• Who was killed in his sleep by a farm animal crashing through his roof?
Who managed to die at their OWN funeral?
From freak accidents to nightmare scenarios, here are 15 of the freakiest ways people have
15 – Parisian Parachute Accident • In 1912, Franz Reichelt made a statement.
He was going to jump from the Eiffel Tower, and live to tell about it because of his new
design – a wearable parachute.
• The claim garnered so much attention, that the event was filmed.
• And that's why we have film over a century old of a man jumping from the Eiffel Tower
to his death.
14 – Soup IV • Generally speaking, having soup injected
into your veins would be a bad thing for pretty much anybody.
• But it's especially bad for an 88-year-old Brazilian woman trying to recover from a stroke.
• The hospital that accidentally hooked up the woman's feeding tube to her IV admits
that they made the mistake… but they insist that her ensuing death had nothing to do with
13 – Conductor stabs own foot on stage • Opera conducting was very different in
1687 than it is today.
• Instead of waving a baton in the air, conductors would hold a big staff on stage,
and bang it on the stage in time with the music.
• But one day, conductor Jean-Baptiste de Lully got a bit too excited, and stabbed his
own toe with his staff.
• The wound became infected and he came down with gangrene.
But he refused to have the toe amputates, so two months later he died of blood poisoning.
12 – Airborne black bear • Imagine driving down a highway and suddenly
seeing a black bear flying towards your windshield.
• That was the last thing two people in Quebec, Canada saw in 2011.
The bear was hit by a car on the highway, and was launched into oncoming traffic on
the other side of the road.
• The bear hit an SUV's front windshield, and flew all the way out the back window,
killing both people inside.
11 – Falling cow • When you go to sleep at night, you probably
feel totally safe and secure, right?
• That's what one 45-year-old Brazilian man thought when he went to bed one night…
until he woke up crushed by a cow.
• The cow had apparently walked onto the roof of the man's home – which was built
into a hillside – and fell through his roof, directly onto the man as he slept.
• The cow and the man's wife were completely uninjured.
But the man himself died of internal bleeding.
10 – "Long Scarf Syndrome" • "Long scarf syndrome" is the name
for when a scarf or other piece of clothing gets stuck in a moving object, and the person
wearing it gets hurt.
• One of the earliest recorded occasions of this is from 1927, when dancer Isadora
Duncan got her long silk scarf caught in the back hubcaps of her open car.
• As she was driving, the scarf got caught in the wheel and strangled her to death.
9 – Deadly orgy • Sergey Tuganov was given a challenge.
Two women bet him about 43 hundred dollars that he wouldn't be able to satisfy them
in a 12-hour sex marathon.
• 12 hours and an entire bottle of Viagra later, Tuganov won the bet.
And a few minutes later, the 28-year-old died of a heart attack.
8 – High rise window prank • Garry Hoy was a 38-year-old lawyer who
really liked showing off the structural integrity of the windows in his high-rise office building.
• Just to get a rise out of his co-workers, Hoy would get a running start and throw himself
against the windows in his building, always bouncing off harmlessly.
• But one day, Hoy pulled the same stunt, bouncing off the window the first time, and
then taking another run at it.
• The second time, the window popped out of its frame, and Hoy plummeted 24 stories
to his death.
7 – Suffocated by tampons • Mark Gleeson had a terrible snoring problem
after a car crash gave him chronic sinus issues.
• He decided the best way to solve those problems was to stuff tampons up his nose.
• The good news is, he stopped snoring.
Bad news is, he also stopped breathing.
6 – Death at a funeral • In 2011, a 49-year-old Russian woman woke
up at her own funeral, surrounded by loved ones mourning her passing.
• She was pronounced dead of a heart attack at the hospital, but clearly she wasn't.
She started screaming inside her coffin after realizing she was going to be buried alive.
• They managed to get her out of the coffin and back to the hospital, where she died of
heart failure 12 minutes later – for real this time.
5 – Flying Drones • Flying a "drone" has become a popular
thing for people in the last few years, but they've been around for a while.
• In 1979, for instance, there was a drone shaped like a lawnmower flying around at an
NFL game in Shea Stadium in New York.
• That very same flying lawnmower plowed into a 20-year-old man in the stands.
Witnesses said it looked like he had "been attacked by an ax," and he died of his injuries
four days later.
4 – Monkey attack • Monkeys are jerks.
