Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 22 2017

What I find fascinating about textiles

is the structure of textiles is the same to the structure of touch screens,

which we are using in everyday mobile devices and tablets.

That means that if you just replace some of the threads in textiles

with conductive threads,

you should be able to weave the textile,

which can recognize a variety of simple touch gestures

just like any normal touch pad you have a mobile phone.

So if you can hide or weave interactivity and input devices

into the materials,

that will be the first step to making computers

and computing invisibly integrated into objects,

into the materials in clothing.

So this is exciting to me.

The challenge of creating Jacquard yarn

was to create yarn that is highly conductive

and at the same time, scalable,

which means it could be used on industrial weaving machines

everywhere in the world.

For textile designers or fashion designers or furniture designers,

it is interesting because it is something you're very familiar with.

it's just textile.

We made the yarn very thin and feel so natural.

So it looks like just normal yarn.

The only thing that's different, it's conductive.

We're trying to shrink down all the components

down to the size of a button.

And ultimately this will be something that's so small we can embed

into the manufacturing process.

The idea that Jacquard is an interface

that is blended into the clothing that we wear,

that has an implication the way that you would use

services, products, applications

and anything that we do through our devices.

It's somehow getting the technology out of the way

and making interactions more natural and more seamless.

In terms of what the technology can do,

it's really up to the user and to the designers,

and we expect that users can reconfigure it

as much as they want to.

Software development and fashion design

often don't exist in the same place.

So we're hoping to make it very simple for each of those parties

to collaborate, and we're hoping to provide both software and hardware

knowledge and components to make those collaborations very easy.

We like to think that we have these iconic products

that haven't changed much, but the world is changing.

So I think Jacquard presents a great opportunity

for our brand, for design to open a door to the future.

For more infomation >> Levi's® Commuter™ Trucker Jacket with Jacquard™ by Google, Design Process - Duration: 3:06.


Zemo Triggers Bucky | Captain America Civil War (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:51.

Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?

Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?

Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding.

Set off a bomb, get your picture taken.

Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.

You're saying someone framed him to find him?

Steve, we looked for the guy for two years

and found nothing.

We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads.

Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee

that whoever framed him would get him.

It guarantees that we would.


Tell me, Bucky.

You've seen a great deal, haven't you?

I don't wanna talk about it.

You fear that if you open your mouth,

the horrors might never stop.

Don't worry.

We only have to talk about one.

Come on, guys, get me eyes on Barnes.


Friday, get me a source on that outage.

Sub-level five, East Wing.

What the hell is this?

Why don't we discuss your home?

Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no.

I mean your real home.













Freight car


Ready to comply.

Mission report. December 16, 1991.

Help me.


Get up.

Who are you? What do you want?

To see an empire fall.

For more infomation >> Zemo Triggers Bucky | Captain America Civil War (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:51.


Overcome Negative / Bad Body Image - (Self-Help) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Overcome Negative / Bad Body Image - (Self-Help) - Duration: 2:36.


What Happens If You Have Your Laptop On Your Lap - Duration: 3:40.

Hello everyone.

If you've ever used a laptop computer, you've probably sat with it on your lap while watching

television or sitting in an airport and noticed that it can get quite hot.

And you may have heard that having that laptop on your lap can potentially be hazardous to

your health.

Because, while the computer does not get hot enough to actually burn you, it can lead to


Keep watching this video for some sound advice on what you should be concerned about the

next time you boot up.

The first claim is, hot laptops cause "Toasted Skin Syndrome".

What We Know: In a recent case, a 12-year-old boy developed a sponge-patterned skin discoloration

on his left thigh after playing a computer game for several hours a day over a period

of a few months.

Even though he noticed that the laptop was getting hot, he didn't move it.

In another case, a Virginia law student sought medical attention after developing a skin

discoloration on her legs.

Dr. Kimberly Salkey, who treated the woman, found that the bottom of her computer, which

she used for several hours each day, reached a temperature of 125 degrees.

