It's not over.
We're not done yet.
Just when you thought you knew everything about Doki Doki Literature comes
back for more.
It's time for a tale of sorrow, protect your heart...and your mind.
Because we're about to blow this entire game wide open!
But before I do, I wanted to let you know this video is sponsored by Amino.
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and they're heavily into the indie horror genre.
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They have really engaging featured posts, public chats, and quizzes plus its a great
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Now lets get jump back into Doki doki Literature Club!
You know what?
I've had a rough week, I could really use some R and R with a few beautiful and totally
not psycho girls.
And when we're talking beautiful non crazies who would be better than these lovely folks.
I mean Ryan made it through a video with these four and he only predicted the end of the
world, so this analysis can't be that bad...right?
We're back with more mind altering, pants tenting, video mayhem!
This is the equivalent of mixing adderall and LSD as we venture once more into the ever
obsessive embrace of Doki Doki Literature Club.
Last time if you watched Ryan's video, he went over the actual implication of artificial
intelligence on our lives and how we're probably all going to die thanks to our machine
But me, I've got some things to say about these ladies and..uh..I'm going to say them!
Now if you've played Doki Doki Literature Club you know the basics of the game.
You're a high schooler and you join a Literature Club thanks to the constant pushing and shoving
of your best friend Sayori.
The club is comprised of three other young lasses: Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika.
And whaddya know, all of them want to spend time with you. and I get it who wouldn't
want to spend seven minutes in heaven with the Grantsicle?
But the question becomes: who do you woo?
And how?
Well, you win the affection of the girls through your innate sense to craft poetry fit for
the gods.
Whether you go more with Edgar Allan Poe-esque prose to entice Yuri, or engage in a writing
style that resembles "See Spot, See Spot Run" while creating undertones of emotion
to impress Natsuki, you're bound to learn some interesting things from the girls from
their poems.
And that's where the true genius of Doki Doki Literature Club lies.
If you actually take the time to read between the lines of these poems, you can uncover
all the information you need about this game before shit hits the fan.
But it's not just that, there's a greater importance to these poems than just an engine
for the game to progress on, there's a deeper meaning than what you see on the surface,
and that's what we're going to uncover today.
When we talk to these girls, it's abundantly clear that there's more going on than meets
the eye.
Yuri is a prime example for this.
Besides the few times that Yuri rolls down her sleeves as we enter a room to hide her
cuts on her arms, there's a lot we can learn about her cutting and how it began just from
her poetry.
Her poem, The Raccoon is a perfect example of this.
It reads:
"It happened in the dead of night while I was slicing bread for a guilty snack.
My attention was caught by the scuttering of a raccoon outside my window.
That was, I believe, the first time I noticed my strange tendencies as an unordinary human."
Now this is just the first stanza, but there's so much to dissect from just these three lines.
First off we know that Yuri finds quote, "slicing bread for a guilty snack" to be strange
and unordinary.
It isn't, people eat bread all gerdderm the time.
It's like, the most popular food in the world, essentially every culture has a type
of bread.
Glorious, beautiful sandwiches are made with bread!So we can already tell that slicing
bread is a metaphor for something else, something unusual and something she feels guilty about.
And this "raccoon" is tied into this guilty, unusual act.
Otherwise it wouldn't have been mentioned in the stanza.
But we know from the title that the raccoon is vital to the poem, so we must keep an eye
out for what this raccoon stands for.
She continues:
"I gave the raccoon a piece of bread, my subconscious well aware of the consequences.
Well aware that a raccoon that is fed will always come back for more.
The enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom.
The bread, my hungry curiosity.
The raccoon, an urge."
Here Yuri makes it much more apparent what's happening.
That last line, "The raccoon, an urge" spells out exactly what the raccoon is.
And the previous line, "The bread, my hungry curiosity" lets us know that the bread is
a metaphor for a curiosity within her, something that she fed to her own urges.
This entire poem is a metaphor.
There is no raccoon, there is no bread, this is an internal struggle within Yuri.
All together this stanza reveals so much about Yuri's character before we know it within
the actual story.
The enticing beauty of the knife reflects Yuri's obsession that we see later on.
The bread, a curiosity to to slice, to cut herself.
And the raccoon, the urge to feel that pain, that feeling from the cut.
And with the last two stanzas, she's become used to that urge within her, constantly feeding
it, desiring it, and feeding it again.
And as she says in the last lines "A rush of blood.
Classic Pavlovian conditioning.
I slice the bread.
And I feed myself again."
There's a rush of blood and she's conditioned at this point to enjoy it, to want it and
she cuts herself, and she feeds her own urge but cutting.
It's all there if you're willing to look.
And that is just Yuri's second poem, well before we see any real disturbance within
Well before she becomes obsessive over us.
And well before she gives into the ultimate feeling of self harm.
These poems are the path to these girls true feelings, and Yuri isn't the only one.
Natsuki's personality heavily defines her poetry, typically by being the exact opposite
of how she acts.
Her personality is brash, assertive and blunt, but when she finally gets comfortable with
you she opens up to a more warm personality.
Her poems on the other hand have the outward appearance of being warm, simple, and cute,
but reading beneath them each holds a sad concept lingering beneath the surface.
