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For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh or Grin Watching Funny Animals Vines Compilation 2017 | Funny Animals Fails 2017 - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
Fun Girl Care Kids Game Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo- Kitchen & Learn Colors Hair Salon Dress Up SPA - Duration: 5:17.
Fun Girl Care Kids Game Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo- Kitchen & Learn Colors Hair Salon Dress Up SPA
Sarah Connor: Furchtbare Angst um ihre Kinder - Duration: 5:34.
YouTube Video SEO: How I Got Over 25,000 Subscribers on YouTube This Year | 5 Video Marketing Tips - Duration: 5:07.
How to Draw a Gorilla - Narrated (Testing Staedtler Charcoal Pencils) - Duration: 4:34.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a gorilla!
In this drawing I will test these pencils, that I just bought
they are carbon pencils, made out of compress powder
which is a mixture of carbon and graphite.
They are much darker than graphite, but they don´t
smear like charcoal does.
Let´s begin by marking the line of the back, and then
of the head.
The top of the head.
Like so.
Almost at a right angle.
The top of the head is fairly flat, and here is the brown bone,
which it is very pronounced in these animals.
Then we have the nose that comes down here
and then the lips.
The lower jaw sticks out more than the upper one.
Let´s draw an arm, this will be the forearm, and he will
be resting the head, or the jaw on his wrist.
To hold the pencil for this drawing, I have mainly been
using the backhand grip and the brush grip.
And I am trying to do the strokes all the way from my shoulder.
Especially for the long lines of course.
And for the sketch I chose to use the 2B pencil,
which is the hardest of the once in the box.
I lowered the line of the back as you saw, because it was way too long
And now let´s start shading and for the shading I switch
to a softer lead which is a 4B.
Before I used any of these pencils of course, I sharpened
them properly for drawing
which is with a blade and making the lead much longer.
Much longer than what it comes from a regular hand or automatic
If you want me to show you how to sharpen a pencil for drawing,
please let me know in the comments and I´ll make a tutorial on that,
or maybe everybody know that all ready so, it is not needed.
Let´s work on the shoulder, the arm and the hand, a little bit
although I don´t want to put a lot of work on this, because I want them
to be just sketchy, so that the attention of the viewer goes to the face and
the head of the gorilla.
For the really blacks, I´m using an 8B which is the softer of all.
When you use graphite pencils and you try to get a really black
and so you press on them, the black is not really black, but additionally
when you apply pressure on it,
it becomes shiny causing unwanted reflections.
So an alternative for the blacks is to use this type of pencil,
or charcoal, and you can combine them of course,
with graphite.
As you see, I like them very much and I am afraid this is sounding
like an add for the pencils [laughter]
it is not, nobody paid me or told me to do this, I´m just enjoying them
very very much!
They feel better than what I thought they would be.
Gorillas are considered highly intelligent, a few individuals
in captivity have been taught a sign language.
Gorillas can laugh, grieve, have rich emotional lives,
develop strong family bonds... make and use tools
and think about the past and the future.
Unfortunately, they are critically in danger, due to the habitat
destruction and hunting.
We should take care of them because they are definitely, fantastic creatures!
They are so full of personality!
We give it the last touches and it´s ready!
If you enjoyed it, please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
I want to wish you a fantastic New Year! and I will see you,
on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
Jeff Rossen Reveals The Holiday Season's Most Hazardous Toys | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:18.
What's Wrong With This This Headline? Tricks To Bust Your Brain | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:59.
V. Bozeman And Timothy Bloom Talk About Their Holiday EP! - Duration: 3:18.
[bells jingling]
[music playing]
Hello, I'm V Bozeman.
I'm Timothy Bloom.
- And we are singers. - Yeah.
You don't really typically hear the regular, you know, covers,
when it comes to, you know, the Jingle Bells, and the...
You know, just the regular Christmas songs you always hear,
these are original pieces.
We're into soul music, you know, celebrating our blackness,
our culture and we celebrate Christmas a little bit different.