Dr. Neil J. Korman, a dermatologist and director of the Clinical Trials Unit at University

Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, said that the medical name for "toasted skin

syndrome" is erythema ab igne, which means "redness by fire."

It's a condition that was originally caused by people sitting for too long in front of

a fire, maybe a fireplace or a space heater.

It is related to the skin having prolonged exposure to a certain high temperature, like

with a laptop.

There was a case of a very obese patient who was resting the laptop on his belly.

He developed discoloration and doesn't go away.

The second claim is, laptops cause cancer.

What We Know: Swiss researchers, Drs. Andreas Arnold and Peter Itin from University Hospital

Basel did a study that found some evidence that a hot laptop could lead to skin damage

that might develop into skin cancer.

Although they said that this is very rare, the risk is still real.

They do not cite any specific cases of skin cancer from laptop use, but they did suggest

in their study placing a carrying case or pad between your body and the laptop.

There is a risk of skin cancer that can occur from erythema ab igne but it's very uncommon.

It's more of a theoretical risk.

The third claim is, laptops cause infertility in men.

What We Know: According to researchers at the State University of New York at Stony

Brook, there is a direct correlation between laptop use and increased scrotum temperature.

In fact, hot laptops have been found to increase the temperature of scrotums up to 35 degrees

above the normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees.

This increase has a well-documented harmful effect on sperm production, which may lead

to infertility.

As the conclusion, use your common sense.

Meaning, if your laptop feels hot, don't put it on your lap.

Also, some computers are hotter than others so find out the specs before you buy one.

For more infomation >> What Happens If You Have Your Laptop On Your Lap - Duration: 3:40.


Behind The "You're So Beautiful" Music Video ft. Empire/Star | Season 4 | EMPIRE - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Behind The "You're So Beautiful" Music Video ft. Empire/Star | Season 4 | EMPIRE - Duration: 2:17.


Video: Man claims 'bomb' at BWI security checkpoint - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Video: Man claims 'bomb' at BWI security checkpoint - Duration: 0:32.


Congressman Tom Cole talks about current U.S. political climate - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Congressman Tom Cole talks about current U.S. political climate - Duration: 7:56.


Lush How It's Made: Sleepy Body Lotion - Duration: 1:59.

(relaxing music)

- Hey guys, I'm Kelsie and today on How It's Made

we're gonna be making Sleepy Hand and Body Lotion.

And our compounder is gonna be Navi.

So Sleepy came out last year at Christmas time

as an exclusive, but you guys loved it so much

that we decided to bring it back

for a regular year-round product.

So first thing we're gonna do is make two infusions.

The first one is going to be a soothing

oatmeal infusion, and the second is going to be

a nice relaxing lavender infusion.

While these infusions are steeping,

we're gonna be gathering our oils.

We use almond oil and jojoba oil

which are both really hydrating for the skin.

Then we'll mix these with cocoa and illipe butter.

Then we're gonna combine our oils

with the lavender and oatmeal infusions,

and mix it all together.

Next, we'll add our color,

followed by our essential oil blend,

which is a mix of lavender, ylang ylang oil,

and tonka absolute.

Next, we're going to emulsify the lotion,

which is just a fancy way of saying

we're going to make sure the oils and the waters

are blended together into a nice, smooth cream.

Then it's off to get potted,

where we'll add one final touch,

silver snowflake luster.

And that's how you make Sleepy Hand and Body Lotion.

If you're new to our channel, check out

our other videos over here, and if you have an idea

for something you want to see made,

leave a comment down below.

As always, thank you for watching and see ya next time.

For more infomation >> Lush How It's Made: Sleepy Body Lotion - Duration: 1:59.


BREAKING: Trump Sets Massive Record – No President Has Even Come Close To This | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:30.

The mainstre am media has a habit of ignoring stories

that don't support their agenda.

