Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily Dec 29 2017

Hey guys, it's Oliver here from The Rusty Monkeys and this is a video of a review

of a game I just got called "Rampage Road". It's sort of like "Smashy Road", except a

lot more sensitive... but I've currently been playing in the arena mode. I bought

this new car called...(GT) and I've maxed it out, and I've been saving up to play the

normal mode with you guys so I'm just gonna be testing it out and seeing what you're

doing. I think you're meant to escape from police it's first-person view so

it's a bit different well yeah it is really fast and really

sensitive the longer you don't get caught the more money you earn pretty

similar to smushy Road in that respect but it's I personally think it's way

cooler you earn money every second or so I think you own 10 points I'm just gonna

try and hide that's them and every few minutes or so oh no no if you flip over

they can come and get you and it's not really good okay I got a new state wait

a second yes you can steal vehicles oh that is so cool okay that oh no police

cuz never well anyway turns out you can steal vehicles oh it

landed vehicles what it's tank flippin I wonder if you can steal a plane I will

be extremely happy sound

like extremely fast should I try and steal an airport partner I blew it up oh

yes you can yes yes yes my gosh can you fly yes this

game is pretty cool though it's got like limitless opportunities because you can

drive run fly I wonder if you can swim probably not but anyway and it's an

endless map Oh My yes yeah shoot at the police guys it's fun oh I'm gonna

actually try and see how long oh oh oh no never mind

how do you how do you go forwards how do you go forward well anyway thanks for

watching remember to Like and subscribe remember the game is called rampage Road

the link might be in the description maybe probably anyway and really need to

think of something to say when I add my videos v2 sin


For more infomation >> TRM GAMING #9 TANK-FLIP TRICKSHOTS!?!? (Silly Saturdays) - Duration: 3:02.


What do you think of the new Pelicans uniforms? - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> What do you think of the new Pelicans uniforms? - Duration: 0:31.


Need a car No money down - Duration: 0:16.

Need a car but no money down?

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For more infomation >> Need a car No money down - Duration: 0:16.


Biggest concern for Boston's First Night could be extreme temperatures - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Biggest concern for Boston's First Night could be extreme temperatures - Duration: 1:15.


SPECIAL BREAKING Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To P...! - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> SPECIAL BREAKING Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To P...! - Duration: 4:39.





Dan Backer just pieced together an epic takedown of Hillary Clinton that's based on FEC reports,

memos by Clinton's campaign manager, and public statements from people like Donna Brazile

and many others who chose to speak out openly.

Could this information be the final stake in the heart of Hillary Clinton's alleged


Let's analyze the information and see where it takes us.

The information dates back to 2014 when Shaun McCutcheon won favor from the Supreme Court.

As reported by Investors: "In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled in favor

of my client, Alabama engineer Shaun McCutcheon, in his challenge to the Federal Election Commission's

(FEC) outdated "aggregate limits," which effectively limited how many candidates any

one donor could support.

Anti-speech liberals railed against McCutcheon's win, arguing it would create supersized "Joint

Fundraising Committees" (JFCs).

In court, they claimed these JFCs would allow a single donor to cut a multimillion-dollar

check, and the JFC would then route funds through dozens of participating state parties,

who would then funnel it back to the final recipient.

Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer claimed the Supreme Court's McCutcheon v Federal

Election Commission ruling would lead, to "the system of legalized bribery recreated

that existed prior to Watergate."

The Supreme Court, in ruling for us, flatly stated such a scheme would still be illegal."

Then comes the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) which involves $500 million that was funneled

in such a way that the Supreme Court had recently said was illegal.

Cutting a big check, sending money to various places, then funneling it all back to the

place it was initially determined to go after hopping the money over a million hurdles.

Trump's team has rightfully filed an FEC complaint to investigate the matters with

the $500 million.

The Committee to Defend the President has filed an FEC complaint against Hillary Clinton's

campaign, Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic state parties and Democratic mega-donors.

As Fox News reported, we documented the Democratic establishment "using state chapters as straw

men to circumvent campaign donation limits, and laundering the money back to her campaign."

The 101-page complaint focused on the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) — the $500 million joint

fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign, DNC and dozens of state parties

— which did exactly that the Supreme Court declared would still be illegal.

