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oh wow we fit a lot of them and they are really cool you could have awesome Dino
battles and everything if you want to see these guys and see me playing with
this set and putting the dinos in and stuff stay tuned for the end of this
the unfortunate thing is guys this set has been retired for quite some time and
if you check out my link to Amazon this is a $400 set I actually found this one
at a yard sale so I got a really good deal on it it's missing a couple parts
but almost everything is here and you've seen this speed build this is probably
the coolest Lego Dino set you are going to get it's totally awesome okay well
anyways let's go ahead and start looking at the options then we'll take a look at
the dinos that came with it and the different vehicles have so much going
for it okay first of all we're gonna start at this tower here this has two
like spring loaded missiles here radar dish this thing will click in two
different positions 360 degree has plants the unfortunately thing is three
of the plants are missing so this is what it would look like with all the
plants on it and then you have this awesome blocking gate here you could put
the chain across it to lock it you got like the spikes or the front swing it
open and you have room for a lot of dinos I mean you could fit probably
three or four full-size dinos in there so that makes it the biggest set also
because even the indominus rex breakout you're
lucky if you could fit two in there and that even that's hard to do and then uh
here on this tower you got this big crane here with on that so you would
take one of the dinos like if it's going by here you would drop the net on it
with the crane and then wrap it around the Dino and lift
Dino up with the crane cool capture the Dino there with the crane 360-degree
movement there and then we're gonna move on to this side here so there's not
really all that much going on here's more like Deckard yeah but this power
back here is really first of all if you look at the top you got like an antenna
this year that swivels around and then tenna here and on top here up here
you got this winch here for the gate so it is a working winch so just go ahead
and you're gonna lower this then you turn it right here loose the gate up how
sweet is that so you have a back entrance here earlier
as you can see the full Dino could fit in there because if you look at like the
indominus rex and those breakout ones you can't really fit the Dino in the
door or if you could it's super tight so here they give you plenty of room to fit
the Dino in and then here you got a cool stand here with helmets and guns for the
characters and I mean you could just put the characters around this place
anywhere like defending it so it and then down here you've got an awesome
laboratory with glass windows here you've got like a vial you got like fuel
here we've got a syringes so nice big work area in there which this is
portable too you can have two guys you know
and carry it out and then going up there you have a helipad there so the
helicopter could land right on to the helipad then going to this side like I
said this set is huge guys in totally awesome it should be the other side this
is one of the pieces that's missing so that was kind of disappointing but you
know at the price I got it for I mean it was anyway
and it does make it much stronger build it on a baseplate and then taking a look
at some of the characters here is one of them it's like a pile a bleep gun that
goes with it you have more guns to that little platform I showed you on the
inside like this would probably be like a hunter I mean looks like a safari type
hunter with the big tranquilizer gun then you have female figure she also
looks like she's you have another figure here which you have an extra pilot's cap
and glasses good
and then it comes with an awesome exclusive block the Raptor head moves
arms leg moves so if you watched any of my other videos this is very similar to
the regular Jurassic velociraptors and then you have the big guy good t-rex
this guy is totally awesome he's very similar to their original Lego
Jurassic world t-rex except he's different callers like a greenish brown
color so once again Bob opens and closes by clicking - really strong durable a
couple of them that were
you got this awesome green like two-tone green Lego pterodactyl which I did not
see anywhere on the set looks like this one was a moment bonus and a bonus
Gallimimus and then let's go ahead and take a look at the vehicles so here you
got this vehicle here you've got like box back here where you can pull tools
over there we've got room here for one character to drive they can either stand
or sit here is a good look at the front of it you got like scratches
on this side and you have a syringe radio then we have no one cop so here is
a look at the helicopter reel spinning blades there I mean this with really
nice and smooth so if you spin it it actually goes for a while you got a tail
