Hey Wisecrack, Jared here.
We saw Coco last week.
Everyone cried, and once we got past that god-awful Frozen "short" film, they were
all good tears.
Coco is a film filled with color, both literally and in its
authentically rich portrayal of Mexican culture.
But aside from the heartstring-tugging moments and gorgeous animation, it also presents a
really interesting perspective on death that we don't often see in cinema.
Welcome to this Quick Take on Coco, and prepare for MAJOR spoilers.
Also: warning I'm gonna butcher all the Mexican names.
I'm a gringo.
Sue me.
First, a recap.
Set in Mexico, young Miguel Rivera loves music and wants to play guitar like his hero, Ernesto
de la Cruz.
But music is banned in the Rivera family since his great-great grandpa left his family to
pursue a career in music.
After Miguel steals de la Cruz's guitar on Dia de los Muertos, he is transported to
the realm of the dead.
Believing de la Cruz is his great great grandfather, Miguel ventures to find him in hopes of receiving
his blessing to return to the living world.
Getting to the mega-celeb is a hell of a challenge.
But luckily his new pal Hector agrees to help him in exchange for putting up Hector's
photo on his family's ofrenda— a shrine with pictures of departed ancestors— so
that he's not forgotten and is able to visit the land of the living to see his daughter.
Stuff happens and it turns out that Miguel's great-great-grandfather is not Ernesto, but,
Hector, whose beloved daughter is Miguel's great-grandmother, Coco.
De la Cruz murdered Hector, stole his songs, his guitar, and ultimately, his chance to
be remembered by his family.
Miguel returns to the land of the living, sparks Coco's memory of her father by singing,
puts Hector's picture on the ofrenda, and they all live— or die?-- happily ever after.
As evidenced by the number of hipster sugar skull tattoos I see in L.A., many Americans
are fascinated by Dia de los Muertos, and Coco isn't the first animated film that
makes use of that setting.
In 2014, 20th Century Fox put out a movie called The Book of Life, which also features
a boy who eschews family tradition to pursue music, is transported to the land of the dead
on Dia de los Muertos, and requires the help of his ancestors to return to the world of
the living.
Even though these films feature similar plots, they couldn't be more different in their
portrayal of death.
In The Book of Life, Manolo's dead ancestors basically exist only to assist him in his
journey and give the producers an excuse to cast Ice Cube.
"You are writing your own story."
Death is presented as something
static— once you're dead, that's it.
If you're remembered by your family, you get to party, and if you're forgotten, you're
a sad sack of shit, but either way, you're dead.
Coco elevates this concept by introducing a second kind of death beyond the biological—
the symbolic death of being forgotten.
Once there is no one alive who remembers you, you disappear from the land of the dead, passing
away a second time.
That second death is brought on solely through relationships to others.
In Coco, it is people's memories that mark the difference between life and death.
An interesting way to think about this is through the lens of philosopher Jean Baudrillard,
who talks about death as a kind of social relation.
The Western cultural understanding of death has been filtered through science to the point
where we now think of death as a primarily biological phenomenon.
Once your heart stops and your fingers start rotting, you're dead.
Baudrillard compares this to certain non-Western cultures in which death has a symbolic relation
of exchange with the living— in these cultures, not only is death something both given and
received by the living, but the dead can give and receive as well.
Coco explores this system of mutual exchange between the living and the dead.
Miguel needs the help of his relatives to return to the land of the living, but they
need his help as well.
Hector makes a deal with Miguel to bring his photo to the ofrenda in exchange for his assistance
getting home, and on Dia de los Muertos, the other living characters interact with their
ancestors despite not being able to see them.
They eat at the gravesites, bring offerings, and authentically honor those who have passed.
It's only the exchange that occurs on Dia de los Muertos that prevents the dead from
experiencing the second, honestly way more terrifying, death that happens when you are
no longer remembered.
Baudrillard says that, in most Western societies, that kind of two-way exchange between the
living and the dead doesn't exist.
"The dead" aren't a group that the living interact with, and the more a society is obsessed
with "rationality," the less of a role dead people play.
Among the dead people we do remember, we put them on money and on posters and learn about
them in history class, but we don't think of it in terms of a relationship.
We don't expect anything from the dead, and we don't offer them anything either.
Even the idea of that sounds pretty wild.
But this removal of the dead from our social interactions changes the shape of the culture.
Eventually, Baudrillard says, when the dead don't interact with the living, they become
We see this obliteration in Coco, when individuals stop existing once they no longer have living
relatives to participate in that exchange of remembrance and celebration and care.
Chicharrón, the only person we witness experiencing that second death, doesn't leave a body
behind, the way he certainly did in his biological death.
His skeleton fades, and all that's left of him is a guitar and a bunch of junk in
a hammock.
But while memory might be enough to save the dead from permanent extinction, they suffer
when they aren't able to return to the living and interact with their family.
"I just had a really hard Dios Los Muertos and I could really use an amigo right now."
Memory matters, but the living have to be willing to give something more
than that.
For Baudrillard, this give-and-take between life and death would mean that dying and being
born are not necessarily opposites, they're part of this big system of exchange as well,
and death can be traded for life via social interactions.
And although he's not talking about Coco— although we wish he was— Hector's shift from being
forgotten to being celebrated among his descendents is, in a sense, a kind of rebirth.
Although he hadn't quite crumbled into dust yet, he's at risk of being obliterated the
moment Coco forgets him,
and the spark of her memory brings him back to life, even though,
biologically, he's still dead as a doornail.
When Coco herself eventually dies, she is reunited with her parents in the land of the
dead— she's their child again, even though she looks about twice their age combined.
With them, she makes her journey back to the land of the living for their yearly visit.
The fruitful exchange of Dia de los Muertos still involves Coco, but from the other side
of the ofrenda.
There's a reason that people cry when Miguel sings "Remember Me" at the end of the film.
It's a moment of connection between Coco and her long-gone father, but it's also
a command to all of us to not forget the dead.
The performance of the song brings symbolic life back to Hector, but the words of the
song itself celebrate the importance of life beyond death.
For a kid's movie, that's pretty damn profound, although coming from Pixar, we wouldn't
expect anything less.
Coco gives us all the good stuff— sweeping musical scores
and shots so colorful it's like shooting up a box of Crayolas.
But it also makes us think.
