On this episode of China Uncensored,
there are some pretty shocking rumors
about what's happening inside Chinese preschools.
Let's just say,
this episode is not suitable for children.
Welcome back to China Uncensored.
I'm Chris Chappell.
Over the past 40 years,
China has seen stunning economic growth.
And for some people in China's growing middle class,
it can feel like everything is great
and there's absolutely no downside
to living a country where they're allowed to make money
as long as they keep their mouths shut on politics.
I mean, does politics really affect our lives?
So it comes as a shock to many in the middle class
that the same authoritarian regime
that's ok with arresting anyone who speaks out
and savagely torturing Falun Gong practitioners
is also ok with letting horrible things happen to the people they love.
Like their children.
I take you now to the RYB Kindergarten and Daycare in Beijing—
an expensive school targeting upper middle class families.
According to the school motto,
it's where children take their "first step to a colorful life."
Why, look at all the eager parents
flocking to enroll their kids!
Except, that's not why they're there.
They're protesting.
"Police are investigating allegations of horrific abuse that went on inside,
the youngest victims only three years old.
Parents are accusing teachers and staff at RYB Kindergarten
of sexually abusing their children,
making them stand naked as a punishment,
stabbing them with needles,
or making them swallow suspicious white pills."
And when I was in kindergarten,
I complained about nap time.
"After hearing from other parents,
I asked my child,
my child said they take two white pills after lunch every day.
They go to sleep after taking the pills."
I wish I could say that was the worst of it.
But besides those accusations,
"The most troubling accusation comes from
the mother of a 3-year-old who spoke with Tencent News...
The parent says that her child told her
that kids at the kindergarten were given regular 'health checkups'
by an 'uncle and grandpa doctor'
in which they were made to stand naked
while one of the doctors was nude as well."
That makes Harvey Weinstein seem practically like a normal...sexual predator.
And even a kindergartener knows that when
"uncle doctor" starts taking off his clothes,
that's not how you play doctor.
According to one allegation,
a teacher threatened a student by saying,
"I can hear whatever you say
and see whatever you do
because I have a very, very, very long telescope
that can reach your home."
I mean, it is kind of believable.
China is a surveillance state after all.
And you know what?
I wish I could say those horrible allegations were it!
But there are also allegations
that the Chinese military was involved.
Which sounds outrageous.
But it struck enough of a nerve
that the Chinese military actually responded.
And they never respond!
"A Chinese military commissar
issued an extraordinary statement
adamantly denying rumors
that People's Liberation Army officers were implicated in the alleged sexual abuse.
Those who spread the rumors, he warned,
would be pursued for 'legal culpability.'"
Now I wish I could say that was it.
But, no, there's more.
See this Chinese official visiting an RYB Kindergarten in November 2016?
That's Meng Jianzhu.
He was China's top security chief,
and a powerful member of former Jiang Zemin's political faction,
which opposes current Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
Meng Jianzhu had praised RYB Education,
and there are rumors he may have even profited from it somehow.
So there are rumors floating around
that all the negative publicity about RYB
is actually part of a strategic political takedown of Meng Jianzhu,
and that it's tied to high-level CCP power struggles.
But even that's not all of it.
Because authorities have reacted to all of this by—
you guessed it—
telling the media to cover it up.
As if that would make the problem disappear.
"If you can't see it, it doesn't exist"?
I think someone needs to go back to kindergarten.
But there's a silver lining to all the sharp needles.
At least authorities have arrested two people in the scandal.
Wait...what's that, Shelley?
Apparently one woman who was arrested
was not some teacher accused of stabbing her students with needles,
force-feeding them pills,
or making them play doctor.
She was actually detained for "spreading rumors" about the abuse.
As state-run media The Global Times writes,
"Rumormongers and those that maliciously spread their rumors
must face punishment and be held accountable according to law."
Now I know what you're thinking.
Spreading rumors doesn't really seem like
the worst part of all this.
Well, here's where it gets even more complicated.
After days of investigation,
the Beijing police released a statement
saying that they found no evidence of sexual abuse at the kindergarten.
They said they arrested one teacher
who had been pricking kids with needles
when they wouldn't take naps.
Yeah, what kind of horrible teacher thinks that
poking children will sharp objects
would help them sleep?
But police also said the rumors of children being fed pills
and forced to "play doctor"
were fabricated by parents,
who are now willing to apologize.
Sounds like the police are covering up something, right?
But in this case,
they might actually be...correct.
Some of the disturbing accusations,
like the kids being injected with unknown substances,
are commonly seen in Chinese urban legends.
Like how when you were a kid,
people always warned you about someone passing out
apples with razor blades in them during Halloween.
And this wouldn't be the first time
that fear about child abuse in preschools
triggered mass panic.
It even happened in America.
During the 1980s and 90s,
there was a string of highly publicized cases
about daycare child abuse in California.
It made the national news.
Accusations of sex abuse,
satanic rituals,
even drinking giraffe blood in front of children.
"Authorities now believe that at least
60 young children were victimized,
and that the ultimate number could well be much greater."
The evidence was based primarily on interviews with the children.