rotor that spins also and I mean this is a really cool looking helicopter you got
missile here room for a character to sit the character has to sit or the plate to
hit them got to gear shifters here we're all flying so like I said this set is
awesome guys I mean it has a lot of like a lot you get a chance to buy this set
jump on it
like I showed you before I mean this set has excellent playability so first of
all you would have the gate raised and then you would have the Dinos come in
here like I said these full-size ones will fit right into there one size one
and then you could have like the original Lego Jurassic world this is an
alien Dominus Rex that I did I got an alien
upset that I put together in speed build that one was about a thousand pieces you
can check that out too in my and then you got a bunch of small ones you can
bring in like I have this cool Velociraptor blue so he could go
you can fit into the park there and then I got this awesome lock essaouira so
this really could be like a Jurassic world dinosaur park I mean you can fit
so many dinos into there I've got this awesome orange Dilophosaurus I have a
little miniature I've got the Velociraptor that comes with this set we
could fit that guy in there also we have Gallimimus we have a little miniature
t-rex which came in one of the other Lego dinosaur sets I put together go
ahead and fit that guy in there also then we have this cool like tan like
female looking velociraptor here then we could go ahead and lower
the gates here and I mean this part is packed well I mean you've got like ten
dinosaurs sitting here okay you want to check out the size of this set I
actually have 11 Lego dinosaurs they're inside the set I mean even the indominus
rex breakout one you're lucky if you could somehow sweep two in there and
then you could also have awesome battles with this set I mean let's say that they
have all those dinos captured in this alien and dumbness Rex shows up he rips
down the gate here who do you want to put it in the comment section down below
if it was up to me I would probably pick this alien indominus rex the goods you
choose loose balls come check out my Lego Dino sets to see me build this one
it's aw it's the Lego alien Dino if you go ahead and search for that one on my
Lego playlist so it is really cool Wow guys that was so much fun I really
enjoyed building this set for you guys but I need to know you guys like these
Lego builds because I'm not getting enough comments about if you like them
or not so if you like these Lego build and please click the thumbs up under the
video and have to drop the comments guys I mean I need to hear from you guys
because I really want to do work you know but I don't know if you guys enjoy
them so if you enjoy them comment let me know what other LEGO sets you wanna see
built because I love doing Legos what guys you guys heard totally awesome I
want to thank you guys for viewing and I will see you soon
oh also if you do want to buy this set I will have a link below the video that's
on Amazon it's kind of expensive but even on eBay you are looking about $400
for this set click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also
click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video click the
boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go
ahead and click the subscribe button
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 10 - Campaign Mission 6 Story - COD Black Ops 2 - Duration: 11:37.
এই মাত্র পাওয়া খবর,খালাস পাবেন খালেদা জিয়া'দেখুন বিস্তারিত - Duration: 1:37.
এ মামলায় বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সংশ্লিষ্টতার কোনো প্রমাণ পায়নি আদালত।
এ মামলায় বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সংশ্লিষ্টতার কোনো প্রমাণ পায়নি আদালত।
এ মামলায় বেগম খালেদা জিয়ার সংশ্লিষ্টতার কোনো প্রমাণ পায়নি আদালত।
BREAKING!!! ENTIRE Obama Family Just Got KICKED OUT!!! - Duration: 5:50.
ENTIRE Obama Family Just Got KICKED OUT!!!
Barack Hussein Obama has a hard time relinquishing his role of being the president and since
leaving the White House has continued to act as such and expect certain entitlements.
Michelle Obama is no exception to this entitlement mentality either and in some ways, she's
worse as she endlessly travels the globe and expects to be treated like a queen.
For eight years, she genuinely thought she was royalty.
Now that she's a regular citizen, she's having a hard time of letting go of her former
status as the (failed) first lady and keeps trying to push her way into every major social
scene where she doesn't belong and is apparently not invited.
When she heard the news that Prince Harry was marrying a black American girl, she assumed
it was her and Barack's place to be on that guest list, which has to be approved by the
Queen of England herself.
Michelle made a desperation move to sneak a spot on that exclusive guest list and as
soon as the real queen found out what the wannabe royalty did, she delivered a brutal
beatdown that was definitely deserved.
