Aww!Taimur Ali Khan Looks So Adorable When Enjoying Snow With Kareena Kapoor And Saif Ali Khan
For more infomation >> Aww! Taimur Ali Khan Looks So Adorable When Enjoying Snow With Kareena Kapoor And Saif Ali Khan - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Korea's overall consumer prices for 2017 jump 1.9% on-year - Duration: 1:36.
Prices of select food items dipped somewhat after peaking earlier this year, as supplies
recovered from a poor harvest and health scares in the poultry industry.
Overall for 2017, consumer prices shot up at the fastest pace in half a decade.
Kim Hyesung looks beyond the digits.
South Korea's consumer prices accelerated in December by their fastest pace in three
months, marking a rebound from November's one-point-three percent, which was the lowest
gain in 2017.
Statistics Korea said consumer prices went up by one-and-a-half percent on-year in December.
Prices of fresh food went down, with vegetable prices plunging 16 percent on-year.
But petroleum prices jumped seven-point-five percent in December, raising prices for petrochemical
and other industrial goods.
Overall consumer prices for the whole of 2017 jumped one-point-nine percent, sharply up
from a one percent on-year rise in 2016, marking the steepest gain in five years.
(Korean)- "Unfavorable weather conditions like the heat
wave and heavy rain in the summer, and the avian influenza outbreak, drove up agriculture
and livestock products this year."
Petroleum goods also jumped one-point-four percent on-year as global oil prices hit a
two-year high late this year on supply cuts by major oil exporters and growing demand
from Asia.
Service prices went up by two percent on-year, driving up prices by one percent.
Core CPI, which excludes oil and agricultural products, rose one-and-a-half percent from
a year ago.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Hong Kong ship seized in South Korea for transferring oil to North Korean ship - Duration: 2:19.
A boat from Hong Kong is detained in South Korea for potential violation of UN sanctions
targeting Pyongyang.
It's suspected of secretly transferring oil to North Korean boats at sea.
This follows reports of Chinese vessels actively carrying out illegal ship-to-ship transfers
with the hermit kingdom in recent months.
Here's Kwon Jang-ho with a closer look.
A Hong Kong vessel has been seized in South Korea, after it was suspected to have violated
UN sanctions by trading oil with North Korea.
Seoul government officials said that the ship, named Lighthouse Winmore, came into the country's
Yeosu Port on November 24th, where it was detained and inspected by customs officials.
The ship is thought to have transferred of some 6-hundred tons of oil to a North Korean
vessel, the Sam Jong 2, in international waters a month earlier, on October 19th.
All ship-to-ship transfer of any goods for North Korea has been banned by the UN Security
Council since September.
The Lighthouse Winmore last visited South Korea on October 11th, where it was chartered
by a Taiwanese company called the Billions Bunker Group to take a shipment of Japanese
refined oil products to Taiwan.
But instead, it is said to have transferred the oil to the North Korean vessel, as well
as three other ships.
Information was gathered with the help of the U.S., and Seoul said that a report will
be given to the United Nations.
Seoul also described this incident as a clear example of the illegal network North Korea
has created to violate sanctions, but that it also sends a message to those that do trade
with the rogue regime that they can get caught.
This incident follows on from other reports of Chinese vessels trading oil with North
Korean ships in the open seas.
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that U.S. satellites had spotted 30 such examples
in the West Sea since October.
It is these incidents which are thought to have prompted U.S. President Trump to tweet
on Thursday, "Caught red handed - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North
He added, "There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this
continues to happen " Trump had previously urged China to cut off
all oil supplies to the regime... and it seemed Beijing had complied when earlier
this week its customs office released data showing no oil exports had been made to North
Korea in November.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
Apple apologizes over slowdown of older iPhones, offers battery replacement discount - Duration: 0:41.
With lawsuits piling up around the world,...
Apple apologized to consumers for making its iPhones slow down with age.
In a message posted on its website, the tech titan apologized to consumers who felt let
However, Apple reiterated it never intended to shorten the life of older models,... and
the slowing down feature was to prevent unexpected shutdowns... due to degrading batteries.
The company's gesture of apology: slashing the price of iPhone battery replacements from
the current 79-dollars to 29-dollars,... starting late January.
Apple also plans to issue an iOS update with new features to give users clearer information
about the condition of battery.