When this new record by President Trump was released, they were all left speechless.

When President Trump first took office on January 20th, 2017, US federal debt was sitting

at a stunning 19.9 trillion dollars.

In half a year, Trump managed to bring the federal debt down over 100 billion dollars,

according to Treasury Direct.

This new record means that Trump has the longest and largest decrease of the US federal debt

in the history of the nation.

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has been performing audits on the US debt

since 1997.

Interesting enough, the federal debt has increased every single year since the audits started

20 years ago.

Many people suggested that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were responsible for debt cuts

this drastic, but this isn't the case.

At the time, House Speaker Newt Gingrich put then-President Clinton on the spot and made

him agree to a balanced budget.

They did manage to cut the debt on a short-term basis, but by the end of the year, the overall

federal debt had still grown larger.

In fact, there's been only one occurrence of anything close to what Trump has done.

When you look at the unaudited information, which stretches back to the time of the Civil

War, there is only one instance where the US Federal government showed a decrease in

the debt.

Ironically, this instance was in 1957 and 1958 when Republican Eisenhower was the president.

Eisenhower managed to cut the debt by two billion d0llars across two years.

Trump has accomplished this in just half of a year.

This should be a huge deal to people, regardless of political affiliation.

However, the mainstream media isn't concerned with reporting the good that Trump has accomplished

because they are too caught up trying to satisfy their own agenda.

They have sat in silence on multiple occasions when Trump made history.

As The Gateway Pundit points out, Trump has helped boost consumer confidence and brought

the stock market to all-time highs across the board, despite not having Wall Street

in his back pocket.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that unemployment has dropped sharply, especially

considering that Obama put unemployment in the opposite direction.

Since Trump's inauguration, unemployment has gone from 4.8 percent to 4.4 percent,

as opposed to Obama's 7.8 percent to 9.5 percent during the same timeframe.

The real estate market is also soaring.

Most houses on sale in 2011 took 84 days to sell; now they are down to 45 days.

The US Census Bureau points out that the number of sales has doubled compared to the early

period of Obama's term.

Yet, despite all of this, the Liberal mainstream media has gone out of their way to bring us

fake news stories like the Russian collusion conspiracy, and now, allegations that Trump

is a racist because he despises Antifa as much as he dislikes neo-Nazis.

Hopefully, through the coming years, people learn the truth about President Trump.

He has made an incredible, monumental difference in the country and has not even finished his

first year in office.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Sets Massive Record – No President Has Even Come Close To This | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:30.



For more infomation >> CIRURGIA DE JOELHO EM LUTADORES DE MMA - Duration: 2:22.


CringeSquadPvP - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> CringeSquadPvP - Duration: 0:16.


BanglaVision Live News | 22_August_2017 | Bangla tv News | Bangla news today - Duration: 23:46.

Live Bangla vision News today

Bangla vision news

Bangla tv news

Bangla news today

Today bangla news

For more infomation >> BanglaVision Live News | 22_August_2017 | Bangla tv News | Bangla news today - Duration: 23:46.


SPEAK ENGLISH EASILY – Vowels, Consonants and Syllables – Basic English Grammar Lesson - Duration: 24:24.

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We all know that in alphabet

there are 26 letters.

Out of which

A very warm welcome to my channel WIKIPIDDY

and here is your new host


Since it's my first video with you all,


I'm going to start

for the beginners

as well as for beginning with the grammar too

that is

the alphabets.

Vowels and consonants.

We all know this is the basic part

of the English grammar.

What ever we do with English

we move forward, we have to know

this basic part of the alphabet

along with it's division of alphabet

which has been classified into vowels and consonants.

In my today's video,

I will describe

the whole alphabet chapter

along with the vowels and consonants

and the important part


which is the basic part while doing spellings

and construction of sentences.

I hope this will help a lot to you

while doing the grammar

and for beginners

it will be a big wealth.


lets begin with the basic part of the English grammar

that is

vowels and consonants.