It's reported that HVF was taking, or asking for, significant six-figure donations from

well-known entities such as clothing companies and celebrities like Seth MacFarlane.

If they were given a donation, then the money was taken through different parties, and it

seems like the cash eventually made it back to Clinton's hands.

The smaller number we're working within this is about $84 million, and that could

make it the most massive campaign scandal involving finance in American history.

Backer continues his report: "Here's what we know.

Campaign finance law is incredibly complex and infamous for its lack of clarity.

As I've explained before, its complexity is a feature, not a bug.

Major political players with the resources to hire the very few attorneys, who practice

campaign finance law benefit from the complexity that keeps others out.

Perhaps HVF's architects thought so too, and assumed that if no one understands what's

happening, no one would complain.

Here's what you can do, legally.

Per election, an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state

party committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party's main account.

These groups can all get together and take a single check from a donor for the sum of

those contribution limits — it's legal because the donor cannot exceed the base limit

for any one recipient.

And state parties can make unlimited transfers to their national party.

Here's what you can't do, which the Clinton machine appeared to do anyway.

As the Supreme Court made clear in McCutcheon v FEC, the JFC may not solicit or accept contributions

to circumvent base limits, through "earmarks" and "straw men" that are ultimately excessive

— there are five separate prohibitions here.

On top of that, six-figure donations either never actually passed through state party

accounts or were never actually under state party control, which adds false FEC reporting

by HVF, state parties, and the DNC to the laundry list.

Finally, as Donna Brazile and others admitted, the DNC placed the funds under the Clinton

campaign's direct control, a massive breach of campaign finance law that ties the conspiracy


Democratic donors, knowing the funds would end up with Clinton's campaign, wrote six-figure

checks to influence the election — 100 times larger than allowed."

HVF had some shady business going on with significant donations that were mixed up in

false FEC reports by multiple entities.

Was money being reported as being sent to one place, but indeed appearing in another?

Was the cash being reportedly tossed in various locations to make it harder to track?

Did any of these transfers actually happen?

Or were they just paper entries to mask direct transfers to the DNC?

This sounds like something that everyday Americans only see in well thought out movies, but those

movies always seem to end with the perpetrator finally getting caught by an intelligent investigator,

who finally pieces that puzzle together and solves the crime unmasking someone no one


Is Hillary Clinton guilty of crimes or is she just the name that will be thrown under

the bus by a much bigger force?

Is there more to this than just the money being pushed around in ways that the Supreme

Court might find illegal?

If anyone goes down for this, that won't be the end of it.

Under every major crime, there are tons of little mysterious odds and ends, but there

could also be a more prominent king of the hill.

Is Hillary the king of the mountain in this investigation or is there someone above her

calling the shots?

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BREAKING!! HE JUST DID IT… Hillary BUSTED in LARGEST SCANDAL In US HISTORY! - Duration: 6:24.


DIY BTS Wings Paper Toy - Duration: 5:06.

hey guys today I'm going to show you how to make bts paper toys so thank you

for requesting this and at first I didn't know what that was so I googled

it and all that stuff and I found this video where I got the template from so

I'm gonna put it um the i thingy um I don't know what's that call but I'm put her

stuff there so you can check it out yeah so what I did was I use the template as

a reference and than I drew over what like the pieces I want and I got rid of the

arms and legs cause they were too tiny and I'm not patient enough to like hold it

in place and everything so yeah sorry about my horrible drawings I know I'm

keep saying every single time when I draw something cause I'm not

good at drawing okey okey so um as you can tell I hope you can tell but like I did the

wings era like their concert and stuff the outfit yeah everything is the

same besides their hair but like it's the same process and everything so I am

just show you how to do one member also in general for like the DIYs that

need you to like print out pictures and all that kind of stuff like I noticed

that some people asked if they can edit the document I don't understand why you

would need to edit so unless like you can't print it but like I check and you

can there's a print button so I don't understand why people are asking to edit

the first thing you want to do is to cut it and I suggest that you use tiny

scissors if you have them because they're like easier to get the tiny

corners and all that kind of stuff

then you want to fold it it's like really tedious so that's why I didn't like

add the arms or the legs still like turned out cute and stuff yeah

also when you cut it cut it so that you can fold down like that

if you're impatient like me and you want the glue to dry faster, use a blow dryer

once your done that you want to glue everything together and also um they

don't stand up properly that well so it's better if you lean them against the

wall yeah


I think they turned out really cute and yeah thank you guys so

much for watching I'll see you next time but and also Happy New Year's <3

For more infomation >> DIY BTS Wings Paper Toy - Duration: 5:06.


