How to draw SCOOTER for kids
For more infomation >> How to draw SCOOTER for kids - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
How To Keep Your Dog Calm During a House Party! Tips To Make Sure Your Dog Is Happy On NYE Party! - Duration: 4:17.
Hello Ellie! Hello! You've received so many treats at Christmas haven't you?
Do you want one of them?
Do you want some venison? Gonna sit.
Good girl! Good girl Ellie!
Oh good girl!
And she's off!
Hey guys it's Steven and Ellie the chihuahua here! In this video we're gonna be talking about
how you can keep your dog calm and relaxed if you were to have a house
party at your house perhaps the New Year's Eve when you invite lots of your
friends and family over and your dogs not used to it it can make them very
nervous and intimidated so hopefully some of these tips will help calm your dog
The first piece of advice I would give is to make sure you talk to your
guests ahead of the party and make them aware that your dog will be in the house
during the party because you never know one of them may have a dog allergy or be
scared of dogs and if that's the case maybe you need to reevaluate if your dog
is gonna be at the party or if you need to move to a different venue just
something to think about. On the day of the actual party I would recommend that
you give your dog lots of love and attention before the party starts take
them on a really long walk and tire them out because if your dog is agitated and
stressed and has lots of energy inside them then they're just gonna be running
around creating a scene, causing havoc during the party so make sure you tire
them out keep them lots of love and exercise and hopefully they'll be nice and chilled when the party starts
Once your dog has been exercised I
would make a conscious effort to clean your house. There's gonna be a lot of pet
hairs around it's a fact! It doesn't matter what kind of breed you have there
is guaranteed to be pet hairs on your sofas and on your carpet so take the
vacuum cleaner and thoroughly clean yourhouse because you don't mean your guests
to be sat down and get covered in hair because he's gonna put them in a bad
mood and it's just it's just good hospitality really so clean your house
Another stage of the party prep would be to make sure you fed your dog in time for when the party starts
If your doggy is hungry don't get hungry and there's lots of food
being eaten and drops on the floor then they're just gonna be scavenging and
begging your guests for food throughout the whole evening. If you fed them and
they've got a full tummy they are gonna be a lot more chilled and relaxed and
not looking for food all the time. You give them lots of treats during the
day give them a really good meal and hopefully they'll be nice and chilled
out when the party starts. This next one is really important as your guests are
arriving make sure you take the time to introduce your dog to them just so
they're familiar with the dog and also your dog is familiar with them it will
make your friends relaxed and also your dog relaxed and the evening should go smoothly
another thing I would suggest is that
your dog has an area of the house they can go to and be on their own and relax
if they want to if it's not possible for them to have their own room what you
could do is maybe keep a leash on your dog so they're close to you all the time
you know where your dog is and you can just pick them up and comfort them if they
need a little bit of reassurance so definitely something to consider if you haven't got an area for them to go.
Finally once you've done all that the last thing
I would consider is if you're gonna decorate your house in any way let's say
you're gonna put streamers up on the walls, make sure they're really secured
so they don't fall down because I know Ellie would investigate what that was
and it could and should be a choking hazard similarly
party poppers that you set off and make a loud bang gonna throw confetti
everywhere - a the loud bang would scare Ellie and secondly the residue from the
party popper again is a choking hazard - you just need to be very conscious of that
speak to your guests beforehand. Let them know the deal about what they can bring
with them and hopefully if everyone's on the same page then your dog is gonna be
fine and they'll have a great time at your party
If you enjoyed this video please give us a like and make sure you hit the subscribe button and notification
bell so you know when we're uploading our next video I hope everyone had a
great Christmas and I wish you a very happy 2018! Hopefully some of these tips
will help you out if you're gonna be celebrating at home this New Years Eve! See you later! Bye!
Đi U Minh câu cá rô đồng tình cờ gặp em gái xinh đẹp - Duration: 30:12.
