Mothers of Bollywood Actors | Bollywood Actors Mothers
For more infomation >> Mothers of Bollywood Actors | Bollywood Actors Mothers - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Christmas Song | Super Car Royce | Kids Show | Cartoon Video For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:45.
Christmas Song Super Car Royce
Yandere Chan - Cake or D - The Voice M2L Funny Moments - Duration: 1:32.
Cake or Death???
Aaa.. Cake Please!
Very Well!
Give him cake! xD
Oh, Thank very much!
It's very nice
You! Cake or Death???
Cake for me too, Please!
Very well
Give him cake too
You gonna run out the cake in this, right?!
Cake or Death???
Death Pls!
No! Cake Cake Cake! Sorry!
You say Death first, ahahah Death first!!
No I meant Cake
Oh Alright!
You're lucky that I'm judge on English
Cake or Death?
Cake, Pls!
Well we all of cake
Romantic Movies | Beautiful Student | Full Movie English & Spanish Subtitles - Duration: 1:32:05.
ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ АКВАПАРК #34 бассейн говорящего Тома ДРУЗЬЯ Анджела Хэнк Бен и Джинджер Tom Pool - Duration: 20:58.
Lặn Người Dưới Ao Mò Bắt Cá Của Người Dân Miền Núi Cực Siêu | Thú Vui Dân Dã [TVDD] - Duration: 14:34.
Phim Hoạt Hình 3D Cực Hay - Moana Best ScenceCa - Nhạc Thiếu Nhi Vui Nhộn | Story Kids Music [SKM] - Duration: 21:19.
Gov't grants special pardons to over 6,000 people - Duration: 2:22.
With the new year approaching, the Moon Jae-in administration has granted presidential pardons
to more than six-thousand people.
The pardons are mostly for ordinary people and the socially disadvantaged.
Presidential pardons are a tradition at the new year and other holidays, and this is the
first time the Moon administration has issued them.
Our Ji Myung-kil reports.
The government granted special pardons to 6-thousand-4-hundred-forty-four people on
(Korean) "The government has decided to give special
pardons to those convicted of minor crimes, who have serious illnesses or who are parents
of young children."
Over 5-thousand people on probation will have their remaining sentences dropped.
Around one-thousand people who are currently in prison will have their jail terms reduced
or terminated.
The beneficiaries also include twenty-five protesters who were convicted after a deadly
clash between police and residents who were opposed to a re-development project in Seoul's
Yongsan district in 2009.
The violent clash on the roof of a building had left five protesters and one police officer
dead with dozens injured.
Former lawmaker Chung Bong-ju was the only politician included in the pardons.
Chung was convicted for violating election rules after making allegations ahead of the
2007 presidential election against then candidate former President Lee Myung-bak. Chung had
claimed Lee was the real owner of the financial firm BBK, which was responsible for stock
price rigging.
The government did not release jailed business tycoons or violent criminals.
(Korean) "We have not given special pardons to government
officials, economic and violent criminals to maintain law and order."
The pardon list falls in line with President Moon Jae-in's pledge not to pardon anyone
convicted of corruption or interfering with financial markets for vested interests.
President Moon had previously said bribery, embezzlement and dereliction of duty would
be seen as corruption offenses.
In Korea, the government traditionally grants such amnesties on nationally significant days.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
Milo Murphy's Law - This is Happening Right Now (CZ) - Duration: 0:29.
Thanks, kids.
This is great. All Murpfhys together in one place.
It's Christmas Eve, and what could go wrong, has gone wrong.
So we're probably safe.
♪ Seriously ♪
♪ it's now going to happen? ♪
♪ Is to happen? ♪
50ரூ 100ரூ க்கு ஆசைப்பட்டு சக மாணவர்களுடன் செக்ஸ் வைத்துகொண்ட பள்ளி மாணவிக்கு நடந்ததை பாருங்க - Duration: 1:23.