Is true death when your heart stops beating or when there's nothing left of you in people's
Is the mark you leave on the world really its own kind of immortality?
Thanks for watching, guys.
Hope you loved Coco as much as we did. Peace.
For more infomation >> Pixar's Coco: Philosophy of Death – Wisecrack Quick Take - Duration: 8:35.-------------------------------------------
Ys VIII Full Playthrough (Part 1) - Duration: 59:59.
there we go is it gone now its resting on the pillow seems to me yeah it's gone
okay so this is the level of vibration absorption I need apparently it's gone
again cool right but the problem is now let me show you some fine you can see
the mic here yeah but let me show you from my perspective my screen so one
second so this is obviously a slight problem this is this might this might be
an issue maybe what do you guys think
yeah that could be the issue yeah sorry I said oh I should have planned for all
this crap before the stream started I'll tell you what let me let me put the mic
to the side so great every line of room to hang on a second camera has actually
been moved yeah I'll fix that I think I've been moved there we go is that
better now is the audio better is a vibration gone
I never understand this crap I'm like directly in front of the mic and yet the
camera is like off to the left or something that better
could I just post a link on Amazon to a good mic stand
that is hella cheap and can hold the yay just just post it and even if it says
delete it I'll be able to read it okay so right let's switch the game to the
yz8 from in real life so Yi's 8 so family guys there's 22 viewers already
watching this game so we've basically now almost doubled the amount of viewers
for this game yeah right and 12 totals clearly 12 viewers for
this game yeah let's see the lead link so let's take a look e lookie by the way
guys I don't know if you saw under the stream I actually do have an interactive
link now to my my setup and a couple of other devices I do intend to buy so if
you want to click on that Amazon affiliate links let me know $12
is there a UK link for this dozen product description this land is not
suitable for blue Yeti USB ma it's not
we'll worry about that later I guess hope whoops hey rain hero how you doing
anyway let's just start this game let's see audio English or do I want
audio Japanese French French okay just brutal one shirt here yeah it's the only
French word on yeah I think it is bakery oh I didn't click confirm' on my album
eco long also hear that micro first
this is pre now I've heard that the soundtrack for this game is amazing funk
ooh n guys it's the audio for the game fine or do I need to make it louder can
you hear them either clearly over my voice as long as it's loud enough so it
come here should be fun why is a loud enough for that louder ok
not better
I like the music already
how about now poker
can't believe ft is my flippin pillow to absorb the sound
yeah anyway you came so guys what mode shall I do easy normal
hard nightmare or inferno infernal earthly Lowell
okay so easy for those who have difficulty with action games a friendly
mode that's easy to pick up and play not is awkward yeah or you're just baby 10
not even 10 because 10 yours are pretty good against unless you're 5 a standard
difficulty for those who want to enjoy the story in action equally ok hard mode
for those who decide the Phil above action and grinding recommended for
experienced players of the e-series nightmare and extremely unreasonable
difficulty only true masters stand a chance of overcoming this challenge and
then inferno a cruel difficulty beyond nightmare with
the following restrictions empty bottles are one-time use maximum item limit
enemies move faster huh we're gonna do normally I sense furnace as I thought I
do harder yeah if an awful first fight and then rage quit yeah so this latest
for loading screen during math transitions all times will slightly
I don't do two because the tips can be they can be distracting if it's like
what's it called tales of the Carrie you say just now can be changed during the
game via the options menu okay that artwork is really pre though isn't it so
I checked on the PlayStation Network yesterday there was about three streams
of this I'm surprised this it's a really good game it's a good game series anyway
even so we all must face that moment when we realize there is a fate beyond
humanity can when it happens to you how will you react humanity is most
beautiful when it pushes itself to its limit written fundamental don't know how
so I hope to personify this belief myself but even now decades later with
verve for doing what I could not I dull a family of dolls like a long-standing
character so apparently this game is based on the idea that a bunch of people
of marooned on a Lost Island and you have to basically work together to get
off the island that's the story of the game how long it
takes to finish I don't know I'm just here for the action RPG element the fun
finding us the southeast Greek the Cote see
apparently the e-series has been going on just as long as Final Fantasy we're
going on for like 30 years
guys is it just me or is it slight lynching on the audio is like cutting in
an hour for a split second
now I was going to get this game on PC the pump on Steve but it's been delayed
so it did update to 12 so apparently today I've had 12 subs so thank you guys
I guess a lot of you renewed today I
thought that was just my side none as I could I can hear it as well anything I
can hear you guys probably will hear as well I saw that do any of you guys know
about the E Series no I've never heard of it
you too
now there is some glitching
the other way to do it would be if I disabled the audio for the old gato
we stood against lioness suffered so then that audio glitching shouldn't be
happening misson let me just do that because I
think now I'm gonna rage okay immunity Algarve now we're gonna use
line in and because there it's like instant capture should be fine
okay so can you guys still hear it it should be capturing it from my desktop
now no from the mobile device
okay always thing inside the hold feels suffocating how fat looks pretty good on
you I've been hired to load all the luggage you've been hired as a temporary
sailor yeah they like the music is so much
louder than the voice acting let us on board till we reach a reason exchange
for doing the yes there's meeting in Vegas we're
killing three birds with one stone
okay we need to thank the captain we should save up while we can
you seem to be getting it you're right adventuring can be expensive anyway it
looks like we can head to our destination as soon as we arrive in port
I do love the style of games I already do and there is animated I just love to
see farewell dis Andrea as we greet our new adventure yeah I'm
looking forward to it partner
I'm looking forward to the combat so the games to compare this to with the likes
order online or tails off basically
so lady the sir
anyway the wind blows I'm thinking about that right now 20 years old you're still
eager for adventure yeah I mean xx young light once had been better if we
traveled off the western coast of Africa Africa right I'm going to reach out they
said I'm on how you do a long time
what's going on gosh you
I wonder if the characters will be as memorable as tales of zestiria raw
between the kingdom of argot Roman Empire right only ships of the Roman II
can sail into that part of the sea you're known as an adventurer but I
didn't think you were that reckless well being around him is always entertaining
we add all the trots about finds adventure yeah
want to come with us gosh you why not I'll pass
dammit by the way your break is almost over
help by the way get back to work okay I'll get back to work
my brain and my mother fmz later adults
what should I do should I help in the hole - Barbara I was told to send you to
the captains quarters what's your job with spinach go the captain's orders are
