5 Television Actors who Dated One and Married Another
Escaped Alabama inmate captured in Tequesta - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How to replace front wheel bearing AUDI A4 B5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.-------------------------------------------
UPSIDE-DOWN Rivers On Mars?! (Response to MinutePhysics) - Duration: 3:06.Hi this is Emily from MinuteEarth.
A little while back, Henry made this great MinutePhysics video about how the weird symmetry
of light and shadows on a landscape can make it really hard for your brain to tell which
features are popping out and which ones are dented in, especially if you're not sure
where the light is coming from.
This re-ignited an old debate we had here at MinuteEarth, about THIS photo of the surface
of Mars.
That sinuous pattern on the landscape is an ancient stream channel – which is cool because
it means that liquid water used to flow on Mars – but that crater above it has a shadow
in the top left, which means the light in the image must be coming from the top left,
which seems to suggest that the stream channel is actually sticking up above the surrounding
But...that can't be right, right?
I mean, river channels should obviously be valleys, since they've been carved into
the ground.
This seemed like such a basic fact to me that, even when everyone else on my team said they
saw this as a ridge, my brain kept telling me it was a valley.
It turns out that, not only was my brain lying, but this stream channel is an example of a
weird geological process that essentially turns landscapes inside out, creating inverted
If you live in a cold climate, you may have actually seen something like this happen with
compacted footprints in the snow – as the sun melts the fluffier snow around them, they
can end up sticking out, like this.
The same thing can happen to a river valley.
For instance, say you've got a stream running through a desert.
Sometimes there is so little rain that the stream dries up.
As it does, some groundwater is actually drawn upward by capillary action, and as it rises
and evaporates, dissolved minerals in it are left behind and precipitate out, coating the
sediments in the riverbed and cementing them together.
As the stream flows and dries up over and over again, more and more cement accumulates,
making the riverbed harder and more resistant to erosion than the surrounding rock.
Over the eons, wind erodes that softer rock, turning the channel into an inverted version
of its former self.
We can't know exactly how this Martian riverbed got turned inside out without getting down
on the ground and digging around a little, but we can make some good guesses by studying
inverted relief on our home planet.
You can even find your own examples on Google Earth; just be warned that trying to figure
out what's rightside-up and upside-down could turn your brain inside-out.
Hi, this is Ever and I illustrated this video.
Lots of you have asked how I create animated effects like this one.
It's not magic; in fact, it's pretty easy to do if you've got the right tools - and
the right teacher.
I was never one for formal school, but the online classes from experts at Skillshare
are perfect if you're a self-directed learner like me.
You can try out skillshare's impressive library of 17,000 how-to classes on everything
from video editing to T-shirt design.
The first 200 people to click the link in the description will get a 2 month free trial.
【XÔI MẬN tv】TẬP 2: VỊT HÓA THIÊN NGA (phiên bản thảm họa ) - Đỉnh cao makeup | Don't Judge Challenge - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Become The Hero | Ant-Man (2015) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:46.This isn't the first time these guys
have tried to get their hands on game-changing weaponry.
That's Mitchell Carson, Ex-Head of Defense at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Presently in the business of toppling governments.
He always wanted my tech.
And now, unless we break in and steal the Yellowjacket
and destroy all the data,
Darren Cross is gonna unleash chaos upon the world.
I think our first move should be calling the Avengers.
I spent half my life
trying to keep this technology out of the hands of a Stark.
I'm sure as hell not gonna hand-deliver it to one now.
This is not some cute technology like the Iron Man suit.
This could change the texture of reality.
Besides, they're probably too busy dropping cities out of the sky.
Okay, then why don't you just send the ants?
Scott, they are ants.
Ants, they can do a lot of things, but they still need a leader.
Somebody that could infiltrate a place that's designed to prevent infiltration.
Hank, I'm a thief, all right? I mean, I'm a good thief, but this is insane.
He's right, Hank. And you know it.
You've seen the footage, you know what Cross is capable of.
I was against using him when we had months,
and now we have days.
I'm wearing the suit.
Absolutely not!
I know the facility inside and out. I know how Cross thinks.
I know this mission better than anybody here.
We need you close to Cross. Otherwise, this mission cannot work.
- We don't have time to screw around! - Hope, please listen to me...
He is a criminal! I'm your daughter.
She's right, Hank.
I'm not your guy.
Why don't you wear the suit?
You think I don't want to?
I can't.
I spent years wearing it,
and it took a toll on me.
You're our only option.