LEGO Creator Mythical Creatures 3-in-1 review! 31073 - Duration: 13:21.
everybody this is the Lego creator mythical creatures set for 2018 it's a
three-in-one set meaning there are three instructions included in the box for
three possible official builds you can only build one at a time but I'm gonna
take you through each of those three in this one video starting with this guy
the troll he has a really funny face that I like quite a lot I feel like it's
very blocky looking but totally makes sense the way they've done it especially
with the stud on the 1 by 1 plate piece that's just at the end of the nose there
I feel like the face looks way better the whole head looks way better than the
rest of the model but the head itself kind of makes up for the rest of a model
just really interesting choices of pieces put together in good ways and
such a small thing works out pretty well it almost looks like he's smiling from
the side here and you can open the jaw quite a bit and the head itself is on a
ball-joint so you can make him look like huh huh huh and you can also you know
raise the head up quite a bit so if a stone is gonna fall on him yeah it's
kind of preparation for that it doesn't don't look down quite as much that's as
far as that will go but does this kind of claw piece here is done in the dark
red color see the same thing used at the tip of his axe but I mean the whole
thing is able to pose quite a bit because it does use a combination of
ball joints and hinges so just regular clip style hinges for the feet there's
also a ball joint for the tail the small short little tail in the back but
surprisingly there's plenty of articulation plenty of mobility with the
legs even though there's just a single ball joint and you have this linear
action down at the base and there's no knee joint setup of course but I mean
you can just kind of shimmy these back and forth and there's enough friction in
the system that is able to easily get into a walking they're moving kind of
pose you can angle forward there is some limitation
to it but there we go just kind of twist things a little bit I mean you know it's
got more range than it really needs yeah it's just it's just the face the face
really makes it I I don't like the look of the body here looking at the
undersides of pieces like that but I think the shape is is fine his axe is
kind of simple I don't know what those blades are supposed to represent but I
mean there's a whole whole pieces with the lensing effect in them never
introduced first for Nexo Knights in here they're in the trends bright green
color and Lego also suggests that you use this or you try using this
potentially as another type of acts as a bass guitar something like that I think
that works yeah good good alternate use of that and of course if you have your
own pieces you can expand on that theme but I think that they've done a good job
for just a you know a default build and a tertiary one at that not even kind of
the primary one designed for this set and it's this does use most of the
pieces included in the box using just a handful more pieces is this spider which
is probably likely to trigger arachnophobia and people that suffer
from that condition because it's very creepy very creepy indeed and it's very
posable as well each segment of it is poseable almost like a real spider would
actually be set up and I've got it kind of in a defensive or aggressive pose
right now but you can kind of bring things down to the ground so the whole
abdomen section is on a giant ball joint back there so I can move all around the
head is on a ball-joint so that can be rotating around you can look up a bit
you can kind of adjust the legs to move the whole thorax section of it
up and down which is the main waves you're gonna get the head to go up and
down as well but it's able to turn side-to-side even the pincers are able
to the opened and closed like that and then you know you've got all these ball
joints four legs can be posed all around get these down to the ground so you can
see a little bit better spread them out so you see the the legs a little bit
better get these out there as well had it set up to be kind of that aggressive
stance but bringing it down to the ground getting it a little bit flatter
spreads out the legs you can see that this pair of legs here uses just the
ratcheted hinge joints but I think that's that's a fine place to put them
you know those are used for the main build they're important for it but I
think you're going to put them anywhere this is the right place because then you
can adjust these legs forward and back a little bit these can be adjusted back as
they need to be yeah single axis hinge joint here that's
fine it's just a lot of smart decisions that feel that went into this I think
the color scheme may be a little bit questionable it's not the brightest
color scheme but then at the same time it's not the most earthy and realistic I
like though it's a looks like hairs on the sides as well and get your your
spinner ducts back here but I think I think just color is the thing that's off
a little bit actually I really like that the dark red but the combination of the
yellow and the flame yellow orange or orangish yellow color you know that more
school bus yellow color doesn't work so well for me I don't and I don't know
exactly what it is though they should work well together but there's just
something a little bit off but this is a really nice build looks fine from the
others underside and show you things a little bit actually like looking at the
colors they're a little bit better just the the black end and yellow a little
bit of the dark red but anyway good build let's take a look at the the
primary one though and this is a dragon a european-style mythological four
legged dragon with a very large head so comically large head I think if you