I think what's really unique is just the family, you know,
getting together and just, you know, offer that Hennessey and noggin.
And it's not always like, like, quote un-quote, like,
the perfect Christmas, you know.
I didn't grow up with just like, hundreds of gifts under the tree.
We barely got trees, barely got gifts, but we got them because...
And we knew who was given them, you know what I mean?
We knew Santa Clause was Momma and Daddy and going to work every day,
and like "Oh, please, I hope Momma gets me that gift I want."
You know what I'm saying?
The first time I met Timothy Bloom, I was in a girl group.
Lord have mercy.
Thank God that's over.
When I saw this guy work like, it was amazing and honestly...
That was like, one of the first songs that I recorded with a group,
that was actually like, amazing.
So ever since then, me and Tim, we kept in touch
and we just developed this, you know, musical chemistry
between him and I that was just undeniable,
and that's where the story began.
We did a few shows together,
and then I woke up one morning, I'm like "Yo, come over to the house,
finish this song, you know."
'Cause you had a dream.
Yeah, the dream was there and then the song,
called 'Til The End Of Time came about, I think we were there less than an hour?
- Yeah. - Finished it up.
It was so quick recording that song in your living room.
Well, what we have right now is Christmas Time on the Black Hand Side.
- Which is pretty cool, I love it. - Yeah, I do too.
And I think we're gonna do more together as well too, like more music.
- Oh yeah, oh yeah, we have to. - Right? We should!
- This is just the beginning, trust. - Yeah.
- Temptations, Silent Night. - Yeah, yeah.
- I was gonna say that. - Y'all know what I'm talking about.
I was actually gonna say that.
♪ Silent ♪
♪ It was a silent night ♪
[humming silent night]
♪ Merry Christmas ♪
You know what I'm saying?
♪ To all of you ♪
Mine was Donny Hathaway, This Christmas.
Oh yeah, that's extra on the top five.
Yeah, easy.
You can't do the Christmas without Donny.
- This is V. Bozeman. - Timothy Bloom.
- And you're watching. - BET Live.
- Christmas time. - On the Black Hand Side.
Available now.
Shout out to the black Santa Claus too, sweet.
Cozmo programmieren #1- Passwort Key mit Cubes [Deutsch 2017] - Duration: 5:11.
The Kit Episode 3: Steve Aoki - Duration: 2:18.
This is Steve Aoki and this is my kit.
The first must have item is my production laptop.
So every year I've been doing minimum 230/250 shows a year.
To be creative and productive on the road
I have to have my tools of the trade.
The Road Dog!
I could survive for a month on the road
with my Burton Carry On and a backpack.
This is a bag I designed with Burton.
The design of it is very a neon future-esque design
with bright blue highlights.
The thing is just badass,
I think it's just indestructible.
I've been spraying champagne at my shows
before I brought the cake out.
Before I brought the raft out,
we were like breaking out of our skin.
Gotta bring out the Belaire Gold
that I'm an ambassador of,
so I'm happy working with these guys.
These glasses are from the Ily Collection,
it's actually WILL.I.AM's eye glass brand.
Will is a really dear and old friend of mine,
he was on the first single I ever released as an artist.
This is a statement piece.
And this collection is called Paradise Found
and got a lot of, you know,
imagery of times that we're living in
and how we find paradise through this chaos
and this, you know, the confusion.
It's indicative of now
and I gotta be rocking Dim Mak too.
I'm always rocking my Vision Street wear.
I grew up in Newport Beach,
when I got introduced to skateboarding,
this crew of skaters was always rocking Vision Street wear
So I was like "Ah, I need to get that Vision Street wear shirt,
I just need to rock one shirt."
And I remember telling Mom, you never forget those moments.
Even when you're decades older, like looking back to my past,
you know, there's nothing better than rocking the roots.
Nightcore - Crying in the Club/ I Have Questions (Switching Vocals) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:24.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
Nightcore - Closer (Naruto Shippuden OP4) Lyrics ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 3:05.