Before Hope lost her mother,
she used to look at me like I was the greatest man in the world.
And now she looks at me and there's just disappointment.
It's too late for me,
but not for you.
This is your chance.
The chance to earn that look in your daughter's eyes.
To become the hero that she already thinks you are.
It's not about saving our world.
It's about saving theirs.
Damn. That was a good speech.
I need you to be the Ant-Man.
Tuesday, August 1st: What I Learned at Summer Camp - Duration: 7:16.-------------------------------------------
Ysgard and Limbo - D&D Lore - Duration: 7:43.Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
The next planes to discuss are Ysgard and Limbo.
I have no idea how to correctly pronounce Ysgard.
I'm assuming Ysgard…
I did search the internet looking for a pronunciation guide, but came up with nothing.
If you know how to pronounce it let me know in the comments below.
Brush off your International Phonetic Alphabet skills.
So Ysgard is a Chaotic Good/Neutral plane.
So really chaotic and 50/50 Good and Neutral.
It's interesting, Ysgard is one these planes right on the cusp of one alignment or another.
Arcadia was like this too, Super lawful but good and neutral at the same time.
Ysgard is the a place of heroes and glories.
It is where wars rage and valor is proved.
It is the battleground of eternity.
Ysgard has dark caverns, soaring mountains, and deep fjords.
A biting wind always blows at a hero's back.
It has seasons that reach exhausting extremes, harsh winters and scorching summers.
Ysgard is home of all the slain heroes who wage eternal battle on the fields of glory.
When a hero falls in Ysgard they rise again the next morning to continue their eternal war
I imagine all those barbarians and fighters, that get their glory and honor on the battlefield
wind up here.
Ya know Klingons..
Ysgard is probably just Stovokor.
Kingdoms of giants, humans, dwarves, gnomes and other beings are present in Ysgard.
Heroes come and test their might against the plane itself but also dragons and other creatures
that reside here as a test of might.
Ysgard is a series of floating islands or continents that floats atop immense rivers
of earth, flowing forever through an endless sky.
Fire rages under each earth river, giving off a reddish glow on the top.
Large earthquakes can occur when chunks of earth on these rivers collide with one another,
sometimes spawning new mountain ranges.
The 3.5 book says that some Greyhawk deities exist here, Kord the god of Strength and Olidammara
the patron of thieves reside in Ysgard.
The 2nd edition manual of the planes said that the Norse Pantheon of gods have a place
in Ysgard too, but in 2nd edition this plane was known as Gladsheim.
Same place though, shifting rivers of earth, three layer plane, you get the idea.
Speaking of the layers, there are three!
Ysgard the top layer, Muspelheim the second layer and Nidavellir the third layer.
Ysgard floats in the sky above the churning earth rivers.
It is the most well known and well traveled of the three layers.
It's dotted with dozens of huge halls, smoking battlefields, and hilly terrain leading to
cold seas.
The middle layer Muspelheim is made up of those earth rivers.
Some continent sized or larger.
The ground smokes and burns and is known as the Land of Fire.
It's hot here, and Fire Giants make their home on this layer.
The ground eventually rolls toward some fiery mountains known as the Serpent Spine.
This is where the majority of the Fire Giants live, building barricades and watch towers
to defend their territory from rival clans.
The third layer Nidavellir is under the earth.
It's a chaotic array of tunnels that open into large caverns where numerous dwarves live
It's warm here, heated by hot springs and geysers.
Underground forests grow here with strange wood that needs no sun, only heat to grow.
Caverns of clear quartz and precious minerals are very common.
There are Dwarven and Gnome kingdoms here and most of the layer's inhabitants are
mortal but a some petitioners live here as well.
Really this third layer is a giant weapon and armor building factory.
The Dwarves and Gnomes are constantly crafting hoping to advance their smithing, runecrafting,
and magic.
Strange enough the Drow are also here, underground.
Although not as evil as their Material Plane cousins they mostly want to be left alone,
but occasional fights break out with the other races.
The Chaotic Neutral realm of Limbo!
This place is interesting.
Known as the Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo it is where everything, and nothing, is possible.
It is where raw chaos seethes and where the elements come to die.
Limbo is filled with this magical Miasma.
Which can form into any element, or even a structure.
It's a soup of impermanent matter and energy.
Stone melts into water that freezes into metal, then turns into diamond that burns up into
smokes that becomes snow.
And on and on in endless unpredictable change.
It is where everything, and nothing, is possible.
It's where raw chaos lives eternal.
