How To Lose Thigh Fat Naturally at Home - Tamil Health Tips
For more infomation >> How To Lose Thigh Fat Naturally at Home - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 [7-Eleven] 50 Oden One-Pot!! [With 10 Radishes, 6 Eggs ..Etc] About 5Kg!! [Click CC] - Duration: 6:01.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today! tadaa! I bought Oden stew from 7-Eleven Which contain 50 pieces
I've got a bit of a cold today And my sinuses are plugged up, and my voice is weird
~ then again my voice is always weird ~
As far as variety goes There are 19 different types of things in this
As far as weight goes With the soup it's roughly 5 kilograms
The 7-Eleven that is near me had spice, yuzu citrus pepper and this miso as well
Oden so yummy!!! It's got that wintry vibe.... itadakimasu
Starting with this, when you think of Oden ya know you've gotta have it... its Daikon raddish
It's soaked up so much of the flavor And it's so yummy
And it falls apart in your mouth Without having to chew much
spices, ya' know are good, ya' know when you put them on it, ya' know
I love the flavor of the spices
Next up : rolled hot dog
It's got such a nice snap to it And this tempura stuff that is surrounding it
Has soaked up so much of the flavor Making it so yummy
This is a burdock wrap
This miso its a black miso, it tastes sweet which I like so much
this is a 'tsuyudakoganmo' (ass't veggies )
The soup is seeping right out of it
So very tender
This is another one of those things you got to have its a thick deep fried tofu
And this is a fish cake
It's got a nice chew to it And very flavorful
This is a fried egg
The soup has soaked right through it
There are so many ways to prepare eggs And they're all yummy
It's konjac
A powerful Ally for when your on a diet
in an oden it has a nice chewy texture
Wrapped seaweed
Such a wonderful flavor
This is shirataki konjak noodles
It's something that I've loved Since forever
And in an oden it soaks up So much of the oden soup flavors making it so yummy
daikon raddish it's so yummy isn't it And today have 10 of them to eat
Do you think that all together It would make one whole raddish?
This is an egg
I totes love oden eggs
hot dog
A very nice snap And so yummy
Fish cake
I only started seeing this Since moving to the Kanto region
I am from fukuoka And I've never seen these from around there
It's chewy
It's super duper chewy
Rolled cabbage
You can tear it apart with just your chopsticks
I love meaty style oden so much
The meat inside has sopped up all the Flavors from the soup
This is fish cake
All of a sudden 7-Eleven has started To give you two pieces
I remember they always gave you 3 round pieces
The meat is so juicy and yummy
Fish cake
It's full of fish flavor
Beef tendon
The tendon is very tender
Fish cake
I've also never seen these in the region where I Grew up
it was only when I moved to the Kanto region Where I first saw these
I always felt that these would taste very yummy ~ I think I've only seen them on TV ~
And I've always wanted to try them for the longest time And I was so psyched to try them for the first time
It's so fluffy and foamy
It's so fluffy with a slight sweetness So yummy I love them
It's a very weird and interesting Type of food isn't it
At last up it's one of my faves It's a type of mochi
When you cut it in half Some mochi comes out
The Mochi is stewed to perfection It melts in your mouth so nicely
Last mouthful itadakimasu
7-11's Oden selections were so yummy
It's so nice and comforting for these cold winter days
And I always loved taking these things up at convenience stores And taking them home to eat
And it's so nice to be able to have All this selection at once
These are also very yummy so won't you all please Give them a try as well
And as always thank you for watching if there is anything You want me to do or eat please tell me
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Learn the Top 10 New Year's Resolutions in Chinese - Duration: 3:40.
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Hi, everybody, welcome!
Today our topic is 10 New Year's resolution!
What's your new year resolution?
Maybe you can find it in this lesson.
So let's begin!
减肥 (jiǎnféi) "lose weight"
减肥是女人的终生事业。 (jiǎnféi shì nǚrén de zhōngshēngshìyè.)
"To lose weight is a whole life career for girls."
健康饮食有利于减肥。 (jiànkāng yǐnshí yǒulìyú jiǎnféi.)
"A healthy diet is good for losing weight."
规律运动 (guīlǜ yùndòng) "exercise regularly"
规律运动帮我保持健康。 (Guīlǜ yùndòng bāng wǒ bǎochí jiànkāng.)
"Exercising regularly keeps me healthy."
多阅读 (duō yuèdú) "read more"
多阅读才能了解世界。 (Duō yuèdú cáinéng liǎojiě shìjiè.)
"You can know the world by reading more."
存钱 (cúnqián) "save money" This word is so useful, because I really want
to save money.
"Why do you want to save money?"
你为什么想要存钱? (Nǐ wèishénme xiǎng yào cúnqián?)
"To travel?" 旅行? (Lǚxíng?)
"To go to college?" 上大学? (Shàng dàxué?)
Please comment!
学习新东西 (xuéxí xīn dōngxi) "learn something new"
你应该每天都学习新东西。 (Nǐ yīnggāi měi tiān dōu xuéxí xīn dōngxi.)
"You should learn something new every day."
少喝酒 (shǎo hē jiǔ) "drink less"
少喝酒不仅有利于你自己的健康,而且有利于家庭合睦。 (shǎo hē jiǔ bùjǐn yǒulìyú nǐ zìjǐ de jiànkāng, érqiě yǒulìyú jiātíng hé mù.)
"Drinking less does not only benefit your own health; it also benefits family happiness."
Please drink less for your kids, for your family.
戒烟 (jièyān) "quit smoking"
戒烟 (jièyān) "quit smoking"
戒烟需要毅力。(jièyān xūyào yìlì.)
"To quit smoking it needs will power."
So please, for your health, please, please quit smoking.
健康饮食 (jiànkāng yǐnshí) "eat healthy"
健康饮食非常重要。 (Jiànkāng yǐnshí fēicháng zhòngyào.)
"Eating healthy is so important."
Please eat more "fruits" 水果 (shuǐguǒ), "vegetables" 蔬菜 (shūcài),
and "protein" 蛋白质 (dànbáizhì).
世界旅行 (shìjiè lǚxíng) "travel the world"
世界旅行是我最大的梦想。 (Shìjiè lǚxíng shì Wǒ zuì dà de mèngxiǎng.)
"Traveling the world is my biggest dream."
We're here, go here, yeah! Let's go!
跟ChineseClass101.com一起学中文 (gēn yìqǐ xué Zhōngwén)
"To learn Chinese with"
Yeah, we have lots of video and audio to help you to learn Chinese, so
我们一起学中文吧。 (Wǒmen yìqǐ xué Zhōngwén ba.)
"Let's learn Chinese together."
Okay, that's all for today!
Today we learned 10 New Year's resolution.
So what's your resolution for the new year?
Please comment below, tell me. I really want to know!
Don't forget to subscribe!
Bye-bye, see you next time! Take care!
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