Several daycare teachers were thrown in prison—
only to be found innocent
and released years later
with a big fat apology and millions of dollars in compensation
for wrongful imprisonment.
It turns out,
child testimonies are unreliable,
because kids often tell you the answers
they think you want to hear.
I mean, adults do that too, I guess.
But when bad stuff might be happening to your kids,
you freak out.
It's what you do.
Which is why,
when it comes to RYB Education in China,
even a seed of truth can quickly snowball into mass hysteria.
And some of the accusations are apparently true.
The needle stabbing part, for example.
I mean, there's photos of the needle marks.
And this is not the first time scandal has hit the RYB.
RYB Education operates 1,800 kindergartens
and day cares across China.
It's worth over 750 million dollars.
It's also listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
And as they say,
"Mo' money, mo' problems...
with rampant child abuse."
"In 2015,
four teachers at an RYB Education kindergarten
in Siping, northeast China,
were charged with using sewing needles
to jab more than 20 children on their heads, mouths and limbs."
Ok, seriously,
what is it with the sewing needles?
And earlier this year,
at another RYB Education kindergarten,
a teacher was caught on video kicking a child.
So there's already widespread public sentiment
that something might be wrong at RYB Education.
But with some of the more recent accusations,
the evidence is harder to find.
There was video of a toddler telling his parents
that his teachers gave him white pills
to make him sleep.
But that video has been taken offline.
And it was only a child talking to his parents,
not firsthand evidence.
That doesn't mean it's not true.
There's just a lack of evidence.
And the allegations of sexual abuse—
at this point—
are also still just allegations.
Ones that police are now dismissing.
Police say that independent doctors found
no physical evidence of sexual abuse in the kids.
And, according to state-run media,
"The police checked the 113-hour-long recovered surveillance footage,
and didn't find any evidence of anyone committing child sexual abuse."
Of course,
I don't exactly trust state-run media.
And neither do a lot of people in China.
And that is exactly the problem.
Under the Communist Party,
authorities have covered up
so many scandals for so long,
and issued so many censorship directives,
that Chinese citizens area little skeptical
when reporting on an issue is suddenly squashed
and any online discussion is heavily censored.
In the environment the CCP has created,
it's almost impossible to tell what is true
and what is false.
So it's basically like one of those
"choose your own adventure" novels.
Except it's "choose your own conspiracy."
Do you believe there was sexual abuse?
Turn to page 61.
Do you think the military was involved?
Turn to page 84.
Did this involve high-level power struggles within the CCP?
Go directly to jail.
The public outcry over all this is totally understandable,
because there's so little trust
that authorities will expose abuse even if they find it.
Since the story became public,
the Ministry of Education has vowed
to put an inspector in every kindergarten in Beijing,
plus launch a much larger investigation.
But that's just not very comforting to the parents, who,
understandably, now believe the authorities are constantly lying to them.
And child abuse does happen in China.
"Since 2010, news media and internet sites
have reported more than 60 such cases
of physical abuse at Chinese kindergartens and child care facilities."
State-run Xinhua has reported,
"968 cases of sexual abuse against children
were recorded nationwide between 2013 and 2015,
involving at least 1,790 children,
with many remaining unreported."
In 2013,
the LA Times reported that
in just three weeks,
"Nine cases of sexual abuse in Chinese schools
involving more than 30 children
have brought the neglected crime to light."
And while those reports also caused outrage at the time,
a lot of those cases happened to poor people.
But this time,
it's happening to the upper middle class—
people who for a long time
were pretty happy with the system
that let them make money and live comfortable lives.
And there's a widespread belief
that if anyone gets in trouble with the authorities,
well, it's because they did something wrong.
Just keep your head down, and trust the system.
But now there are rumors of terrible things
happening to their own children.
Authorities tell them they're investigating,
but the parents think they're covering it up.
And maybe they are—
it's impossible to know.
And who can they turn to now?
This is what the CCP's system of censorship and control does to society.
The question is,
is this scandal enough to actually affect their rule?
Or will it all blow over next week?
Too bad we can't flip to the end to see.
That would be cheating.
So what do you think?
Leave your comments below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
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For more infomation >> Bê Bối Kinh Khủng Tại Trường Mầm Non bị Che Đậy | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm DUyệt - Duration: 12:41.-------------------------------------------
Mild weather continues with poor air quality _ 122817 - Duration: 1:55.
Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, I hear fine dust in the air is expected to ruin tomorrow's mild and comfortable weather.
Yes Daniel, the mercury is expected to rise higher than today, but the air quality will
be poor especially in the western part of the central region.
It might be tempting to go out and enjoy the mild weather, but check the levels before
you do.
Seoul will start off the morning at zero degrees Celsius while Daegu and Busan begin at zero
and 2 degrees.
Into the day, expect milder conditions.
Seoul will reach 5 degrees, while Gwangju and Busan will be higher at 9 and 11 degrees.
This last weekend of the year will be comfortable, temperature-wide, but there will be some precipitation.
And as we enter the new year,... prepare to face some frigid weather next week.
Seoul's last sunset of the year is expected at 5:23 PM and the first sunrise of the brand
new year will be at 7:47 AM.