located at the after part of the deck please please visit ok so now we have to
go see the captain
right so move with the owl stick talk with ex search press X when that
magnifying glass appears okay let's see evasion hold to that a1 adventure sorry
Adventure Gear is l2 I am screen as are to access skills and
flash guard is r1 switch is Square target lock or Marcus triangle jump is
circle attack is X camera reset r3 camera movement are and move L and then
change our tactics toggle mini-map size ok and then press extra skill press r1
while holding l1 okay so how to use downloadable content that loadable
content will display in the item menu DLC tab selecting content from the list
of present next to open a content that you open is added to your inventory oh
yeah you can guys you can buy a whole bunch of white armor sets and stuff but
I wanted to play the game before I worry about things like that okay so I got the
trophy new adventure so let's go see the captain
sailor Hello Sailor
barring north-northeast engage okay which one is the captain
captain Willis okay so you can just walk you can just
push yourself through doors Oh
Adam it's you thanks for coming why don't you take a seat first
I wonder one will see any actual anime to be honest that's all I want to see
now if I remember correctly you said you're an adventurer yeah and are you
aware of the Isle of siren no no never heard of it I see well there are a lot
of islands in the guy to see
it's famous for being difficult to navigate due to its many islands with
complicated coastlines we're up areas DePaul is that every ship
that approaches the island mysteriously sinks
huh that's the Isle of son okay that's kind of concerning
misteriously sinks yes the currents are difficult to navigate but the cause of
the sinking remains unknown about five years ago
bubbly light the traction from rom approached the island but the ship was
suddenly sucked into a calm scene there wasn't even a reef to run aground on the
siren is a beast from Grecian mythology that sink ships a fair enough the pirate
who named the island claimed that it is eternally cursed
so why would they want to go to a cursed island where all the ship sink
I didn't expect you to ask them but unfortunately no one in the world can
answer your question fair enough
that's because no one who has landed there has ever returned alive
sailors from the guy tastes II don't even know what kind of place it is so
they don't know if there's treasure they don't know if there's any reason to go
there I want to at least see it
the can't go near the island but I'll let you know what we're passing biked
looks like I sparked a flame in your adventurous spirit this topic is
something I always bring up to new sailors
when I told Kashi he got so scared he wouldn't even come out of his quarters
let's see so jumping back from my suggestion for mic stand I wanted you to
know that that model uses a normal hand mic Sam but all you have to do is remove
the screw for plastic piece and screw that into the Yeti then the ATM into the
adapter is the adapter that holds our hands by Stan Baba now the thing is xyla
life I I don't want to buy something and then have to effectively manufacture it
myself I want is just to be plug-and-play you know I mean I have
high hopes for you money is not the issue
it's just that does it do the job very much
they say yesterday one hour chop chopping in my mind if you do this long
it was like favor to ask you every time this you're saying oh you've got this
down with prymaat discount this shop discount this shop and I was just like I
want shirts which I'm like I don't care about the like saving five now because
I'm gonna probably keep these clothes for the next four years
nine eight every time the chair takes on gas we throw a welcome party I want you
to attempt upon your security okay are there any friends
I'm just being cautious as long as the guest lives are in my hands
I want to be prepared I do wonder if these choices are making have an effect
lays talk to caution about the details of your duty duty see you later
I guys remember this that game did get 8 out of 10 from GameSpot to put in
perspective destiny - I'm captain Barbara I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for choosing the Lombardia for your tracks ship is 50
million long and has four masts is the largest ship of its class and it sails
between xandrie and a recent eventually I'll get into the combat guys I guess
it's just an extended intro when we go over the duties of security one more
time you must or the guest floor and the top deck just make sure no one does
anything frightening or suspicious if someone being threatening how long am I
supposed to look around
hmm let's see and you look around until I tell you it's okay if there are any
interesting guests go ahead and talk to them well no matter who you're talking
to there a guests and be respectful aye aye sir
someone's on board all right the captors greeting is about
to end I'll start right away by looking around the hold
see you later adult
yeah it's mostly kind of like say what you they want to hear and so they leave
you alone to get on with your daughter that will do for me everyone please
enjoy the rest of the evening and feel free to chat with me please have a
wonderful night
okay right camp menu saver mode accessible from the system the big press
the options barn wall to camp menu this book right so it's also same thing which
has been used let's talk yeah let's just go to the girl shall we seems
like we eat while standing I assume it means we can eat all we want alright I'm
going to EEE until it matches the ticket price sir I mean look how flipping like
form or g-string anyway nice ignore that let's don't do this dude so looking
around you can tell that all kinds of walks of life are on the lombardia
different social status and outfits this ship has an accepting heart
okay so accepts like sluts and cultured people at the same time
month it's been worth living for such a long time because I was able to ride the
ship this beautiful the food is delicious and I have nothing bad to say
the cheers to a wonderful night hahahahaha what a tasty rent blend the
drinking of blood drinking after a hard day's work is great next who is this
curly so I was able to enjoy a very thrilling time aboard abroad sorry and I
got this ticket for a Mars on the ship and one lucky a rezian woman okay I was
nervous about traveling across the sea but I'm really glad that my wife oh
sorry to see my wife happy like this this bliss I hope it lasts forever wife
a abusing a wife ah it's not that bad joining a feast with commoners after all
Oh high-class issue she is a he well-dressed man long fail riff Kappa
this abnormal combination comprises he we Diaz for a masterpiece
they the menial Haden why would the man have that style of hair I'm by the earth
not too shabby and he it looks like he's wearing a
dress maybe is skiing I suppose okay do we spoke entirely any other ships
available so I boarded this one I feel really bad for my family this isn't my
otama or anything but when I get back I'll try to recreate all the food served
here for now when that settled I need to start my
culinary research so Jen the general feeling is everyone's feeling positive
about this turn to see my lady so surprised that was quite the treat it's
a duty of this Butler to support my lady who is not well-traveled she can be
quite a handful okay so let's talk to him for this noble
looking man a rat thank you for the subdued I appreciate you as tags I four
guys thank you buddy
by the way guys it is 50% off subs so if you have not sub before then you
can get it for Half Price it means you can get $25 on for as little as $12 they
say that what are you just standing there for bring me a delicious feast and
I'm sorry noble guy is super what are you just standing there for
bring me a delicious feast OS although this is a large passenger ship but it's