All that we love and hold so dear
Could disappear one day without warning
We fear if we get too close to it
We'll lose it all in a heartbeat
Can you reminisce? Can you recall
The last time you felt some joy at all?
Or maybe you are so blessed to a point
Where you can't remember anything
The fact we're alive right here and now
We take it for granted but that's how
We'll find hope when we may need it most
When we realize the miracle
All that we love and hold so dear
Could disappear one day without warning
We fear if we get too close to it
We'll lose it all in a heartbeat
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I'll never take it for granted
Let's go
Some people may call the kindest deed
An act of mere hypocrisy
But never mind those who have lost their faith
You shouldn't give in to what they say
As a matter of fact, just hear me out
Even if it was for a selfish cause
A salvageable hypocrisy
Is superior to murderous honesty
Everyone tells you from time to time
To never give up like a scene from a movie
They tell you to stand up for yourself
As if was always that easy
There is a handful of courage in my heart
That is waiting to shine on my darkest day
And I'll never take it for granted
Let's go
All that we love and hold so dear
Could disappear one day without warning
We fear if we get too close to it
We'll lose it all in a heartbeat
You know the closer you get to something
The tougher it is to see it
And I'll never take it for granted
Everyone tells you from time to time
To never give up like a scene from a movie
They tell you to stand up for yourself
As if it was always that easy
There is a handful of courage in my heart
That is waiting to shine on my darkest day
And I'll never take it for granted
Let's go
'Top Chef' Judge Shows How To Fix Your Kitchen Mistakes | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 8:33.
Gunman In Joseon | 朝鲜神枪手 | 조선총잡이 - EP22(Last Episode) [SUB : KOR, ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 1:02:07.
You're so pretty.
Everything has returned to its place.
You came back to me as well.
Let's forget the harsh memories of the past.
Let's think about our future
in the new world that we've made.
Yes, we have made it.
We have created this world.
Please stay with me.
I don't want to be apart from you anymore.
I don't want that, either.
We can be together.
(The final episode)
Our lives belong to us now.
A new world has opened up.
A new world has opened up.
The world has a new beginning.
Nobles and slaves are equal in this new world.
Simply because he's high born,
we had to do this to a little boy,
'Hello, sir. How are you?'
We don't have to do that anymore.
'How dare you treat an adult like that,
you little brat?'
You can do this now.
Those corrupt officials who took everything
from us are now being punished.
And the rice you borrowed
from the government,
you don't have to pay back.
You can just forget about it and move on.
People like us are the owners of Joseon.
We're kings.
Guys, instead of staying here,
let's go to Gyeongungung and celebrate.
Hurray! Hurray!
Let's go.
What is it?
What's going on?
Why is the Japanese army here?
They're here to help us.
We agreed on it in advance.
In advance?
Have you been lying to us all along?
I didn't lie to you, I was being prepared.
I did it to make this coup work
and for a better future for Joseon.
Why did you bring foreign powers
into this matter,
which will decide the future of Joseon?
I told you that if we depend on Japan,
Japan will eventually try to control us.
That's not going to happen.
They're trying to support
Joseon's reformation.
They're trying to help us as their partner.
Don't be ridiculous.
We don't need any help from other countries.
How come you don't listen
to people of Joseon?
If they find out that
we involved Japan in this,
they'll turn their backs against us.
How come you don't understand
that the reform that people don't approve
will never succeed?
We've already halfway succeeded.
We can put those new policies into practice
with the new cabinet members.
It that's the case, I'll leave.
I don't think I can help you anymore.
This isn't what I really wanted.
What can we change in this world that
was made with the help of foreign powers?
Park Yungang!
The soldiers trust you more than me.
If you, their trainer, leaves them,
they'll leave as well.
Is that what you want?
It was an unavoidable choice.
To stop the Qing army,
I had no other choice.
Try to have some leeway.
If we're divided here, we're done.
Our plan won't work.
Please remain in your position.
The Japanese Ambassador is going to move
His Majesty and Her Grace to Changdeokgung.
