The Sitelink, secure industrial VPN, allows for reliable connectivity to your Automation
devices, but another advantage of this VPN cloud, is how it allows for managing your
account and data, from virtually any internet connection.
In effort to make this more portable there is also a free IOS app that allows for managing
your Sitelink account, your device configurations and viewing your data.
To download the App, go to the iTunes store and search for Stride Sitelink.
Select to install it and once installed, select to open the app.
You will need to enter your credentials to log into your account.
Now, here I have the two-factor authentication setup, which adds even another layer of security
to my account.
Please see the video on security for more information on how to set this up.
Now that I am logged on you can see that the app mimics the Sitelink web based layout.
By selecting here, you can view and edit users on the account, manage the Devices linked
to the account.
You can also view the complete event logs associated with the account.
If you go back to devices, then you can view all of the routers connected to your account.
By selecting an individual router, you can now see the basic info on each the router.
Here are all the Datalogging reports and live monitors.
Here you can make changes to the basic configuration of the router.
View the services or here manage your subscriptions.
You can also edit which users have access to this device.
I do want to go back and highlight my favorite feature of the app, viewing my datalogging
from anywhere I have cell phone service.
Here is my live monitor for a couple of water tanks.
Who doesn't love a pretty gauge.
All routers provide a free 30 day trial of the data logging feature, and if you would
like, to see, more information on this feature please see the video link in the description
If you have any questions on this or any other feature, please feel free to comment below
or call into to our support team.
This video shows many of the support options that we offer.
Click here, to see more videos on our many products, or click here, to subscribe to our
YouTube channel for upcoming videos and solutions.
For more infomation >> Stride SiteLink: Industrial VPN cloud - Manage via IOS App - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
2017 in Review: North Korea PART 1 - Nuclear & Missile Development - Duration: 4:34.
North Korean provocations.
We've grown somewhat numb to them here in the nation, but noticeable strides made in
missile technology has more citizens down South fearing the worst.
Pyongyang decared it completed its weapons development after their latest ICBM launch.
For the second part of our year-end special, Oh Jung-hee has a wrap-up of the regime's
nuclear and missile upgrade through 2017.
This year, North Korea conducted one nuclear test and 15 missile tests, firing 20 missiles
in total.
That's fewer tests than last year... but this year's provocations were bolder and more daring...
in that the regime continuously tested upgraded missiles... which are now deemed to be capable
of striking anywhere in the United States.
Among the missiles Pyongyang fired in 2016, the ones with longest ranges were the intermediate-range
Musudan ballistic missiles.
These can fly up to 3000 kilometers,... putting the U.S. territory of Guam within reach.
But these missiles weren't considered a big threat... as only one out of the eight Musudan
tests was successful.
This year, the regime started firing missiles with longer ranges.
Intermediate range Hwasong-12 missiles fired in August and September passed over Japan.
ICBM-level Hwasong-14 missiles in July... which were launched at a lofted angle,...
reached altitudes of 28-hundred and 32-hundred kilometers,... and the latest Hwasong-15 reached
an even higher altitude of over 44-hundred kilometers.
The higher the altitude, the longer the missile range.
If fired at a normal trajectory,... the Hwasong-15 is believed to be able to fly up to 13 or
14-thousand kilometers.
(Korean) "The Hwasong-15 ICBM can carry a super-sized
nuclear warhead and strike the whole United States.
It's the DPRK's most powerful ICBM and meets the DPRK's goal of completing the rocket weapons
But still unanswered are two questions: has North Korea developed the technology to miniaturize
a nuclear warhead... and can its missiles successfully re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.
The ideal weight of a nuclear warhead designed for an ICBM is seen to be around the 500-kilogram
But some experts say... if the engine is strong enough, the warhead may not have to be made
any lighter.
(Korean) "I've conducted a virtual simulation after
the Hwasong-15 launch... and even if we assume the warhead's weight as 700 to 800 kilograms,
it appears the missile can fly up to 10-thousand to 12-thousand kilometers.
This would mean that the North has lightened its nuclear warhead to a sufficient level
for itself."
Missile re-entry is another crucial part.