like of course it's obvious oh damn I think you already know that the drinks
are for passengers only but leftover drinks are very very
different story well when I shit shift is up less great
like we always do next
let's say patrol duty huh it doesn't happen often but we sometimes have
stowaways well be careful right so I've spoken so adults who get
excited over a party are idiots I'm getting bored and sleepy I should check
out the hole so perhaps
I know perhaps our real in he's yeah thank you for the one bit dude it's got
that I got on board but down where could they be
if I'd known that this was going to happen I would have picked up a
rendezvous beforehand okay I think we spoken to everyone right okay
shall I
asaji go outside now so it looks like you're patrolling don't tell me you got
lost this is the tail end of the ship the hole and the captors room are over
there if you want to go to the hole use it as at the front of the ship okay so
I'm patrolling let's see if we can find any items or just rob the guests while
we're here so anyone have anything secret that they don't want to declare
oh it's quite a big ship okay so hey doesn't seem like you have to call
kitchen duty while you're patrolling perfect timing man oh and if it because
it said Maine over his head that means like main quest I mean aren't you just
trying to decide where to go for your next adventure
the ship is gigantic so I figured we could ask around to hear some
interesting stories if all goes well we might be able to pick our next
destination but if you hear anything interesting tell me later okay
so now I am just yeah for us to find
let's go through we went into all the rooms right I think we did
I'm just being sada in my investigation it was in the hold of the ship do a big
hole see them so this is the third class cabin we stay here - how was you at all
I heard you're on patrol duty how's that working out for you well when you finish
your rounds you're done for the day let's keep at it okay oh wow we can go
even further down
see anything by the way guys so I feel completely
forgot i pre-ordered the Destiny to collector's edition died they arrived
couple of days go whoopsy let's talk to the cow shall we
to this sailor ocassion see concerned about it seems to be no issues no
problematic passengers either problems are likely to happen on the day of
departure well I don't think there will be issues but please patrol the ship
let's talk to wit so we can talk to the animals
okay timid man we finally the part in boarding this wasn't in my plans maybe I
should have turned them down not like I could pop off Midway I hope I don't have
to do anything too demanding and you say anything or give me treasure
yes I'm just so used to like you know final fantasy just find treasures
everywhere Kingdom Hearts and so on
besides so the game is running at 1080p 60fps which is good news so for once
I do want the one that nice tails off games gonna come out I just hope they do
a better job with the dialogue okay changes mini-map size displays full map
screen was down okay so character search point treasure chest last past entry
food wood ingredients plan on or main story quests quest and other events
okay so yellow is the main story blue is normal quest rhiness other real voice
all tonight when it's difficult to navigate the main hall is hosting a
party but let's keep on our toes let's have you with us adult now I'm going to
assume that we have a fight ensued but that's usually how these questo ask you
a dull thank you for patrolling at night the stars are beautiful huh don't gaze
up with them too long and stumble off the deck so before we carry on the main
story quests let me just check the other end of the ship just to see if there's
any anything else
so dignified woman are this breeze feels good is so different from the tainted
air or wrong now it is pretty so it looks like you use a sword but never
mind wink this is such a calm and quiet mic I
shouldn't bring up such boorish things this PlayStation 4 exclusive now and
will be coming out on Steam as well but they delayed the steam release because
they wanted to make sure this done right
burnin it works perfectly on PlayStation son if you don't have a Playstation fine
go pc1 but the playstation for one it seems what's perfectly working the night
shift is tough I want it to be over already and the thing is as well fine
your PC's are a lot more powerful than PlayStation but these sort of graphics
needs to be an honored guest room less not going there okay these sort of
graphics it doesn't matter if it's 4k resolution it won't make it that much
won't make any better if you don't mean the texture quality is quite low it's
off to the custom it'll be a few days before we reach on X estimation so Union
port I would like to listen to your adventures when we have time for now the
tour the ship so yes sir you hear a voice from the Captain's Quarters
who's this is I found something nice now I'm officially part of the crew and to
the captains quarters okay
I'm discord if you want to join us a little go so oh it's you you're the one
like the new Sailor you may not know it but despite my looks I'm a seasoned
sailor okay
all right I'm gonna report to the captain why don't you clean a room or
something okay nice you're very obedient bye
so the girls footsteps disappear in the distance she seems to be gone okay so
let's just want the captain while we're here Thank You success little rods so
let's see if there's anything at this end on the ship nope okay so we've done
everything of everything so let's carry on the main story I don't think there's
anything left we could possibly do
what do you guys finger the music well boy haha the breeze feels nice great
weather and a clear starry sky wait for me beloved Crete I'm coming home right
so now
okay so I finished patrolling the ship so I just go back to the hall
yeah if I have to it's not really a choice at least the mini-map like says
exactly where to go
the man in black what do you want I'm confused
you're suspicious yeah you look suspicious is that what you say to
someone you're investigating yes no denying that
you know that I don't respect anyone who enters someone's room without permission
if you don't have any business and get out of you and try not to slam the door
when you close it okay okay so let's carry on I've talked to a lady who why
did he have to be on the ship geez always treating me like a helpless child
cut seed are we done hello how are you doing on Lookout iPhone all everyone
looks suspicious I see that's good well there are a lot of unique guests on
board the ocean is calm again today and the
ship is sailing smoothly by the way the captain was looking for you just now I
think he said something about passing through something soon he should be back
in the captain's cause by now why don't you go visit him I'll go right away ok
I'll look around for a bit longer so I need to go back to the captain bye
captain that means climb stairs back onto the deck
so I sort of might be later to show you my new suit ya know but I've already
showed everyone else know into the wrong end of the shit dammit
Oh leaving like forward roll can I run okay let me just practice all the
DLC okay so I'm a downloaded any DLC yeah adventure John okay so jump is
you can jump but you can't jump flyover edges or anything is not interactive
like that
ah here you are I'm sorry to bother you while you're working nothing important I
just wanted to let you know we're about to pass the area is in the that's why
the Isle of siren we were just talking about it the weather is great today so
you might be able to see the silhouette of the island the Isle of siren is about
500 square rim mail at the center there is a range of mountains are about 2,000
miles high we're about to pass by a figured you'd want to see it by the way
guys there is actually already a collector's edition of ninokuni 2
available sales hundred 60 quid and but it comes out in January so you have
