Juan Jose Montiel...
Juan Montiel. Here's your...
Juan Montiel, yeah. That's mine.
Thank you.
Oh! Can you sign this, please?
Where is it?
Montiel, okay.
One question.
I wanted to know if the seats of the gala
are already assigned.
I'm not sure.
Well, I really want to know
because I don't want to be seated at the same table
with a participant of the Castañeda winery.
Let me check. I'll check.
Okay, thanks! I'll be around.
Can I pick up my ID for the festival here?
Yeah, sure! What's your name?
Aurora Castañeda.
<i> Hey, Robert! </i> <i> Have you heard?</i>
And I'm happy for you,
although I didn't exactly hear it from you.
<i> I'm sorry. </i> <i> I'm just so happy.</i>
<i> I can't believe it!</i>
Luis must be very happy.
<i> He's over the moon.</i>
<i> He totally told off</i> <i> his bossy mom, too.</i>
<i> "I'm not attending the expo</i> <i> in Chicago.</i>
<i> I'm staying</i> <i> with my wife."</i>
Hold up.
So he didn't go to the expo?
<i> No.</i> <i> - NO. </i>
Then who did? Paco, Natalia...?
<i> Robert, pregnancy has me</i> <i> peeing like crazy.</i>
<i> Gotta go!</i> <i> Bye!</i>
Anita? Anita, wait!
I thought your husband would be here.
He had an accident, so I came instead.
Juanjo! Aurora!
We need a photo of this.
This will be great for MAWA. You both look great.
Thanks, but the conference is starting.
It won't take long.
Don't want your picture taken with me?
Of course I do.
There we go.
Excuse me.
Hey, Roberto. I called you a while ago.
Where are you?
I'm at the hotel, the first talk is about to start.
Who else is there from Napa?
Well, Mike, Sandoval, and Horacio.
Who's representing Montiel winery?
I've yet to see any of the Montiels here.
Roberto, what happened? Why are you on the floor?
How'd you end up on the floor?
I'm fine, honey!
Call me once you leave the conference.
-Need help? -No, I'm fine.
-My phone fell and I... -Careful!
I dropped my phone and haven't gotten the hang of crutches yet.
Don't worry.
Good morning!
Someone left this for you. It was by the door.
It's addressed to you, but no sender.
Any idea what it might be?
No, but I have been receiving gifts
from a secret admirer lately.
Well, tell him to drop things off for you at home, not here.
Not like I can do much about that.
I don't know who it is!
Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.
So has Mike called?
Yes, he had great news.
He and Horacio Toledo are meeting with Mrs. O'Connor
to discuss the book.
That's great news...
Is that you?
Yeah... and I know who sent it to me.
Who's Jordan?
I am.
I'm her boyfriend.
-Jordan! -Sweetie!
For you.
I'm honored to interview two representatives
who're emblematic of Napa's latest generation
of Latino viticulturists.
They are the talented enologists Aurora Castañeda,
<i> here representing</i> <i> her family's winery,</i>
<i> and master sommelier</i> <i> Juan Jose Montiel</i>
<i> on behalf of Montiel winery.</i>
<i> Thank you!</i>
<i> Thanks for being here.</i>
You damn bastard!
Damn bastards!
Hey, babe...
so you really had no idea I was the one sending you presents?
I had an inkling it was you.
Especially once I read that poem by Neruda.
You're the only one who knows how much I love his work.
I thought you were in the Dominican Republic, though.
What are you doing here?
Why else would I be here? I came for you!
I came back for you.
I can't seem to forget you.
I'm still madly in love with you.
I also have great news for you.
I featured your photos in my exhibition...
and a Berlin art gallery liked them so much,
they've invited me to their two-year art program...
on a full scholarship!
All I have to do is develop
a six-month to one-year art project and that's it!
I'm in!
You? In Berlin!
That's right, baby.
Your ebony hunk is headed to Berlin!
I'll be living in the heart of the city in a studio loft
within an artist collective.
And I can take one person with me...
You, babe!
Of course it's you!
You're my muse.
