Google Pixel Phone
For more infomation >> Google Pixel 2 Review & First Look | Google Phone Beyond Your Imagination - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
A Reason Not to Worry What Others Think - Duration: 3:33.
PLC Passwords on the GS4 Variable Frequency Drive - Duration: 3:53.
There are two passwords associated with the PLC in the GS4 Variable Frequency Drive.
One protects the project on your computer's hard drive, the other one protects the data
in the drive's PLC.
To protect your project ladder code, go to Options, Program Setting, Project Password
I'll enter a password of 1, 2, 3, 4 - it has to be exactly 4 characters and can be
any printable character on the ascii chart.
Any of these which includes the space character.
Enter it again to confirm.
You can also limit the number of tries.
It says we're done.
Now it's asking for a password if we want to get back to the password change dialog.
We don't want to do that, so hit cancel.
If I save this password protected project … and close the project … Then try to
re-open it again … you can see it loaded the ladder code by the number of steps down
here – but it won't let you edit ladder diagram.
If we open the project window and try to open the ladder diagram by double clicking here
… it asks for the password.
Type it in and now we can edit our ladder code.
This file is currently password protected, so if we now try to go change the password,
we have to enter the current password to get access.
BEWARE – you are now starting over.
If you hit CANCEL right now, you just told GSLOGIC you don't want a password.
Let's try that.
Save it.
Close the entire project.
Bring it up and sure enough we don't need a password.
So, cancelling out of this dialog clears the password if you save the project.
If you don't save the project, then nothing gets saved, including the password.
It's really important to understand that.
Ok, that was how to protect your project on your hard drive.
Right now anyone can go read a project from the PLC by pressing this button.
What if we want to password protect that?
Just go to Communication, System Security, PLC Password Setting.
Same thing – right?
Enter a password, confirm it, and hit OK.
We don't want to go back to the password dialog box, so hit cancel.
And that's it – the PLC is now password protected.
If we try to download the project we get a password challenge screen.
Enter the password and we get the requested ladder code from the drive.
This also applies to writing the program.
If a password has been set in the PLC, you will have to enter it to over-write the PLC
And just like before, if we want to change the password, we have to know what it was,
and if we cancel out of the password dialog, it clears the password in the PLC and we can
read the ladder logic from the PLC without being challenged.
One word of caution.
Both the project on your hard drive and the PLC passwords are protecting YOUR intellectual
If you forget your password, you won't be able to access the ladder code on your hard
drive and the only way to write a new program to the PLC is to either re-format the PLC
to factory default here – you have to be connected to the drive to do that or course
- or via the Keypad.
Scroll down to PLC to disable it – you can't reset an active PLC, of course! – then go
to parameter 9.08 to reset the PLC.
Don't forget to put the PLC back into Run or Stop mode so GSLOGIC can talk to it.
And please don't call AutomationDirect's support team to reset your password – they
won't be able to help you.
So PLEASE be REALLY careful when using password protection.
Click here to learn more about GS4 Variable Frequency Drives.
Click here to learn about AutomationDirect's free support options and click here to subscribe
to AutomationDirect's YouTube channel so you will be notified when we post new videos.
Chilly Tuesday - Duration: 1:04.
Forbes Highest Earning Indian Celebrities of 2017 - Duration: 4:26.
Forbes Highest Earning Indian Celebrities of 2017
California Firefighters Spend Christmas Weekend Battling Thomas Fire | TODAY - Duration: 2:15.
New Vadaima Koutok / ভাদাইমা এখন নাইট ভিক্ষুক / Night Bikhuk Digetal Vadaima / Vadaima Koutok 2017 - Duration: 22:02.
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Use built-in PLC & Analog I#1 to control the GS4 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) - Duration: 6:38.
Other videos show us how to use an analog input to control the drive's frequency using
the drives parameters.
But what if we want to take the analog input and scale it in a specific way or otherwise
manipulate it before it controls the drives frequency?
Well, that's where having an on-board PLC can come in handy.