시장상인이 알려준 육류와 어패류 신선한 보존법 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 시장상인이 알려준 육류와 어패류 신선한 보존법 - Duration: 6:07.


Lo más sonado de las redes sociales en el 2017 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:16.

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Critican a Khloe Kardashian por supuestamente someterse a procedimiento estético a pesar de su embar - Duration: 0:39.

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Remova os Cravos do Seu Rosto com 1 Truque Simples e Eficaz! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Remova os Cravos do Seu Rosto com 1 Truque Simples e Eficaz! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 2:48.


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For more infomation >> Las intimidades más escandalosas de Ninel Conde y Giovanni Medina | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:54.


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Famosos y sus preparativos para fin de año | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:13.

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¿Larry Hernandez se casó? | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37.

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La suegra de Shakira se tropezó cuando iban al teatro en pleno Broadway - Duration: 0:38.

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New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan - Duration: 16:13.

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan

New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan Tariq Jameel, commonly referred to as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani religious and Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker from Tulamba near Mian Channu in Khanewal, Punjab He runs a Madrasa in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is listed as a popular speaker in the 2013/2014 edition of the book The Muslim 500. New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan Tariq Jameel received his Islamic education from Jamia Arabia, Raiwind. He frequently delivers Islamic speeches at rallies in which he preaches peace and harmony, tolerance and respect for everyone. He promotes ethnic and sectarian harmony. Tariq Jameel's lectures incorporate a wide range of issues of Islam and social concern. He especially emphasizes on self-rectification, self-accountability, honesty in social life, avoidance of violent ways, observance of God's commands, and the following of the teachings and the model of life as suggested by the Prophet Muhammad. In May 2014, the International Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador met Tariq Jameel along with Asad Bashir and Veena Malik at Dubai and thanked him for promoting the true picture of Islam. New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan His audio lectures are circulated on the internet. New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan In January 2014, Pakistani actress Veena Malik said her interaction with Tariq Jameel had positively changed her life, and that she would quit the show-biz industry. Although she did not quit the industry and said she was planning her comeback after the birth of her girl. According to news reports which have not been confirmed by Imran Khan or any of his close associates, Tariq Jameel met Imran Khan in August 2014, and advised him to conduct his Azadi March in a peaceful way. Upon his request, the march name was changed from 'Tsunami March' to 'Azadi March', although Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri's associates claim that the term 'Azadi March' was coined by their leader but was stolen by PTI.New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan On 4 November 2014, he called on Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the latter's residence Jati Umra, and extended the invitation to participate in annual Tableeghi Ijtima to be held in Raiwind Markaz. New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel BayanNew Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan #Subscribe : Facebook Page: Google+: YouTube Channel: #Subscribe

For more infomation >> New Year 2018 Molana Tariq Jameel Bayan New Year 2018 How To Celebrate New Year Tariq Jameel Bayan - Duration: 16:13.


Carlos Benavides habla de la serie de José José | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Carlos Benavides habla de la serie de José José | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:36.


5 things I hate about my BMW F800GS - Duration: 9:34.

hey guys Albe here again, so last video was about the five things I love

about the BMW f800gs, in this video I'm gonna give you five things I hate

about the BMW f800gs, now hate is a very strong word there is nothing on the

bike that ticks me off that much that makes me hate, but there are a few things

I don't like, but enough with the chitchat let's get on it.

