It is May 12th, 1959, when I'm introduced to Janey.
She buys me a beer...
...the first time a woman has done this for me.
As she passes me the cold, perspiring glass...
...our fingers touch.
Yes, Jon, good.
Now it's just a question of reassembling the components in the correct sequence.
I feel fear...
...for the last time.
A token funeral is held.
There is nothing to bury.
Janey frames the snapshot.
It's the only photograph of me anyone has.
A circulatory system is seen by the perimeter fence.
A few days later...
...a partially muscled skeleton stands in a hallway...
...and screams for a moment before vanishing.
Oh, God.
Is that you?
Nations around the world still reeling from this morning's announcement...
...possibly the most significant event in recent history.
We repeat, the superman exists, and he is American.
They call me Dr. Manhattan.
They explain the name has been chosen...
...for the ominous associations it will raise in America's enemies.
The marketing boys say I need a logo.
If I'm to have a symbol... shall be one I respect.
They are shaping me into something gaudy...
...something lethal.
In January, 1971...
President Nixon asks me to intervene in Vietnam...
...something that his predecessors would not ask.
A week later, the conflict ends.
Some of the Vietcong forces wanna surrender to me personally.
Hollis Mason, a retired costume hero, writes a book.
In it, he calls my arrival the dawn of the superhero.
I am not sure if I know what that means.
For more infomation >> The Birth of Dr. Manhattan | Watchmen (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
Glitter Fantasy Saves Your New Year's Eve | Episode 22 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 1:35.
[bottle pops]
Happy new year!
It's Glitter Fantasy, and I'm here to make this New Year's the most magical one
yet with Glitter Fantasy Saves Your New Year's Eve!
So you don't have to sit on your couch with your cat and watch RomComs
and eventually die and probably get eaten by your cat.
Ha, ha ha ha.
Let's go darlings!
Number one.
You have to make sure you have an amazing outfit, complete with pasties that change
colors as sequins happen.
Number two!
You need to make sure you eat before you go out, probably like 1-2 unicorn cakes and a
whole handful of glitter.
Number three.
It's best to have a designated driver, or like a ride share or whatever.
I know you're about to slizzered, so you have to be safe, my quaans.
Number four.
Make sure to mingle!
I don't care if the party is filled with trolls and hobbits.
You better put on your best smile and werk!
This is New Year's, darling.
Number five!
At the stroke of midnight, you'd better kiss something.
Like another person, or a troll, or, like, a curtain or something.
Hey, maybe that curtain has a curse on it or something, and it can wake up and be Liam Hemsworth.
Stranger things have happened, baby.
Number six.
Don't take glitter from strangers.
Those are all my New Year's tips and tricks.
Go out there and conquer 2018, my little unicorns.
And make sure to subscribe to Cosmo's YouTube channel.
3 Reasons Why Holdo Withheld Information From Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Last Jedi) - Duration: 3:51.
Chef Cooks Up A Culinary Arts Training Program For The Salvation Army | TODAY - Duration: 9:04.
🎮 Pango Storytime Pango Christmas - Fun Storytime For Children Learn Cartoon Games Video - Duration: 11:07.
🎮 Pango Storytime Pango Christmas - Fun Storytime For Children Learn Cartoon Games Video
War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 76 - Duration: 15:07.
Gaijin Entertainment… presents…
The Shooting Range Ep. 76
In this episode…
New Year — new rules!
We discuss the holiday combat etiquette in the game;
A new Christmas event is already happening!
Let's see, what it holds for us!
Hotline: the developers answer questions that you've left in the comments!
But first, let's start with…..
What happened to our favorite game this year!
Special War Thunder in 2017
2017 was a major one for our game.
We've introduced so many new things, that it wouldn't be possible to list them all in the whole show.
So to sum this year up, we'll remember the most crucial changes that made it to War Thunder in 2017.
In March, we issued a global update 1.67 Assault.
It added a new PvE mode for both tankers and pilots.
As a reward for participating in this mode we started giving out trophies with
'power-ups' to speed up your progress.
Apart from that, we added the long-awaited stabilizers for tank and ship weapons.
There were some graphical changes as well.
Of course, exhaust flames won't change the gameplay on the planes,
but they increase the authenticity of the flight experience!
In the same update we added two new maps
The Ardennes for combined battles and Guiana Highlands for the air ones.
As for the new tech — we've got some of that too!
For example, the tankers got the IS-6 and the Ru-251,
and the pilots got their hands on the amazing A-26B-50.
Later, in spring we released the update 1.69 Regia Aeronautica,
where we finally introduced a new nation by adding an Italian aviation tech tree.
