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For more infomation >> SP _Cómo mirar navegar o borrar el historial de búsqueda en YouTube. - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
2018 scooter Suzuki Impulse will have version 150 | New Suzuki Impulse 150cc 2018 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:26.
HOW TO MAKE MAYONNAISE - Easy as 123 - Duration: 2:24.
Hi and a massive welcome to Steve's Kitchen. Now why would you want to make
your own mayonnaise at home? Well it looks better, it tastes better,
it's super, super easy, it's much cheaper and to be honest after you've tasted
your own mayonnaise it tastes so good you're never going to go back to
store bought mayonnaise. So come on let me show you how simple it is to make your
own homemade mayonnaise.
We're going to pour 300 mls of sunflower oil into any
sort of mixing vessel, that's about 10 ounces. Now in with the oil we need to
emulsify this, so we're going to take one egg, just break it in there. Now I just
want to take a teaspoon of mustard, pop it in, you really do need mustard in a
good mayonnaise. I've got a fresh lemon here, you just want a little bit of lemon
juice there, just squeeze that lemon juice in there, we probably want about a
teaspoon maybe teaspoon and a half and I'm just catching the pips in my hands. A
good pinch of nice sea salt, add the salt in and I'm also going to add a little
bit of black pepper, not too much.Now like the lemon juice we want about a
tablespoon of white vinegar just to cut through the fats, put your stick blender
into the oil and
Now you can see after a very short time you've got this wonderful thick emulsion,
which is the perfect egg mayonnaise and that is it. We've got this gorgeous
mayonnaise, I mean it is thick, it is absolutely delicious. Now I've made this
so many times I barely need to measure out my ingredients and you can actually
play with your ingredients put different spices and herbs in there if you
like and come up with all sorts of different, interesting versions of
mayonnaise. One thing I know is for sure, once you've made your own and you've
tasted how good this is, you're always going to make your own, you're not going
to buy it from the shops. It just tastes so much better. If you've enjoyed this
video, share it with your friends, let them know how they can make mayonnaise
at home, be good, give this a thumbs up and I will see you for another Steve's
kitchen very shortly.
[ Beginner ] Cuddly Toy Tutorial Bergère de France - Duration: 10:59.
Hello everyone
today I will show you how to make this cute toy
For this toy, we chose the sport quality in gironille color
But you have a choice of several colours
For this you need a ball of SPORT
three needles n°4.5
a tape measure
a wool needle
and wadding
Leave 15O centimetres of yarn before making the first loop on the needle
Then, cast on 16 stitches
If you do not know how to cast on stitches, click on this link
To start, knit two rows in Stocking Stitch
If you do not know how to start, click on this video
we will start to increase
Knit 2 stitches
then increase 1 stitch
To do this, pass the right hand needle under the strand of yarn
connecting the stitch on the right hand needle to the first stitch on the left hand needle
then place the strand on to the left hand needle
and knit into the back of it in order
to twist the stitch
Now knit 12 stitches
Then increase another stitch
Finish with two knit stitches
On the next row, purl 18 stitches
For the 5th row, knit two stitches
make one increase
knit 14 stitches
make one Increase
knit the last two stitches
You now have 20 stitches on your needle
Knit normally for 9 rows
On the next row, begin decreases
knit two stitches
then decrease a stitch by knitting two stitches together
To knit stitches together in place,
simply grab two stands instead of one
and knit them normally as if thy were only one stitch
Then, knit 12 stitches
On the next stitch, make a decrease by working slip one stitchknit one stitch, pass slip stitch over
To make a single stitch, slip the left needle stitch on the right needle without knitting
then knit the next stitch as normal
With the left needle take the slipped stich
and pass it over the knitted stitch
Finish with two knit stitches
On the next row, purl 18 stitches
On the next row, begin decreases
knit 2 stitches
knit 2 stitches together
knit 10 stitches
slip 1 stitch, pass slip stitch over
knit 2 stitches
Repeat these 2 rows again
Now you only have 12 stitches on your needle
Work the 20th row entirely in purl
On the next row, repeat the increases
Repeat theses steps 7 times, to get 26 stitches after the last increases
Now work 4 rows in Stocking Stitch
On the next row, repeat the decreases
Repeat the steps twice
until you get 22 stitches after the last drop
On the next row we will train the ears
knit 2 stitches
knit 2 stitches together
knit 4 stitches
then cast off 6 stitches
If you do not know how to cast off stitches, click on this link
Then knit 3 stitches
slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass slip stitch over
and finish with knit 2
On the next row, work the first 7 sts in purl
and leave the 7 remaining stitches on hold on your needle
Using your third needle
work 12 rows in Stocking Stitch on the 7 stitches
On the next row
knit 1 stitch
knit 2 sts together
knit 1 stitch
slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over
knit 1 stitch
Cast off your 5 stitches
and cut the yarn leaving 10 centimetres after the final cast off stitch
For the other ear, pick up the stitches you left on the other needle
Then repeat the previous steps
Then repeat all the stages from the beginning to knit the back of the toy
One the two knitted parts
begin to join the two parts together with an invisbile seam
leaving the lower pat open
If you do not know how to make an invisible seam, watch this video
Take the stuffin and strech, to make it bulkier
Stuff the toy before sewing up your work completely
Tuck the sewing thread inside the toy
Your toy is now completed !