<i> It's a competitive market.</i>
<i> Our parents</i> <i> have paved the way for us</i>
<i> through their hard work</i> <i> and dedication.</i>
<i> As second-generation</i> <i> viticulturists,</i>
<i> it's our duty to improve</i> <i> the quality of our wines.</i>
<i> What do you think,</i> <i> Juanjo?</i>
<i> I totally agree</i> <i> with Aurora.</i>
<i> It's our duty to improve</i> <i> year after year,</i>
<i> from harvest, to fermentation,</i> <i> to bottling.</i>
<i> I also believe we must</i> <i> do this for our families.</i>
You bastard.
You bastard!
<i> Thank you both</i> <i> for your comments.</i>
We done?
Okay, set up the camera in the auditorium
so we can record part of the conference, okay?
I was nervous.
Excellent interview!
-Thank you! -No problem.
Well done!
Thanks for helping me out with Mrs. O'Connor.
She's very interested in the project.
What project?
<i> Napa: Faces and Stories.</i> That's the title of her book.
That's right.
Juanjo, your father and I want to publish a book
on the lives of Latino viticulturists in Napa.
Their day-to-day lives, their families...
It's interesting stuff.
Wow! That does sound cool.
Shall we head on in?
"Robert CALLING..."
Yes, shall we head on in?
Yeah, sure!
Of course.
Alright, bye.
Those people still bugging you, sweetie?
Yeah, but I can't really respond
until we test out the co-op's mechanic grape harvester.
I don't trust that thing.
Our vineyards aren't set up for it.
It won't work.
I don't know.
I measured everything and ran a few calculations.
The difference is just a few centimeters.
I really need this to work.
We need to save on external labor.
We could use the money.
Well, God willing, sweetie.
We'll test it out this weekend and see if it works.
I'm not convinced.
What do you think, Dimas?
They're pretty damn bland, I'd say.
Roberto and Bonifacio had a verbal agreement, though.
We're supposed to buy out the entire harvest.
If you back out now, Bonifacio will lose his grapes.
I'm sorry for both of them,
but I can't buy grapes I can't make wine with.
I was looking for a flight to Chicago, but I don't see
any flights from San Francisco to Chicago for today.
<i> That's right, sir. </i>
<i> There are no more</i> <i> direct flights.</i>
Listen. I need to travel tonight.
It's a family emergency!
<i>Well, if you want, I can put you</i> <i> on a waiting list, </i>
<i> but you have to be in the</i> <i> airport as soon as you can.</i>
I'm heading out with Emilito. Need anything?
No! Thanks, Meche. I'm very busy right now.
Lock the door on your way out, okay?
Okay. Do it.
Bored from the talk, huh?
More boring than a talk with my grandfather.
You going back in?
Of course not! I'm not crazy.
-Want some coffee? -Make it a double shot.
Well, it's drip coffee, so...
Alright. Thanks.
So you haven't seen anyone from the Montiel winery?
I mean, I don't see what the problem is.
It isn't like we planned to meet here.
Why'd you lie to your husband?
Because I don't want to argue with him.
You know how jealous Roberto can get.
I didn't want to risk it.
By the way, there's an Italian wine stand
and they're hosting a Sicilian wine tasting.
-Shall we? -Sure.
Hold on.
Hey, Serena!
<i> Hey there, Master Sommelier!</i>
<i> So, how's the Windy City</i> <i> treating you?</i>
Good! It's amazing.
Is that Candido behind you?
Check it!
Hey, take it easy!
Your girlfriend's exploiting me!
How have you been? Good?
Good, just missing you a bunch.
<i> So how's the festival?</i>
We're about to do an Italian wine tasting, my favorite!
Look who's here!
<i> Hi!</i>
<i> It's great to see you!</i>
<i>I'm glad you got out to Chicago.</i>
<i> Have a great time,</i> <i> you guys.</i>
-Shall we? -Let's.
For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 23 | Telemundo English - Duration: 12:35.-------------------------------------------
Estrella Porno, NO! 😩💔🍆 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:52.
Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 40 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:33.
Is it ready?
Yes. I'll deliver it as soon as I'm at the ranch.
No one who's hurt my wife can go on living.
Rooster Quintanilla is holding a press conference tomorrow.
The bastard's going to brag about taking your tunnels
and ------ up your business.
I'm going to parade his ----- around after I cut them off.
I have no choice but to assume Sanchez was neck-deep in this.
He wouldn't be the first or last agent to be corrupted.
Let the FBI handle the investigation
and focus on your job.
I have to check in on Aida in El Paso.
Take care of yourselves and don't do anything dumb.
¡ÉXITO, GALLITO! Good luck, Rooster.
