brook's news and I have to thank Robert for this one Robert

sent me this and asked me if I had seen it he sent me a link to it now you guys

can see it on YouTube I will link to it in the description below there is a

youtube video about Garth Brooks about Garth Brooks and it is called girth

Brooks country Kane it was published on July 14 2017 so that's just been over

the last couple of weeks now this is like an hour long video I think right

out an hour long and it is all about Garth Brooks so if you're a Garth fan

you're probably going to want to check this out I haven't got the chance to

watch it all the way through yet but what I have seen I have locked they go

all the way back to where he was born and raised how his career got started

just all kinds of details that you know if you're really into Garth and you're

obsessive like me and you want details that you wouldn't normally get this is a

good video to watch or at least it is from what I've seen so far so I will

link to that video in the description below in case you guys haven't seen it

if you are a Garth fan I really think you'll want to check it out and again

Robert thank you so much for linking me this because I had not seen it I had no

clue so thank you for having my back on this one guys that is going to do it for

now this is ICEPETS queen and I am tripping out

For more infomation >> GARTH Documentary on youtube - Duration: 1:32.


How To Clear your skin | Clean Your Skin With Almond And Rosemary Water - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> How To Clear your skin | Clean Your Skin With Almond And Rosemary Water - Duration: 5:03.


Mubashret K Bad Kya Karna Chaiea | Health Tips in Urdu For Man | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Mubashret K Bad Kya Karna Chaiea | Health Tips in Urdu For Man | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:00.


Como trocar rolamento da roda dianteiro AUDI A4 B5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.

Use a socket №17

Use a socket №24

Use a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №13

Use a socket №16

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17

Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing

For more infomation >> Como trocar rolamento da roda dianteiro AUDI A4 B5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.


Cartoon about the puppy doctor. We help puppies in the veterinary clinic. Children's cartoons. - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Cartoon about the puppy doctor. We help puppies in the veterinary clinic. Children's cartoons. - Duration: 6:22.


Baba is you : Changing the rules to finish puzzles | Low Poly (FR w/ EN subs) - Duration: 2:57.

Baba is you is a Sokoban-like puzzle game.

You have to push blocs to make your way to the exit.

But in this game rules are expressed visually for every objects.

Every rule is a sprite and the cleverness of the game is

to let the player push words, and therefore changing the rules.

For exemple "Wall is Stop" prevent the player to go through walls.

But if we push a word from the rule, it no longer exist

and we can pass through walls.

The subtility of the game is to replace the rules by new ones.

Exchange the word "Stop" by "Push" let the player push walls.

The player move the words and change the rules : enemis aren't hostile anymore,

neither obstacles, and even objective can change.

And those words are a game by themselves.

Every new word introduced is at the core of the puzzle.

We play with them, replace them, makes tries,

and with other words.

You have to understand the meaning of every word in order to use it.

Words are in one or two syllables to make them fit into a tile,

that's bring a very childish feeling (in a good way)

We are like a child playing with those words, trying to figure out how it works and their scopes.

Even the characters' name like Baba or Keke remind the babblings of a child.

Some words are important to progress in the game, like "wall", "win", "you", "push"

or "stop", others are just here like little surprises.

those have no purpose except bringing some kindness and cuteness in the game.

Like "Best" whose sole purpose is to make the character shine.

Every object is associated to a name by its colour.

Rocks are brown, the word is also brown.

The flag's token and the word "flag" are both in yellow.

Past two or three levels a quick glance is enough to spot

the rules that apply on the map.

Some words are also associated to objects as mnemonic technique and as visual helper.

So the words flag and win are both yellow.

Rock and Push are brown.

Bringing back some symbolism to the player, like Pokémon and its rocks to push.

Colours help the player to locate important things, and orienting his understanding of the map.

The game's graphics, words and feeling makes it very engaging and cute.

The level editor extend the game by making the player take the word he used.

The editor good and quite simple and wide-opening the possibilities of the game.

And with it easy-to-use visual "progamming" language,

I made some levels and other little games.

A maze-like game with two characters at the same time.

A level where Baba must become a Baba-Robot.

A little game where you have to avoid zombies.

Also a kind word.

It's some basically experimentation but I think

it might be possible to make a lot of stuff in the game.

You can try my levels by following the link in the description,

and, please, send me yours in the commentaries below !

Baba is you is downloadable in a post-compo version,

with 13 puzzles who shows the game's possibilities.

And Arvi Teikari, the developer, is working on a full game.

With more words, more interaction, new possibilities

and certainly a lot of surprises !

And, who knows, maybe with modding and

the ability to design our own words...

For more infomation >> Baba is you : Changing the rules to finish puzzles | Low Poly (FR w/ EN subs) - Duration: 2:57.


Finger Family Play Doh School Dress and School Bag Learn Colors With Play Doh Nursery Rhymes Colours - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Finger Family Play Doh School Dress and School Bag Learn Colors With Play Doh Nursery Rhymes Colours - Duration: 4:49.


Cambio cuscinetto ruota anteriore AUDI A4 B5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.

Use a socket №17

Use a socket №24

Use a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №13

Use a socket №16

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17

Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing.

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