Amy Likes Spiders is all about the harsh criticism one can get for enjoying something unusual,
something Natsuki heavily relates to regarding her love for anime.
Eagles Can Fly resembles the uncertainty about opening yourself up to anyone.
While every other species can do something, people can only try, but we may not always
We may let each other down, we may do wrong.
People can try, but that's about it" purposefully flops on the ending to show that idea of failure
within the poem itself because the poem failed to end correctly.
But the most telling poem we get from Natsuki is "Things I like about Papa" where we
truly see the issues Natsuki has at home.
"I like when Papa comes home early.
I like when Papa cooks me dinner.
I like when Papa gives me allowance.
I like when Papa spends time with me.
I like when Papa asks me about my friends."
All these lines seem innocent on their own, but before even going into the rest of the
poem these lines should be a red flag that these things don't always happen.
Sometimes her father stays out late, sometimes her father doesn't make her dinner.
Sometimes her father isn't around at all.
And we see even more of these issues as the poem continues:
"I like when Papa asks me about anything."
-He doesn't interact with Natsuki very much at all.
"I like when Papa comes home before sundown" -He stays out late, often very late into the
"I like when Papa cooks" -Natsuki often has to make her own food for every meal.
I like when papa keeps food in the house, comes home without waking me up, uses his
inside voice, is too tired to notice me.
I like when Papa is too tired for anything.
Her father is an abusive, angry, horrible shell of a man.
He's a dick, argumentative, and whenever he's around it's generally not good for
Her father stays out late, doesn't think about Natsuki's well being, doesn't give
her money for food, often doesn't have food in the house at all, and when he does interact
with Natsuki it's generally not good for her.
This poem is a massive cry for help, and her coping mechanism is to be brash and blunt,
because she needs to fend for herself, she needs to care for herself because she isn't
being cared for at home.
It explains so much about why she's so defensive, quick to anger, and secretive about her hobbies,
she can't handle anyone else trying to put her down or make her life difficult, she's
closed off from everyone because she's constantly on guard at home.
Sayori's poems feel much the same way, as though they have subtle undertones that become
more and more clear with each poem.
Course, Sayori's last poem makes it abundantly obvious that she's having mental distress,
so there's a pretty easy analysis there.
I think she wants me to get out of her head.
But her other poems, Dear Sunshine and Bottles give us a better look into Sayori's mind.
Dear Sunshine feels happy at the beginning, as though she's talking to the sun.
She's not of course.
Sunshine is a metaphor for you, the protagonist.
It's about how much of her happiness is entrusted to you, specifically saying that
"If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever."
aka I'd die if it wasn't for you.
This poem reveals how codependent Sayori is, but the poem, "Bottles" shows the true
horror inside her mind.
"I pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar.
It's the secret place where I keep all my dreams.
Little balls of sunshine, all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens.
I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out.
It's warm and tingly.
But there's no time to waste!
I put it in a bottle to keep it safe.
And I put the bottle on the shelf with all of the other bottles.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles, all in a row.
My collection makes me lots of friends.
Each bottle a starlight to make amends.
Sometimes my friend feels a certain way.
Down comes a bottle to save the day."
Aww it seems so nice so far!
Sayori has all these wonderful thoughts that feel good and she's using this happiness
to help her friends.
But it doesn't stay nice for long.
Night after night, more dreams.
Friend after friend, more bottles.
Deeper and deeper my fingers go.
Like exploring a dark cave, discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies.
Digging and digging.
Scraping and scraping.
She's running out of happiness.
She feels like she's expected to be the happy one, like everyone expects her to be
the person to cheer everyone up.
But she's running out, she's digging, scraping, looking for every ounce of happiness
she has..just to give it away.
They were supposed to be for my friends, my friends who aren't smiling.
They're all shouting, pleading.
But all I hear is echo, echo, echo, echo, echo
Inside my head.
She gave everything she had to her friends, every pinch of happiness she had, and yet
they want more, they demand more, but she's empty on the inside.
All there is are echos, echos of the shouting, echos of the pleading, just an empty space
with nothing left.
This is why Sayori is so bittersweet, so depressed when her outer appearance is so perky and
She's giving everything she has to put on that fascade, when on the inside, she feels
nothing, she has nothing, and it's destroying her.
This is before we really start to see her exterior crack and show the depression inside,
these words were crying out for help, for someone to understand, and no one did.
And last is Monika, our sentient Yandere obsessor also has clues within her poems of her sentience.
Specifically if you look at the Save Me poem from act 1, analyzing this can help us understand
the torment she is constantly in by knowing she's nothing but a character in a game.
The colors, they won't stop.
Bright, beautiful colors Flashing, expanding, piercing
Red, green, blue An endless
cacophany Of meaningless
The noise, it won't stop.
Violent, grating waveforms Squeaking, screeching, piercing
Sine, cosine, tangent Like playing a chalkboard on a turntable
Like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust An endless
poem Of meaningless
Load Me
This poem seems abstract until you take into account that Monika knows she's a computer
The colors, red, green and blue are the primary colors used in computer imagery and are the
primary colors used in computers to make all other colors.
