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For more infomation >> how to download paid apps of google play store for free on android without root - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
New Year's Eve 2017 Google Doodle - Duration: 2:21.
The Search Engine Google is showing a slideshow Doodle globally for the new year's eve day
In the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Eve (also known as Old Year's Day or Saint Sylvester's
Day) is the last day of the year, i-e December 31 which is six days after Christmas.
Samoa and parts of Kiribati are the first places to welcome the New Year while American
Samoa and Baker Island in the United States, are among the last.
New Year's Eve is celebrated with formal parties, Fireworks, family-oriented activities, and
other large public events.
One of the most prominent celebrations in U.S is the "ball drop" held in New York City's
Times Square.
Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Shin Joonghyun Special Part.2 [ENG/2017.12.30] - Duration: 1:35:15.
(From the first to the best,)
(the living legend that wrote)
(the history of Korean pop music.)
(This era's living legend!)
(Song of Shin Joonghyun, legendary Korean rock)
(History of Korean rock began when they formed)
(the first rock band in the 60s.)
(Music that was ahead of its time)
(Beautiful songs that the whole nation loved)
(The father of rock debuted 60 years ago.)
(Shin Joonghyun's masterpieces are reborn.)
(Popular idol, Astro)
("Beautiful Lady" sung by beautiful men)
(Their performance won female hearts.)
(It made Shin Joonghyun dance.)
(It was reborn with Astro's colors.)
(Choi Seungyeol versus Astro)
It's Boohwal.
(The man that made young Taewon)
(learn about the existence of guitars.)
(He started to compose after Joonghyun.)
(He's the one that made Boohwal come to be.)
(Your existence is an honor.)
(Boohwal's "Don't Tell Me You're Going")
(Boohwal's "Don't Tell Me You're Going")
(He's proud of his juniors.)
(Boohwal versus Astro)
(Boohwal versus DK)
(Boohwal versus Park Kiyoung)
It's my birthday today.
(I want a trophy as my birthday present.)
(The return of the strongest competitor)
("A Lie" by ALi)
(She performed hard for the trophy.)
(Boohwal versus ALi)
(ALi won Part One of the special.)
(ALi's 12th trophy)
(Song Sohee)
(Rose Motel)
(Kim Yongjin)
(Son Seungyeon)
(Who will be the winner of Shin Joonghyun special?)
(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
I will now pick the seventh and eighth performers.
First impressions matter the most.
This person's first impression was unique.
When this person was very young
she was craving chocolate milk...
(Chocolate milk)
Who is it? Is it Mamamoo?
When she craved chocolate milk,
she just walked into the store.
She said she would sing
in exchange of a chocolate milk.
She made a deal with the store's owner at a young age.
The cute girl is Song Sohee!
(Song Sohee)
(Traditional music singer, Song Sohee)
Song Sohee!
You might notice this as well,
but this person lost a bit of weight.
They got compliments after losing weight.
- It's Rose Motel. / - Yes.
Rose Motel!
It turns out this person's diet secret
is eating just three meals a day.
Before, he used to have five meals a day.
After cutting down to three meals a day,
he lost a lot of weight.
It's the handsome band, Rose Motel!
(Rose Motel)
(Handsome band, Rose Motel)
Let's hear a few words from you.
As soon as I said I'm glad ALi went,
I didn't know I'd be going first in the second episode.
Since I have to do it, I'll do my best.
She's ambitious.
Sohee will be going first.
Next is Rose Motel. Are you nervous?
You'll be singing in front of the legend,
- Shin Joonghyun. / - Exactly.
What I'm worried about
is freezing in front of Shin Joonghyun.
That's what worries me.
Sangjae and Junwoo are on guitars.
When I get nervous, it shivers right here.
- Here. / - Your lips?
When I sing like... ♪ It's a lie ♪
(It automatically vibrates.)
It becomes really difficult.
Put on a stage you enjoy.
Just show us what you practiced.
Don't look at Joonghyun too much.
Prior to ALi's performance last week,
no one was greedy about winning.
But ever since she went up,
- She did well. / - we're all heated up.
You may have mixed feelings,
but you can tell us the rest in a chat room.
The two best teams that will open up the first stage.
Song Sohee and Rose Motel,
- good luck! / - Good luck!
Good luck.
Do your best.
After putting up great performances,
Boohwal and Kiyoung are back.
They showed such great performances.
It was really amazing.
I had a lot of thoughts in my head.
Seeing Joonghyun and Taewon,
I noticed how nervous Taewon was.
I thought it was a stage dedicated to a master.
It's like witnessing the king of music.
(Kim Taewon always loved guitars.)
(Shin Joonghyun showed him what a guitar is.)
(It's thanks to Joonghyun)
(that Taewon exists.)
(Korean rock stays burning thanks to these two.)
It's been a while.
Hello, I'm Song Sohee.
I first learned about him
through a video I came across.
He had long white hair
as he played the guitar.
I didn't know who he was
and was amazed by him. I started to research.
Then I learned that
he was the first to bring rock music
to Korea where it was nonexistent before.
As a musician, I thought it was something
I should respect.
Although it's surrounded by elements of Western music,
I could feel sentiments of Korean music.
I was drawn to all of his songs.
I felt comfortable for some reason.
The song I'll be singing today
was written and composed by Shin Joonghyun
and sung by Suh Yuseok.
It's "I Will Forget You".
I hope my song will become a chance
for you to let go of the feelings
you've been trying to let go.
I'll do my best to sing. Let's go!
("I Will Forget You" was released)
(in Suh Yuseok's fifth album.)
(It was written by Shin Joonghyun.)
(Jang Hyun remade the song later on)
(and it became very popular.)
(The album this song was released in)
(was praised and was said to have)
(traces of the psychedelic genre.)
Here comes the seventh performer,
Song Sohee!
(The seventh performance by Song Sohee)
("I Will Forget You" by Song Sohee)
(I hope to get rid of any lingering feelings.)
(Song Sohee's "I Will Forget You")
Thank you.
(It was a stage very like Sohee.)
Sohee's singing...
Whether it's pansori or not,
she has an unrivaled voice.
I think it was a chance to fall in love
with traditional Korean dance.
Rocky, you're known to be a dancer.
- Thank you. / - What did you think?
I never noticed how beautiful hanbok is.
Seeing it along with music,
I wanted to wear hanbok too.
(What is he saying?)
Your train of thought is really unique.
I want to wear hanbok and sing Astro's music?
- You want to wear it? / - Yes.
It's an unexpected answer.
Eunwoo was startled just now. He choked.
I don't know how he came up with that.
Right? He went sideways.
I was proud to be a Korean.
- She was... / - That much?
She was so beautiful.
Many foreign people will watch Sohee.
She's talented and beautiful too.
I was like one of those old men
that become fans of girl groups.
She's a treasure of Korea.
I thought Shin Joonghyun's music could go well with
any genre of music.
She's very young, but she moved us.
I think she knows how to handle a stage.
She's only 21.