fines the same if you want to get it well you know pity really really looking
so in January hopefully guys will be playing in okay what's going on I don't
know but it seems like we crashed into something it's impossible there's
nothing to run into in this area have you seen the combat yet no not yet I'm
assuming we're gonna we're about to because we just crashes this early
it seems like the typical RPG let's learn how to fight situation you're
still some distance from the island what could it be
what is that what was that this is very different E's origin
where any of you guys here when I play G's origin spike when I were streaming
on YouTube looks like a tentacle in the middle I pull the ship down we're being
attacked by the Kraken I was so let's see what the compacts
like but they said one of the reason this games here we get sprays is because
it does reinvent itself so I'm just gonna follow the same thing over and
over again okay we have a fight I asked you but what did I do to you giant
tentacle to fake this because it gets impaled with it
by godly the ISIS blades using the piss okay I sort of follow you
okay so x2 attack triangle to lock on to a target camera will follow the enemy
enemy information and weaknesses will display change the targets with our and
final table
okay it made enemy attacks with l1 use it gods dangerous attack
we're practicing how's the dog come on
it's like halfway there the press circles the jump press X while jumping
to attack a strike while ascending or descending from all different attack
maybe that
so far so good
okay so we can days if we attack it is about
okay we want yeah well fuck already
thanks babe
thank you yeah is it gonna reveal that like 50 other time they call this that
think this looks good yeah yeah the combat in these games is
really really one with giant squid or something as I absolutely love these
origins one of the mods if you don't Sam if we calm guys you can see my fault
play Goofy's origin if you want to check it out at some point
okay now there's like six of them
Athena's watts how far the reason this game is also highly is because of like
it's just really really fun with like
we're gonna end up on the island on the sequence is a foregone conclusion
no I'm gonna help you too arrogant
the little kids Oh
you're serious right
so the point is the ship is great guys great
God look at that
Oh anime
that's two moons
it's so pretty
okay you're watching yeah
the femur is good right
so guys it might look jittery like on the Swede but that's exactly what I'm
seeing on the PlayStation as well the anime itself is just jittery for some
is this a way of saying that yeah you're going to enjoy this game
and we're gonna get to fight dragons as well
yes we saw it the Kraken think it looks like a ride hey chapter 1 the Isle of
siren we'll see if I enjoy this more than tales of so what did he say
so the siren song seen it yeah a little 61 done yeah so long as either all the
same game must be honest pretty much where am I looks like I washed ashore
sorry too much seawater there's no sign of people the sound of waves crashing is
the only thing that is echoing in my ears this is the voice of his inner
conscience by the way oh hello so we got the trophy night on the great
scene so there's fishing in this game by the way did you guys have another theme
not to level let's search the shore a little more okay we can't go too far
this way okay let's go our sword did this wash up on
the shore and old sword sticking up from the ground would you like to take it yes
but you picked up the rusted sword and equipped it so I'm gonna assume that you
know we were doing like 400 per attack
so yeah throughout yeah rather than try to be friends let's just attack kill
house easy so don't look why the new skill during the PAL the skills are
unleashed by using SP skills I learned through battle set them via this skill
from the camp menu to r1 plus a bun okay fair enough fair enough
so gayness be by attacking land a charge attack to gain a lot of SP normal attack
if you stop attacking your power will charge press X for a charge attack you
gain massive SP take more the power your power will charge okay hold r1 and press
any other things to unleash ourselves a skill okay so after a sign of them you
have to be on guard from now on you should set your skills just in case okay
so skills menu let's set it to circle I guess sonic slide so says Russia's the
enemy and delivers a quick slice okay I
like the menus menus are cool so we've been adrift so long your body is
exhausted it's dangerous to stay here you should get going I do wonder if like
doing this on the infernal difficulty like that fight will just lose or it'd
be really hard to do
big tree is blocking the path it doesn't seem like it will budge
I love the music okay nice so there isn't anything there isn't any weird
like fight ignition or anything like that
the fight just starts you can just run and slash and attack them straight away
which is good news okay look this is the fishing holes I was telling you about
but we'll get back to that later
but if anything that sort of white screen showering or a slight delay
before combat starts is actually really annoying so I'm happy they also got rid
of that policy 15 so they'll quenched his first with the clear water from the
river he felt the water sinking into his body he felt quite relief so stand still
while out on the field to gradually recover HP okay you will not recover
inside dungeons so bring medicine
shall we keep going now and the screen say bye
I think you have more fishing holes so I said we can see fishing holes all over
the place but don't have to worry about
we can jump over that like Swiper attack there got a thin hide okay it looks like
a plan I could have gathered
so far so good and I am solid rock hard so basically
this is like East origin but from a much closer angle which is great
ah okay so you can actually cut these fruits off the trees
okay so if I stand still I recover house
right so much bullshit yeah so you can see the bottom right of
the screen you can see the whole bar like flying up
hey that's carry-on
this way
Izzie's origins well playing I would say it is yeah it's very very fun I finished
all game it's very challenging it was a little bit frustrating up a point
brothers but but they can baby is it gonna be like Zorro just I starts
slashing ahead cloak that whoops that nudity
it's a rage was that a slap that I just got
we just got onto the naked lady part why a meant always
that's the best first impression I look
I apologize for making you wait that ass
Lexia Maxie
let us introduce our first chef before the sightseeing I'm a daughter of the
noble rothwell family from Ghana this ship I was on safe and I directed
to shore near here who are you from the look of your clothes you must be a stay
within the Lombardi Missoula Maithili an adventurer an adventurer don't try to
fool me
fair enough as part of the crew of that ship you need to explain to me what
about the legend of wireless siren tell about the darn technical data so told
her about the giant tentacles that attacked embody you said your name was a
doll correct so you're telling me that those giant
tentacles attacked and destroyed our ship yep story she doesn't believe
anything again fight for cider
well then we have a boss on my hands whoa she must push you around a bit
yeah well I'm already almost are we gonna practice potty play now leave this
to me
from someone like you so balls
right I'll ice a bathrobe you some will feel critical damage to vulnerable
enemies slash is effective against soft quality enemies Pierce's against aerial
enemies strike effective against armored enemies Vulcan viability means poor
damage output
okay so a type with effective attributes to break opponents my damaged what slows
defense is slash damage for slow as defense ground applies like
What Happens If You Build Outside of the Map? | How Far Can You Build? (Fortnite Battle Royale) - Duration: 4:16.