What are you talking about?
What's happening here?
Stop the palanquins.
What's going on? Why all of a sudden?
Her Grace wants to go back
to Changdeokgung.
That's why we're moving her back there.
We can't go back to Changdeokgung just yet.
We don't have enough soldiers to guard
Changdeokgung at the moment.
Don't worry. We'll guard the palace.
Let's follow them.
We should take him to Gwanmulheon.
That's the smallest building in the palace,
and we should be okay there.
You didn't know something
like this would happen?
I'm sorry. I didn't see it coming.
Please help me.
If you leave now, we'll lose more soldiers.
Until things settle down,
can you control the soldiers?
I came as soon as I heard you came back
to the palace.
We've been waiting for you.
I have something to give you.
Take it.
Since you took a burdensome job,
I'm giving you this
as a token of my appreciation.
Your Grace, I'm sorry
but I have to check inside the box.
Your Grace is immeasurable.
When you go home, take it out
and leave it somewhere you can see it well.
It's supposed to bring you good luck.
I will, Your Grace.
See him out.
Yes, Your Grace.
We're good now.
Qing will send their army.
I hid a letter asking for support
from Qing in that box.
He's a loyal subject. He'll help us.
My Queen.
Your Majesty,
we can't let them do this to us.
We shouldn't give Joseon to those rebels.
Your Grace.
The news of the coup
has already spread outside the castle.
People know that the rebels are the ones
who hate Hyesang Gongguk.
Everybody's saying that
they're coming after you.
Send out notices.
Anyone who doesn't express
their condolences to Hyewon's death,
will end up dying.
If you decide to leave, I'll follow you.
I don't want to change the world
with the help of Japan.
I'm not a court lady
and you're not a fugitive anymore.
Even if we leave now,
we won't have any regrets.
I'd love to leave with you.
But if I stop now, nothing will change.
The things that we have achieved
will be wasted.
Like Mr. Kim Okgyun said,
I'll stay until things settle down.
When I see the new laws are being executed,
I'll leave without hesitation.
Then I'll wait until you finish your job.
I'll stay with you.
Grandpa, what's that?
This is...
Darn bastards!
How can they bring
the Japanese army into this?
I know.
Go to hell, you bastards!
Let's go.
Your Grace.
Where are you going?
The Qing army should be arriving soon.
Your coup has failed.
What are you talking about?
A Qing army?
Your Grace.
Stop shooting and retreat immediately!
Everybody! Retreat!
What are you doing?
Why are you retreating?
We have orders from Japan.
I'm sorry but we're leaving.
Can you please stay here and
prevent the soldiers from leaving their posts?
Follow me. Now!
Come with me.
I'm going to Gwanmulheon.
We'll gather the soldiers guarding that place.
Let's go.
Get out of here quickly.
The Qing soldiers are coming.
What about you?
I have to command the soldiers here.
I need to be with them.
Go on.
Hide in Gwanmulheon now.
Go with Mr. Kim Okgyun and
the Count of Geumryung.
This isn't working.
Let me handle things here.
Why don't you hide with Lady Suin?
No, Boss. I'll fight with you to the end.
Listen to me. You're not on your own.
You have a family to support.
You have Jemi and a baby in her stomach.
I told you that's why I'm here.
I want to be a father
that my child is proud of.
I don't want to be a coward
who runs all the time without fighting.
Let me stay with you.
I was almost killed once in Japan,
and you saved my life.
If I'd died back then,
I wouldn't have met Jemi
or I wouldn't have a baby.
I'm going to stay.
It's my destiny to stay with you to the end.
What happened to the soldiers?
They all fled.
The Qing soldiers are coming through
the Donhwamun Gate and the Seoninmun Gate.
And the North Gate as well.
Let's get out of here before we all get killed.
Lady Suin is in the palace. I'll go get her.
Where are you going?
Yungang, come to Japan with me.
The Japanese Ambassador has agreed
to take us to Japan.
There are soldiers outside.
Those soldiers are relying on you.