We all know that in alphabet

there are 26 letters.

Out of which

5 are vowels

and rest 21 are


I am going to discuss about the whole part

of the vowels and consonants


how to identify

which are vowels and which are consonants

and what's the difference

between the vowels and consonants.

I have made a tree over here, you will see

I have written in the main, it's alphabet.

We all know there are alphabet from A to Z.

That means there are total 26 letters

in the alphabet.

Out of which 5 are vowels,

that is a, e, i, o, u.


if I like to define the vowels,

What will be the definition of vowels?

further most we have to know


vowels are the soul of the English


Why I'm saying they are sole of the English alphabet?

It's very important to know.

Without the vowels,

we are unable to speak any word,


to make any words.

And why I am saying so,

vowels are the letters

which are pronounced

with open sounds

which makes open sounds.

That means,

when we pronounce these letters

our mouth get wide open.

Without being stopped

anywhere inside the mouth

by our lip, throat, tongue.

If I pronounce A you will see

that our mouth is getting wide open and out breath

is going out.





In all these 5 letters pronunciation,

the sound is coming out

with an open mouth.

That means

you will have to be very clear about the vowels,

they are independently spoken.

They don't need anyone's help.

Just the opposite is the consonants.

Other than a,e,i,o,u;

all the other letters are consonants.

That means there are 21 letters left,

so all those 21 letters are consonants

that is,

b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

So these are all consonants.

And the difference between vowel and consonant,

the most important point is

consonants always needs help of a vowel

while speaking.

That means

without the help of the vowel

we can't speak consonant.

I am giving you one rough example


for a sake of pt.


it doesn't makes any word.

number 1

And when we are writing it,

we can't speak it properly.

But in between pt if we write any vowel,


e, it will become pet.

That means at that time,

it is taking a turn

and forms a


and that is a meaningful word.





consonants always needs help of a vowel while speaking.

And when we pronounce consonant,

our sound gets blocked inside our mouth

by our lips,

tongue, throat.

It doesn't comes out.

In vowels the sounds comes out.

But in consonants the sounds gets blocked

inside our mouth.

That is the basic difference between vowel and consonant.

And the second important point is

consonant always needs help of a vowel

while speaking.

If there is no vowel between the consonants,

a word won't be formed

and while speaking

it won't term properly

and that is why

we will fail to pronounce that word.

Like pt doesn't means any word

and also while speaking that word,

we can't speak it properly.

I have written the definition of each

For vowel,

vowel is a letter standing for a open sound

that can be spoken independently

That means vowel doesn't need help of anyone.

It is independent.

They are capable own self

while pronouncing them.

A, E, I, O, U.

Only there are 5 vowels.

Don't mistake any time and put any other letters

and put it in the vowel section and make it a vowel.


It is a grammatical law

and we have to know

there are only 5 vowels

exists in this world.

And the definition of consonants is,

A consonant is a letter that can sound

with the help of

some vowels or semi vowels only.

I am coming to this second part that is semi vowel.

Now just concentrate on the vowel part

A consonant is a letter that needs the help of a vowel



Just now I have given a raw example with pt.

I hope it's clear.

So the alphabet have been classified further

Into more two parts

that is semi vowel and semi consonant.

First lets talk about semi vowel.

These are the two peculiar quality

that vowel has

as well as consonant have.

But not all the letters of vowels,

and not all the letters of consonants.

There are 2 consonants,

that is w and y,

they have a peculiar quality.

You can say they have dual personality.

That means, they sometimes play

a role of a vowel too

besides the role of a consonant.

They are consonant for sure,

but sometimes they also play the role of


and when they play that role of vowel,

that time we are terming it as

semi vowel.

Two consonants of the alphabet

have a peculiar quality,

they are w and y,

they sound as vowels and sometimes as


Non-vowels means consonants

and sometimes as a vowel.

It's something like very tricky,

but it is true



which concedes the alphabet part.