Do you think she can beat ALi?
I think it's possible.
(Song Sohee versus ALi)
"I Will Forget You".
Suh Yuseok sang it first,
then Jang Hyun sang it again.
It was a very popular song.
What did you think?
Korean traditional music,
or our own way of singing was modernized.
She expressed it in a way fitting to this time.
It was a very valuable way of singing.
When you want to express music globally,
you need a genealogy.
Your own genealogy.
If you can express it
in a way that the world can also relate...
I think such a way of singing was created.
It's wonderful.
- Yes. / - Thank you.
When I introduced you,
I mentioned a story. Did you really ask
for a chocolate milk in exchange for singing?
Yes. When I was young, I wanted chocolate milk
but I didn't have any money.
I just walked into a store
and told them I wanted a chocolate milk.
I told the gentleman I didn't have money.
I told him I'm a good singer
and I could sing for him
if he could give me a chocolate milk.
Once I sang, he really gave me a chocolate milk.
But once I got it,
I started to think that my singing
might be more valuable than the chocolate milk.
So I even asked him for the change.
- What? / - I said that.
So he gave me some.
Why are you clapping for getting some change?
That's how ambitious she was.
The audience agrees that you were
different from the start.
How old were you then?
I was eight years old.
Did you sing Korean traditional music?
- It was a folk song. / - A folk song.
With a very high mark, ALi won the first episode.
How was it like in the waiting room?
More importantly, I spoke up and said
that I was glad ALi went in the first episode.
I had no idea I'd be going first.
We even use the same waiting room.
When Sohee came in,
she was looking at me blankly.
So I told her to beat everyone.
I can't relate at all.
Of course.
Will it turn out like what ALi said?
Or will ALi be the winner?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result!
(The result)
(ALi's "Lie")
(Song Sohee's "I Will Forget You")
(The first competition in the second episode)
The first battle of Shin Joonghyun Special.
With 421 votes, will ALI
win again after becoming the winner of Part 1?
She challenged ALi with her own colors.
Will Sohee beat ALi with her first win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will the audience pick?)
Although a week has passed,
ALi won for the second time
after winning the first episode.
The thing with Sohee
is that I want to watch her perform again.
I'm sure a lot of artists would want
to collaborate with her.
Taewon, don't you want to work with her?
There's a lot I want to do.
I want to work with all of you.
- Of course. / - Me too.
Kiyoung too.
Why don't we take turns to collaborate?
What about Dongmyung, then?
I'll just stand in the back.
You can sing together. Dongmyung, work together.
- Yes. / - Sing a duet.
Why would you stand in the back?
It would be strange to be her chorus.
I can support her from the back.
There's something we should all celebrate.
Yangpa finally released a new album!
(Congratulations on the release!)
It's been a long time.
Can you give us a sneak preview?
- Let us hear it. / - Yes.
We have to hear your highlight.
("Trembling" by Yangpa)
(Thumping hearts)
(It's such a sweet feeling.)
- It's so good. / - Nice.
- It's good. / - It's nice.
We're releasing an album soon too.
Taewon wrote one song in two and a half years.
- Two and a half years? / - I'm sorry.
It took so long.
- The song... / - When is it coming out?
He edited it 700 times.
How do you edit it 700 times?
It was different during the day and night.
Same with yesterday and today.
So you kept on editing?
I don't have anything else to do at home.
Then what about Dongmyung?
He had to practice 700 songs?
It must have been really difficult.
It was fun to work with Taewon.
It sounded like your soul is at home.
"It was fun."
- It was soulless. / - I know.
"It was a lot of fun."
Yongjin, is your album coming out as well?
It's out. It came out about a month ago.
- I see. / - Why didn't you tell us?
You should have told us a month ago.
Then we would have talked about it.
I am preparing for my next album.
- Your next album? / - For goodness' sake.
You must promote the album at the right time.
Don't promote it after it was released.
Would you like to promote your past album
or your future album?
Which one would you like to promote?
I will promote the album that came out.
(Back then)
- ♪ When I was lonely ♪ / - ♪ When I was lonely ♪
- The song is familiar. / - It sounded the same.
- Please sing it again. / - Please sing it again.
(Let's hear it properly this time.)
("I Didn't Know Back Then" by Kim Yongjin)
It's nice.
(He abruptly ends.)
Please sing a bit more. That wasn't enough.
I loved it.
My agency told me to sing only a bit of the song.
- Why? / - It keeps people excited.
No, it doesn't.
That trend ended in 1987.
You should draw people into the song.
That's right.
- Hi, we are Rose Motel. / - Hi, we are Rose Motel.
He is the living legend among the bands.
Without Shin Joonghyun,
rock wouldn't be what it is in Korea.
He made the first rock album in Korea.
We will sing the title song.
That's what makes the song meaningful to us.
It's "Woman in the Rain".
When you listen to it, focus on the sexiness of men.
That's right.
Our longing for the woman in the rain
will be expressed with cheerfulness.
Sexiness and cheerfulness.
In order to win,
I bought new sunglasses on my way here.
We will show us our cool side.
- Rose Motel, let's go. / - Let's go.
("Woman in the Rain" is the title song)
(of the debut album by ADD4,)
(which was the first Korean rock band.)
(The careful harmony between the sad melody)
(and cheerful rhythm created a sensation)
(in the Korean music scene.)
(While it wasn't popular upon its release,)
(many singers sang a remake of the song.)
We need to beat ALi first.
(We need to beat ALi first to meet Seungyeon.)
Let's lose to ALi and avoid Seungyeon.
If we lose to ALi, we won't meet Seungyeon.
- That works. / - That's right.
Here comes the eighth performer, Rose Motel.
(The eighth performance by Rose Motel)
(Rose Motel)
Shin Joonghyun is the father of band.
We haven't been more nervous
on Immortal Songs.
It's an honor to sing in front of you.
Let's enjoy the performance together.
Are you ready?
- Yes! / - Yes!
Thank you.
You are cute!
("Woman in the Rain" by Rose Motel)
Make some noise!
Make some noise!
Get up on your feet!
Let's sing together!
(The energy that can't be contained,)
("Woman in the Rain" by Rose Motel)
They stayed powerful until the end.
(They charged their energy by 100 percent.)
It was incredible.
They sang "Woman in the Rain"
with masterful sound and performance.
This song was released in 1964.
Shin Joonghyun founded a rock band called ADD4.
It was as shocking as Kim Heungkook's performance.
(Swallowtail butterfly)
(In a trance)
I am curious to hear what Taewon thinks
about Rose Motel.
What did you think?
Their performance was like a scene from a movie.
That's right.
They sing like they are in a movie.
Seungyeon, they are a team
you were watching out for. What did you think?
I see why they wanted me to perform after them.
They know exactly
- what they are good at. / - That's right.
Joongwan didn't do much today.
He only danced.
- He only shouted. / - That's right.
He was like a balloon without air.
(She attacks with fact.)
(Joongwan without air)
What did you think, Moonbin?