The tankers also have some presents — for example, the М60 А2,
the Т95Е1 and the Т-55А.
We have also completely changed the ground battles gameplay by introducing smoke grenades
and smokescreen launchers for the ground forces
and of course, we've worked on the technicalparts as well.
Starting this update, the game now supports 4K resolution on PlayStation 4 Pro
and improved a lot on MacOS system — now it runs up to 200% faster on some models.
All summer we were working on the next update that we've called the New Era.
The name is self-explanatory
Since April Fool's Day event, when the players got to test the T-90 and the Leopard 2a5 tanks,
we were getting ready to introduce the tech rank number 6.
The Т64А, the MBT-70, the Chieftain Mk10,
the BMP-1 and a whole lot of other Cold War machines
gave the players a completely new gameplay experience
especially because of the new types of armour.
The new tanks had explosive reactive and composite armour
the toys that the previous models didn't have.
As for the pilots, they've got a new camera view from the gunner's seat in the bombers and strike aircraft.
We've also added two new maps for mixed battles.
The Emperor's Garden presented the beautiful and charming Japan
as the Fulda Gap showed us Germany full of contrasts,
where a medieval castle stands side-by-side with some wind farms and military bases.
Also in this update we've reformed the combat missions system as well as the war-bonds shop.
"Vive la France!" was the name for the update 1.73,
as it was the one that introduced the seventh War Thunder nation — France.
It started with planes only, but what a fantastic range of aircraft it offered!
The SО8000 Narval
the Arsenal Vb10
the amazing Vautour and so many more!
We've also reworked the aircraft engine sounds
they became a lot more realistic.
As for the tankers, they've got their first look at the Italian ground forces
with the release of the P40 Leonchello and the M26 Ariette.
And of course, in December we've released one of the biggest updates in the history of War Thunder
La Resistance.
Following the French aviation, we've added the first 35 French tanks.
The pilots got more than a dozen new aircraft in different nations,
including the Japanese F-86F-40 and the Soviet Yak-2 and Yak-4.
On top of that — two new maps for combined battles —
the Maginot Line and the improved Middle East map from the April Fool's Day event.
We also added some new functionality to light tanks
now they can serve as reconnaissance machines even more efficiently
and in arcade battles they can even call for air strikes.
The naval battles are also building up at great speed.
This year we added dozens of new highly detailed ships from E-boats and to destroyers
a lot of them were available for those who participated in closed testing sessions,
and in update 1.73, apart from adding the French planes
we also reworked the physics and rendering of water on all maps.
We also changed the economy of the game.
For example, after the release of the Cold War vehicles,
we made huge changes to the tank trees.
On lower tiers it is now a lot cheaper to buy new tech, modules and ammo.
Research and repair costs are also down as well as crew training fees.
Now your way to the top machines is a lot more pleasant.
As we've mentioned before, these are only the main and most obvious changes that we've made this year.
There were also hundreds of new machines, refined maps and tech models,
respawn point protection system, balance and economy changes,
new decorators, events and so much more.
What impressed you most this year?
Feel free to share in the comments.
New Year changes everything.
Rules of combat included!
If you don't wanna be yelled at by your comrades for ruining the holiday game
don't miss out on the newest etiquette changes in War Thunder!
Special Holiday etiquette
The best way to move from one point to another is in formation.
A most beautiful holiday formation.
We recommend forming stars and snowflakes.
If you really want to feel the Christmas spirit — drive in a Christmas tree formation!
Extra points to all the armored vehicles out there,
because it's much easier to fly in a snowflake formation than to drive in one
there are always some trees, buildings, enemies. You know.
Spotted an enemy?
Greet him with a shot in the sky!
This rule is very easy to follow if your aim isn't very good
you won't even need to change your usual game style!
Of course, there's an opposite situation.
If you spot somebody shooting in the sky — join them!
It's time for celebration fireworks!
If you stumble upon an enemy and he doesn't shoot at you — don't rush to shoot first.
He's probably busy with a very delicious Christmas snack.
Wait there.
Eat something nice as well.
Nod with your turret when you finish.
And since we're talking turret movements
ask your teammates, where is the dance section of this map.
If for some reason there is none — organize it yourself!
This part of the map is not for battle actions!
It's for cool movements, competitive angling and turret nodding.
And shooting in the sky, of course, preferably — all at once.
As for the sky — there's plenty of dance space there!
We recommend organizing a friendly dance battle.
The rules are simple:
one aircraft cell competes against the other in performing aerial acrobatic maneuvers.
If you've got judges and audience — it's even better!
And if you watch such competition, don't hesitate to root for your friends
and cheer by performing those stunts yourselves.