a Wacom are offering cheaper gift cards than what they're actually worth in your
local store you basically use this for a fortnight to get cheaper view books or
anything you want this use code Chico at checkout for a discount and click the
link in the description
what's going on everybody rate Chico here and I am back with another
fortnight video to the channel for you guys
but before you get into this video I'm gonna be announcing I'm going to be
giving away 6000 V books to a very lucky winner and all you got to do in a chance
to win these V books is go down and smash up like on the video subscribe if
you guys are new to the channel and hit that Bell icon to be notified every time
I do upload a video and only got to do is just comment down your PSN your steam
name or your GT if you're on any one of those consoles because this is a
universal giveaway on this channel so in today's video we were to be seeing if we
could build outside the map of fortnight literally just go to the edge of the
world and start building and see if that kind of works see how far you can get
when you build outside of the map alright before we actually do build I'm
trying to get a lot of materials so we can actually build okay we have a decent
amount material so I'm gonna go to the edge of the map and now see if I can
build from here
bro this is so weird like I'm actually building
bro what the you can actually build outside the math that's how far we can
okay I kind of ran out of materials I thought I just started a new game
but I kind of a bad idea there's a lot of people around here craps gonna drop
over here okay hopefully no one actually sees me I should have waited for the bus
to take us to the other side of the map I have almost about 500 wood we have two
hard you go for the safe zone closers okay guys we're gonna build her here
let's go
right here's fine oh my god let's see how far I can get I
think we're gonna get stopped by the edge on the map as you can see you get
stopped by it dude we didn't get stopped by it
well how far can you actually build oh my god guys look at this golf RI
bills oh my god oh I guess it's like infinite oh shoot
the storms coming in actually really don't know how far you can build this is
crazy okay guys if you know how far you can build outside the map just tell me
to on the comments below if you have tried it or like you know like the exact
amount you could build maybe like a hundred or something but yeah guys if
you know the exact amount that you can build outside this now please tell me
down in the comments if you guys do know I used over 500 pieces of wood and it's
and it still keeps going on forever alright we really don't know how far you
can actually build outside the map but your friends about this video make sure
to smash that like button down below and if you guys want to see more videos like
this or if you guys want to see me actually going like as far as they can
outside the map then make sure to enter into the giveaway if you haven't already
alright this is Ray Chico I'll see you guys in my next video peace
Frigid weather moves into NH - Duration: 1:27.
INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your Self Image - POWERFUL Technique to Create AUTHENTIC SELF CONFIDENCE! - Duration: 8:23.
🎮 Sago Mini Space Explorer - Fun for Kids & Babys Space Adventure Games - Duration: 8:47.
🎮 Sago Mini Space Explorer - Fun for Kids & Babys Space Adventure Games
Video: More cold air through the weekend 12/28/17 - Duration: 3:34.
Candied Nuts in a Ball Bag, Really - Duration: 6:15.
Hello InnerTubers, Let's go nuts!
It's party time, right?
[celebration cheering]
My Granny always told me that party time was any time people got together. Fuck, yeah!
Now, New Year's Eve is the perfect time for a bunch of nuts to get together, right?
And I have just the thing for you to fix.
Just like the cookie dip, you can make this if you're a fucking moron at cooking.
I promise.
It's fast as fuck, well, except for the one hour in the slooooow oven.
We're gonna make a New Year's Eve treat for nuts.
That's what she said.
Don't go there.
This is truly the simplest recipe ever.
And homemade is always best.
You can look like a hero with only a little bit of work.
I've told you before, and you know you can find the recipe down in the description.
How many times have I told you that you lay out all your tools and all your ingredients
ahead of time.
It just makes cooking so much easier.
Look how lovely.
Everything is already laid out, ready to work.
You turn on the oven.
Low heat.
So that can heat up while you mix all this shit together.
I'm going to attempt a double batch, and I only have one cookie sheet with parchment
paper on it.
I'm gonna try how it does on these silicone liners.
Everything is an adventure in my kitchen.
Step #1: you combine the sugar . . .
with the cinnamon . . .
with the salt . . .
in a plastic bag
and you shake that shit for within an inch of its life.
Fuck, yeah.
Now, if I have to teach you how to separate egg whites from egg yolks, you're on the
wrong video, dear.
Really, you just flip 'em back and forth in the shell.
This is 4 egg whites.
Two different 2 tablespoons of water for a total of 4.
One full teaspoon of vanilla.
That shit is nectar of the gods.
Now, you get to whisk it.
Now, there's no way in hell that I'm going to get 2 pounds of pecans in a little-ass
bowl like this, so it's time to bring out the big guns.
Me and my famous big-ass bowl.
When I wrote the recipe for this for my cookbook, which will be out soon, I said you have to
coat them to get 'em all slimey.
It doesn't take very much time to get these all slimey and coated.
Here's a little tip, InnerTubers.
When you're gonna put liquid shit into a plastic bag and then you have to zip it shut,
roll down the edges.
Nice and clean.
And, it'll stand up on its own.
Fuck, yeah.
Slotted spoon so that shit drips out.
Now the trick to getting the sugar and the cinnamon to go evenly all over the pecans,
you gotta leave plenty of air in the bag.
All right, you fuckers, I'm gonna shake some sense into you.
Ohhh, ho ho ho, look.
I'm gonna fold this over again.
Take my own advice.
It's important that you spread these out so that everything dries uniformly.
I've got a little secret for you.
Make sure that these fuckers don't sit on top of one another, because they're going
to bake, not reproduce.
Man, this is like separating teenagers on prom night.
What the fuck.
No No No, no sneaking out in the corner of the gym.
That's not allowed.
Okay, so it takes a little bit of time, but it's totally worth it.
Like a lot of good things in life.
I think I'll send a message to my pancreas now to just shut the fuck up.
I know some people like to put cayenne pepper in these?
Fuck no!
Sweet and hot?
That's like the title of a bad porn flick, for fuck's sake.
No bait and switch.
It's either sweet or it's hot. Not both.
Pop that shit in the oven.
So, now you can go take a nap and get ready for the party.
So, I had a nice little nap while these did their nice hot slow sweet thing.