The fastest sunrise that you can see will be at Ulsan,... so make sure to check out
the times in advance if you are heading out to see them.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
Top 10 nhạc làm vlogs hay nhất ( top 10 best vlogs music ) - GIAI TRI TV - Duration: 24:23.
Chrysanthemum cure high blood pressure - Duration: 2:07.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Chrysanthemum cure high blood pressure
Chrysanthemum sweet, effective cough, asthma, bronchitis and especially high blood pressure.
Chrysanthemum is also called the day, the white, the tree trunk and leaves are covered with feathers, flowers are spherical, white corolla, red rose or purple lilac.
About pharmacology, Chrysanthemum, sweet, effective cough, asthma, bronchitis, and especially high blood pressure.
Medicines for high blood pressure include:15g Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum, 30g dried herbs, 15g Chrysanthemum flower, 10g circuits, 10g rocket and 10g strawberry leaves.
After washing, dry, add all of the above to the terracotta pottery, then sharpen the drinking water.
Every day to take a full ladder with the full range of drugs, use continuously for 7 to 10 days, will see effective.
Parallel to that, patients with high blood pressure also need to practice, diet, reasonable living, science to improve health.
In addition, can use the button to treat whooping cough, with the following medications:
6g of papaya, 5g of papaya, 5g of tangerine, 6g of lemongrass, then pick up water three times a day, 50ml each, use continuously for 7 days.
Veterinary Medicine:Vu Quoc Trung.
The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
White flag night held at Wayside Christian Mission - Duration: 2:02.
Những Câu Nói Hay | Lời Nói Để Đời | P4 - Duration: 4:03.
4th Industrial Revolution Committee unveils detailed plans - Duration: 1:59.
A special team dedicated to helping Korea be prepared for the 4th industrial revolution
held another meeting, the third time this month.
The members looked at ways to incorporate relevant tech like Big Data and IoT into the
local economy.
Kim Hyesung shares with us what was discussed.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee held a meeting Thursday to deliberate on measures
to link technology and infrastructure with social policies.
(Korean) "Since our committee kicked off in October,
we have held meetings every month with 21 ministries.
At the third meeting today, we will discuss more detailed strategies on the fourth industrial
10 11 . . 21 . 3 4 . . .
The agenda was mainly on adopting a 5G network by 2019, making Korea the first country in
the world to do so.
A surge in data and sensors from artificial intelligence and robots will require a fast
data processing network.
The science ministry said it will test the 5G network at the upcoming 2018 PyeongChang
Winter Olympics and distribute it to telecommunications firms by next year.
Participants also discussed ways to expand the Internet of Things network and increase
the wifi speed in Korea's subways a hundred fold.
The government expects that investing in the 5G and IoT network will add 27-and-a-half
billion U.S. dollars to the economy and create over eleven-thousand jobs over the next five
The transport ministry unveiled its plans to create a smart airport that uses big data
to help increase transport efficiency.
Education policies to nurture students' creativity and investment in drone technology were also
(standup) "Thursday's meeting comes one month after
the committee unveiled its five-year plan.
The gathering focused on building the networks and infrastructure needed for the fourth industrial
revolution,... and the next time the committee meets in early 2018, more ministries are expected
to announce their detailed strategies.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
New Yamaha Niken LMW version 2018 | 2018 New Yamaha Niken LMW | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 1:56.
FFXIV Warrior Relic: The Axe of the Blood Emporer (Patch 4.0) - Duration: 7:46.
and we're back for another episode in this episode I'm progressing on with the
heavens ward relic and as always hello from the free
so first day is on blood I finished the Homburg face just like that because
they're soon super now so it's a lot easier to do so the second new trait in
the last one you get this cutscene so the anima says my body is eggs
interesting interesting I'm really really happy to finally be
done with his face his as Adashi had predicted his vessel cannot longer bear
the power that now courses through it you're my talk back to him with the
anima I will see to it that he is the prize of the situation by the time you
arrive should you have need to examine the
animal more closely given the animal glass I don't see a problem doing this
now even during the storm blood because you know like it will always help you
know in the future especially in storm blood when it helps you skip the first
phase of the new relic so it would be nice to get this relics finished just
for the sake of closure and also because it's a lot easier now so why not
so let me see you let me see where do I go ah sorry
okay so after some trial and error I realized I actually have to quit a
different axe so I stay as a warrior so I'm wearing my original level 50 relic
and you have your new relic in your bag simple as that
so now I should be able to turn it in so mystery thank goodness you must we work
that quickly there's no telling how much longer the soul storm will last I would
have the Arum the glass of weapon serving of this vessel and over and over
q so as I fear the Animas vessel has reached this limit we must remove the
soul stone at once
so the soulstone appears to still be intact
ready the new weapon Geralt this also must be set before it begins to degrade
so the animals got a lot of spine for being one so small I'll grant you that
this new weapon ought to make for a fine reward
so it's done last hold up and see how she feels
Wow finally progress so the pinnacle of craftsmanship courtesy of yours truly
and the nose were taught me the ins and outs of Allegan technology acts of the
blood Emperor arrive finally finish the on bright phase Jesus through all these
years so my body it feels so light what manner of arcane magic caused this
as I say I'm doing this because I want to finish it before the relic starts in
storm blood a new vessel designed by artists year and forged by Jerome thank
you both of you can it be after years of research of trials and failures I can
see the anima I can see the anima and I hear it speak oh if only my master could
be his witnesses so Miffy autoshare does not seem well perhaps he too requires a