You can customize it as you wish
We chose to embroider her pretty little eyes
Feel free to share the video and let us know your comments
See you soon for new tutorials !
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros series 3 reviewed! 76089 76090 76091 - Duration: 11:39.
hello everyone it's been a little while since I've done anything Marvel related
so here are three of the latest Lego Marvel superheroes mighty micros sets
these are three separate sets when I'm showing you the boxes right from the
start zone this is one this is one this is one I
just figured I would cover all of them in one video because they're small so
from guardians of the galaxy here is star-lord vs. nebula star-lord gets an
excellent looking miniaturized version of the Milano with four wheels on it I
think that you could easily build that without the wheels on it and it would
look like a cool little kind of realistic model like a just a mini scale
thing I mean look at that even kind of the the feathery tips of the wings are
there with the different angles this is actually really nicely done I said just
I mean just leave that entire lower chassis off and I think most of it will
actually hold itself together without that so you don't even need to add
anything except maybe something just in place of the seat there if you don't
want to have a gigantic scaled star-lord sticking out of it we'll take
a closer look at the figures up close in just a minute but then nebula over here
kind of sets the story for this set because she is stolen star Lords mixtape
and that's the printed piece there and that's excellent to get I am definitely
going to get another of these sets probably because I want another of that
tape and it I mean it doesn't even have the writing on it so it's really generic
if you use it to represent any kind of classic cassette tape so she's in a
necrocraft here that she has commandeered and she's taken off with
that tape and star-lord needs to get it back cool I mean this is far less
interesting as a vehicle to me than the Milano but hey you can pop a wheelie and
hold it you can bring the wings up and down you know doesn't really do anything
but I think the the main thing here is that you do get the nebula figure
something for star-lord to go up against you get a vehicle for him to go up
against and though these are fun just to have to run around can he hold a wheelie
no he can't no he can't winner also nebulas car gets a printed
console piece and star-lord doesn't have that either he just has a lame steering
wheel alright so looking at the figures up close these are following the
standard kind of formula for mighty micros all of these will and do with
really simplified prints and kind of childish features you know just
everything is just taken down a notch in seriousness or maybe a couple of notches
but they do have the proper accessories so you get the blaster for for star-lord
and that really nice printed tile cassette piece for nebula you get the
proper metallic silver colored arm for nebula as well and hand and you get the
right hair piece for star-lord as well prints on the backs of the torsos are
yeah just yeah at least you do get an alternate face for a star-lord as well
when he doesn't have the full mask on this is scarlet spider not spider-man
notice the torso versus Sandman and I think Sandman gets one of the more
interesting vehicles of this entire mighty micros line because this to me
looks like it could be just a a proper minifig scaled large dump truck for kids
you know just a oversized huge toy that they could actually ride along in so
this this actually seems like something that could potentially be feasible in
just a normal minifig scaled scene if you want it to be he's got the huge
steering wheel there on top which just looks like it makes sense to me and it
has the the Box on the back with even printed caution well 1 by 4 tile there
and then you can leave the sand out the sand pile out if you want to you know
just actually use the thing now it's not able to actually dump but I think it's
just a cool little little build reminds me of a huge Tonka toy and they have
that stud on the side there with the one brick near the top so you could attach
if you want to the hammer hand of Sandman and then Scarlet Spider over
here just gets Spyder inspired vehicle I don't know if
this is based upon anything that's been done in the toy world before or anything
that would be canonical I haven't looked it up but I'm not aware of anything but
you've got the two eyes on the front and a couple of little little fangs sticking
down and this one also has a printed console piece in there same one that
nebula did so yeah that's cool I like the thrusters on the back of this you
know you can angle those up and down to get a little different look out of it
and let me see if I can bring these up enough you can hold y'all important
wheelie okay I'm satisfied with this one as well so I think both of these
vehicles are good this wood this one almost wants to to wheelie at all times
I just think that's a fun thing when I was a kid I loved being able to do
wheelies I mean most the time I'd have to hold vehicles downton to make it
happen but if they could hold it themselves and that just made them feel
more alive to me again with the figures with the simplified styling but you know