Ask anybody who has been around them for a while.
• You could ask SS Bajwa, the former deputy mayor of New Delhi.
• Except that you can't, because monkeys literally came to his house and killed him
by knocking him off the terrace of his home.
3 – Press F to Pay Respects • There's nothing wrong with playing some
video games.
But playing video games for 50 hours straight with no breaks?
• Well, that will get you killed.
• At least it did to one South Korean man, whose death was linked to heart failure related
to bodily exhaustion.
2 – Horse Love • Back in the mid-2000s, there was a video
circulating the internet involving a man willingly putting himself on the receiving end of sex
with a horse.
• That video shall remain nameless.
• But that guy died, and the State of Washington determined it needed to put laws about bestiality
on the books VERY quickly after that.
1 - Drowning in poop • This is the literal nightmare scenario.
Think about the worst possible way to die, and you'll come up with something like this.
• In 2012, a father and his two sons fell into a pond filled with liquid animal manure.
• People nearby tried to help, but in the end they were unable to pull the family out,
and all three of them drowned.
• Afterwards, it took several hours just for rescue workers to recover
the bodies.
For more infomation >> 15 Freakiest Ways People Perished - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
☯ Inspirações: Lei da Atração, Música para Atrair Prosperidade ☮ Musica para Meditação Paz Interior - Duration: 1:06:19.
BREAKING: Mar-A-Lago Forced To SHUT DOWN. - Duration: 3:13.
President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Golf Club was forced to shut down on Friday, and
the reason why has people ecstatic.
The President has been spending his Christmas vacation at the Florida club to take some
time away from the chaos in Washington, but it hasn't come without some chaos of its
In fact, earlier this week, a crew for CNN was caught in the bushes trying to spy on
President Trump as he played a round of golf at the exclusive resort, so the President
did what anyone wanting privacy would do – he had a giant white box truck parked right in
their line of view so the CNN camera's couldn't see in.
Although despite the fake news media's attempts to catch the President in a precarious predicament,
he came out on top once again, and he did so in a major way.
On Friday, 45 decided he was going to honor the brave men and women of the Coast Guard
in a manner that no other president in the past has done – shut down the entire private
resort to allow them to play a tournament and enjoy themselves for the day.
From the White House pool report:
Per White House:
The President invited service members of the United States Coast Guard – from Station
Lake Worth Inlet and other Coast Guard members from across the United States – to play
golf today at Trump International Golf Course.
"These brave men and women patrol the waterways near Palm Beach and Mar-a-Lago every day.
The president wanted to thank these service members personally for their service to this
nation," deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley said.
Check out some pictures:
"@POTUS shut down Mar-a-Lago on Friday to show appreciation for the brave men & women
in the @USCG, letting them play a tournament on the prestigious course, all on his dime.
He fed them meals all day too.
Thank you, Mr. President!
According to reports, the President also made sure the golfing soldiers were well fed throughout
the day, serving them lunch and snacks as they made their way around the course.
As if you anyone really needed to be reminded, Barack Obama played golf 333 times while he
was in office, according to CBS News reporter Mark Knoller.
Of those, do you know how many times he shut down a golf course to let our brave soldiers
have a tournament?
However, he did once interrupt a golf game to address the beheading of James Foley, but
it was only a brief pause before he went back onto the course to finish the hole he was
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than what's it worth to shut down your entire
elite golf course so people, who probably couldn't afford to play there otherwise,
can have an afternoon of fun?
Thank you, President Trump, for showing so much appreciation to the one branch of our
Armed forces that gets the least amount of recognition.
I'm positive you not only made their day, but gave them a major boost in morale as well
as an awesome story to tell for the rest of their lives.
what do you think about this?
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Aprendendo JAPONÊS: FERIADO | Learning JAPANESE: HOLIDAYS | ポルトガル語講座: 祝日編 {ENG SUB + 日本語字幕} - Duration: 7:58.
Hey guys, genki?
This is Vivian, from vivian uru channel and welcome!
Have you watched my previous video that I talk about the holidays in Brazil and Japan?
If you haven't watched it yet, there's a link of this video in the descripction section and cards, okay?
It's an interesting video and it is related to this one =]
Talking about today's video,,
we are going to have another Japanese class video since you guys enjoyed the last one!
I've separated some useful phrases that you can use during your holidays!
THAILAND'S most UNTOUCHED Island - KOH YAO NOI | DJI Mavic - Duration: 17:14.