How can you run while leaving them behind?
This coup has failed.
Let's run now and plan for the future.
We don't have time. Let's go.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go.
That way!
Are you okay?
This isn't going to work.
Why don't you get out of here with Suin?
I'll be right behind you with Sangchu.
Suin, let's go.
Let's go.
Go, Boss. Leave me behind.
Don't be silly.
If I leave you behind,
Jemi won't forgive me.
If you stay here, we'll all die.
I'm not going to make it. You should go.
We should get out of here.
Let's hang in there.
Boss, I have a favor to ask you.
Can you name my child?
What are you talking about?
Something pretty, unlike my name.
If you name that child,
I think he or she will live a good life.
Let's think about it together
when we get out of here alive.
You stay here. I'll go get him.
Be careful, Hogyeong.
You can't leave me like this.
What am I going to do?
Wake up! Wake up!
You wanted to live in a new world.
You wanted me to name your child.
We don't have time. We have to go.
Yungang! Now!
It's all over, Your Majesty.
We have to go to Suin's place.
Since the coup has failed,
her family members will be arrested as well.
Let's move your mother and
Jani somewhere safe.
Lady Suin.
What do you mean? Leave the capital?
Sorry, mother.
I thought we'd made it
and I wanted to come back smiling.
That's okay. You're still alive.
Thanks to you,
I was happy, even for a few days.
When I saw the notices on the wall,
I was happy to see the world you and
your father had dreamed of had come true.
Go on. Don't worry about me.
I'll go to your uncle's with Jani.
I'll go to Qing or somewhere else
to learn about new things.
Don't worry about me.
I'll be okay wherever I'll go.
Please survive no matter what.
Come back to me when you're safe.
Lady Suin, take good care of yourself.
I will.
That man is...
You don't know him.
What the heck happened to Yungang?
I'm sure he's still alive.
The coup has failed.
The rebels are being
pursued from everywhere.
What about Park Yungang?
I think he got away.
Bring me my gun.
I'll go after Park Yungang myself.
I'll end his life with my own hands.
Let's go to the Heunginmun Gate.
We shouldn't let him get out of the capital.
Yes, sir.
Don't let anyone out until
we catch all the rebels.
Yes, sir.
This isn't working.
There are soldiers everywhere.
There's got to be a way. I'm sure of it.
Yungang. Over there.
That way.
There they are.
Suin, are you okay?
Get on my back. Now!
This way!
They're in there.
Choi Wonsin, what's going on?
I heard gun shots!
I'm pursuing Park Yungang,
the one who's leading the coup.
Surround it.
I'll go inside.
- Surround it! / - Yes, sir.
We're surrounded.
I think the soldiers are here as well.
Sorry. It's all my fault.
I'll go distract them.
I'll distract them.
You should take Suin and get out of here.
If there's someone who should protect Suin,
it's got to be you.
I have nothing more to lose.
My father and a new world.
I couldn't protect either of them.
I came here to protect you two.
Leave this place to me...
Don't be silly.
Let's go.
Let's get out of here together.
You know that's not going to work.
Please take Suin with you.
And please make my dream come true.
I know it's harder to survive than to die
under these circumstances.
But you two should survive.
That'd make me really happy.
Oh no! Oh no!
This way. Come this way.
Let's go.
Shoot him!
We've searched everywhere, but no luck.
Park Yungang!
Follow me.
What's going on?
It's a royal order.
His Majesty ordered me to escort
this Japanese couple outside the castle.
Hurry. We haven't got all day.
- Open the gates. / - Yes, sir.
What are you doing?
You're serving the king.
Not anymore.
You were right.
Protecting His Majesty isn't the only way
to protect Joseon.
I guess you've been a bad influence on me.
Please survive.
Thank you, Jeonghun.
You should go now.
If we stay here too long,
all of us will be in danger.
Take care of yourselves.
Park Yungang!
Let me see.
I have to treat your wound, first.
It'll hurt a lot.
Hang in there.
Do you think we can do this?