Sine cosine and tangent are used to create sound waves, again showing that she's sentient
that she's a program.
They create as she puts it "violent, grating waveforms" and the title "Save Me" combined
with the end line "Load Me" is obviously representative of a game or computer program.
This poem takes place in Act 1, long before we realize Monika is actually sentient but
again, the clues are there if you're willing to look for them.
But why have I gone through each and every girl to show how their issues could be seen
before we ever encounter the actual problem that plagues them?
The answer is because this isn't a game.
This isn't something that the developers just made up for the game.
People are secretly having issues all the time.
And sometimes they're major.
Many of us have issues that we don't realize, that we don't feel like we can talk about,
that our society shuns us for having.
These girls aren't just game characters, they're representations of the problems
we deal with everyday and never talk about.
And sometimes, like in Sayori's case, we don't even understand the issues plaguing
our own mind.
We can't figure out why we aren't happy, why we aren't in love, why we are failing.
This is one of the lessons of Doki Doki Literature Club, writing isn't just about creating,
it's about processing your life, bringing out the inner emotion that you can't seem
It's a method of expression, of understanding, of sharing what we generally can't.
Our society pushes us to shut the fuck up.
To keep our problems to ourselves.
In Doki Doki Literature Club, these girls have found a way to work around that by sharing
their grievances within their poetry.
Writing can be used as a coping mechanism, as a way to express what you can't say out
loud, as a way to put your thoughts onto paper and out of your brain.
It's underutilized and underappreciated, and it's one of the hidden lessons in this
psychological horror game.
Each of these girls is coping with their issues through writing.
The poems were written for you to understand these girls, for you to see their cries for
help before shit hits the fan, but it is also meant to make you reflect on your own life.
What are you hiding from the world?
What are you scared to let people know?
What do you need to write down?
We can share our lives through our writing, even if the topic we write on isn't ourselves.
This game is just one example, this channel and the videos on it are another.
Look deeper into what people write to you.
Look deeper into what you write yourself.
You'll be surprised at what you find if you read between the lines, and maybe you
could avoid an unfortunate disaster because you took the time to write.
In this game you don't have the choice to confront the girls on their issues, but in
real life, writing can help you become who you want to be, get over past trauma, and
get you through hard times.
This game is about sharing who you are and what you hide with others.
The lesson is to share your experiences, to find comradery in others.
That's the true power of the Literature Club.
Before Monika fucked things up for everyone, this club was a safe haven for expression.
It was the one place where Natsuki could read her manga without feeling judged.
It was the place where Monika felt like she could start over and make something real.
It was the only place where Sayori was able to bring out some sadness and let it go.
It was the only place where Yuri could actually interact with others and feel part of a group.
It was a place where people could actually free themselves of the shackles society put
on them, and that is something worth looking for.
The game might take a dark turn in the end, but the idea behind the game, the things you
can find if you just search beneath the surface, is worth looking for.
And that's my take on Doki Doki Literature Club!
Its different than Ryans but then again we are different people.
So what did you think?
You can let know on Amino!
Don't forget to click the link in the description and check it out!
That's all for me today, i hope you all had wonderful holiday and a happy new year.
Bye for now!
For more infomation >> Doki Doki Literature Club: The Message You Missed - Duration: 16:52.-------------------------------------------
Chris Wright – Adolescence (Lyrics) [CC] - Duration: 2:09.
If I ever do a show bet I skip the fucking meet and greet Cause if I put a name to a face it's like the heebie-jee
Bees all on my front porch here for the sticky weed I don't even smoke, they like gees
I brought three for free
Young and reckless lately Thanking god that nobody knows
I feel the itch to run away but you know how that goes I'm big talk, but a little man, stuck in my whoes
I hit the gym til it disappeared right off of the coast And now my weight dropping, got me in this motel lobby
Like what the steak options, lady got a Nobel body, It make me late often, me I got a no tell hobby,
You with the jakes talking, boy you know they stay watching,
Keep my cam unplugged unless we making love
As if it's getting high off of bending joints and aching lungs
Wet vibrations like we bathing in a shaking tub
She don't really deal with credit cards, she just taking tongue
So when it's all said and done imma pet it, start
Laying out the drinks like I really went and set the bar Someone call a medic like we trapped in a smoking car
Windows up, laughing, I'm a death away from toaking tar
Why you hot box?
You don't even smoke pot Second hand high make you feel it like some pop rocks
All I care about is her in Yellow striped crop tops Never take my eyes off her even if the cop stops
IT Deleted Scene Proves Fan Theory?! Fate of Henry Bowers, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins IT (2017) - Duration: 2:36.
Back in October when I released my 94 Things You Missed in IT, I theorized that Henry Bowers
may have killed his friends, Victor and Belch, on the way from his house to the final showdown
at 29 Neibolt.
My reasoning behind the theory was that Henry watches the tv show seen around Derry where
Pennywise encourages him to "Kill Them All", then kills his father.
When we next see him at the 29 Neibolt house, he pulls up in Belch's car with more blood
on him than before.
So I thought maybe there was a deleted scene involving Henry killing his friends and stealing
the car.
I declared that we'd have to wait for the Blu-Ray to come out to see if I was right.
