(we'll reveal the total interim votes)
(for the units, you have selected.)
Here is the first schedule for the perfect unit.
This is your first mission.
(This is The Unit's first mission.)
(Be the performer of a music video)
(with the budget of 500,000 dollars.)
(The budget is 500,000 dollars.)
How am I going to do this?
I thought it has finally begun.
(The units will practice singing and dancing)
(for three days together.)
(A male and female unit)
(who won the first place will be in the video.)
(And there's another assignment.)
(Within three days, they must master "My Turn",)
("Shine", and "Light".)
(Can they perfectly master three songs)
(within three days?)
(KBS Human Resources Development Institute)
(The training camp of 126 performers of The Unit)
(will be held here.)
I've never done something like this before.
I'm happy to spend my time with other performers.
I feel like I'm on a retreat.
I'm nervous.
I'm curious to find out how things will unfold.
(They push away their worry about the mission for now.)
(They're excited about a new start.)
This is nice.
- My gosh! / - Hello.
- No way! / - He's surprised again.
This looks like...
I don't know how to describe it.
Oh, my. It's you.
This is our first day of the training camp.
(The training camp of 126 performers starts!)
I thought it was a hotel.
- The blankets... / - They are so comfortable.
- I want to live here. / - I knew KBS was the best.
- Hey, it's nice. Look at the bed. / - My gosh.
- We have beds. / - Hey,
- this is amazing. / - It's like a hotel room.
We have a humidifier and towels.
We also have a TV.
(Checking the bed is essential.)
- The bed is so cushiony. / - This is great.
- Everyone gets a bed! / - No way.
- It's the best. / - I like it here.
The bed is like a bed of clouds.
(Day one of the training camp)
(in the practice studio of each unit)
Don't let this intimidate you.
She's the leader.
(Yang Jiwon is the leader of Unit Black.)
Thank you.
(Yujeong of Laboum)
Jiwon, come here.
(Serri chose Jiwon right away.)
All I thought about was forming the best unit,
so I was sweeping the room...
and grabbed Jiwon.
(She scouted Jiwon right away.)
We have Jiwon of Spica.
I felt like our unit
had the support of a thousand troops.
I really like her.
(With Jiwon whom they can rely on...)
- Let's do this! / - We can do it!
(Unit Black is full of passion.)
(Unit Yang, go for it!)
Does anyone here have experience
in creating choreography?
I do.
I'll take full responsibility for the choreography.
- Yes! / - That was so cool!
(She's the leader of a hip hop girl group, Wassup.)
(Nari is the powerful dancing queen.)
I know that she's been dancing for a long time.
(She copies the moves right away.)
She managed to copy the moves very quickly.
I got it. I finished memorizing.
(Nari is a dependable copier of choreography.)
- Yes! / - Awesome.
She's someone that we really needed right now.
(ZN of Laboum)
Do it while you face the mirror.
Let's try it with the song.
If you need help, please ask me.
- She's reliable. / - She's good.
One, two, three, four.
(Their practice goes smoothly with Nari in the center.)
(Their practice goes smoothly with Nari in the center.)
- Great work, everyone! / - Excellent work.
I met Hayoon in the elevator a while ago.
She told me that they're learning the moves
for the chorus.
But our unit finished learning all the moves.
Our unit is in the first place.
(Unit Orange seems to have an unusual presence.)
(Hayoon is a trot singer.)
(Kim is a rapper.)
(Mint is from Thailand.)
(Bomi belongs to a Chinese girl group.)
(Areum used to be in T-ara.)
(Hyosun seems intimidating.)
- We have strong characters. / - I agree.
- I do too. / - Our nickname is Girl Crush.
Why don't I become your personal trainer?
(Meanwhile, these two performers aren't familiar)
(with this concept.)
(Those performers are Hyunjoo and Juhyun.)
I just found the situation interesting.
I usually take photos like this,
but they wanted to pose like this.
They said we should pose like this.
Gosh, I can't do the poses they did.
I was so lost. I did have a bit of a hard time.
- What should we do? / - Since we're all sitting down,
how about selecting the leader for our unit?
(They seem interested.)