Do you think we can live long enough...
To repay the people who died for us?
We can.
I know it won't be easy but
we have to survive for those who died for us.
How's your wound?
It feels a lot better.
Where should we go now?
Let's go to the temple.
Jemi and Yeonha are still there.
We should let them know we're okay.
The soldiers came and took them all.
Even the monk.
Wait here.
The soldiers have already been here. It's safe.
I'll go get them.
Jemi, Yeonha and the monk.
Walk faster.
Are you okay?
Why do you need that?
To protect the ladies.
With you.
Yeonha! Jemi!
A gunman attacked the soldiers
who were escorting the slaves.
One of the slaves was Park Yungang's sister.
That bastard!
Go find out where she was caught.
He wanted me to name your child.
He wanted to be a father
that he or she could be proud of
and to make a better world for the baby
and for you.
Park Yungang!
There they are!
Let's hurry.
Park Yungang!
Where are you hiding now?
Come on out!
Park Yungang!
If not, I'll kill you all.
I'll find you even if I have to burn down
this entire mountain.
Park Yungang!
I don't need anything.
I only want to take your life.
Park Yungang!
Come on out
Let's finish this once and for all.
If you come out alone,
I'll spare everybody else's life.
Park Yungang!
No, Yungang. You can't fall for that.
You can't get out there alone.
You have to stay with us.
Sorry, Suin.
I have to break my promise
that I'd stay with you.
But it's my fate to face him one on one.
This is the only way to end the deep-rooted
hostile ties between the two of us.
For the future which I will have with you,
I need to take care of him.
I don't want you to
go through harsh times alone.
I'll come back to be with you.
Please wait for me.
Don't worry about me.
We'll meet again.
I promise.
We'll be reunited.
So, you're here. Choi Wonsin.
Park Yungang.
you and I will end this once and for all.
Go ahead.
Shoot me. Now!
What are you afraid of?
Are you afraid of killing me?
I feel pity for your life.
You've wasted your entire life.
Cut the crap and kill me.
I don't want your sympathy.
You were born at the wrong time
in the wrong place.
You're a tragedy created by Joseon.
Shoot me!
What good is it killing you now?
I can't make the dead come back
or turn back time.
I'm going to forgive you now.
I won't waste my life hating you.
You'll understand that
revenge will eventually
make you feel empty.
(A few years later)
Help yourself.
Help yourself. If you need more, come back.
Thank you.
This is for the food. Is it enough?
It's pretty.
You're prettier in my eyes.
You're like a pretty bride.
Don't be silly.
Where are you going this time?
I'm going to Gobu.
The chief there is corrupt
and is causing misery to the farmers.
Be careful.
Don't worry. I'm not alone.
I have my supporters who're with me.
Let's go.
We're going to Gobu this time.
We'll punish Jo Byeonggab, the head of Gobu,
and set those people in agony free.
Saenal, he's the one who named you.
Sir! Sir!
It's him. He's here.
Who is he? Who are you talking about?
That guy,
the Black Gunman of the Full Moon,
who's helping people.
(Thank you for watching Gunman In Joseon)
WHITE MOUNTAIN - Making of "The Delta Sessions" - Duration: 23:40.
இந்த பெண் பாடுவதை ஒரு நிமிடம் முழுசா கேளுங்க செம வாய்ஸ் சூப்பர் சிங்கர் பிரியங்கா தோத்துடும் - Duration: 1:35.
new year muggulu with dots | new year rangoli designs 2018 | sankranthi muggulu designs with dots - Duration: 0:51.
Innocent Man And Cop Who Unjustly Jailed Him Are Now Friends | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 10:51.
Democrats Are Actually Praising Team Trump for Taking on Russia - Duration: 10:39.