2018 new Naked Ducati Panigale V4 launches in Italy leaked details | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:26.
Amazing Benefits Of Cherries For Skin | How To Make Your Skin Lighter Naturally - Remedies One - Duration: 3:24.
who wouldn't love cherries apart from tasting really good they also
offer very good nutritional value today's video will discuss amazing
benefits of cherries for skin hair and health before you watch this video
please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the
subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first to know
when we post new videos daily cherries also come in different shapes from round
to heart they can be eaten as snacks and are also used in making tarts and cherry
pies or juice they benefit us in many ways as it is a source of nutrients and
vitamins benefits of cherry 1 they contain anthocyanins which are good for
maintaining a healthy body the antioxidants help in inhibiting the
oxidation promoted by oxygen and antioxidants that help protect the body
from damaging the Priya radicals or Iraq oxygen radical absorbance
it also measures the total antioxidant value our body should at least contain
about 3,000 to 5,000 ro units daily to reach the significant oxygen capacity
that is required in the blood cherry benefits for skin to good for
skin lightening cherry juice is believed to clear dark spots and help in skin
lightening researchers believe that it's prolonged use can regenerate and
rejuvenate the skin 3 antioxidants cherries are a very rich source of
antioxidants known as anthocyanins which are proven to be cancer eliminating
agents these help to keep a check on any cancer cells present in the body and
stop them from growing uncontrollably for anti-aging properties being endowed
with the highest level of antioxidants in comparison to other fruits it helps
in slowing down the aging process by fighting those free radicals present in
the body which make the skin look older benefits of cherry for hair eating
cherries is not only good for the digestive system and skin
but is equally beneficial for the health of your hair as well five vitamin A
vitamins are essential for overall health the abundance of vitamins and
cherries makes it a wonderful vitamin A keeps hair and scalp hydrated it also
regulates the production of an essential acid called wheat Noack acid which is
important for hair follicles six vitamin B vitamin B helps in improving blood
circulation in the body including the scalp which results in regeneration of
the existing cells and triggers hair growth 7 vitamin C vitamin C is very
essential for hair it helps in strengthening hair follicles and
prevents breakage from the roots it also nourishes the hair and prevents split
ends and hair fall by stimulating the growth of new hair follicles have you
ever know the benefits of cherries for skin let me know in our comment section
below if you like this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you you
DIY How to make Kinetic Sand Castle & Play Doh Fun Factory Deluxe Playset | Fun and Creative - Duration: 2:58.
Prinz Harry: Mit dieser Aussage zieht er den Zorn von Meghans Familie auf sich - Duration: 5:55.
Trung Quốc sẽ Chống Lưng Bắc Hàn Nếu Chiến Sự Nổ Ra? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm DUyệt - Duration: 6:35.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
Would China fight for North Korea in a war?
I hope we'll never find out.
In China, coffee-lovers actually like Starbucks.
And finally, it's getting cold in here.
So put on all your clothes.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
If the US goes to war with North Korea,
which nation would China back?
Well, it's not so clear.
The United States and South Korea held annual air force drills
over the Korean Peninsula this week.
More than 200 planes were involved.
North Korea did not take that so well.
State media accused the US of
"reckless nuclear war mania."
Right, the US.
Not the country whose leader poses in front of nuclear warheads.
And meanwhile,
China's People's Liberation Army
held its own air force drills
in new areas near the Korean Peninsula.
According to a Beijing-based military expert, Li Jie,
the PLA's goal was to send a message to the United States.
"The timing of this high-profile announcement by the PLA
is also a warning to Washington and Seoul
not to provoke Pyongyang any further."
So does this mean that China is warning the US
that in the event of war with North Korea,
China will back North Korea?
Ok, they're probably just posturing.
Let's hope we never find out for sure.
But in the event of nuclear war,
the Chinese regime wants people in Northern China
to be prepared.
