(upbeat opening music)
- 2013, a little snack called the snow-cone
starts to make some noise
and a man by the name of Jack Sikma told us all
that guess what, a center can step outside
and shoot 15 to 17 foot jumpers.
It was also the year that Academy Award nominated actor...
- [Will] Yeah, but he didn't win.
- Michael Shannon.
- He didn't win that year.
- He came on and read a famous viral sorority letter.
- From the Delta Gamma house.
- If Sigma Nu said,
yeah we're going to invite Zeta over,
would you be happy?
Would you?
No, you wouldn't!
- Funny or Die made a movie.
iSteve the Movie.
Shot in I believe was five or six days?
Feature length movie.
Very funny.
Looking into the inside world of a fictitious
Steve Jobs.
- Can I get you anything?
- You know what, get me a coffee, black,
and turtleneck,
- Well I think the idea was there were all
these Steve Jobs movies coming out and
the idea was let's put our Steve Jobs movie out
well before anyone else.
And also showed what Funny or Die can do.
We have the capabilities to make an entire feature film
in five days.
Edit it, release it, show it
which was pretty incredible.
- We do not have the capability to
land a manned spacecraft
on the moon though
which we tried.
- We did.
There were a lot of NDA's signed off of that
and I'm really surprised you're bringing it up.
We did.
We got a VW van...
- It's about to come out anyway.
- I'm not sure it was.
I think it's out now.
But yeah, we got a VW van shell.
Put a bunch of rocket fuel in it.
Lit it on fire and it just exploded.
- A thunderous explosion.
- Half a block.
- It devastated the BevMo down over here.
- I don't know if you guys are fans of BevMo.
This was a beautiful BevMo.
- [Will] Gorgeous BevMo.
- [Adam] State of the art and did a lot...
- Great staff, really looked you in the eye.
- And this is a fun fact.
I have two daughters.
Their names?
Beverly and Mo.
BevMo and no, that's not by accident.
(upbeat closing music)
For more infomation >> Will Ferrell and Adam McKay Remember Our First Movie (10 Years of Funny Or Die - 2013) - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
Quick Tips: Publishing Google Analytics Audiences to DFP - Duration: 2:49.
Hi everyone, I'm Krista Seiden,
Analytics Advocate at Google, and today I'm joined
by Dan Stone, who is a product manager on
Google Analytics. In this Quick Tip video
Dan is going to show us how to publish
Google Analytics audiences to
Double-click For Publishers.
With that, I'm going to go ahead and hand it over to Dan.
Thanks Krista. So there are two things
to make sure you've done before you get
started with this integration.
The first is to make sure that your
Google Analytics and DFP accounts are linked.
And the second is to make sure
that you've enabled remarketing data collection
to enable the audience's to
populate in DFP, and we have a Quick Tip
for how to enable Remarketing Data
Collection in Analytics. It's pretty simple.
So hopefully you get those
started and then navigate to Admin,
and under your Property settings
select Audiences under Audience Definitions.
And this is where you create all of your
audiences from Google Analytics.
Click New Audience and here is where you
select the data source that you'd like
to populate this audience. In this case
I'm just going to leave my Master View from Analytics.
And in Destination account
you should see your DFP account,
and if you don't see here that means
that your DFP account probably hasn't been
linked properly. So once you select
that account click Next Step, and here is
where you define the audience that you
want to publish to DFP.
So I'm going to publish an audience that I find can be
useful and is also sometimes hard to
replicate without Analytics which is for engaged users.
So I'm going to create a
custom segment where Session Duration is
greater than 60 which is basically just
users who spent more than 60 seconds on my site.
And I'm going to call this Engaged Users
greater than 60 seconds.
Here's where I select the membership
duration which is how long users stay on
this audience. I'm going to choose
any number from 1 to 540 days.
I'll choose 90.
And this estimate is showing me how many users
have met this condition over the last 7 days.
And from here all I do is click Save,
and Analytics will start populating this audience,
publishing it to DFP,
and from here you'll start being able to access this
in DFP where you can better monetize
this audience on your own inventory or
perform audience extension using this
audience and the power of Google's Display Network.
Great Dan. Thanks so much for showing us that.