N. Korean leader makes least public appearances in 2017 - Duration: 2:35.
For 2017, the reclusive state's leader made the fewest public appearances since coming
into power.
An indication that Kim Jong-un is becoming more isolated than ever.
However North Korean watchers believe signs of warming up to the idea of dialogue next
year could be reflected in the young leader's New Year's speech.
Oh Jung-hee shares with us some expert's take on the matter.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made fewer public appearances this year... than in any
other year since he assumed leadership of the regime in 2012.
According to Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency,... Kim made 93 public appearances in 2017,...
a 30-percent drop from last year.
Military-related tours accounted for over 40-percent of his appearances,... with social
and cultural events... and visits related to the economy... taking up about 30-percent
Kim appeared at public events over 150 times in 2012,... and over 200 times in 2013,...
but that number steadily decreased to around 170, 150, and 130 in the following years,...
hitting around 90 this year.
Analysts say,... Kim at first aimed to solidify his grip on power as well as build an image
of a friendly leader who's close to the people.
But in his sixth year of leadership, Kim may have felt that his authority has become more
or less stable.
(Korean) "The recent drop in Kim's public appearances
can first be attributed to the fact that Kim has completed the reshuffle of the leadership
Also, I personally see that military pressure from the United States has an influence.
It includes a strategy to get rid of Kim... so Kim tends not to show himself often."
With Kim making less and less public appearances, his leadership is becoming more and more closed.
But pundits believe, he could try to make room for dialogue with other countries through
the upcoming New Year's speech,... as the regime has announced the completion of its
weapons program.
(Korean) "Through the 2018 New Year's speech, there's
a possibility that Kim will once again declare the completion of Pyongyang's nuclear development,...
and turn towards peaceful dialogue with South Korea and other countries.
So how the international community responds to the North's move will be important."
But the expert added, if the international community still hangs onto strict sanctions
against the regime, Pyongyang may carry out additional provocations,... like a seventh
nuclear test and further ICBM launches.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Homeless man gets reward after finding family's unique camper - Duration: 1:16.
Wild crash caught on camera, leaves trail of destruction in NW OKC - Duration: 1:36.
5 ideas to make 2018 even better ! - Duration: 2:11.
Do you hear me ?
Hello Tobias !
Hi !
Hello Margot, how are you ?
Hi Celya !
Hello !
Hello Cléo, how are you ?
I am fine, and you ?
How do you like the world to be when we will be parents ?
Well … wave pools in the houses !
Sorry ?
I would like …
less pollution
and more people surfing !
That astronauts try to repair "azone" layer
above Africa and other countries that I can't remember.
But how can we do that ?
Uh, I don't know … A hammer, a small shover,
a needle and thread !
Many people on the beach to clean it and pick up pollution.
And you, what would you do to change the world in 2018 ?
I think that we can write a little speech
about "acceptance"of people that seems to be different but are not.
Do you have any idea of how we can do that ?
For example, we can write it on school's walls,
or in Tape à l'œil blog
to download …
I wanted to ask you this question …
How do you imagine the world in 15 years ?
I would like to organize a big, enormous, giant pic-nic
for lonely people !
So cool !
If you want to organize a pic-nic too, download my poster on Tape à l'œil's blog !!
And you Tape à l'œil ?
What will you do in 2018 to make the world better ?
And us ?
In 2018, we will do our best to reveal your #OriginalKids talents !
Because we believe that the energy of tomorrow's world is based on the talent of all kids, rising under the watchful eye of adults.
I wish you a wonderful 2018 year !
Yes !
Happy new year !
🎮 Fun Animal Care Ocean Doctor Kids Games - Children Learn How To Care for Sea Animals - Fun Games - Duration: 11:20.
🎮 Fun Animal Care Ocean Doctor Kids Games - Children Learn How To Care for Sea Animals - Fun Games
Lower back pain | Natural remedy for low back pain - Duration: 5:40.