Christmas and New Year are just not the times to laugh and relax
it is also the time to give and get awesome presents.
What can we say: we prepared quite a few!
Special Christmas events
It is time to put on a silly hat, whistle Christmas carols, eat a glorious seasonal feast
and win some rare prizes in War Thunder!
Here's what we got: The only things you need to do in order to claim our first gifts
is to win a couple of battles using any vehicle of rank III or higher
with at least 60% activity.
For a victory in ground battles you will get the glorious premium H.39 "Cambronne" tank.
If you achieve victory in air battles,
there will be a sweet little Pallier's D.510 waiting for you in your hangar!
If you already own these two, get Golden Eagles instead!
It's a good start — but it's just the beginning.
We also planned a huge Festive Quest.
Help Santa find you in the upcoming holiday nights
by decorating and lighting up the gigantic Christmas tree!
Basically, it works like this.
There are always two sets of missions that you can do — both on the ground and in the air.
If you complete at least three out of five of those tasks
you get a Christmas toy — a tanker's or a pilot's one.
These toys can be later exchanged for exciting things like the speedy AEC Mk.II.
or the excellent P-40C...or a Panther that looks like the American M10 Wolverine SPG
or the French version of the Fw 190 — the NC.900!
For every two Christmas toys for tankers or two toys for pilots you will also get a few
other goodies like random back-up vehicles, camouflage, talismans and boosters.
There are also other missions that let you work with other players to get even more presents!
Have you seen the main page of our site lately?
Every time you complete a task from a special list,
you get one light closer to a new community achievement.
Make our tree shine with light — and you'll unlock new things to get with Christmas toys;
things like decals, 3d decorations, unique camouflage or even other premium vehicles.
There are also discounts aplenty — just so that you know.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that we really like our holidays long and proper
So you'll be able to collect holiday lights and decorations right up to January the 22nd.
There is literally no rush; take your time.
Get ready for the traditional last part of our show: Hotline!
Developers answering questions from the comments!
The first question in our holiday hotline comes from a user called Vegemight Australia:
"Can you put in a button that makes tanks do backflips"
We absolutely 100% can.
But probably, we won't.
The second question is by a player called Walrus_War_King 16:
So seeing that you read all comments, what comment was number 402?
It said "Happy New Year" and contained an ASCII picture of a cat.
Even if it didn't — it now does!
We used our own unique numbering system to answer this one.
Then there is a question from Sam Smola:
"How many kg of baguettes can the French bombers carry?
Quite a lot, mate!
They sandwich them in.
The last (and very important) message comesfrom a user called Josef Stalin:
"You kapitalist, declare your loyalty to me or you get 1,000 years gulag!"
Well, we'd plug in some Rainbow's "I Surrender" here, but you know, the copyright holders and all that.
And without it — no surrender!
But Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you anyway.
That's it for today but feel free to write your questions in the comments below.
We do read them all, and you might see some of them answered in the next episode!
If you like what we're doing, don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year with all our best wishes to you and your families!
CH_ 如何从YouTube视频中删除黑条?推荐的分辨率和宽高比 - Duration: 2:14.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are
displayed correctly Without cropping or stretching, no matter the size of the video or the player.
If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.
If you upload a 4:3 video at its original aspect ratio (640x480 recommended). The video will display in the widescreen player at
the correct size and ratio with pillarbox bars. If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom
before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player. The YouTube player will add pillarbox bars so
the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.
To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160
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480p: 854x480 360p: 640x360 240p: 426x240
Hope, this information, is helpful, Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,
Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
2018 Kawasaki H2 SX supercharged sport tourer H2 Review - Duration: 10:18.
2018 Kawasaki H2 SX supercharged sport tourer H2 Review
Trump slams bogus Russian dossier and says the FBI is tainted - Duration: 4:18.
SEVEN SOUPS | Trying soups in Thailand - Duration: 6:22.
- What's up, guys? What're you up to?
- We are near Big Buddah. It's hot as hell and I had the brilliant idea of coming here to eat some soups.
- I don't plan to do any challenge, but enjoying my meal. So I just ordered 7 soups.
- This is not near home. I have to drive the motorbike and there's an incline road. So I won't risk it.
- Excuses! - The food is coming.
- I said I came for a relaxed meal. Out of curiosity, I will set a timer.
- Let's get started in 3, 2, 1... BOOM!
- Hey, men! He's starting!
- Watch it up there, motherfucker!
- Phuket soup was very tasty. I will take my time for the next ones.
- I'm gonna check what the fuck is the fatass doing. Grabbing a seat!
We are back in 2 seconds. - Like and subscribe. Thank you.