Stephanie Walker's Wednesday forecast - Duration: 2:19.
Wii Music But Its Ear Raped by Ear Rape MASTERS - Duration: 10:38.
Banana-Cheese Pancakes And Other Smart Back-To-School Breakfasts | TODAY - Duration: 4:17.
Tony Stark's Parents Death Scene | Captain America Civil War (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:34.
Please. Help.
Sergeant Barnes?
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 8: 10 Things To Know Before Buying It. - Duration: 3:53.
SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 8: 10 Things To Know Before Buying It.
Where Is Duckworth? [Disney XD DuckTales 2017] | Secret Screening - Duration: 7:02.
This past weekend DuckTales triumphantly premiered its first two episodes, and now begins the
long wait for the series to begin in earnest on Saturday, September 23rd.
So since I have some time, rather than jumping directly into my review, or any deep speculation
on the future of the first season, I'm going to take a look backwards at a mystery that
surprisingly the first two episodes didn't answer.
Namely: Where is Duckworth?
One of the most exciting moments from the DuckTales panel at the D23 Expo was when a
fan asked if Scrooge's dryly-humorous and effete butler Duckworth would also be in the
new series.
Matt Youngberg replied, "We have already premiered Duckworth and nobody's found him."
Ben Schwartz had this to add: "There are some real tasty treats in that opening sequence.
I'd recommend watching multiple times."
The idea of something hidden in the DuckTales footage they've shown so far - Including
teasers, trailers, and the entirety of the first two episodes - is an exciting prospect.
So let's take a closer look at what they've shown us so far, and use context clues to
get a better idea of where or what he might be.
With Ben's recommendation right on the heels of Matt's confirmation, let's first assume
that Duckworth is hidden somewhere in the opening credits.
Scrubbing through frame by frame, the only thing we see that evokes the estranged butler
is this idol head.
As you can see by the side by side comparison, they both have the same tall head and stiffly
smug look.
Though one is a duck and the other a dog, they do share enough uncanny similarities.
So assuming that Duckworth is now a duck, this might fit into the show.
DuckTales does have a history of having cast members blunder into ancient civilizations
that suddenly worship them as gods or kings because of their uncanny likeness to their
prophecies, idols, and statues.
So it is plausible that Duckworth looks enough like this Easter Island head sculpture that
he could be mistaken for the person or god the idol represents.
And maybe on an early adventure with Scrooge, Donald, and Donald's sister Della - the
mother of Huey, Dewey, and Louie - he was given the choice of continuing to serve Scrooge
for for terrible pay, or live like a king… and he chose the latter.
Which explains why we haven't seen him around Scrooge's mansion.
However, the idea of "native tribes" and "false gods" are just two of many, many.
MANY examples of Ducktales' stumbling history with depicting non-western cultures, beliefs,
and even races from around the world - and I doubt that the forward thinking and progressive
creative team - and Disney's S&P board - would allow that kind of possibly offensive plot
in their new show.
So if that's not Duckworth, where else could he be?
Expanding our search beyond the opening credits, we don't see any other characters that look
like Duckworth.
Which can only mean that he he can NOT be seen.
Now, I've seen some talk online from those who believe that Duckworth may have been JARVIS-ed.
Perhaps Duckworth was invented by Gyro Gearloose and reimagined as an artificial intelligence
for the Money Bin that acts as a personal assistant for Scrooge.
However, I don't think that's how he'll be used in the new show.
Not because Scrooge is afraid of using new technology, but because Gyro is Scrooge's
R&D department.
If he invented something as useful as an artificially intelligent personal assistant, Scrooge would
have sold it and increased his fortune tenfold.
Plus Gyro's inventions have a habit of not working out as planned.
And with him already working on the artificially intelligent helper robot that we see as a
possible antagonist in the opening credits, then the likelihood of Scrooge welcoming another
AI into his life are slim to none.
So if this is the role Duckworth now has, he could also have been reimagined as the
Siri of DuckTales' universe.
We see in the first episode Donald uses an in-dash GPS with an artificially voiced guidance
Perhaps this version of Duckworth was designed by Mark Beaks, and is one of the primary reasons
Mark is so rich and popular.