I actually think that Sandman torso is serious enough put long legs on that
torso and I think that that would fit right into any kind of actual
superheroes scene and they gave them a nice sand hammer arm in there as well
same thing goes for Scarlet Spider I think that head is fine it's not as
detailed as you normally expect but you know the expression of the eyes is good
and I think the torso print is good as well again just put longer legs on it
and I think it's a fine substitute now Sandman's face is clearly just a mighty
micro specific thing but if you can get past that I think that these can be
taken seriously enough with longer legs and Scarlet Spider there gets the shovel
to deal with some excess sand and again the prints on the backs of the torsos
are fairly simple but again I think the one for Sandman is not so bad and it's
good to be able to get this hair piece as well in the regular brown color and
finally here is Thor versus Loki and I believe these vehicles are just
completely made up feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that
look to see if someone else already has in the comments but I mean door looks
like he has a like a an older truck that's been souped up hot-rodded
modified and then Loki has something that's just based upon his helm so why
not it's kind of his is chariot there yeah I think that each of the vehicles
are cool notice that you get two different colors of gold for the the
Loki vehicle here with the cheese wedge just give me cheese slope pieces being
the printed kind of slightly more believable more realistic metallic
colour that's actually painted on the outside and is tan on the inside I think
it's these couple of electrical bolts coming off the back he's standing right
at the the rear most portion of that vehicle and then Loki's just gets a
couple of thrusters coming off the back and you can adjust the kind of horns on
the front if you want to move those forward like oops I like that but more
like this to make them more setup for for ramming I guess get that on there
how come that's not staying on there down there before there we go just gotta
get on the right the right spot yeah you kinda use it a little bit more like a
like a mountain goat kind of RAM front or you can bring this back kind of close
this around if you want to turn it into something a little bit different make a
little bit more like a roll cage imagine these are actually like laser blasters
or something yeah yeah use your imagination but it's nice to have just a
little bit of move ability with this what about nope nah not even a little
bit weak how about over here ah so close mmm
just needs ah so close but no cigars not able to hold that wheelie too bad I do
like these wing pieces though being able to get a couple more of those in just a
plain light grey color these torsos don't look that great up close but from
a more realistic distance I actually kind of liked both of them because of
the metallic printing in there maybe it's just the the kid in me thinking
back to playing with toys and I got something that seemed metallic as
long as there wasn't too much of it you overdone fake Chrome or something it
seemed it seemed fancy to get something that looked metallic so I like the the
silver and the gold is the gold especially that's just you know kind of
personal nostalgia and preference I believe but you do get the full helm for
Loki not a miniaturized version of that but Thor gets the miniaturized gape it's
just this short cape it's such it's such a short little thing compared to the
normal ones it's it's funny it's really funny to me it shouldn't be as funny as
it is but it really is it's just it's almost like a like a neckerchief well to
the normal ones haven't haven't looked at this on on a regular figure but it is
the newer type of material you get print on the backs of these torsos with more
of the gold as well and Loki's head is actually gold itself and that's
interesting that it's slightly different from you know this is kind of the
rubbery material that's used here for this helm and it's a little bit more
orangish and then the head itself is less orangish even than the the hands or
the light saber hilt piece that's used for his accessory so it's it's slightly
closer to a realistic gold I believe no alternate face for Thor
here and the face print for Loki is not quite thick enough you can see some of
the some of the gold coming through or some of the the darkness just doesn't
look like proper skin tone but these are the mighty micros and they are not to be
taken too seriously yet they do come with some pretty cool
stuff for folks of all ages certainly particularly mostly designed for younger
kids though to be able to get a couple of superheroes and/or supervillains for
a very very low price and they come with some vehicles you can play around with
it's kind of a shame that they don't come with the longer legs you know just
as an option so that you can upgrade them but that's just the choice that
that Lego made probably to keep from having these compete too much with the
more expensive sets regardless some cool stuff here some kind of meh but you know
all that is subject to a personal opinion so I hope I've shown you enough
here to help you form your own opinions and I'll talk to you soon thanks for
Gia Bảo Thiền Tông _ Tập 9 :Một Chữ Thiết - Duration: 29:26.