So fast forward to today.
At the time of me making this video, the Blu-Ray still isn't out in my country, but it has
been released in Australia and one of my fans was nice enough to give me a heads up.
The clip has only surfaced on Instagram so far, so please excuse the quality, but let's
roll it.
So it looks like I was spot on with the theory.
But what implications does this have for the upcoming sequel?
In the book, Belch and Victor die not long after, at the hands of IT.
In the adult portion, Pennywise exhibits the forms of both Victor and Belch to help break
Henry out of prison.
Henry apologizes for leaving them to die in the sewers all those years ago.
As of right now, we don't even know if Henry survives the fall into that well in the Neibolt
basement, but if he does live, it's safe to say that Victor and Belch probably won't
be the forms used by IT to break him out of prison.
That would be one awkward car ride.
If Henry doesn't live, then with all four bullies out of the picture now, who is going
to be the new scapegoat for the killings that took place that summer?
Let me know your ideas in the comments, and also let me know if you think this deleted
scene should have been removed or not.
And I know what you're thinking -- CZ how can I get myself some of that stylish Float.
For that, you'll want to head over to the new CZsWorld Merch Store.
I'll leave a link in the description.
But most importantly remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new horrors every week, ring
the deathbell for notifications and I'll see you in the next one.
Assuming we both survive.
Moore coyotes - Duration: 1:05.
Gingrich Announces Bold 2018 Prediction. Either Newt's A Genius Or He's Lost His Mind. - Duration: 3:32.
Gingrich Announces Bold 2018 Prediction.
Either Newt's A Genius Or He's Lost His Mind.
Liberals were stunned when Donald Trump took the White House in 2016.
They will continue to be stunned come 2018.
This past year the left has done nothing but fight the President.
Despite their opposition, he's achieved win after win.
The left's only hope is to get more liberals into office come 2018.
But will they be able to?
After a year of successes, that's doubtful.
President Trump has made good on his promises.
He's cut regulation.
He appointed more judges than Obama.
He's crippled Obamacare.
And now, he got the GOP to pass massive tax reform.
Yet the liberal media still believes 2018 will be a Democrat year.
Not if Newt Gingrich has anything to say about it.
From Fox News:
The great political surprise of 2018 will be the size of the Republican victory.
After members of the elite media have spent two years savaging President Trump, lying
about Republican legislation, and reassuring themselves that Republican defeat was inevitable,
the size of the GOP victory in 2018 will be an enormous shock…
First, the media lied about the tax bill in an effort to convince most Americans their
taxes would go up.
Then, the media took surveys of people who opposed the GOP bill based on the false information
supplied by the media…
Then, the bill passed, and unsurprisingly, it turned out to be dramatically better for
Americans than the elite media had described…
In fact, the stage is being set for a definitive election.
Do you want higher taxes, bigger bureaucracy, more power in Washington, and a smaller economy
with lower take-home pay and fewer jobs?
If yes, vote Democrat, because that is what they stand for and will continue to vote for
next year.
If you want a bigger economy, more jobs, more take-home pay, less power with Washington
bureaucrats, and lower taxes with more money in your pocket, then vote Republican.
Gingrich mentions a list of predictions about Trump, from so-called experts, that was completely
Everything critics said about Trump's first year were wildly wrong.
Now these same experts predict a victory for liberals in 2018.
What do you think will really happen?
With the success of the tax bill, the Democrats' chances are all but ruined.
That's why they opposed it so much.
When people see how much they'll save, why would they support the Democrats?
President Trump and the GOP just gave them back thousands of their own dollars.
They'd be idiots not to support them next year.
But be certain the left will continue to lie.
Democrats have no platform.
Their agenda is built around emotional pleas and slander.
They cannot win in a fair fight, so they play dirty.
I believe, though, that most Americans are smarter than that.
They are seeing Trump fight for them.
They see the successes and incredible economic growth.
All the Republicans need to do to win, is back the President.
Case closed.
We'll see how things shake out in the coming year.
It will be a crucial time for the country.
The left will pull out all their tricks to steal America.
We have to fight to save it.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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What better time to head to Mexico than New Year's Eve weekend?
While everyone else is freezing in New York City you can sip margaritas by the sea
Based on a new image that appears to be how Selena Gomez 25 is spending the days leading up to the arrival of
SEL looks happy as a clam while posing with a few friends in the aforementioned pic while sporting some yellow aviator shades
Absolutely gorgeous as always
How does this girl do it word first got out that Selena was headed to Cabo San Lucas?
when an image of her and some of her closest friends riding a private jet together surfaced on December 27th
Then today December 29 the image of her Beach site emerged leaving fans
Speculating she that might not be spending my alongside our fellow, Justin Bieber
23 which would be completely tragic as we previously reported
Justin was most recently spotted playing hockey with friends in Ontario Canada on December
27th and according to each news Justin plans to meet Selena in New York to watch the ball drop
Which is pretty much the most romantic plan ever?
except cable, San Lucas and Ontario aren't exactly close to the Big Apple
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Liverpool 2-1 Leicester City: Player Ratings - Duration: 9:47.
