Hello every one
This is the first solution for Play Store
for No internet connection
you can easily do it
first step
go to setting and Application
find Play Store in it
just clear the cache memory
Solution 2 uninstall Freedom application
3rd Solution
The third solution is to install Play store fixer app
Thanks for watching
For more infomation >> Play Store - No Internet Connection - Fix - Google Play - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Officials work to keep people safe during dangerous cold - Duration: 1:23.
Will you soon pay more for alcohol in Mass? - Duration: 1:03.
Putin ordena al FSB liquidar a los terroristas en caso de una amenaza a la vida (SUBTITULADO) - Duration: 0:43.
I Saw A Ship Sailing | Kindergarten Video For Toddlers | Nursery Rhyme For Toddlers by Farmees - Duration: 1:47.
"Farmees! Look at that beautiful Ship!"
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;
And oh, it was all laden With pretty things for thee!
There were comfits in the cabin, And apples in the hold;
The sails were made of silk, And the masts were made of gold.
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;
The four and twenty sailors, That stood upon the decks,
Were four and twenty white mice, With chains around their necks.
The captain was a duck, With a packet on his back;
When the ship began to move, The captain said, "Quack, Quack!"
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea.
Video: Little relief in sight from the cold 12/28/17 - Duration: 2:31.
Maquiagem para Ano Novo: tutorial com segredinhos da Vic Ceridono - Duration: 6:44.
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.62 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.28] - Duration: 33:50.
Jaeuk, is it really you?
Are you really my son, Kang Jaeuk?
Do you have another son, mom?
It's me, Jaeuk.
Not Han Jiseop but the real Jaeuk.
It's really my son.
It's really my son Jaeuk. Oh, Jaeuk!
But how am I supposed to accept this?
How did something this ridiculous happen?
It was all for you.
I did it for you.
A stranger is acting like me
but it was for me?
Are you out of your mind?
You were in a coma after your accident and
Inuk was about to take over the managerial rights.
I had to stop that from happening
until you woke up.
So? What will you do now?
Your son Kang Jaeuk is
alive and well.
Will you leave Han Jiseop there?
I'll put it all back.
That was the plan for when you
got your memory back.
I wanted to give you
Gangin Group once you returned.
That's why...
I was using Jiseop. It was to be only until then.
It's time to end that play now.
Remove Han Jiseop right now,
and put Haerim back to where she was too.
Give me some time.
We'll lose everything if we let people find out now.
I'll put everything back to normal
without anyone finding out,
so just live as Han Jiseop
with those people for the time being.
You want me to act like
Han Jiseop in your play?
No. I don't want to!
Also, he looks just like me.
Did you give birth to twins?
I'm the one who gave birth to you.
Who would know better than I,
that you aren't a twin?
Don't let your imagination run wild
and get it together!
Jiseop isn't an easy foe!
You may lose Gangin Group if you aren't careful!
You know I have zero patience.
I can't pretend to be someone else for very long.
You started the play, so end it quickly
before I go crazy and run off the stage!
Okay, okay. I know you.
So give it your all and hang in there.
Otherwise, we'll all be destroyed.
Once the play is over,
what happens to Han Jiseop?
He knows too many secrets.
That's right.
You clearly understand.
As you said,
I started this play,
so I'll end it.
You just
leave everything to your mom,
and act without feeling guilty.
It'll be a very, very short play.
Are you in there?
Jiseop, are you in there?
Why are you here again?
I heard my husband was here but
I can't find him.
That's why I came up to check.
Is that a family trait?
You keep barging into other people's homes.
I'm sorry. I was afraid my husband made a mistake,
so I was in a rush.
Even if you were,
are you that stupid?
Why would your husband
come into my son's bedroom?
You're right. I'm sorry.
I've made a big mistake.
Come have some tea in my room.
Take your mother-in-law and leave right now.
Your family keeps coming by
and causing trouble
because she's here.
