Trump Discovers Elizabeth Warren Stole $5 BILLION From US Taxpayers – What She Did
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's biggest achievement from her time in Congress
has been the creation of the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, or CFPB, which was created
to act as a watchdog for the financial industry following the 2008-09 financial crisis.
Now, however, what she was really doing with the agency has been discovered, and it's
not good.
It was just reported that Trump just appointed Mick Mulvaney to head the CFPB.
This is bad for Warren, considering that Mulvaney once called the agency a "joke" and said
he does not think it should even exist.
Mulvaney is the right man to run this agency, however, since he knows what a nightmare it
really is.
In a blistering Wall Street Journal piece last year, the newspaper's editorial board
took the hammer to the law.
It stated that the CFPB "has complied record of abuse rivaling that of Washington's most
entrenched bureaucracies and may be operating outside of the parameters of the Constitution."
The WSJ also quoted lawyers representing a mortgage lender called "PHH," which had
been appealing the CFPB increasing a $6.4 million penalty the firm already owed to an
additional $105 million.
"The President and the Congress have no control over this agency," PHH's lawyers
stated in court.
"The only check on this agency is right here, if it isn't for the judiciary, this
agency could do anything it wants."
The CFPB is clearly an unconstitutional agency that has no problem wasting money.
The agency pays 56 employees more than the $199,700 Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben
Bernanke receives.
Federal Reserve governors get $179,700, a figure exceeded by 111 CFPB workers, while
six-figure salaries go to 741 employees, or 61% of the CFPB workforce, with one in four
taking home $150,00 or more.
With this agency, Warren has basically been operating an alleged slush-fund.
The New York Post reported that CFPB also has:
Bounced business owners and industry reps from secret meetings it's held with Democrat
operatives, radical civil-rights activists, trial lawyers and other "community advisers,"
according to a report by the House Financial Services Committee.
Retained GMMB, the liberal advocacy group that created ads for the Obama and Hillary
Clinton presidential campaigns, for more than $40 million, making the Democrat shop the
sole recipient of CFPB's advertising expenditure, Rubin says.
Met behind closed doors to craft financial regulatory policy with notorious bank shakedown
groups who have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal grant money to gin up
housing and lending discrimination complaints, which in turn are fed back to CFPB, according
to Investor's Business Daily and Judicial Watch.
Funneled a large portion of the more than $5 billion in penalties collected from defendants
to community organizers aligned with Democrats — "a slush fund by another name," said
a consultant who worked with CFPB on its Civil Penalty Fund and requested anonymity.
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President Donald Trump Just ENDED The UN!!!
President Donald Trump has given one of the best Christmas gifts the American People have
ever gotten, and once again kept another one of his many promises.
On Christmas Eve, the US ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina Governor
Nikki Haley announced that President Trump has given the order to cut its 2018 contribution
to the United Nations by $285 million, that's a cut of nearly 25 percent and a great start
in the plan to fully defund the Anti-Semitic and Anti-American United Nations.
All this came about when more than 120 nations criticized the United States for its decision
to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and for declaring we will be moving our embassy
to said city.
How dare we as a sovereign nation decide where we will put our embassy!
CNN Reports:
Graham: Defund UN after Israeli settlement vote:
Sen. Lindsey Graham will propose a measure to pull US funding for the United Nations
unless the UN Security Council repeals the resolution it passed condemning Israeli settlements.
"It's that important to me," he told CNN.
"This is a road we haven't gone down before.
If you can't show the American people that international organizations can be more responsible,
there is going to be a break.
And I am going to lead that break."
"I will do everything in my power, working with the new administration and Congress,
to leave no doubt about where America stands when it comes to the peace process and where
we stand with the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel," Graham added.
He later told CNN's Dana Bash that US funding accounts for 22% of the UN's budget.
The United States on Friday allowed a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement
construction to be adopted, defying significant pressure from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
government in alliance with President-elect Donald Trump.
The Security Council approved the resolution with 14 votes, with the US abstaining.
Trump soon after tweeted, "things will be different after Jan. 20th," and on Friday,
a senior Trump transition official told CNN the transition team was "all hands on deck"
in working to kill the UN resolution.
Graham issued a statement after the vote, harshly criticizing the Obama administration
for abstaining.
"The Obama-Kerry foreign policy has gone from naïve and foolish to flat-out reckless.
With friends like these, Israel doesn't need any enemies," he said.