Another fabulous morning here in Koh Yao Noi
Island's name
I'm gonna get some
fuel for the scooter. We're gonna do some island exploring and
go a bit more north
See if we can't get to one of the
more nicer beaches here on the island
Right, so this is self-service, 35 Baht a liter
I hope it's fuel
thank you for that, I have no idea what it means
but I hope it means I can put fuel in
Let's see
Blue. Okay, somebody tells me blue.
Ah and a bit of music
Oh, there is fuel coming out
Not much, but something is coming out.
Okay, one minute later
Luckily I have only
put in about 1,5 liter
Which should be enough to... it should be enough to explore
the whole island
50 Baht, 1.42 liters
And thanks to that gentleman
who told me I must press the blue button
because I don't understand Thai at all
and as a matter of fact it seems like a very
difficult language
1.5 Liter and the tank is from empty to almost full
above half
Not bad
Today we're gonna explore Koh Yao Noi on a scooter
All around the island see what we can
And off we ...
We're at the Bay View restaurant
After a bit of a search you can come up with stairs to here from down
below, but we tried to do it with the scooter
And then you end up here in the
parking lot.
I'll take the steps down and wait for you at the bottom
That's what Kayla said
She said you haven't lost enough
weight for these uphills
It looks divine
and I can smell nice coffee which is most important for breakfast
Morning morning morning
This is what I smelled
This divine coffee, it smells lovely.
Shoes, I forgot
about my shoes, I apologise
Quite a view, yes
And I must say this will be
the perfect place to come and have a sundowner
Here at Bayview restaurant
We had such a lovely breakfast at this place. We actually asked for
accommodation, but not even surprised to find out that they are fully booked for
the next two weeks and maybe it's a good thing, maybe we need to get going on to
our next destination.
But we are now going to travel up further north, who knows
maybe we find something there that's gonna tickle our fancy to stay, we'll find out
And this is on the western... eastern
This is on the eastern side of the island, it's
really, it's spectacular and also on the eastern side is where you will find most
accommodations and most tourists, which is not a lot.
Hello my ladies!
We've decided to turn
This road is wet and muddy and it's not really
Must we go back or go?
It's not
suitable for scooters
and here's mosquitoes everywhere.
It's really not what we have in mind.
And now we are trying to make... Oh... whoopsie... Our way back
Oops... to the dry road
Oh, it's slipping
It is a mission
And it's so slippery,Meggie I
really... oops, whoa
hope that we don't fall here
What do they say? Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.
My foot is completely
full of mud.
It was just covered in mud
Right now
In the rainy season, give this a skip
No go!
We've reached the end of the road
Have you ever wondered a tyre comes from?
A tyre is rubber
and rubber comes from a tree.
Let me show you
We're here at a rubber tree plantation
We're surrounded by
it and it's probably one of the places
or one of the islands with a lot of them
There is paddy rice fields or rubber plantations on this side of the island
and it's quite interesting, we educated the children a bit
You can see they cut
the bark so it almost like bleads rubber juice
and it collects down here
in a...
You can feel it's quite rubbery down here. This is still wet sap from
the tree but here you can feel it's very very rubbery and let me show you where
it's been dried out for quite some time.
At this one. Here's the dried rubber
You can see it is really rubbery.
You almost can't get it off.
It feels exactly like Michael Schumacher
That's done a lap on the track
And by the
way, this is what the tree looks like
And the whole plantation
Such interesting facts that we learn as we
And you're the teacher
It's awesome
It's excellent to give the kids some
first hand experience, to teach them as we go on.
I think they will remember it much
better than just reading it from a textbook.
So we've reached the north
eastern side of the island.
There's a small little lagoon.
It's low tide now so
the sea is pulling back
But there, around that corner, is where Long Beach is and then
we on our way to that place
And the sea is so inviting today.
I just want to go in, I don't know why
We are going to...argh
... look where Long Beach is.
Wish us luck!
I can't tell you what my nerves are feeling like right
now with my two children on that scooter
Nope, but they don't want to come with
mummy, they'll rather stick with daddy.
What the ... hell
Slip and slide
Eben is going over
We really want to get to Long Beach
Which is a secluded beach right there
but it's just such a challenge with all the mud.
Slipping and sliding through
here, there's no road really.
