hello hello this is a look at all of the Lego Star Wars the last Jedi figures
that I have collected so far from the videos that I have reviewed as of the
time of the recording and publishing of this video the DJ promotional polybag
has not been released in my region as yet so that is not included here but
I've got everything else that I've been able to pick out of the sets that you've
seen on my channel like I did with the force awakens I have separated these
into first-order or slash bad guy stuff and then resistance slash good guy stuff
and the first thing I want to do is just kind of look at the full selection
because this is the first time I personally have had all of these
together with the latest releases I believe there will be more sets coming
out specifically for the last Jedi but I think like I said this is all that I
have available to me as of the time of this video I also have to warn you that
there will likely be spoilers in this video because I'm going to be talking
most likely about some of the characters and their fates and how they show up in
the movie and how they appear here as many figures relative to how we actually
saw them in the movie so if you haven't seen the movie as yet you don't want any
spoilers you probably want to just wait and not watch this video just yet I've
previously done videos like this for the force awakens and I already did one of
these videos for the last Jedi based upon the figures that were included in
just the first major wave the first big release for this film and since then
this board this base plate full of figures has been filled in quite a lot
and overall I feel like there aren't many surprises in terms of inclusions
nor omissions for what we're seeing here basically we got most of the important
named characters that got a lot of screen time and we also got some of the
secondary and even tertiary characters that got some screen time in the movie
even if they didn't last all that long so that's a pretty decent pretty decent
balance I think for what they've done here there's also a version of pork that
I don't have represented here the Millennium Falcon the ultimate
collector series Millennium Falcon which isn't necessarily last Jedi specific set
but that is one creature figure that I have not included here so please forgive
me for that we don't get a great selection so far of just generic
completely truly unnamed troopers though at least on the resistance side I want
to give some more careful closer attention to some of the individual
figures this time around even though this is kind of a summary video I think
some of these deserve just a little bit closer look once again like this old man
Luke figure this is one that a lot of people were certainly looking forward to
understandably so I personally believe that I have a more positive outlook on
this figure than many fans do a lot of folks I've seen complaining that the
robes are too bright to and should have had more tan and I can understand that
because to be honest you know the the whole center section of the outer robe
so all of this down here should be a very light tan however I gave that some
thought I worried that if they had gone with the full tan there he would have
looked too tan I think it might have been just too much the entire the entire
outfit that old man Luke had the first time we saw him in the last Jedi when he
first revealed himself on the island you know he looked very bright he had that
almost angelic kind of countenance as he stood there before he kind of showed
what his personality is really like in this part of the the story as part of
the timeline so you know it's a little bit of a subjective thing there and I
absolutely think that folks who think it should have been darker are correct and
folks who like it being lighter I think are correct as well it's it's a
subjective call that had to be made another thing that is a little bit of a
little bit of a controversy is that the hair you know they didn't put any gray
in this and obviously he had graying it wasn't fully gray I think that this
looks better to me looks more accurate than a full light gray treatments would
have or even a dark gray treatment I think that the closest thing they could
have done of course they could have gotten it within reasonable production
techniques would have been to just highlight some of the locks with a light
gray you can't start with gray and then put the dirty blonde kind of highlights
on top of that that that'll look very artificial it may be a little bit of
gray much like they did for the facial hair
right that's kind of the the closest approximation I think for his actual
overall hair colors when you mix those two together but at least I think the
mold for this hair was very good and it was nice to get some pretty decent
printing on the back of that torso as well and - fully done up faces Snoke I
thought was pretty well approximated in Lego form here I think it's a really
interesting looking figure of course there's the the constant ridicule of him
looking like he's in a bathrobe which he really does I mean he really did in the
movie the one problem with this one is that he is rendered as a normal height
figure but in universe and in the movie I mean he's tall he's really tall he's
not even a little bit tall he's not even like a tall human he's significantly
taller than a tall human so rendering him just as a normal height figure is a
little bit awkward but I already gave you the spoiler alert right so we don't
have to worry about anybody getting angry of me getting or giving spoilers
at this point dude got cut in half real quick in in the movie he became
irrelevant real quick so not doing a specialized mold or not bringing back
the the woody mold from from Toy Story for the legs for this I think is
excusable you know we needed to get a figure of him in some form and as a
regular-sized figure I think he's fine but he will always look
a little bit on the short side relative to how he actually was during his short
lifespan I want to take another look at Captain phasma as well because on the
left here is the the last Jedi version of her and on the right is the force
awakens version of her and when you see these side by side you notice that the
helmet printing design is significantly changed I mean it's it's still the same
overall shape but pretty much every line has been moved around except for just
