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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds August 2017 Update - Report Players, New Weapons & More! - Duration: 3:09.I'm Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here taking a must-needed break from playing PUBG to, well,
talk about PUBG.
The details for this month's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds update have dropped, and man,
there's a lot of changes to discuss!
Along with the usual Dacia-load of optimizations on the server and client sides, the recently
announced MK14 EBR has now been added to the game.
This DMR is available only via Care Packages, but if you grab it, you'll be wielding a
weapon that uses the common 7.62mm rounds, and which can be further pimped out with sniper
rifle attachments.
Pull a John Travolta or Nick Cage with the two new face presets and hairstyle customization
for both genders.
Moving onto gameplay tweaks, there's this big one: "Added 1st Person server options
to NA and EU Solo and Duo game modes."
That promises to make things very interesting indeed.
And yes, this comes bundled with an FOV slider!
A new feature has been added that lets you report players.
So if you spot Dr Disrespect team-killing again... it's now even easier to exact revenge.
New animations for different consumables have been added, so I guess we'll be seen chugging
energy drinks now, which is cool...
The VSS has got a game-breaking buff and we should all quit the game now!
Only joking, it's had its reload time increased.
As if you'd actually survive getting through that first magazine load!
"Players may now re-enter games if they have been disconnected mid-game."
Now this is a good one!
Hopefully you appear at the same position and with all the loot you had.
The masochists amongst you will be happy to hear that Xbox controllers are now officially
supported by the game.
Two more slight tweaks that are worth pointing out are 1.
"The sound difference from inside and outside of buildings is more obvious," and 2.
"Added a slight delay when using the drag-and-drop feature on items in inventory UI."
Noteworthy item and vehicle changes include the addition of a lower rail attachment slot
to the SKS, and the slightly reduced time of applying medical resources.
Oh, and you can now honk your horn when driving a car!
PlayerUnknown has also listed a load of minor UI and Bug Fixes, which you really don't
need to hear me read.
Follow the link in the description, if you want to see the entire list.
Moving on from the patch, to the controversy surrounding PUBG and micro-transactions.
PlayerUnknown gave further details on the upcoming "Crate and Key System," hoping
to clarify things.
I'll quote him verbatim here, just so everything is clear: "Like the current free-to-open
system, you will be limited in the number of crates you can receive each week, with
the crate prices being reset each Monday.
Currently, this limit is set to 6 crates per week, and you are free to trade them on the
Steam Marketplace.
I also want to point out that the full cosmetic system is still being discussed internally,
and we are taking your concerns into consideration when it comes to the ability to get free cosmetics
by playing the game."
Following his statement were images showing the contents of the new "free-to-open"
crates: The Survivor Crate and The Wanderer Crate.
Not too much to get excited about there, if I'm honest, and I'll forever be wearing
camouflage gear anyway.
And so that's the fourth PUBG early access update covered.
What change are you most happy with?
And what do you want to see fixed or added in the next patch?
Let us know in the comments down below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and be sure to subscribe if you haven't
This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye!
Jeep Wrangler Flowmaster Force II Axle-Back Exhaust (2007-2017 JK) Sound Clip & Install - Duration: 6:04.The Flowmaster Force II stainless steel Axle-Back Exhaust is for those of you that have a 2007
and up JK and are looking to change up the look and the sound of your Jeep.
Now because this is a black body but a stainless tip, this isn't going to drastically change
up the look of the back of your Jeep, but you are gonna notice it.
It's not going to be like an all-black dual outlet exhaust, for instance, but it will
be a subtle difference.
You will also note the lower exhaust tone and also the additional exhaust volume that
you get from this system when you compare it to your factory system.
This is a one out of three wrench installation that anyone can do in their driveway in right
around an hour with just some hand tools, and you may need a pry bar as well, but that's
about it as far as the tools necessary to get this installed.
Now this is still going to have a muffler and all of the tubing in the same location
as the factory, so this is certainly not going to be a high-clearance or an off-road rock
crawling exhaust system.
But if you don't have a need or a want for that, this is still going to give you a lower
exhaust note and volume.
Now this system is going to be one of the more expensive single-outlet systems out there,
but that's because this is built of a very high-quality material.
This is going to be a stainless system, it's gonna hold up very well over time.
You're going to get two and a half inch tubing with this system as well as the Flowmaster
muffler here.
The muffler is really where that additional exhaust volume and that lower exhaust note
is going to come from.
The way this muffler is built is going to sound a lot more aggressive than that factory
system would.
And then out the outlet side here, you have two-and-a-half-inch pipe going into a three-inch
brushed stainless tip.
Now the whole system is a 409-stainless steel material, so it's not going to be quite as
high grade as pure 04, you might still get a little bit of surface rust on bits and pieces
of this system, but it's going to be a lot better than an aluminized system as far as
rust resistance goes.
And, because the majority of this system is covered in this high temp black coating, that's
going to be an additional layer of protection against any rust or rock that you might otherwise
get on a system like this.
Because this system does use the same design, it has tubing in the same places as your factory
In fact it also uses the factory hangers.
This is gonna be a very easy install.
But this is a two-piece system, so there's a little bit more to put together than some
of those one-piece systems.
This section here with the actual tail pipe and tip is going to be a separate piece.
Where with some of the other Axle-Back systems on the market that would be welded in place,
not a big deal, doesn't change a lot, it's just one extra clamp to install.
This is a one out of three wrench installation that anyone can do in their driveway in right
around an hour with just some hand tools.