Look, I separated them.
I have about 4 more trays just like this.
I wanna show you how you can really be a hero to your host.
A jar . . . you can buy a whole fucking box of these things for, I don't know, 9 bucks
or something?
Or one of these disposable containers.
You gather them all up.
It's really something small.
It doesn't have to be big to be thoughtful.
Doesn't that look lovely?
I'll put some more in here from the next batch, and if you can afford to be a little
more generous?
A little bit or a little more, it's the thought, fuckers.
There have to be 90,000 different ways to eat these fuckers.
In a salad, on some ice cream, out of the box?
Your host is gonna love you.
They are MEGA-TITS.
If I had had a little more time to shop, I would have bought a smaller bag, but suppose
what happens when you go up to your hostess and you say, "Oh, look!
I have some nuts for you.
Candied nuts.
In a ball bag."
So, that's about it, InnerTubers.
Sweet candied nuts.
In a ball bag if you like.
I wanna thank tinysponsor for helping to make this video possible.
You know, if you're a creator, and you have not thought about tinysponsor, you should.
And if you'd like to sponsor something I'm gonna do, well, there's a link.
You know where.
Down below.
I wanna send a special thanks to all my people on Patreon.
It's been a wonderful couple of months, and I hope you continue to stay with me.
And, if you haven't checked out my Patreon, well, you need to do that.
And, for sure, for sure, for sure, follow on the Facebook, and subscribe on the YouTube
and send me some love.
I love your comments, and one of these days, I just may pick a random winner.
Ya just never know.
But, you have to watch to the end to find out.
You know the deal.
[kiss] Granny Loves You.
트와이스 나연 성형 코 의혹사진, 나연 몸매, 과거 사진 공개!!|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:05.
2017 Entertainment You Need To See: 'Get Out,' 'Girls Trip' And More | TODAY - Duration: 7:14.
우울증에 걸린 사실도 모른 채 우울증을 앓는 사람들|HYA TV - Duration: 10:07.
New Video: One Wish for NYE - A Romantic Kiss From Justin Bieber At Midnight - Duration: 3:17.
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Made up story claims Selena Gomez one wish for nice romantic kiss from Justin Bieber a made-up story
From Hollywood Life claim Selena Gomez is one wish for New Year's Eve is a romantic kiss from Justin Bieber
But no one close to the singer actress actually told his site that she's called the worst about a desire to kiss her boyfriend
gossip cop can bust this fake exclusive
Hollywood leaves as it's also known is purporting to have exclusive details on how Gomez wants to ring in the New Year
What it has however isn't very detailed at all a so-called source is quoted as saying
Selena has one wish for her New Year's Eve party plans and that is to get a romantic kiss from Justin at midnight after
A rocky year and lots of family drama surrounding Christmas selena is eager to spend her New Year's Eve with Justin
Nothing about that is particularly insightful a revelatory
Everyone knows Gomez has had a rocky year
And it's been well documented that there was family drama surrounding Christmas
It's also hardly
Groundbreaking to assert a woman wants to spend New Year's Eve with her boyfriend and get a romantic kiss at midnight
We wouldn't think she wanted a friendly one in another
Obviously manufactured quote the way Boyd's supposed snitch contends when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve
Selena wants to be with her man wherever that may be
So she can feel his arms wrapped around her and get a sweet kiss from him as 2018 begins
Hollywood Lee's regularly pretends to have
exclusives on how stars get intimate with each other as if any real sources close to them would be publicly talking about such things and
Most notably the blog never actually says just where the couple will be for the holiday
There was similarly no specifics offered earlier this month when the outlet ran an exclusive about Gomez and Bieber's
supposedly epic New Year's Eve plan and in addition to the aforementioned flaws in this
Concocted new story Paulo weebly's further shows that it's far from being in the loop when it maintains Gomez's mom
Mandy TP was hospitalized after learning about how serious Gelinas relationship has become
Mandy and Selena got into a heated discussion over Justin causing Mandy to check herself into a hospital
Teeth they didn't actually check into a hospital, and it was not a dispute over Bieber that led her to seek medical treatment
Gomez's family issues go far beyond Beiber
Halloween Dee's would know that if it actually had inside access to Gomez's world
But since it doesn't this made-up exclusive is comprised of obvious guesses
She wants to kiss her boyfriend on New Year's and misinformation
TT was hospitalized, and it's due de beber. This is exactly why she's called the online publication the rules
'My Husband's Gonna Die!' New Grandma Loves Her Ambush Makeover | TODAY - Duration: 5:36.
Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton's Crimes are Much Worse Than Anyone Thought. - Duration: 3:30.
Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton's Crimes are Much Worse Than Anyone Thought.
"In politics nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
The news today is that James Comey revealed classified information in the memos he leaked.
There is nothing new here so why has it suddenly gone mainstream?
For the answer you have to know the players.
First, Comey knows too much.
He did his best to navigate the swamp while he was the F.B.I. director but Washington's
criminal elite now needs a fall guy and his handling of the Clinton email investigation
angered people on both sides of the political divide so he's the perfect sacrificial lamb.
Trey Gowdy, one of Washington's few legitimate men of integrity and a frequent critic of
Jim Comey recently said:
"I've had plenty of differences with Jim Comey, I want to be really clear about that,
but I think history is going to be much kinder to Comey over his July press conference [in
which he declined to prosecute Hillary] than the Democrats were when he had it.
I think he had access to information that, because he's a stand-up guy who's not
going to decimate classified information, although God knows everyone else is, he's
not going to [release] it even if it casts him in a negative light."
Gowdy is talking about something we reported almost two months ago.
After working the case for over a year Comey realized that damned near the entire government
was involved.
One agent with intimate knowledge of the case characterized Comey's dilemma this way:
"There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down.
People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is.
The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine
as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level
""…This case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and
then we would be one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other
It is a very tense and uncomfortable position."
Comey chose to avoid a "massive sh*tstorm," as the agent characterized it, that would've
resulted from exposing the entire globalist power structure.
That is why Comey allowed Hillary and everyone close to her to scrub and then destroy their
personal computers and devices rather than conduct a proper investigation in accordance
with standard F.B.I. collection of evidence procedures.
The only thing that stood in the way of Comey succeeding in protecting the Clintons' criminal
syndicate was the NYPD discovery of Anthony Weiner's laptop that had almost all of the
evidence that Comey has sought to eviscerate.