new vessel yes something powerful like your new
weapon mine we asked you all to build one so it would appear you have
developed a sense of humor to match your new body
unfortunately my ethereal friend we cannot exchange ours quite so easily
though the weapon that houses your soul stone is indeed exquisite I very much
doubt Geralt would grant me anything quite so elegant however look at me
standing here talking to you never have I felt such joy joy you must be tired
after such a long day rest you have learnt it can't help but notice his feet
planted into the ground so this marks a mental breakthrough in our work though
it still appears to want foreknowledge our goal is all but realized and I can
think of non better suited to teaching a young charge of the world and it's
wonders I you see it you see to it your anima
doesn't turn into a sniveling little shy like his lordship here one is plenty I
imagine an arrogant pigheaded Claude would be equally undesirable as I said
before there's been a terribly long day not only for the anima but for you as
well ready Timothy I will do all in my power
to determine our next course of action by the time you return epic
so we've got so we you've gone and done it now last I know he's trying to keep
his composure but as soon as you leave the boy will be prancing around singing
about the anima I couldn't count on him being ready to work again anytime soon
at least we've got nothing to worry about so long as the anima is with you
they could carry the weapon I hear yep - so now we get the axle blood Emperor 240
finally you Rita so the anima has reached its limits the
weapon housing is soulstone forged anew a rat so we got an achievement it's
alive so that's that so the next weapon will be the ax a sharpen acts of the
blood Emperor - - Lux I don't think that's it
so there's still another like free upgrades we can do to this relic so
anyway guys that's it for this episode thank you for watching and as always
good bye from me and goodbye from me free bye guys
LEGO City Mining Heavy Driller review 👷 60186 - Duration: 11:58.
hello everyone this is the LEGO City mining heavy driller to go with the
mining sub theme for 2018 the main focus of the set is the large boring machine
not boring light boring but boring you know like boring a hole through the
earth you know the moment you look at this that it has some sort of action
feature in it because it has that large drilling or boring head on the front of
it they've used the hard plastic wheel here recolor to red and that whole
mechanism actually works pretty nicely I actually expected it to be tied in to
the wheels so that when you would drive this forward then it would spin but it's
actually independent so you can drive this around however you want without the
drilling head actually running they've got this very obvious knob on the back
complete with a sticker to go on it to make sure you know to turn it in one of
these two possible directions because you wouldn't know otherwise but I mean
it's nice having that independent action and it it works great it looks great I
just love the the counter-rotating dual heads and I love the fact that the
center one moves at a faster rate than the outer one it just makes it look a
lot more interesting to me that way so that's cool so you can be you know going
back and forth and you can kind of shimmy around there's no steering in
this but it's really easy to just operate the whole thing just holding it
from here so that's that's kind of smart I actually appreciate the fact that they
extended this out a little bit it doesn't look as good as if it was
integrated in but it just makes it really easy to just move this around and
then you don't be be spinning it and operating it all at the same time and
driving it around the build for this is pretty good I was happy to see four of
these Technic large engine pieces so they've got two at the front two used in
the center here you see those right in there just in a different orientation
and all the printed fan elements up on the top look pretty good to me as well I
like this small side extension it's attached in a different way it's kind of
studs on the side construction kind of looks cool
I like these stickers back here as well I love striped patterns on on yellow
pieces in Lego just in general that might be a little bit of nostalgia for
me and the whole thing is very low to the ground as you would expect it to be
for you know for for clearance sake but it's still much larger than than the
head you know so if you were to take this into an actual dirt area because I
mean these pieces are strong enough to really use them against some sort of
dirt and definitely against sand if you have sand available to you to just start
plowing through stuff but it's not going to be able to to make a large enough
hole to drive the whole thing through so you do need to use your imagination a
little bit for that the operating compartment is very cramped I like the
light bar up on top you open this up it's just it's very small there the good
thing is that the guy is there with a printed piece in front of him showing
something related to I don't could be the spinning ray could be some sort of
hydraulic pressure indicator he has just a single control stick he might be able
to see it just in front of his left hand there let me go ahead and take him out
now that you see how it fits in oh yeah he does need need to lean forward just a
little bit in order to clear the underside of the roof piece but there's
what it looks like with him out sometimes you may find his legs to get
stuck because they have four full studs for him to sit on so he may actually you
know you kind of end up having to pull him out by his head and sometimes the
legs will stay behind it definitely would have been better to have just two
studs down there so he'd be easier to pop out but it's a nice looking
compartment just very compact here's the terrain they set you up with which is
generous looking I like the shape of it and it's very smart and how it's
constructed it really minimizes the number of pieces and yet it looks fairly
well randomized also the pieces that hold the gold nugget elements are held
in place themselves pretty well so you don't have to worry about the light gray
studs with or the light gray bricks with studs on the side popping off you
get the gold nugget pieces coming off but see most of this is built up just
from two of the relatively relatively new corner big ugly rock pieces and I
strongly recommend using some of this open space that you get back here you
know put some stuff back there use that as some of your actual mining area use
those as undiscovered caves you know if you have other pieces from other sets