Landscapes similar to ones found on the material plane drift through the miasma: bits of forest,
meadow, a ruined castle, or a small island.
There is no gravity in Limbo, but a character can drift through the space merely by thinking it.
There are no layers here, or if they are they are continually being created and destroyed
However despite no layers there are three kinds of terrain in Limbo.
Uncontrolled raw areas, controlled areas, and stabilized areas.
Sentient creatures can exert their will upon Limbo and shape, or control the ever changing
They can force a localized calming influence.
Sometimes though there is no control whatsoever, these areas are known as Raw Limbo.
Where everything is chaos in its pure state, no rhyme or reason.
The elements and terrain change at random.
Controlled Limbo is another story.
Controlling a raw area of Limbo is an exercise of the mind.
A character must make a Wisdom check to establish control over a raw section of Limbo.
If he or she succeeds a player has established control over the area and can reshape it as
they desire.
The favorite of adventurers is a chunk of earth with a pocket of atmosphere containing
breathable air.
The area remains under control as long as the controller holds it.
No subsequent checks are necessary.
However another creature can wrestle control of the area from them.
If more than one creature successfully gains control of an area at the same time, control
goes to the contender with the highest intelligence.
Same rules apply if two controlled areas drift and merge together.
The creature with the highest intelligence remains in control.
What happens if two creatures have the same intelligence?
Couldn't find any information on that, so I'd assume you could have an INT ability
contest between the two.
Finally Stabilized Limbo is a section created by a creature with high wisdom, like twenty
or higher.
It is the center of a controlled section of Limbo, and is basically more stable than that
For lack of a better term.
Several industrious creatures could bring bits of stabilized earth together and use
them as the foundation for more permanent structures.
Especially if tended by guardians.
The Slaadi and Githzerai are common inhabitants of Limbo.
The Slaadi have been native to Limbo since time began with the githzerai arriving later.
They came seeing a plane available for conquer, a challenge to their indomitable spirits.
The Slaadi control limbo just like travelers do but seem to have an uncanny sense of it.
They don't lose control if they're unconscious and the area of control surrounds the slaad
To view a slaad traverse through limbo would be curious sight as it shapes the elements
so close to it's body it appears to travel through fireballs and molten rock without
They range in gangs from two to five and hunt the drifts of chaos for food.
The primordial home of the slaadi is the spawning stone.
Which the slaad return to for their mating season.
The Githzerai congregate in cities and monasteries.
They learn how to be a deadly fighters or spellcasters in the city and follow the way
of the monk in their monasteries.
Their buildings do not reflect the use of gravity, so it's not uncommon for walls
or stairs to be missing from certain structures.
The Githzerai and the Githyanki were once one race but a civil war started between them.
Dividing the race in two and putting them each on a separate path.
The Githyanki typically live in the Astral Sea with the Githzerai living in Limbo.
And that's it for today.
Web DM, another great DnD channel, did a really great video on Slaadi and how weird they are, you should check it out.
Next week, since I've already covered the Abyss, with be Pandemonium and Carceri.
Stay tuned!
As always thanks for watching and I'll see you next Wednesday.
How President Donald Trump's Lies Impact White House Staff | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
Health officials seek knitters' help in campaign to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Rep. Charlie Dent: GOP Is Working With President Donald Trump White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Laboratory Fight Scene | Ant-Man (2015) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:10.What do you call the only man
who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world?
The most powerful man in the world.
You proud of me yet?
You can stop this, Darren. It's not too late.
It's been too late for a long time now.
What are you doing?
He wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me.
This is not who you are.
It's the particles altering your brain chemistry.
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You're right. I have to be the one to do it.
Here we go.
Drop your gun.
You know, I came to the house the other night to kill him,
but you were there.
You're sick and I can help you. Just put the gun down.
I wasn't ready to kill you then,
but I think I am now!
Drop your gun now!
You picked the wrong side, Hope.
Hank, no.
No, Hank.
Hank? Listen, you're gonna be okay.
All right? You're gonna be just fine.
Take the suit off, or I'll blow your brains out and peel it off.
We got a 10-33 at Pym Tech.
Request immediate backup!
Go, go, go!
Get me to the roof.
And radio ahead.
I want to make sure the helicopter is ready to take off.
You two,
kill anything that comes out of that vault!
Dad, can you move?
We need to get him out of here.
Go get that suit.
Hey, Scotty.
Hey, did I save your life?
Thank you, Luis.
- Are we the good guys? - Yeah.