5 Quick Sugar Scrub Recipes For Glowing Face | How To Glow Up Overnight - Remedies One - Duration: 3:44.
getting all the benefits of a spa day without having to spend a penny sounds
like a pretty sweet deal today's video will discuss sugar scrub home recipes
before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube
channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be
the first to know when we post new videos daily using a sugar scrub on your
skin is a great way to exfoliate it when mixed with the right ingredients the
scrub can add a ton of nutrients to your skin while also removing all the dirt
and impurities depending on the type of skin you have you can use any of the
following recipes for softer glowing skin in no time let's start a list off
with 5 sugar scrub recipes for glowing skin 1 the olive oil and sugar scrub the
olive oil and sugar scrub is ideal for you if you have dry skin follow these
simple steps in your scrub would be ready in no time
procedure pour a bit of olive oil in a bowl or jar and add 2 teaspoons of honey
to it the consistency can get quite thick once you've mixed the to add the
sugar you need to add enough sugar to make the mixture grainy as opposed to
watery use a cotton bud and exfoliate your skin to the coconut oil and sugar
scrub this is another sugar scrub recipe that can be used for dry skin coconut
oil douse as your skin in all the nutrients it needs in order to stay
moisturized procedure pour some coconut oil in a bowl and add some honey to it
add the sugar in and as was the case with the previous recipe ensure that the
consistency is grainy and not watery use a cotton bud to exfoliate your skin 3
the lemon and sugar scrub if you are looking for a deal of your sugar scrub
that can help you get rid of your pimples then this one is it procedure
just add the juice of one lemon to a bowl and add sugar to it
cotton in the mixture and rub it all over your face for the turmeric and
sugar scrub turmeric is great for your skin it makes it glow and also lightens
it follow these simple steps and get a glowing skin procedure put some turmeric
powder in a bowl and add a few drops of honey to turn the powder into a paste if
you don't want to use honey you can use a mild moisturizer add the sugar to this
mixture exfoliate your skin with a cotton bud 5 the aloe vera and sugar
scrub it's no secret that aloe vera is great for your skin however this is a
sugar scrub for face care that requires you to look for ingredients outside your
kitchen the best way to use this scrub is to get aloe vera gel these are easily
available and have just the right consistency to turn into a scrub put it
in a bowl and add the sugar granules then scrub away making a sugar scrub is
incredibly easy sugar has just the right texture to scrub out all the dirt and
impurities from your face and make it look super clean fresh and moisturized
go ahead and make your own scrub today which recipe do you like let me know in
our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you
Amanda Davis: Die US-Moderatorin starb auf dem Weg zur Beerdigung - Duration: 4:14.
GZSZ-Vorschau: Katrin hat Laura durchschaut - Duration: 3:21.
Beer tasting # 172 - two beers of Belgian Goedendag beer from Toye Brouwerij! 18+ - Duration: 14:38.
Hello friends! Today I have a beer
from the heading "Straight from Belgium" from the brewery
Toye Brouwerij
I will introduce you two beers, and this is
Goedendag Sterk Blonde and Goedendag Donker.
Toye Brouwerij is a brewery from the town of Kortrijk,
in the Belgian province of West Flanders.
I'll tell you about the history of its creation.
It all started as an experiment in 1998.
The first beer was brewed with hops grown in its own garden.
Then other brewes followed,
and in 2002 the first Strong Blond Ale was brewed.
And this event happened exactly 700 years after the famous battle of the Golden Spurs,
which took place exactly in Kortrijk.
The story is very interesting and
I can not hold it, not to tell it.
In the 13th century, Flanders was under the occupation of France,
but the Flemish people raised an uprising for their independence.
On the night of May 17 to May 18, 1302,
there was an event known as "Brugge Matins",
or "Bartholomew Night of Flanders".
Armed rebels penetrated the buildings
where the French lived and killed them.
To determine the nationality,
the Flemish required
the suspects to say "schild en vriend" in Dutch,
which means "shield and friend".
The French, who did not speak the language,
or pronounced the phrase with a strong accent,
were killed on the spot.
In the course of this massacre, at least 4,000 people were killed.
With my pronunciation, probably, the outcome would be just as sad,
although I'm not a Frenchman.
Then everything turned into a confrontation between the Flemish army,
which in fact was a militia
and an armada of heavy knightly cavalry of the French.
The forces were clearly unequal, but
the violent will to independence performed a miracle.
Flemings managed to prepare by digging
a whole network of ditches on the field.
As a result, the heavy cavalry of the French got
stuck in pits and mud.
While the knights tried to get out of the trap,
the Flemish infantry went on the attack.
The military elite of France was thrown off horses
and killed by the godendags.
Godendag was a heavy club in the growth of a man
with a shaft extended at the top,
bound with iron and equipped with a sharp spike.
The word "gondendag" literally means "good day".
With a sense of humor, the Flemish people were all right.)