But on the other hand, the voice we hear is rather flat and lacks Duckworth's famous
sardonic droll.
This could be possible, but much like a Gearloose designed JARVIS, I don't feel it's very
So what's my theory you ask?
Well, let's examine the clip from Episode 3: Daytrip Of Doom shown at the D23 Expo.
In this clip we see that Mrs Beakley has taken on many of the responsibilities that would
normally fall to the head butler of a mansion.
Including serving morning tea, managing the household, and - most importantly - having
the ear of Scrooge.
In the two part TV movie, Woo-oo, we specifically learn that Beakly's title is "housekeeper"
- but she seems to be the only help Scrooge employs.
Traditionally, a housekeeper wouldn't be able to speak so candidly with their boss,
the master of the house.
That level of friendship, trust, and access is closely guarded by the butler.
Beakley likely fought hard for that level of friendship and access.
It's why Scrooge allows her to speak that frankly in regard to his family and have so
much responsibility.
Plus, with Scrooge being so notoriously cheap, I can't imagine he would never pay to have
two servants when one does the job so well.
So if Beakley is the housekeeper, head butler, and catch-all servant of the mansion, then
that leaves Duckworth redundant and out of a job.
So, let's take a closer look at that Easter Island head idol from the opening credits.
What if the reason we can't see Duckworth is because he's actually a ghost?
Somehow saved or collected by Scrooge on one his many adventures, Duckworth now haunts
the halls of the mansion and supernaturally helps with the household chores?
In previous clips we've already seen ghosts haunt the halls and scare the kids in Mrs
Beakley's short, and we've now seen Scrooge go toe to toe with Captain Peghook the pirate
ghost and the Headless Horse.
So ghosts clearly do exist in Duckburg, and Scrooge seems to be hoarding them - but what
do you think?
Is Duckworth hiding in one of the promos we've seen so far?
If so, is he a false king, an artificially intelligent personal assistant, a ghost, or
something else?
Sound off in the comments below!
Thanks for watching.
Until next time, I'm Douglas MacKrell, and I'm asking you to share and like this video,
and subscribe to my channel.
Because you'll always have a ticket for my next Secret Screening!
Homeremedies For Hairfall - Easiest Hair Loss Technique To Stop & Regrow hair within 30 days - Duration: 3:59.
today we will show how to reduce this problem in the easiest way at home
1. any brand's coconut hair oil
black cumin
Lets start
At first finely chop the onion.
Give some coconut oil in a frypan
Give all ingredients onion and black cumin into the frypan
Mix all
Put the frypan into oven or on flame
. Shuffle all the ingredients and wait until the onion turns in to brown colour
It will take 10-15 minutes to turn it brownish
Wait until its temperature becomes normal
with a sieve separate the oil from other ingredients and preserve the oil in to a glass jar
Subscribe us for more videos
Pan-Roasted Salmon, Kale Caesar Salad: They're Delicious And Healthy | TODAY - Duration: 3:52.
McCain Ambushes Trump… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:37.
Sen. John McCain has launched a new broadside attack on the President Donald Trump.
As the Charlottesville chaos subsides and the race-card loses its sting, Arizona senator
has decided to rev back up the Russian hacking narrative, saying the Trump's leadership
on cybersecurity is "weak."
These divisive remarks were spoken at an Arizona State University cybersecurity conference.
"Unfortunately, leadership from the executive branch on cybersecurity has been weak.,"
he said.
"As America's enemies seized the initiative in cyberspace, the last administration offered
no serious cyber deterrence policy and strategy.
And while the current administration promised a cyber policy within 90 days of inauguration,
we still have not seen a plan."
NM reports:
Trump signed an executive order in May regarding the strengthening of cybersecurity.
However, McCain remained critical of the administration's efforts.
At a rally in Arizona on Tuesday, Trump made veiled complaints about McCain's vote against
the healthcare bill without mentioning him by name, ABC News reported.
"We were just one vote away from victory after seven years of everybody proclaiming
'repeal and replace,'" said Trump.
"One vote away.
"I will not mention any names," he added.
"Very presidential, isn't it?
Very presidential."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news if you stand with President Donald Trump.
Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.
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