Anyone who wants to lead our unit should
raise your hand on the count of three.
- One, two, three. / - One, two, three.
- No one else wants to do it? / - I'd like to try.
I'm usually good at leading people.
When I was active with my former group,
I couldn't lead the group since I joined rather later.
I sort of got my wish with this unit.
Shouldn't we choose the one in the middle first?
The one in the center plays an important role.
- We must give it a lot of thought. / - I agree.
I want Juhyun to take the center spot
because the one in the center will be dancing
in front of the group.
(Juhyun dominated the stage)
(with her amazing dance moves.)
- I want Hyunjoo to take the spot. / - Me too.
(Hyunjoo demonstrated sweet and bubbly charms.)
Show us the move you can dance the best
and with confidence.
- I get / - We should
- what you're saying. / - have three battles.
- In that way, we'll be surer. / - That's right.
My goodness.
- Is this an audition or what? / - I want
your eyes to dance with you.
We love you, Hyunjoo!
(Hyunjoo shows her cute charms.)
♪ No, no, no, no ♪
She's so different.
(Juhyun competes against her charms with charisma.)
- She was so powerful. / - Good job!
- Well done. / - That was amazing.
She was good.
(That was amazing.)
(Which one did the majority choose?)
Okay. Hyunjoo should take the spot.
It's Hyunjoo. Okay.
- She was so good though. / - Everyone is good here.
- Thank you. / - You must take responsibility now.
Just work hard, okay?
I'm really happy to get the spot,
but I thought at the same time,
I must take that much of responsibility and work hard.
(Unit Red of male performers was created.)
That unit consists of performers
with Super Boot and six boots.
(Lee Geon of Six Boots)
(Kijung of Super Boot)
I'd say it's Feeldog's unit.
Unit Red.
I'm scared of Unit Red.
That unit has the best performers.
Do you want to join our unit?
(Is this a preview of the perfect unit)
(starting from the first mission?)
There are so many talented performers in the unit.
I do feel like they might become
the faces of the music videos.
They are our biggest threat.
Those great performers formed a unit together.
(He swears at them.)
(They are known as the Avengers of The Unit.)
(A strategist with broad shoulders came up)
(with this big plan.)
I must be in the music video.
(He's the strategist of the Avengers Unit.)
I'm happy.
(Timoteo, the strategist)
(This is the first meeting of Unit Red.)
(Are they practicing the act of silence?)
(Ji Hansol)
(Timoteo of Hotshot)
Everyone was shy.
I'm very shy.
- You've never seen them before. / - That's right.
- I heard you're quite shy. / - Yes, I am.
(In the end, Feeldog joined the interview)
(to loosen up Hansol.)
I wanted to look cool when I was doing it.
Should we shout a slogan together?
- Slogan? / - Let's do that one.
- Oh, right. / - We made one. Do you remember?
No one would take charge.
So Donghyun said that...
we shouldn't be shy toward each other.
- Don't be shy, shy, shy! / - Don't be shy, shy, shy!
One, two, and...
(Making unintelligible sounds)
This is how it's going to be.
Don't lose balance. After that,
put your hand like this.
- Bend your knee. / - One.
(Making unintelligible sounds)
(However, they follow his lead well.)
(After practicing for a while, they play the song.)
(Even Feeldog is surprised)
(at how fast they're learning the moves.)
I learned he was true to his reputation.
I did feel that he was able to keep things balanced.
(In no time, they finish learning the choreography.)
- Everyone, good job today. / - Great session.
- Good work. / - That was great.
Are we really done?
- Hey, I didn't know that. / - Rock-paper-scissors.
- Let's try that. / - Rock-paper-scissors.
(Did they really meet today for the first time?)
(Kanto and Kijung)
(They can't forget about dancing when having fun.)
(Feeldog of Big Star)
- Come on. / - Feeldog.
("How Avengers Play")
(Lee Geon of Madtown)
(What happened to their shyness?)
I love my members.
(Good job to whoever picked them.)
They're the best.
We have to practice for the music video.
I wouldn't say the moves themselves are challenging,
but there are just a lot of powerful moves.
It makes me believe
it'd be hard to deliver those moves well.