A challenge getting here, slipping and sliding on the
scooter. You've just seen now what he's
he's U-turn trick on the scooter was
So it's, it's quite a challenge, I really just want to sit somewhere and relax and
get a nice cold ice cream or cold drink and chill
We've made a new friend along the way
He's ours forever
Feel the wind in your hair
Look at the shade
It was worth it
He wins!
It was worth it
Highly sought-after, secluded, private, deserted island style beach and here it
I think it's called Long Beach, I was
just at that bay there, before we got here
And a view to kill for.
The islands
Hong Island
We were there yesterday
and all the way to this island here
It's just beautiful
You have to walk through a bit of mangrove type of forest
swamps, almost, but once you get here it is nice
And I have to say bye to their little kitty
This is what the
looks like right before you get to the beach.
I initially didn't know the
walkways was here, because you can't even see it
So I went through all of this, got onto
the beach, walk around and I saw, okay, you can come here at the back of it.
It's a nice
Koh Yao Nui, something like that.
Koh Yao Now, Koh Yao New, Koh Yao Ni, I don't know
We have arrived at
We have arrived today at Koh Yao...
Nui and Koh Yao Yui
If you post this I will kill you
Two islands, Koh Yao Nui and Koh Yao Yui, No!!
Koh Yao Nui is part of two islands, Koh Yao Nui and Koh Yao Yay, Koh Yao
Koh Yao Nui and Koh Yao Yay
There's something wrong with this thing hey... the the thing doesn't
I've switched it off my dear, I've told you so many times but it is
My blunt (blonde)
My blunt lady
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No More Free Money: President Trump Cuts Off Millions in Military Aid to Pakistan |MK Today - Duration: 4:32.
No More Free Money: President Trump Cuts Off Millions in Military Aid to Pakistan.
The Trump administration announced on Friday it will not be sending military aid totaling
$255 million to Pakistan.
The monetary aid was denied to the Pakistan government in response to its ineffective
action against terrorists and militants on its soil.
The Hindustan Times reported:
The Trump administration on Friday announced the United States will deny Pakistan military
aid amounting to $255 million as it expects Islamabad to take decisive action "against
terrorists and militants on its soil".
"The United States does not plan to spend the $255 million in FY 2016 in Foreign Military
Financing for Pakistan at this time," said a spokesperson of the President's National
Security Council in a statement to Hindustan Times.
"The President has made clear that the United States expects Pakistan to take decisive action
against terrorists and militants on its soil, and that Pakistan's actions in support of
the South Asia Strategy will ultimately determine the trajectory of our relationship, including
future security assistance.
"The Administration continues to review Pakistan's level of cooperation."
The statement reflected and sealed the administration's complete disillusionment with Pakistan, which
had sought to brazenly disregard the explicit warnings issued by President Donald Trump
personally and leading members of his cabinet, such as secretaries James Mattis and Rex Tillerson.
"This could be the severest blow dealt to Islamabad by this administration if it indeed
decided to withhold it," said a leading US expert on Pakistan, who did not want to
be identified.
"There is more coming," the expert added.
First reported by The New York Times, the move to withhold the money, which may not
be large but would have signaled US backing, is reported to have come shortly after Pakistan
refused to hand over to the Americans an operative of the Haqqani Network apprehended during
the rescue of an American-Canadian family in October.
The Haqqani Network is an affiliate of Afghan Taliban and works out of Pakistan, inflicting
massive casualties on US-led international coalition in Afghanistan.
Frustrated by Islamabad's reluctance to give them, the United States has tied large
portions of military aid payments to Pakistan to its actions aimed at debilitating the network.
Pakistan, however, has chosen to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in such payments over
2015 and 2016, instead of kicking out the terrorists.
And it has lost equity.
The Trump administration was clear from the start it wouldn't countenance continuity
in ties and aid without real changes.
"We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they
are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting," President Donald Trump had said
unveiling his new South Asia strategy in August.
"But that will have to change, and that will change immediately."
But there was no marked change in Pakistan's behaviour, as was publicly attested by a top
US military commander, General John Nicholson, in November, three months after Trump's
unequivocal warning.
There have been signs, instead, of resolute defiance, such as the release of Lashkar-e-Taiba
founder Hafiz Saeed from house arrest, An outraged White House used unusually harsh
language and tone to demand his rearrest, with a warning that failure could have "repercussions"
for bilateral ties.