Even your child
went into my son's bedroom and
slept on his bed.
I'm sorry.
But I can't control my mother-in-law.
What do you mean?
You can't control her?
If I could, we wouldn't have been
responsible for that big loan from loan sharks.
And my husband wouldn't have gone missing.
So? You can't do it?
That's right.
But I will try to convince her.
I'm not telling you to convince her.
Resolve it within your family...
Before I get involved and make a scene.
She wants to kick me out?
Mother, did you find Jiseop?
He said he was upstairs.
He was?
He just left.
Go after him.
Jaeuk's memory came back sooner than expected.
We'll have to pull up the final scenario.
Where did he go?
The person you have reached is unavailable...
This should be plenty.
Please leave this house.
You're not kidding, are you?
How could I leave the chairman?
A decent human being could never do that.
Are you really worried about him?
You sound like you're his wife,
not his caretaker.
You're right.
I'm taking care of him
not as his caretaker
but more as his devoted wife.
Listen to you talk. You're an old gold digger.
What? Old gold digger?
Does it hurt to hear the truth?
Why you little...
I don't want to work that much
to put up with being called an old gold digger.
Seeing how you took the money,
you really are a gold digger.
You're not a gold digger, you're a snake.
That evil witch.
I didn't die.
Why are you bowing to me like that?
It's because my heart died.
I can't serve you any longer.
Life won't be worth living.
What are you talking about?
Explain simply,
as if you were talking to a child.
Your daughter-in-law told me to leave.
She says I'm an old gold digger
who's latched onto you.
What? A what?
An old gold digger?
I can't even dig for dirt. How can I be a gold digger?
All I did wrong was do
my best to serve you.
It's so unfair.
I wanted to stay with you
and take care of you until you got your health back.
But I guess this is it for us.
No. You're not going anywhere.
No. I won't let you go.
Wi Seonae!
Yes, father?
Don't you dare
mistreat her again.
If you mistreat her again, you...
You'll be kicked out of this house!
I've heard you say you'll kick me out
for over 30 years now.
So it has no effect on me anymore.
Oh, my gosh. My money.
- My money! / - Lady Gu.
I have a lot of money.
Do you need money?
Is Jiseop home yet?
Are you just getting home?
Jiseop, what is all of this?
Mommy, daddy bought us gifts.
He's like Santa Claus.
Where did you get the money?
He got me a gift too.
I don't know if I can accept it.
It looks expensive.
What's going on?
Did you win the lottery or something?
I just got it.
It's not bad money, so don't worry.
How could we not worry?
Where did you get the money to buy all of this?
Jiseop, we need to talk.
What's gotten into you?
Why are you acting so different?
I'm so nervous and worried.
What did I do?
Why did you go to Kang Jaeuk's house today?
Why? Did I go somewhere I shouldn't have gone?
Don't worry about me anymore,
and don't be nervous.
You and this family have become more comfortable.
See? I'm speaking comfortably too.
Where did you get the money?
I just got it.
- Just, how, where? / - Why?
Do you think I stole it?
This won't do.
I said it didn't matter if it took time
to get your memory back
but not anymore.
I need you to get your memory back and
bring back my husband.
I'll worry about that on my own,
so can't you leave me alone?
Congratulations. Today's interview went well.
You know that magazine doesn't interview
just anyone.
I know.
Once the article is printed, it'll help your image
and the company's image.
What's wrong?
- Who would've... / - You'll get hurt.
- I'll do it. / - It's dangerous. Leave it.
I'll call the maid.
Sorry? Your wedding photo?
Did you break the frame by mistake while cleaning?
I didn't even go in there today.
You didn't go in?
Then who...
That's right.
I saw the caretaker's son come down
from the second floor.
The caretaker's son
was here?
Yes. He must've stopped by to see her.
It's strange.
What is?
Jaeuk apparently came by again this afternoon.
Do you think he was in our room?