He is a dance professor who danced with you.
He showed us a strange dance.
(Professor Yuk's dance lesson)
(Professor Yuk showed a shocking dance.)
His free-spirited side came out
when he moved on the stage.
I thought it was very cool.
What did you think about the song?
It felt like hope.
It felt like hope. Why did it feel like hope?
It makes you want to live.
(The life of Immortal Songs)
It makes you want to live.
It gives you the energy of life.
I see where he is coming from.
What did you think, Eunwoo?
Back in the waiting room, I wondered why
he left his hair in a mess.
Watching the performance,
I realized that
the hairstyle suits him and Rose Motel in general.
When he focused on the song
in a serious manner, he looked very cool.
It was very cool.
(Rose Motel versus ALi)
"Woman in the Rain" was released in 1964.
It was the first rock album in Korea.
How was it received at the time?
To write this song,
I made preparations since the early 60s.
I thought it would be a hit among the public.
I was very expectant.
However, there was no response whatsoever.
(He was very expectant.)
I was very disappointed
that I disbanded ADD4.
It was nice to listen
to the heavy rock version of the song.
Rose Motel showed the epitome of live music.
I heard you are working on a new album.
When will it be released?
I will release it in spring next year.
Until then, we will wait happily.
I felt the power of music once again
because the audience kept saying,
"You are handsome."
"You are cool."
It's not like their faces suddenly changed.
It must be the power of music.
Was the concept of today's performance sexiness?
It was sexy in a strange way.
We threw the idea to the audience.
Some people will find it sexy.
We wanted to try something new.
Arranging the song was a challenge of finding
another interpretation of the masterpiece.
Many artists have concerts at year-end.
Rose Motel has always had a concert at year-end.
When will you have the concert this year?
On Christmas, December 25th,
we will perform with Hyungdon and Daejoon.
(Rose Motel and Hyungdon and Daejoon)
We will perform together in Seoul.
Please give the concert your love and support.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(Rose Motel versus ALi)
Will the regular guest of Immortal Songs,
ALi, take three consecutive wins?
(Will ALi take three consecutive wins?)
Will the band that shines the most on the stage,
Rose Motel, take their first win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
(Rose Motel)
They won!
The band that shocked us,
Rose Motel, received a score of 429.
They beat ALi, the winner of Part One and takes a win.
I think
Joongwan's dance contributed to the win.
It definitely did.
(It's a festival.)
They are very close.
Please give them a big hand.
I will now pick our ninth and tenth performers.
You might go against Seungyeon now.
This is a disaster.
I will now pick our ninth and tenth performers.
We need to crush Seungyeon.
This is a disaster.
We need to crush Seungyeon.
I saw this artist sing the last time.
Even when she put down the microphone,
her voice boomed like the microphone.
I can't believe this is happening again.
She is the best vocalist, Son Seungyeon.
(Son Seungyeon)
- Seungyeon. / - This is happening.
I can't believe it.
I recently heard
a touching story about this artist.
Upon hearing that her fan is getting married,
she went to the wedding and sang.
She loves her fans very much.
She is the diva of Immortal Songs, Yangpa.
(The beautiful divas will perform next.)
I can't believe it.
We jokingly said Seungyeon should go
- after Rose Motel. / - Seriously.
Then it really happened.
This is a chance.
You should crush them for sure
- this time. / - Teach them a lesson.
- Beat them today. / - Make them quiet.
The song I prepared for today is "Beautiful Country".
- It's over. / - It's over.
- It's over. / - It's over.
I will sing "Beautiful Country" and crush Rose Motel.
Rose Motel will be redeveloped.
Crush them.
Rose Motel will be redeveloped.
I have a cute performance for the legend.
I will look bad if you say that.
(She talked about crushing Rose Motel.)
You really want to win.
You redevelop Rose Motel. I will perform cutely.
All right. Son Seungyeon and Yangpa will perform next.
- In one, two, three. Let's go. / - Let's go.
(Son Seungyeon and Yangpa, let's go.)
The incredible artists will perform next.
I will enjoy the performance.
I don't need anything else.
I just want to beat Rose Motel.
You always get good results.
Rose Motel picked on me so much.
I will beat them no matter what happens.
The fairy of Korean music, Song Sohee is back.
(The beautiful fairy, Song Sohee is back.)
Your performance was amazing.
The arrangement was beautiful.
You took the stage with the dancers.
(The dancers made her performance shine.)
(It showed the beauty of Korean culture.)
Did you recruit them?
I used money like Boohwal.
(You used money.)
You used your allowances.
You used your allowances to hire them.
DK said your performance is the national treasure.
He said he is proud of Korea.
He said he is proud to be Korean.
He called you the treasure of Korea.
Do you feel refreshed when you drink soju
after hearing such compliments?
I drink beer these days.
(I love beer.)
- You used to drink soju. / - It changed.
You said you tried soju after becoming an adult.
It lost the initial charm.
It has been a while since I drank.
At first, I thought to myself,
"I will drink the most in this room."
Now, I realized
- that it's pointless. / - You control yourself.
- "It's pointless." / - That came very soon.
You are 30 years ahead of me.
(She is 30 years ahead of Taewon.)
Sohee was beautiful and cool.
Let's give her a round of applause.
(Thank you for a good performance.)
All right.
The time has come again in Part Two.
Calm yourself.
(Please stop.)
(What is going on?)
(What is going on?)
Chiyeul's Fierce Welcoming Ceremony!
Didn't we do it last week?
- It's over. / - Let's skip it this week.
I told you. Since we have a lot of guests today,
we will have the segment twice.
- We must see their specialty. / - Who?
- We must see it. / - You have a point.
One member can sing "Shark Family" in a cute way.
- Wheein can do it very well. / - Really?
"Shark Family".
This is something
I sang for the fans.
Think of us as your fans.
- Male fans. / - Okay.
- Let's go. / - This is good.
- Let's go. / - Let's go.
♪ A baby shark ♪
♪ Cute ♪
♪ In the sea ♪
♪ Baby shark ♪
How cute!
I can't do it.
- You did everything. / - Yes.
- I did everything. / - Is there more?
Hwasa, can you sing it?
- Of course she can. / - Give us a sexy version.
Give us a sexy version of "Shark Family".
(Let's go, sexy.)
♪ A sexy ♪
♪ Baby shark ♪
♪ Under the sea ♪
♪ Hyejin the Shark ♪
The difference is very clear.
Everyone has a different personality
and I guess the same goes for sharks.
The two of them have different personalities.
It says here that Sanha also has a special skill.
- What's "karaoke reverb"? / - What is that?
- "Reverb"? / - Wouldn't it be this?
- Why are you doing it? / - Goodness.
- Seriously. / - Did I get it right?
- Gosh, why did you do it? / - Hey!
- Let's see it. / - Yes.
I'm nervous.
Don't be. Try not to be nervous.
- Look at him all nervous. / - All right.
♪ Following the shadow ♪
♪ That has gotten longer already ♪
I feel as if I'm at a karaoke bar.