Even so, we have...
these two gentlemen to help us.
(Seyong appealed to the audience by dancing.)
You and Feeldog are considered rivals.
Actually, as it happens,
he and I will be working together.
(Euijin made himself as the newcomer of this rivalry.)
(Rain predicted their competition)
(would be entertaining to watch.)
All right.
- Thank you. / - Okay.
Be honest.
This might come across as arrogant,
but I'm not worried.
I think we would make a great unit.
Our unit isn't bad.
I don't think we'd fall behind Unit Red.
Feeldog is such a good dancer.
How could he be so good at dancing?
I'm sure he memorized all the moves.
How would I know that?
He's in your group.
Feeldog is probably done, right?
- Hello, / - Hello,
- we're a band called Mas. / - we're a band called Mas.
Since all of us are in a band,
if there's anyone of you
who would want to help us with the dance,
- Please join our unit. / - we'd be eternally grateful.
(Daewon reached out first.)
(Unit White was formed.)
(Which units can you beat?)
Unit White.
The one Daewon is in.
I think Daewon's unit...
They are in a band, but dancing?
I heard they were in a band.
They used to perform as a band.
He's probably teaching people
who haven't learned how to dance.
I'm worried about them.
(Which units can you beat?)
Do you think we can beat any?
(No unit is easy for us to beat.)
Rivals? No way. Right now, we feel like...
we're in a foreign country.
They are so different from us.
I'll lead our unit although I might need
a lot of help from you.
(By a unanimous decision,)
(Daewon is selected as the leader.)
Can't you guess how I'm feeling by the look of it?
With this badge, I feel like I earned the Super Boot.
I know it's a different letter.
It's been a while since I had to learn choreography.
One, two.
(Since they're new to dancing,)
(he slowly repeats the moves.)
Yes. You're good.
You guys are good.
- He's encouraging us. / - That was great.
I know how I'm going to lead them.
Instead of just practicing all the time,
I want to give them a lot of positive energies.
I believe words of encouragement work wonders.
Spin your wrist, point, and push.
Point and push. That was great.
(He compliments their every move.)
We just did a simple move.
- You guys are great. / - Okay, we're doing good.
I meant every word. You guys are awesome.
- We can do this. / - Yes, we can do this!
- I think we can do this. / - I believe we can do this.
There's nothing we can't do.
I thought he was an angel.
(With the mindset of a noble educator,)
(he educates the young minds.)
You're great.
(Even the time to change is precious.)
(He is like a teacher even in their rooms.)
It's like this.
(They're practicing again,)
(using the window as a mirror.)
(While the other teams)
(are sleeping deeply in their rooms)
We can beat them.
That's enough.
(After three days of training camp)
(Final evaluation D-day)
We're here to elect the first face of The Unit.
We're all going to join forces and win the first place.
I was thinking that I won't accept anything
but the first place.
(How will we elect)
(the lead of the music video "My Turn"?)
(After seeing seven performances)
(from men and female teams,)
(The 126 performers will vote)
(for one male and one female team.)
(But, they can't vote for their own team.)
Our colleagues have to vote for us.
It's not easy to get votes
from our competition.
There's a slight psychological warfare.
I don't want to lose.
(We will start the first mission for The Unit)
(They will perform while the mentors)
(and colleagues are watching.)
Team Black, please come up to the stage
if you're ready.
Personally, I'm really looking forward to this team.
There are a lot of
amazing vocals on this team.
(Jiwon, Woohee of Dalshabet)
(Yujeong of Laboum)
They can also dance.
I have high expectations.
(Team Black, Practice room)
One, two, three, turn.
(They are focusing on practice)
(with Nari in the center.)
(They made a lot of progress just in one day.)
(Jiwon is one beat late.)
- Let's do it one more time. / - Okay.
I'm slow at learning choreography.
I'm going to continue practicing later.
Jiwon is the leader,
but Nari and Serri are teaching the choreography.
Jiwon was feeling very sorry
because she was slow at learning the choreography.
You can do this diagonally.
- Like this? / - Yes.
Why can't I do the basics?
I felt sorry because I was
the only one being so slow.