- We're the good guys, right? - Yeah, we're the good guys.
Feels kinda weird, you know.
Yeah, but we're not done yet.
Get out of here before this place blows!
Managing your accounts with Active Trader Pro® | Fidelity - Duration: 6:37.Active Trader Pro gives you the power to effectively
manage your account information and monitor your
investment portfolio. You have the ability to customize
your view and focus on what's most important to you.
Use a prebuilt layout, such as Portfolio Monitor, or create
your own layout to display the tools you use to monitor
your account. At a glance, see how you're doing for the day.
You can drill down into each account or holding for
detailed information based on your needs. From this
window you have access to real-time positions with
streaming market data. From the drop down menu, you
can access multiple options views, up to ten years of closed
positions, along with your balances and nearly 5 years
of history. Double-click on any position to populate the
position into Trade Armor and News. Notice that these
windows are linked which allows the symbol to populate
across windows. Within Trade Armor, see how the stock
is doing intraday as well as a position's intraday and
total gain/loss. View any open orders or price alerts
you may have for that security. You also have the
ability to trade options from here. Also, access news
and research for each security. Along with viewing
your positions, you can view Account Groups
and user-created Watch Lists, along with pre-defined
Indices and Futures lists. You can also open
multiple Watch List instances to view more than one
list of securities you're tracking. Looking for a place to
track all your investment ideas? Access the Notebook
from the News & Research menu or the quick
launch button, or better yet, click the note icon in
Positions or Watch List to instantly capture your
thoughts. Easily filter notes by symbol or keyword
and stay aware of upcoming earnings and dividend
events for companies of interest. Let's do a deeper
dive into how to access, navigate and customize
balances, positions and watch lists. From the toolbar,
access your account information by selecting Accounts.
Here you can easily launch positions, balances,
account summary, and other tools from Fidelity.com
including Bill Pay, Account Features, and more.
Let's look at Account Summary.
First, with All Accounts selected, easily view your
total portfolio value as well as the value of each account.
Select any of your accounts from the drop down menu
to get a closer look. View gain/loss figures, key balance
information, and open positions and orders. In the Price
Improvement section, see the dollar savings you may
have received versus the quote at the time your order
was submitted. Fidelity works with market centers to
ensure that you receive the best possible execution quality.
Going back to the Accounts menu, choose Balances.
From here, you can select a specific account. View your total
account value including cash available to trade
and intraday buying power. Collapse and expand fields
to reflect as much or as little data as needed.
To view positions you can either open a new instance
of the account tool from the toolbar by selecting
positions, or switch to positions from the balance tool.
Hold a position in more than one account? Finding it is easy.
From the action menu for any symbol driven tool,
position, or watch list, select Find position in all accounts.
You'll get a quick list of each account you hold
the position in as well as the quantity and value owned.
From this window you have the opportunity to quickly
sell a position from all of your accounts by simply
selecting the Close All button. This will launch either
the single trade or multi-trade ticket depending on the
number of accounts the security is held in. To access
tax lots, select View Lots from the action menu and
review cost basis and unrealized gain and loss data.
Whether in a position or watch list, there are several
short cuts and actions designed to simplify and
customize your experience. For example, trading.
Simply right click or select the action
menu next to the symbol you wish to trade.
Or for a faster shortcut to set up a trade, click
on the Bid or Ask to open a pre-populated trade ticket.
Your watch lists are also easily accessible from
within the integrated account and watch list tool.
Easily open multiple watch lists. Select a new instance
of the watch list from the toolbar. Use Manage to edit,
delete, or create new watch lists. Let's create a new
watch list. First, name your watch list [2 second pause]
Then enter the symbols you wish to follow.
[4 second pause] You may also enter quantity and price
for further detail. Use the up and down
arrows at the bottom of the screen to reorder symbols
to your liking. Finally, select Create to save your watch list.
You can sort any column by clicking on the column header.
[1 second pause] Sort ascending, descending
and to get back to the original sort, click a third time.
Re-ordering columns is easy with just a simple
drag and drop. To add or delete fields select the Manage
function or go to settings. With over 80 fields available
to choose from, you can build a flexible and powerful
view of your positions and watch list. Through the Apply
to menu, you can set the specific columns to display for
each account, watch list, or for all accounts or all
watch lists. And if you're interested in maintaining a
position or watch list outside of the platform or
printing a list, use the Export feature available via
right click. Make your account information work
for you; customize your view and see what matters most
–helping you to make important investment decisions
faster and easier.