In a Chinese province bordering North Korea,
state-run media ran a helpful cartoon
educating people on what to expect,
when you're expecting...a nuclear holocaust.
For no reason in particular, really.
Just general knowledge that everyone should know.
See, it's called "General Knowledge about Nuclear Weapons and Protection."
For instance,
did you know that in the event of a nuclear attack,
you should close your doors and windows
and hide under a table?
Be sure to scrub yourself thoroughly to wash off that radiation!
And don't forget to clean your ears.
You never want to forget to clean your ears.
It reminds me of the good old days of duck and cover in the US.
Though you may laugh at some of the suggestions,
this is the first time ever the Chinese regime
has ever acknowledged that people in China
might actually be affected by nuclear conflict on the Korean Peninsula.
Moving on to another region prone to conflict,
the Chinese regime has responded to US President Trump
acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
"We are concerned that the move could sharpen regional conflicts.
The status of Jerusalem is complicated and sensitive."
Isarel is a bit of a thorny issue.
But China has made no secret of its ambitions
to be the one to solve the Israel-Palestine issue.
Or at least to continue to play each sides against the other
so it can do more business with Israel
while still supporting its old comrade in arms,
the Palestinian Authority.
But depending on your point of view,
President Trump has just taken one giant step to solving it,
or making it unsolvable.
Either way,
that's the US showing it's the global power—
not China.
Speaking of things boiling over,
Starbucks has opened its first international coffee roaster
and largest store in the world,
right here in Shanghai.
It's 30,000 square feet big!
You know I never realized how creepy the original Starbucks logo is.
Even Jack Ma showed up for the grand opening!
"I don't like coffee, but I like Starbucks."
Wow, Jack Ma and I have the exact opposite opinion.
I have to say,
if ever there were a reason not to be jealous of China's rise,
it would be having the world's biggest Starbucks.
In fact, I'd rather drink shredded jellyfish.
Which is actually the latest project
of China's People's Liberation Army.
The waters off China's coast
are home to a lot of jellyfish.
Thanks to massive pollution.
And that's a problem for the PLA Navy.
The jellyfish, not the pollution.
Swarms of jellyfish get sucked into ships engines
and can bring them to a halt.
So PLA has developed a high tech new weapon
in the war against Poseidon,
called the jellyfish shredder.
It's basically a big net with a bunch of knives.
The only problem is...
it kind of shreds anything else that might be in the water.
I think I know where China ripped off this idea from...
I call it the Burns Omni Net!
It sweeps the seafloor clean.
It's wintertime in China,
so stay warm.
Unless you need to burn coal to stay warm,
in which case,
see you in the detention center.
No, I mean literally.
This propaganda slogan has been popping up around China.
It says "If you burn coal,
see you in the detention center."
Chinese authorities are clamping down on coal burning,
hoping it will stop the annual airpocalypse
that plagues the country.
What that means, though,
is that millions of people
will have to face sub-zero temperatures
with nothing more than a coat.
Now that is cold.
Students are being forced to hold classes outside in the winter sun
because the schools are too cold inside.
Local authorities were supposed to transition
everyone in the rural areas over to natural gas
before the deadly cold winter hit.
But there were setbacks laying pipes,
and the sudden demand for natural gas created huge shortages.
So it would sure be a shame if I don't know,
a large number of people were suddenly forced out onto the streets.
And we'll have more on that after the break.
We may not have coal,
but we're leaving a light on for you over at
It's our website,
where every Friday you can watch full half hour episodes
you can't see anywhere else.
It's a laugh riot.
So bring the tear gas.
프로듀스101 한종연 과거 일진설|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:07.
Mini-Genie? Sophia Cordalis kann schon dreisprachig zählen - Duration: 4:55.
How To Promote Your YouTube Channel On Instagram - Duration: 3:27.