- This is mama's soup and it's spicy indeed. The man warned me.
- Mama's soup was very tasty too. Let's try the last one.
- I think this is not polite.
- A fucking shrimp! - There was a fucking shrimp left!
- So, what did he ordered in the end? - Huh... I think it's 7 soups.
- Only that? What a fag! - He said he came for a relaxed meal.
- He's too slim. He can't eat for shit.
- The three of them were very tasty. This is the one that I liked the most.
- Maybe it would be easier if I saved the broth for the end but I don't think this is hard.
- Really, this is just for pleasure. - Even I can eat that.
- I haven't eaten soup in forever and they are very tasty.
- I'll mix the egg. That's the point but I am too rushy.
- I think I could eat 10 but I don't wanna risk it. - No fucking way!
- This is pork.
- Probably I'll have some dessert in another place. [ 8500 Kcal in the end ]
- The owner didn't flip out when I ordered.
- And the last one. Really, just for pleasure.
- Beef.
- Beef, chicken, beef, chicken, beef, chicken...
- I feel hot. I fancy an ice cream. Just saying. - Fuck, man. Always the same thing!
- 15 minutes.
- I'm ok but I'll have to eat something else. Ok, guys. See you next time!
우리가 몸에 무리가 가는 나쁜 습관들 7가지 - Duration: 8:48.
Airtel Rs.199 Plan Details with 1 GB Data Per-day for 28 Days - Duration: 1:38.
Welcome to Todays Tech update.
My self Avik and you are Watching technojaan Infocom,
Airtel introduced new plan of Rs.199 for any Airtel customer to counter Jio, Vodafone.
With the coming new Year, Most of the Telecom operator are introducing several 'value for
money' offers and tariff plans for their customers.
In line with the same, Airtel India has now come up with a new plan for its prepaid users.
With this new plan Airtel counter to Jio 199 Plan & Vodafone 198 Plan. which also coming
with same benefit.
Under this plan Any Airtel user will get 1 GB 4G/3G data per day and 100 SMS every
day with unlimited Local and STD calls to any number for 28 days of validity.
The unlimited calling benefit are truly unlimited there is no capping from Airtel.
In this plan users can avail free roaming.
This plan is also applicable for MNP user.
So that's all if you like this video gives a thumsup also do a subscription of my channel
And thanks for watching.
Follow us on twitter Facebook and Instagram for latest update about technology.
Thanks, you have a good day.
1 Hour - Epic Anime Music Mix - Most Inspirational & Motivational Anime OST #3 - Duration: 1:02:36.
Thanks for watching ^^
Vieiras Rellenas al Horno | Receta Facil para Menú de Navidad | Vieiras Rellenas de Merluza y Gambas - Duration: 7:20.
Hello everyone! How are you?
Well, Tell me if you've seen all Christmas recipes that I have prepared. I hope
that you will be enjoying a lot. I'll teach you to prepare a classic
Christmas. Let's do Stuffed Scallops. Pasaros before the video I remind you
if you urge you to prepare some of my recipes that you do not forget to upload
social networks and tag for me to you can see. It makes me very happy to know that you prepare
my recipes and see the result of them. A) Yes which as you know.
And now I leave you with the video so you know how I have prepared this recipe.
And these are the ingredients that we need to prepare 6 Rellenas Scallops.
Let's start preparing bechamel, for We put butter in a saucepan.
We laps to melt it completely and then we can add the flour.
With rods we're going to spin up to stop seeing traces of flour. Come on
to be turning about 2 minutes to the flour is cooked well and then the bechamel
not know us raw meal. We will continue adding the fish stock
and seafood. This broth I have prepared the heads of the prawns then cast out
in filling the scallops. Prepare the broth is very simple: In a casserole you put
a splash of olive oil, a piece of onion and shrimp heads; Let
all this took golden brown color, and when browned going to crush very well
heads (this way will release its full taste and will be a much more powerful broth)
then you you add 250 ml. water, a little salt and when it begins to boil, it retiráis,
the strain out and already have the stock ready. As you can see I have not stopped spinning in no
time and has already thickened enough, in that time and can add milk. We continue
hanging around with rods until he returns again to thicken our bechamel. While
PARAIS laps you give you a moment and we to use to season to taste. Additionally
also you you can add a little nutmeg, but this is already going to your liking.
We keep going around until it begins to bubble at that time and would
list. In this case it will not be a bechamel too thick, because what I'm looking for
It is that it is me like a thick cream then pour over the scallops. A) Yes
which, if not too thick, do not worry This is the point we want.
Look at mine and so you will know how you it has to be.