want to you could see this as being a young dragon you know one that has just
recently started to fly like I can add a lesson to Dragon I think you might want
to see you're just at the very beginning just because the the size of the head is
so large relative to the body but I think this is a pretty nice build as
well I do wish it had larger wings though again especially relative to the
size I have it just keeps coming back to the size of the head for me doesn't it
but lots of articulation here lots of flowing motion that you can get out of
the wings there it's nice being able to turn them up and down and back you can
fold them in if you want to the legs not so much you know in terms of what you
can do with them just because you have that single joint for the shoulder and
then the joint for the ankle or wrist there but still kind of
bring stuff in you know for more of a proper flying pose can bring these in
see ya something more like that get the hind legs back nice shaping for the hind
legs even though they don't have an additional joint each but ya get those
wings out just a little bit see this is interfering right here just kind of that
elbow there is interfering just a little bit so what I can do is move those out
because I really want the front legs to hang back like that there we go
do the same thing for the other side rotate the foot around that's more like
it has a little bit of a feeling so there
are those ratcheted joints there at the base of the neck a little bit of a
feeling of the one from the neverending story
are we just add now it's not so aligned and everything but yeah that's a pretty
good flying pose there lots of motion for the tail so if you want to curl it
all the way up you can if you want to curl it back down kind of forward and
just imagine that being used as a as a weapon as it comes down near the ground
and it just takes a swipe at at its enemies
the head is able to rotate all around on the ball joint there in addition to
being able to elevate up with the neck ratcheted joints there let's just come
down flat just stop right there this head is sculpted pretty nicely no
complaints there can't say I could have done better myself looks pretty similar
to one of the the builds they did some years back not too many years ago okay
you can move that the tongue independently a little bit of flame
coming out there that's a good look good placement of the jaw pivot point there I
think yeah I like all this little spike eNOS in here as well pretty cool just
needs really just needs the larger Wings in my opinion I think that would really
just balance everything out let me see if I can get it into also a standing
pose like a two-legged standing pose is something that a lot of folks like to
see I'll go ahead and bring the wings down make it a little bit more
comfortable and just put the feet down so the head is not able to quite come
down as much as I would like it to so I end up having to kind of compensate it a
little bit bringing the body down so it's not the most convincing of standing
poses for a dragon and again the elbow is kind of get in the way what the wings
there so if I want to bring the hands down and how those have to stick out
yeah I'm just I'm just trying stuff you know just seeing how it feels because I
think a lot of folks like to be able to just pose models like this especially I
mean even if you're a kid and you know you want to actively play with this use
your imagination still at some point you're gonna put it on the shelf when
you're not playing and you know you want to see it you want it to look cool and I
think this doesn't do so well personally in the two-legged position but it's
keeping it on four legs I think it's fine and as plenty of plenty of range
there and this one would look really good hanging from a ceiling it's pretty
light it has a lot of pose ability so no matter where you want to set it up
above you I think he's gonna look pretty good so to me personally out of these
three official options I think the spider works the best and
that's just totally personal subjective opinion I don't think that any of these
are particularly bad at the very least it's certainly a great parts pack
especially with all the the dark red pieces with these cloth pieces here I
could do for a couple more of those to have more options for building custom
stuff but also the kind of car fender parts and these where are they here the
2x2 notched corner wedge plate pieces you
know it's lots of stuff here that really welcomes customization and they
certainly give you some really good ideas here I mean these are so different
these three builds and each of them uses most of all I mean this is all the parts
and then these two each use most of the parts so I think it's a good use of the
pieces that are included and at the very least gets you started on doing
something even better best of all the value here at least in the United States
haven't seen prices show up elsewhere yet but here the priced part ratio is
really good and the value I feel for what I get in this box is fantastic just
phenomenal I mean I don't think I've seen this much value in a box this size
that has Lego in in one corner of that box in a long time so that totally makes
it more than worth it and completely undoes any small nitpicky kind of
shortcomings that you know that I was going through and just looking at each
of the individual models you get a great selection of pieces here and three good
builds that are excellent I think for the price anyway thank you for watching
this video I hope I showed you everything you want to see out of these
three builds for this one set I'm gonna get to work on my next video so I'll
talk to you in soon
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Milo Murphy's Law - Everybody is Here (CZ) - Duration: 1:11.