Getting your YouTube channel and YouTube videos out to as many people as possible
is extremely important for growing because you've got to have more views
more watch time to grow your videos and one of those ways is through social
media and specifically Instagram so if you're interested in learning how to
promote your YouTube channel on Instagram then be sure to watch till the
end of this video as I give you all the ways you can promote your channel on
Instagram what's going on my name is Devon Street helping
you build an online presence and make money in the process
and today I'm gonna be showing you how you can promote your YouTube channel on
Instagram but if you're not already subscribed to the channel and you want
to build a great YouTube channel but tons of subscribers and tons of views
then you want to go ahead and click the subscribe button below and those videos
are gonna go straight to your YouTube subscription box but anyway let's go
ahead and get into how you can remote your channel on Instagram the number one
way I would suggest is through Instagram stories if you don't know what these are
they're simple 24 hour stories that you can go ahead and click on and it will
show you just exactly something that someone's taking a picture of it shows
texts stickers all that so what you can do is just take a nice picture for your
Instagram story and then put some text saying I have a new YouTube video go
check it out or make the video of the story saying
what the video is gonna be about and why you should check it out but then what
you can do is you can add a link on to your story so when they swipe up it's
gonna take them straight to that YouTube video to watch it it's a very fast way
to go straight from Instagram to YouTube video in a very influential way and to
go along with that now Instagram lets you pin your stories to your profile so
they can last over 24 hours so maybe you can make one just promoting YouTube
videos so people when they come to your profile they can see there's one that's
listed YouTube videos can click on that and it will show like
all the YouTube videos you've done and they can swipe up and go to those videos
the next way is to simply just post about your new video and then you can
say in the video or in the description of your photo and video there's going to
be a link to my video or my channel in my profile bio so they go to your
profile and they seen your bio that you have your website link which is a very
valuable thing on Instagram and you have your YouTube channel or your YouTube
video there and they can go and click on that and check it out I personally don't
do this but it is useful and I instead just put my website there and it can
send them to any of my social medias whether it's Twitter Facebook Linkedin
or my YouTube channel and those are just two simple ways to promote your YouTube
videos and your YouTube channel on Instagram I want to thank you for
watching the video but if you want to build an online presence and make money
in the process then you're gonna want to go ahead and subscribe to my youtube
channel and I hope you enjoyed this video check out some other videos and I
will see you in the next video
치석을 없애는 6가지 홈 치료제|HYA TV - Duration: 8:01.
¡Abba, Padre! 📖 (Subtítulos) - Duration: 2:51.
Robertson: What Klopp told us at half-time of Leicester win? - Duration: 4:09.
Robertson: What Klopp told us at half-time of Leicester win?
Andy Robertson has revealed the half-time advice Jürgen Klopp gave his players as they trailed Leicester City at Anfield.
A second-half fightback, inspired by a Mohamed Salah brace and some dogged defending, earned the Reds a hard-fought 2-1 victory over Claude Puels team yesterday.
Robertson admitted supporters could have been forgiven for thinking it was one of those days after a first half that saw the hosts miss a handful of chances while the Foxes converted their one opportunity.
And when asked what the manager said in order to protect the players from a similar feeling, the Scot told It was just, keep going, keep trying to create the chances and be aware of the counter-attack.
If we didnt concede, we were confident that we would score, so it was all about how many goals we got.
Luckily, we managed to get two today and it was enough to get the three points.
Going behind so early on, weve had to show a lot of character and in the first half weve had a lot of chances to get back on level terms and not quite took them.
Maybe people were thinking this was going to be one of those days but weve showed our composure in front of goal, especially Mo with the two goals.
And I thought second half we controlled it. Robertson believes he and his teammates proved they can win games even when not at their best by overcoming Leicester in such fashion.
But he wants to see more of the same in the games to come, conceding that the Reds cant always win by a handsome scoreline.
He continued: Maybe people on the outside question if we can win ugly but I think today weve proved that - [and] we need to keep proving that.