Let's go to the examples folder which is usually under documents, AutomationDirect,
There's two folders – one for examples on how to use all of the instructions and
another with application examples.
We want this Analog Input 1 for frequency control example.
This video assumes you are familiar with setting up the GS4 Drive for PLC programming.
If you are not familiar with the GS4 PLC, then the quick start videos will get you up
to speed quickly.
Looks like this example uses the drives forward input as an enable, the reverse input as a
RUN command, Digital input 1 as the direction and digital input 2 as a fault reset.
How did I know which drive inputs those were?
Easy – this button takes you right to the help topic that maps the Drives digital inputs
to the PLC's X inputs and the drives outputs to the PLC's Y outputs.
I love that.
When the enable is active, we read the analog input, convert it to a floating-point number
and put that in register D46 How did I know this was Analog input 1?
Again, this button takes me to that same chart and down here we see that analog input 1 can
be read directly from special function register D1028.
We can also see the analog output mappings.
Could we have requested this information directly from the drive's parameters?
Sure, but that requires extra work on our part.
These dedicated special function registers really make things easy.
Next, we take the floating-point version of the analog input - which goes from 0 to 100
– and multiply it by .6 to scale it to 0 to 60 Hz.
We then convert that back to an integer, and use that to set the new frequency value.
These two are the acceleration and deceleration which we would have to be set before using
this instruction of course.
So instead of doing that, let's highlight the instruction, then double click on it to
just put a constant 2 seconds in for acceleration and a constant 2 seconds in for deceleration.
K means it is a decimal constant and both of these have two implied decimal places so
a 2 becomes a 200.
By the way, you can see all the memory data types in HELP under Contents, Basics, Data
Or just go directly to help topic GSL100.
That's all there is to it.
Read the analog input, scale it, and use it to control the frequency.
These inputs just control special function bits which directly control the RUN/STOP,
Direction and fault reset of the drive.
And don't forget – since the PLC is using this input, the drive won't see it as a
forward command – or whatever else you may have configured it for in the drive.
The PLC always gets control of the I/O IF the PLC is not disabled – that is, it's
in RUN or STOP mode – AND the PLC is using that I/O in its ladder code.
That's really important to remember – the PLC always gets control of any I/O it's
using regardless of how it was configured in the drive.
Well, let's try it.
Write the program to the PLC.
Yes, we want to compile it.
I was running the PLC prior to this demo so it's asking if I really want to stop it
- I do.
And yes, I want to go back to run mode.
If your drive isn't in run mode, just click this button right here.
Let's enable monitoring to see all the values right on the ladder diagram.
You could also bring up a separate monitor window with this button if you want to.
I have some switches connected to the drives inputs, If I flip the enable switch we see
that turn green and if I turn on the RUN contact, sure enough the motor starts spinning.
If I change the analog potentiometer that I have connected to analog input 1, the motor
reacts accordingly and we see the raw analog input value here and the scaled value here
and we even see all the intermediate results too which makes debugging a snap.
In this example, we have a switch connected to one of the drive's inputs controlling
direction by writing to special function register 1026.
If I flip the switch, the drive decelerates over 2 seconds, reverse direction and accelerates
back up over 2 seconds.
Exactly what we expect.
What if we wanted to control the direction automatically from the potentiometer?
That is, have 0 to 5 volts control the reverse direction and 5 to 10 volts control the forward
Can we do that from the PLC?
Let's delete that rung that controls motor direction from a switch.
Up here we converted the 0 to 10-volt input to 0 to 60 Hz.
Let's subtract 30 Hz.
Now we have minus 30 to plus 30.
Multiply that by 2 and we have -60 to +60Hz.
Done, right?
Well, no not yet.
Because the Drive doesn't understand negative frequency numbers from the PLC.
To fix that we'll compare that number with zero and put the result in M0, which tells
us if the frequency is less than zero.
If the frequency is positive, then go ahead and issue frequency command.
If the Frequency is negative, then change the direction by writing to register M1026,
multiply by a minus 1 to get a positive frequency value and use that in the frequency command.