Democrats Are Actually Praising Team Trump for Taking on Russia
Democrats are actually praising Team Trump for taking on Russia the president is still Putin philic
But his administration is taking an increasingly hardline tie with Moscow top Kratts are noticing the shifts
When Democrats talk about President Donald Trump and Russia, they usually unload on the White House with both barrels
But that changed last week when lawmakers in Macomb have been the most critical of Trump and his Kremlin friendly action software diffusive praised for
his administration after the shoot new Russia related sanctions in close
consultation with Congress
Senator Cory Booker D
New Jersey a possible
2020 presidential contender told The Daily Beast that the new designations were a good sign and a good step in the right direction
The overall effort caught many lawmakers by surprise
after months of accusing the administration of stonewalling them over similar sanctions that the White House opposed from the start
Thoughts because despite its stated goal to rebuild us-russia relations the administration last week sanctioned five Russian and Chechen
individuals under the Magnitsky Act a
2012 law that punishes alleged human rights abusers by freezing their assets and banning them from seeking visas
the sanctions targeted Ramzan Kadyrov the head of the Chechen Republic and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin
Over allegations of corruption and extrajudicial killings the move to rebuke from the kernel in which called the u.s.
Actions illegal and unfriendly and said it further degrades the strength us-russia relationship
Putin has condemned the Magnitsky Act and the resulting sanctions since it was passed and he retaliated for the effort by binding
Americans from adopting Russian children the issue gained an international spotlight recently when it was revealed that Donald Trump jr.
The president's son met last year at Trump Tower with Russians alleged to have Kremlin ties
The younger Trump initially said the meeting centered around the Russian adoption issue
But it was later revealed that he took the meeting after he was promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton throughout Trump's first year in office
Makers have noticed the determination on the part of some administration officials to get tougher on Russia in light of the
destabilizing actions in Eastern Europe and its efforts to meddle in the
2016 US election
But Trump himself they have argued is preventing a whole life government approach to counter Russian aggression
From his tip toeing around the issue of Russia's election meddling to his slow walking of a sweeping new Russia sanctions law he was forced
To sign in August his posturing has often conflicted with that of his top officials who have confronted Russia more directly in
Many ways the Trump administration is on autopilot on Russia policy despite the commander in chief in?
Addition to the Magnitsky sanctions the administration has taken steps in recent days aimed at countering Russian aggression
Last week top officials approved the lethal defensive weapons sale to Ukraine where the military is fighting Russian backed separatists
the White House also unveiled its national security strategy
Russia as a revisionist power and suggests the country is an adversary that aims to shape a world antithetical to US values and interests
These developments run counter to the views expressed by Trump himself throughout his nascent political career
Trump has praised Putin and suggested that he took the Russian leader at his word when he told Trump that Russia had not meddled in
The 2016 US election oddly to walk it back later affirming that he trusts the US intelligence community's January assessment on the matter
Lawmakers have noticed the determination on the part of some administration officials to get tougher on Russia
But Trump himself is preventing an approach to counter Russian aggression
Yuri toake
Prosecutor general has worked for years to undermine the Magnitsky Act and is believed to have spearheaded some of Russia's meddling efforts in the American
Election as a way to fight back against the 2012 law, but US sanctions have now hit Janko personally on Friday the u.s.