Today, the last 10 minutes was long throw-ins, long balls into the box and we defended them really well.
Sometimes maybe people would say wed crack under that pressure but we stood up to it and won the three points.
We need to do a lot more of that because sometimes you cant win four, five nil - well always try but its not possible every game. When its down to the nitty gritty I think weve got that side in us as well. On a personal level, the Scotland international made it six straight starts in the Premier League as he featured from the off on Saturday.
Reflecting on his good recent run, Robertson said: Ive been delighted with the amount of games Ive been playing and my bodys been feeling good.
Weve got another game in 48 hours, which is a really quick turnaround, but tomorrows an important day and we need to get ready to go.
Whatever the manager does - Im sure hell rotate but what that [means] well soon see - Im sure all the boys will be ready to play whatever part..
Liverpool's 2017 in numbers - Duration: 4:56.
Liverpool's 2017 in numbers
With Liverpools fixtures in 2017 now complete, pore over a range of interesting facts and figures from the calendar year courtesy of club statistician Ged Rea.
From the top scorer to the most used player, and including details of the Reds penchant for netting three or more and some record-breaking Champions League exploits, read on for a numerical summary of the past 12 months.
3 – players scored their first Liverpool goal this year: Mohamed Salah, Trent Alexander-Arnold and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.
4 – the Reds longest run of successive victories – Hoffenheim (twice), Crystal Palace and Arsenal in August; Huddersfield Town, NK Maribor, West Ham United and Southampton in October and November.
5 – players were given a debut by Jürgen Klopp: Harry Wilson, Andy Robertson, Salah, Dominic Solanke and Oxlade-Chamberlain.
8 – goals were scored by substitutes (Salah and Daniel Sturridge two each; Philippe Coutinho, Roberto Firmino, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Divock Origi one each).
9 – the Reds failed to score in nine games in 2017.
16 – the number of different scorers in all competitions.
17 – the most appearances by a Liverpool substitute (Sturridge).
17 – the Reds played in a record 17th League Cup semi-final.
19 – minutes it took Liverpool to record their first goal of 2017 – Sturridge at Sunderland.
20 – the number of league wins the Reds recorded this year.
20 – occasions when Klopps side scored three goals or more in a game.
21 – years and 296 days was the average age of the clubs youngest ever starting XI (in the FA Cup tie with Plymouth Argyle at Anfield).
23 – the tally of goals scored by the leading scorer in the year: Salah.
23 – goals were scored by Liverpool in the group stage of the Champions League, a record for a British club and second only to Paris Saint-Germains 25, also this season.
26 – Liverpool won 26 of their games in all competitions.
34 – the Reds used 34 different players in all competitions.
38 – games in which Liverpool led at some stage.
41 – Liverpool were shown live on television in the UK 41 times this year.
49 – the most appearances by any Liverpool player: Firmino.
54 – the total number of games played in 2017 (40 league, three FA Cup, three League Cup, eight in Europe).
54 – goals were scored away from home in 26 games.
69 – yellow cards were issued to Liverpool players.
85 – seconds it took Firmino to score the clubs quickest goal – at Sevilla in the Champions League.
111 – the number of goals scored in the calendar year.
LetterSchool handwriting apk New Year Zaner Bloser Cursive Upper case A B C D E F G H letters - Duration: 26:57.
LetterSchool handwriting apk New Year Zaner Bloser Cursive Upper case A B C D E F G H letters
Mireille Mathieu: Große Trauer um ihre Mutter - Duration: 6:40.
Norman Langen & seine Verena: Baby-News zum 1. Hochzeitstag - Duration: 4:07.
5 Cảnh Tượng Ở Địa Ngục Nhiều Người Nhìn Thấy Trong Trải Nghiệm Cận Tử - Duration: 7:52.
Hey, it's Mike Chen.
You know, the mystery of what comes after death
is the one that almost every scientist, philosopher and religious individual
has tried to interpret and understand with no success.