Isn't he like Ok Dongja?
(Sanha is a human microphone.)
- Totally. / - He's good.
(That was a huge success!)
- But... / - He's cute.
Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Son Seungyeon.
(She sang without the microphone)
(and her powerful voice captivated everyone.)
(She received the highest score she's ever gotten.)
(The unbelievably talented vocalist, Son Seungyeon)
I realized that I already know many of his songs
even though they were released a long time ago.
I think his songs sound so current and sophisticated.
I'm also so curious to see how charismatic he'd be.
I want to do a good job with my performance
so that I can impress him.
Whom do I want to compete against?
I'd say it's Rose Motel.
I've lost every time I competed against them.
I must beat them today.
I'll be singing "Beautiful Country" today.
I'll show you how beautiful our country is.
Wish me luck!
(Released in Shin Joonghyun's band The Man's)
(first album in 1972. It was initially banned,)
(but the ban was lifted in 1987.)
(The song became widely loved when Lee Sunhee)
(released a remake of it in 1988.)
(It's usually sung at events where unity is the theme.)
Here comes the ninth performer, Son Seungyeon.
(The ninth performance by Son Seungyeon)
(What a gorgeous dress.)
The song I prepared for today's performance
is a masterpiece that many of you must know.
I'll sing "Beautiful Country" for you all.
("Beautiful Country" by Son Seungyeon)
(My love, my country)
("Beautiful Country" by Son Seungyeon)
Thank you.
That was incredible.
This really is like redevelopment.
She showed us her will to demolish everything
so that she can rebuild everything from scratch.
She bombed all pillars.
- She bombed everything. / - Everything, indeed.
- Bombs kept going off. / - Everything got bombed.
She wants to rebuild everything.
(Rose Motel versus Son Seungyeon)
Whenever there's a big festival
or events with big audiences,
I remember seeing many singers singing this song.
What did you think of Seungyeon's performance?
One of the complaints that I've always had
was not being able to see different styles
or flairs added to the performance of the song,
but I must tell you that I was satisfied today.
She did a great job of expressing the song
and I was thoroughly moved by it. Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Great.
From what I can remember, you've never done well
when competing against Rose Motel, right?
So far, whenever I competed against them,
I've always lost.
(She kept losing.)
That's why my goal today is to beat them.
(I'll crush you guys.)
I was determined to win, but I'm not sure now.
Earlier in the waiting room,
she told us that she'd trample all over us.
She said she'll tread on us.
The light has never turned on.
Will that be the case today too?
I wonder because Rose Motel got such a high score.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Please show us the result.
(The result)
(Rose Motel versus Son Seungyeon)
(We'll win once again today.)
Both teams gave opening performances.
Will Rose Motel win again with the score of 429?
(I must win today.)
The singer who keeps on evolving.
Will Seungyeon be able to win today?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
- Unbelievable. / - My gosh.
(The audience chose Rose Motel.)
- Again? / - Gosh.
(We're so sorry.)
- What just happened? / - Seungyeon!
(I'll destroy you guys.)
All right.
Everyone, please give them
another big round of applause.
Thank you.
Joonghyun's wife is also a musician
and all of his sons are musically talented too.
They're currently working in the industry.
Everyone in his family is a musician.
How about we talk about our family?
First, Moonbin, I heard that your sister is famous too.
Could you tell us about her?
She was in one of the rap competition TV shows.
- "Unpretty Rapstar"? / - Yes, that's right.
I became a singer
because my parents suggested that I should,
but she's always been into singing and performing.
Oh, really? Does that mean
your parents are also musically inclined?
No, I don't think so. But my mom
used to learn aerobic dance.
(My mom used to learn aerobic dance.)
(That is completely irrelevant.)
- That's irrelevant. / - If you can become
a singer through learning aerobic dance,
this country would be full of singers.
Eunwoo, is anyone in your family a musician?
No, no one.
I heard you were a top student in high school.
I want to know how you became a singer.
- I was discovered by chance. / - Where?
- In front of a washroom. / - It was...
- In front of a washroom? / - Yes.
You were scouted in front of a washroom?
There was a festival going on at my school that day.
I was on my way to the washroom
and someone followed me.
(That's scary.)
Gosh, that could've been scary.
- Someone followed you. / - Didn't you wonder why?
"Why is he following me?"
I'm curious. Did you want to become a singer?
No. I had many dreams back then.
A doctor, prosecutor, judge and so on.
- A judge. / - I see.
If Eunwoo actually became a judge,
"I pronounce you guilty."
(Oh, my heart.)
Gosh, I'm guilty.
I'm so sorry, Your Honor.
I'll never do it again.
You totally made my heart flutter.
Could you hit your gavel just three more times?
I'm guilty.
Hello, I'm singer Yangpa. It's nice to meet you all.
He's one of the musicians I admire the most.
I've always thought that his songs
give off such electrifying energy.
♪ After ordering a cup of coffee ♪
I bet every Korean knows this melody.
I arranged it to have more refreshing rock sounds.
I'll be performing with the rock band, The Koxx.
We plan to give a fun performance.
Because I admire him so much as a musician,
I'm very excited about this performance as well.
I hope all of you enjoy it.
(The song was released as the title track)
(of Pearl Sisters' debut album.)
(Originally released as Add4's song,)
(his attempt to add Korean flair to rock)
(was regarded highly.)
Here comes the tenth performer, Yangpa.
(The tenth performance by Yangpa)
Hello, Joonghyun. How have you been?
Loving music and thinking about it
from morning to night all your life,
not to mention working on your music continuously,
is not easy at all.
But you're still living like that.
You still look so cool and sexy.
You make all of us happy and grateful.
You know the song, "One Cup of Coffee", right?
(You'll be happily addicted to it.)
Are you ready?
(Shall we enjoy a cup of coffee?)
I'll get started, then.
("One Cup of Coffee" by Yangpa)
Shall we begin?
- One, two! / - One, two!
Put your hands up and clap along!
You're cool!
(An electrifying rock and roll performance)
("One Cup of Coffee" by Yangpa)
(It left such an intense, lasting impression.)
That was by Yangpa and The Koxx.
Even though Joonghyun's songs
were released in the 60s and 70s,
they're loved to this day
- because they're transformable. / - They're versatile.
They're versatile indeed.
- MJ. / - Yes.
(He answers right away.)
MJ is always ready.
- He answered right away. / - "Yes."
I feel as if he's worked with me for five years.
I thought he was an announcer.
- All right. MJ. / - Yes.
What did you think of Yangpa's performance?
She sang "One Cup of Coffee", you know.
Had I watched it after ordering hot coffee,
I would've downed the whole thing at once.
(I would've downed a hot cup of coffee.)
You would've forgotten that it's hot.
Exactly. It was so powerful and refreshing.
(Rose Motel versus Yangpa)
You mentioned earlier that when you write some songs,
you feel that they're good enough
to change the trend
and that many people will like them,
but they actually don't get much response.