You may need a pry bar as well, but that's about it as far as the tools necessary to
get this installed.
The first step is gonna be removing that factory system which you'll do by removing the one
clamp that holds it in place, and then disassembling the two hangers.
The hangers are gonna be in the same locations, and you can simply remove your factory Axle-Back
from the rubber hanger, give it a couple of twists, a couple of pulls, it'll come right
off the tailpipe and you can set it aside.
Then you'll go ahead and attach the inlet pipe on the rest of the piping from your Jeep,
attaching the clamp there as well.
Finally, set your tail pipe section to the muffler body.
You can leave this clamp a little bit loose to make sure you get everything leveled out
exactly how you like, but do go ahead and attach that and use these hangers to attach
to your factory rubber hangers underneath your JK.
Go ahead and level it, set it exactly how you want it, tighten down those clamps, and
you're finished.
Again, very easy install that you can do in your driveway.
Like I said, this is one of the more expensive single outlet Axle-Backs we have.
This is a $500 exhaust system that is just a single outlet.
This is 409 stainless, which makes it a very high-quality material and you get the high
temp coating on the majority of this system as an extra layer of protection, so I do think
this is gonna hold up really well and you are gonna get a really nice sound out of this.
So, $500 dollars, not a bad price when you consider all the quality.
However, if you are looking for more of a budget-minded system, we do have some less
expensive ones as well.
So if you're looking to change up the sound of your JK I would definitely recommend taking
a look at this Flowmaster Force II system that you can find right here at
កំណាព្យខ្មែរ រស់ជាតិជីវិតនៃក្មេងកំព្រា . ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត . YouTube Help . ខេម . 9999## - Duration: 2:00.NIKA KHMER HD
Baby Learn Making Yummy Sushi Kids Games - TO-FU Oh!SUSHI vs Bad Kids Play Kitchen Cooking - Duration: 14:41.Baby learn making yummy sushi kids games, to-fu oh!Sushi vs bad kids play kitchen cooking, android games, ipad games
Những bài hát tiếng anh lãng mạn cho mùa Valentine - Duration: 23:24.-------------------------------------------
Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs Learn Fruit & Vegetable Outdoor in Garden for Kids Children Toddlers - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Kolekcja Rymowanek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki | Rymowanek - Duration: 1:03:20.The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six,
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching nine by nine,
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten,
The little one stops to shout "The End",
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain.
Get Gigabit Internet Speed For Free ✔ Speedup Internet For Free ✔ Full HD-2017 - Duration: 2:49.Hello Guys! What's up?
Welcome to Computer Repair.
I come back with another tech video.
In this video I'm going to show you
How to get gigabit internet speed for free
Years ago
Gigabit seemed likes a dream.
and recently we know it has been rolling out
it has been rolling out
to several select cities
leaving many of us wondering.
Today I'll show you
How you can get Gigabit right now
for free without having to pay up.
So, Let's take a look
How to do that.
You need two things
The Router provide to you by your internet company
And second, a USB flash drive.
of at least 1GB.
To use 1GB internet connection
You need at least 1GB processing memory.
and you can provide that
with a USB drive.
go to router and look for a USB port on the back
Then Plugging the USB drive on this.
then you can proceed to cycle the router
by unplugging it.
Waiting 30 second
and plugging it again.
As I mentioned it,
you need to use the router
that was provide to you
by your internet company.
I f you buy a router at yourself at the store
This is not be compatible.
and if you find
your router doesn't have USB port on the back.
That means that
your connection doesn't support Gigabit at all.
After you plugging your USB drive,
and cycle your router
you're ready to go to your computer
and check out your brand new internet speed.
and I hope
this tricks will work
at your internet connection also.
That's it.
Thank you for watching this video.
My name is SALIM KHAN.
You're watching Computer Repair.
If you like this video,
Please put a thumps up and appreciate it
Just so the YouTube algorithm knows that
you actually like this video.
and if you've any question,
Please post them in comment section below.
Thank you..
Lx24 - Уголёк (Премьера клипа 2017) - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
8 Ball Pool Tricks New 8 bal pool Country Change Hack [100%] Work {no root} Anti Ban Latest 2017 - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Steeda ST-R Mesh Wheels - Steeda Autosports - Duration: 0:59.Hey gearheads, Jani here with Steeda, and I wanted to take a second to show you
our STR Mesh Wheels.
Here on this beautiful S550, we have a 20 inch set with 9.5s in the front and then 11s in the rear.
Staggered setup.
The ST-R Mesh Wheels are low pressure cast for reduced weight.
They're a beautiful set, finished off in Satin Black and they fit both the S197 and S550 with clearance for big brake kits.
Be sure to check them out at
Dark Hetalia: Poland - Tchnienie wolności (Waft of freedom) - Duration: 1:36.Over shots, bangs, jaw
Yelling to the fight, which heats
More than prayers, crying and moaning
Silent City, silent tree
More than ashes, ashes, rubble
More than houses, which do not have
Desolation living muse, hard earth
Over a quiet amen in the grass
The sudden end at dawn somewhere
Over the death of anyone on
Forever Free, which lives
On any night, in any dawn
There will be no peace in us
Forward march, you need to go
Country calling us at the time of honor
When bad luck, bad people
Heart Cuff you like armor
Shout them with all his strength
Not lost, while the fight!
easy and beautiful rangoli designs for diwali | simple rangoli, easy kolam, easy muggulu - Duration: 1:06.simple rangoli
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