(A suspicious sound)
(is coming from the empty practice room.)
The supplements I'm taking are too strong.
(After recharging energy)
She was practicing alone without eating anything.
It broke my heart.
Gather at the place
where you received the first mission until 2 p.m.
- Suddenly? / - Interim evaluation is like this.
What is this?
(Is this really the interim evaluation?)
(They gathered without a clue.)
(A guest suddenly came without a warning.)
- Hello. / - Hello.
(Kim Hwayeong and Jung Seungtak, Choreographer)
I'm sure that this is the interim evaluation.
What should I do?
My heart was racing.
Team Black.
(How much have they finished in one day?)
(Jiwon is a beat late.)
If I just see your faces,
you look like singers
who rank first place in Music Bank.
Your faces look like you're so good at dancing.
Where did all the movement go?
You have a black hole, and she's lost over there.
You have to do it together.
(Team Black received harsh remarks.)
This mission isn't for one person.
(ZN of Laboum)
I'm doing this thinking that this is my last chance.
I'm really desperate.
So many thoughts ran through my head.
How can I be the leader?
Let's just repeat from the start.
Won't it be better counting the beat?
- Together? / - Yes.
I think we should memorize the moves first,
and turn around and practice.
It might be different for you, but it's worse for me
when you repeat the music when you make a mistake.
Why? What's the problem?
They have different ideas.
Let's practice the formation.
(Jiwon wants to practice the formation first.)
- Look at the person beside you. / - Your legs.
(Think about your legs.)
Think that there's another set of legs in front of you.
(Sensing the atmosphere)
(The atmosphere suddenly became cold.)
It would be a lie if I said that it wasn't hard.
There are some girls who are slow learners.
If we adjust the progress to them,
the others have to slow down
and that's harder and it makes people more tired.
I felt that people detected me and were saying,
"Is that all she can do?"
I just hated myself.
("My Turn" by Team Black)
(Will Team Black show progress?)
(This is a 100 percent live performance)
(without any chorus.)
(Woohee of Dalshabet)
(Serri of Dalshabet)
Jiwon, you're not dancing right now.
Try to imagine if that was a public TV show.
That's a serious problem.
My team members trusted me and said
that they were happy to be on my team.
I felt that I didn't do a good job being the leader.
I was sorry because of that.
I was also embarrassed.
Team White, please come up on stage.
(The second performance is Team White.)
One, two, three.
- Lucky nine, Hello. / - Lucky nine, Hello.
(Lee Suji)
Who do you think is the best performer of your team?
Janey, please pick one person.
(Where is everyone looking at?)
- I think it's Anne. / - Really?
(She's trying to not smile.)
She's young, but she's confident
and has good facial expressions.
Anne seems to be in a fighter mood now.
Her face looks like she's saying,
"I want to show people something"
before she goes in the ring.
(Anne of S.I.S joined with five boots.)
(The second day of camp)
(A regular morning in the girl group's rooms.)
(My body remembers.)
(She suddenly gets up.)
(You will look at me. You will get to know me.)
(Anne is the first person)
(to arrive at the training room.)
I'll practice hard to help my group members.
(She focuses on the choreography video.)
(Anne practices alone.)
- What should we adjust? / - I don't know.
What should we do?
I looked at the details in the morning.
- Can I teach you? / - Yes.
- Okay. / - Raise your arm like this.
- Up to your forearm. / - My forearm.
Two, three, four.
- Okay. / - Wrap your hand like this.
- To the front? / - Yes.
After you do this, gather your legs like this.
- One, two, three, four. / - One, two, three, four.
Anne is the youngest.
But she is very mature.
Even if she is younger, she is reliable.
She's admirable.
- How? / - Do it like this.
Like this?
(She actively teaches the choreography to her team.)
Since I'm the youngest and the center of the team,
I practiced hard because I wanted to be good.
I think we can become first place
if we can perform like we practice.
("My Turn" by Team White)
(She made a crucial mistake in the end.)
I ruined it.
I think I was nervous
from the pressure of being the center.
I'm really sorry to my team members.
I'm disappointed in me
as much as I wanted to do this well.
Team Orange.
Two, three.