In general, the French began to retreat,
and the Flemish pursued them.
French knights wore golden spurs,
which were considered a symbol of belonging to the highest nobility.
So, after the Battle of Kortrijk,
the winners collected from the killed 700 pairs of golden spurs,
which were posted in the Church of Our Lady
in Kortrijk
in the edification and reminder that
battles and wars are won not in theory,
but in practice.
This is such an interesting story.
So, the beer of the brewery Toye Brouwerij
was named after the weapon
that influenced the outcome of the battle,
namely "Goedendag".
After home experiments with cooking beers,
the future founder of the brewery Geert Toye
incidentally having a profile education,
was in the famous Malt University and brewing center
of the University of Leuven.
Here he worked for several years as a
researcher on beer subjects
and a consultant on brewing several breweries.
During this period, he thought about his own brewery.
In the end, in 2009
the construction of a new brewhouse
and a brewery began.
It took a long three years.
But today the brewery is capable of
producing 3 brewes of 15 hectoliters per day.
Let's move on to our beer.
First we taste Goedendag Sterk Blonde
Declared style: Strong blond
probably, still there is a style of Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Alcohol content - 8%
Bitterness - 30 units of IBU
The composition is written only that it
contains barley malt.
The recommended flow temperature is 6-8 degrees Celsius.
The implementation period is one and a half years.
Bottle capacity 0.33, dark glass.
Cover without logo.
On the front label of black - an inscription
in gold letters "Goedendag",
it is indicated that this is a strong blond,
and then the plot from the story told by me -
the confrontation of the Flemish army of the French mounted cavalry.
There is also a mention that repeated fermentation in the bottle were used.
and alcohol content
The counter-label is present and it pleases.
It describes the historical events of 1302,
a few words about the composition,
the alcohol content,
the capacity of the bottle,
the recommended temperature of the feed,
the address and website of the brewery,
the bar code and the final date of sale.
Also - the image of the logo of the brewery, on which
are two gondendags, bent over the golden spur.
On beerdekkl brewery inscription:
"De smaak van overwinning",
which means "Taste of Victory".
We try
Beer is yellow, golden.
Practically transparent.
Beer with a very active carbonization.
Carbonation most strongly
manifests itself at the in the middle
of bottom of the glass.
There, by analogy with a glass of Duvel,
the letter "G" is engraved.
The letter gives such a congestion of bubbles
that are very actively rising upwards.
Foam hat of white color,
heterogeneous structure, very stable.
Foam, settling leaves the classic "Belgian lace."
Something reminds me of this beer.
Does not it remind you of anything?
In the aroma malt and grain sweetness,
yeast fruit phenols of
pear, apple, banana, peach
and pineapple,
with pepper notes, hop background of
herbal and flower associations,
some touch of lemon,
honey nuances.
Taste: pure malt,
with a refreshing character,
sweet fruit esters and
tangible hop bitterness of herbal nature,
accented with peppery phenols
and yeast sour with a hint of a banana.
A refreshing character.
The body is medium-dense.
The aftertaste is dry
with a slight warming of alcohol.
Summarize: very similar to Duvel.
I have deja vu.
Same externally, and the internal potential is similarly cunning.
Classics in a good performance.
Next beer Goedendag Donker
Positioning style: Strong double
again some kind of amateur performance,
in my opinion, a strange for the education brewer,
in the classification of BJCP exists the style
of Belgian Dubbel
Most likely, this is it.
The alcohol content is 7.5%
Bitterness - 25 units of IBU
The composition is exactly the same as in the previous beer
noted that it contains barley malt.
There is no more information.
The recommended flow temperature is
6-8 degrees Celsius.
The implementation period is 2 years.
Bottle capacity 0.33, dark glass.
The lid without the logo, but in the color of the label,
on the previous bottle, it was also in the color of the label
- black.
On the front label of beige-gold color -
the inscription "Goedendag",
it is indicated that this is a dark beer,
a description of the historical event
associated with the name.
Mention that the secondary fermentation in the bottle were used
were used.
and the alcohol content
The counter label is similar to the previous beer,
only in beige color.
It has the same attributes.
We try
The color of beer is dark amber,
almost brown.
with ruby gleams.
Carbonation moderate
Beer is not transparent
Foam hat of medium height, beige color,
homogeneous structure.
fairly stable.
Look how it looks in the glass
and will try.