♪ This is not about mistletoe and ornaments, even though they are all shiny like Christmas. ♪
♪ And those gifts are only quite a nice product placement. ♪
♪ Christmas time is from the postcards ... ♪
Merry Christmas, mate. Put this one last roll.
No. You take it.
I insist. You!
No, you give him.
Er. We have thousands of rolls.
(Dinosaur souds)
♪ ... they are happy. Hearts are happy. ♪
♪ Hearts are happy. ♪
♪ Christmas time. ♪
♪ It is a feast for the calendar. ♪
♪ Just Baby Jesus with Santa and gifts you have. ♪
♪ At that time let everyone around know that we are the time Christmas ♪
♪ We are the gifts and laughter. ♪
♪ Stars on trees knows. ♪
Merry Christmas, my friend.
Yeah, merry Christmas.
♪ ... snow. ♪
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros series 3 reviewed! 76089 76090 76091 - Duration: 11:39.
hello everyone it's been a little while since I've done anything Marvel related
so here are three of the latest Lego Marvel superheroes mighty micros sets
these are three separate sets when I'm showing you the boxes right from the
start zone this is one this is one this is one I
just figured I would cover all of them in one video because they're small so
from guardians of the galaxy here is star-lord vs. nebula star-lord gets an
excellent looking miniaturized version of the Milano with four wheels on it I
think that you could easily build that without the wheels on it and it would
look like a cool little kind of realistic model like a just a mini scale
thing I mean look at that even kind of the the feathery tips of the wings are
there with the different angles this is actually really nicely done I said just
I mean just leave that entire lower chassis off and I think most of it will
actually hold itself together without that so you don't even need to add
anything except maybe something just in place of the seat there if you don't
want to have a gigantic scaled star-lord sticking out of it we'll take
a closer look at the figures up close in just a minute but then nebula over here
kind of sets the story for this set because she is stolen star Lords mixtape
and that's the printed piece there and that's excellent to get I am definitely
going to get another of these sets probably because I want another of that
tape and it I mean it doesn't even have the writing on it so it's really generic
if you use it to represent any kind of classic cassette tape so she's in a
necrocraft here that she has commandeered and she's taken off with
that tape and star-lord needs to get it back cool I mean this is far less
interesting as a vehicle to me than the Milano but hey you can pop a wheelie and
hold it you can bring the wings up and down you know doesn't really do anything
but I think the the main thing here is that you do get the nebula figure
something for star-lord to go up against you get a vehicle for him to go up
against and though these are fun just to have to run around can he hold a wheelie
no he can't no he can't winner also nebulas car gets a printed
console piece and star-lord doesn't have that either he just has a lame steering
wheel alright so looking at the figures up close these are following the
standard kind of formula for mighty micros all of these will and do with
really simplified prints and kind of childish features you know just
everything is just taken down a notch in seriousness or maybe a couple of notches
but they do have the proper accessories so you get the blaster for for star-lord
and that really nice printed tile cassette piece for nebula you get the
proper metallic silver colored arm for nebula as well and hand and you get the
right hair piece for star-lord as well prints on the backs of the torsos are
yeah just yeah at least you do get an alternate face for a star-lord as well
when he doesn't have the full mask on this is scarlet spider not spider-man
notice the torso versus Sandman and I think Sandman gets one of the more
interesting vehicles of this entire mighty micros line because this to me
looks like it could be just a a proper minifig scaled large dump truck for kids
you know just a oversized huge toy that they could actually ride along in so
this this actually seems like something that could potentially be feasible in
just a normal minifig scaled scene if you want it to be he's got the huge
steering wheel there on top which just looks like it makes sense to me and it
has the the Box on the back with even printed caution well 1 by 4 tile there
and then you can leave the sand out the sand pile out if you want to you know