put some gems in there or something and you know use that for extra exploration
but this shape is just something that they don't typically do because normally
they would they would rotate each of these pieces 90 degrees in and then
create like a more of a hillside but this is trying to go for a tunneling
area so what you do here is you know you just try to line the Machine up and
again operating it just from the rear being able to get a good line up on it
and try to get it in there and start knocking some of these pieces off and
there one came off you know they don't all just fall off immediately I don't
know how much of that was intentional or how much of it just happened to work
out pretty well but it's good that you don't just put it in turn it and all the
pieces come off you know you have you actually have to work at it I think
that's good for play it makes it make sure that makes you think they should
come at it from different angles and yeah it does it just doesn't all happen
immediately so that works pretty well and the pieces just go all over the
place so eventually you have to to clean them up it does come with the one newer
glow in the dark spider that I think is awesome and I'm glad to have that piece
and they work really well because it's not just coated with some
glow-in-the-dark paint it's actually a plastic material that's infused with the
glow-in-the-dark substance so those work really well since you end up with this
mess of gold nuggets all over the place they give you a way to actually use a
vehicle in the set to kind of clean it up bring it all together and this thing
is really simple but it has really good play value for something that's that's
so small I like it little utility vehicle with a tipper bed on the back
and a a dozer blade on the front the tip of it actually tips that works great
because it can go all the way back and then the the blade on the front can
be raised and lowered good so you don't always have to be pushing material and
it can be angled to either side it's it's not perfectly symmetrical the way
it's set up but it's pretty good I like it you know it's basically set up like a
like a snow plow on the front of a truck but for such a small simple build maybe
it's not the most elegant looking thing but it works really well I could see
this being offered up as as just a really small really cheap set by itself
so that's always a good sign it doesn't feel like it's just kind of forced into
the set to use up some more pieces you really get some value from this the only
thing that's missing here is some way to load the material into the tipper bed
other than your huge big hand I'm afraid this here is the best that
you can do with what's included in this set they give you a shovel so you can
put the shovel in the hand of a figure and then shovel the nuggets into the
back I wish there was some sort of small loader
function but right it's just how it turned out so this is just a little
stand for a couple of minifig accessories and they also include that
TNT or dynamite bundle here's one other small side build this kind of makes
sense to me it's just a little little testing lab I think it's set up pretty
well some sort of imaging chamber on the left perhaps or I don't know I don't
know you kind of figure out what you want to use that for for looking at your
specimens and then over on the right a microscope that's hooked up to a
computer and they have the all-important coffee mug there I like how they
connected the computer screen to the back of the microscope unit see they
have a bar coming out and use a brick with a stud on either side opposite
sides it's just nice because it makes the the screen actually kind of float
there just a little bit a little bit different look
I like seeing slightly different techniques used for common stuff might
as well look at all three figures at the same time so left to right a strongman
an average man and a geologists engineer some sort
of science specialists to test the samples that are coming out of the mine
I think that each of these is good would have been a little bit nicer to have the
printed legs I think more common across the line I think that those are nice
looking leg pieces to use for just general construction construction site
related stuff or anything that's you know dirty work or utility work but it's
it's just not as as common in this case just how it ended up one of them has the
mining company logo on it which means that that's pretty much always going to
be used as a miner but the other two are relatively generic so they could be used
as other things if you get tired of mining itself no alternate phases for
any of these but that's just that let me actually show you this guy's face just
the rest of it as well you've probably seen that one before
I feel like all the stuff in this set works together well with the exception
of the missing loader device to get these things into that thing but it
feels pretty complete the price depart ratio is horrible but it does have a
fair number of fairly large pieces and just looking at the stuff in front of me
in person it feels like the value in terms of volume of stuff that you get
for the price you pay is is decent of course I could ask for it to be a little
bit less and sure it would be better to get it at a bit of a discount but it
doesn't feel overpriced the way the price to part ratio number would suggest
all told not a bad set but I think it does have a little bit of limited
replayability with the things that are included here because the drill unit
basically is specifically designed to work with this particular terrain piece
and I think kids might get a little bit bored of using that same exact terrain
piece all the time and it does require that you build things fairly sturdy in
order use the drill effectively and you know
just it doesn't promote just building up stuff with whatever pieces you have and
sticking some some gold nuggets on them you know you get plenty of them with
this set and then just going at it it really needs some thought to be put into
the terrain so that to me limits the like I said the the replayability and I
also don't think this at least the drill unit the the boring rig plays
particularly well with other sets in this line but now you've heard my
thoughts and hopefully you've seen enough about this set to form your own
opinions about it so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the video
I'll talk to you soon
Love Returns | 即使恨也爱你 | 미워도 사랑해 - Ep.29 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.12.28] - Duration: 34:27.
You must be very cold.
Let's hurry in.
Yes. You're blue too.
I am? Let's go in.