On the other hand, there are songs
which you gave to other artists that ended up
becoming popular even though you didn't expect it.
What was this like?
Back in the 60s,
rock and roll was popular all over the world.
I want to make Korean style rock and roll songs
and this was my ambitious project.
I thought that it'd get good response,
but it was rather fruitless,
so I ended up giving up on it.
Then in 1968, Pearl Sisters
released a remake of the song,
and that was when it became known.
Today, Yangpa made me reminisce the old days.
She showed us what rock and roll should be like.
Memories of the old days keep rushing back to me.
There are many sub-genres of rock,
and she impressed us today with her wild
rock performance as a female artist.
It was incredible.
(Yangpa is a wild rocker.)
Gosh, thank you very much.
How do you feel
to have performed in front of the artist you admire?
I'm truly grateful and honored
to be here today.
I'm sure many young artists
got into music because they were
inspired by you and your music.
I also want to do my best as a singer.
(The audience's choice)
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Please show us the result.
(The band with amazing stage presence)
(How rock and roll should be)
(Who will be the winner?)
(The audience chose Rose Motel.)
It's Rose Motel. Congratulations.
With their score of 429, Rose Motel
take their third win.
- It's amazing. / - Indeed.
Mamamoo and Yongjin still have to perform.
I'll now pick our 11th and 12th performers.
(Is it Mamamoo?)
I heard from someone who went to their concert
that you get soaked in sweat at their concerts.
He told me to bring a deodorant or change of clothes.
He was half joking and half serious.
Please keep it in mind
if you ever go to their concert in the future.
It's Mamamoo.
(It's the energetic girl group's turn.)
Mamamoo is the fifth performer of Part Two.
It means that Yongjin will go last.
Yongjin, don't be nervous.
You got the finale of Shin Joonghyun Special.
- Don't be nervous. / - Okay.
Don't be stressed out. You'll perform the finale.
You got the finale of this special episode.
Don't be nervous, okay?
- He won't get nervous. / - Of course not.
- Mamamoo and Yongjin. / - Best of luck!
- You got this. / - Good luck.
(For the fabulous finale)
- Good luck, Yongjin. / - Go for it.
- Best of luck. / - Thank you.
Seungyeon is back after her amazing performance.
(Seungyeon is back after her defeat.)
Please have a seat here.
Yes! Nicely done.
We thought your performance was great.
We totally thought you'd crush them,
but you lost by a small margin.
Are you and Rose Motel ill-fated or what?
- They were ecstatic. / - After they won?
They laughed at me like this.
- They annoyed me so much. / - They won again.
Right. I wanted to rip the roses off their jackets.
I was really annoyed.
- The ones here? / - Yes.
- They must've irked you. / - I wanted to smack them.
Tell our crew to invite you the next time
with them again and beat them.
- I should. / - You did an amazing job.
- You were incredible. / - Thank you.
We really enjoyed it.
- ♪ I say, Mama, Mamamoo ♪ / - ♪ Mama, Mamamoo ♪
- Hello, we're Mamamoo. / - Hello, we're Mamamoo.
(Passionate performances)
(Irresistible flowers)
(The most talented girl group)
He's the history of Korean rock music
and the legend of all legends.
Without opportunities like this,
it's not easy to meet him in person.
It's a meaningful experience for us
and it'll become an unforgettable memory.
They're like textbooks.
His songs still sound very current.
They show us how talented and insightful he is.
The song we prepared for today
is "The Dance in Rhythm" by Kim Wansun.
We prepared a spectacular performance,
so please look forward to it.
(It was released in Kim Wansun's second album.)
(Shin Joonghyun wrote the song)
(based on his first impression of her.)
(She initially struggled with the poetic)
(and philosophical lyrics, but she later)
(thanked him because she became recognized)
(as a singer due to the success of this song.)
Here comes the 11th performer, Mamamoo.
(The 11th performance by Mamamoo)
Go for it!
("The Dance in Rhythm" by Mamamoo)
Everyone, together!
- Mamamoo! / - Mamamoo!
(Exhilarating rhythm,)
("The Dance in Rhythm" by Mamamoo)
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
(A strong finale by Mamamoo)
They're great at singing and dancing.
Mamamoo doesn't miss anything.
Eunwoo, what did you think?
You must have a different comment
since you're also an idol group.
I actually really like them,
so I watch their videos a lot.
They have so much to offer visually.
Their presence on the stage,
singing and performance are all perfect.
People say that you get your money's worth when you go
to Mamamoo's concert.
There's a saying.
- Pardon? / - It's worthwhile.
Mamamoo's concert is worthwhile.
"Mamamoo's concert is worthwhile."
This performance showed me why people
say that about them.
I think every idol group would
want to be like them.
Because they're so good,
I think Joonghyun
would be so happy.
He'd probably be very impressed
by how far Korean pop music has come.
(Rose Motel versus Mamamoo)
"The Dance in Rhythm".
I heard you composed
this song only for Kim Wansun.
It's actually a favorite song of mine.
I thought of the theme of this song
as soon as I saw Wansun.
- listening to... / - Mamamoo's performance.
I didn't expect the song to transform like this.
I never expected it to be so fantastic.
The rearrangement was so charming
that I even wondered if it was actually my song.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
At this point of the program,
performers come on stage thinking they should stop
the current winner's winning streak.
Did you think that?
We actually wanted to go sooner.
Last week in part one?
Yes, last week. We wanted to go first.
We never thought we'd go against Rose Motel.
So we decided to just have fun
and dance to the rhythm
when we came on stage.
You'll see it on TV later.
You were dancing to the rhythm nicely.
But your eyes were burning with passion.
(Their eyes were fiercer than Wansun's.)
You were fierce.
Mamamoo has a great teamwork.
They are very talented.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- You are. / - Thank you.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(The result)
(Rose Motel versus Mamamoo)
(Charming band, Rose Motel)
Will charming Rose Motel
continue their winning streak?
(Trustworthy idol group, Mamamoo)
They're amazing singers and dancers.
Will Mamamoo win against Rose Motel?
(Great vocal and performance)
(They aim for the perfect win.)
(Two cheerful performances)
(Who will be the winner?)
A score of 432.
With a score of 432,
Mamamoo wins!
(Mamamoo wins with a score of 432.)
- Good job. / - Thank you.
- Great work. / - Good job.
- Awesome work. / - Great job.
- Congratulations. / - Thank you.
Great work.
Mamamoo knocked Rose Motel down with that score.
- Seungyeon, how do you feel? / - I feel awesome.
I love Mamamoo the best.
Are they coming back to the waiting room now?
They're dead.
They've won three times.
They're Seungyeon's enemy.
Rose Motel is back.
(Seungyeon's enemy, Rose Motel is back.)
Welcome back.
I really want to congratulate you. I do.
But Seungyeon told me
that you teased her a lot on stage.
He was so happy.
(After they won against Seungyeon)
We don't need a trophy, right?
We achieved our goal already.