the bottom pinstripe on the chin if very much Reese Culp 'td the the graphic
design that the actual mold is the same but they've changed the shape of the
face quite significantly by changing the proportions around and I actually had
not realized that when I initially reviewed the one set this comes in the
first order a TST broken legs set but fans did viewers did call this out and I
wanted to acknowledge that and show that on screen that this is indeed a new and
exclusive version of phasma that we got in Lego form for the last Jedi while
we're doing side by sides I wanted to look at ROS as well of course this was a
character that needed to be made into Lego form and I think it's quite nice
that they did both versions of her the original normal resistance outfit
version and the empiric I keep doing that Imperial the first order officer
disguise version of her I think that they did justice with both of these this
is a character that in universe is rather short so they could have rendered
this as as a smaller character but I think that putting actual short legs on
her the the child sized legs would have gone too far so I think they actually
did a really good job here especially with the hair I think that's that's one
of the better truly specialized hair pieces that that they've come up with
for a named character I think it's on par in terms of accuracy and
believability with what they did for Luke and I'm
surprised they actually went ahead and did a separate mold for her in the the
imperial again first order officer disguise variant of course we also have
got thin in both his PO Dameron jacket and first-order forms and in the first
order form he came in the same set as the first order disguise rows which was
appropriate and he came in the same set as phasma and that was fantastic to get
those three together because they really go together very frequently leggo will
kind of spread figures out it's difficult for them to to create sets
that really cover a specific scene when they end up having extra figures left
over they don't fit into the budget for a given set or they need more figures so
they start pulling them from different places in different parts of of a movie
or whatever the source material is so getting those all together was really
good and he got the all-important weapon of the storm trooper of six spins which
everybody loved it wasn't that great of battle in the movie but you know made
for some good trailer kind of drama build-up and again it was good to get
the figure one last side-by-side I want to do is for ray showing the two
versions of her from the same place but before and after she really got into her
training so I think then the new one looks kind of simple relatively speaking
but it really is in universe you know the actual costume is pretty simple and
pretty clean with its lines and you know just doesn't have too much styling to it
doesn't have too much movement it's very it's it's kind of relatively
tight-fitting and athletic and I feel like Lego captured that pretty well here
you know they didn't try to embellish it at all I think it's a pretty the one on
the right I think is a pretty well done figure if not as interesting as the
previous versions and and you know what we saw in the force
awakens so we also get the two different versions of hair here and I think that
both of those are fine enough maybe could have used a little bit finer
detailing I feel like some of the edges on those are just a little bit a little
bit too soft for the the mold itself so we got a vice-admiral hold Oh figure and
that was obviously important and having seen the movie I feel like they did a
better job on this than I felt before I saw the movie and just having seen what
she look like from promotional material including the trailers so I think this
was a pretty nice inclusion only way to make it better would have been to have a
specialized piece to hang off the back which I guess could have been a printed
and die cut cloth piece perhaps that would have worked it definitely would
have needed some print on it though but I think this figure worked out pretty
well however who she replaced for a time at the lead of the resistance forces is
not included in this wave of sets at all of course I'm talking about Leia and we
did get a new trilogy version of Leia previously but this was in her kind of
casual outfit for going to the ground and this is not how we saw her in the
last Jedi I think that they may have done that intentionally just not knowing
what to do out of respect for the recently deceased but given how powerful
of a scene whether you liked it or hated it I think it was a powerful emotion
inducing scene where Leia finally after all these years showed off the fact that
she has force powers the fact that she is a Skywalker she did an actual sky
walk I thought that was pretty epic just from a metaphorical perspective and I
think we need to get that version of her as we saw her on on the bridge of the
cruiser I think that exact outfit that exact hairstyle
that needs to be done and hopefully that will be covered in one of the third wave
sets that's yet to be released or announced on the first order side I feel
like we got a good selection given the total number of here's a good selection
of unnamed characters of just troops and you need lots and lots of troops and
that's always been the case through the the Star Wars movies you know there
there have been large masses of unnamed and practically faceless characters and
I think they've done a pretty good job just across the entire line including
bringing in plenty of variety so even to the point of having both Special Forces
and standard versions of TIE fighter pilots we get two drivers in this this
wave two walker drivers they all importance new executioner's which have
really good head prints on them but their weapons are questionable I'm not
personally certain there's a better solution for that for that execution
weapon given the limitations of Lego parts I mean you can build up something
that's fairly large that looks better but I think without doing a custom mold
for that I'm not sure they could have done something that kind of gets across
how that actually gets used better than this but that's that's totally just
personal opinion we got a couple of first orders snow troopers in the second