When an ICBM re-enters the atmosphere,... it has to protect the nuclear bomb inside
from frictional heat of 7000 to 8000 degrees Celsius.... as well as massive pressure and
Whether the North has achieved this technology is not clear... but pundits say,... Pyongyang
was still aiming to test the technology through the latest Hwasong-15 launch.
(Korean) "The North decided not to fire its missile
to fly over Japan,... because if it does, then it can't check whether the missile successfully
re-entered the atmosphere as it doesn't have a satellite.
But if the missile falls in the East Sea, then the regime can check the missile re-entry
using radar."
Having declared the completion of its nuclear weapons program,... will the reclusive regime
continue with its provocations?
Analysts say the North could possibly halt its provocations... at least temporarily -- until
after PyeongChang Winter Olympics -- and turn toward a peaceful dialogue with the surrounding
But if that fails,... the North could conduct further ICBM... and even submarine-launched
ballistic missile tests... and a seventh nuclear test to develop an even lighter nuclear warhead.
(Korean) "What the North calls a "completion" is actually
about 90-percent complete, not a hundred-percent.
There're more stages Pyongyang has to go through to diversify its missiles and actually deploy
The North could also go on to develop solid-fuel missiles... and SLBMs."
Next week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will make his New Year's speech.
And there's a lot of interest on... whether he'll use the speech to officially declare
North Korea as a nuclear state... and hint at the possibility of starting negotiations
with the United States.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
China exported no oil products to North Korea in November: customs data - Duration: 2:03.
Beijing reportedly exported no oil products to Pyongyang for months now.
An unprecedented step in reponse to the regime's provocations, even going beyond what's required
in under the UN sanctions.
And according to our Kim Mok-yeon, the unexpected cold shoulder got the hermit kingdom's attention.
Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday that China conducted a strict no oil export
policy towards North Korea last month.
Citing data from China's General Customs Administration, Reuters said that China had suspended exports
of gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and fuel oil to North Korea, a move that far exceeds what
it's required to do under the latest UN sanctions imposed last week, which limit refined oil
exports to the regime to half-a-million barrels a year.
This is the largest and the longest such sanction imposed by Beijing.
Previously, it had only suspended sales of oil products to Pyongyang for three days in
2003, following Pyongyang's missile test.
One North Korea expert said the latest move is expected to deal a significant blow to
North Korea's market economy, but added that crude oil exports are even more critical to
the regime itself.
(KOREAN) - "I think North Korea's market economy also
known as the Jangmadang will be hit hard by the cut in petroleum exports.
But since the data did not reveal details about crude oil exports, the state economy
could be less affected."
From early this year, trade between North Korea and China has been slowing, especially
after China banned coal purchases in February.
China's trade with North Korea fell to 388 million U.S. dollars in November, the lowest
volume recorded this year.
Beijing's grain exports to Pyongyang in November also dropped to record lows this year with
corn exports plunging 82 percent to 100 tons, and rice exports falling 64 percent to less
than 700 tons.
However, Chinese exports of liquefied petroleum gas to North Korea, rose 58 percent from a
year earlier to 99 tons, while exports of ethanol increased 82 percent to 3,428 cubic
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
7 Things I Learned From YOUR COMMENTS in 2017 - Duration: 6:51.
I have once again learned some new things from the comments this year.
Thank you so much.
Hey everyone, Dana here! Last year I made a video about some of the things that I learned from
the comments under my videos in 2016,
and now here are some of the things that I learned from the comments
under my videos in 2017.
Comments under "5 Awesome Things that Shocked Me in Germany" taught me something about
my own home country, actually.
I learned that in some movie theaters in the U.S. they are using assigned seating for when
purchasing a movie ticket.
I had never experienced or heard of that happening in the U.S.!
And I still do want to make a video just about the movie theater differences in German versus
the USA.
I actually planned to go to the movies while I was in Florida this year, but then I was
hanging out with friends and we were going to go to the movies, but we just started talking
and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking, and long story short, we never
actually ended up going to the movie.
But maybe that'll finally happen in 2018; movie theaters, Germany versus the USA.
What are those differences, and how are they the same?
Well I mean, you go there to watch a movie. Anyway!
In "5 American Superstitions You Should Know About," your comments under that video
taught me that the German word for jinxed is "verhext" and that it is used in Germany
in the same way as the English word jinxed.