Liverpool 2-1 Leicester City: Player Ratings
Liverpool edged out Leicester City to an entertaining 2-1 victory at Anfield on Saturday, and one diminutive Egyptian stood out yet again.
Liverpool 2-1 Leicester City. Premier League, AnfieldDecember 30, 2017. Goals: Salah 52′, 76′; Vardy 2′.
Loris Karius – 6 (out of 10).
The German came in for Simon Mignolet as Jurgen Klopp rotated things, and he was generally a spectator at Anfield.
He could do nothing about Jamie Vardy's opener, but he saved from Harry Maguire late in the day and flapped at a late cross. Handling good, kicking iffy.
Joe Gomez – 7.
It was yet another mature, dominant showing from Gomez, who defended well and got forward effectively.
One superb effort from range flew wide of Kasper Schmeichel's goal, and his poise on the ball and linkup play really caught the eye.
Centre-back is still his more natural role moving forward, though.
Joel Matip – 6.
Matip doesn't receive anywhere near the criticism Dejan Lovren does, but he once again showed that he is a far-from-blameless individual in Liverpool's shaky defence.
The 26-year-old's misplaced pass failed to find Emre Can, and Vardy swiftly put Leicester 1-0 up because of it, as the Reds conceded yet another sloppy.
A little too ponderous at times, but he improved a lot as the match went.
Dejan Lovren – 7.
This was a reliable display from Lovren, who was rarely called into action but did his job when required.
Aerially he was strong, and some of the reckless decision-making we have seen in the past was nowhere to be seen.
He has responded well since his nightmare showing at Tottenham in October.
Andrew Robertson – 6.
The Scot once again started with Alberto Moreno still on the sidelines, and it was a slightly frustrating performance.
His energy down the left flank constantly gave Liverpool an extra attacking dimension, but too many of his crosses were hopeful and wayward.
Defensively sound, with one crucial late piece of covering preventing the visitors from equalising.
Emre Can – 6.
Can is such an infuriating player to watch: he has all the ingredients to be a genuinely top-class midfielder, but can flatter to deceive.
That was the case against the Foxes, with too many slack touches, rash passes and a lack of positional sense on show.
He is a winner, though, as shown by him trying to grab the ball after Mohamed Salah's equaliser, and his effort levels were excellent.
James Milner – 6.
Like Can, Milner was very frustrating to watch, with some good aspects to his game, but also a number of negatives on show.
He supported the attack well, often linking up effectively with Robertson, but too often he went walkabout in the middle of the park, and the hole in the Reds' midfield was gaping because of it.
More good than bad, however.
Philippe Coutinho – 7.
Liverpool's magnificent Brazilian didn't have his best day at the office, by his ridiculous standards, but he was still a classy presence who looked likely to unlock Leicester's miserly defence.
One trademark long-range effort flew into the hands of Schmeichel in the first half, and a beautiful one-two with Roberto Firmino almost saw him get in on goal.
Great attitude being shown at the moment.
Mohamed Salah – 8. 5 (Man of the Match).
What an amazing signing, what an amazing footballer.
The 25-year-old was Liverpool's hero yet again, scoring two clinical goals and taking his tally to an astonishing 23 in 29 games this season.
Salah did miss three great chances, but his ability not to be fazed by those moments is commendable.
A menace to the Leicester defence all afternoon, with his speed and movement something special.
Sadio Mane – 6.
It just isn't happening for Mane at the moment, with the Senegalese speedster a long way from his best.
He failed to get into the game as much as others, with a lack of confidence on show, and a poor shot before half-time summed up his current form.
He did assist Salah's first of the day with a clever backheel, though, which goes to show he can still have an impact even when he is below par.
Roberto Firmino – 8.
Another very impressive performance from Firmino, who did excellently against the combative Leicester duo of Maguire and Wes Morgan.
He did his best to make things happen, with his aforementioned one-two with Coutinho created by a wonderful backheel, and his general vision and intelligence is second to none.
Worked tirelessly from the front.
Starting XI Average Rating: 6.
Substitutes. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (on for Mane, 72′) – 7.
A lively presence once again, working his socks off and looking a threat up against tiring legs.
Gini Wijnaldum (on for Salah, 82′) – 6.
Not much time to make an impact, but did his job efficiently.
Manager. Jurgen Klopp – 7.
This was a massive win for Klopp, who got a very good performance out of his players in the middle of a relentless run of fixtures.
It was hard to complain about his team selection in the slightest, with the 'Fab Four' all starting, and he is instilling a winning mentality into the side.
These are the victories that get you into the top four.
A strong way to end 2017 for the boss.