As soon as the big news about the royal engagement of Prince Harry and an American actress Meghan
Markle was announced, the Obamas saw an opportunity to edge their way into the elites, like a
couple of desperate kids trying to hang with the popular crowd at school.
Barack immediately got on social media to beat President Trump to the congratulatory
He has a lot more time on his hands than the Commander-in-Chief who is busy cleaning up
his mess.
Barack practically stalked the prince on Twitter and made a post within seconds of the news
coming out, which perhaps had an undertone of letting the royals know that he and Michelle
were available that day to attend.
Despite practically begging to be invited, the British government is actually begging
the royals to refuse the Obamas on their guest list for the much-anticipated wedding set
for May 19.
The Obamas can thank President Trump for that which will surely not sit well with the entitled
The Sun reports:
Government mandarins are urging Prince Harry not to invite the Obamas to his wedding for
fear of infuriating Donald Trump.
Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle have told aides they want the former US president and
wife Michelle at their big day on May 19.
The 33-year-old prince has become good friends with the Obamas since bonding with them during
the Invictus Games.
But Britain's relations with Trump's White House have sunk to their lowest ebb since
his election last year.
The property billionaire does not hide his loathing of Mr Obama and is expected to be
enraged if his predecessor gets the coveted call up when he won't.
The young Royal couple's dislike of the new president is well known.
Meghan made disparaging comments about him on social media during his election campaign
last year.
There are deep fears among senior Foreign Office and No10 officials that another perceived
national snub will make it impossible for Theresa May to meaningfully engage with Trump.
A senior government source said: "Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the
wedding, so it's causing a lot of nervousness.
"Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a Royal wedding before he has had a
chance to meet the Queen.
"Conversations are ongoing about and ministers will eventually have to decide.
If the PM lays down the law, Harry will just have to suck it up."
As the wedding is not a state occasion, the Government only have a consultative role in
its organization and heads of state will not be invited.
The guest list is instead being drawn up in full by Buckingham Palace rather than the
Department of Culture, Media and Sport – which presides over national events such as state
Michelle has been making the speaking engagement rounds lately to rack in hundreds of thousands
of dollars to trash Trump.
Her recent trip to Canada was no exception as she combined it with a hidden mission of
getting to the royal wedding.
The former first lady had been invited as the keynote speaker in addressing the "Economic
Club of Toronto," when she deviated from her planned remarks to double down on her
and Barack's desperate attempt to kiss up to the Queen of England.
According to Page Six, Michelle took the opportunity to make fun of President Trump then immediately
gushed over the queen.
Both conversation deviations had no place in an event like this, but for calculated
Michelle, it has a passive-aggressive purpose of saying that Trump wasn't fit for her
guest list, but since she loves the queen so much, she should get a spot.
"After being introduced by Canada's first lady, Sophie Trudeau, Obama told the crowd
that it is 'never a good idea' to put your first thought in the morning on social
media, and never a good idea to 'tweet from bed,' which appears to be one of the president's
favorite pastimes, presuming that he is actually in bed when he tweets at 3 a.m," Page Six
"Going on about effective communication, and the importance of doing drafts, Obama
went on, 'Then you need to edit and spell-check it.'
The 45-minute conversation, hosted by the Economic Club of Toronto, flowed into a bunch
of amusing side stories, including her memories of being awestruck when meeting Queen Elizabeth
of England."
"'What do you do with the queen?
I touched her.
She touched me first,' she said, adding that her dream dinner guest would be Jesus,
whom she'd serve pizza."
It's well known that the respect, proper etiquette, and holding a high-level of decorum
is important to the royal family and by painting a picture that Trump can't control himself,
Michelle thought she was making him look like a bad person to have at the wedding.
Michelle may think she's royalty and even try to act like it, but she's got nothing
on the actual Queen of England who's the real deal.
The Queen does what she wants which hopefully means that she kicks her off the coveted guest
list too.
what do you think about this?
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amazon(আমাজন) এর অজানা তথ্য জানলে অবাক হবেন - Duration: 5:19.
amazon(আমাজন) এর অজানা তথ্য জানলে অবাক হবেন
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