Once we remove from the list fire and we will cover a skin with a film
transparent, to prevent hardening by above. And we can reserve up to
ready to use. We will continue with the scallops, I and
I clean. To clean it is best that you despeguéis the bug shell and
so you can clean much better and withdraw all the land that you can bring.
Once they are all clean we will chop Scallop. To me like I chop me everything
very small pieces, but if you like something bigger, simply because you partis more
big and go. In this way chop all scallops.
When we all let's put chopped a frying pan, add about 3 tablespoons
olive oil, also put leek and garlic and chopped, and let's leave it
cook like a couple of minutes on medium heat, until we see that the leek starts
be a little transparent. Then we added also diced ham
small and we will fry along with the leek and garlic.
When you're all right let's add sofrito the scallops that we had split into pieces,
We mix a bit and also add I prawn and chopped. Prawn simply
I've peeled and chopped I, which It is raw. Now let's cook in the
pan, and let us all taste sofrito.
To cook these ingredients is best we go up the heat to high and juice
that drop evaporates quickly. We are going to also put a bunch of parsley
chopped fresh. We continue stirring and now salpimentarlo touches to taste. mix of
again and we will add the wine. I am using an Albariño wine, but you could use
any other white wine. With fire top left to boil for about one minute
well that all the alcohol evaporates. Then We will add the tomato sauce. We continue
mixing and now we will leave fire very strong until we see that there is no
broth remaining in the sauce. Then now we can add the shredded hake. For
Hake crumble to better what I done is get her one minute in the microwave, in
this time, virtually no kitchen but if it allows us to withdraw the skin tight,
thorns and to be able crumble. As you see I mix very well with the rest
and that the sofrito is ready. We will to remove from heat and already, outside the
fire, we will add about 5 tablespoons béchamel that we had been prepared
before. Now let's remove all fine these ingredients to mix well.
And the recipe is almost that we list, once is this and can start filling
the scallops. So let's take our shells, which also have clean
and let's go fill one by one. With the measures which I have given you give to fill
about 6 scallops. Neither do the stuffing too, I like the filling as it is placed
in the center of the shell, but this also It goes a little taste of each.
After the rest of the bechamel let to place over each scallop. put
a little and extend slightly the spoon. Now we just throw
over bread crumbs and grated cheese, the let's put equal parts; I here I have
2 tablespoons cheese and 2 tablespoons bread grated; add the rest of fresh parsley
which has left over me, I give a few laps and this will sprinkle over each scallop.
And so ready and we would have to carry gratin baked, or if you prefer the
You can freeze individually wrapped in a piece of transparent film and day
that you go to consume only you have them to take, let them thaw at room temperature
gratinarlas environment. For gratinarlas we will preheat the oven
at 200 ° C and we will have about 7 minutes approximately, or until we see that the
breadcrumbs and cheese is browned. Then is just take them to the table calentitas well,
and so it is easy to prepare a delicious Stuffed scallops. As you can see it is a recipe
very easy and is ideal for preparing in these holidays.
I hope all your comments diciéndomequé you think of this recipe and I invite you all
to you to subscribe to the channel, activate campanita and so all day estaréis
I upload recipes. And I already say goodbye for today, but do not leave
far because I'm back soon the latest recipe for this year.
দেখুন যে পদ্ধতি অবলম্বন করে বেচে আছে বাংলাদেশি পাইলট || bangladesh air forces news - Duration: 2:53.
Armed forces of bd
Bd Air Forces
NEWS24 TV News 29 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News - Duration: 28:55.
NEWS24 TV News 29 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News
حظك اليوم الجمعة 29-12-2017 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 8:26.
Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 103 - Duration: 3:49.
MD3 Modified Aero Nose Valance - Install and Tips - - Duration: 2:30.
Hey everybody. This is Ryan with
How to install your MD3 Aero Valance Nose
We've had a lot of questions about them and we're here to help.
Made from durable plastic and comes in 3 pieces
Right hand, left hand and center piece
Connect the right and left hand sides to a piece of tin
The tin is then connected to your bumper mounts with your bumper
Pop rivet the tin piece to the Aero Valance with backup washers
This mount process keeps the front very rigid and the backside loose which doesn't affect anything...
because it pins into the rest of the nose tin.
Center piece can be trimmed to fit properly
We go over the top of the side pieces
Fit it comfortably using rivets and backup washers
Keep this right front up high enough so it doesn't take a lot of damage from the track
Just below the bumper on the right front
Slope it down to the left front
Keep in mind measurements per sanctioning body
Copy the same process on the left hand side
Mounts to the bumper the same, just a little lower
Racing Tech Tips from
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