Oh? Dad?
That lady...
(Episode 29) My goodness, it's warm.
Oh, wow. You must have had a great time.
You both look very good.
It was a nice outing.
Now that you're here,
I can step out for some errands, right?
Of course. Take as much time as you need.
Thank you very much
for coming with me today, Dr. Jeong.
Don't mention it.
It still pains me how hard
your life has been.
It wasn't a walk in the park.
I'll make sure you won't have to cry ever again.
My goodness. I feel bashful.
It's a bit much.
It's not just young people who have feelings.
We should express ourselves too.
My goodness. You have such a way with words.
And Dr. Jeong,
there's one more thing I must tell you.
Feel free to tell me whatever you want.
There's another reason I'm in a rush
to get a fresh start at my old age.
What is the reason?
It's my kids, Eunjo and Myeongjo.
What about them?
Fact is, Changsu and I never had a chance
to get a marriage license.
So I'm still single on the family register.
What a shame.
After Changsu passed away,
I tried to put the kids on my register,
but the law or whatever wouldn't allow it.
That makes sense.
Regardless of age, a single woman
cannot legally adopt.
Oh, so you know about it too.
Oh, right, right.
There's nothing you don't know.
Oh, please. You're embarrassing me.
So my dream is to get a marriage license
and legally adopt Myeongjo and Eunjo
as our children.
What do you think?
I was scared she wouldn't want a marriage license.
Given that you have your own kids,
you'll need time to think about it, right?
No, I don't.
We should hurry with the marriage license
for your children's sake.
Oh, my. Oh, my, Dr. Jeong.
- Whoa... / - Oh, my goodness.
Oh, no. What have I done?
Hold still.
Let me do this.
Oh, my. Goodness me.
- I'm sorry. / - Don't be.
My goodness. You had a long day,
so you should go.
No. I should see you out.
I'm all set.
I'll get going,
so have a good night.
Be safe then.
I'll say my goodbye here.
Yes, Dr. Jeong.
I'll call you.
- Well, then... / - Bye.
Let's see.
This wide? This wide?
My finger is this big,
so will hers be around this size?
Oh? What brings you here?
Are you here to see me?
It was her?
The woman you're remarrying
is the pawnshop owner?
You saw?
Why didn't you come say hello then?
Is it her?
What's wrong?
Why her of all people?
Do you have idea who she is?
Why? You don't like her?
Everyone knows the Geumdong Market game cock.
More importantly, Gil Eunjo... Geez...
Why her of all people?
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Mom knows her
and so does Ms. Dong.
I really don't think this is right.
I told you not to judge a book by its cover.
And it doesn't matter that your mom knows her.
Is she that rich?
How rich is she?
I thought you were on my side.
I'm disappointed.
I'm disappointed too.
I won't tell Mom or anyone else,
so please reconsider.
I beg you.
Good grief. Talk about raining on my parade.
What's with her?
Simply put, you're cursed.
After you were born,
our family fortunes dwindled rapidly.
We even lost what little farmland
we had left to a fraud.
Did I have a choice in being born?
How can she say such a thing as a grown person?
(Hong Stone)
Why isn't she answering? Could something be wrong?
Recipient not answering. After the tone...
Do I have to go see her?
Thank goodness.
I was just going to wait until you came,
but you're home early.
What if I was late?
Do you have something to say?
What is it that you're so hesitant?
It's about my dad.
What about your dad?
He has started seeing someone.
But I can't approve of her.
Why not?
She's beneath him.
Or rather, I don't want any ties with her family.
Is remarriage the rage these days?
You must know the family
if you don't want any ties with them.
I just happen to know them.
For whatever it's worth, my dad was a professor.
No matter how rich the woman is,
this isn't right.
This can't happen.
He must have a reason for choosing her.
He didn't tell you?
He kept saying it would help Injeong and me.
He said he'd make up for having been a bad father
and asked us to have faith in him.
That doesn't sound bad.
What's the problem?
You think so?
She won't be your stepmom anyway.
She'll just be your father's wife.
I suppose that's true.
There's no reason for us to see her.
Then just accept it.
I think he's going to share
the financial gains with you and Injeong.
You should welcome that, not oppose it.
Inu's father's girlfriend hasn't returned, right?
The clippers probably scared her off.
Do you think she came knowing
this was his ex-wife's salon?
I said I wasn't interested.
Why do you keep bringing up his girlfriend?
I heard something very interesting from Busik.
What did you hear?
I'm back.
Oh, hi.
These kids hit the jackpot
after their father remarried.
So they bought lottery tickets.
What's remarrying got to do with it?
I'm not talking about the lottery.
So this guy got remarried to a rich woman.
But she died before he did,
so her fortunes went to him
and his biological children.
Wow. They hit it big without even trying.
The woman didn't have kids?
She did. That's the problem.
Her son filed a suit since his mother's fortune
ended up where it didn't belong.
And Busik is representing the son.
Such things really happen?
Real life is more dramatic than movies.
I made fried rice for dinner,
so have some.
Why? Hurry up.
I have someone waiting for a perm.
About Ms. Kim, the pawnshop owner...
What about her?
I heard she's rich. How rich is she?