Comments under "Donuts in Germany: Delicious, but Lots of Names!!" taught me that there
are even way more German names for the donut than I knew there were when I went into making
that video.
Like, I knew there were a lot of names for donut, but I had no idea just how many
different words there are for it around the country.
Thank you so much for all the donut names.
I love donuts. Donuts are delicious.
Speaking of food with lots of names, I have also learned just in general that there are
lots of different names for the bread roll in Germany.
I don't know if there are enough names for me to make a whole video just on that topic.
But maybe at least a video talking about German bread, because I have also noticed that people
in Germany are often pretty proud and excited about their bread.
So I might have to make a bread video in 2018.
In my video "German Trash Rules - 7 Big Ones to Know" I said that the word Sperrmüll
means large bulky waste that doesn't fit into the bins because sperren means blocking
and Müll means trash, but comments under that video taught me that actually the Sperr
in Sperrmüll does not come from sperren, but rather it comes from sperrig, which means
bulky. So thank you so much for that information.
And I also forgot to mention in that video that there are also clothing containers around
town where you can donate your old clothing as well.
And I've noticed that sometimes these containers are near other recycling containers, like
the glass bottle containers.
But then sometimes they're just standing on their own.
Comments under "Hiking Differences: Germany vs. USA" taught me that there are actually
16 national parks in Germany.
I had no idea that there were so many national parks here in Germany.
That is cool to find out. Thank you. Maybe in 2018 I will get to visit more of them.
So far I have only been to two of the national parks in Germany: The Bavarian Forest and
this one right here that I have so much trouble pronouncing the name of.
Comments under the video "Breakfast: Differences in Germany & USA" let me know that I forgot
the sliced meat in the German breakfast, and yes, we actually totally accidentally forgot it.
We had bought meat for that video, and then just completely forgot to take it out of the
refrigerator and put it on the table with everything else to eat.
That was really frustrating. We just...we had it, we just forgot it.
And comments under "American Tries Dutch Food in the Netherlands!!" taught me that
there are still so many other tasty sounding Dutch foods that I need to try.
So who knows, maybe that will also be another video for 2018.
Please let me know your food suggestions, Dutch or other kinds of foods, down in the
comments, thank you!
And something different: lastly, a quick update to the video "Germany, Are You Pranking me?
Stop Taking My Food," it has happened to me again.
Another food that I loved has disappeared from the store.
This time a cheese.
For months there was this delicious white cheddar cheese that was available in the grocery
store, and now it is just, poof, gone.
I asked the people working in the deli area in that store, where is the cheese?
And they said there's no reason that it should be gone.
But it is. So hopefully it will come back soon.
So my question for you is: what have you learned in 2017, from YouTube videos or comments or
maybe just interesting things that you've learned in general?
And do you have any video topic suggestions that you'd like to see for 2018?
Please let me know in the comments below. Thanks so much for watching and commenting!
Thank you so much. I hope that you enjoyed this video. And the other videos in 2017.
If you enjoy these videos, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel, and hit that like button.
Thank you so much. Very much appreciated.
And also a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon,
who help make these videos possible.
Thank you so much for your support this year.
If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in
the description box below.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
What have you learned in 2018? 2017.
To the video Germany...
Comments under "5 Awesome Things that Shocked Me in Germany" taught me some...thing.
US Issues New Sanctions Against 2 North Korean Officials | TODAY - Duration: 0:45.
President Moon Jae-in calls for fair, simple college entrance system - Duration: 2:03.
Reforming the education sector.
This particular policy goal of the Moon administration is a contentious one.
As Koreans, traditionally scholarly, still place strong emphasis on academic credentials.
This is why the liberal leader prioritized creating a fairer and simpler college entrance
Kim Min-ji shares with us his remarks.
President Moon Jae-in says the most important task at hand on the education front is simplifying
the college entrance procedure.
Speaking at a luncheon Wednesday with newly appointed members of the Presidential Committee
on National Education,... he said the college entrance system is not just a matter of national
attention,... but the most crucial part of reforms.
"There may be many requirements for a new college entrance system, but what's most important
is that it should be fair from the perspectives of students and parents, and it should be
simple so that anyone can easily prepare for it."