just actually use the thing now it's not able to actually dump but I think it's
just a cool little little build reminds me of a huge Tonka toy and they have
that stud on the side there with the one brick near the top so you could attach
if you want to the hammer hand of Sandman and then Scarlet Spider over
here just gets Spyder inspired vehicle I don't know if
this is based upon anything that's been done in the toy world before or anything
that would be canonical I haven't looked it up but I'm not aware of anything but
you've got the two eyes on the front and a couple of little little fangs sticking
down and this one also has a printed console piece in there same one that
nebula did so yeah that's cool I like the thrusters on the back of this you
know you can angle those up and down to get a little different look out of it
and let me see if I can bring these up enough you can hold y'all important
wheelie okay I'm satisfied with this one as well so I think both of these
vehicles are good this wood this one almost wants to to wheelie at all times
I just think that's a fun thing when I was a kid I loved being able to do
wheelies I mean most the time I'd have to hold vehicles downton to make it
happen but if they could hold it themselves and that just made them feel
more alive to me again with the figures with the simplified styling but you know
I actually think that Sandman torso is serious enough put long legs on that
torso and I think that that would fit right into any kind of actual
superheroes scene and they gave them a nice sand hammer arm in there as well
same thing goes for Scarlet Spider I think that head is fine it's not as
detailed as you normally expect but you know the expression of the eyes is good
and I think the torso print is good as well again just put longer legs on it
and I think it's a fine substitute now Sandman's face is clearly just a mighty
micro specific thing but if you can get past that I think that these can be
taken seriously enough with longer legs and Scarlet Spider there gets the shovel
to deal with some excess sand and again the prints on the backs of the torsos
are fairly simple but again I think the one for Sandman is not so bad and it's
good to be able to get this hair piece as well in the regular brown color and
finally here is Thor versus Loki and I believe these vehicles are just
completely made up feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that
look to see if someone else already has in the comments but I mean door looks
like he has a like a an older truck that's been souped up hot-rodded
modified and then Loki has something that's just based upon his helm so why
not it's kind of his is chariot there yeah I think that each of the vehicles
are cool notice that you get two different colors of gold for the the
Loki vehicle here with the cheese wedge just give me cheese slope pieces being
the printed kind of slightly more believable more realistic metallic
colour that's actually painted on the outside and is tan on the inside I think
it's these couple of electrical bolts coming off the back he's standing right
at the the rear most portion of that vehicle and then Loki's just gets a
couple of thrusters coming off the back and you can adjust the kind of horns on
the front if you want to move those forward like oops I like that but more
like this to make them more setup for for ramming I guess get that on there
how come that's not staying on there down there before there we go just gotta
get on the right the right spot yeah you kinda use it a little bit more like a
like a mountain goat kind of RAM front or you can bring this back kind of close
this around if you want to turn it into something a little bit different make a
little bit more like a roll cage imagine these are actually like laser blasters
or something yeah yeah use your imagination but it's nice to have just a
little bit of move ability with this what about nope nah not even a little
bit weak how about over here ah so close mmm
just needs ah so close but no cigars not able to hold that wheelie too bad I do
like these wing pieces though being able to get a couple more of those in just a
plain light grey color these torsos don't look that great up close but from
a more realistic distance I actually kind of liked both of them because of
the metallic printing in there maybe it's just the the kid in me thinking
back to playing with toys and I got something that seemed metallic as