so among the things I hate about the BMW f800gs it's the ABS, now the ABS works ok

intervenes when is supposed to and is fairly easy to disengage the only thing

is, I would rather be able to engage and disengage the ABS on the fly without

having to stop, second of all I wish they had the option for the rear ABS to be

disengaged and the front abs to stay on like the Africa twin for example, I wish

there was a dedicated button to actually disengage the ABS on the fly because

some time I'm driving on the street and I see a little trail trailing off on the

side and I just on the spur of the moment I just want to jump on it but I

hate to stop and disengage the ABS because otherwise am I not gonna be able

to stop, if I need to, I do know that by changing the riding mode to enduro the

ABS works differently but for the way I ride I really rather have the ABS

disengaged all together, let's move on to the next one, on the number four position

we have the windscreen, this bike is supposed to be a middle

size touring bike slash adventure slash off-road slash pretty much a lot of

slashes after that, one thing that BMW should have taken care of is the

windshield, the OEM windshield it's it's very short there is pretty much no

protection and I understand it's it's made so that you don't hit the

windshield when you move back and forth on the bike but the fact that I can't

raise it or lower it on a on a bike this expensive, that, that leaves a bad taste

in my mouth, so fortunately the aftermarket comes to the rescue, and I do

know that there is the touring windscreen that you can choose from

which is taller than this but nowaday this windshield should have been

adjustable I mean I'm not buying a $5,000 adventure bike, I'm spending north

of 13, 14 grand, but anyway let's move on. Number three spot goes to the instrument

cluster, the instrument cluster is nearly hideous, it almost looks like the

instrument cluster of my 1980s Vespa I think it was the eighties, but this bike

isn't from the eighties, this is 2015 while everybody else started adopting

LCDs, TFT screens or whatnot we have that. it gives you all the information you

need other than for the fuel level which I understand, due to the size and shape

of the tank they couldn't quite give you an exact, so rather than give you an

estimate they opted to just give you from half a tank down but come on guys

really you could have done better, you've done better on some of the other

bikes, so this is one of the things that I don't quite like about the f800gs

and as always, nitpicking, that's the key word here but let's move on let's

see who've got the two top spot on this list. Position number two of the things I

hate about this bike is the exhaust, obviously these exhaust is an

aftermarket part, but that is testament of how much I dislike the OEM exhaust,

the OEM exhaust it's like a giant round, bleah, sounds bed look bad and and it

was super heavy, thankfully the aftermarket came to the rescue and there

are literally limitless choices of exhausts you can put on your bike and if

you own one of these bikes I suggest you do it because it will change the bike

drastically so the exhaust gets position number two on the things I hate about

the BMW f800gs but without further ado let's take a look at the top spot on

our list. The top spot of the five things I hate about the BMW f800gs is the

suspensions, let's face it this is a BMW those suspensions are awful the front

fork cannot be adjusted in any way shape or form unless you change the spring

rate or you change the viscosity of the oil inside, second of all the travel it's

fair but they're really really soft for a guy like me north of 200 pounds those

suspensions bottom pretty good when when you jump pretty much anything

the rear suspension is adjustable and even that it doesn't make much of a

difference the problem is, any other little bits and pieces can be fixed with

a few hundred dollars but the suspensions cannot, every time you touch

a suspension component we're talking about thousands, now if you only buy

parts, for example if you buy the cartridges from

I believe is Bitubo, that's 800 bucks now if you do the work yourself, great

you're gonna save some money but you also gonna need, oil, I would recommend at

that point to change the seals since you're at it,

things are gonna start adding up and it's gonna be a very very expensive,

I wish BMW actually gave the option for a better version with better suspensions,

those are WP suspensions so those suspensions are supposed to be good and

the fact that they're really not that up to's something I actually hate

about this bike, now I'm not saying that you buy the bike and all of a sudden you

gotta go spend two three grand to upgrade the suspensions, I'm just saying

that if you push the bike the suspensions are not keeping up especially on the

offroad when it comes to jumps and bumps and stuff, for the weight of the bike and

the rider on it ,meh, they could have been better. so this is the top five of

the things I hate, quotation mark, of my BMW f800gs as I said over and over

and over again, hate is a really strong word it's more a disliked and than

actual full-on hatred but for most of the things I don't like there is an

aftermarket fix, as a matter of fact take a look in the description to see a few

of the parts I added to the bike to compensate for those deficiencies, this

is still a great bike this is still worth every single penny I spent on it

and the joy and fun I got from this bike is, it's priceless

so if you're in doubt about buying this bike don't let those five things

discourage you, this is still a great bike is still worth

buying. as always guys if you liked the video

like, Christmas is right around the corner

I don't know if it just passed or is coming up I'm not really sure when this

video is coming out but be nice and subscribe, as always dirt on and I'll see

you next time.

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