While it's true that Comey is a dirty cop who should not be forgiven for turning his
back on his responsibility to ferret our corruption wherever he found it, that is not the reason
he's now the target of Washington's swamp.
Quite the opposite is the reason, in fact.
Clinton co-conspirators are growing more and more desperate to stop President Trump from
fulfilling his campaign promise to drain the swamp and James Comey – who knows where
all of the skeletons are hidden – must be discredited prior to cutting a deal to tell
Trump's investigators what they want to know in order to save his own bacon.
Whatever we suspected about the Clintons' criminal actions, Trey Gowdy just told us
it's a whole lot worse than we ever imagined.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Predictions For 2018 - ft. Alexander Mell-Taylor - Duration: 4:16.
Hello world. We're "Live for my Couch." Today, I wanted to give you my
predictions for what will happen in US politics in 2018. If during this video
you have a question or just want to know what I'm doing for New Year's, reach out
to me @therealConSpot on Twitter or Instagram, using the #LFMCqus. So
what do I think is going to happen politically this year inside the United
States? Let's start with the really obvious. The effects of global warming will be
even worse this year. This year broke records for having some of the hottest
months since the advent of record keeping, and marked the first time three
category four hurricanes made landfall within the continental United States.
What's more, the two years prior also broke records. 2016 actually being
the warmest thus far. We have every reason to believe this trend will
unfortunately continue. And speaking of global warming, this will probably be the
year Republicans start giving a shit about it. Fall of 2017 was rough for the
south. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria wrecked territories in
southern states like Florida and Texas. These states have traditionally pooped
out climate change deniers like Governor Rick Scott and Texas
Representative Lamar Smith, but with the stakes for their constituents rising
it's doubtful that those leaders will be able to keep those beliefs and still
hold on to power. Another prediction is that a democratic outsider will begin
using people's concern over automation as a rallying call for change, and will
gain popular support in the process. Right now, political leadership within
the Democratic Party has ignored the disruptive effects Automation has and
will continue to have on our economy, and largely focused on spurring economic
growth and job creation. It's my belief that a democratic outsider will begin
using the fear of automation to bolster their own profile. Who that leader is
remains to be seen, but keep an eye out. Also in this realm, Congress is going to
pass a law this year to standardize the regulation of self-driving cars.
Tesla, Uber, and Google all have working prototypes that are driving real-life
humans in cities and towns across America. The technology is there and they
need legislation to take testing to the next level. If the tax bill has taught us
anything, it's that big money passes legislation, and boy does Google have it.
Something else to keep an eye out for is talk of universal basic income, which is
the belief that citizens should be entitled to a regular amount of funds
irrespective of their age or employment. Several countries have rolled
out test policies, and we are going to have the preliminary data for those
tests, which policymakers will use to advocate for against this policy. Expect
some of your lawmakers to have a position on this policy as early as
February. I have included links for you to read up on it below. Moving on, it's my
belief that Democrats will recapture the house and possibly the Senate (although
the latter chamber is less likely). Donald Trump's victory spurred an unprecedented
wave of activism among the Left. Victories in the Virginia State
Legislature as well as Doug Jones claiming Jeff Sessions Senate seat in
Alabama, should have Republicans very worried about preserving their
supermajority. If Democrats do make ground, the margin is still going to be
very close, and the Democratic majority will most likely not be filibuster proof.
Also, I'm calling it now, Donald Trump will fire Mueller before the
investigation hits his son Donald Trump Jr. or his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Mueler
appears to be circling in on the Trump family, and as with the termination of
FBI director James Comey, the 45th president has shown that he has what it
takes to survive. The public's reaction to this decision is hard to predict. The
worst-case scenario is a series of riots across the United States. The best case
scenario is mass displays of civil disobedience. It will probably be a
combination of the two. Lastly, expect the far right to further
militarize. The right is infamous for its stockpiling of guns and the formation of
independent militias, but for a long time they were held at bay by a respect for
existing institutions. That respect has all but dissolved with support for
congress, banks, and newspapers at all-time lows. As the Left prepares to
retake political power, expect the right to become more violent in both its
rhetoric and actions. For those of you still here, if you have any additional
thoughts on this issue, I'd love to hear from you. Post them below or reach out to
me @therealConSpot on Twitter or Instagram using the #LFMCqus.
That's all for today. This video was made possible by donors over at Patreon. If you
like what you see, consider becoming a patron. A link is in the description. If
you have an idea for a show or want to do one yourself, reach out to me @therealConSpot
@therealConSpot via social media. I'm Alex Mell-Taylor and this has been an episode of
"Live from my Couch." Someone will see you next week.
¡Brillos y lentejuelas para todo tipo de cuerpos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:01.
Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber Dating News: Pair Receives Christian Couples Therapy - Duration: 2:20.
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Justin bieber dating news pear receives christian couples therapy justin bieber and selena gomez have
Decided to take christian couples therapy after having a conflict, about, someone's past
Multiple sources have confirmed two people that justin and selena are receiving couples counseling
From hillsong pastor carl length even though the two have yet to confirm that they are back together
Sources say they just want to work on their relationship with the church's help
According to a source close to selena the couple, wants to make sure they, won't go back to their old habits they
Don't want to repeat the same patterns as before they've clearly, had, issues in the past so they're receiving
Some guidance from carl said the source
Tmz reports that the trigger for justin and selena to take couples counseling from pastor carl
Was the, sorry singer contacting his ex haile baldwin
When justin told selena that he contacted highly to make amends for his faults in their short
Relationship the wolf singer wasn't happy
About it after fighting over the incident this is when the pair finally decided to try couples counseling even
Though, the lovebirds have been working to become closer to each other their relationship might have, brought a
Gap between selena and her mother mandy tp several people have noticed that both mother and daughter
unfollowed each other on instagram
Sparking speculations that the two are not in good terms because of selena's relationship with justin
However a source revealed that the issues between selena and mandy are more than just
Involving justin it's more complicated than just fighting over a guide the source revealed adding
That this isn't the first time for selena and mandy to have this kind of fight at the moment
Selena just wants to give mandy, some time to herself but in regards to her relationship with. Justin
Alena, wishes that her mother and the rest of her family could be happy prefer and trust heard their decisions
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