We were ecstatic when Seungyeon was picked.
Seungyeon, let's do this.
- Don't call my name. / - I mean...
Ms. Son. Let's do this.
- Do what? / - Do what?
We won't come when you're here.
- What? / - That's terrible.
- I don't want that. / - That's annoying.
You're funny, but when it comes to music,
you're always sincere.
How was it to perform today?
I was a bit nervous.
The moment Joonghyun dropped his head down...
What? Why did he do that?
I'm not sure. He lowered his head.
- I saw that. / - I see.
(A lovely gesture to the legend)
(He turns his head automatically.)
(Please look at my eyes.)
(He shakes his body and steals the spotlight.)
Isn't that why you twisted your body more?
I would've looked away if that dance was for me.
He was probably shocked.
I twisted my body more
because Astro danced very rigidly.
I wanted them to loosen up.
- Goodness. / - As the king of dance.
He's criticizing Astro's dance.
(The dancing Professor Yuk is back.)
Don't you think that's wrong?
Hello, I'm Kim Yongjin.
(The touching baritone voice)
(He makes his best effort at every performance.)
(The vocalist you look forward to, Kim Yongjin)
I barely have
a stage fright anymore.
But I'm nervous
since I'm putting a lot of effort into making
a perfect performance.
It's not a stage fright though.
I should say it's an excitement.
I'll sing "A Petal".
I was reminded of my father a lot.
He passed away more than ten years ago.
It's been about 14 years.
Whenever I hear
my dad's favorite songs, I think of him.
"A Petal" was one of his favorites.
So this song means a lot to me.
What's your goal this time?
My goal is always simple.
(A simple goal)
Winning once.
I'll be very grateful for one win.
Then when do you want to perform?
I want to perform last.
(He wants to be the final performer.)
Number 12?
It's a small win.
I'm going to do my best on stage
because I prepared a lot.
Please look forward to my performance.
Thank you.
(It was contained in the first album by The Donkeys,)
(then later re-released by Kim Chooja.)
(The song is about regretting a breakup with a lover.)
(It matched the sad historical situation of the 80s)
(and became people's favorite.)
Here comes the 12th performer, Kim Yongjin.
(The last performance by Kim Yongjin)
(Kim Yongjin)
("A Petal" by Kim Yongjin)
("A Petal" by Kim Yongjin)
Thank you.
Thank you.
(A charming baritone voice)
His charming low voice. A masculine beauty.
- Seungyeon. / - Yes?
What did you think?
How can he be so smart when he's singing?
When he is in the waiting room,
he's so clumsy and cute.
But when he's singing, he's so smart.
You can see that he's doing his best to sing.
- I think he can win. / - Right?
I was touched. A petal is something
- that's delicate. / - That's right.
He changed into a rider jacket.
He seemed like an honorable man
singing very delicately.
The subject, petal, gave a different feeling.
MJ, what did you think?
Yes. First...
(He answers "yes, yes" automatically.)
- He's so cute. / - He's funny.
What did you think of his performance?
When I was listening to the song,
I could feel the sincerity
of a father who comes home after a hard day's work.
- A dad's sincerity. / - Yes.
I could feel the earnest heart.
Do you think he can win against Mamamoo?
I think so.
(Kim Yongjin versus Mamamoo)
We're having
this special episode last week and this week.
You're the twelfth, the last performer.
I really am not a greedy person.
But because I'm the last performer,
I'm starting to feel greedy.
It's because
he can win the trophy with one win.
For a brief while, I felt a bit greedy.
He must've felt a lot of pressure,
but he did a great job.
How did you like the last performance by Yongjin?
"A Petal" had been sung by women most of the times.
I've heard a man sing it for the first time today.
I realized that the song can change
depending on who sings it.
I want to thank him
for soothing my mind. Thank you.
Thank you.
Immortal Songs.
You came back as a legend after five years.
Please tell us how you enjoyed the show today.
I focused only on my generation and made music.
I've been working alone for a long time.
I've actually isolated myself from the world.
After listening to these young people sing,
I wonder why I've lived that way.
There are so many great musicians.
Korean music has been changed
by the young people.
I'm so proud. I love you guys.
Thank you.
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
The legend of Korean rock.
Singing Shin Joonghyun.
It's the Shin Joonghyun Special.
The special has been aired over two weeks.
We are now waiting for the final result.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(The result)
(The touching voice, Kim Yongjin)
(The trustworthy idol, Mamamoo)
(They can sing and dance!)
("The Dance in Rhythm" in four different colors)
It's the final match of the special.
Will Mamamoo continue
their winning streak with a score of 432?
(He sings with a longing heart for his dad.)
(A heartfelt performance)
Will Kim Yongjin win
against Mamamoo and win the trophy?
(Will he be the final winner?)
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
- Gosh. / - Goodness.
(Who will be the winner?)
(Finally, next week!)
(Immortal Song's special show)
(Never-before-seen performances and competitions!)
It's the King of Kings special.
(2017 Immortal Songs King of Kings Special)
(Special trophy?)
(That's right!)
(Of course, I want it!)
(The limited edition Immortal Songs trophy)
(Everyone desires it.)
(I want it so badly!)
(Yangpa, Park Kiyoung, Kim Taewoo,)
(Jung Dongha, KCM, Min Woohyuk, Homme,)
(Son Junho, Kim Sangjin, An Seha and more!)
(12 winning teams of 2017)
(will compete for the King of Kings special.)
(The best singers have come together again.)
(Fiery competition)
(The best performance)
(Chilling voice)
(Heart-warming and mind-blowing performances)
(We will show you)
(performances that exceed your expectations.)
(Yangpa, Park Kiyoung,)
(Kim Taewoo, Jung Dongha,)
(KCM, Min Woohyuk,)
(Homme, Son Junho and Kim Sangjin,)
(An Seha and Sandeul, Seo Eunkwang,)
(Koonzo and Voisper)
(2017 Immortal Songs King of Kings Special)
(Sentimental rock versus performance)
With a score of 432,
Mamamoo wins Shin Joonghyun Special
- and takes the trophy! / - Congratulations!
(Final winner Mamamoo)
- Congratulations. / - Congratulations.
(Final winner Mamamoo)
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Mamamoo is the final winner!
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Shin Joonghyun's music
feels complete.
He was able to do world-class music
because he was a genius.
If he didn't do music in Korea,
Korean rock wouldn't have thrived.
The way he lived and the music he made
were without any flaw.
He will be remembered in music history.
(Rock is my life and my everything.)
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Cách Đây 400 Năm, Tại Đức Đã Xảy Ra Một Cuộc Đại Chiến Của Người Ngoài Hành Tinh? - Duration: 6:17.
Hi it's Mike Chen.
You know, there are really only two types of people
when it comes to the Nuremberg events of 1561
you're either a Mulder or a Scully.
Because you're either passionately out to prove it
or to debunk it
Anyway, let's start from the beginning.
