Hi there this is Unmesh and today I'm going to show you how to change the season to Fall
in Photoshop in just one minute!
So, first of all, let's go ahead and convert this layer into a smart object by going to
Filter, and then, Conver for Smart Filters.
Hit OK.
Then, all you have to do, just double-click on the thumbnail.
Then simply inside of another document that will open up, go to Image, and then, Mode,
and Lab Color.
Then, convert this mode to Lab Color.
Then, again go to Image, and then Apply Image.
Now, inside of Apply Image, change the channel from Lab to b.
And Blending Mode to Overlay or Soft Light, whichever is your favorite.
As you can see, the season has drastically changed.
All you have to do, just decrease the opacity as this is too much.
I'll go with somewhere around, say, 52-54, that is fine for me.
Hit OK once you are satisfied.
Now once you are done, Save it!
Press Ctrl/Command + S or go to File, and then Save.
OK, not Save As.
Just Save.
Now, once you save that, all you have to do just close this document.
Go to Image, and then, Mode, have a look at this!
Still on RGB instead of Lab and there you go that's how you change seasons in Photoshop
very quickly.
For more infomation >> Apply the Golden Colors of Autumn | 1-Minute Photoshop (Ep. 3) - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
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In this video, we're going to teach you how to set New Years Goals, the difference between
expectation vs reality and how to be happy whether or not you achieve the goal.
Stay to the end for a secret weapon to keep you focused on your goals for the New Year.
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I'm Heather and I'm David from Zen Rose Garden Dot Com!
Helping people create BADASS Lives!
Let's Get Started!
We're going to give you three tips on how to set goals and achieve them.
Tip Number One: Be Adaptable.
To really set goals and achieve them, you've got to be adaptable.
Expectation vs. Reality Expectation is a killer.
The only thing certain is that life is constantly changing; the person we were on January First
might be a person with different needs by February First or, by January Second.
What you thought was best for you at one time doesn't mean that it's necessarily going to
be great for you in the future.
Expectation leads to rigidity; rigidity that we rebel against and we push against, because
the mind doesn't like to be rigid, it likes to be fluid and malleable.
Because we're expecting something of ourselves, so we're like, stuck in this sort of rigid
Expectation also leads to disappointment.
When we set our goals so high for itself, comes this fear that we can't live up to that
So we don't even start on the goals, cuz, "What if I fail?"
Then, we won't be disappointed in ourselves.
Your mind is actually protecting you from failing, by not even getting started.
According to Darwin, if you don't adapt, you die.
Charles Darwin said that it's not the strongest and the fittest who survive, it's the most
Tip Number Two: Address Your "Why" One of the easiest ways to learn how to set goals
for yourself is to understand your driving motivation, your "WHY".
If you don't have a strong enough "why" behind the goal that you're setting for yourself,
you're automatically going to fail at that goal.
Figure out what you are driving "why" is.
Your motivation to do something, anything, goes up and down every day.
Motivation is really difficult to rely on: it waxes and wanes like the moon.
Your drive, however, is that BIG WHY that propels you forward through life and it will
continue coming back to your goal until it gets achieved.
Your drive is your "why."
A great example of this would be smoking.
If you have something major; a reason that is big enough then there is nothing that will
hold you back from quitting smoking or from any other goal that you want to achieve.
Make the "why" bigger than the "why not".
If your reason to quit smoking is because you've heard that: "You shouldn't smoke, you'll
be healthier."
Then that's not a big enough "why".
If your reason to quit smoking is "I'm destroying my body."
"I want to feel better about myself."
A bigger "why" would be that you want to spend more time with your children and smoking is
going to kill you.
That can be a much bigger "why" than "Well, I heard it was healthier."
Your drive and your "why" has to be big enough.
Tip Number Three: Don't Hesitate He or she who hesitates is lost.
We have a list of steps to accomplish our goal but we look at the list and we hesitate.
That slight hesitation sends stress to the brain and it starts you thinking and thinking
and thinking.
Until, pretty soon the illusion that you can't do that step on your list gets bigger and
bigger and bigger.
And the longer that space goes, the more scary it is to actually take action.
It becomes this loop that you just can't get out of.
The more we hesitate, the bigger our "I can't" gets.
Years later we have this excuse that "I can't start a business...because."
"I can't lose weight...because."
"I can't quit smoking...because."
"I can't go after my dream...because."
It really isn't a good enough reason; it's just a big hesitation.
Now it's time for THE BONUS TIP!
Let go of what isn't working.
So, if you're creating New Year's Resolutions, trying to make that goal work cuz it's a great
idea and it's just not working, it might not be the right thing.
Let it go, let it go, it's not working, LET IT GO!
People continue investing in things long after the investment is not very good anymore, simply
because they have invested in something for a really long time.
They are continuing to beat their head against a wall that is not working or moving expecting
somehow that it's going to move.
Let go of trying to beat your head against this particular wall, walk through the doorway
next to it and see what's on your side.
This is called the Sunk-Loss Bias or the Sunk-Loss Fallacy.
it's when you've invested in something for so long that you don't want to lose the money
you've already put into it so you keep investing in the bad investment hoping that the markets
going to turn around.
We also do this in relationships.
We've been in this bad relationship for so long "I might as well keep going, because
I've got so much into it."
We also do this with ourselves.
The problem is, we're just throwing good money after bad and in the fishing world, this is
called "cut bait and run".
You've been sittin' on that lake for hours and you're not catchin' anything.
Let go of what isn't working.
Reclaim all of that power and energy and effort that you're putting into something that just
isn't working, apply it to what is ready!
And then, just do it, just do it, just do it, JUST DO IT!
You just learned how to set goals in life and how to stay adaptable when expectation
vs reality sets in.
You wanted to know about setting goals for the New Year.
We showed you setting goals and achieving them shouldn't be as hard as you've been making
So, now it's time for that Secret Weapon we told you about.
We created a special bonus meditation to keep you focused so that you can set goals and
crush them.
Click the link in the description to get it!
Go get it!
Take action NOW!
Do it now!
Don't Hesitate!
If you are ready to crush your goals, hit that LIKE Button and drop a TRUTH BOMB in
the comments.
Drop it!
Drop that TRUTH BOMB!
Like it's HOT!
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Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.
We'll see you in the next video!
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