The government is seeking to revamp the college entrance system and hoping to have the plan
on paper by August -- after gathering the opinions of citizens as well as experts in
the field.
The president stressed that reform in the education sector can only be a success if
there is public trust in the process of drawing up education policies.
"When there is public consensus on policy and trust in the decision making process,
education reform can succeed.
I hope the committee can play the role of bringing out the views of the public and building
a social consensus."
The committee has 21 members, including Education Minister Kim Sang-kon, Finance Minister Kim
Dong-yeon as well as experts and academics.
It will be tasked with mapping out the direction of the Moon administration's education policies
in the mid-to-long term,... as well as addressing various pending education issues.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
Task force review slams 2015 'comfort women' agreement - Duration: 3:15.
Let us begin with the result of a review of the 2015 Seoul-Tokyo agreement on Japan's
wartime sex slavery issue.
The special task force dedicated to the job unveiled some shocking details linked to the
Park admnistration.
Other than the visible flaws, such as not seeking consensus of victims, previously unconfirmed
secret agreements reached between the two governments were exposed.
Kwon Jang-ho has our top story.
After 5 months of review, Korea's foreign ministry released on Wednesday a strongly
critical assessment of the controversial 'comfort women' agreement reached in 2015 by the previous
administration and Japan.
The special task force in charge of the review said one of its main conclusions was the lack
of proper communication between the government and the victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery.
Despite Tokyo agreeing to apologize for the atrocity that saw some 200-thousand women,
mostly Korean, forced to serve in military brothels, the victims have been calling for
the Japanese government to take legal* responsibility on the matter.
The task force slammed the previous Park Geun-hye administration for treating the agreement
as a diplomatic issue, rather than a human rights matter.
(Korean) "The fact that the universal standard of a
victim-centered approach was not sufficiently taken to resolve this human rights issue has
caused more pain to the victims, their families and the general public that has been supporting
And as the foreign minister, I find it regretful and unfortunate, and I bow my head in apology."
The review also confirmed the deal had several details deliberately concealed, including
additional details such as not using the phrase "sex slavery", and dealing with civic groups.
Furthermore, the previous administration seems to have secretly agreed to consider how to
deal with the issue of memorial statues commemorating the victims, several of which sit outside
Japanese embassies and consulates around the world as a sign of protest.
Tokyo responded shortly after Wednesday's announcement, with the Japanese foreign minister
protesting that there was nothing wrong with how the agreement was reached on December
28 of 2015, and that both sides at the time had agreed the issue was resolved "finally
and irreversibly."
He added that if Seoul keeps changing its stance on the comfort women issue, the bilateral
relationship between Korea and Japan would be unmanageable.
Civic groups representing the victims welcomed the results of the review, saying that it
was the first step to bring about justice for the victims.
They called for the agreement to be scrapped altogether, and that they look forward to
see how the Moon administration will handle the matter in the new year.
However, despite the task force's announcement, Seoul hasn't released what it will do next.
Foreign minister Kang previously said the government will take the task force's review
into consideration when formulating a new policy, but she added that the next step will
also require more consultation with the victims and related parties.
(Standup) "The task force's review effectively allows
room for the Moon administration to distance themselves from the 2015 agreement.
But that now leaves the difficult task of building a new policy with Japan and the victims...
one that's long lasting and brings some measure of peace to the victims.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News."
Adventure Escape Murder Inn s level 7 walkthrough Haiku Game. - Duration: 10:05.
🎮 Dinosaur Digger Cartoons Games for Children - Car & Monster Truck Simulator - Fun Games - Duration: 14:15.
🎮 Dinosaur Digger Cartoons Games for Children - Car & Monster Truck Simulator - Fun Games
Treatment of cholesterol | Eggplant Juice For Cholesterol - Duration: 2:17.
ANDROID போனில் தயவு செய்து ஆபாச படம் பார்க்காதிங்க இந்த வீடியோவை பெண்கள் கட்டாயம் பார்க்கவும் | News - Duration: 2:35.
Liverpool 5-0 Swansea: Player Ratings - Duration: 10:29.
Liverpool 5-0 Swansea: Player Ratings
Liverpool blew Swansea away to climb back to fourth in the Premier League.