long as there wasn't too much of it you overdone fake Chrome or something it
seemed it seemed fancy to get something that looked metallic so I like the the
silver and the gold is the gold especially that's just you know kind of
personal nostalgia and preference I believe but you do get the full helm for
Loki not a miniaturized version of that but Thor gets the miniaturized gape it's
just this short cape it's such it's such a short little thing compared to the
normal ones it's it's funny it's really funny to me it shouldn't be as funny as
it is but it really is it's just it's almost like a like a neckerchief well to
the normal ones haven't haven't looked at this on on a regular figure but it is
the newer type of material you get print on the backs of these torsos with more
of the gold as well and Loki's head is actually gold itself and that's
interesting that it's slightly different from you know this is kind of the
rubbery material that's used here for this helm and it's a little bit more
orangish and then the head itself is less orangish even than the the hands or
the light saber hilt piece that's used for his accessory so it's it's slightly
closer to a realistic gold I believe no alternate face for Thor
here and the face print for Loki is not quite thick enough you can see some of
the some of the gold coming through or some of the the darkness just doesn't
look like proper skin tone but these are the mighty micros and they are not to be
taken too seriously yet they do come with some pretty cool
stuff for folks of all ages certainly particularly mostly designed for younger
kids though to be able to get a couple of superheroes and/or supervillains for
a very very low price and they come with some vehicles you can play around with
it's kind of a shame that they don't come with the longer legs you know just
as an option so that you can upgrade them but that's just the choice that
that Lego made probably to keep from having these compete too much with the
more expensive sets regardless some cool stuff here some kind of meh but you know
all that is subject to a personal opinion so I hope I've shown you enough
here to help you form your own opinions and I'll talk to you soon thanks for
Cách chọn mua xe Honda Winner 150 đã sử dụng nói Riêng và Xe máy nói Chung | CLUB RACING 2 | - Duration: 13:30.
Ghause Paak رضي الله تعالى عنه Ki Niyaaz || Islamic Cartoon for Kids Education || Must Watch - Duration: 3:07.
iFi Micro iUSB3.0 reclocker and power cleaner - Duration: 7:10.
As a follow up on the iFi Nano iUSB3.0 here the review of its bigger brother, the Micro
It's twice the price, twice the size but does it also offer twice the quality?
It might be interesting to first watch the review of the iFi Nano iUSB3.0 and 'Connecting
your DAC #2, how digital can go wrong'.
The links are in the show notes.
The Micro iUSB3.0 in essence does the same as the Nano, but than twice as good.
It cleans the signal and the power lines and reclock and reshape the output.
Furthermore an audiophile hub is integrated which is handy if you also use a hard disk
that needs to be fed from USB.
The small aluminium box measures 160 by 65 by 27 mm and has connections on both small
sides and on one long side.
On one short side you find the power inlet, the power switch, a ground lift switch and
the USB 3B socket for connection to the computer.
On the top are three smal LED's that indicate whether a computer is connected and switched
on, if the Micro is switched on and if the ground lift is activated.
The other short side holds a USB A socket that only offers power and a second one that
also carries the USB signal.
These two are doubled on the long side.
The power only socket can be used to power the DAC while the USB signal comes from the
other socket.
iFi has an optional cable to enable this.
Although the Micro iUSB3.0 is fully USB 3 compatible, I currently know of no DAC that
That's no problem for the unit will work with USB 2 devices just as well.
As long as the connector fits, it will work.
The ground lift switch is self explanatory, it disconnects the ground from the source.
Simply start in the ground lift position and when hum is audible, switch over to the ground
connected position.
The power switch also has two positions: auto and on.
When in the auto position it will switch off when not in use.
The On position keeps the power on all the time, which can be handy when the DAC needs
USB power to identify itself to the source.
Talking about power, the Micro iUSB3.0 comes with a 9 volts iPower wall wart.