Let's zoom out a little bit so we can see all the new rungs.
Let's write that to the drive.
Yes, compile it.
Yes, I know the drive is in run mode.
Yes, please return to run mode.
Turn on monitoring.
Now the top half of the potentiometer goes from 0 to 60 Hz and the bottom half reverses
direction for 0 to 60 Hz.
Well, that should give you a pretty good idea of the kinds of things you can do with the
GS4 drives built in PLC.
You are no longer limited by what the Drive Parameters allow you to do.
Click here to learn more about the GS4 Drive.
Click here to learn about AutomationDirect's free support options and click here to subscribe
to AutomationDirect's You Tube Channel so you will be notified when we publish new videos.
How Serena Williams, Mariah Carey And Other Celebs Celebrated Christmas | TODAY - Duration: 2:53.
PLC Time and Date Functions in the GS4 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) - Duration: 5:53.
PLC – Real Time Clock Using time functions in the GS4's built
in PLC is easy.
You can read the time, compare the time, Add time, subtract time, and even compare if something
happened during a block or zone of time.
Note that you can't change the time from the PLC.
A nd there are simple examples of all of those in the examples folder.
There are a few things you need to know before using the PLC's time functions so let's
bring up the TRD example program so we can see those in action.
This program simply reads the time from the drive into 6 registers starting at D20.
Check the com settings – check the com port – looks good – and the rest of these are
correct for my system.
Write the program to the PLC in the drive.
It's warning me that I have a program running, that's fine I know that .. and yes I do
want to return to run mode.
If you aren't in run mode, then go ahead and do that now by clicking here.
If we open a monitor window we see that this example already has the registers populated
for us.
Let me re-arrange that so we can see it and the ladder code.
And let's add M0 so we can enable the TRD instruction.
Again, make sure you are on line and the drive is in RUN mode.
The first thing to understand is TIME IS STORED IN THE KEYPAD.
The drive watches the Keypad and if it sees a change uses that to update the time it maintains
locally in the drive.
Let's take a look at how that impacts things.
Here are the 6 registers the Time Read instruction is going to fill and we can see they are not
getting updated right now because we haven't enabled the Time Read instruction with this
M0 contact yet.
But if we look down here, we see a set of Special Function Registers that also have
the time data and they ARE getting updated.
So … do we really need to use the TRD instruction to get time information?
Not really, because the GS4 Drive automatically puts the current time information in these
special function registers so the PLC can just read whichever time element it wants
whenever it wants without having to mess with the TRD instruction.
If we do turn on M0 – I'm going to toggle the on-line button so that shows up on the
ladder diagram - we see the seconds D register is now getting updated by the TRD instruction.
If I turn M0 off, the seconds D register stops getting updated, but the special function
register does continue to get updated.
If I re-enable M0, then the Seconds D register picks up the CURRENT time – exactly what
we expect.
If I stop the PLC, the monitor window stops getting updated of course, but as soon as
I put the PLC back in RUN mode, we see the special function register starts updating
again and it is with the correct current time because the clock continues to be updated
even while the PLC is stopped.
Ok, that all makes sense.
Here is the thing you need to remember.
Let's pull the keypad out.
Look, the time is still getting updated.
Well, again, because the drive maintains a local copy of the time as long as it is powered
Let's record the current time and date.
Now, let's put a DIFFERENT keypad in the drive.
Ahh, look at that!
The drive saw a new keypad and automatically adjusted its internal clock to match that
That's really important to understand.
Time is stored in the keypad.
If your PLC Ladder code uses time functions, and you swap out keypads that don't have
the same time settings, you can get some unexpected results.
So be careful with that.
And if you power cycle the drive with no keypad installed, the drive won't be able to do
that initial read of the time so it'll lose track of the time and again, your PLC time
functions might not work the way you expect.
The good news is Help topic 208 covers the various error bits and codes.
Using those, the PLC can see when there is a time math error and if a something has happened
to the keypad and react accordingly.
So please, take advantage of those to help failsafe your PLC code.