Saeed remains free, and Pakistani officials have sought to shift the blame for it on the
independence of the country's judiciary, when law enforcement and prosecution remain
with the executive branch.
And they sought to blame India for providing insufficient incriminating evidence — in
connection with the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks carried out by Saeed's Lashkar-e-Taiba.
There is a US bounty of $10 million for the man's arrest.
Denial of aid, many critics of Pakistan argue, will unlikely make an impact on Islamabad
and they have called for harsher measures.
Stripping Pakistan of the status of a non-NATO ally, for one, which could cost it military
aid in terms of money and equipment.
And, more punishing perhaps, would be to declare Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, such
as Syria and North Korea, which could severely cripple Pakistan.
That's the impending "more" indicated by the South Asia expert.
What do you think about this?
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10 Health Benefits Of Cinnamon & Nutrition Facts You Need To Know - Duration: 5:30.
cinnamon is a highly delicious spice has for its medicinal properties for "Health Benefits Of Cinnamon"
thousands of years modern science has now confirmed what people have
instinctively known for ages in this video I am going to tell about 10 health
benefits of cinnamon that are supported by scientific research but before I
start please subscribe to more videos 1 cinnamon is high in a substance with
powerful medicinal properties cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner
bark of trees called cinnamon it has been used as an ingredient throughout
history dating back as far as each individual it used to be rare and
valuable and was regarded as a gift from fit for kings 2 cinnamon is loaded with
antioxidants antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage caused by
free radicals cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants such as
polyphenols 3 cinnamon has anti-inflammatory
properties inflammation of the body is incredibly important it helps their body
fight infections and repair tissue damage however information can become a
problem when it is chronic long-term and directed against the body's own tissues
may be useful in this regard because some studies show that the antioxidants
and enough ODE anti-inflammatory activity for cinnamon may cut the risk
of heart disease cinnamon has been linked with reduced risk of heart
disease the world's most common cause of premature death in people with type 2
diabetes one gram of cinnamon per game has beneficial effects on blood markers
it reduces levels of total cholesterol LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while
HDL cholesterol remains stable more recently a big review study concluded
that a cinnamon dose of just 120 milligrams per day can have these
effects in this study cinnamon also increased HDL the good cholesterol 5
cinnamon can improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin insulin is one of the
key organs that regulates metabolism and energy use it is also essential for the
transport of blood sugar from the bloodstream and into cells
the problem is that many people are resistant to the effects of insulin this
condition known as insulin resistance is a hallmark of serious conditions like
metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes well the good news is that cinnamon can
dramatically reduce insulin resistance helping this incredibly important
hormone to do its job by helping insulin do its job cinnamon can lower blood
sugar levels which brings us to the next point six cinnamon lowers blood sugar
levels and as a powerful anti-diabetic effect cinnamon is well known for its
blood sugar lowering effects apart from the beneficial effects on insulin
resistance cinnamon can lower blood sugar by several other mechanisms seven
cinnamon may have beneficial effects on neurodegenerative diseases
neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by progressive loss of the
structure or function of brain cells Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's
disease are two of the most common types - compounds found in cinnamon appear to
inhibit the build-up of the protein called tau in the brain which is one of
the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease in a study of looking at mice with
Parkinson's disease cinnamon helps to protect neuron normalized
neurotransmitter levels and improve motor function
eight cinnamon maybe protective against cancer cancer is a serious disease
characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells cinnamon has been widely studied
for its potential use in cancer prevention and treatment overall the
evidence is limited to test tube experiments and animal studies which
suggest that cinnamon extracts may protect against cancer it acts by "Health Benefits Of Cinnamon"
reducing the growth of cancer cells in the formation of blood vessels and tumor
and appears to be toxic to cancer cells causing cell death nine cinnamon helps
fight bacterial and fungal infections cinnamaldehyde the main active component
of cinnamon may help fight various kinds of infection cinnamon oil
has been shown to effectively treat respiratory tract infections caused by
fungi it can also measure with the growth of certain bacteria including
Listeria and salmonella the antimicrobial effects of cinnamon may
also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath
10 cinnamon may help fight the HIV virus HIV is a virus that slowly breaks down
the immune system which can eventually lead to AIDS have untreated cinnamon
extracted from cassia varieties is thought to help fight against HIV one
this is the most common strain of the HIV virus and humans laboratory study
looking at HIV infected cells found that cinnamon was the most effective
treatment of all 69 medicinal plants studied
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