0:00:00.190,0:00:05.730 [Music]
WW2 UNLOCK ALL, 0:00:07.429,0:00:11.670
hey what's going on guys my name is Zack WW2 UNLOCK ALL GLITCH,
0:00:10.230,0:00:12.960 be guess it called me hazardous thank
WW2 UNLOCK ALL HACK, 0:00:11.670,0:00:14.370
you guys so much for tuning back in on WW2 UNLOCK ALL LOBBY,
0:00:12.960,0:00:16.800 my channel and welcome back to another
WW2 UNLOCK ALL TUTORIAL, 0:00:14.370,0:00:19.380
color Duty world war 2 video and here on WW2 UNLOCK ALL WINTER SIEGE DLC,
0:00:16.800,0:00:20.910 the channel today I have this video I'm
WW2 UNLOCK ALL DLC WEAPONS, 0:00:19.380,0:00:23.580
bringing to you guys about the winter WW2 UNLOCK ALL WINTER SIEGE ITEMS,
0:00:20.910,0:00:25.320 siege DLC this little message of the day
WW2 JANUARY UPDATE, 0:00:23.580,0:00:27.240
when you log on to the game says some COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL,
0:00:25.320,0:00:29.220 stuff about the winter siege DLC
COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL GLITCH, 0:00:27.240,0:00:31.080
concluding and the community event COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL HACK,
0:00:29.220,0:00:32.250 ending in college ad world war 2
COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL LOBBY, 0:00:31.080,0:00:33.570
multiplayer so we're gonna be talking COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL TUTORIAL,
0:00:32.250,0:00:36.300 about that in this video and what
COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL WINTER SIEGE DLC, 0:00:33.570,0:00:37.500
everything in this message means so when COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL DLC WEAPONS,
0:00:36.300,0:00:38.640 you start up the game and you enter the
COD WW2 UNLOCK ALL WINTER SIEGE ITEMS, 0:00:37.500,0:00:39.930
headquarters you're prompted with the COD WW2 JANUARY UPDATE,
0:00:38.640,0:00:42.780 message of the day where it says winter
0:00:39.930,0:00:44.640 siege concludes the end of winter siege
0:00:42.780,0:00:46.320 is rapidly approaching the snow and
0:00:44.640,0:00:47.940 headquarters will melt away and captain
0:00:46.320,0:00:49.590 butcher will pack up his tree his
0:00:47.940,0:00:51.690 special winter siege supply drops and
0:00:49.590,0:00:53.640 head back to the front and those limited
0:00:51.690,0:00:56.640 time collection rewards the frost yep
0:00:53.640,0:00:58.739 extend the hand warmer epic GPMG they'll
0:00:56.640,0:01:00.270 be gone to make sure to complete your
0:00:58.739,0:01:02.010 winter siege contracts and orders
0:01:00.270,0:01:03.660 open your frosty supply drops and make
0:01:02.010,0:01:05.970 your last stand in the winter Carentan
0:01:03.660,0:01:08.280 before winter siege ends on January 2nd
0:01:05.970,0:01:09.900 at 10 a.m.
Pacific Standard Time so what
0:01:08.280,0:01:11.250 this means is everything in the
0:01:09.900,0:01:13.260 headquarters will be changing and
0:01:11.250,0:01:14.400 reverting back to how it was originally
0:01:13.260,0:01:16.799 in the vanilla game of Call of Duty
0:01:14.400,0:01:19.470 World War two players will no longer be
0:01:16.799,0:01:22.590 able to unlock the frosty epics 10 the
0:01:19.470,0:01:24.180 hand-warmer epic at GPMG and the Gewehr
0:01:22.590,0:01:25.979 I forget what the variant name is called
0:01:24.180,0:01:28.110 which is the snow one but players will
0:01:25.979,0:01:30.990 not be able to unlock those anymore now
0:01:28.110,0:01:33.270 that's not to say you can't get the rare
0:01:30.990,0:01:35.280 variants of those of the standard stand
0:01:33.270,0:01:39.180 the standard gpmg and the standard
0:01:35.280,0:01:40.710 Gewehr 43 and also the ice pick and what
0:01:39.180,0:01:42.720 was the other one the trench knife you
0:01:40.710,0:01:44.189 can still unlock those in supply jobs
0:01:42.720,0:01:46.020 but you just can't get the frosty
0:01:44.189,0:01:47.909 versions which have the snow and ice
0:01:46.020,0:01:49.140 camo on them captain butcher will be
0:01:47.909,0:01:50.939 leaving like it says here and he'll be
0:01:49.140,0:01:52.350 taking the winter siege supply drops and
0:01:50.939,0:01:53.700 also the tree with him so there will be
0:01:52.350,0:01:54.360 no more Christmas tree in the
0:01:53.700,0:01:55.950 headquarters
0:01:54.360,0:01:57.899 captain butcher will be gone and we'll
0:01:55.950,0:01:59.700 have the lady again who's usually at the
0:01:57.899,0:02:01.259 contract table for us which is kind of
0:01:59.700,0:02:02.670 cool she's coming back I'm glad she's
0:02:01.259,0:02:04.049 gonna make a reappearance and I wonder
0:02:02.670,0:02:05.340 who's gonna be coming for the next event
0:02:04.049,0:02:07.560 but that's not the purpose of this video
0:02:05.340,0:02:09.179 lastly since the winter siege is ending
0:02:07.560,0:02:11.310 January 2nd at 10 a.m.