Let's see,


see when we are pronouncing,

actually this

complete chapter is based on pronunciation.

Nothing else.

How we are pronouncing,

which words are being pronounced.

Are there hissing sound,

or they are getting mute.

It's all about that.

So when we are saying cow.


if you follow it carefully,

keep your mind calm, you will see

that while pronouncing,

in the last sensation word

you are seeing,

'u' being pronounced.



In this case 'e' is being pronounced



recall your mind you will see 'e' is being pronounced.


It's very easy,

'u' is being pronounced.

We are hearing as if there are,

the last letter is ending with the, vowel.

But actually not.

They are ending with consonant.

That is why,


we are getting the hint sound,

of a vowel,

we are terming it as semi vowel, not complete vowel.

Means they are playing the role of a vowel.

Similar to this, there are semi consonant also.

Semi consonant, just the opposite of semi vowel.

That means,

there is one vowel

particular one vowel is there out of 5

that is 'u',

which is a vowel

for sure,

but in some cases

it acts as a consonant.

That means

this letter also plays a dual characteristic

just like w and y.

But here,

it's plays the role of a consonant.

Being a vowel, it's playing the role of a consonant.

There is only one letter,

and that is, u.

As vowel,

cup, pulse, fuel.

These are simple,

these are coming under the vowel section only.

When we are saying a, e, i, o, u.

Write some words,

where vowel 'u' will be there.

Then these are the words,

cup, pulse, fuel.

But as non-vowel,

that means as a consonant,

this 'u' is being treated as consonant also.

In sound, they are

sounding as




See, union


In these all cases,

we are not getting the sound of a vowel.

We are getting the opposite

that is consonant.

The sound of a consonant is coming.

But not particular sound

which we are used to get

for cow, my, fly, dew.

Here all a, e, i, o, u sounds being heard or pronounced.

But in this case,

we are not getting

any pronunciation of a, e, i, o, u.


these are semi consonants.

So semi vowel and semi consonant

are the vowel and consonant

which sometimes plays

the role of the opposite.

Firstly, they are completely vowel

if it is a semi consonant.

And secondly they are playing the role of


So it is nothing other than that.

They are just playing both the qualities

and so we are terming it as semi.

But they won't fall in the category

by mistake don't make

w and y

and u in the consonant, no.

This is just for our understanding

we make it like semi vowel and semi consonant

by going through research we have found

while pronunciation

that's why we have concluded

as semi vowel and semi consonant.


my last part is


What is syllables?

Let me first readout the definition then I am going to the


A single vowel or a group of letters

with one vowel sound

is called a


For example.

I say 'i',

we know I itself is

a vowel.

Or 'o'

itself is a vowel.


same itself is a vowel.


may is the word

and in this word may

we are seeing there is only one vowel is present

and that is


These both are consonant.


here also one vowel is present

out of 4 letters,

rest three are



I am writing over here, there is one syllable.

Why i am writing one syllable?

That means,


these words

one vowel is only being getting sound.

So when one vowel is being sound,

that is a syllable, of course

and that is also one syllable. Why?

We are pronouncing and sounding only one


These are single that means one.

and these two words,

one vowel is being getting sound.

So that is why it is only one syllable.

So its clear what syllable is.

The letters

or the words

group of letters that means word itself

a vowel is being sound

a single one vowel

then only it is termed as


When we are saying two syllables that means

there must be two vowels.

Let see,


s a i

l o r

we are syllabicating these two


of this word sailor.

In first part

we are saying,

There are

sai - lor

You are seeing there are two letters are present with

which are vowels.


And in my second part,

there is only one vowel is present and that is 'o'.


In this case

you might get confused that,

there are two vowels

inspire of that I'm writing two syllables

means I'm taking two



Just now I told that in syllables

we have to be very clear about the pronunciation.

In this whole chapter only.

