Hi! I'm Sebastiaan Terpstra and this is my application to become a Google Certified Trainer.
I've been a teacher for over twelve years, teaching English in secondary education and in community college.
I've always been a technology enthusiast, always keeping up with the latest trends and developments...
and I've built up a slight concern towards the future.
We're seeing the world change before our eyes, but I also see schools struggle in adapting to this future...
and teaching students the skills to flourish in this world.
Google is taking a big step towards this future by handing teachers and students the tools...
to both prepare their students for this brave new world and to be able to teach in both a fun and effective way.
My role as a trainer is to help teachers recognize this 'future' problem and to offer them solutions...
using various tools from G Suite for Education.
My trainings are always as contextual and differentiated as possible...
so teachers work on a usable product while learning the tools as they go.
In this video I will demonstrate how you can use Google Slides to create a presentation
that your students can use during your class, or after, by making it self-paced in order to facilitate differentiation.
In this example, I've created a presentation that has slides for class instruction,
a slide that links to a Google Form to assess which exercise my students can do,
and separate exercises for the different skill levels.
Students can click through this presentation on their own, either during or after class.
Let's have a look at how we can set this up.
To get a flying start, I've created a template which we'll use, which you can find in the comments.
But if you get the basics, you can start setting up your own template as well.
Start out by setting up the skeleton of your presentation, in other words: the slides, or chapters, you want to have in your table of contents.
You can see I've already created slides for my instruction, a slide for 'Test your skills'
and slides for my different exercise levels.
Now it's time to set up the table of contents.
To do this, we'll go to the first slide and enter all the names of the slides we want to link to.
To link to a slide, I'll select the word 'Introduction', for instance, and click the link icon,
go to 'Slides in this presentation' and select my first slide.
I'll repeat this for all of the other items in this list and when I'm done, I'll copy the entire table of contents
and paste it in the left pane of all my other slides.
Now I can start filling up my blank slides with content, knowing that all the links link to the right slide.
You can add slides to your presentation in between the slides that you've linked to.
Do realize, however, that if you want to add a slide to your table of contents,
you'll have to add the link and update the table of contents on every slide in your presentation.
Now you're ready to share this presentation with your class using Google Classroom,
or by publishing the presentation and sharing the link with your students in your LMS.
Good luck, and have fun!
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