- ♪ We're happy ♪ / - ♪ We're happy ♪
- Let's play. / - Let's play.
- Hello, please / - Hello, please
- look forward to us. / - look forward to us.
- Are you happy? / - Yes.
Give us a round of applause if you're happy.
Are you doing this greeting because of Hayoon?
Yes, that's right.
Let's do the chant one more time.
- ♪ We're happy ♪ / - ♪ We're happy ♪
- Hello, / - Hello,
- we're Team Orange. / - we're Team Orange.
We sound like we're performing at an event.
This combination
seems quite fresh.
I'm also worried at the same time.
What will they show us?
Let's see their performance first.
- I'm curious how this team will do. / - I know right?
- The combination is... / - It's really interesting.
A lot of different types of people are on this team.
- Five, six, seven, eight. / - Five, six, seven, eight.
(Hyosun is leading the choreography practice.)
(It's progressing easily without a problem.)
(Their choreography is in harmony)
(like their shout of concentration.)
We're dancing in harmony.
We did it pleasantly
because our teamwork was so good.
I think we're going to be the first place.
(An interesting combination of the Team Orange)
(Same age friends Hyosun and Hyunjoo)
Hyosun and I are friends from the same school.
(The two went to the same high school.)
I'm seeing a new side of her
and I think she's admirable
after meeting her here.
Hyunjoo keeps calling me "Older brother".
She said, "I feel confident because you're here."
- I'll do it. / - One.
- It's right. / - Is it right?
- It's not like that. / - Should I do it like this?
Are you going to do it smiling and look like a fool?
Move your body.
Do it like this.
- Like this? / - Yes.
(Gazes gently)
- Why? / - I'm just looking at you.
You're actually adorable.
(They boast their friendship even in their room.)
(They spent a happy first day.)
Team Orange.
(Choreography interim evaluation)
(As soon as they start,)
(their choreography becomes dissonant.)
(The leader Areum makes a mistake.)
(Even Hyosun is lost.)
(Their teamwork has completely collapsed.)
Do you want to see this on TV later?
It's quite a spectacle.
Try to look like a team.
That's why I have nothing to say right now.
Everyone is doing their own thing separately.
Let's do it.
- Okay. / - Okay.
(Taewan, Producer)
- ♪ Return the light, ♪ / - ♪ Return the light, ♪
- ♪ return the mic ♪ / - ♪ return the mic ♪
(She sings out of tune.)
(Hyosun isn't singing.)
- ♪ You'll look at me ♪ / - Okay.
- Everybody. / - Yes?
Did you practice singing?
I think you're the worst
out of all the teams.
Hyosun, let's see how you sing.
♪ Even if we walk the same path ♪
(Hyosun's voice isn't coming out.)
- You want to do this, don't you? / - Yes, I do.
The condition of Hyosun's voice was really bad.
She really worked hard yesterday.
She learned the choreography and taught it to us.
She went through all that trouble.
She made a lot of mistakes
because she didn't have time to practice by herself.
(Team Orange continuously received harsh remarks.)
(They're sensitive)
(because they're worried about the competition.)
Everyone was very discouraged.
It would be nice to perform amazingly.
But it didn't go like we wanted to.
I felt so bad because of myself.
Turn on my command.
Areum, you're making too many mistakes.
- You're making mistakes... / - She's tired.
- My throat hurts. / - whenever we practice.
This is driving me crazy.
I'm going to have a mental breakdown.
We're in tune compared to the past.
Let's just say nice words.
I'm not going to say nice words.
I'm just telling you the truth.
This is serious.
So, what do you want me to do?
(Volatile situation)
- What should I do? / - I don't want you
- to do anything. / - Then what?
Don't only think of nice thoughts.
It's natural to be worried if you're making mistakes
when we're practicing from the start to the end.
I'm also worried.
But do you have to say it like that?
I know that you want to say it nicely but I'm tired.
- I know it. / - I'm just saying it.
You make me feel bad when I hear it.
Let's do it after taking a break.
(Hayoon leaves.)
We all have strong personalities.
I was sad.
I kept making mistakes at things
that I used to be good at.
It's hard to adjust to everyone.