The next thing to keep in mind is the time in the keypad is maintained by a large capacitor
– not a battery.
And that capacitor can only hold the time information for about a week.
So, if that keypad is pulled out of the drive or the drive is powered down for more than
a week, it can't guarantee it will return the proper time.
It's not a permanent time keeping device.
It's really intended to be used to setup one drive and then move the keypad from drive
to drive to quickly copy parameters to other similar drives and keypads.
While the PLC can read the time AND the date, it can only manipulate time – that is, hours,
minutes, seconds using the time functions.
Those time functions don't operate on days months or years.
The PLC can't write to the time registers.
The PLC can read the time and perform operation on time numbers, but it can't write to the
drives time registers.
You can see that in the special function register chart – they are read only registers.
The only way to change the time in the drive and keypad is to go to the main menu, and
scroll down to time setup.
That's sets the time in the keypad.
The drive will see that change and automatically update its local time and date registers.
Of course, you can always see the drives current time right here on the keypad display and
you can tell if the PLC is running and what it's status is right here.
Great, that ought to be enough to get you started with using time and date in your ladder
Click here to learn more about the GS4 Drives.
Click here to learn about AutomationDirect's free support options.
And click here to subscribe to AutomationDirect's YouTube channel so you will be notified when
we publish new videos.
Meghan Markle Celebrates Her First Christmas With The Royal Family | TODAY - Duration: 3:17.
FM Kang says 'comfort women' deal considerably lacked communication with victims ahead ... - Duration: 2:13.
Seoul's Foreign minister highlighted a considerable lack of communication with victims of Japan's
wartime sex slavery when the previous Park administration reached its agreement on the
issue with Tokyo.
Her comments come ahead of the government's unveiling of its review of the controversial
Kwon Jang-ho shares with us the FM's remarks.
Seoul confirmed that the results of a review looking into the controversial agreement between
Seoul and Tokyo on the issue of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement of Korean women will be
released on Wednesday.
However, foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha, gave a preview into the conclusion during
a press briefing on Tuesday.
(Korean) "The review will be released tomorrow but
the conclusion is that communication with the victims was considerably lacking.
It's an outcome that we expected, but now we are in a situation where we have enough
evidence to say it."
It has been expected that the review, launched 5 months ago, would be critical of the agreement,
but this was the first official confirmation.
The deal was reached on December 28th 2015 by the previous Park Geun-hye administration,
and involved an indirect apology from Prime Minister Abe, and the establishment of a foundation
to compensate the victims.
It was meant to draw a line under the issue, but almost immediately faced a public backlash,
most notably from the victims themselves, who said the deal did not go far enough and
that it was reached without their consent.
However, Kang on Tuesday also stressed that the role of the review is to look at how the
deal was reached, and not* to recommend policy.
She said although the administration will take the review into account, government policy
on the matter will be formed later after further input from the victims and other concerned
It's a message that she also stressed with Tokyo when she visited last week, but the
Abe administration has maintained a tough stance, with Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide
Suga saying on Tuesday that the agreement was a promise made in front of the world,
and that it's important for Seoul to keep it.
It seems the two governments will continue to wrangle over the matter, but time continues
to tick away for the victims.
When the agreement was reached two years ago there were 46 registered survivors.
Today there are only 32.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
N. Korea may seek for dialogue with U.S. as 'nuclear state': unification ministry - Duration: 2:21.
Having achieved notable advancements in nuclear and missile capabilities, North Korea may
pursue negotiation with the U.S. to earn recognition as a 'nuclear state.'
next year.
The driving force may be the need to find a way out of growing international pressure.
According to our Oh Jung-hee, many analysts, including unification ministry officials...
anticipate more reveals during the New Year's speech by Kim Jong-un.
North Korea has made some progress in developing its nuclear and missile capabilities this
year... and next year, the regime may seek to be recognized as a 'nuclear state'... and
negotiate with the U.S.
That's... the South Korean unification ministry's evaluation and outlook on North Korea.
The ministry says...
Pyongyang has enhanced its nuclear capabilities and missile range... through September's nuclear
test and multiple missile launches this year.