"I anticipate this vote will create a backlash in Congress against the United Nations.
The organization is increasingly viewed as anti-Semitic and seems to have lost all sense
of proportionality."
Graham traveled to New York last week to discuss the resolution with António Guterres, the
next UN Secretary General, and he spent the past week lobbying members of the Security
Council not to support the UN vote.
The South Carolina Republican also talked to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Trump's
pick for ambassador to the United Nations, about the resolution.
"The settlement issue is no doubt an issue," Graham told CNN.
"But this is not the way.
We abandoned Israel."
Citing the controversial 2009 Goldstone report about the Israeli conflict in Gaza, which
accused both Israel and Hamas of war crimes, as well as other anti-Israel measures at the
UN, Graham said, "enough is enough."
"The bottom line is with all of the problems we have, Israeli settlements are pretty low
on my list."
Graham said.
He added that he wanted to work with the UN to help stabilize Iraq and Syria.
He also was planning a joint efforts with the UN to create a Marshall Plan to support
countries emerging from conflict, but won't do it unless the UN overturns the resolution
"I am a huge supporter of foreign aid and the UN," he told CNN.
"I want to do more, not less.
But I can't support funding a body that singles out the only democracy in the Middle
East who shares our values."
Graham plans to move forward with his measure after the congressional recess when a continuing
resolution expires in April.
Senator Ted Cruz tweeted that he spoke with Netanyahu and assured him of support for Israel
in Congress.
"No US $ for UN until reversed," Cruz wrote on Saturday.
Graham hopes to create leverage for Trump to deal with the United Nations on the issue
when the President-elect takes office.
"Trump is a good negotiator.
Let's see if this give him some leverage," he said, adding if the world body overturned
the measure, the UN "has got a chance to reset and let the new administration restart
the peace process."
It's about damn time we defunded the scum in the United Nations.
Which has really turned into a place where nation's leaders send the people they don't
want around anymore.
The days of going against our nation's interests, and us paying for that disrespect are over.
There is no need to pay people to hate us, they can hate us for free.
Perhaps if they don't like it they can just move the whole UN to somewhere in the middle
east, I hear Dubai or Qatar would take them, just get that garbage out of our borders.
We don't need them here.
The truth of the matter is that the UN has spent the last half-century spewing hate against
the US and Israel.
And it's about damn time we said enough.
We have every right to do whatever we please, it's the perks of being a superpower.
And if the UN doesn't like it, they can get their "preferred nations" such as
Iran or North Korea, to fund them.
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Internet ERUPTS After People Spot What Obama Did With His MOUTH During Christmas Address
– Did You Catch It?
He used this occasion to tell America how great he is.
Yes, he said "Merry Christmas."
He did say these words, but he must have forgotten the past 8 years of persecuting Christianity
on a daily basis.
This will not be forgotten by us and the Christian refugees he denied into America.
The former President Barack Obama and his wife, the former First Lady Michelle Obama
wished Americans a Merry Christmas in their last annual Christmas address.
According to our source, America's Freedom Fighters, they joked about his countless dad
jokes and saying that it has been a true privilege to celebrate the holidays in the White House
for the past 8 years.
"The greatest gift that Michelle and I have received over the last eight years has been
the honor of serving as your president and first lady.
Together, we fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years, and got unemployment
to a nine-year low.
We secured health insurance for another twenty million Americans, and new protections for
folks who already had insurance.
We made America more respected around the world, took on the mantle of leadership in
the fight to protect this planet for our kids, and much, much more," Obama said.
They also talked about their Christian values and encouraged Americans to be welcoming of
all faiths and religions.
"Tomorrow, for the final time as the First Family, we will join our fellow Christians
around the world to rejoice in the birth of our Savior.
And as we retell His story from that Holy Night, we'll also remember His eternal message,
one of boundless love, compassion and hope," Barack said.
"The idea that we are our brother's keeper and our sister's keeper.
That we should treat others as we would want to be treated.
And that we care for the sick… feed the hungry… and welcome the stranger… no matter
where they come from, or how they practice their faith," Michelle said.
They also thanked the men and women in uniform for their courage and dedication to their
country and they urged Americans to honor and support the service members, veterans
and military families, not just during the holidays, but during the whole year.
"And on behalf of the all the Obamas – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and that troublemaker Sunny
– Merry Christmas, everybody," he said and was followed by Michelle wishing everybody
and healthy year.
Nice try Obama.
These past 8 years were the worst years in American history.
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