You don't think he got his memory back, do you?
Han Jiseop, you should start preparing
to leave paradise, don't you think?
Thanks for your hard work.
You seem very different today.
When you're dressed like that,
you really do look like my brother, Jaeuk.
That's a compliment, right?
Saying that I look like Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk,
whom everyone wants to emulate.
So what did you want to tell me?
I heard you were looking for a job for me.
I thought it was only right for me to
come see you in person.
Seora didn't want it,
so we decided not to.
She did?
She must've felt bad that someone who looks like
the vice chairman would be working as security.
True. I understand.
My wife really is thoughtful,
isn't she?
This is humiliating.
Excuse me.
If you don't mind other companies,
I can ask around.
No. I have a feeling
I'll get a nice job soon.
Did you get an offer somewhere?
Yes. I think it'll be a position...
Slightly higher than yours, Mr. Kang Inuk.
It's okay.
She'll be with me all day today, so don't worry.
Yes, madam.
Have a seat.
Why did you want to see me?
Have you seen this before?
This is a button from my husband's jacket.
Where did you...
Are you sure your husband only has amnesia?
Does he have a mental illness?
This button... Do you know where it was?
In my house. In my bedroom to be exact.
In your room?
Trespassing into my bedroom wasn't bad enough.
He even caused an accident.
An accident?
Did my husband make a mistake?
He broke a picture frame on my desk.
Of all things,
a wedding photo of my wife and myself.
I'm terribly sorry.
I'll be more careful.
You're so easy.
"I'm sorry. I'll be careful."
Rather than giving me lip service...
You should take him to a doctor.
Maybe you should...
Get your husband's mental
and emotional state tested as my wife suggested.
You are being too rude.
This is my final warning.
If I see your family members
in my house ever again,
they will see the inside of a police car.
Woo-woo, woo-woo.
Got that?
Don't you have something to say?
Like an empty apology
or a pathetic excuse.
I heard my husband went to your house
and made a mistake.
I'll drop pathetic excuses
and apologize sincerely.
I'm sorry.
Wait a second.
Let's talk for a moment.
Sorry? Leave the country?
Why don't you, your husband
and your child go abroad?
I have a friend who's well-established in Australia.
Your husband can recover and work.
Go for a year or two.
Why are you suddenly suggesting that?
Your husband will probably heal much faster
if he rests somewhere with good air.
Who knows?
He may get his memory back sooner.
If you're genuinely being considerate,
thank you for the thought.
But I refuse to leave my family.
I can't even imagine living apart
from my parents who raised me.
they aren't even your real parents.
How did you know...
I heard from Daera.
I know you tried very hard
to make sure your unrelated parents don't dump you.
Thanks to that, Daera seems to have a deep scar.
That's my family business.
I refuse to hear this from you.
If you're done talking,
I'll go now.
Your husband Han Jiseop...
Seems to be going around and showing his face.
He even came to our house.
The employees here
are all talking about you too.
They say since you failed at seducing
the vice chairman, you're using your husband
who looks like him to extort money.
What did you say?
I found my missing sister, Yeorim, after 24 years.
I married the vice chairman,
Kang Jaeuk, who is going to inherit Gangin Group,
so life is good right now.
Please don't mess it up and
lock up your husband Han Jiseop
in your house,
or leave the country together.
If my husband or I see him again,
who knows what we may do?
Come in.
Where are we?
It's one of the top spicy seafood noodles places.
And Seora's family runs this restaurant.
I should've come by sooner.
- Thank you. / - Sure.
You must be here to eat with your daughter.
It's such a pretty sight.
Thank you.
This is my daughter that I found after 24 years.
My goodness.
You must've lost her when she was a baby.
Yes. I lost her when she was five and
just found her recently.
Mom, I'm going to run to the bathroom.
- Wait here. / - Okay.
Don't worry about her. Go out and turn right.
- Okay. Please take care of her. / - Sure.