Baroness von Sketch Show | Mom Jeans | IFC - Duration: 2:16.Oh, yeah.
These are great!
Oh, yeah.
Those are the boyfriend jeans.
They really suit you.
Woman: Oh, those are awesome.
Janet: Yeah?
I think these are the mom jeans, right?
No, no, those are the Aunt Sheila jeans.
They're high-waisted like a mom jean, but they
have more room in the crotch. -Is that good?
Oh, yeah. You can keep Kleenex, orange peels in there.
Maybe a mint. Whatever you like.
Oh and um if you notice, the zipper only comes halfway up.
Janet: Yeah?
And your shirt comes through like this.
Oh look that's so neat!
Woman: Yeah, that's cute.
Oh, I love those, they're fantastic!
I think so too.
They're the slutty cousin jeans.
Oh, and check this out.
Janet: Yes, work it!
I'm actually not even working it.
They're just so tight I can't move any other way.
Oh, my. -Right?
Love it, yeah.
Oh I love those!
Those are a keeper!
Karen: So hot.
That's a skirt, yeah?
Oh, no.
Those are the new "Sister Wife" jeans.
I just love how they're completely
hiding your body shape.
Mmm hmm.
Oh, you know, and if you buy them,
They come with three matching pairs for free.
Oh, cool.
Janet: Guys?
Really, I love them, but I'm really not sure about them.
I mean, I just don't know
if they're, like, a great fit.
Yeah, those are the ex-husband jeans.
Most people find them disappointing.
I want them to work so badly.
I want them to work so badly, but they just don't.
Listen, um, if you don't want to wear them,
do you mind if I try them?
Karen, how dare you?
What? I wouldn't wear them right away
like I'd wait a couple months.
Oh my god!
Not cool, Karen.
Not cool, Karen.
Not cool.
I would never wear them around you!
Janet! -What?
Janet, it's okay, honey.
It's okay.
Janet? -Okay, just you come in.
Woman: No, Karen.
Oh so you don't want them,
but nobody else can wear the jeans
that finally make them happy?
You put on slutty cousin jeans once,
and everybody freaks out.
Loại Nước Tắm 1 Lần Da "Trắng 1 Đời", Hiệu Quả Gấp 100 Lần Kem Trộn Trắng Da Siêu Tốc Chỉ Sau 1 Đêm - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Drinking Coffee Everyday | 6 Ways in Which Coffee Prevents illness - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Sådan udskifter du hjulleje foran på AUDI A4 B5 GUIDE | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.Use a socket №17
Use a socket №24
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №16
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing.
Mit Kindern zum Zahnarzt - ERGO Direkt - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Cum se înlocuiesc rulmentul butucului roții din față pe AUDI A4 B5 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 17:10.Use a socket №17
Use a socket №24
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №16
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Using hydraulic press, press off the hub bearing
How to Send & Receive Text Message on Your Moto Z2 Force Edition | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 2:32.Text Messaging:
Send a Text Message.
From the home screen, select the Messages app;
to compose a message, select the Compose icon;
enter the desired phone number or contact;
to enter additional phone numbers,
from the recipient's field,
enter the desired additional numbers or contacts;
then select the Checkmark icon;
select the message field, then enter the desired message.
To use speech-to-text,
select the Microphone icon; then say the desired message;
select the Microphone icon again when finished.
To add an attachment, select the Attach icon;
navigate to, and select, the desired attachment;
to send the message, select the Send icon.
Read a Text Message.
When a new text message is received,
you will see the text message icon in the notification bar.
From the Messages app,
select the desired message thread.
To view an attachment, select the desired attachment.
To save the attachment select the Save icon.
To reply to a text message,
select the Message field, and enter the desired message;
select the Send icon.
Forward a Text Message.
To forward a message,
from the thread, select and hold the desired message;
select the Forward icon;
then select the desired recipient,
or select the Add icon to send to a new recipient.
Delete a Text Message.
To delete a message
from the thread, select and hold the desired message;
select the Delete icon;
select "DELETE" to confirm.
To delete a message thread,
from the Messaging app,
select and hold the desired message thread;
select the Delete icon;
select "DELETE" to confirm.
Block Text Messages.
To block a number,
from the Messages app, select the desired message thread;
select the Block icon;
select "OK".
To unblock a number,
from the Messages app, select the Menu icon;
select "Blocked contacts";
select "UNBLOCK" next to the desired contact.
[♪AT&T jingle♪]
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