Aroma: complex malt,
with dominance of caramel,
tones of black chocolate, coffee,
nut notes,
nuances of brown sugar
and licorice,
Here are associations with candied fruits,
liqueur sweets,
dried bananas and raisins.
The light manifestation of spices resembles
white pepper, cloves
and coriander, hints of cinnamon.
Taste: malt sweetness
in caramel and slightly fried manifestations with honey notes,
brown sugar, dried fruits
dried banana, raisins, dried apricots, prunes
then black chocolate and hints of coffee,
licorice root, nut notes.
Hop bitterness is light
and soft floral-herbaceous, somewhere earthy,
in balance with spicy peppery nuances
and hints of hot toast
of white bread.
The body is medium-dense, soft and smooth.
Alcohol noble, is shown very gently
and in winter warming.
In the aftertaste, pleasant sweetness
with a fried-caramel dried fruit profile
extends long
into the safety net of the soft bitterness of black chocolate,
wrapped in a delicate touch of spices.
I sum up: a very good Belgian dubbel,
sweet and slightly spicy,
with a soft bitterness, with a complex aroma and taste.
In addition - dry enough at the finish.
But the bitterness in the aftertaste is
not quite typical for the style.
Summarizing the overall results, I want to say the following.
Everything is balanced and thought out -
from the idea to the implementation of the project.
To date, the brewery produces only two types of beer.
But it's are very well-adjusted and classically correct.
Perhaps without some bright features and with some
not typical for the style of light deviations,
but again, everything is very correct.
I think that here the course is taken
on the best representatives of styles
in an attempt to repeat them, to clone them.
In addition, I want to note the design
and quality of labels
and beerdakkels,
the logo of the brewery and the site itself.
Everything is at a very high, presentable and correct level.
Like the story that inspired the founder of
the brewery to the taste of victory!
The only thing I would recommend is
to designate the style of beers on the label and
indicate the composition of beers.
But these are not fundamental comments,
perhaps the artist sees it.
The beers came to me for tasting thanks
to the project of Belg-Bier-Toer,
the links to which, as well as
today's brewery, I'll leave below under the video.
And on this I have everything. Drink the right beer,
subscribe to my channel,
join my group in VK, link below,
leave comments,
put likes,
make outposts.
It will be interesting. Bye, bye, friends!
O eu inconsciente - Duration: 1:47.
7 Day Alkaline Diet Plan To Fight Inflammation And Disease | How To Fight Inflammation In Your Body - Duration: 2:41.
although the alkaline diet may seem like the latest celebrity craze you shouldn't
dismiss it so quickly forget how you feel about Victoria Beckham and stand by
while we break it down today's video will discuss seven-day alkaline diet
plan to fight inflammation and disease before you watch this video please take
a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button
then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first to know when we post new
videos daily
alkaline eating is actually a powerful tool against diseases including cancer
it's controversial in the medical community since it's difficult to
measure its success the benefits of an alkaline diet pH levels measures how
acid or alkaline something is on the pH scale zero is totally acidic while 14 is
completely alkaline on the other hand seven is neutral the systems in your
body each have their own ideal pH level small fluctuations in this balance can
have devastating effects to give you an idea
your blood is on the alkaline side with a pH between seven point three five and
seven point four five in contrast your stomach acid needs to
have a ph of 3.5 or below to properly break down food urine on the other hand
changes its ph value to make sure your blood stays at its peak here are the
basics of what you can and can't eat dosed most fruits vegetables soybeans
and tofu and some nuts seeds peas beans and legumes also eat plenty of healthy
fats like coconut oil flaxseed oil and olive oil
alkaline lists include dates figs lemon fennel broccoli artichoke asparagus
beetroot kale spinach watercress cauliflower don't include dairy eggs
meat most grains alcohol Fein sugar and processed foods it's also
important to avoid processed corn soy safflower and sunflower oils as well as
hydrogenated oil and margarine how you fight inflammation and disease let me
know in our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you
Đọc thơ cùng bé -bé hai tuổi đọc thơ như gió - Duration: 5:50.
How To Paint Draw Disney Pixar CARS 2 Shu Todoroki Coloring Pages For Kids Learn Funny Coloring Book - Duration: 11:58.
How To Paint Draw Disney Pixar CARS 2 Shu Todoroki Coloring Pages For Kids Learn Funny Coloring Book
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