As far as everything about the topic is concerned
the only way to find out what really lies beyond a veil of death
is really just an experience death itself.
But we all know that's something that we literally cannot come back from.
So all we really have are stories from people
who have had close calls with the Grim Reaper
in the so called 'near-death experience'.
Of course, many of these stories talk about a bright and shining light
beckons to them to the great beyond.
Some even profess hearing an angelic choir
welcoming them to the Pearly Gates.
However, there are those who have experienced the opposite,
dark visions of torment and evil
are among the most common stories
that unfold when people relate such visions of what they see as hell.
A number of them even claim that
they have seen the face of the devil himself.
So in today's video,
it is going to get a little dark as we climb down to the abyss
to explore this nightmarish story about the underworld.
So from fire and brimstone to demonic entities,
here are five unsettling visions of hell from near-death experiences.
Number 5, the Pit of Despair and Isolation.
A man named Matthew Botsford was at an Atlanta restaurants
when the last thing he heard before falling into a coma
was two shots from a gun.
With a bullet in his head,
Botsford was put into a medically induced coma for 27 days.
And in that coma, he had the most terrifying vision of the underworld
that may have jolted him back to life.
In his near-death experience vision,
Botsford found himself in a nightmarish situation
where his hands and legs were shackled
and his body was suspended high above a gaping pit full of volcanic materials.
On the ground directly below
he could make out shapes of creatures
that were scuttling to and from the pit.
What terrified him even more was the overwhelming feeling of isolation,
he recalled hearing tortured screams echoing,
but no other person was to be seen.
Every so often a team of demons and creatures would come visit him
and cut flesh from his bones,
flesh that would grow back instantly for those demons to feed on again
as a form of eternal torment.
He wasn't then luckily spared from this eternal anguish
when he saw a giant hand reaching from a wall near him
breaking him free from his chains and taking him away.
Before he woke up from his coma,
the last thing he heard from his vision were the word "It's not your time"
Number 4, the not-so-Pearly Gates
you know often when people recalled their near-death experiences,
they talked about a bright light or the Pearly Gates of heaven,
You know, a brightly lit place in the clouds,
where there is a large ornamented gates made out of, I don't know, solid gold
and at least according to pop culture,
at the gate is usually a lectern
or a man with a beard as white as a rope supposedly St. Peter,
is waiting for us with a large book,
looking like a heavenly maitre d'.
But on the flip side,
for people unfortunate enough to have a glimpse of health
the seen is a whole lot less appealing,
where there is a golden gate waiting for the righteous,
Hell has its own version of a welcoming gate
but filled with ominous threat and a terror.
I guess pretty much like what the Black Gate of Mordor in Lord of the Rings may look like.
Many who have almost crossed over to the other side revealed
that it got hotter and hotter as they approached the gate,
so hot that they could feel their skin burning
just by standing in front of the gates.
The helpless and hopeless souls
are then welcomed to the underworld as the gate swung open
rolling out to the red carpet for their arrival into eternal suffering.
Number 3, the Infernal Invitations.
The life and fate of a devout atheist named Howard Storm was put to the test
when a perforated stomach send him on his way to the doorsteps of Hell.
After being rushed to the hospital
Howard Storm woke up in a daze and notice that
the people in his room could not hear him
when he started asking what was going on.
Even tried to stop someone walking towards him but he was ignored
and a person literally walked right through him.
It was clear to him that he was already dead
and was now pretty much a ghost walking aimlessly around the hospital.
He said that's toward the end of the hall,
he noticed a large group of figures standing in front of a door
who were calling out to him
as if inviting him to join their group.
Confused and clearly having nothing else planned for his afterlife,
he decided to join the group and walk through the door with them.
But on the other side,
he entered a completely different world enveloped in thick fog.
The figures from earlier urged him to walk on,
their [playful] demeanor making the invitation a lot more pleasant.