But the ministry says... it's unclear whether the regime can actually fire an intercontinental
ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead.
The economic impact of international sanctions is starting to hit the regime,... as figures
show... the North's trade with China decreased by over 10-percent in November compared to
last year... and total exports fell,... by almost 32-percent on-year.
The number of its overseas workers has also dropped.
International humanitarian assistance for North Korea is on the decline... and several
of its ambassadors have been expelled,... which implies the regime is becoming further
The unification ministry says... the regime may seek a way-out of its current state next
And that's why the young North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech next week...
will draw much attention.
(Korean) "Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech lays out
the regime's overall direction for domestic politics and the economy, as well as for relations
with other countries.
There's a high possibility that Kim may declare the regime's completion of its nuclear weapons
program and turn toward a peaceful dialogue with the surrounding countries."
For the last two years, Pyongyang has been passive in interacting with Seoul,... making
no replies to Seoul's suggestion of military talks and Red Cross conferences.
The unification ministry says it will pay close attention to whether the North will
hint of a change to that... through the upcoming New Year's speech.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Guided Meditation For Healing Lack Of Focus | Setting Intentions - Duration: 20:05.
Hi, I'm Heather and I'm David from Zen Rose Garden dot com.
In this guided meditation for healing lack of focus, let us guide you to feeling more
confident setting goals, setting intentions and keeping them.
Let's Begin.
In this guided meditation for healing lack of focus and setting powerful intentions,
we're going to be guiding you through a process to set powerful intentions anytime that you
So, take a moment now, paying attention to your breathing.
And as you focus your attention of your breathing, allow your mind and body to relax, release
and let go.
Right here and right now is your time and your moment to let go of any of those heavy
burden you've been carrying.
In this moment, relaxing, releasing and letting go.
With every breath, relaxing even deeper.
And just letting all of those thoughts of your day, come on in and drift on by as if
they were a bird or a cloud in the sky.
Drifting further and further with every breath. and imagining yourself now in your most perfect
place; a place where you are absolutely safe and secure.
a place where you get to create more change TV movie with your wonderful matching each
In this place, noticing whether you are indoors or outdoors.
Whether it is daytime or nighttime.
And notice how wonderfully relaxed you might be in this perfect place.
So, in that most perfect place now, I want you to call in a guide that will be walking
you through releasing those programs of lack of focus and any doubts or insecurities surroundings
setting intentions and achieving what you want to in life.
So imagine that guide as a magic wizard coming in that has known everything that has gotten
stuck inside your mind and knows the greatest ways to reprogram that belief system deep
inside of your mind, by taking you on a journey today.
And just allow that creative imagination to take you on the journey that is right for
And as we go through this process, you might follow along with my story or you might allow
that imagination inside of you to create an even better story for you.
So, as I guide you through this process today, I want you to let that powerful subconscious
mind do whatever it needs to do to make this the best experience for you.
And imagine now, that guide taking you by the hand, traveling through space and time
on a journey; a journey to uncover and rewire all of those old programs that have been holding
you back from achieving your state of perfect focus; your state of setting powerful intentions,
easily and effortlessly.
As we go though this journey just imagining yourself coming to the surface, your true
and genuine, authentic self that knows everything that you need to maintain focus easily and
effortlessly on whatever it is that you choose in life.
Setting powerful intentions easily and effortlessly and following through with your intentions.
So, I want you to imagine setting one powerful intention in this moment and as we set this
powerful intention I want you to notice within your body, within your mind, within your energy
field any places or spaces that are resisting this powerful intention.
Your power of manifestation.
Becoming a person.
And imagine that person before you that has been blocking you from setting this intention,
that has been resisting allowing you to stand in your power of creation.
And, ask what they have been protecting you from.
And, just imagine that thought come into your mind as an impulse, as your first gut instinct.
Even if it does make any sense to you.
And, then bringing that wizard in to have a conversation with this part of yourself
that has been doing an amazing job of protecting you from that pain of standing in your power.