This is an audio grade switching mode power supply.
I have reviewed the 5 volts version to find it about as good as the Audiophonics linear
power supply.
Apart from active noise cancellation and filtering of the power supply, the USB signal is also
reclocked and regenerated.
And both are done at a higher level compared to the Nano iUSB3.0.
To test the audible result of the Micro iUSB3.0 I placed the Intel NUC6 i3 running Roon Rock
nearby my setup 1 and connected it alternatively direct to the Mytek Brooklyn DAC and via the
I also compared it to the Nano.
It sounds cheap to say the Micro really does sound twice as good as the Nano, but it more
or less does in my setup 1.
The stereo image opens up further, the highs are more refined, there is less time smearing
and it all is more relaxed.
Although I hate being quasi precise, using exact figures for audible observations, let's
please you once more: in the Nano review I stated that if a direct connection between
the Intel NUC and the Mytek Brooklyn would offer 20% of what I know the SOtM sMS-200
Ultra offers me, the Nano would offer 40%.
Then the Micro does 70%.
In my Setup 2 it would hit 85% of what I know is possible and in my sub 1000 euro Setup
3 the difference between the Micro and Nano becomes relatively small.
Whether you would need to buy the Micro for this setup depends on future plans.
The Nano would suffice as such, only if you plan to upgrade over time, the Micro might
become interesting.
With the Micro iUSB3.0 iFi offers a more upmarket product from the Nano.
At 455 euros, 395 pounds including VAT or 399 dollar ex. sales tax it is twice the price
but it really does offer twice the quality over the Nano, if that's a fair way of putting
As I said in the Nano review: If you are not a critical listener and have a setup that
is not very refined, you might even hear no difference at all.
But if you are a critical listener and have set up a well chosen 3000 euro or more stereo,
you will find it money very well spent.
A review of the SOtM tX-USBultra - that by the way again is more than twice the price
of the Micro, will follow in the near future.
So if you want to stay informed, subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook
or Google+.
See the show notes for the links.
If you have a question, post it below this video but please don't ask me for buying
See my About Questions video to find out why.
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And don't forget to tell your friends on the web about this channel.
I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on
And whatever you do, enjoy the music.
Milo Murphy's Law - I'm Going to the Zoo/Dentist/Mall to Buy some Christmas Presents (CZ) - Duration: 0:41.
♪ I'll go to the zoo. I'll go to the zoo. ♪
♪ And I see there live animals. ♪
Watching a pop star Vinnie Dakota, singing his breakthrough hit "I'm going to the zoo.", Which was followed by a decade of hits like "I'm going to the dentist."
♪ I now go to the dentist, I go now to the dentist. ♪
♪ And he'll drill my flaws. ♪
A centrepieces of the Christmas holidays, "I'm going to the mall to buy Christmas gifts"
♪ I'm going to find a mall. ♪
♪ I'm coming for Christmas gifts. ♪
♪ I'm going to find a mall. ♪
Now think about all that you can read in his autobiography bestseller for a discounted price.
Tournament 12: SOrichalcum 4Glaive Atomic VS KSatan Knuckle Press - Duration: 2:04.
Hi guys, I'm back
I had a bad cold over the holidays, sorry for the delay in videos
But lets get into analyzing
Last round satan was able to offbalance revolve
but against atomic it didn't do so well
There was also no winning atomic in stamina with press
and bursting shadow orichalcum with defense bey just doesn't work
Bad matchup, sorry
Next time we have wajahat ali tahirs blaze ragnarok eight glaive atomic
against firefire wbos dark deathscyther gravity orbit
Heavy stamina bey against lighter one
I have no idea what will happen
See you then
১ খিলি পান খেলে ১ টানা ৫ ঘন্টা সহবাস করতে পারবেন । (১০০% গ্যারান্টি) সঠিক পদ্দতি দেখেনিন ভিডিওতে - Duration: 7:01.
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