Roberto Firmino grabbed two and Trent Alexander-Arnold fired in his first goal in front of the Spion Kop as the Reds ran riot on Boxing Day.
Liverpool 5-0 Swansea. Premier League, AnfieldDecember 26, 2017. Goals: Coutinho 5′, Firmino 52′ 66′, Alexander-Arnold 65′, Oxlade-Chamberlain 82′.
Simon Mignolet – 7 (out of 10).
Had nothing to do bar two routine stops for 90 minutes then tipped the ball over well in stoppage time.
Probably the easiest and coldest fixture for the Belgian this year.
No mistakes so everyone is happy….
Trent Alexander-Arnold – 8.
Swansea did little in first half to give Trent any worries.
Attacking-wise he looked to break forward and support Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Mohamed Salah on every occasion.
Pumped a few crosses in that were a little deep.
Fought his way to what looked a lost cause and blasted the in his first goal in front of the Kop.
Joel Matip – 7.
Very quiet opening half for the whole of the defence, just the one opportunity testing the centre-back pairing.
A comfortable return to the starting line-up.
As the second half got underway the goals began to rain and Swansea gave up.
Ragnar Klavan – 7.
Made a great block (with his rear) on 36 minutes; it was the only threatening Swansea play and Ragnar shut it down.
Needs to knock the 'circles of possession' on the head; a top-quality striker will pinch the ball when he takes the long way around at some point.
Andrew Robertson – 7.
Worked well in conjunction with both Coutinho and Firmino when the Brazilians came over to the left side.
Little to evaluate defensively due to Swansea's lack of first-half ambition.
The Scotsman does like to drill the ball in and, on the whole, his crosses were OK.
Involved in the build up for Liverpool's third goal, pressed well and disrupted the Swan's right side.
Emre Can – 7.
Sat very deep in the first half.
Picked up a knock to the ankle on 40 minutes which looked to be giving him considerable pain as the first half drew to a close.
Decent sight of goal but the German tickled the ball towards goal, easy for Lukasz Fabianski.
Was strangely given time and space in the second half and that helped Swansea seal their own fate.
Georginio Wijnaldum – 8.
Very quiet for the first period, one good bursting run forward and helped out defensively throughout.
Second half, more of the same.
Protects the back four well, goes unnoticed at times but if he didn't do it, you'd soon notice the lack of work.
Had his name sung a multitude of times by the Kop, and deservedly so.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain – 8.
Positive going forward, looked lethargic at times however during the first half—who didn't though?.
Fired a shot high over the bar but remained positionally disciplined.
Battled well for the entire second half.
Capped a fine display with a well-taken goal, outside of the boot and made it 5-0.
Philippe Coutinho – 9 Man of the Match.
Busy busy busy…Scored a wonderful goal on five minutes and looked threatening whenever he went forward.
Did fall asleep on the edge of the box allowing Swansea to get in behind, luckily bailed out by Robertson.
Floated a beautiful ball into Salah in the first half then replicated this feat in the 51st minute, Firmino this time volleyed the ball home.
Goal and assist—a good day's work.
Mohamed Salah – 8.
A quiet fist half for the Egyptian but was of course in the thick of the action for Coutinho's opener.
Twisted and turned early in the second half and was denied by a good save by Fabianski.
Went very close on 56 minutes after a training ground set-piece link-up with Coutinho.
Had the composure to slide the ball to an unmarked Firmino to make it 4-0—the sign of a great attacker.
Roberto Firmino – 9.
High energy from start to finish; take out the assist and his well taken goals, and you are left with a Brazilian who works his socks off.
Lost the ball, sloppily, in the first half and gave away a throw-in from a loose touch.
Immediately won the ball back and drove forward—typifies his attitude.
Right place at the right time, time and time again.
Unlucky not to be left on and grab his first Liverpool hat-trick.
Starting XI Average Rating: 7.
Dominic Solanke (on for Roberto Firmino, 68′) – 7.
Smart interchange of passes with Coutinho soon after coming on.
Dropped his shoulder on the edge of the area and tried to carve out his own chance at goal, unlucky.
Looked to add a sixth with four minutes left, looks very dangerous in and around the 18-yard box.
Adam Lallana (on for Mohamed Salah, 68′) – 7.