And, imagine those two parts of you: the wizard and the protector, having a little conversation.
And, it doesn't matter if you're aware of what they're saying or not.
The wizard, knowing what happens when you step into your truth and your power without
And that protector knowing now that if you have the capability of standing in your power,
that is the safest place for you to be.
Because, when you step into that power of setting powerful intentions and following
through, and allowing that to become easy and effortless, all of those things that you
thought you were afraid of suddenly disappear.
All of those things that this part inside of your mind that has been protecting you,
suddenly shift and change.
As that part inside of you that has been protecting you now receives an upgrade to that operating
A realization, an awareness that the best way to protect you is to actually support
your power and your growth; your expansion it into your most authentic self.
So take a few moments now and imagine how that would feel to stand in your most authentic
self: to become your most authentic self.
And, feel the support now of that protector standing by and supporting you in this new
feeling and awareness and understanding.
And imagine how it might feel in this moment to set that most powerful intention for you
from that state of authenticity; that state of your absolute truth.
And imagine now setting that intention and feeling that intention through your entire
body from head to toe resonating with your soul truth.
And, allowing that soul truth to magnify and amplify within you.
And all of those thoughts and those programs that came from your past fears and doubts,
fading away more and more with every breath as you allow yourself the freedom to stand
in your authentic truth.
and in that authentic truth there is no doubt, there is no insecurity; there is simply what
is right for you.
And as you set this most powerful intention for your life, I want you to imagine the wizard
and the protector, whether they are in agreement with your driving "why"; the reason behind
this intention.
And, if they are in agreement, then imagine experiencing that support.
And if they are in disagreement, take a moment and adjust that intention.
Perhaps, experiencing the wizard giving you a better intention that fits your truth.
The protector giving you a better intention that fits your truth.
And once everybody is on the same page and supporting this authentic truth, imagine setting
that intention as a color and begin to experience that particular color vibrating inside of
you; inside of the depth of your soul.
And experience the sensation of that vibration in the depths of your soul as it magnifies
and amplifies getting stronger and stronger within you to the point where it fills up
your entire body from head to toe with that certainty.
And doesn't matter how long it's going to take for this to become real for you, when
you set an intention that follows your absolute soul truth, there is no stopping it.
So, take a moment and feel that intention, that color, that vibration and frequency inside
of you that matches your absolute soul truth continuing to get stronger and stronger; magnified
and amplified inside to the point where it expands further and further from you; filling
up your entire body first and then expanding beyond your body to your energy field.
Feeling that intention magnified and amplified to fill up the entire room that you're in.
Continuing to magnify and amplify and intensify getting stronger and stronger to fill up the
entire city that you live in.
That frequency, that vibration of your powerful intention continuing to magnify and intensify
getting stronger and stronger to fill up the entire continent on which you live. and then
getting stronger still; magnified, amplified, intensified.
that intention encompassing the entire world.
That power, that frequency and vibration that fits your absolute soul truth continuing even
further to the furthest reaches of the Universe with your powerful intention.
Magnified, amplified and intensified. and then beginning to experience the ripples of
that intention returning to you.
From the Universe itself; that magnified and amplified intention with your soul truth beginning
to come back to you now as waves of energy, waves of experience that resonate with that
soul truth now being returned to you as different people coming into your life, different situations
or circumstances that match that powerful intention, that resonate with your absolute
soul truth now being returned to you in your imagination here and now.
Meeting new people that have exactly what you need at exactly the right moment to validate
your powerful intention, to begin showing you just how worthy and deserving you are
when you stand in your soul truth.
When you stand in your authenticity, just how easy it is to create the life of your
desires, the life of your authenticity and the life of your soul truth.
And experience, now, the universe returning that energy to you.
Magnified, amplified, intensified; continuing to resonate with your soul truth.
And, imagine what your life would look like tomorrow.
What your life would look like a week from now, a month from now.
And sure, those waves and those ripples might wax and wane.
That motivation may go up and down for whatever intention you have set.
But, by continuing to come back to your driving "why", your driving force that resonates with
your soul truth, there is no stopping that train.