Are we here?
Damn you! You scared the crap out of me!
What are you doing back there?
What if Border Patrol had spotted you?
I know, but they didn't.
Try to understand. It's my sister.
It was this or wait until God knows when to see her.
"My sister?"
I wonder how the hell we're gonna get back.
Get out.
You really scared me.
What's up, -----?
Freeze, ------! Freeze!
Dead end?
Up to no good again, Enchilada?
It was just this once, Philips.
I needed the money. I can't find work.
I couldn't care less about what you do or do not do.
I need your help.
I want you to be my eyes and ears on the street.
Know what I mean?
What am I looking for?
Arturo Sanchez.
Didn't you two work together?
You may be a ------- junkie, but you've got a good memory.
That's him.
I'll never forget who put me in the slammer.
What about him?
He vanished under mysterious circumstances.
It's like he fell off the face of the Earth.
No one knows anything.
I don't know. This doesn't sound promising.
I know that, you bastard. That's why I'm here.
Sometimes I get more intel from the streets than at the agency.
Can you help me or not?
Depends on how much you're willing to pay.
You never change.
Consider me not locking you up for dealing
as the rest of your payment.
If you breathe a word of this, you know what'll happen to you.
Is that clear?
-Crystal. -Great!
So do we have your vote?
Do we have your vote, girl?
Hey, baby. Do I have your vote?
Why don't we have a larger crowd, Triple R?
I don't know.
You don't?
I pay you to always have an answer!
This is a terrible blow to my husband, Triple R.
We expected more. That's why we pay you.
Ma'am, I'm doing my best and then some.
Well, come up with something better.
Hey, I hired you! You can't make me look bad.
At the next event we need a larger crowd
and the other mayors.
Keep your eyes peeled.
We don't want to be caught with our pants down.
Girl, if I can, then you can too.
Wave that flag!
Hey, you sound familiar.
Are you one of the guys I offered a lil' something
in exchange for their vote?
It's a shame Salvador couldn't make it.
He's handling important business.
Be quiet. It's about to start.
Rooster! Rooster!
Thank you for being here today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
First of all, you should know I'm a man of few words.
I'm a man of action.
I don't like to brag about my accomplishments,
so I hope you keep your eyes wide open
so you can see how violence
disappears from the beautiful streets of Matamoros.
<i> I'd also like to tell you </i>
<i> that we've dealt a huge blow</i> <i> to the drug trade.</i>
You ------- bastard!
I'll show you!
<i> Thanks to a mission led by me,</i> <i> we helped US agencies</i>
locate the tunnels used by Indio Amaro
<i> to smuggle drugs</i> <i> on an international level.</i>
<i> The very drugs</i> <i> that plague our society.</i>
I was just watching him.
He's talking ---- on TV
as if everything is fine and dandy.
Thank you!
Let him have his fun.
You will too.
Stay tuned, though.
<i> Something memorable</i> <i> is going to happen.</i>
I sure hope so, Colombian.
<i> Well, I'm not here</i> <i> to give a speech,</i>
<i> but if you're not sure</i> <i> who to vote for...</i>
To think I have to put with her 'cause she loaned us money.
Especially after everything you've had to deal with.
Rooster Quintanilla is the one!
What? Where'd she come from?
She's with the Aceros now?
No one important.
<i> Rooster!</i> <i> Rooster!</i>
Romero, you promised me a gift.
Where is it?
Relax, Amaro.
I have my best man on the job. Relax and enjoy the show.
Your sister is crazy.
She hid in my car!
It was the only way I was going to get to see you.
I bet that gringo didn't even let you use the phone.
Debora was right! Gringos only want us to...
Enough, Rosario! Don't go there.
Tell me, do you know the baby's gender?
I'm so excited!
Come on!
It's so nice to see you guys together again.
What are you doing here? You're a wanted woman.
Who brought you here?
Vicenta, right? Good morning.
Good morning, sir.
Alright, let's get down to business.
I have your trial date.
That was fast! I'm so excited.
I think Mr. Romero's the best lawyer there is.
How'd you do it?
I did what most people do in these cases.
I convinced the judge that Aida's no criminal.
Thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
Oh, come on!
It's fine for Phillips to call me "sir,"
but no need for you to be so formal.