You must be happy to find such a pretty daughter
and have her back again.
Yes. I am very thankful.
- Welcome. / - Come here. Come.
Why? Why should I come in here?
I want to buy my cousin an outfit.
Pick one out for me.
I thought she got married.
Not her. I have another cousin.
Go ahead and pick.
You lunatic.
Ask someone who knows something about this.
How could you ask me to help you pick out
a princess dress among these girly things?
But you must be better than a guy.
Pick one for me.
I'll treat you to chicken feet tonight.
Extra large.
You mean it?
- You'd better keep your word. / - Alright.
But isn't this a little too nasty?
It's not bad.
Then buy that.
Let's pay and go.
I'm too embarrassed being surrounded
by these princess dresses.
Can't you try it on?
Do you want a proper beating?
How could I put that on unless I was insane?
Pretend to be insane and just try it on once.
What if it doesn't fit?
Try it on for me.
I'll buy chicken gizzards
and pork lungs too.
Well... In that case, I guess I have no choice.
I'm going to lose it if I keep this on any longer.
Wait a second.
Please wait.
Hey. Put that away.
Hey. Delete that.
You look really pretty.
Want to die?
Delete it.
We need to talk.
What now? Why do you sound so annoyed?
Did you go into Kang Jaeuk's
bedroom yesterday?
What are you talking about?
I'm not interested in
other people's bedrooms.
Then what is this?
How will you explain this?
Are you even
lying to me now?
Calm down.
I didn't tell you because I knew you'd nag me
like this.
That's right. I went in there briefly by mistake.
Is that such a big deal?
you really seem like a different person.
No one stays exactly the same forever.
Everyone changes.
Please let me breathe.
It's annoying to have you complain about
where I go every time!
why don't we do this?
Why don't we go away?
What do you mean?
Haerim said
that she'd find a job for us in Australia
so you, Haesol and I could move there.
She suggested we live there for a while.
Right now, I think I'd like that.
What? Haerim said that?
Tell her to give it up.
I'm not going anywhere.
You look tired. You should rest.
Haesol will be home soon,
so don't go anywhere.
Hi, Miryeong.
May I ask you for an urgent favor?
Sure, go ahead.
My mom is at your restaurant.
But something urgent came up.
Would you please take my mom home?
I'm sorry but can you ask someone else?
It's because I'm in such a rush.
Please. I'm begging you.
Should I go now?
Why didn't you tell me?
The deed's been done already.
What will you do now?
Once Jaeuk gets his memory back,
he'll reclaim his place.
What will you do?
You should've told me when you
realized he wasn't Jaeuk.
Then I would've stopped this marriage somehow.
I didn't want to.
What do you mean?
If it were Jaeuk,
I wouldn't have married him.
I married him because it wasn't Jaeuk but Jiseop.
You know first-hand.
He's more capable and
a better person than Jaeuk.
Jaeuk wouldn't have stood a chance
at being vice chairman.
You know that better than anyone.
Sure, I agree with you there.
- But still... / - I like him.
I don't want to lose him.
So please help me.
After you adopted me,
I never disobeyed you. Not even once.
When mom canceled my adoption
for abandoning Yeorim,
and you came back for me not long after,
I decided...
That I'd live
my life for you.
Will you really be okay with that?
If the secret gets out,
it'll be too terrible for you.
It seems like Miryeong is following Jaeuk around
to stir up his memories.
Can you really keep it a secret and
endure anything that comes?
I'm prepared for it all.
Anyway, is Miryeong
really Yeorim?
Of course.
You saw the DNA test result yourself.
Look me in the eye and tell me the truth.
That's the only way I can help you.
Yes, it's true.
Miryeong is mom's daughter, Yeorim.
She is?
Is anyone home?
How did you get in here?
Kang Jaeuk.
Are you insane? Get out now.
How dare you come in here?
Right? You recognized me just now.