I don't know. I didn't see her bank statements,
but people say she's worth tens of millions.
That much?
So what if she is? It's got nothing to do with us.
Why are you asking anyway?
Everyone talks about how rich she is.
Truth is, she doesn't look it.
She is tacky, has no sense of style,
and is crass.
With her immense wealth,
who cares if she's tacky?
Choosing not to spend is different
from not being able to spend.
I also heard she has kids.
They're her ex-husband's kids,
a daughter and son about your age.
Is the son the medical student
you tried to set up with Injeong?
He'd be perfect for Injeong.
But Injeong can't stand him.
Good grief. What a crying shame.
For whatever it's worth,
Ms. Kim dotes on her kids, perhaps too much.
She's 100 times better than most moms.
Yes, indeed.
I'm off.
I shouldn't go in, right?
I'm scared I'll provoke Seokpyo these days.
He looked tired,
but he didn't seem sick.
He must not overexert himself.
Why don't you stop
your one-sided love of Seokpyo?
What? How can a mom stop loving her child?
That's how I feel toward him
regardless of his take on me.
Seokpyo's started talking about his mom.
Wouldn't it be okay to tell him about that now?
No way.
Bringing it up recklessly won't do any good.
I'll tell him after he has fully reconciled
with his mom.
There's nothing harder than human relationships.
Wow. Did you just realize that?
Looks like you're finally growing up.
When I got this, I dreamed of becoming
a college president, no, the education minister.
I had big dreams.
I could get a thin gold band for this, right?
I think he's going to share the financial gains.
You should welcome that, not oppose it.
I don't know. I didn't see her bank statements,
but people say she's worth tens of millions.
You and Injeong are my family no matter what.
I'll make up for the injustice
and pain you suffered
for being poor.
I'll give you the high life.
So have faith in me just this once.
This might turn out to be a big break for me.
Not just for me but for you too, Injeong.
Where is...
What are you doing in my room?
I was looking for nail polish.
My nails are a mess.
What color?
Wouldn't pink be best?
Just ask next time.
I don't like you rummaging through my stuff.
Let me use your car today.
I have somewhere to go.
You seem to be upset
about what I said yesterday.
You made a serious accusation against me.
Why are you testy so early in the day?
Tell me if you need anything else.
I'm all set.
And don't stay angry like that.
We'll be living together for a while,
so let's talk if we must.
Talk about what?
You started it.
Yes, I did start it.
So it's your turn.
I may have lived as I pleased,
but I've always felt lonely
because Myeongjo's my only family.
Myeongjo's not your only family.
You have Ms. Kim, who dotes on you.
Nevertheless, we're not related.
Old ties have kept us together,
but it's over between us if we part ways.
That's true.
But you're not like Ms. Kim.
You're my aunt.
You're the family elder who'll help
should anything befall Myeongjo or me.
I now know why you hate me,
but it wasn't my fault
and it was also in the past.
I don't want to hear that I ruined the family again.
I'm the family elder?
That would be true if you were Changsu's daughter.
Then I wouldn't agonize like this.
What can I do about my lack of love for you?
Mr. Byeon will try his best to comfort me,
while Hong Seok...
What would Mr. Stone say?
Why did you want to see me?
What is this about an open bid for the Center?
It's just as you said.
Wasn't that the original plan?
That was then.
Did I have to hear about this from a staffer?
I was going to tell you.
I don't mind returning to the headquarters,
but shouldn't you have told me first?
The board decided on it last week.
I was there too.
You were at a board meeting?
Executive Manager Gu...
Chungseo didn't say anything.
Isn't he my proxy anyway?
I attended the meeting myself,
so he didn't have to be there.
Are you...
I'm done, so I'll get going.
I was loading the truck.
You're not planning to start
a new venture through the board, right?
You can't do that. It's too early.
I make the decisions.
See? I was right.
You shouldn't do it.
It's risky to deal that card right now.
You could be ousted from your CEO position.
Our company's future rides on this.
Stay out of it.
When I return to headquarters,
promote me to board director.
I more than deserve it.
Otherwise, I'll rally the board members
for votes.
Oh, my.
Water with ice, please.
Make it as cold as possible.
This is lukewarm.
Ice water would upset your stomach.
Why are you so angry?
I'll wait until you're ready to talk.
I have a lot of time.
It's not the right way, but he insists it is.
He's bent on going that way despite my opposition.
What do I do at times like this?
He must think it is the right way.
That's why he's set on going that way.
This is tough.
I don't think it's right.
It'll end up destroying everyone.
I must be the bad guy from now on.
It breaks my heart, but I have no choice.
Slow down. Slow down.
- This way. / - Thank you.
- It's your first time here, right? / - Yes.
This is my office.
It's nice and cozy.
It's been my dream to have my own study.
This will be perfect for it.
No, I'm not saying we should make this my study.
- Please sit. / - Thank you.
Say hello. This is Dr. Jeong.
How do you do? I'm Min Yang.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
My current house is small and old.
But it's perfectly fine and I'm used to it,
so we've managed thus far,
but it'll be too small once our family expands.
I don't care either way.
Where we live doesn't matter.