[ Advanced ] Cuddly Toy Tutorial Bergère de France - Duration: 7:46.
Hello everyone
today I will show you how to make this cute toy
For this toy, we chose the sport quality in gironille color
But you have a choice of several colours
For this you need a ball of SPORT
three needles n°4.5
a tape measure
a wool needle
and wadding
Leave 15O centimetres of yarn before making the first loop on the needle
Then, cast on 16 stitches
To start, knit two rows in Stocking Stitch
we will start to increase
Knit 2 stitches
then increase 1 stitch
Now knit 12 stitches
Then increase another stitch
Finish with two knit stitches
On the next row, purl 18 stitches
Repeat these 2 rows again
You now have 20 stitches on your needle
Knit normally for 9 rows
On the next row, begin decreases
knit two stitches
then decrease a stitch by knitting two stitches together
Then, knit 12 stitches
On the next stitch, make a decrease by working slip one stitchknit one stitch, pass slip stitch over
Finish with two knit stitches
On the next row, purl 18 stitches
On the next row, begin decreases
Repeat these 2 rows again
Now you only have 12 stitches on your needle
Work the 20th row entirely in purl
On the next row, repeat the increases
Repeat theses steps 7 times, to get 26 stitches after the last increases
Now work 4 rows in Stocking Stitch
On the next row, repeat the decreases
Repeat the steps twice
until you get 22 stitches after the last drop
On the next row we will train the ears
knit 2 stitches
knit 2 stitches together
knit 4 stitches
then cast off 6 stitches
Then knit 3 stitches
slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass slip stitch over
and finish with knit 2
On the next row, work the first 7 sts in purl
and leave the 7 remaining stitches on hold on your needle
Using your third needle
work 12 rows in Stocking Stitch on the 7 stitches
On the next row
knit 1 stitch
knit 2 sts together
knit 1 stitch
slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over
knit 1 stitch
Cast off your 5 stitches
and cut the yarn leaving 10 centimetres after the final cast off stitch
For the other ear, pick up the stitches you left on the other needle
Then repeat the previous steps
Then repeat all the stages from the beginning to knit the back of the toy
One the two knitted parts
begin to join the two parts together with an invisbile seam
leaving the lower pat open
Take the stuffin and strech, to make it bulkier
Stuff the toy before sewing up your work completely
Tuck the sewing thread inside the toy
Your toy is now completed !
You can customize it as you wish
We chose to embroider her pretty little eyes
Feel free to share the video and let us know your comments
See you soon for new tutorials !
Nếu là anh phiên bản anime-Anime miusic - Duration: 4:19.
8 Ball Pool -MALI LOW COUNTRY TOP THIS WEEK - DEFERENCE JUST 200M 400$ CASH 2018 - Duration: 3:48.
Kids Happy New Year ABC Song |Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs |Emmie the Elephant |Babytoonz - Duration: 2:48.
ABC Learning Song For Kids | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs |Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz
12 dead, 4 injured in fast moving New York City apartment building fire new video - Duration: 10:44.
12 dead, 4 injured in fast moving New York City apartment building fire new video
I HATE THE FESTIVITIES!!! - Compà Riualo - Duration: 5:10.
Guys the video is ironic so I ask you not to get too angry. Ah, I realize that
in some places the video could be incomprehensible so
if you can not understand it, activate the subtitles that I put on those
well done so you can understand. Good vision!
Guys, then today I would like to do the video, but I do not even ballet, I did not even
put the cap and glasses because I would throw them, because I'm pissed off black,
cronies, because I can not take it anymore! Damned to that man who invented all these fucking feast days!