In April of 1561, a local broadsheet ran a story detailing a fierce fight
of what appeared to be warring fleets of unidentified flying objects over the city.
According to multiple eyewitness accounts,
it was between 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning
when they looked up at the sky,
shocked to find the Sun radiating a ruddy glow
and surrounded in all directions by unidentified flying objects.
Citizens saw what appeared to be two crescent-shaped flying objects in bright blood-red,
and a circular objects coated in the color of dark oxidized iron zooming across the sky.
The Sun was flanked by large cigar shaped airships
filled with incandescent globes with a number of chrism crosses
and two big rods hovering nearby.
Clusters of large disks three red orbs
arranged in a line and four more arranged in a square
were also seen moving around the Sun.
In the blink of an eye,
the orbs launched the strike against rods near the Sun.
Then the glowing orbs inside the airship flew out
and started attacking other globes in their path.
An intense aerial battle ensued for an hour
with casualties crashing in a trail of smoke towards the ground.
And when things finally cleared
a massive black aircraft shaped like a point of a spear
with its shaft to the east and its tip pointing west.
suddenly appeared.
The people interpreted its appearance as a sign from God,
a warning that the smite of God will strike
if they don't repent for their sins
or if they ignore his warnings.
Now while the whole encounter could easily be dismissed
as a clever marketing ploy by a tabloid to sell more copies,
it's also what sets the Nuremberg apart from other unexplained phenomenon
because there's a traceable record of it.
A woodcut illustration that accompanied the broadsheet article
is now on display at the, and I'm gonna mess this up,
Zentralbibliothek Zurich Museum in Switzerland,
created by artist Hans Glaser.
The woodcut vividly captured the aggressive fight in the sky
over the city of Nuremberg.
And the image is still what really keeps us guessing over
whether or not the aerial battle really happened.
According to the wood block mystery
it's the appearance of another woodblock image
that sure eerily similar elements from Hans Glaser's work.
This time the unattributed print appears five years later
in a local gazette in Basel, Switzerland
accompanied an article contributed by a student of Liberal Arts named Samuel Coccius,
just like in Nuremberg the 1566 Basel incidents also happened at dawn
with the entire town waking up to an armada
of black orbs circling the Sun at high speeds.
The flying globes then without warning
started attacking one another striking into each other with so much force
that some of the orbs started to burn bright red
before being consumed by their own flames
and vanishing into the atmosphere.
Similar to Nuremberg,
this occurrence was also interpreted as a heavenly sign.
People believed it was God's way of telling all citizens to repent for their sins
and renew their faith in the Catholic Church or else.
It is also possible that both supernatural events
being attributed to the divine is not a coincidence either,
especially when the power and influence of the Catholic Church
was under threat from the Protestant Reformation
in the same time period.
Because the church probably saw the Nuremberg and Basel events
as an opportunity to regain its influence over Europe,
by taking an advantage of people's voracious appetite for sky spectacles
to preach the central tenets of the religion.
But as the 17th century welcomes the Industrial Revolution
the early modern period brought with it a shift from astrology to astronomy.
Marked by the invention of the optical tools like the telescope,
more people are now looking to science instead of religion
to explain the paranormal
So in the case of the 1561 Nuremberg events,
the most widely accepted scientific explanation
of what the townspeople believed was an aerial battle among aliens
is an atmospheric phenomenon known as a 'sundog'.
Sundogs are made from light
reflecting off ice crystals suspended in the coldest parts of the Earth's atmosphere
of more than 20,000 feet high up.
These flat hexagonal ice crystals act as prisms,
bending light as it enters and access the surface
to form to mock Suns at exactly 22 degrees from the Sun.
While these orbs are often just white,
they also sometimes take on different colors
depending on how the light hits the ice flakes,
often they take on the appearance of a ball
with a red centre and a blueish outer shell.
Aside from the circles,
these light reflections also form other shapes
like the 22 degree halo which as its name suggests,
forms a perfect ring of light 22 degrees around the Sun.
Or some pillars which are tube shaped beams of light
shooting from the Sun and up into the atmosphere.
There's also the 'circumzenithal arcs' or the upside-down rainbow,
a half circle located at 46 degrees above the Sun.
Although its colors are not as clearly separated as a rainbows,
violets and red are the most visible hues.
Modern scientists believe that
there are at least 20 types of these light refractions
that appeared during a sundog.
However. they estimate that there could be more formations that haven'tbeen seen yet
because some dogs quickly disappear as soon as the Sun reaches a certain height.
So if we apply the sundog theory to the 1561 Nuremberg events,
everything mentioned in the article does have a astronomical interpretation.
The glowing red orbs that they saw circling the Sun
could have been sundogs
appearing together with a 22 degree halo.
The cresent shape objects could have been
an upper, lower or circumzenithal arcs
and the cigar-shaped flying objects could have been light pillars coming from the Sun.
So the mysterious bright spots in the sky
that the citizens of Nuremberg saw on that fateful day in 1561
could have really just been that bright spots in the sky
no worrying alien fleet, not the smite of God either,
but simply a perfectly regular atmospheric phenomena involving light reflections.
But while the sundog theory might provide a sound scientific explanation
for the mysterious aerial alien battle,
there's still one thing that it can't explain.
If indeed aliens descended on earth
and engaged in a fierce battle with their air fleets,
now for me I do believe in aliens,
I do think they have very advanced technology,
way more advanced than us.
And I do believe they probably have gripes with each other.
So is an alien battle out of the question?
I don't think so.
But my question is this,
if aliens did descend on earth and engage in a fierce battle with their air fleets
why did they choose Nuremberg?
Why did the battles happen at dawn?
Are aliens just like really big morning people?
But regardless whether you're a Mulder or Scully when it comes to this events,
there is only one thing that is for certain.
Because regardless of whatever theories
we have about what happened over 400 years ago,
none of us really knows for sure.
So I guess the truth is still out there.
But let me know what you guys think,
do you think this was a crazy alien battle,
or do you think people were just really just seeing sundogs everywhere.
Thanks for watching everybody.
See you later.
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On this episode of China Uncensored,
ever wonder how China's Internet became so censored?
You can thank this guy.
Welcome back, I'm Chris Chappell.
The Internet's got a new loser!
Just look at him!
No, not Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook.
I mean the happy guy in the chair.
That's Lu Wei,
China's Internet Czar.
Well, former Internet Czar.
That photo's from 2014.
He's not so happy anymore.
Because Lu Wei is the latest high-ranking official
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has taken down
in his ongoing purge of political opponents—
what he calls the "anti-corruption campaign."
According to this announcement,
Lu Wei has been accused of
"seriously violating Party discipline."
Which basically means,
he's as good as convicted, expelled from the Communist Party,
and destined for prison.
Sorry Mark Zuckerberg!
If you were trying to get Facebook into China,
you chose the wrong guy to Zuck up to.
Once upon a time,
Lu Wei was basically the ruler of China's Internet—
the guy responsible for earning China
the coveted title of Freedom House's
"worst abuser of internet freedom,"
for three years in a row!