We all have different thoughts.
I told her that it would be better
if she kept telling me.
Did it sound like I'm talking back?
No, it's not like talking back.
- I'm sorry. / - I know what you're trying to say.
It wasn't like that.
It's not like that. I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. / - Okay.
- I'm just worried. / - Okay.
(They continue to practice.)
One and two.
- Ouch! / - Oh, my.
(Hyosun and Hyunjoo bumped into each other.)
I'm scared.
I'm scared that she might hit me.
- Okay. / - I almost got hit.
- Then you should stand here. / - It's okay.
Stand in the front.
(Hyosun pulls Hyunjoo's arm to go in the front.)
- No, it's okay. / - Stand in the front.
- I'm sorry. / - You don't want to get hit.
- I'm okay. / - Quickly.
I'm about to get mad.
(I'm about to get mad.)
Keep practicing here.
No, it's okay. I'll just stand here.
Then, why did you just say that?
(An unexpected conflict occurs.)
- Wait a minute. / - Why?
(Unexpected situation)
- What did you twist? / - I twisted my ankle.
Does it hurt?
- Oh, my. / - How is it?
What should we do?
Shouldn't he take his shoes off?
(Emergency Room)
For more infomation >> The Unit | 더 유닛 - Ep.7 : Dancing on the Edge [ENG/2017.12.27] - Duration: 31:24.-------------------------------------------
Local shops see holiday sales spike, high rent continues to be a problem - Duration: 1:31.
Overly Excited Tourist Is Looking For Drugs In Baltimore - Duration: 2:28.
- Good morning children.
I'm in Bulbasaur, Meryl Streep.
Home of crabs.
Let's go see if we can score some drugs,
and have a good time.
(upbeat music)
Whoa baby boy, look at the size of this manument.
They say its 100 feet big, and it's based...
oh it's based on a massacre, that's less fun.
Tell a scary story directly into my ass,
it's the Edward Alvin Pope house.
Crazy he could work on so many projects,
while living in the projects.
Now he is a ghost.
The ultimate spooky nasty boy.
Edward, go home, you're drunk.
Mmm, yum yum yum, big hungry boy, where should I eat?
How about Danosaur Barbecue?
Holy snopes, these people are running a mastodon.
Hi, runny honeys.
Balamode, you are the Mo's Fawn place I've ever seen.
Come help, I'm getting all wet under the Foocet.
It's just an illusion you complete idiot.
Nasty hiccupotamus, will you please give me peace.
I'm high.
Get out of my ass, look who I just ran into.
My ex wife.
No I do miss you though.
What's my favorite part of Balding Whore?
I don't know, I'm stumped.
I'm gay.
Juniper Creebus, look at this monument right here.
They say it's 100 feet big, and-ah, Jesus Christ.
I might go eat some crab capes and take
a historic ship myself.
No, let's go look at some boats.
(electronic music)
My favorite is the cheese peach.
Are you joking my ass?
You can ride a water danosaur?
Mother Ocean, take me away.
Bulvadore Merligan says it best.
There's no stopping this nasty boy.
Hooe's, what a day I've had here in Blotimore.
I never did score any drugs,
but at least I got a classic Blotimore crab cake.
It even was the best day of my whole life.
(electronic music)
She Survived Las Vegas Shooting, But Lost Her Home To California Fires | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 3:57.
Panagiota Petridou: Gequält und belästigt! - Duration: 5:09.
Mitos y realidades de las Sopas Instantáneas ¿Qué tan peligroso es comerlas? - Duration: 3:48.
Titta bildspel Babblarna för barn. Tecknad film för barn. - Duration: 1:59.
Melania Trump orders the removal of a diseased 200-year-old White House - Duration: 2:53.
이은재 국회의원 탈당|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:59.
Prince Harry's Interview With Former President Obama Released Amid Meghan Markle Mania | TODAY - Duration: 3:36.
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Class 12 History Chapter 6 Bhakti Sufi Traditions Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point - Duration: 13:23.
Class 12 History Chapter 6 Bhakti Sufi Traditions Bhakti Movement Sufism Hinduism Vishnu Shiva islam Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point
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