That's your opinion.
Wouldn't it be nice since a small house
would force a family together?
I'll need time to bond with Eunjo and Myeongjo.
That's true, but...
Yes, okay, then.
I'll handle the housing issue.
Oh, my. Aren't you the professor at the cafe?
Goodness me. I haven't introduced you to her.
This is the kids' aunt.
Oh, aunt...
I'm Ms. Kim's sister-in-law
and vice versa.
Oh, I see.
- Ms. Kim, a word please. / - Sure.
Just a moment.
You came to the cafe a few times.
Why didn't you tell me
you were Ms. Kim's sister-in-law?
You didn't catch on?
I thought you knew.
Of course not.
Are you sure?
Ms. Gil, long time no see.
I'm here for a facial.
Is it possible?
I don't have an appointment.
Just a moment.
There's an opening in 20 minutes.
I'll wait.
- Ms. Gong. / - Yes.
So this is to be delivered to Mr. Hong?
Let's see. Who can take this...
Where is Mr. Hong right now?
I'll take it to him.
What about your facial?
I forgot about an engagement.
I'll drop it off on the way.
You will?
He should be at the parking lot or storage room.
She'd been quiet for a while.
Did a good deal come up?
Why are you leaving?
I got a call about a facial.
You were going to give me the facial?
Are you leaving because you don't like me?
Something came up suddenly.
I'll get a facial next time.
It must be different for a rich girl.
You can come for a facial on a weekday.
I have to work.
I'm just jealous.
If I'd been born to rich parents,
I could've lived like you.
Then be born to rich parents in your next life.
Isn't that an awful thing to say?
How is wishing you rich parents awful?
I could strike it big in this lifetime,
so why have me to wait until my next life?
Ms. Jeong Inu.
Yes, Mr. Gil Eunjo?
Are you feeling okay?
You've been acting very strangely.
Someone said
darkness can become light
and light can become darkness.
I don't always have to be a Beauty Center intern
or love a man who won't love me back.
Something's changed about her, but what?
Yes. She's full of confidence.
Did she win the lottery or something?
Um... This is from the Center.
Thank you.
I came to see you.
You did all the talking last time.
It's your turn to listen to me.
It wasn't easy for me to come.
I'm sure.
There's a lot I wanted to say.
But I want to make one thing clear.
I never pitied you
or felt sorry for you.
It did worry me at first that you were suffering,
but I wasn't protecting you like you're assuming.
What was it then?
Now that I think about it, I...
I must have had feelings for you.
Just briefly. Very briefly...
I'm sorry.
About what?
What are you so sorry about?
You're not someone who apologizes.
Anyway, I've said what I had to.
I wanted you to know I didn't pity you.
It's for my peace of mind.
I didn't think you did.
Okay, then.
I suppose this is it for us.
Have a nice life.
It's been so hard
that I want to stop you.
I'm sorry I can't though.
Man, it's cold.
It's good the salon's doing well,
but I don't have time to see Chungseo.
You need to make money
so you can make progress with your friend.
That's true,
but Busik's been doing very well.
We should be able to pay off the debt soon.
The interest payments were killing us.
But a lawyer does make a lot.
Always bragging...
Lucky you. Congratulations.
Is congratulating people a fad
or something you're pushing as a fad?
You're always congratulating me.
I should start packing Busik's lunch.
The point is to eat and live.
Why? He doesn't even have time to eat?
Apparently not.
I get the sense he's living on sandwiches.
Hey, ladies. Have you heard?
- What? / - About what?
There's something going on with Ms. Kim.
Is she dating or something?
No way.
She'd be too cheap to spend money on dates.
I'm not sure, but she might have a boyfriend.
You're not sure?
If you're not sure, who would be?
I guess no one.
Leave it be.
You're done for if you provoke Ms. Kim.
I was just... I was just imagining
Ms. Kim dating someone.
Oh, my. But we agreed not to do this.
I wanted to get it for you. Try it on.
It looks nice, Dr. Jeong.
Did I measure the wrong finger?
It's pretty.
A thin band on the finger
of Kim Haengja of Geumdong Market...
Is this what you want?
Playing house at your ripe old age?
A diamond on my finger won't even look nice.
Of course not.
Why isn't Eunjo around?
Who knows?
You didn't upset her again, did you?
I'm not a game cock.
You're the game cock,
Don't call me that again!
This isn't the time to argue about that.
What is this the time for then?
You should get yourself a new place.
There's me and the kids
in this tiny house.
Don't tell me he's moving in here.
Dad, Ms. Kim is getting married.
You know, right?
You sent him to her, right?
Today I'm here because of my own affairs.
I need your permission for something.
You'll support me
even if I do as I please, right?
What? Why's everyone barging in?
What? Do you have something to say?
Eunjo has something to say.
Where were you
all day?
You said you had something to say.
Ms. Kim.
Go ahead.
Are you issuing the Declaration of Independence?
Are you going to move out?
Ms. Kim, congrats on the marriage.
I mean it.
There's no need to congratulate me.
Tell me when the wedding will be
so I can make plans.
What plans?
Do you want a joint wedding?
I want to get married.
Before you.
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