When we are saying sailor,

we will see


the 'a' sound is coming

but the 'i' sound remains


For that

I have to term it as


one vowel only

and in the second part,


only one vowel is getting pronounced, 'o'.

That is why I am terming it as two syllables.

Don't make mistake over here by seeing the 'a' 'i'

and make it three syllables.

It is very common, most of you will be doing it and

even sometimes asks me

that mam there are three syllables,

three vowels are there.

I have faced many questions like that.

But this is the important thing you have to know,

which sounds are being pronounced

and which remains mute.

Mute is the word we generally use in this chapter

vowels and consonants.

Sometimes there are mute letters,

sometimes we say this letter has been pronounced.

So this is the same case of it.

See my third word


Tomorrow, there is to... 'o'.

In first two letters 'o' is the vowel


In second part,


'o' ,

another vowel,


In my third

section, I have written 'row'

r - o - w



That means its very clear,

there are three vowels

that means it has to be

three syllables.

The vowel sound we are getting is of three vowels.

Understand, same thing.


one vowel, 'u'.

In second part 'der'


and last 'stand'


it is the only vowel.

So same thing,

three vowels are present that's why it is

three syllables.




'e' is the only vowel

then com

c-o-m, com

'o' is another vowel, two.


'e' is the only vowel,


4th, ing

'i' is the only vowel.

So how many vowels I counted off?

1 2 3 4

very simple, that means it has to be

4 syllables.





2 vowels

mend, 'e'




Syllables is a very important part guys,

we have to make it

number wise.

We just don't make it

recom, 1

menda, no.

This is a important part, how to break the word

How to make section


This is a single vowel.

That means it is a syllable, 1.

I have already mentioned, a single vowel.


this word is fulfilling this part.

So see them,

I'm doing the same part of the definition

so that it gets clear to you all.

Then tory,

tory - 'o' is the only vowel.

So, 1 2 3 4 5

so in this particular word

we are crossing 5 vowels

that means there are 5 syllables.

Whenever there are

vowel being sound,

it can be one


It can be two, bi-syllabic.

It can be three, tri-syllabic.

When we see there are more than three syllables,

means after 3, 4 - 5 we say it


That means it is more than three vowels

are present in that word.

I hope this is clear to you all

that how to break the word

how to form syllables

which are mute

which are being pronounced

how to pronounce them

what it will be sound off

This is the whole part of the syllable

and vowel and consonant

Hope it is clear to all of you.

There is no other part linked with this chapter.

This is the basic part of the English grammar.

We all have come across this part

and those who are learning new

they has to learn this part

before moving forward

with any other chapter.

Because without knowing the letters

we can't do anything

because every word


under this section alphabets

and that also under vowels

consonant and syllables

and first of all if we don't know syllables

it will be very difficult for us

to make spellings.

Syllables are very much helpful in spellings

Those who are very week in spellings,

I can give a quick trick to you all.

If you break the word

in syllable form it will be very easy for you

to know the spelling and to mug up also.

Because sometimes we come across spellings

which consists of 10 letters

or 5-7-8 letters

that time we get confused

what will be the spelling.

Like see, there are 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

In one word there are 14 letters.

So it might get confused what will be the spelling.

Sometimes we might miss the 'a'.

We just write recomend-tory.

So for that case,

if you make the syllable

means the breaking


it will be helpful for pronunciation,

you can improve your pronunciation skill.

As well as

writing spellings also.

So just go through this chapter

through my video

I think it will be very much clear

and will be very good guide for you all.

So at last I finished my first

episode of English grammar

that is alphabet

vowels, consonants and syllables.

If you like my video don't forget to hit the like button

and please subscribe my channel, it's WIKIPIDDY

and also hit the bell icon to get all the notifications.

Have some time and do visit my food blog

You can keep in touch with me in social medias.

All links are there in the description box.


I am ending over here.

I will be back soon

In my next episode

with some other part of the grammar

till then it's Piddy


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