I can not take it anymore! Now there was Christmas, right? There was Christmas, we
celebrated Christmas: I do not know how many people we were at the table We got up
the table at 4:00 pm practically rolling
and we were so many that we made two football teams and went to the pitch
to play to dispose of, but then, after playing, we are still back at the table and we started again
to eat, to eat, to eat... We got a belly like that! We got a belly like that! We could not do
it anymore, cronies! We could not do it anymore! And then come relatives who do not even know
they exist! You do not even know they exist! The fifth cousin
of the third cousin's sister arrives ... but who the fuck is this?! Who is it? And all these fucking relatives
come, guys! You can not understand! You can not understand! And then the shitty figure
because you... These relatives arrive that you do not even know who they are, you have made gifts and you do not know that
there are these people and then you are not giving them the gift! What then, guys, forget about the gifts! I spent
so much money that I did not even have a hair in the ass, cronies! I even sold my ass hair,
I sold! At times I put myself at 90 degrees, and I was waiting for someone
to put it in my ass to still earn something to make gifts! No, you can
not understand! You can not understand! The festivities are disgusting! And then after...
wait, wait, because there was Christmas and then came Saint Stephen. Oh, wait, however,
on gifts there is to say a thing well. there is something to say about gifts. That at least I gave them beautiful gifts! At least I
gave them good gifts! I received a pair of socks, then I received a bubble bath...
That guys, those who give you a bubble bath, fuck, I'd kick them in the ass!
So, you give me the bubble bath? But smell your armpits
that are really disgusting and you have a smell that you are worse than a pig!
Let's forget this thing, forget it, forget it. Anyway, Saint Stephen arrives. Saint
Stephen, now you must tell me what a fucking feast is Saint Stephen. At Christmas, Jesus was born:
that's fine, for God's sake. But Saint Stephen, what the fuck is it? He is the first
martyr... and well? And then? That he is the first martyr, is dead! All right! That is now, then, if
we see: Saint Stephen is the first martyr, then we celebrate Saint Peter
because he's the first ... he was the first... then we take what the fuck I know... we
celebrate every saint! Because they are saints anyway, so they did something, right?
It's a bit like Easter and Easter Monday. What's the matter with the Easter Monday? Why do we celebrate
the day after Easter? And let's go on! But okay, does it take Santo Stefano?
What do you want to do? Do not you want to be at the table and eat like pigs? And we
do it on this occasion, right? And the belly still gets big like that! I mean, guys, I really...
Aaaaah and then, then, then, then we do not speak of the questions that comes up,
cronies! Because all the relatives arrive and they always ask you the same questions: "ah, how's your girlfriend?"
"Did you get the degree?"
"And how you got fat! But I find you well!". Piss on this fuckin' turd!
And now comes, of course, New Year's, right? Arrives
the New Year and the usual question is this: "What are you doing at New Year's Eve?"
That is my fucking business! All right? That is my fucking business! Don't bust my balls! Ooooh
Ah, anyway ... happy holidays to all!
[Walkthrough 100% + TRICK] Tomb Raider 2 Level 3: Bartoli's Hideout - Duration: 22:02.
Ufone Super Card Doubled Offer Code Buy 1 Get 1 Free - Duration: 2:36.
Ufone Super Card Doubled Offer Code Buy 1 Get 1 Free
50 Chinese names for baby boys - the best baby names - www.namesoftheworld.net - Duration: 2:06.
50 chinese names for baby boys
namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
ATN News today 29 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla - Duration: 23:00.
ATN News today 29 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla
Gulaebaghavali Official Trailer | 4K | Prabhu Deva, Hansika | Vivek-Mervin | Kalyaan - Duration: 2:09.
- Come to the point
- This is the statue dad was telling about
It's has a huge demand in the foreign market
I'll lift this statue
Don't, that place is very risky
Good News
You three are going to bring back the treasure
You are very fast
Don't we look like a hero to you?
I only got a bulb, but seems like she had a focus light over you?
Damm you and your dad
This guy is unbearable
You and your belly pots
Is your hip, zero size?
You look like my late son Saravanan
This is a ancestral vengeance
Where is the treasure then?
Who is that Gulaebaghavali? Tell him to come now
Making him come to make him pay for your beers?
కన్యా రాశి స్వభావం,లక్షణాలు | Kanya Rashi Lakshanalu | Kanya Rashi | Characteristics Of Kanya Rashi - Duration: 24:36.
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