You remember me, Miryeong, right?
What do you mean?
I don't know you.
No. You got your memory back already.
You recognized me.
Why don't you give her a call
and ask what happened?
I'm sure she went to tend to her business.
What will you do then?
How could you go home by yourself?
I will take her home.
Do not worry.
It's okay. I can call my driver.
How much is this?
Oh, dear. Your photo...
Thank you.
This is my daughter when she was little.
The daughter from earlier.
That photo
is of your daughter from before?
Yes. This is what she looked like when we lost her.
Doesn't she look very different now?
Yes, she does.
Thank you.
Wait a second.
Are you really okay?
I will escort her to her car.
Shall we?
Okay. Thank you.
What is going on?
Why is that lady
saying Seora's photo
is her daughter's photo?
What is this?
What's going on?
Mom, didn't a lady in a wheelchair come here?
She just left.
She did?
I was asked to take her home.
- She couldn't have gotten far. / - Seora.
Don't go.
Come to think of it, she left a while ago.
She must be in her car by now.
Haesol, drop off your bag in your room,
and come right over.
Grandpa will steam some sweet potatoes for you.
Okay. Sounds good.
Thank you, Jaeuk.
Thank you so much for coming back
to being Jaeuk.
You still haven't changed one bit.
How could you even think of coming here?
What if you get caught?
Yes, Jaeuk.
This is the real you.
You need to be mean.
Now, you really seem like yourself.
Haesol. Haesol!
No! He isn't my daddy!
Haesol! Haesol!
Jaeuk! Jaeuk!
- Jaeuk. / - No! He isn't my daddy!
Oh, Haesol!
(The Secret of My Love)
Are you worrying about the kid?
She's a 5-year-old baby.
Do you think Haerim will sit still if she knows
your memory's back?
- What? / - Jaeuk has his memory back.
What happens to Haerim then?
We have to make sure she doesn't find out.
You're insane.
Why are only Seora's childhood pictures missing?
- I'm Jaeuk. / - You're Jaeuk?
- Grandpa. / - You do look alike.
How long must I keep up the pauper act?
- Seora. / - What do you mean?
What did you just mean by pauper act?
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LFP 085 The Magic of an Earworm for the Flutist | Learn Flute Online Video Podcast - Duration: 8:34.
Have you ever heard a song on the radio while browsing through a grocery store, and then
had it stick in your head for literally the rest of the day?
It's podcast number eighty five, and this is the magic of an earworm for the flutist.
Take it away!
Well, hello hello I'm Rebecca Fuller, the expert and instructor of the Learn Flute Online
programs, where people like you can come and learn in a super easy to understand, accessible
format, in the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule.
It's pure flute education, and today is going to be great!
As you heard in the introduction, we're going to be talking about the magic of an
earworm for a flutist..
Kind of weird and kinda cool sounding at the same time, right?
Haha let's get started!
For those of you wondering what exactly is an earworm, it's that little snippet of
a tune or song that just seems to get stuck on replay in your mind.
It goes over and over and over all day long, and many times you can never seem to get past
that phrase..
It's like it never finishes.
Know what I'm talking about?
Ya, I bet you do.
At first, we hear something like this and we either consciously or unconsciously recognize
the melody (sometimes with lyrics or not), we either love it or hate it, and it goes
round and round and round in our 'ear' we say like a little worm.
The funny thing about these little critters is that we can't escape the reality that
we actually are learning the music.
Psychologists think these things get cemented into our mind just by the mere exposure effect
of it.
It's been heard and replayed so many times it can't be ignored or unlearned.
Another reason these snips of melody stay with us forever is because music has an emotional
effect on humans.
I think we've talked about that before in one of these podcasts.
And, it's true!
It's wired into either our DNA or our spirit, or both, or something.
But, the reality is that when we hear music, something happens emotionally to us - whether
negative or positive.
It doesn't matter.
It's there.