Pacific Standard
0:02:09.179,0:02:12.780 Time you need to open up those supply
0:02:11.310,0:02:13.599 jobs because it says here that he'll be
0:02:12.780,0:02:16.060 taking the supplied
0:02:13.599,0:02:18.459 with him now other than you not being
0:02:16.060,0:02:20.469 able to unlock the snow camo versions of
0:02:18.459,0:02:21.999 those new DLC weapons I don't even think
0:02:20.469,0:02:23.290 you can open the winter seat supply
0:02:21.999,0:02:25.180 jumps I think they will just completely
0:02:23.290,0:02:26.829 disappear and I don't know if that's
0:02:25.180,0:02:27.999 such a good idea on sledgehammers part I
0:02:26.829,0:02:29.950 feel like they should keep them in the
0:02:27.999,0:02:32.260 game in case players want to keep them
0:02:29.950,0:02:35.139 for their account and not open them for
0:02:32.260,0:02:36.609 some reason to make them a novelty or so
0:02:35.139,0:02:38.260 they open them in the winter seed supply
0:02:36.609,0:02:40.419 drops honestly what they should do is
0:02:38.260,0:02:42.189 just convert them back into rare supply
0:02:40.419,0:02:43.840 drops since players earn them because
0:02:42.189,0:02:45.639 some people may not be able to log on in
0:02:43.840,0:02:47.169 time to be able to open them I know I
0:02:45.639,0:02:49.989 may not be because I'm going to be in
0:02:47.169,0:02:51.609 Aruba starting January 1st so I won't be
0:02:49.989,0:02:52.540 able to open my winter seed supply shop
0:02:51.609,0:02:53.919 so I'm gonna have to do with the day
0:02:52.540,0:02:56.469 before and I'll miss out on that last
0:02:53.919,0:02:57.609 day but that's okay anyway I just wanted
0:02:56.469,0:02:59.319 to let you guys know about all this
0:02:57.609,0:03:00.849 stuff because winter season is coming to
0:02:59.319,0:03:02.560 a close very very soon if you guys
0:03:00.849,0:03:04.030 missed my video on all the new events
0:03:02.560,0:03:05.859 and featured playlists and new content
0:03:04.030,0:03:07.090 that's coming to the game for week 4
0:03:05.859,0:03:09.609 which is the final week of the winter
0:03:07.090,0:03:10.780 siege DLC just check the description I
0:03:09.609,0:03:12.099 have the video there and at the end of
0:03:10.780,0:03:14.319 this video you can also click the link
0:03:12.099,0:03:15.879 and it will take you to that video and
0:03:14.319,0:03:17.049 you guys can get up to speed with
0:03:15.879,0:03:18.939 everything new that's in Call of Duty
0:03:17.049,0:03:20.109 World War 2 this week thank you guys so
0:03:18.939,0:03:21.340 much for tuning back in to the channel
0:03:20.109,0:03:23.259 if this video helped you in any way
0:03:21.340,0:03:24.790 smack a like on it down below and also
0:03:23.259,0:03:26.379 guys subscribe to my channel if you guys
0:03:24.790,0:03:27.729 are new thank you guys so much for
0:03:26.379,0:03:29.990 watching and I will see you guys in the
0:03:27.729,0:03:43.969 next video adios amigos
0:03:29.990,0:03:43.969 [Music]
0:03:45.630,0:03:47.690 you
5 talking points from LFC 2-1 Leicester City - Salah shines in second half as Van Dijk looks on - Duration: 8:35.
5 talking points from Liverpool 2-1 Leicester City - Salah shines in second half as Van Dijk looks on
Liverpool came from a goal behind to seal a 2-1 win over Leicester City on Saturday, lifted by Mohamed Salah and the Anfield atmosphere. Goals: Salah 52′, 76′; Vardy 2′.
Liverpool 2-1 Leicester City. Premier League, AnfieldDecember 30, 2017.
Salah Finally Takes His Chances.
It looked like it was going to be one of those days for Liverpool.
They created numerous chances in attack but in the first half were unable to take any, despite dominating the game after conceding an early goal.
This performance in front of goal was epitomised by Salah, but the ability to constantly put himself in positions to score means he is always likely to get one eventually.
He missed three good opportunities in the first half, one after his great first touch from Sadio Mane's pass put him on the edge of the six-yard box before he sent his shot wide.
He found himself behind the opposition defence and through on goal on another occasion, but waited too long before shooting, giving Harry Maguire the chance to make a recovering tackle.
But it was Maguire who was on the receiving end of some Salah magic when the Egyptian nabbed a second-half winner, having already restored parity when he latched on to Mane's neat backheel.
Liverpool's top scorer was tightly marked by the England defender, but wriggled away from him as he received the ball before bursting through to score.
Van Dijk Looks on as Defence Gifts Another Goal.
Much of the pre-match buildup was focused around 'Virgil van Dijk Watch'.
Pictures of him entering the stadium and taking to his seat before the game were prominent during the match previews, but he had barely settled when his new side gave him an indication as to why he was signed.
A poor pass out from the back by Joel Matip left Emre Can with too much to do to win the ball back, as Vicente Iborra intercepted and fed Riyad Mahrez who crossed for Jamie Vardy to tap in.
It was a gift of a goal which Liverpool fans have been used to seeing in recent times, and they'll hope that the leadership, organisational skills and ball-playing ability provided by their new Dutchman will make this a thing of the past.