Storm said he turned to look back
and would see his hospital room shrinking into the distance as he walked farther.
But the further he walked, the smaller the fog filled place became,
kind of like a an eerie Willy Wonka corridor.
Soon after the figures who were with him turned sinister
and begin shoving and pushing him deeper into the hallway.
They became more violence and began tearing him apart with their teeth,
gnawing at his flesh.
In his panic,
Storm coward and tried to shield himself from his demonic attackers
and heard his own voice in his head
asking him to do something completely out of character: "Pray"
With his flesh being ripped from his body,
the hard-line-atheist begins screaming phrases like
"One nation under God" and "Our Father who art in heaven"
And as if some kind of divine intervention was invoked by his screaming and shouting,
Howard was pulled out of his nightmare
and woke up in his hospital bed in one piece.
Number 2, Worse Than War
The story of George Ritchie was one of the first most widely circulated stories
about near-death experiences in hell.
His experience even led him to publish a book called "Return to tomorrow" in 1978.
In history, after coming down with pneumonia during the Second World War,
Ritchie recalled being brought to an Army Hospital in Virginia
where he was later on pronounced dead.
He said that he had an out of body experience
and claimed that he was able to wander around town unhindered.
and when he was just floating about,
he met a strange figure who took him on a guided tour of another dimension,
like a scene from Dante's Inferno,
the mysterious figures showed Ritchie various scenes of people
and their spirits struggling in the alternate plane
Once he was at a bar where people tried their hardest to drink
and smoke their cigarettes but to no avail.
The deeper Ritchie went on tour,
the more terrifying the scenes began to unfold.
One of these things took place in a wasteland
where he saw gigantic figures locked in a raft viewed skirmish,
Ritchie goes further into describing what he's seen,
saying, "Even more hideous than the bites and kicks they exchanged
were the sexual abuses many were performing in feverish pantomime.
Perversions I'd never dreamed of were being vainly attempted all around us."
Soon after when Ritchie woke up from his fever sleep
he would become a psychiatrist
and published several books regarding the phenomena of near-death experiences.
Number 1, Total Recall.
In 1991, a woman named Angie Fenimore attempted to take her own life.
But instead [got a dose of what may have come], had her suicides become in a word successful,
the first thing she recalled after losing consciousness was that
she was subjected to a life review
and has gone through up to the point where she attempted suicide.
And after her own life review ended,
Angie recalled that she was surrounded by a heavy blanket of darkness
that seemed to stretch onto eternity,
she thought she was completely alone
when she heard voices around her, saying,
"Oh, we must be the suicide"
And she also realized that these words were being spoken directly into her head
and that she too could communicate using her mind.
However, no matter how hard she tried,
she could not elicit any form of response from anyone around her.
Later on, according to her story,
she was thrown into a different part of Hell
that resembled an open field filled with lost souls, aimlessly walking around.
They seemed to be free to communicate with each other
but Angie notice that misery had fully consumed all of them.
And they could not look past it and make any effort to interact with anyone around them.
Of course, whether all these visions are true or not,
I guess we will never know until one day where we will all know.
But personally for me, I do believe there's a place
that people who are GOOD go
and there's a place reserved for truly evil people
like Hitler or Kim Jong-un.
So for me I guess what I'm trying to do is live my life the best I can,
be as good of a person as I can,
try to embody the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance
and hope for the best.
Again, these are just what people said they saw
during their near-death experiences
and you might not even believe in your dead experiences.
But let me know what you guys think,
do you believe there is a hell.
And if so, what do you think Hell is like?
Alright guys, thank you all so much for watching this video
I'll see you later.
Hot Wheels RACE OFF Gameplay | Cruise Bruiser - ALTERNATIVE | Top Racing Games Android/ios 2017 - Duration: 7:53.
Hot Wheels RACE OFF Gameplay | Cruise Bruiser - ALTERNATIVE | Top Racing Games Android/ios 2017
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