Took further actions under the Global Magnitsky Act which former President Barack Obama signed into law last December as an extension of the original
Magnitsky Act to include human rights abusers world with day not just in Russia, but the Trump administration
Acting under the Global Magnitsky law for the first time since it was signed
levied sanctions at least against one Russian champers son artem
The State Department alleges that he has leveraged his father's position and ability to award his
Subordinates to unfairly win state-owned assets and contracts and put pressure on business
Last week swift and decisive actions left Trump's critics on Capitol Hill stunned
The same administration that was slow walking new Russia sanctions enacted in August did an about-face by working closely with Congress on the Magnitsky sanctions
The praise heaped upon Trump, and his administration has come from unlikely sources Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations, Committee
I want to give the administration credit
The process on both Russia specific and global magnet sky throughout the process were engaged with senator ben cardin
DMD the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee told The Daily Beast I knew how the reviews were being conducted
We had very close relationships
It was treated with the highest degree of priority among the administration
And they acted correctly that was not the case for the August sanctions known as the countering America's adversaries
through sanctions Act qotsa Cardin and Senator John McCain are Arizona the chairman of the Armed Services
Committee were left in the dark for weeks when they tried to inquire about why the State Department blue pest and October 1st deadline to
Issue guidance on the sanctions
Senator Lindsey Graham our South Carolina feared it was another example of the administration showing its blind spot when it comes to Russia
but as Congress prepared to leave town for the holidays Trump's critics had nothing but kind words for the
administration on its latest Russia related actions
I think it's important to recognize positive progress whenever it happens Senator Chris Coons de Delaware told The Daily Beast
even though I disagree with the administration
Broadly on what a view is their failure to make human rights to higher priority and to take more decisive
action on the sanctions powers at
Conkers in a very strong bipartisan basis gave them I do think it's an important step forward that the Trump administration has designated
Under the Magnitsky Act. I hope that will be followed by stronger steps
The qotsa sanctions which trump reluctantly signed into law after his administration tried to weaken the sanctions in the face of overwhelming
congressional opposition in both chambers are enacted in retaliation for Russia's incursions into Eastern Europe and its meddling in the
2016 election something that Trump often dismisses as an excuse for Hillary Clinton's election loss
I'm trying to be as positive as I can about what steps there are by the?
administration that I think do push back on Russia's illegal and unconscionable invasion of an occupation in Crimea and
Continued meddling in the affairs of Ukraine in the East and the designation that have happened under the Magnitsky Act Koons added
But Coons and his colleagues were unable to explain the differences in how the administration approached the Magnitsky sanctions and the Cata sanctions
While there was a slight delay on the Magnitsky action
the Foreign Relations Committee did not make a fuss over it because
Administration officials were in constant contact over what they said were technical delays due to legal issues
the committee's requests for information about the cops a delay were mostly unexplained according to Shaun Bartlett a spokesman for Cardin while the
Administration was more forthcoming about the Magnitsky delays keeping us apprised of progress, or issues that came up
Senator bob Corker RTN was willing to look past the belated cots what measures do to the lost complexity
Corker told The Daily Beast last week that unlike cots under which the State Department and Treasury Department must take into
consideration the US companies that might be caught up in the
Sanctions the Magnitsky format is label
You've got to do is name the individuals, and it's done the State Department has chalked up its delay on the cots of sanctions
too much of what corker explained
But the Department has signaled that it also wants to avoid the side effects that result when lawmakers such as Cardin and McCain who co-authored
the Global Magnitsky Act bill public with concerns that they're being stonewalled by top administration officials
We are committed to engaging with Congress on their priorities
We welcome and appreciate the information provided by Congress and will continue to consider credible
specific information provided by these key partners a State Department spokesperson told The Daily Beast
We encouraged recommendations to be submitted privately to avoid letting tended negative consequences
That was likely a reference to both McCain's and carden's public threats against the administration after the October 1st delay
McCain from his powerful perch atop the Armed Services Committee told The Daily Beast he would continue to block Trump's nominees the key positions
While Cardin suggested holding up defense appropriations bills until the executive branch complies with the law
the House Foreign Affairs Committee also joined the fray with representative eliot engel d New York the panel's top Democrat
Writing to trump over the baffling and unacceptable delay, which sends a terrible message about American leadership on the global stage
Thank you for watching for the follow-up subscribe to the channel yourself here
Christmas 2009 to 2013 was told by Trump the Obama Christmases
while Trump continued wishing Happy Holidays for years his first use of the word Christmas on Twitter appears to have been in
2011 shortly after he expressed interest in running for president
Trump suggested buying his new Booker's at Christmas present that December and a few days later
He complained that President Barack Obama had issued a statement for Kwanzaa, SiC
But failed to issue one for Christmas as The Associated Press noted this was a false assertion
Obama had liked presidents before him acknowledged the African heritage - evil of Kwanzaa
But he had also wished Americans Merry Christmas as he did every year during his presidency it is true that Obama changed the annual
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