- [Narrator] Trump in the Wild: The First Year
It was almost a year ago that the aging Donald
seized the American kingdom.
Let us take a look at his journey thus far.
From the very moment he takes his reign,
The Donald finds himself in peril.
His first trial, the predators of the main stream.
Hoping to keep them at a distance, he puffs his chest
and announces his presence through a series
of intricate roars. (roars)
The fight against these beasts of prey
will continue throughout the year
as their danger is ever present.
As the brutal winter begins to take its toll on The Donald,
he is cheered on by omegas
looking to raise their status in the pack.
They watch as the alpha,
seeking to increase his self-confidence,
performs a rare ritual:
the honking of the big loud horn.
(truck horns)
Stiffened by lonely decades in the wastelands
of real estate development and reality television,
The Donald treks across the Atlantic
to the domains of other great packs.
In an attempt to prove his value to the host alphas,
The Donald finds himself touching a wall, a glowing orb,
and two other men simultaneously,
all with his particularly diminutive palms.
(safari music)
Back in the Pride Lands, an act of God
has placed part of The Donald's hoard in grave danger.
The heroic Donald does his best to aid their recovery,
despite not realizing they were officially
in the pack until now.
Here, we see The Donald high-fiving a kid with a lawnmower.
Shoulder squeeze.
After nearly a year of constant attacks,
with his approval rating at a new low,
The Donald reiterates his omnipotence
in a test of strength and intellect,
by staring directly into the sun.
Blind with rage and from staring at the sun,
he walks off
into a new year
as king.
For more infomation >> Trump in the Wild: 2017 - A Year In Review - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
How to Download 360° Photos and Videos from Facebook, Streetview, YouTube and Google Plus - Duration: 4:17.
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Hey guys its me Rahul, and today i'll show you guys how to download 360-degree videos
and photos from Facebook, streetview, YouTube and google plus.And also i will show you ,how
to view those 360 medias on your pc as well as on your android phone.
If you want to know how to take 360 photos with just your smartphone, click the link
the description or click on this card .
First i am show the simplest thing that is how to download 360 videos.it is actually
very easy, you can use any online video downloader you want, i recommend savefromnet and clipconverter.cc
those are some really nice websites to download videos from facebook or youtube, you just
have to copy the link and paste it onto the text field and download.
Downloading 360 images from facebook,streetview and google plus is a bit tricky.
To download from Facebook : you need to use chrome and download an extension called Azimuth:
Download Facebook 360° Photos/Videos ", then find a 360 image on Facebook then just click
on this icon and select "equirectangular".
And that's it.
The 360 image will be downloaded to your downloads folder.
To download street view 360 photos you need to goto a website called istreetview.com ,and
download their software and install it on your pc., then you can load panorama views
either using a link or using coordinates, if you want to download a 360 image that you
saw on your phone in the street view app just share the link or copy it and paste it on
to this website click load, then copy the panorama id and paste it onto the software
and give a new name and hit "Download panorama".You can also search for places and view available
360 photos from the website and download them if you want to.
Next, I'll show you guys how to download 360 photos from google plus.Unfortunately
there is no extensions or softwares for this, so you need to pretty much do it manually.
It's actually not that hard.
First find the image that you want to download make it fullscreen then hit "ctrl+shift+i"
or right click and select inspect element, which will open this tool,then hit ctrl F
to bring up the search tool , then type in "hnAeA", it is in the description so don't
worry about it.
Then just double click and copy the link that is above the search phrase , then paste it
on next tab and delete the last 5 letters that is starting from this hyphen to the o
then hit enter and then right click →> save as image and save.
So that's pretty much how you can download 360 photos and videos from major sources.
You can always find new 360 videos and photos from facebook,youtube and google plus with
a simple search with keyword 360.
To view this downloaded 360 photos and videos, you can use gopro vr player on your pc, it
is available for both windows and mac, when you open the video files,if it is shows something
like codec error or something goto to its settings and change the video decoding backend
to windows media foundation.This player is actually kind of cool, you can change the
projection , there is a lot of cool features .yeah i totally recommend this software.
To view 360 medias on your phone , you can download an app called "VR media player-
360 viewer" it supports both photo and video.
You can either use the touch controls or you can use the vr mode--if you have a google
cardboard or something like this, It works really well.
So that's pretty much it.
Emergency crews respond to fire at Galt House Hotel - Duration: 0:58.
Use This Juice For Maintaining The Hair Health | How To Take Care Of Your Hair - Remedies One - Duration: 3:22.
you see potatoes come loaded with essential nutrients that make it the
perfect antidote for all hair woes today's video will discuss four benefits
of potato juice for maintaining the hair health before you watch this video
please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the
subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we
post new videos daily
four ways to use potato for gorgeous hair 1 potato water for hair growth
let's start with the simplest one all you have to do is take 3 to 4 potatoes
and boil them in water once done wait for it to cool and use the water to
rinse your hair before washing it off with your shampoo and conditioner doing
this regularly makes hair grow faster and also helps maintain your hair too
potato juice for dandruff now if dandruff err bitchiness is your
complaint you're going to want to grade a couple of potatoes extract the juice
and add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mix now apply the mixture on your scalp
making sure to cover every square inch and massage for a few minutes once done
let it sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing with shampoo and conditioner
doing this at least once or twice a week depending on the intensity of the
dandruff infestation should help get rid of dandruff and maintain your hair three
potato hair masks for hair loss in the case of severe hair loss or even dryness
you might want to try this very easy to make potato juice and aloe vera of hair
mask as usual grate a couple of potatoes and extract the juice now if you can get
hold of and aloe vera plant nothing like it they are super low-maintenance easily
available and extracting the gel directly from the plant is always
preferable to the package to variety run a blade through the aloe leaf and
extract the gel mix this with your potato juice and
apply evenly through your hair and scalp leave it on for about half an hour at
least before rinsing off with shampoo and conditioner repeat once every week
or as often as you please ello is an excellent natural moisturizer loaded
with nutrients for hair growth for potato juice for healthy hair another
nutrient loaded combo is potato juice honey and egg white as always great
potatoes and extract the juice at a tablespoon of honey and one egg white
and beat it till you reach I convenient consistency spread it evenly through
hair and scalp and wait for half an hour to 45 minutes before rinsing off with
shampoo and conditioner this is an all-round power pack meant to address
concerns such as dry or brittle hair hair loss and even dandruff to some
extent have you ever know the benefits of potato juice for hair let me know in
our comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share
with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
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