Nice return for the midfielder, came on at 4-0.
First chance he got he bombed on into the box, pulled a Cruyff turn and fired just over. Looked fresh.
James Milner (on for Andrew Robertson, 75′) – 7.
Dependable as ever from the bench and never under any threat from a disappointing Swansea.
Manager. Jurgen Klopp – 8.
Liverpool looked a little boring in the first half, I'd like to think this was game management after the Arsenal collapse and in accordance with Klopp's wishes to manage situations better.
Fired the side up during the break and they came out all guns blazing.
Used the opportunity to rotate once the score was safe.
A fantastic response to the "leaking of The Emirates.".
Marlene Dietrich: 5 Things To Know About German Entertainer & Today's Google Doodle - Duration: 4:02.
Marlene Dietrich: 5 Things To Know About German Entertainer & Today's Google Doodle
On what would have been her 116th birthday, Marlene Dietrich is being celebrated as the
Dec. 27, 2017 Google Doodle.
Here's everything to know about the singer/actress.
The early years.
When she was 11 years old, Marie Magdalene Dietrich, who grew up in Germany, combined
her first and middle name and started going by Marlene Dietrich.
When she was a teenager, Marlene played violin and started becoming interested in theater
and poetry.
After she finished school, Marlene began making appearances as a chorus girl, and eventually
made her film debut in 1923's The Little Napoleon.
After taking small roles on stage and on-screen throughout the 1920s, Marlene got her first
big break in the movie The Blue Angel, directed by Josef von Sternberg, in 1930.
Success…and downfall…in the States.
After The Blue Angel garnered international success, Marlene made her way to the U.S.
and worked with Josef on a variety of films.
She received an Oscar nomination for her role in Morocco in 1930.
They worked on six movies together between 1930 and 1935, but then in the late 30s, Marlene
decided to branch out on her own.
Unfortunately, she started to see a decline in her success, as the movies she starred
in were expensive to make and did not perform well at the box office.
Marlene applied for U.S. citizenship in 1937, which she was granted in 1939.
Involvement in World War II.
Marlene worked tirelessly to help Jews and refugees escape from Nazi Germany, even donating
her entire profit from one movie to the cause.
She received the Medal of Freedom in 1947 for her efforts during the war.
Unfortunately, WWII also tore Marlene apart from her family — her sister and brother-in-law
ran a movie theater that was frequented by Nazi officers, and although Marlene vouched
for them so they could avoid prosecution, she eventually cut them from her life.
Life as a cabaret singer.
In a few of her breakthrough roles, Marlene served as a cabaret singer, a job she took
up full-time in from the 1950s-1970s.
She performed in theaters all over the world.
During this time, she recorded albums of her own, as well.
Marlene also performed on Broadway in the late 1960s.
Aside from just being remembered as a performer and entertainer, Marlene is also known as
a fashion icon, and remembered for "following her own course" and not conforming to what
was expected of society.
Family life and death.
Marlene met Rudolf Sieber on the set of her 1923 film Tragodie der Liebe.
They married in May 1923 and welcomed a daughter, Maria Elisabeth Sieber, on Dec. 13, 1924.
Maria was Marlene's only child.
Marlene had a number of affairs throughout her career, most of which were known to her
Rudolf died from cancer in 1976.
Meanwhile, Marlene suffered from cervical cancer herself, but survived, in the mid 1960s.
In 1975, Marlene fell off stage and broke her thigh while performing, ending her career.
She became dependent on painkillers and, sadly, spent the last decade of her life bedridden.
She died of renal failure at 90 years old.
Uomini e Donne, la gaffe di Ester Glam: i follower non perdonano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.
Убийство матери Эрика Леншерра (Магнито) / Люди Икс: Первый класс (2011) - Duration: 3:14.
5 talking points from Liverpool 5-0 Swansea - Coutinho controls and Alexander-Arnold in the goals - Duration: 8:29.
5 talking points from Liverpool 5-0 Swansea - Coutinho controls and Trent Alexander-Arnold in the goals
A convincing second half display against Swansea resulted in a 5-0 victory for Liverpool as they extended their unbeaten run to 14 games.
Liverpool 5-0 Swansea City. Premier League, AnfieldDecember 26, 2017.
