Success Reveal - Keys to succeed in business in Khmer
For more infomation >> Success Reveal - Keys to Succeed in Business in Khmer - Duration: 5:30.
Die besten Games des Jahres 2017! | Meine Top 5 - Duration: 8:25.
Mở Rộng Tầm mắt Trước LeeSin Việt Nam Đẳng Cấp Thế Giới - Duration: 10:55.
2018 new Suzuki SV650X Cafe Racer coming soon | Suzuki SV650X Cafe Racer 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:16.
New Bangla Short Waz | সত্যি কি ইসলাম নারীদের ঠকাচ্ছে | Mufti Sifat Hasan | 2017 [Full HD] - Duration: 7:48.
AK Computer Network
Have done this video
Nach GZSZ-Aus: Sila Sahin fiel in tiefes Loch - Duration: 3:48.
PR _ Como posso remover barras pretas em um vídeo do youtube? - Duration: 2:55.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
Why you may notice some widescreen videos that have black bars on all sides. The video file includes horizontal black bars
(letterboxing) at the top and bottom of the video player in order to fit a 4:3 aspect ratio. YouTube 16:9 aspect ratio player then adds
vertical black bars (pillarboxing) to fit a 4:3 formatted video to YouTube player dimensions. The end result is black bars all around the video
(windowboxing). If you're uploading widescreen videos, you can
avoid windowboxing by cropping your video to the 16:9 format.
YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are
displayed correctly, Without cropping or stretching, no matter the size of the video or the player.
If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.
If you upload a 4:3 video at its original aspect
ratio (640x480 recommended). The video will display in the widescreen player at the correct size and ratio with pillarbox bars.
If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player.
The YouTube player will add pillarbox bars so the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.
To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160.
1440p: 2560x1440. 1080p: 1920x1080. 720p: 1280x720.
480p: 854x480. 360p: 640x360. 240p: 426x240.
Hope, this information, is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
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ధనుస్సురాశి మూలనక్షత్రం లక్షణాలు,స్వభావం | Dhanussu Rashi | Dhanu Rashi Mula Nakshatram | Dhanu Rasi - Duration: 26:25.
PR _ Como resolver o Transform Gizmo falta 3ds max - Duration: 1:20.
Hi, I'm Sami, from, Fawzi academy, In this, video, I will, talk about,
How to fix Transform Gizmo, does not, Display. A missing axis tripod icon or transform gizmo can manifest in two ways.
If you see the axis tripod icon but not the transform gizmo when an object is selected with one of the Transform tools,
Simply press the X key. You should see the transform gizmo again. If you don't see either the transform gizmo or the
axis tripod icon, The Show Transform Gizmo setting in the Views menu is probably turned off.
Select an object using the Select and Move tool. Open the Views menu. Click on Show Transform Gizmo.
You should see the axis tripod icon and the transform gizmo. If you only see the axis tripod icon, go to step 4.
Press the X key. Now you should see the transform gizmo
superimposed over the axis tripod icon. Hope, this information is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy.
Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips - Duration: 1:20.
How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips
So as a basic principle Muslims
do not celebrate the
Passing of a year because the passing of a year is not something to celebrate
What is there to celebrate about a year passing?
How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips
getting a
year closer to the grave
What is
Meaningful if we are to celebrate that year it would be the good deeds
Which we did in that year if we manage to do a number of good deeds. We're happy about that year
How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips
We managed to make Hajj in that year. We fasted as we never fasted before in Ramadhan
That was a good year. We feel good about that year and
We strive to make the coming year even better
there are no religious considerations to keep in mind with regards to the celebration of
the new year
How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips Islam ordains Muslims to treat kindly to non-Muslims, however warns against imitating them How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips One of the basic "How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018" principles of Islam is "Islamic ethics" which is described and emphasized Can Muslim Celebrate New Year in many Quranic ayahs and sayings of the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islamic moral teaches Muslims to "treat kindly and justly" to people no matter where they are from or what they believe as long as they do "How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips"not fight against them: How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips "Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not "How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips" drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity. How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out,"How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips" that Allah forbids you to befriend them. And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the Zalimoon (wrong-doers those who disobey Allah)." (Surah al Mumtahanah; 8-9) How Muslim Celebrate New Year 2018 - Can Muslim Celebrate New Year Dr Bilal Philips #Subscribe : Facebook Page: Google+: YouTube Channel: #Subscribe
Kinh Phật _ Kinh Đại Bát Niết Bàn .Quyển 15 .Phẩm Hạnh Thanh Tịnh - Duration: 59:32.
What happens if a plane is struck by lightning? - Duration: 1:25.
Smart Learning for All
What happens if a plane is struck by lightning?
It will start glowing like a disco ball.
Lightning is a massive flow of charge which carries thousands of volts of electric current.
Thus, it is extremely fatal for living beings and can damage anything that comes in its way.
It is really terrifying.
Now many times, airplanes get caught in a heavy lightning storm.
However, airplanes are designed to handle the lightning strikes.
The outer skin of most planes is primarily made of aluminum.
Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity.
When lightning hits the airplane, the electric current travels through the outer skin of the plane.
It does not pass into the plane.
Eventually, it exits off through another extremity, such as tail.
Thus, the airplane and the passengers within remain protected.
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