Those waves and ripples that get returned to you will continue magnifying and amplifying
in your life.
And it doesn't matter how long it takes to manifest because when it does, there will
be no stopping it.
There will be no turning it around.
You have set the intention and put it out to the Universe.
And now it's time for the Universe to show you just how worthy and deserving you are
when you stand in your truth.
So experience those ripples, that awareness that knowing that as you stand in your truth,
your life on the outside matches that.
And experience those ripples and vibrations now coming back to you and filling up every
single empty space or place inside allowing you in this moment to feel whole, full and
complete as you stand in your truth and your power.
Releasing and letting go of any of those thoughts and beliefs that no longer resonate with this
soul truth.
Letting all of those thoughts and beliefs that no longer resonate be returned across
space and time to whomever, whenever or wherever they belong; no longer a part of your experience.
And calling back to you all of those pieces and parts that do belong to your absolute
soul truth.
And feeling those pieces and parts coming back to you and filling up every single empty
space or place inside.
Allowing you, in this moment, to feel whole, full and complete; lighter and more powerful
than you have ever felt in your entire life in this moment here and now.
Bringing your attention back to your breathing.
Back into present state and present time.
And, opening your eyes when you're ready.
meditation for focus, meditation for focusing, meditation for concentration, meditation for manifesting
Kidney home remedy | Natural remedy to purify kidney - Duration: 6:23.
How To Improve Your Video Thumbnail Images – 1 Simple Trick - Duration: 6:44.
Here's one simple trick I stumbled across using three free, easily
accessible tools, to create highly effective video thumbnail images. This
video is called: "How To Improve Your Video Thumbnail Images - One Simple Trick".
It's all about making your thumbnail images stand out, look professional and
be attractive. This process may well save you a lot of time you currently take to
produce a thumbnail image as well as making your thumbnail images more
attractive to viewers. In the meantime, be sure to watch the video to the very end
where you'll be able to get details of how to download your free PDF copy
entitled the: "Top 10 Tips For Beginners To YouTube Ads. Hi, my name is Jeff
Laming of Video Cashflow and in this video we're going to look at one neat trick
on how to produce a stunning video thumbnail image that stands out, looks
professional, and can be very attractive to viewers. So let's head over to the
computer and get started. And whilst I'm making my way over there
be sure to read the message about to come across your screen right now.....
Welcome to the computer. There's three parts to this process. The first thing you
want to do is go to and open up Canva. I'm not going to go through the
initial steps of canva. I'm working on the basis that you are familiar with Canva
and we'll go straight to the background page. Now, I'm using a white background
because that's what I predominately use for my thumbnail images, and then I use
my colors for my own business which is navy blue and red. There's my logo down
there, and over here on the right I'm going to put in an image, and this now
leads us to the second part of the process, and this involves a bit of
software called Clipping Magic. You can find it at Details will be put in the Description box below the video.