I know he does it because he doesn't like me,
though I don't know why. Maybe because it's obvious
-that your eyes drive me wild. -Alright. That's enough, sir.
Or I'll have to find another lawyer for Aida
-and I don't want that. -Don't worry.
You made yourself clear the day we kissed in the convent.
Should I give you two some privacy
so you can discuss said kiss in depth?
I hope Romero keeps his word for the sake of this ranch.
I'm really hoping we can mess up the Acero-Quintanillas.
The boss should've sent people he trusted from our cartel.
I don't trust the Colombian's men.
Considering the disaster of the last crossing,
the boss doesn't trust us anymore.
That's exactly why we have to tread lightly
until things cool down.
Now get to work!
We need to churn out two shipments
to regain the boss' trust.
You heard him. Haul ass!
Get to work.
Give me your phone. I don't know where mine is.
I think I lost it when the Petates ambushed us.
It's better to lose your phone than to die, right?
Yeah, but this one is untraceable
and with the way things are going,
I won't ask Indio for a replacement.
If Owl finds out you took his phone...
Shut up. Don't jinx it.
Listen to me, Carmencita.
If these people manage to kill one of the Acero-Quintanillas,
there'll be a war.
They'll show no mercy.
This place won't be safe anymore.
No one knows about this place.
Even the most trusted people come here
with their heads covered.
Owl's the only one who knows where we are.
And Fiambre, maybe.
The Aceros are crafty. Trust me.
I know them.
Should we make a run for it again?
Jose Angel, I'd rather die out there and be coyote chow
than die here.
Let's go.
What's that?
I got it from one of Mario Casas' guys.
He said it'd improve the Molly's quality.
He told me how much to add to it.
Wasn't this Molly supposed to be the best?
That's what I told him,
but he insisted that it needed an update.
That Casas himself had approved it.
That's --------.
Lose something?
Get back to work.
We need help to get out of here.
Mario Casas isn't an option anymore.
Think of someone. There has to be someone.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'd like to tell all of you that today in Matamoros,
we've taken the first step towards ending
the lack of safety in our wonderful state of Tamaulipas.
And it's only the beginning.
We will start with this heroic city
and we will transform the entire state
and, if you and God allow me, the entire country too.
Let's dance!
Give me that. Come on.
Let's dance!
What the hell are you doing, Tuti?
Damn it.
Shake that booty, honey!
We can't let her steal the spotlight.
Get her off the stage.
Hey. Did you organize this?
No, this was all arranged
by the president of the Women's Committee of Matamoros.
Come here, Rooster. Let's dance!
Come on! It's your party too.
Come with me.
Oh, wait. Let's take a pic.
Hey, you two can dance together.
Move it.
Damn it.
Roscas, what the hell is going on?
<i> Hurry up</i> <i> and shoot the target.</i>
I'm trying, but Tuti's in the way.
I can't shoot yet.
I thought you were an expert at this sort of thing!
I don't know how, but get it done!
Can you say it again?
I don't think I heard you correctly.
What'd this ------------ say? He kissed you?
What's that all about?
Look, let me explain.
It's not what you think.
Wait. I'll explain.
We were playing a game.
There were a lot of kids at the convent
and they asked us to do it.
Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
It was something like that. Nothing happened.
-Don't worry. -Nothing happened?
No! No!
What the hell is going on?
Do you like women who are already spoken for?
Is that it?
Daniel, really. Vicenta's not lying.
Please calm down. Let him go.
Calm down.
Let him go, gringo. You're hurting him.
What do you have to say about this?
I'm working and putting my life on the line
and you don't care that this son of a bitch
is trying to steal my woman?
That's not what I'm doing.
I respect her and I respect you.
You have the best woman in Mexico.
She hit me the day we kissed. You said...
Look, that was something stupid, but I already talked to Romero.
It's in the past.
Yeah, Vicenta was really upset. I was there.
Come on! Calm down!
You two, be quiet.
Did he make a pass at you? Did he?
Yes, but he apologized!
-So he made a pass at you! -He apologized!
Who's your man? Aren't we a couple?
If he made a pass at you, why didn't you tell me?
Aren't we open with each other? Where's the trust?
Vicenta, I'm so sorry. I thought you'd told him.
You said you two had no secrets.
I'm sorry, man.
It's terrible that you found out this way.
I'm sorry. Nothing happened.
Do you think I'm stupid?
I've never trusted you, bastard.
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