Once we've heard or thought of something a large number of times, our minds are wired
for something cool.
This is where the magic comes in.
We start to be able to actually anticipate what is coming up.
Meaning, we can subconsciously 'hear' the next note before it happens.
Have you ever stopped to think about this?
It's soooo cool.
And, it's high level stuff.
Did you know that it's a fact that we humans tend to gravitate towards and find favor in
sounds or musical patterns we've heard before?
Think about it.
Pop radio is full of the same three or four chord changes.
This means it's music composed for the simple-minded.
Now, no offense needs to be taken here because it' kind of neat to think that our species
is taking certain musical patterns and teaching it to the masses through repetition..
They flock to it like bees to honey.
There's actually a reason this happens.
(I'm kind of geeking out philosophically right now haha).
Hang with me.
The reason we are so attracted to familiar musical phrases is that our mind has heard
it enough times that we don't have to even process the main melody anymore.
Basically, we can go brain dead and just enjoy.
Or it leaves room for us to focus on new sounds within the music, like the drum pattern or
the symphonic sounds behind the melody for example.
So what does this mean for us as a learning musician?
Especially on the flute?
Well, it means awesomeness.
That's what it means.
Haha, let me explain.
The flute is a melody instrument for the most part, meaning it can only play one note at
a time so it's used to play either melodies or one note harmonies only.
We can't play chords, and the flute is not traditionally used to be the beat.
So, once our minds hear a melodious earworm enough times, we've got it!
It starts to ingrain in our minds which will translate to our bodies like a magic trick.
Remember when I said a minute ago that once we hear a series of notes enough times that
we start to be able to unconsciously or even consciously anticipate what is coming next?
Yes Yes.
When we are a flutist, not only can we hear what's coming next, suddenly our fingers
know where they are going - before we tell them to go there.
So, so cool.
This happens to the flutists who practice plenty, and are especially great at getting
and keeping their scales up to par.
We start to just 'know' where to go.
Some people call this playing by ear, but it's much more than that.
It's like a sixth sense or flute-intuition.
And, it's a beautiful day when it starts to happen for you.
How can you accomplish this yourself?
Put the music you're learning on repeat.
And I mean repeat.
Let it go throughout the house for days.
Put it on low so you don't drive yourself crazy, but this is how you do it.
Being able to play the flute without looking at sheet music or taking a lot of mental space
to figure it out is the goal for many.
Try it, you'll like it!
I have a fun story to share with you.
I received this from Pamela who is one of my premium Learn Flute Online members.
I think she won't mind me sharing because it's so great!
She says, "Hi Rebecca, I wanted to share my flute success story with you.
I'm still new to playing the flute, it's only been a little over two years since I
started lessons at Learn Flute Online.
Although I haven't completed the Intermediate modules yet, I felt confident enough to join
a newly formed community band in January.
We performed our first concert in May!
A local paper published an article about the band this past week, since we're still growing
and need more members.
I've noticed that some of the pieces I used struggle with have become easier both with
advancing through the online modules, lots of practice, and being in the band.
Attached is a photo from the newspaper article.
I was able to accomplish joining the band and making the flute skills advancement I
have because of your online lessons and great teaching style.
Thank you, Rebecca!!!"
Oh, I do love this.
And I'm wondering what's your success story?
Leave it in the comment section for us all to read and enjoy.
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two to three fresh hibiscus flowers and cinnamon sticks remove petals now take a
bowl with two glass of water and start boiling
add hibiscus petals and cinnamon sticks to the boiling water and leave it for
five to ten minutes
finally strain this tea into a glass and drink when it becomes warm drink this
tea drive e in the morning and evening for best results by following this
remedy regularly you may notice normal blood sugar levels in a week in a study
patients suffering from type 2 diabetes who drank hibiscus tea twice a day for a
month experienced a reduction in systolic blood pressure levels although
no reduction was noted in diastolic pressure thank you for watching this
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