Goals: Coutinho 6′, Firmino 52′ 66′, Alexander-Arnold 65′, Oxlade-Chamberlain 82′.
Coutinho eases back into captain role.
It's often said that certain players can wilt under the weight of a shirt number or a captain's arm band at a storied club such as Liverpool, but Philippe Coutinhoseems to thrive on the responsibility.
Donning the No. 10 shirt—which is a big number not just for Liverpool, but for Brazilians generally—he sets about his business like a player who wants to make history for himself rather than merely recall the feats of others.
His goal just six minutes into this game was a perfect demonstration of this.
Thanks to some good work from Roberto Firmino in midfield, then a neat pass from Mohamed Salah, Coutinho found himself on the edge of the box on the left side of the pitch.
It's a position and a situation which he has now made his speciality.
Angling his body into the perfect position he struck the ball sweetly with his right foot and sent it into the top corner of the goal at the Anfield Road end.
It was the highlight of a first half which was fairly subdued, but then a similar period into the second half Coutinho put the ball onto compatriot Firmino's boot and the striker volleyed home for the second goal which opened the floodgates.
Coutinho relished the responsibility and looks like he's constantly proving a point, and even when he handed the armband over to Milner he continued to control the game until the end.
Trent's first league goal.
It was a moment to savour for Trent Alexander-Arnold.
As he charged onto a half-clearance in front of the Kop there was only one thought on his mind.
With the ball bouncing he was able to get good power on his shot as it hit the underside of the bar and nestled into the goal.
It was his first goal in the Premier League, but his third in total this season which is an excellent return for a right-back who doesn't play in every game.
To put this into perspective, he now has more goals for the club than Nathaniel Clyne, who was the club's regular full-back for two full seasons.
Goalscoring bonanza continues.
Four against Bournemouth, three against Arsenal, and now five against Swansea.
The blips against Everton and West Brom at home are now in the past as the side returned to the free-scoring form which takes them to 25 goals in seven games for the month of December.
At the end of the game all the players wanted to get in on the act and substitute Dominic Solanke was unlucky not to get his first goal for the club, coming close on a number of occasions.
They could have matched the Spartak Moscow mauling here today were they more clinical towards the end.
The Reds may have been slightly disrupted, though, by the three substitutions which changed the formation slightly due to Adam Lallana's introduction in midfield.
Goal difference could be important as five teams are set to battle it out for the three places in the top four behind Manchester City.
Today's five takes Liverpool onto 46 goals, jumping ahead of Man United's 43, but it's at the other end where they need to improve as their goal difference is still worse than Jose Mourinho's side overall.
Clean sheet kept to build Mignolet's confidence.
After his errors in the Arsenal game many thought that Simon Mignolet would be removed from the firing line for the subsequent games, perhaps coming back into the side for the FA Cup, but he retained his place in Jurgen Klopp's starting 11.
The only change to the core of the defence was the introduction of the fit-again Joel Matip in the place of Dejan Lovren, with Ragnar Klavan retaining his place on the left side.
Klavan has been quietly impressive of late, and barely put a foot wrong against Swansea.
The defence was well-balanced and this helped Mignolet.
The saves the goalkeeper had to make were easy and helped build confidence, with a couple of collections from Jordan Ayew in each half being about as troubled as he got until his last-second tip-over.
It's rare that Klopp drops a player who is being criticised by the media or by the wider public, and that was the case again here.
Now he could bring Loris Karius in against Leicester under the guise of rotation, and make Mignolet determined to continue to fight for his place in the side.
Players rested for future challenges.
Whatever Klopp said to his side at half time worked wonders, and the reward for the manager for this second-half display was the luxury of making early substitutions with the game already won.
Firmino and Salah were withdrawn after the pair had just combined to put the side 4-0 up.
The two will be considered, along with Coutinho, as the most potent attacking weapons in the team, and it was good to give them a break ahead of a busy second half of the season.
Left-back Andrew Robertson, who is likely to be required for most games in the absence of Alberto Moreno, was also given a break, being replaced by utility man James Milner.
Klopp's men now go into Saturday's game against Leicester full of confidence, and hopefully full of energy, as they look to creep further into the top four.
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