That's a way less controversial title, by the way,
than People's Sexiest Man Alive.
I'm with the Houston Chronicle on this one.
Kim Jong Un is still waiting for your call, People Magazine.
Anyway, yes,
China is officially the three-time consecutive champion
of worst internet freedom.
Take that, Syria!
Wait, Syria still has Internet?
Back to Lu Wei.
The Guardian describes him as the
"powerful and flamboyant former head
of China's Cyberspace Administration."
That was the administration
that oversaw Internet censorship.
Lu was certainly powerful.
But flamboyant?
I mean, he loved to get photo ops
with Western tech giants kissing up to him—
like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg,
Apple's Tim Cook,
and Amazon's Jeff Bezos.
I think it's more like,
he's kind of crazy.
He said "Freedom and order are twin sisters."
Which would make sense
if he was trying to argue that free countries
are more stable—
which is usually true.
But I think he was using that to justify
China's heavy-handed Internet censorship.
But you know what?
That makes sense, because—
get this—
there's no censorship China!
Yes, China's top Internet censor says
there's no Internet censorship.
He claims the Internet is simply "managed."
Which is like selling cruelty-free beef,
and saying the cows weren't slaughtered.
They were just massaged.
To death.
So it should be no surprise
that Lu Wei is same guy
who once hired a famous songwriter to write the song
"Cyberspace Spirit."
Powerful Internet country!
The Web is where glorious dreams are!
Powerful Internet country!
From the distant cosmos to the home we long for!
Powerful Internet country!
Tell the world that the China Dream
is lifting Greater China to prominence!
Wow, that's pretty catchy...
in a creepy Soviet way.
I hope I don't get that stuck in my head.
And if that song's not crazy enough,
Lu Wei also allegedly went to parties
serving human breast milk.
Lu Wei also did some practical things.
Like spearheading China's plan to eliminate VPNs,
the special software that allows Chinese netizens
to get through the Great Firewall of China
and access the real Internet.
And when Lu Wei was in charge of the Cyberspace Administration of China,
he oversaw the early drafts of the now infamous Cybersecurity Law
that requires foreign companies to store their user data inside China—
and give the Chinese Communist Party
full access to that Chinese user data.
Under Lu Wei,
the Chinese regime's grip on social media tightened.
Internet users had to register with their real names.
And that means no fake Twitter accounts.
We know who you are,
Anakin Skywalker.
Also, Lu Wei banned
all of Twitter.
Of course, if you're on the Chinese internet,
you won't hear much about the fall of Lu Wei
because the Chinese Internet is of course, massively censored.
I mean massaged.
I mean, managed.
China Digital Times discovered this Propaganda Department directive
that orders media to censor-slash-manage
all comments about Lu Wei.
It's almost poetic,
how his downfall is being censored
by the very apparatus that he built.
What's that, Shelley?
We have video of the propaganda directive?
Go ahead.
Powerful Internet country!
The Web is where glorious dreams
Ok, ok, you got me.
Man, that song is catchy.
Where was I?
Oh right, as I mentioned earlier,
the fall of Lu Wei is tied into Chinese leader Xi Jinping's battle against his political opponents,
a loosely tied faction under former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.
Sorry, wrong toad.
The resemblance is uncanny.
So Lu Wei was deeply enmeshed in the propaganda wing
of the Communist Party—
the guys responsible for making the Party look good.
In other words,
miracle workers.
Somewhat inept miracle workers.
For two decades
Lu Wei "served as party secretary
of the state-run Xinhua news agency,
and Beijing's propaganda chief,
eventually making it up to deputy head
of the CCP's central propaganda department."
That means he worked under the head of Party propaganda,
Liu Yunshan.
Liu was one of the highest ranking members
of Jiang Zemin's faction,
and used his clout to undermine Xi.
If you want to learn more about Liu Yunshan,
watch my previous episode online,
"Who Controls China's Propaganda."
Xi Jinping has been trying to wrestle control of the Party's propaganda
from the Jiang Zemin faction.
Especially when it comes to the Internet.
That's why Xi Jinping gave himself
so many fancy new titles,
like head of the Central Leading Group
for Internet Security and Information.
A year ago,
Lu Wei was mysteriously fired
from the Cyberspace Administration of China.
And Xi Jinping appointed his own guy to replace him.
Now, Lu Wei has been detained,
and "Several of Lu's associates and officials
in charge of regulating online services
have also been taken into custody."
What's that, Shelley?
We have video of Lu Wei's confession?!
Yes, I want to see it.
Powerful Internet country!
The Web is where glorious dreams are!
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice,
shame on...you, twice.
But back to Lu Wei.
State-run media isn't being kind to him.
The Global Times wrote,
"Lu was a typical 'two-faced person,'
as he severely deviated from Party principle
and ruined the image of the cyberspace administration team
and harmed the development of cyberspace."
Which really doesn't make much sense
if you think about it.
Lu Wei did exactly what the Communist Party wanted
as far as censoring the Internet.
And even though he was fired a year ago,
there hasn't exactly been a big push
to undo all the controls he put in place.
The internet will continue to be "managed"
to benefit the Communist Party.
But undoing Lu Wei's work
is not what the investigation of him is about.
If previous purges of high ranking officials
are any indication,
I wouldn't be surprised if Xi Jinping
is ultimately making his way for Liu Yunshan.
Because even as Lu's former Xinhua News Agency
turns on him...
...one thing is clear:
Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign
is not winding down.
And neither is Internet censorship,
just so we're clear on that.
And Lu Wei's downfall offers yet another example
of why doing business in China is risky business.
Remember that photo of Lu and Mark Zuckerberg?
All that hard work spent developing a relationship
with someone who ended up on the wrong side of a political purge.
Now Zuckerberg'll have to start all over again
with the new Internet czar.
What a waste.
Kind of like when former Canadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper met with disgraced Chinese official
and proud Jiang faction member Bo Xilai
right at the beginning of Bo's downfall
back in 2012.
Which was dumb.
But maybe things will work out better for Mark Zuckerberg.
After all,
according to Chinese state-run media,
he did spend his time with Lu Wei
praising Xi Jinping's book
that was conveniently and prominently placed on a desk.
He even told Lu that he bought the book
for his coworkers, too.
What a boss.
Yes, Shelley?
We have video of Lu talking to Zuckerberg.
Nice try.
I'm not falling for that again.
You promise that it's not that Cyberspace Spirit song?
Ok, fine, roll it.
That is the first time I've been happy about being Rickrolled.
Thanks, Shelley.
What do you think of the fall of Lu Wei?
And do you have Cyberspace Spirit?
Leave your comments below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,
see you next time.
Aren't you happy that you have access to an uncensored Internet?
Well, depending on what happens
with Net Neutrality at least.
But why not celebrate your uncensored Internet
by visiting ChinaUncensored.tv?
There you can see full half hour episode
that you won't see on YouTube.
And definitely not in China.
Once again that's ChinaUncensored.tv.
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