It's one of the reasons Klopp was willing to wait for his man, and then to spend so much money on him, as he's a signing for the system as much as he is an upgrade in quality.
Loris Karius vs. Simon Mignolet.
Goalkeepers aren't normally rotated for reasons other than keeping a backup 'keeper happy, but at Liverpool the manager doesn't appear to know who his first choice is, so rotates them as he does outfield players.
Even after his howlers against Arsenal Mignolet retained his place for the game against Swansea, but Klopp reinstated Karius for this game citing rotation as the reason.
While 'keepers don't need spells out of the side due to fatigue, Klopp thinks that there is a mental tiredness which creeps in, and the No.
1 needs to be alternated at certain points in the season.
While this may make some sense, there would be no doubt that if Liverpool had a top-class 'keeper as boasted by the likes of Man United, Man City and Chelseathey would be starting more often than not.
This mental tiredness, if it exists, is a weakness of both stoppers and merely shows that the club need a new face between the posts.
It will be interesting to see if Karius keeps the gloves for the next game against Burnley, as if he does, and Mignolet starts against Everton, then it could indicate that the Belgian is now Klopp's cup goalkeeper.
Anfield Responds to Klopp, and Leicester….
Despite going a goal down early on Anfield had plenty to shout about.
Liverpool attacked constantly after going behind, and though they were unable to claw one back before half-time the signs were there that the onslaught would continue into the second half.
This meant the supporters had attacking football to cheer, and anticipation that a goal would come.
"[We have] the backing of our incredible supporters, many of whom also dig deep financially and emotionally to keep being there for us and cheering us on," Klopp said before the game.
"I loved how Anfield felt on Boxing Day.
I think we can have an even better feeling inside this wonderful place if we choose to make it happen.".
The manager will have been happy with the response, and Leicester also riled the fans with their time-wasting tactics, and some unprofessional play.
The refusal of Maguire to give the ball back after Salah's first, and then the initial refusal to return the ball to Karius after the ball had been kicked out for an injury served to lift the noise and atmosphere in the stadium, which ultimately helped the team.
Burnley on the Bounce.
If Liverpool had been unable to come back from behind against Leicester, the Burnley game would have felt awkward and may almost have had a 'must win' type pressure attached to it.
As it is, they are now able to make the short trip across Lancashire with three points in the bag and morale on a high.
The only conundrum for Klopp now is which players to rotate on the back of a busy few weeks and ahead of an FA Cup clash with Everton on Friday.
He decided to stick with his four main attacking weapons, but an injury concern for Salah could see the Egyptian miss out at Turf Moor.
He could potentially change more than half his team, with all the players who sat on the bench being given starts.
Happy New Year 2018 Video, Wishes, Whatsapp status, Quotes, Fireworks, Countdown, Free Download - Duration: 1:14.
Happy New Year 2018 Video, Wishes, Whatsapp status, Quotes, Fireworks, Countdown, Free Download
Mohamed Salah a doubt for Burnley clash after limping off in latest Liverpool win - Duration: 3:57.
Mohamed Salah a doubt for Burnley clash after limping off in latest Liverpool win
Jurgen Klopp has cast doubt over Mohamed Salah's involvement for Liverpool's New Year's Day clash with Burnley due to a minor injury concern.
Salah was substituted 82 minutes into the Reds' 2-1 victory over Leicester City on Saturday, after scoring a vital brace to seal all three points.
Liverpool had gone behind after just two minutes as Jamie Vardy tapped home from Riyad Mahrez's square cross, but lifted by a buoyant Anfield Klopp's side were able to recover.
His star winger was clearly influential, overcoming a difficult first half that saw him miss a trio of great chances to net his 22nd and 23rd goals of a triumphant maiden campaign.
It was something of a surprise to see Salah start on Saturday, having not been rested since the 3-0 win away to Stoke City on November 29.
But it seems likely he will at least start on the substitutes' bench, having limped off late on at Anfield.
Speaking as part of his post-match press conference, Klopp said it was "never a good sign," with the Egyptian now facing a fitness test ahead of the trip to Turf Moor.
"He was limping a little at the end, that is never a good sign," he told reporters.
"We have to check and see what he can do for the next game.
Salah was once again a man-of-the-match candidate in the Reds' 12th consecutive league game unbeaten, a record for Klopp's tenure on Merseyside.
His impact since joining from AS Roma in a £36.
9 million deal in June has been phenomenal, and Klopp lavished praise on his No 11.
However, he was quick to highlight the importance of Salah's supporting cast, with Sadio Mane and James Milner providing the assists on Saturday.
"We scored two fantastic goals, they felt so good—so fair in this moment and so deserved," he added.
"Salah can keep his standard for sure and also keep improving.
"He knows he wouldn't score without help from the team.
Sadio's thinking for the first goal was really important.".
For this latest win Klopp made five changes to his side from Boxing Day's 5-0 thrashing of Swansea City, and he can be expected to take a similar approach on January 1.
Salah could have expected to miss out either way, but this fitness scare will almost certainly ensures he is one of those rotated.
How to Show Any Save WiFi Password on Your Android Phone New Method 2018 - Duration: 5:01.
How to Show Any Save WiFi Password on Your Android Phone New Method 2018
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