And what you want to do is go in and pick out an image that you want to put on your Canva screen. We'll
just click here and go through and pick up an image. And I picked up this image
that I used on a previous thumbnail because I want it to improve on this grey area
here. So what this little piece of software see here at the green
plus sign....well this tells you that if you just mark the area that you want to
keep - so in this case we'll keep my face, neck and shoulders - so that will do that -
and then the bit that you want to remove i.e. all the surrounding area, if you click
on the negative or minus button here, and then if you just start clicking here you can
see the outline going around the main structure, in this case my face. It looks
okay down that side - down this side it just probably need to make sure that the red
spot here doesn't go onto the main body and something's not quite right there so
we need to push that bit of outline out so click back on the green button -
this will clear away - and here we just want to just
edge that back so it's got the whole outline. So that is the outline that
we're going to go with. And then what we want to do next is come down here to the
background color. Now, we've got a choice here of various colors and you can choose
and we've got a green if you want a green color, a blue color there, a sort of
a beigey color, black if you want black, but because I said my logo is
predominantly white - we're just going to go with white - and that's the image there. Now
this particular software here - it's got a pricing structure - but for the purposes
of what we're going to use, we're now going to use the third piece of software
in this process, and this third tool is the Windows Snipping Tool. I don't know if you
can see this here properly, but this is....if you go to and key in "snipping tool" on
your Google search box and you'll come up with this. And basically this is what
it looks like once you download it. And if I just
expand on this....I can, but basically what happens is it allows you to just click
on here. And it will enable you to just outline the area that you want to snip
and....voila! And it enables you to save it as a PNG [file/document]. So what we're going to do now
is just go back to the Clipping Magic screen and I've got this tool at the
bottom here - you can't see this much - I'm just going to click on it. You can start seeing it
by going up in the corner here and I will just make sure - you don't want to get the
borders in - now I'm going to save that into my computer. So I've saved that
onto my hard disk and now we're going to go back into Canva and we're going to
upload that image. So there's the image here that I've uploaded and I'm just
going to drag....just click on it and put it over there.....and just drag it down
here.....and voila! There you are, as you can see
that blends in really nicely with the rest of the image. Obviously, I can move this
about and tidy it up a bit but obviously it gives you an idea
now of how you can improve your thumbnail images. You can do this with
existing thumbnail images as well. If you've got images that you think the
background could be improved upon. So hope you've found that simple three-stage
process useful and let's now carry on with the rest of the video. Before I
forget, here's the link for you to download your free PDF copy of the: "Top
10 Tips For Beginners To YouTube Ads". You'll will find the URL link in the
description box below this video. Thanks for watching. Look out for another video
on video marketing and YouTube coming your way next week.
Until next time......bye for now.
It looks like my vacation ... - Duration: 7:02.
Speaking people, Kratos evil
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You will not regret IRAM
In this video I will show how my day on holiday
I take a coffee with milk and bread
I eat a banana and then I drink a energetic
As I do not permição to record everything in the gym
I'll just write the beginning and the end of my heating
Not to give bad
Life Fitness Academy
Then I descranço a bit and then I play 5 hours a day
I see a very cool series
The series The Flash
I see a movie in the living room TV
Finally I see video on YouTube channel I like
Obriagado to watch this video and it is us
Секреты FIFA 18 от разработчиков - Duration: 4:20.
Horst Lichter: Pleite-Schock! - Duration: 5:27.
Korean gov't to levy taxes on clergy from 2018 onwards - Duration: 2:26.
Religious groups in Korea will lose their tax-exempt status from 2018 on.
A move sealed on Tuesday when the Cabinet signed off on the government's new tax code
Ji Myung-kil explains how the changes work.
Under the government's latest tax revision, the clergy will be subject to income tax.
It is expected that cash and compensation received after religious services, including
voluntary work provided by clergy members, will be recognized as part of their income,
and will be taxed as such.
The National Finance Institute expects taxing Korea's 230-thousand clergymen will add more
than 55 million U.S. dollars to state coffers each year.
Currently, about 11 percent of the clergy pay taxes on a voluntary basis, and the finance
ministry estimates roughly 9 million dollars are collected annually.
(Korean) "We need help from religious groups to increase
state coffers.
Korea is becoming a rapidly aging society...
while facing a shortage of capital to finance its growing social costs."
The new tax code revision is part of government-led efforts to establish equal taxation.
Religious figures have been exempt from paying income tax for decades... as their work is
regarded as a spiritual service.
But some more conservative-leaning Protestant circles are against the pending tax plan.
(Korean) "We need more time to discuss and prepare
against the potential friction between government authorities and religious leaders."
The pastor also added that pseudo-religious groups could ask for the government's recognition
if they start to pay taxes.
Catholic priests have been voluntarily paying income tax since the mid-1990s and Buddhist
priests have also expressed an intention to pay taxes on their earnings.
The issue of taxing the clergy first came up in 1968 when the National Tax Service said
the country needed to start collecting income taxes from priests and monks.
But successive governments continued to postpone the matter, especially ahead of or during
election seasons, despite Korea being the only OECD member to not levy taxes on the
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
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