wave in the defense of crate set and I still feel that those were awkward to
include in that set given that that scene was fully mechanized assault there
weren't any first-order boots on the ground as far as I could tell until
after it was completely over and like I said after it was completely over saw
the movie saw them walking in behind this guy but during that assault again
it's one of those cases where you know sometimes you need to add in figures
they probably did and end up adding a good amount of play value for
kids who got that set a little bit more awkward inclusion in this line though
was a single flametrooper I I don't mind it though I don't think I
saw flame troopers in use unless Jedi please feel free to correct me if I if I
got that wrong or look for a comment that's already made the rounds if you're
watching this a little bit later but I like the the figure I like the design of
the flame troopers for the first order so I really don't mind getting that at
all and I think that kids will appreciate having that to play with and
anybody who didn't have an opportunity to collect one from from the force
awakens and wanted to get one now can and it was also very important to
include Darth Ball in this series I mean some people call
him db9 he but we all as true fans know that he is Darth Maul and he's the the
real the real force between the the darkside that has risen again in the
Star Wars universe so you've got two opportunities to get those and that was
very good for folks who want to have the epic the truly epic light versus dark
literal and figurative little battles there you know something else that's
missing from this selection it's a better collection of things between the
bad and the good I mean we get a pork and if you count the ucs Millennium
Falcon you get you know porks but what about you know some of the relatively
neutral characters you know Kanto bite was such an interesting location had a
lot of potential I do feel like the scene and the use of that location
didn't live up to its potential you know I feel like it just didn't have enough
aliens but there were some including the one that goes up to bb-8 and thinks he's
a slot machine i think that would have been a great inclusion in this series
and hopefully that guy will be made at some point if he's not made isn't
official Lego figure expects some some custom folks to to make some 3d printed
version of him or something like that da Bousquet was his name I don't know the
official pronunciation of it if there is one but yeah you know just some stuff
that's not purely good guys and purely bad guys would add a lot of flavor just
to the the new trilogy in general here's one last thing I've been looking forward
to offering up for you look at the current state of the last Jedi selection
and collection versus what we ended up getting for the force awakens now the
force awakens did benefit from a a longer period of releases so again this
collection over here will definitely be increasing in size as we get those final
sets and I would expect there to be one more decent size way with a few sets
maybe for something in that range for the last Jedi followed by maybe even a
couple more later on down the line in in 2018
that'll help fill things out a bit but it doesn't look like the last Jedi is
gonna catch up to the force awakens at all at least in terms of the
availability of different figures I'm not too surprised about that but here
are a lot of the the background side characters I guess they're mostly bad
you know if you look at it in that way but the type of characters that are
completely missing from this the sign of the board here you know the ones that
are not specifically resistance or first-order so hopefully that's what I'm
looking forward to the the most is seeing more of those guys over there in
addition to a Leia Skywalker but that's it for my look back at these figures for
now of course each figure is shown in greater detail including helmet off and
alternate faces and all in the individual reviews for each of these
sets and if you want to check out just the builds the actual structures and
vehicles and things that these figures came with I've done a separate kind of
retrospective video just covering the builds for the last
Jedi up to this point so thank you for watching hope that this had some useful
entertainment value to you at least and I'll talk to you soon
For more infomation >> All LEGO Star Wars The Last Jedi minifigs: 2017 summary [SPOILERS!] - Duration: 20:28.-------------------------------------------
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Strong massage is not effective? 大宮 整体 複数の整体を受けてきた整体師が伝える強もみをお勧めしない理由 - Duration: 8:16.
Hi,My name is youhei ozaki. Thank you for watching this video.
This video talk about strong massage.
Feel pain in body after receive the massage. Do you doing experience like this.
It is strong massage is relative.
At first,what you should think about is the purpose that receive strong massage.
「Only want to become feel good?」
If you purpose to feel pain,It is correct answer.
If you want to get a healthy body,the method is mistake possibility.
Maybe,the massage therapist doing strong massage to soften the hard muscle.
But,depending of the method is mistake.
I received many massage for study.
I had many trouble of body.
I wanted to improve it.
For reason,I went to also salon that feature strong massage.
Unfortunately,My body did not improve.
Clerk said 「Please receive massage many times.」
「You will get healthy body.」
I received massage 10 times.
But,I did not get healthy absolutely.
I was experienced that painful of self body is return 2 days after every time.
I think often. Generally,strong massage that many people thinking is not good.
I think that basic massage is take time to soften hard muscle.
I have experience that I improved self body by self treatment.
It was so fast more than receive massage.
The method did not to tell from therapist school.
The method is rub bone method.
The rub bone method is that muscle become soften so fast more than basic massage.
And soft muscle is continue.
Maybe effective strong massage is also exist.
But,I don't met it.
You think did not want to lose Money,time,etc.
So please think about strong massage.
Thank you for watching this video. See you!
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